South Korea To Use Armistice Pent Prince Rupert Daily News CONSUMER PRICE INDICES In Train For flfferttivp Whon K'a,jJ Woclne&day, August 12, 1&53 C ft V A D A ic--;. - no JULY I 115-4 1 20 no , independent d;iily ncwspuprr devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Ruper; an-i Northern an.i Ctomral British t'olumbU. We.nU r nl Canadian Ptps-s Audit Bureau of Ottvulatluu Canadian Dully New-:piHT A.afclit!oii. PiitNhoi by Tli liture llu prL Hatty Nps Mmitod. J. V. MAUOR. Prvnidetit If. O. PEKHY. VW-PTe.iMritt As I See It 7. . "7 (Jul ore ' ' ..a., .j SEOUL (AP) President Syng- agreement." man Rhee said today South Kor- : in his statement ea's army will use th armistice said: "We are par?,rr' period to' train "for an offensive to set our soldiers v'Jf whenever necessary." subject to continued ' The statesman also said in a now can have time to T statement that if the post-war soldiers will ilw t)l, ' '' political conference fails to unify : rest for training Bhv i Koi -a in 90 days "the 16 United mentally, for ' 'ln an'oft wieiisi!, UlP.IIR. will Subvert piUi'... Halts: r j oarrlrr Per w ok, 25c; per m-jnlli. $1.00, per year, $10 00. llapL t? mAil Per month. 75 p-r yar, b 00. -flH imnvrued as acrrmd cia mail by the Pusi Offi-e IWpanmcnt, Ottawa l;0' UNITE0 STATES 1947 -49 100 loin us' in an effort to achieve ev" "ry " I New Waltari Hook i I i ; : s t 1953- 195.2" our unification by other means." i United Nations headquarters itn New York announced lout Frl-Ulay that the 10 countries with j troops in Korea had ai?repd to i 'nk rtr arms again if Red forces ! break ihe true and attack South ' Korea attain. The announcement 1 made no mention of renewing the war lo unite Koii i or of a T!!E COSSl'MER PRICE INDEX rose half u poi .t in June to 1!04 from 114 9 under the impact ol a ;ea.;oiuil Increase In food costs and hither p .! L-r for clothing, relit am! other commodities, the bureau of Statistics reports. It was the seom! i-Oft-.:utiJ monthly raise following a steady hali-veai of decline.. The dotted line .-hows the United States con.suim-r price index which atrvawetf between mid-May and inM-Jtrne tffl a record Hi;. ol Uie 1-.M7-15 over-sc THE FINNISH author j Mika Waltari is one of j the most prolific of our! times. I His novel "The Egptian" b , uue of the cur.t powerful writ- ! ten in' this centuiy. It is not' only a clacking good lovij story, but its theme is also une ot ; iiilglity power: ; What happens in an empire when the emperor is a reformer ; too far ahead1 of his time? Now Walturi has written an- j other -fine novel. It is not as OTTAWA DIARY By Normun fvA. A.ucLeoo WHKRE CRAFTSMASi Malenkov Weathers Power Struggle Inside Kremlin j time limit on the jxilltical con-i f rrence. Rhee told his people "there is no definite commitment that ! they will resume warfare." Hut he said the countries involved i "certainly recognized our rWd to ! pursue our objective by our own ; means and. in Mich a case, we ! firmly believe we will have th ' ' more effective aid from the Unit- COUNT'J . . . COUNT C Quite early In the recent Hilih Prinlinnl be prevailed upon to' traffic patently in the minor insincerities which your average demagogue numbers amongst the good a book as "The Egyp- election campaign It became lian" by a long shot, but it is e vident that t'rime Miuist-. r better than most of las others Louis St. I.aurent disdained the mriUM I lliiiiojju WAfiUINGTON I AP) Prime Minister Malenkov has success- eil Nations Allies." COMPANY more oily arts of the professional politician, lie could never items of his regular stovk in fully weathered a grim power U S. State Secretary Dulles, en .struggle Inside the Kremlin and route hnm:1 after negotlatinR a trade. At first Mr. St. I-aurent's ad wors and campaign manager itmimwi wnnv w, ., . - now stands virtually unenni- leni"f,l a.-: Russia's rtil?r. told newspaper men in Honolulu 'Hit i: the caiefullv-consider- inursday I hat he had "categoric COOK! of recent years. it is 1'HK DARK ANGEL, published, by Thomas Allen at $4.00. It deals with the conquest of Constantinople by tho Turks some tive centuries ag.j. But the background of the f.ul of the city IS symbolic of much of the background in the pu'-.i politics of today. Waltari is a mystic with a j strong belief in re-incarnation. Crisis Developing Between Coal Producers in U.S. were tr.ler.tnlly cynical of his c(i vi,.w ()f senior U S foreign assurance" from Rhee that South .