I'nncc Rupert Daily News Monday, March 3, 1952 1 unusn r Piures I J SHIPS AND WATERFRONT Glasgow Police i EDUCATION WEEK Geography Up to Date By G. E. MacNelll aboard the Cunard Liner Ascania and transferred to one of three Canadian National Railways boat trains lor Edmonton. The Scottish lassie, five feet Twu i), h (ira"w I fat. ''" brought back V ; Theatre Ir? t lne Work Ti... tr I seven and a half inches tall, dur I Woman Arrives, Edmonton Bound t HALIFAX Flashing a friendly smile. Canada's first policewoman immigrant, pretty, blue-eyed, fair haired Margaret Pear With six seiners and eleven parkers busy. Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. reduction plant at Port "0 ing her little more than five year in police work has to her cteciit solving one of Glasgow's worst crimes single-handed. Two W.ath" and To many people the word "aonnrnnliu" on 11 c nr i inn Ion cant Edward has been getting a t . ..... r- .. , ... m m 7: - : , Z ' - stantial addition supply of her years ago a baby was abducted m.,mnr,K ITntii i vrc tv, ring from outside Burnaby Nar- . Bjtl1 Both pictur Picture! iw (iuihc in uiaaguw, wiu text books in geography have u . l. .i HUU1 Ki'fuirl u,: son stepped ashore here Satur- first case there for nearlv ruwf uii nie ouulii uccii vnar- i uwaJ Dlavs ' lagged far iar behind Dcnina the me advances advances Aw ay irom fmm rci-cnn- c.in,i She 01, , t j T- V; lagged Glasgow, Scotland. centurv. and rwheewoman Pear- . Islands where there has and summ',,. lotte been . . ... ... VPHrc hof,.. . "'a a Dig run oi line Dig iish "uie Deim rrived- here accompanied by son was assigned to the case. X L People thereiore, nave Been twelve Glasgow policemen i Three davs after the kidnao- 8 t -i i .. iua . . i .. .screen ... uui ui, wic 7a.-Ji. i uupii; vi weens, 1Ileyarp "IE me . type ' K oman Pearson ,u pifig, police w ResiUt is the plant has been ,JK1-- ul'""ig with s t...V.--.7;l The location, classification and working full turning out fish and ' ven some- i meal. The take from across m tneme LHecate Straits will continue . Lnar''e GrapfWin found the youngster approximately 350 miles away in a Birmingham home safe and well. Unable to have one of her own and casual explanation of the forms of the earth were the contents of tllUllU H1U Ulllia WCTll UI1UI . ' "F'T '.ME 3. i f ishinti- closes March 10. The Port X.T wlth Or- k ! Edward p'ant has also been con- Mai'Jrle Rambpaulr i tlnuing active on filleting sole 1 ali,l'rS(,n In import.' from thc draggers. i '"P or nr, Henry Fonda ncJa. Union steamer Chllcotin, Capt. William McVombo, returned to port at 5 o'clock yesterday after i ond of children, a woman had dents memorized mountains, taken the Police- youngster rl ,ak , , ,t, J woman Pearson tracked her towns Rh m tho ht f.tft down by p eeing together bits of relationship between these places clue, .vi e dug up keeping at tne and their habitant., case without rest student s.-.unned geograhpy Each towering six teet or because of Its lack of interest more, the twelve policemen, who ana because of the lack of op-are also going to join the Edition- portiinity for employment In tne ton police force, have had a long field. While the decline in inte,r-polce training before coming est jn geography was going on in to Canada. All veterans of the tne schools, men like W. Davis Second Wo'-'d War, Including were talking and writing about ulucwsnian Pearson who was the relationship between the Classified New., pay big ! noon from her regular fortnight-; ly voyage to Massct Inlet points j and sailed a. 8 u.m. for Vancouver and waypolnts. , TODAY a WErD at 'j i Twenty-one Ships At Port Churchill j ffhc season of navigation at 'Churchill in 1951 opened July f 5 v r4 . ... ff v.; . .'J a wren, they were interested in earth and its inhabitants, and emigrating here by two of theii human geography was born. At jucia.es who served with the the same time K. Ritter was KAF in Canada during the war stressing the strong-Influence of .Hid then planned to return as geogiaphy upon the power of the ;itizens. Etate and its people, and political Typically Scottish, their names geography was born are Donald MacDonald, Donald Modern geography which J. MacDonald. Alexander Mac- stresses man's adjustment to his In tosh, H. Wells McKay, Daniel environment, began in America A McCloskeh, James Douglas, about the year 1920. Expansion George Allan, Edward Lowm, was shown at first and by 1940 James Mitchell, Robert Moffatt, there were only 500 professional James Rodger and William Bol- geographers in the United States land. All are from Glasgow. A aI1d only eight in Canada. Ninety number of them already have percent of these were in the relatives in various sections of educational field. By 1946 the Canada United States had 800 and Can- Tnis first group of police to ada had five. By 1950 geogra-emi?rate to Canada to occupy pncis in the United States num. 29 and closed Octobrr 4. In the Interim. 21 . ocean-going vessels docked at Churchill, and 7,278,-843 bushels of (train -were shipped overseas, which was a new Churchill record. During . the ca.son, 7G50 tons of Incoming freight reached the' port. , JoiJ.A 1 m m u m Tropicanas u For 1952 $4.98 HtoCS SIOUX, now on her way back to Canada aier completing a second tour of duty in the far East, is shown above making her way thrown an Ice field during her last patrol off thc West Coast of Korea. Operating with a task un c ose inshore, thc Sioux spent her last patrol Offending islands north of thc 38th parallel. S 15 ts scheduled to return to Esquimau, this Saturday. CPO Ted Mills of Prince Rupert has been with Sioux on both her tours. 'National Defence Photo) News of the District , .s e amons bel cd 1000 to 1200 and in Canada ! nearly -900 immigrants to arrive about 50 here in two liners on Saturday ) lnc ruvwuonai liC:li 5tm pro. h'Zp L'vPool. Southampton Lc vicles thc greatest opportunity nfPraH t Rlhtcrdam- They J for employment but some pro-n ""k ?adian fesslonal geographers find em-' nnn, p n ra,M fhiK,at Payment outside the unlver- , tor ior points nolnt, across the country. sities i J , Most govei.-.iie-.t-,. maintain CPR steamer Princess Louise, fu'l-tlme and part time geog-! Capt. Hicks, is due in port at 3 : 15 ' raphers. Cities and towns em- ! tills afternoon from Vancouver P,ov urban geographers to plan ! via Kcmano and Kitimat. The erowth and development. Grad- Jack Harris and F. Spartgens, Kwinitsa: C. UllberR, Erlckson, Sask.; D. Abrey, 8. T. Crowe, T. Kasa, D. Nelson. T. Olsen. J. A. Sadler. E. T. Wtlllams, C. M. Logan. A. Eckert. V. Bremner, J. M. Ruttan, J. A. Hatch. Miss H. Plggott and J. Hepburn, Van-couver; O. Fiva, Alice Arm; Mr. and Mrs. J. Biggs. Prince Rupert; D. O. Little, J. ParmenU'r and Mrs. F. Vercttc. Terrace; C. Mat-lia.s. Burns Lake; Lt. Cdr. Hudson, Esquimau; pr. J. 8. Harrison. New Westminster; H. A. MacD)Ugail and R. O. Smith. Massct; Miss A. Sercda and Miss WALLACE'S : DEPARTMENT : STORE Terrace Gets New Theatre vessel sails at 10 p.m. on her re- ua,cs rni the University of I TERRACE I OPICS Marriage At Terrace British Columbia are at present i9iK:ai;BEBBBBBPII 'turn south. One C'onipli le Shcuini "i . Nlfiht t'omnwnrini On his way home after a week's Miss Betty Blssonnctte, RN, business trip to Vancouver where TERRACE. ",'ul Sacred i employed by the Lower" Mainland 1 Regional Planning Board. Oppor- i tunity for employment is high ! here in British Columbia, and p.ospects of future employment uld not look better. NOT TO BE SIILNNED Heart who graduated last fall from St. hr mnrlo fineil a ri-o r, f IJ. Wozncy, Edmonton; O. Sand, I D. Mandziuk and C. Dobble, Kitl-jmat; Mr. and Mrs. R. v- E. Cham- the building of new nnn 1 Ch??h was thc sene of a uiel Joseph's Hospital, Victoria, B.C vpririlni D9ilu Crirl,, 1. 1 t 1 ....... theatre at Terrace. Charljs D. .. o y.i....4 .a ucic iu. a iuiiS viwi. at nic-bcr, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs West Vancouver, ....v... iiau kjiuv-iic-v ui van- nonie oi ncr parents, Mr. ana; s'eci couver became the bride of Al- Mrs. Bissonnette. ' bert James Baker of Terrace.' j Father E. M. Lcray, OMI, of fi- Mrs. C. J. Norrington, Terrace 1 NOTICE TO MOTORISTS Our Repair Service Department will be ctascd Monday altcrnoon, all day Tuesday and Wednesday, March 3rd, 4th ancl 51h to allow our mechanics to attend a Chrysler Technical Service School. These schcols arc put on to keep our mechanical staff up lo date on all new service Information covering Chrysler-built vehicles and thus render the best available service to owners of tho.e cars and trucks. Your co-cpe a lion in this matter will be 'amreoint.rf! ' Adam is in Prince Rupert today k Mr. Adam arrived by the noon plane from thc rauth and is leaving for thc interior by bus later in thc afternoon. The new theatre will be of quonsct hut construction and thc m1u.11 uie ceremony. delegate to the annual meeting TODAY TO WEDNESDAY SHOW STARTS AT 7 PM LAST COMPLETE SHOW - 1:31 f The bride, in a navy blue suit ; of the Red Cross, returned home I ' with lime accessories and a cor- i from Vancouver at the week-' 1 ' Boys and girls should not shun 1 Geography whether they choose it as a career or not. Young men ; and yqung women going out into .' this complicated world should I know as much as possible about' i the interdep.-ndence of groups' : ol peepb all over thc face of the car h. They should know thc" problems and the culture of Iheso peopo and Ihc influence1 these things hnvp nnnn thnl , site of the 50 by 120-foot struc- i J prayer book and was given in turc will be on an acre which mn,-,.inn h 1 i,,,,,, ,7,n ' viSiix.r in , ..t. Mr. Adam has purchased on t were Assistant District Forester - NOTIwflasoline I'mnps and Parts Department will remain Iter bridesmaid, Mary Roy. Chapman's suit with black ac- M- O. Kullander of Prince Ru-viicipiiuiu 8 corner corner. .. . . - . . nrrt. Vi in iini,. nf vi.imi or.n 9 '.vay o; thinking. 