' " I -- Victoria cn Nanatmoig 1 1 1 "w On Main Route ' I I The Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, March 18. 1!I54 ways. The r-,,,.,. nippers evened ineir nnai com- ; nierclal Hockey L gue playoff , with Victoria Merc :anU at one gamp each with a 4-1 triumph over the Victorians before 1,345 funs last niaht. itt service hetw(.,.n JO' I A N N KSt !UUu. South Africa (CP) Ail transport develop-' men's have placed South Africu in the foiefuiut of countries on Ihe ma 'ii world routes, says D. Ii. C, clu Plessis, general man- binri,,. JoiianiH'sburg 3LACKWOOD or BRIDGE By EASLLY BLACKWOOD K'eai mcluc r'""" P" - j vi ' - 4 v:l:J llii.ke Iric!: The'Scrapbook ' 1 'it. t anil present in the Spurts World e"t to tlit ne added. COAiNG SOONER THAN YOlTn Which of thest! 7 Age-signs 'make YQ J Feel Old? MEN! B"5t lurinrD unu duiii LMiiukiiLii r un ui intni l.i ir i 111 n. nnw at'iu tniiiv nim.. By JACK CLUET-JESSCME 'tisstiHT The IJuck" Is A Well-Known i If u '.)m1 defensive-play is overlooked, 3ir. IIe: Weak, tind, rundown t 40, 50, 60 or cut? l.acluug in pep, energy. Me. M-slr I-wl v,mh Juuu r quick. Try Ostirr I odic TtlWs tin. dr- rof Ixnly weak, old because luw in ' trim; ''pepn up"' both sews. "Oet-atqujuaU-d hua aly 6U At U druggists. KNTCKl.KS. CtOVKS M iny nuestions h".ve r.i-ide (he rounds from time to t'me in rep-ird to gloves and bare knuckle fighters. It will be interesting to not that John L. Sullivan wa.s the a .'.vays reiers to it in tne same way. inat is, ', the one who missed it, he calls it an inipossii ty make. If his partner misses it, he unftiiiiii Abinuton, Mass. One of the Kvcatest fights in history wa.s in the year 1880. July R. in the form of 7.1 rounds by John L. Sullivan when he deflated Jake Kilrain at Rieh-bmi''f!. Miss. It was John L.'s last fii-'ht with bare knuckles. Later, in 1802. Sept. 7, the fam m V-.. -T c. . . K -- it an obvious play. TOTE( you think his criticism s daal was reasonable. 1 t t'.r- four spade con-' Al:i ! to" k the first two TODAY TO SATURDAY tne Kill", and queen 1 I1 As"M' ' : )-S-A' V f 1 V r-u" - ' -1 r!,! - s ' V Jf, S'J li our of I.e I hi .. i.hii'ti d to the '.-'e : and Mr. Mastois h ihe ielu spot. DINING PLEASUPl 8eulh dOHlcr N and S vulnerable. Nurlli (Mr. Ilnle) S- K 6 3 H A "S 9 4 D 8 5 4 C 10 7 5 (Mi. Villi) i Mi III- If) S .1 4 s 7 2 H -K 10 5 H J H 7 i 2 I IL HI 7 U- J H :t A KDII f .1 4 ;i SimiMi (lr. l-i-l-rs S A Q 10 S 8 5 D A Q 9 2 C9 1 i last champion under London Prize Rins rules wih knuckles and th? first under the revised : rules and Marquis of Quoens-; berry rules with eluvts. ; John I,. Eiillivan. better known i in by-one days as "The Boston ' Siropp. Boy" Wis !).)!) in Boston, Mass.. Oc t. 15, 1058 and was iust :;ho:i of one anil a hi1! iiv. h fiom t!ii' six-Ti. 4. height ni rk nnd fi:ur xiun-!s less fio'ii the 2'H1-poiUr.l weieli. rui'v: his l-.i i!';, .it career Ji.hn I,. eii'!a;:e;l in bunts and won tw nly of them, credited with 12 KO's. one no-(leeision, 3 draws, 2 exhibi: ions and was knocked out or.c". The arcat fiuhtT died on Feb. 8, 1918. at Ol TlrM'KS ais f'.r Mr. M .::t:-:. in i -. '. -v.. .