-.ttit.ide. Tliey thought tliat affairs esnerls who have been Korea would not upset the ar- he escliewecl the back-slapplii"?, wntchinft developments within mbtlce. ...... .... , the Sovi.-t Union since Premier Dulles airi Hint as far as con- 1 loin vj jn. iL.iiuuuj ;uui .Staiip's deatli. tinufd pc-are in Korea Is con- Active suiiport by powerful Red ceiwd "we have a formal signed An Unpreientious Man it i.; impossible to dtlennino just AMIIOUCiH j-ov much the Piime Mirister'.- personal in-;- rci- affected volimr in the federal election, tliere c:ii be no doubt that this exceptional man is one of t'-i important, reasons why the Liberals conuiiiie to have fcuch decisive control at Ottawa. ; He has three qualifications in particular which explain to some degree his remarkable success as a Canadian lender. The first is that lie is a member of tly Trench race who can speak with equal fluency in the country's two principal languages. Those vj.o listened to the radio Monday just after the pads closed here and heard that a government was ;l,-adv elected had a first-hand example of the ,:).-,. of the French vot? in Quebec. ; Tliere is nothing sinh-ter or unfair about thi-. The individual voter there carries no more or les v. eight than anyone else. But it stands to reason the French-speaking inhabitants of that province ne apt to favor a leader who can talk their lanp-uage in every son. e of the phrase. Second on the Prime Minister's list of qualifi-cr.ticns is that he is a lawyer with a brilliant trained mind. The politician with legal training has an immediate advantage in that he is doing on t.o floor of the House almost precisely what he would do in a courtroom. He is trying; to deliver a convincing; cae. Mr. St. Laurent's personal effectiveness as a ky,vyer is reflected in his present performance. Third among; his qualifications and perhaps the most important of all is that he -is an unpretentious man who seems as well suited- to be father and grandfather as to be Prime Minister. In contrast, his chief opponent, George Drew, does not hrve this quality. Although a leader of pronounced ability and accomplishment, Mr. Drew simply does net have bis rival's gift of getting down to a comfortable, approachable level. Although other reasons for Mr. St. Laurent's success undoubtedly can be found, these are sufficient in our opinion to mark him as one of the great Canadian Prime Ministers of all time. ticijii type .'.imply because he had perfected one that was belter They looked admiringly B DON' Will I f Hi: AD Army leaders, they said, probably was a (tecniiiig factor in main- Thus he makes his hero of, , "The Dark Angel" a man witn ! ' a conviction that he has known WASHINGTON I AP' A crisis upon the homely "Uncle Louie" ta)nilK Maleukov's power despite Prime buildine un in the United personality which the States coal fields today even Minister had sold to the public his iove-at-first-sight beloved in some previous life. Se'e the new! while the huge bituminous coal as the most inspired political industry is on the dnorsten of a Himinick of the times. There is a strong sen: wiuepieao uncei luiniy uiu-i uir sudd i pi"!?e nt depot y-piemier luvrenty Beria. f MV I'l.UHJK LOYALTY It would lie no surprise to Baggage Man For Royal Tours . On Job 50 Years- MONTREAL f S. A. ifliodeau. doom through the whole book. ' unill.-.0 t mine in due course, however. Mr The 'cullatk of war swollen - I-aurcnfs staff learned thai market's, increased niechanlza- lllpre was nothing artificial these American experts if in the tirm nf mines .mri comiwtitinr, alw.ut the Prime Minister's eler coming weeks Malenkov s most prominently mentioned rival. with oil ajid gas have shaken an llu persoiialHy. lie really industry sprawled across 31 meant it. He showed it r-spt slates with its hearts hi Pennsyl- ially in some of the things h- vania. West Virgula and Ken- lefused to do. Hickv. But one segment ha.