5AS iwr tMM RT MOTORS ,LTDL tw:um:.i UUU U I Ol SagC OI DIIlK - "" 1 The new house will bear tho( lUnalit,ns H ' L. B. B. Boulton, who gave In-; Tillicum Theatre name of thc j - ... ;structions and exams here, present, theatre. It, will have GOO Bl",t 11,1111 wa,s RllK-. . . scats and modern projection I After thc ceremony, a dainty Eugene Harrison 's lcavin-equipment. . , bunet supper was served at the shorUv for the south to take a! The young people- of British Cbluntbia" should .be concerned wilh the effect of "other flshlnir ( HUYSI.Ki: I'LYiMOUTII FARGu ; communities upon world mar- (Concert Parkaff ;nomc oi Mr. and .Mrs. Kugg. J psychopathic nurse's course all t Thc heppy couple left on the i fcksondale. He is at present cm-' i evening train for a short stay i ployed at the I'ome lor thc Aged ! M. . Adani said he had heard in Vancouver that a new hotel was being planned for Terrace. TOTEM "Of Men And Musk ! A I'A.MOl'S Pl-AVERS THEATRE j rnnce Kupcrt. vneir ruture here. I resiaence will be in Terrace. Phone Red ISO Today for Reservations on "Curtain tt K Celebration At Aiyansh ... - ; , Blasting has been going on at ' llie Lakelsc Avenue garage site DCDXA KIATCC lof tne PnnrU new building to-rLKVjW 'NUItO takc lhc P'1 of Cob and Jim Irvine's garage gutted1 ! K u:. iney should be concerned with the new wood-pulp industry that is developing out of the African Jungles. These are some of the things geography concerns itself with. The required courses in British Columbia High Schools provide ,somc geography in the Social Studies Courses. But Social Studies 32 (Human and Economic Geography i and Social Studies 91 i Human and Political Geography) are elective courses in the senior school. Students and pa:ehts should .inquire further 1 into the benefits that may be obtained from either or both of there courses. ;oy lire recently. Thc new build - Following the election of the village council at Aiyansh last Ray MacDonald of Vctoria i.; in8 is to be a $12,000 structure. 1!M7 riyiiioulh Sedan 1330 Austin Sedan l!ll.' ( hcvni'i't Srdan in.-0 Sli:d.;li;tkcr 5-passrnsi-r Coupe 1!)1S I'onl Panel ' j-lon , 1!37 Lincoln Coupe 1911 Chevrolet Coupe 1940 Plynwuiii Sedan USED CAI VALUES week, a large banquet was held ' opening up a garage bi:1iness at! to celebrate the- occasion, also' l'ct'W. nc is wt aiiK-, or his ! Tne Sadie Hawkins dance, the visit of the Indian Supcrin- equipment to arrive. Hi., .family ' sponsored by the Ladies' Auxil-tendent,. F. E. Anfield, who 'had- Wl1' Ju,n h'ln 111 1110 !1J"1 ,,ary was a great success Friday to remain over for a day be- i;vt'nin8 as a utincc. GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS cause snow made flvimr bnrk m Mr. anr". Mrs. " Ingvald Bye hvA Pr.nce Rupert impossible. i' l h.."r Z' Union :teamer Camosun, Capt. ' ' a scare tne olhcr rlnv whpn thir .,,.." T - .. With Roy Adams as chairman jeep hit an Icy spot on a nav Kt'n an ar Zr Tl'.n'u-and Mr. Anfield and the new row stretch of highway he.c. lvedVffi ' K"t 10" !u 1 cve chief councillor, Roacr Mercer, a, They spun around, hit the bank i , speakers, the banquet program, and the ieen rolled over. Neither n,n8 anc1, altcl' cl.s.-iia. v li. a Frank Waterhou.se freighter Cassiar, Capt. William Glceson, irrived in port at 6 o'clock this morning from Vancouver. After taking on local cargo for Skag- j way, the Cassiar sailed at noon In continuation of her north-1 included selections bv the fa- was hurt. ..considerable freight cargo, sa;l- Superior Auto Service mous Aiyansh Silver Harmonic STECIAE 1916 CHEVROLET Club comic, fully equipped with heater, defroster and radio; we 'i" ' buy your 1052 license at thc current price. Price Hill 1938 PONTIAC '51 motor, new tires GM new car guarantee 1910 CHEVROLET Sedan 1919 -CHEVROLET 2-door Sedan, radio and heater. GM used car guarantee cd at 6 a.m. for( Alice Arm and Lawrcnt-c Johnson of rtruw!stcwart whence she Ls due back Limited conducted funeral servic for the ! here tomorrow to sail south at Band, under Bandmasters Ben Munro and Frank B. Tait, and the no less talented village church choir under Hubert McMillan. The choir sang the ani- , ward voyage to various Alaska ports. l i Third Avenue West late C. C. Mills o. Priefatlev at. 12 noon. Phone Green 217 Burns Lake on Wednesday. The bilious "Hallelujah Chorus" and fu" as attended by many "Worthy Is the Lamb" selections ?f t ,frie"ds a"d rcIaUons of from Handel's "Messiah " i Mr- Mllls n'om Perow to as iar USED TRUCK VALUES STKAMkR Prince George oui, as iqfuesiiei. iwr. mius is sur- . . J .Th. J H ,,. J hEar lat . . ba,"d , vivcd his wlfe a' Priestly and aMts i nA ?6, m?re I W(!ndCr th'e children-Verne Mills of fninr under rU circumstances t0PCX that are rylCMy; m,ici,r Stuart iKrJ Mills, travelling m 1918 CHEVROLET 'i-ton panel. This unit lias a new n rt (nl flit itrr a swttnrtlntnlv now rrnii ni Dili'1 fW'A t' V 1 uwirtf a VVM l IH.IJ v-- Job, and lieatcr. A real buy at only .iii..v .v viiivaiiii vin nn .... : 111 Edna West- , nesses, and Mrs. ' garde of Pcrow. wnuutivt: to lllSirUC- tion and rehearsal," was Mr. Anficld's tribute. (The choir 191C iMC l-ton panel, heater Full price J fnji l!Mfi qt. i nXlC, i ii - n ...-.nn.l rn-.ir Him new paruui iiioior, ior oniy j mm rin.vbiin.'r m i-i... $11" SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Purls Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDMGIIJ Luxury at Low Cost viEiiiVfK.4 2-tUll JIUlVUp - WE ALSO HAVE PRIVATELY OWNED TRl S AT OWNERS' PRICES FOR IMMEDIATE SAI t See Our Budget Plon for Financing, Rcp"rS and Accessories TDAnFC A Kin TFRM and band are village trained i and in thc summer ranks are-: Mr- nnti Mrs- Terry Byman and often broken when the mem- , son- Alvin, and Howard Chorncy bers come to the fishing industry ! of Qucsncl were visitors at Perow on thc coast.) j and Houston for two days this The band comprises 44 'smart- I wcck-ly uniformed and splendidly in- su umcnlcd membus. i u. Leboc and ramliy and Art Thc lour-part choir consists Bansomc spent last weekend of 2e nicjnbers. j visiting Qucsnel, Prince George Mr. Anfield wat ..-vompiinijd i and Willow River. on thc Aiyansh u-i;- b,i D.-. Myron Laauchuk, rcoidcnl In- j The very mild weather of the past dayS' toBethcr wlth dian Department , f,LT . surgeon b " .several inches of f new snow, has who examined 100 patients at niadc lt very wet and difficult thc village. , for lumbermen to operate. 9Ji cu. ft. DELUXE S Refrigerator .... $499.00 $100.00 8'2 cu. ft. DELUXE Refrigerotor .... $461.50 $ 70.00 8'2 cu. ft. STANDARD Refrigerotor $432.50 $ 65.00 DELUXE Range $519.00 $100.00 STANDARD Range $388.50 $ 75.00 'DELUXE WASHERS $359.95 $ 50.00 Northern B.C Power Co. Ltd. ,. '?.. Besncr Hluck phone 810 Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C. mmr'tmaeiH;imumamrll Ui III VHW'H.Hm.il mm ,UMlMy VANCOL'VEIt and VICTORIA SUNDAY ss. Chllcotin 8 p.m. TUESDAY ss. Camosun 12 noon ALICE ARM, STEWAHT AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH O.UEKN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS . March 14 and 28 st. Chilcotin midnight FOR SOUTH ((CE EN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Cfcllcotin March 7 and 21 (midnight) FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCK RUPERT Phone 81 Ask for John Be""''; Frizzell's Motor Products Ltd luJES "jfl Mrs. Jocelyn Bolton left by If you want to se:i ir, News i.ia.s.IiBrt air today for a trip to Vancouver. ;