- ' - X' 4 ri.'"lii ! V J ''1 t : , . ; Aif4 ll 't ll vi ) ' v iv- n i vi id the I, s of two dia-'.i-ki. Since Mr. AM h"d i r'oubte, it A'a.s priibabl.' h"hl the king of dia-nd as the defenders also k and in of the : nit, i. uiiiikelv t!-..!t. a s"rai"h'. 2' JAKE Powell -GORDON MCRAE SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe ous nnman lost the coveted title to James J. Corbett in 21 rounds a New Orleans, La. BII.LIAKOS A SlYSTKRY la .jour poor or billiard or pool-loom you'll pl-iy se"er.! assnrt-uvnt ol "anvs on ibe tables, ai the modem style. Lou don't see much of old si vie, four-ball ca-rom. IS.! ba'.klme 18.2 balkline. iirrc cushii.n and po kvt billiard new days. The first billiard champit.n-shin .match "old style i pliiyed in the U.S.A., was in 1859. G inus were played on a 6 x 12 four-pocket table, with four balls, pushing and crotchins allowed. 2.000 points caroms. The first champ was T.l. Plielan, 185!) tD 18f2. Pilliards is another sport of mysterious and ereaily disputed rriKin. with France. Knalam!. Ireland. Spain. Germany, Italv, China and a few other rtjuntries pulling in a claim. Historians cast a vote for E'rypt, and admit that the Greeks had a spovt like billiards popular about 400 BC. I '.YIU.K IlKVUV, for Tlie Si .mh I S S blrlrUni;: West N.irlli V tm. i S 1'; All Pass ' ' a ru S"er; d IIIIIBIIIIIIIIIKIIillllBll'BBIIIEIlll fiv .' or scries of finesses woi'.'i be 'he .winning line of pl'a. V M' stirs defiled h' be-t. be' .-s lo tiv lor an cod plav on Mr. Abel. At trick three he led (jLOhOt tlVOT VLIlL ULLUUIIO JACK I LfONARD with New Y'ork Rangers of the National Hockey League, is among the top contenders for the rookie-of-the-ycar award in th NHL. Henry, one of the lightest players in the NI'.L considering his height, had 24 goals and 15 assists in C4 games. Ke seored four finals In the first two periods when the Rangers defeated Detroit. Red Wings 5-2 at Detroit. Hfi.rv played with Quebec Ci'adeile Juniors of the Quebec. League la.-t year. a h 1 't and fmcscd dummy' que !. When this held, he cash Va!!oce's Deportment Store GLOVES THAT HIGHLIGHT YOUR EASTER OUTFIT. CAPIT0U Times 7-9 p.m. 2 - 4:15. ( iao lead would eniule " i--Masters to get rid of s: ill an-'oth"r diamond, whi'c ruffing hi dummy. So the return wis a low diamond whii h w nt into ih-aee-queen and gave Mr. Mas-l ters his contract. I After some thought (cvti h-didn't see it at fiiv.ii Mi. Hein-! site said Mr. Abel should have 1 played the 10 en the first hear;. I lead and the king of hearts under the ace. That way it would be Mr. tleln.il te who would have the high heart left and Mr. Evenings Sat. Mat. l KVVIUI S fl.AYtKSTrif.lIKI 'lie 7 r V i Evenings 7:-9;p.J Today lo Saturday cd the ace of hearts and dis-r.are d the deuce . diamonds. MIST ASF l'.T 0(;..!;i Next he i( d dummy's last club and ruffed it. Now he entered ou'iur.y with a spade to the king. H ' returned a heart and inslead of ruffing, discarded the nine of ("iamonas. Mr, Abel was in wiiii the king of hearts and h::d no saf.- return. Clearly, a Mittncosat.. 