Prince Rupert Doily News Tuesday, August 4, 1953 PERSONALS aders of Three Major Parties ell Received at Campaign Meets I! . 72"f$' - -' '-r7u v kj r cs ; j 100-mile motorcade drive from By The Canadian Proas 4a 's tax rates are lowr;r of thi United States Itain, says Prime Minis-Laurent, answering Pro-5 Conservative charges anuda's taxes are too ngle person, earning 1 year, is taxed ,$269 in anil $332 in Britain, but ,8!) in Canada, the Lib-idur told French-speak-Bcnces at Et. Johns, Que- bee, and at nearby Oranby on Monday. The rates for married persons with two children are slightly higher in Canada than in the U.S.,V he said, but when family allowances are taken into consideration, the Canadian rate Is the lowest of the three nations. The crowd broke into his speech repeatedly with applause. Similar enthusiasm for the prime minister was displayed at other meetings as he made a bnerbrooke to St. Johns. The two-day sweep marked the end of the hectic campaigning in the rural areas of Ontario and Quebec. BACK TO DESK Today he returns to Ottawa to pitch into a pile-up of government work before resuming has campaign Wednesday. George Drew today moves Into Quebec in a final attempt to dent the Liberals' overpowering Commons majority from that province. Backed by only three Quebec members at dissolution, th? Progressive Conservative leader will devote two of bin last five campaigning days to trying to Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stephens, well-known pioneers of the city, have returned from a visit to Boulder, In Montana. t Mr. and Mrs. Ed Saunders are back in B.C. after a holiday trip that took them as far south as Mexico. Mr. Saunders has resumed duties in his printing plant here while Mrs. Saunders will spend a few days in Vancouver before returning home. The sojourn in southern California, which included three days in San Farncisco, lasted about a month. Richa'd Parry, an old timer of Prince Rupert is now living In Victoria. Mr Parry for many years served in the Canadian N'atlonal Commissiarv. as well as being Identified with marine matters. Following his resignation, he visited Australia, and subseouently enjoyed a tour around the world. He came orig-uaiiy from Australia. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rutherford, 1045 First West, left yesterday by car on a two weeks' holiday trip which will take them through the Okanagan Valley. 0 Complete with 14" bltdc d ctuin F.O.B. Vncouf, B.C. gather in more of Quebec's 85 seat. The other three days w;il MISSING A WEEK, and without food for three days, the four citw members of the yacht Geiiman fuiaiiy maae port at Liscomb, N.S. They lost their way in heavy fog in the Atlantic. They said they planned to continue their cruise to Pugwash, N.S. Left to right: Mrs. Gladys Brown, Knobby Rushton, both of Springhill, N.S.; Capt. Mann Trenholm, Pugwash, and Mrs. Gwen Cameron, Springhill. u V THE GREATEST VALUE IN CHAIN SAW HISTORY HERE ARE THE FACTS: In the list eighteen monthi the McCulloch 3-25 hes piovcn to be Cenede'i most popular chain Mw. A quick look t thete grtpht below will show why McCulloch leeds the held. PRICE LOWER J.5i June 53 Archaeologist Starts Search For Treasure GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) ing the remains of the late i-nited States archeologist Waya a empire. Henry Whitehead of Chicago is The archeologist, after several making a one-man expedition , months' study of ancient docu-M search for Spanish treasure I ments in Guatemala's San Car-hidden in northern Guatemala 1 los University, said he had de- SERVEL be in Ontario. After a week-end rest from southwestern Ontario campaigning last week, Mr. Drew gave over Monday to personal campaiRning in his own riding of Carleton. SPEAKS I ROM WAGON He attended a community athletic meet, a garden party and a square dance-pie social, speaking by turns from a hay wagon, a lawn und the back of a truck used as a hillbilly orchestra platform. A main theme of his speeches was the development of Canada's natural resource!), and he promised that a Progressive Conservative government would take steps to see that these are developed further fur the benefit of Canada. - . "One of the decisions to be made Aug. 10 is whether you want a national policy to develop our resources, or to have them exported to' the United States to build up that country." At Victoria. CCF leader M. J. PERFORMANCE BETTER J SS June 53 since 1541. , Before leaving Guatemala City, ' Whitehead said his ultimate destination was near the Pledras Negras Mayan ruins