-. been hit hardest. For example, there was the K.ireign Miiiister MoioU.v and his n sponsioie ior iiiumimi; hikbuit d.'fence minister, Marshal Nlco- on two roval tours, has com-lai Kulanin publicly avow their I1 't'd 50 years' service with loyalty to Malenkov. Canadian National Railways. A closing of ranks within the i Mr. llilodeau, now and al-Soviet hi"h command, in their , most three years away from rc- j You feel the certainty of the fall of the city long before it nn: 'ally happens. But you feel it above all because of the deadly division inside the ranks of the ! icf coders. ! Constantinople of course was the capital of last Greece. For a long time i.unie and Constantinople had been fierce clivals for supremacy. In the end Rome won out and Constantinople lost out. But the story deals with the psychological aftermath of that outcome. ' Th l.mHlku i-rUk i rtovloiv 'J"o....oy r.iiown ii-w.ij.. cohimnist ho w.inted to travl view, does not luleout potential fii.nient, ioincd the CN In 1WJ? in the St. Laurent campaign unrest within Russia and the. He n:t:; risen from call boy to train on its ran from Toronto .-.utellite world later. Hut it does district baggage and mail ag.ent, to Cornwall. Everyone knows, of plainly 'Indicate that Malenkov with peadiiua iters In Montreal. ing among the high-cost producer:, and the .smaller Indepejents j who sell on Ihe open market They are bing squeezed in th , fight for markets which have 'AMtinw' INIItl iniii llll inn course that A politician who is !(AV i-; dcrinit.-ly top man at the! Described n a man who niov.s , in the midst of an election Kr; mllii ami direeior of tm ; niounlatns of baggage in Que- j treats any newspaper column- Communist network stretching bee and New rUigiuud. Mr, Udo-1 The proud Greek aristocrats -hnmk to a little more than 4U0,-were so bitterly resentful at O00 0(iu tons cumpavd to the having to bow to Rome thai ' record 194V production of 6110.-they secretly welcomed the 6uC luO tons. Turkish conquest, anu indeed ,he first lime ln history, 1st he meets with the neigntli ihroiighout the world. : tu-v was rhoten to handle the of affabililv esp.-clally If tlu The conclusion that Malenkov -royal baggave during the l!i3!) columnist haipens to have a h i.: woo his battle, at least tern- (our of the late King George VI readership numbering well norarlly, stems partly from the s niid Queen Kllzab.-th, and the AUTOMATIC OVEN Oome o! inem ariuaiiy aciea as klllg coa, Kas l)eeii deis-ad a PUSH-BUTTON (Of into the tens of tliousamls. tone and rontent of his recent i;r,0 tour of the Ihen Princess iV.i 111111 COlUltlll ;,. ' "..' ' . That's one of the AI!C rules of -, wli to Ihe H.iviet parliament. F lizabeth and the Duke of Kdln . SPACIOUS MASIK1 the successful ixilitleian, wliidi n,. guided Communist party )ur"tl. Jn our own times we have the United States. Oil has moved ( seen nations go down, as France into the lead. last vear accord-went down in 1S40, as a part ing to U.S. bureau of mines statr STREAMLINER Di cliief, and talked like a man completely confident of his po. i- -everyone u nde I ': t a nd s . Everyone, that is. but Mr. S' consequence of the idea "Bet- htus. coal supplied 34 per c.nt ter Hitler Than Blum '.ament. Whrm he found that Hon. But if of energy needs it supplied hls P"lillr rflatlons staff were Gc coige Kennan, former Ameri , Waltari Is an accurate portrayer rtrayer 85 85 per per centi centi while while petroleuin petroleu.n Dorini the tour, he eiin riled the royal baggage with his hie. sh-epiiig in special quartfia in the bsogagp ear lltroiighout Hie cross-Canada trip. There were 130 pieces of hnm-gnge stored In one half of th cai. oi.d clothes were moved to $355 ambassador to Moscow, oreiiaiing in welcome in.: col- can can Jjcripfure faJMsge for Jotlaij of the fall of Constantinople supplied ,,j oa 39.4 a per . rent, ..! natural . ,i , us top men were saying ln 1452 i '-2 "'iinist lo the campai-n train as meanwldle r.redlcied in a snrvh a 5 ner cent and water 1 per cent c matter of course, issued n tkal. ' revolution eventually would "None . . . that trust In him shall be desolate.' Psalm 34:22. - wiiul vicnv-minoen hrpnen. n.