2 pnd New Gloves For Spring J The right color, the right style. Frenchmen feel that the i riRin of mod'Tii billiards 'i Small Entry THE SECEEI CHTlftW EMPIRE THAI RULED THE EOCIIU' --,... ... er in Fiance: and England elai:r it too. Th? Irish scotf at both . . . J'M T1 IK M.m lV .t aoci could not, ne liirnwn m trie lead. What do you think was it an "obvious" pluy for M-Abel to make? . . . - uwi wtui W nunt that nobody km V 7 Your Spring Accessories at iiWiHiWimg Wallace's Dept. Store SYDNEY, Australia "Rcu'ers.' Australia, which holds all the British Empire Games rowing titles except the fours, will include only , five oarsmen in its term for the BKO at V.M'ec.ti-ei r.i-M. Jaly. Th- l-uv.-rs are . r I-v;''. Mrivy V of1., N"n:-''! . tt'i, Gf-off Williamson and L i -j 1 mil ''son. Hopkins Scores aance . . . io the modern music JAKE'S RHYTHM KINGS Legion Auditorium - Friday, March 19 , Admission $1.00 7 c , r i r i l-'-"li,. f ,. - -v " - .-' m ! :. if ; 4 5 .i - .. -k; '.'J. t.''5'V i-'---?: ,,.,,r..,,. m ".,'.,;i) V;;-.C":" "i ' .t. ' i . ' ' . .' - V ' . , , . ' ii i'i- I.'...' a . Y ' THE DIViL YE SAY 108 League qns mi - CSL'y"LS DRAKE JIMMY HUNT JIM ARNLSS Aye, 'twas like finding a 4-lcaf sliamrock when I bought my car from Ptrkcr's. Buy your new or used car before April 1st and save 2 per cent. TOTEW ltxtra Cartoon "Harry James Si Orchestra", D. Hopkins captur'-'J deule, lienors in the Loeil "m'J. M,x bowling league Friday when h lolled 283 to win m"n' hie i saiiae and also took men s h.g J three with a S''ore of 75 1. ', B. Emerson took ladies log I J " "( ireus 'reus on on Ice" Ice" F FAMul A S fl.AVt.KS 'I lit. VJ r.WIX Custom and air-comii- these cou'itries and pointed to1 I he fact that when Catkirc More-'Conn Celchalh ich', Kins of. Inland in th se'ond centiirv. oied. he left 50 billiard balls ; made of bri'es. and cues atso . .mad" of b:-ass. All in all, bil-liart's remains a mystery. We learn that in the earli.-;-.. ' ras, billiards was pi. yed on th" floor. The lads shoot in the b? 11 f round th room. Liter f.mr railings were built to confi.a,' play to a .: v cd space, and eventually the game uplifted ami becainc a table pasMaie. The Spanish, we are also told introdueed the Ramc t.ito th" U.S.A. in 15C,. LOVF.D HIS IJASVBALL -ono rvenin last week an enthusiastic Prince Rupert sportsman wanted to know wh t! sport book l:".;t recommended to the junior ;.;h!.-;e. We ca'ne iilVit back wilh "Tl-.e n-.be Ka:'h Ptarv". This cor kel-sie book w.'s qoiti r."P! ir ever a je.ir 9c m both U.S. and C r "d- and mcs Uk iy sold out at ell bookstores. This s'ory. by the late (Treat .'PM'i'rrrn. is tvitliout a doubt the ' neat book a sport k-.'er of ; 11 ap tan read. I is the only then:!e sforv of hi life, wa.s sincerely dedicated to the junior 'sriu'smeu of America and jo hU jtrrat following in Canada. j Th- be ok tells of the bee.in-rii":; of rtfb-- Ruth's fi-st r.tari in baseball, then to his Illness. Thf preat b.isi ball player, dui-io:', illness, sair. he wtshad to ' flick .around a luv. Ion? time. For, above everything else, ho 31 FORD heater tioning ONLY . I't.Yl'O! TH TJ l)!)fl Cii -trim healer. New seat covers.