in a virtually unexplored section of the State of Peten, near the border of Mexico. The area consists largely of thick jungle hid- A iteady tales volume hat meant production savings that have been passed on to you. McCulloch's engineers, always ahead with the latest engineering techniques have steadily improved the 3-25. Now the new 3-25 gives you 48 more cutting power with no increase in weight. , Working closely with McCulloch operators hat enabled McCulloch engineers to incorporate the many new features that have increased the Cutting life of the 3-25 by 41. tailed information about the treasure and estimated its value at "several million dollars in fold and silver." This followed several years' study of old Spanish maps and historical documents in Mexico City. Whitehead said considerable treasure destined for Spain from Mexico was packed by mule from Mexico City to Guatemala where it was regularly placed on Spanish ships at the Guatemalan Pacific port of Iz-tapa, south of the present port jf San Jose. The Mexico-Guatemala trail led through the area near the CUTTING LIFE LONGER Jan. 52 J.n. 5J Liberal Slogan eld, Says Uph( EllOIR which sang throughout the Coronation service of Coldwell said Monday night than IMizanctn in Westminster Abbev will cross the At.lnntic ill for an eielit-week, 40-city tour of the U.S. and Canada. ewhaite Apph a.' me bt. i'aul s Cathedral Choir, the group is made up of and 18 men. Their tour will coincide with the building of rican Memorial Chapel in St. Paul's CnthoHml tr, hnnn. Unity, security . Piedras Negras, he said, and was the Liberal i that route was abandoned by HAZELTON and freedom beneath Social Credit is a plan for the regimentation of the Canadian people. "It marks," he said, "the rise of a North American form of fascism here and in Alberta that is an aggregation of antisocial elements assisted by the credulous to put in for office groups of unscrupulous oppor Bi'K) members of the U.S. armed forces who lost their lives campaign slogan in 1949, Ted the Spanish conquerors because ed in Britain during World War II. Here the choir U Interim; the chancel of St. . Paul's Ciithedrnl dnritw ervice. Wll thoic are the facts about the new 1953 McCulloch 3-S5. LOWER PRICE-BETTER PERFORMANCE-LONGER CUTTING LIFE, Fact, that make the New McCulloch 3-J5 the best chain saw buy in Canada! Ser your (oral MrCiWfoch lolrr .00,1 for a (enionlralion or contact LEMERY DISTRIBUTORS LTD. f.trliiwrt? Canadian Agent SlOWertlrt A,., 61 Lend,down. St., 5!5 1rtA,e , Vancouver 10. B C. Peterborough, Qt, Quebec City. Que. i eresting Program Given KEROSENE OPERATED REFRIGERATOR Provides longest wear . . . greatest economy because it operates without a single moving part. GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS Twice as long as an other refrigerator McRae Bros. Ud. The Store That Service Built' Phone 6 or 36 tunists." ; CROWDED HALL The statement was applauded ' by an audience of 500 which crowded a dance hall. "I find it difficult to under Mrs. Phoebe MacKellar I Applewhaite. Liberal candidate f continuai altilcks by ' indians. i for Skeena, told a meeting in Hazellon Whitehead said he was confx-; New last night and these, he said, had been preserv- , Cent he knew the location of led and increased during the pastthe treasure taken from one of 1 four years. 1 the pack trains by the Indiana j Mr. Applewhaite warned that i?nd lacpd m hidm m one Qf l-evon the Korean truce did not jof itself mean all danger of war their temples. I was over," and urged a continued ,,., ,rnl, i build-up of Canada's strength. .,... . 1 A. fcruce Brown, MLA-elect for i LONDON (ti-) Recent addition , Prince Rupert, told the meeting to the London Science Museum's j that Mr. Applewhaite had given aeronautical section is an Avro ; Skeena a term of faithful "and 504 aircraft of the lgl4.18 war rrMcKeTr-was in the ' recovered from the bomb-dam-lchalr laged Hull Yorkshire, museum, i PACIFIC ELECTRIC 718 Second Ave. W. Blue S92 Advertising in the Daily News Brings Results stand how sensible and intelligent people could vote for exactly the same kind of philosophyif I can call it a philosophyas our boys in Germany and Italy defeated in the Second World War." ' Social Credit, Mr. Coldwell said, was one of the biggest pieces of hypocrisy Canada had ever seen. A CCF government would in-, troduce a comprehensive social security Rystem to replace the present "piecemeal and inadequate" ' system. "If we can raise money for -A noL.l Canadian actress, Mrs. Phoebe Srsklne MacKellar,; last ni.tht er.tertained