-.n'cr jovei 4 I ill the Soviet orbit. On Display H men said five centuries later. MANY I'NKMPI.OVLI) .peremptory veio i... cmiui.i " ; The earlier version was- 4i,-i n..n.i nf nitnir train, he said, was .strictly h.t He vo.O a university seminar 111,' car of the Kim;, and Queen "Better the Turkish turban 1 are Jobless or working only two .personal business. He had char- here Rii.viu'r structure is "faced 1 they were needed. than the P:innl Mitve " ... . lered it personally and was pay loday vvilh r 'vi i ' strains and, "Wo always knew what the RUPERT W REFLECTS and REMINISCES Ray hS " cut of Ids peisona! All through the book vou regions have reached or are hue the feeling that Waltari is approaching a depression state. ; docket- Ihe newspaper party 'using the jealousy between There Ls hitter and increased ; ab"a.rd It were his personal rri',1 " and said: "it will eventu- i King and Queen were going to wear the next day." he recall-d. ally earn I'm retribution it fio ; , , , , ; Mr. Bllodeau's job now is to deserves. . rlrhly ; supervise the handling of bag- trinnan cautioned against any ;f?a,,e anrl mnn (m,r 3.010 miles American, government Interfer- of line In Quelle and to Rouses , ... , , m ,.,,,1 r-.f ,., , ,,,m.ll fi..m luirrl-liit mo- KuesLS. null lie was lioi pie- tti.-if Iiilm I Iwis faIru 1,1 on o'oT aiioiiir.i. mi" in i n.i no ho marto i.ientv of mom for more. Canada, a more the old days to warn of the ducerf the oorre:.)onden.t who hid ap 313 Third knM ence 111 Hovlel affairs at this i roini. n.x., aim roiuumi, rniv. mi--1'iief Only then they had to rpaclous land than the U.S.A., I iealousv between Britain and "pricing coal out of the market'' be assisted in getting rid of what har- around thirteen or fourteen the U.S.A. today with Britons by his successful demands for wa called wild oats. That's million, with all sorts of surplus now playing the role that the higher wages and benefits for plied. - It would be unfortunate it that correspondent should appear on the train, because h'- Phone 644 tin',,', lest It unify the Communist: l? r,p'llr'ls hiS W"rl( 08 hlR hobby. ,niKb better than "juvenile de- space everywhere. Meanwhile, .Greens played in earlier times; umten Mine woi iters rueinoeis. don chiets deny ti,'ei would give ail ejection order to, world and prevent the revolt he lino -in v " ' hninc rent, and room rent con-! and with the less cultured but tinue tc climb. more powerful Americans now troubles can be traced lo wage inr t-iinuiicLui. . loresees. Mr. fit. Laurent made it. plain, Kennan, author of the Truman f'fr.n'C. T RIGHT TIMF representing me more poweriul mi leases, int-j iiimsi i iuu tuiu- panles individually will live on"1"1 ,le UKI," IIKe l,M " i mlininl .tiatlon's "policy of con- Tiear Panama hats or no hats, ; Ar. a rule, women do not give ; -tomans ot earner centuries. i onut lib in i, aim tnai. .. .... . j ... rrw 1.. ni.,n.,n . , ii-i t .... ili. no tnelr own nbl v In in- tainimnt" toward Russia, thus :l-u: w'mflAr Tc, V iST 1 1. -V". . .7-,,. um..,u-v -ml .h.., l- he didn't IncluhV amongst hi Reddy says, "You'll siny oil , through '52 If you by tr. oe more rrequeniiy worn in ",raar mem. una wu iraiiie away oacK m trie - - ... uimm he t guests nnvn anyone to whom he i ti-x.K l -sue wl'h tin- Ei-.enhowt'-r Prince Rupert lust now, although ; i last days of Constantinople's promicuon .. MlUi nr l,oli, Ua oollol lll'T li 1 P P HH ! olnrv Oi l Iharu "Vonlpao fRKFKR I.OWI-.B PAY I'vely begrudged his hospitality. administration's policy of aid to i-iome union leaoeis say me ; ; l-o. - ..ui'-iio.i-:, oy rv.-ry peace- niiiiii tt'o which is1 t t l-cAi, eHiim. i-,f rv, Clo Home" sifiis todav Yet. the' ine puuiic. reiaiions V .'. . sum ' i ' '"'"': I,, 'o bene.. But should you fear ff-.-l-; Mid-Ocean N.-ws of Hamilton. ; latins were there to keep out teady trend toward mechanic-,l . . ,':., help them throw; lug sticky and Itchy before win- Bermuda. Is dead. He had spent j the Turks. , tion will force out the rush-cost - telegram " of " refusal cfl the Communist yoke. m,i ii-ioffiniont i i nrvrc Timo nose a ELECT! in tei Just remember that Canberra . about hall his lifetime employed j As a patriotic Finn, Waltari . ' say frankly th?y would prefer a ! worded as diplomatically as , " "" ' " i ... ir Australia is to have a record orl paper? in Winnipeg and Mon- j may not. be able to write as dl-f mashing wool crop. itreal two of Canada's oldest i rectly about Russia as he might, smaller industry with high wage; possioie, ki ine coi i esponueiit. , U.F.O.t. MEETING cities. One would think, after If his own homeland were I, ' ' , n.ucriuinp.; hi there were no RANGE The latest statement on the making the sort of change Mr. thousands of miles removed ' ' heprlsals.' j The Corres)ondent r nrtlire, nf ,mm. from the border of the Soviet. ! d,A sensed the lack of wel- But ln this novel one gets the Ura't of a hrlfht future p.nen by'CCITIP- Aml there Is reason to Impression that he is saying .C0'a'S own economists. : believe that the sincerity of to the west "Watch Out'' orl 'jije.