- Excellent Hiape. O 'F Y Ill "..OH A-l condition, 1..50.00 il NASH SKDAX . . . Nash weather - eye heater. Good rubber and motor. ONLY 3H5.00 Foni) ncKfi' iotr; reeonde.ionea. "lew paint job and all. ONLY 10:0.0(1 1 single with 240 and G. Uoaeli-eraia with CD7 captured la i. ' hiuh three. W'-i dbitteh' rs racked on 1152 to w n t'-am hi'.ll sinata anri Iiots'iots put together three wa s total. ng 30!)t to t i'-ie team hie'n thrr e. SiiMioines: ilotshots and Ti"-T Cats 5i: Woodluilci) rs 47: P' w rhon.se ami M.-niacs 44: F.Dom Cats 43: Atoms 41: Sb:'.r-I.-in.: 3g; ?BiTk? 35; Die esters 23: Creml ns 22; Handicaps 21. YOUR FOKU-MONARC1I DEALKR THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SKRVICk" iSbF !' fi R E 1 j iA".Ta MARCH ISth For One Week syf v 1 i LOO::, F.ngirnrt (C) Tin-Shark Angling Club of G cd P -'' on. forraed at this Corn-' wall port a year ago, now re-, jjj ...aers nave l.'P.,i- rd 28S sharks to date. The biggest, landed recently off Dorset, .a.iea pounds. MIXir-iG BOWL In Use West ARE SOME OF THE WONDERFUL CARGASNS OUR NEW SUNSET SALE OFFERS. SUNSET SALES ARE FAMOUS ... CHECK YOUR FLYER FOR ADDITIONAL SAVINGS. SET 2-pc. gloss set, 6" ond 8" bowl SPECIAL, Set like irwz Folks Luxury Steurr.er I Prince George i nil miMmmmtrmxirmanmsmrm- ijBWjn One to CmW" J FOIL COfFH GARBAGE CAM Heavy, corrugated golvanizcd container, with lid- cm a? -16 inches by 22 inches SAn,S FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediale I'orts Each Thursday v ai 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WI.DNl.SUAY Micliiij,hl w.mled lo be a part, of and help the development of Jie grat game i in his own words) "God I ever kiw f.t to let man invent , i baseball." ' Cleorge Herman "Babe" Ru'h wa.s born on Feb. 6. 1895; died' Aug. 16, 1948. I ; We're sure these books are not ; 'destroyed and on many book-. fhelvi s in number of homes ir. , Prime Rupert. We like to Me: them donalod to junior athleti;; clubs. Its. a story worth one's I v.hile to read. ; f-EM EM 3 ER' WHEN " (.'smbi ide." Univcr-ity set : ; j ii cord of 18 minu'i'S 3 seconds . in b"alim; Oxford in the annual : boat race on the Thames .) yi'ars ago today. Cambiidge ais a holds the current record of 1 7 : o0 i i.r the 4', -mile course, established in 1948. ST MOP Oinilnrt and Service Qucility, brgc size, Simms Dust Mop vith strong hartdlo Fur n-.ii rvai I'ms wrlln 01 .4' nil City nr Lti-i'i'i " en, , Prince nupurt, B C. Spring Garden Specials 14 PIPE WRENCH Stillson pattern. Steel handle. Exceptional quality. ONLY ... GARDEN HOSE Knit I'laslic t on pled FRUNING SHEAR Tempered Steel LAWN RAKE Win Wood Handle ... TVMiwmrsimrari :1 U '.? t- s CI B hmha i Dei? I Good quolity Aluminum kettle. Fills through spout. 2 ';-quort capacity. SPECIAL GARDEN HOE 8-imh Blade Good l(i)l,-v s people FORGET And mo prefer GARDEN RAKE H-TootU Heavy l)"'y 22 ' SEE THE MANY UNADVERTISED VALUES ON DISPLAY IN THE STORE IT WILL PAY YOU. 1.) Th Aeee oilier e Weekend Specials SHOVEL SI'M tiirU 'l la-.iK Ilandle-i:XTKA GRASS HOOK Tempered Steel-Well ''i"l"' than any ALUMINUM SAUCE PA at 60RD0N.and ANDERSON 3 Convenient Sizes Have Pouring Lip irancl 2Va Pint 2'2 Pint 4'4 Pint SKEENA GROCERY WILLIAMS GROCERY LIMITED Phone 46 , a ' i 4" i '.. ."' ' 4 ' " "I "It -T--, " 46c 56c 19 C