a amuir bub applicative audience in St. . Andrew's Parish Hall. S Mrs. MacKellar, who present- i cd her "One Woman Theatre"! under the auspices of the war- ! dens of the cathedral on behalf of the building .fund, began her nrorram with two of Pauline I Johnson's poems, one of which j was the famous "Song My Pad- i die Sings." ' When Mrs. MacKellar was in ! Victoria recently she was Intro- j duced to Miss Agnew who. when ! H Ik iJ -ssiv ""OCpSs; she knew that Mrs. MacKellar j destruction necessary- though defence is surely we can raise money fur th.; alleviation of human suffering and the serving of liuman need." &ooi0(i3D(iOOiis... f& u 0 01UU DD A Delicious '. was coming to Prince Rupert to do a show of dramatic items about Canada, recalled that over 40 years ago Pauline John son had put on a reading of her own poetry in St. Andrew's Church Hall here. , So'' In salute to this'' former (vent, Mrs. MacKellar began her program with the two Pauline Johnson poems. Educated in Montreal and New Brunswick, Mrs. MacKellar spent a year In London finishing her education. She attended McOill University and played leading roles In McGill Players Club productions for two seasons. ' . r At the Royal Academy of Tuna Fi"sm MADI 00U8lY-0eUCt0VS WITH mustabd I jp. J , MNO AM) VERSATILE style with many Chalk while furms UNDER a Liberal government, Canadians have added every year i(Q the national strength and national unity of Canada; Welhave had the greatest expansion of social welfare in our history; ' We have increased put employment, our production and our national income every year; . We have had the greatest expansion of our primary and secondary industries truly an industrial revolution; Because of the outstanding contribution of the members of our Navy, Army and Air Force, we have been able to do our full share to prevent and to stop Communist aggression; We have reduced the national debt every year, and, in the fast two years, reaped the reward in lower tax rates. Do we want all that to be continued? Do you really think it's time for a change? For a change to a Parliament of regional groups a handful of Social Crediters from the Far West, a few Socialists from the Prairies, a few more Conservatives from Ontario or the Maritime and some so-called Independents from Quebec? In such a Parliament without the leadership and responsibility of a united national party, how could the government help being weak and insecure? Do we want a 'weak, and divided government to deal with the formidable problems of the next few years? I ask you, IS it really time for a change? , We believe most Canadians want a government which encourages enterprise, promotes trade and fosters the exploration and development of our resources; and you know it as well as we do, that requires balanced budgets, paying off debts in prosperous times . and a tax structure which, while fair to all, is adequate to meet ground for blaek milk. the cool acetate fabric slim flatteriiie lines. iv stole laeki'l. miri mllnr - TUNA FISH SALAD v 7" J cup canned tuna fih 1 cup diced celery 1 tablespoon minted onion 2 tablespoons vinegar Vl teaspoon salt Vb toaipoon pepper f Va taspoon Colman'i Mustard V2 cup talad drtiting Break tuna into large pieces, combine with ingredients and toss lightly. Serve in lettuce cups garnished with stuffed olives and lemon wedges. For newly revised recipe book send 10 to Keckitt & Col man (Canada) Limited, Station T, black lineu with red 'iiai-anked to keep its loveliness through tu-f'lle washings. The h made from the pro-I'.iueed at the Columbia f Plant at Watson Dramatic Art in London, she wrh awarded the certificate of merit, fche followed this with work in British films and teaching dramatics in London. For five summers Mrs. MacKellar returned to Canada to give outdoor productions of Shakespeare's plays with "casts of all ages. Curing the war she continued her work in Canada with summer productions, adding plays on .North American Indian legends. Her husband is Capt. Andrew MacKellar of Cunard Steamship Line. While here Mrs. MacKellar is the guest of Cmdr. and Mrs. N. A. Beketov. ' j Aiontreai. pan C8 percent of all car Ji'iiy are for shopping I .a United States auto-1'i'm savs. I I these demands. CKMJ aj NTiWuA , For a Greater Canziu RE-ROOF . . . with DUROID Asphalt Shingles Inquire obout our Instalment Payment Plan FOR FREE F.STIMATES SEE OR C'AIX triii -. i- GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. NATIONAL LIBERAL FEDERATION OF CANADA I Phone 909 215 First Ave. W. 11. iiiii p'hiii irit .',.