-.e forecasts are based on ' personality behind it coming the fall of Constantinople will iu. vnpctntinn thnt it n nonn. 1 from a i)ollllciaii in the midst Thursday 13th Aagusr population of the United States Russ?tl .did he would stick; 'i while. Imagine the : 7""; .Limn, i ii nil i in ? r"w?f'--- ,.- , i cortrasta in climate. iy -it . . ' - -' This column last week told j (.-.' : about Fred Hardy joining the . ! be a small scale model of Ihpv,,.., ,oi h,,. , .i. .... ' of a carnnalcn struck a re- OTP steamer Prince George when ; tall of ! western Kurope. ' 154 lb4.0( On0 U I 000 uo to to l'lO .lU 000 UUu 000 otH) bv oy m svs freshing note. . I the first war broke out in 1914. ! f nui iiuil iiioiisi.i iui prutniciuini will double bv 1975 to meet the demands of this population. 1 Mucli of coal's future. Is ex-1 The vess?l had been converted i into a hospital ship. This was j Flea CirCUS correct, except with one grave ; exception. It was Bill Ranee, his ; KITCHENER, Ont. If A po-buslness partner who joined the liceman's lot is not a hajipy one, Prinf-fl riAorae The? little prrnn : savs a Kitchener constHble Visit. pectcd to lie ln supplying fuel ta j fire the steel plants and electric 4 It'i such drliylit lo cook with an clrrlrir' rangrl Juit about runt llw-lf. All vou Ho i will occur despite everything. ', Ing a home to check for stolen ! lllHty f.t.'am plants. It Is esti-arid so, with all made clear, we'll goods, he picked up so many fleas ! JrZ, 2 . ?n. W,,t rl: ' pasf on to the next order of ! he needed a change of clothes, 1 '?5 f tn'1 Prn" business i a shower and a de-lousing treat- in 1951 10 150,000 008 tons ! m?lit to get rid of them. j In 1975. 1-1' ict the clock and preaft a billion . . Rmilt lelt cr cook I ii i, nntra uiilritiuni food . . . and lota mora Iriaura for yourwlf. tias ann liquid inei can be '5 made from coal. The processes It now appears that periodic "health tests" are recommended for automobiles. But it will not j Almo-.t all male seasonal work- i are not yet economically rom- crt In II,. r.Tl,l...l ntA . . I II 1 , rllv ril' when you bank by mail! Ask for our descriptive folder on how to Save time and trouble by banking by mail An clortrlc raiift glvra eiit brat, '' ' o'aie.s are oe- ipeiirive. riowever, coai ni.'n nave 1 the iMxlMtriiim who will rL rfr-k k hTromlii nJn dwn i tween 14 and 25 years old. while j estimated that 120.000.000 tons DC-coming run uuwn. i half of th mnm iu. ok i ,i., 1,0 ..,.. i.. ..aiHt all ot it going Into ilia imw . i l u- L...,i.- l hi furl a'1'1 ,,H in naic wTrrii &j - iiia.r ,ii; nf w unrur iu a, KJfll . i:..nlt or over. ami ' thetlc liquid fnels Industry. valu. Yon ran rt It aiict frrt It KEEP AN EYE OPEN rrt'" i I .. . . - J . . u . a. .w n If rt M1 plensurr fritm ntukhiR . . i ireH,eT P With what yon rook. JfllC- Ilrop In wort t kH.k om ti A scheme for reducing the nower of Niagara Falls after dark Is being studied. The power, or regulation of the falling water as we all realize, must be tremendous, ln 'act. we leel sympathy for the poor engineer, lying awake trying to remember whether he tusned off the Falls before he went off duty. for e-Hv ffwit(n flln (Bidl (ill riiMi hiiihi LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 ' NAOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide end World-wide Shipments. 'MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Lid. Phone 60 or 68 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. LIONEL BERTRAM), Liberal candidate ln the Quebec constituency of Terrebonne, smiles hapily after receiving word ot his election by accla-matlo nto the House of Commons. Mr. Bertrand's only oponent, a Progressive Conservative .withdrew from the federal contest, thus making Mr, Bertrahd the first candidate elected in last Monday's federal . election. Your BNS Manager is a good man to know. In Terrace he is R. C Sandover-Sly. '.' Archimedes is said to have burned the Roman fleet as Syracuse by reflecting the sun'a rays from several large mirrors.