rrit'ice Rupert Doiiy Ne Friday, January 23, 1953 mm V Z v. 1 . ; Ages Range From 25 to 29 Years ! OTTAWA y Convictions in-1 much the same." No figures wen ;dicale that Canada's narcotic! given. addicts mainly range in age Jromj v A total of 378 convictions were . it. PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AO-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS 25 to 29 CARS FOR SALE j:,ifivl Kates j They are located largely in ; British Columbia. Ontario, Que- bee, Manitoba. Alberta and fios- t -"" - . J - . , - 4 .. -.--- - V" a ' ' ' ' ' I . - -...,. 4 Huh)ect to Change) obtained under the Opium and Narcotic Drug Act during the year ended fe pt, 30. 1952. There were 205 convictions in Bri'.i.-h Columbia; 80 in On'ario; 58 in Quebec; 17 in Manitoba; 13 in Alberta and three in ir' 4 ,u p m. uay pre- ,'; n'.n.n. n: . per word per CFPR RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycle S FOR SALE 1939 Chevrolet Mailer deluxe. A-l condition throughout. Forced to wit Evenings. Apt. 2, 618 6th Ave Wrt- I9p FOR SALE 1M9 Bulck 4-dirfr, motor completely overhauled. Price SfloO cash. Apply 723 Bacon St. after 5. 21pi J'-'-'SJ'SSJ'fSSSJ'fS.'SfS , katchewan. I Statistic covering convictions were contained in the f'.deral ' ; health department's annual re-: iport, ta.bleri in the Commons by j i Health Minister Martin. I The report, coveri.ig the fiscal I iyear ended March 31. 1952. said i I the health of Canadians Is con- jtinuing to improve and experi- j isnce shows Canada's health j fltlOAY - ( Only four of tha convicted were under 20. rnr-st (if the oiher being between 25 and 29. Sentences ranced from six months to scv-q years. Tiiree nurses were among those .,, charge au .'.. . . t, ,V rent,; Card j .., v. l-ll. Notice. ,,.,! ' ,m--, Mr.lge and AiiiJuni.etnciiU, . .. . ; icit price. H WtM ..Ml M S convtctcd. o - im rommmury l - RnohUla 4 sw Mum i,v .rie Wild 1 Th BUrllim Pl lit Kt Work Jl MliflK-ul Vnrllle hnniff fluiM'tle bho 7 (Kl I Hi Nrw ' IM HC Ni-w Roundup 1 '4D Knd (;r,o rt mi M.i.i. 1 k-nwrnrn a k iti' p KenWalscns FOR SALE 1951 Chev hard-tap convertible, radio, air conditioning, teat cover, visor, enow lire Terms available. May be een at Fri.'zeli's Mo-tor. (24pi FOR 8ALF. IBM custom built Ford M'dun. All accessories 'standards can be brought up toi The report aid heroin on the i'hoe of any country. On con-i illicit market "was apparently trol it said "Canada's addict pop- j readily available-" during the year ! ulaticn during the year remained at several urban points. ,.'in, li Red Cross Seeks Eight Persons The Canadian Red Cross Society hat been asked to find a number of person for relatives Jan 31 Phone Blink 613. (Duiriflini5t: I 21 I I t wi Armillf l h(im & Profession J 1 niis ::.in Plymouth ajm i-.m a W A V.ili uline A ': !i l-U y V.ileiitliip t I ,.n ..imi,y V.ii Mine .ii.: . Feb 14, Mi i. i. ii!. :)'.:; 5th Ave . JOHN H. BULGER -4 hMkfrii i:holce 10 4 .M MM ft l.li.n 111 :t0 (,r C l'w.lrs 1 l (n . Wi-ttilir Hlxirt 11M Mumc till MiitnlKht. li OO -hli-.H Oil AhU'tt. HATUItUAT A M 1 UO- Mimifnl f 'l.irlt V :0 - He Ni-wh; wiiln r Report ( :H-Mulnil CIk.Ii a o cue N'-wii a io Horn mil finod t lfr . Hits atul KMieit S W Mormiui UcvkIUmm or ft it-IMS. Some of tho-e ..ht vorked In B.C. at one time. They include: Henry Arney, who came to Canada from England about 1904. May have lived in B.C. Enquirer, niece, Mrs. Ethel Ore-gory. Karoe Hallas, born in Montreal. Seaman. Arrived In Vancouver from New Zealand in April. 1952. Enquirer, mother. in good condition. Radio and heater. Phone Red 806. 1 21 pi FOR BALK-51 Hudson tcdun Thit car Is In A-l shape and In guaranteed. Cash or term Black ti White Taxi Co ilB IIH.F rtANTM MALE WANTED-Experienced tawmlll worker Group Mills, Oona River. BC. I2rp ii mi lit DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicating Circular Letters - Monthly Bulletins any kind of Business forms. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 40 le.s than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert. B.C. Give us your mailing list We do the ret. Tea h ia loinclnS' A jinns Sale THE CORPORATION of the VII-. H-UtUf li.,mi I lage of Terrace require! the ' itervirj- rif a vllluu 1-W Fek T.A V.'h! John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue mi HHC Ki-w. d Cumnx-nury l-e(ii hrnnn -to .bc Buimp C ltita &--' irf IK Well M Tlnu Klunal Applicant! should have pre- vlotia experience tn thlt field mi Sale April 2 All uppiicationa thoutd be la io aowurut cnun-b Krm, John Henry MacNaught, bornj 1903 In Ireland. Came to Canada In 1919. Lived In Vancouver. Enquirers. E. MacNaught andj James MacNaught. Mother in j Ireland ts ill. , Umetaro Magamt, bom 19121 In Kamloopt. Origin. Japanese. Lived in Victoria. Enquirer. Mrt.l Nobu Magaml. Kurt Mai. born in Frankfurt. j i;nry Card p-.irtiet own handwriting and male io 49 c m, Mrw Next . . . Thumbing o Ride No one fault is as glaring among young curlers today as a common tendency to "ride the broom" during delivery, to help maintain balance. In effect, they are thumbing a ride because they aio not sliding by tiding their own sen.se of ba!a ice. It Is tlmilar to using a side-car on a motorcycle to maintain easy riding. Well, what' wrong with that? . . . you may ask. Plenty! It it s result you want, take heed. If you merely want to look graceful on the ice, go ahead and don't bother reading the rest of this. Bui if you are ona of those sliders who ends his delivery with the tx-dy swinging to the, right after the rock is released, you are a "sucker" for an in-turn take-out Any smart skip playing tgainst you would In-turn you to death because with this delivery your body drifls off line and it is necessary to hook your rock beck on the proper line of delivery. Just as you release the handle. Out-turns will not bother you as much because you drift to the out-turn side or right side ot the ice. This type of delivery will get you Into real trouble on tricky ice where there, are "runt" or riches that require pin-point accuracy li. "getting the rboom." A few years ago, tha young high-school champions, representing Manitoba in the Canadian tchool championships that year, all had developed that type of delivery with one exception. Playing on very tricky Ice. they missed the broom consistently with In-turn shots. They were trimmed by teams with far lest experience, yet when the shouting was a'.l over, they were Innocently unaware of the real cause of it ail. Ciih'-diJil bazaar. John F L. Hughes, D.C. ; CHIROPRACTOR Hes. 10:30-J2:30; 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by apijointment only . 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 GREER aV BRIDDEN LTD. Builders and Contractors New Construction, Repairs. Foundations and Re-roofing 215-lst Ave. W. . Phone 909 P O. Box 721 lOtSWmlta-l Report II CO - MaturtlKjr Ltal ll'.w Wniinn Kepurt 1131- ui rlAl Mm lilt 1 1 4fr Peranum Aitnim I 14. latnv-Mid-Day Mrimtra Ii k pT.rrain H.'ima It 0 - R.i,rU Pitrulc I OO- MminlMl CluKS t oo- ik.iirt club age. experience, salary expccU ed and furnish recent references. All applications muit be in the hand of the Village Clerk by February loth. 1953 Arldrexa all applications to. Village Clerk, Terrace, B C. tl9c) WANTED A man to start hit own business. Almost no money required. Bewing machine experience helpful, but not emwnual. Reply to Hot 599. Iaily News. i27 Germany, in 1919. Came to Can-ida f om U.S.A. Enquirer, fath-1 rr. Richard Mai. j John Mansar Mitchell, born in 1887 in Oromocto, New Brunt-; wick; ton of William and. S(,,1MI ST NOTICF. 4i,(! Mi! H Korhonen '.. . :.i...uin e the enK.mc-! :: .( i ii!' it dauehter, M.: .i'i-t. to U.li-r N ,. -'I eldi t Mtn Of Mr. .!: S y.iremchuk of Myr-Al'.i I lie wedding will i" Friday. Jan 30, at 7 .S' I'.iiil Lutheran ilip' :! ii s ihimp tl.H H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black 899 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED V.'e Pour Cement For Less ' Phone Blue 939 Vulnrobr Mtttrs SUEBCRY, Ont. (CP)-Parking Eunice. Last address, Ocean Falls, BC. Worked on boats.! meters installed at the city market laM fall took a beating from HU.r W ANTI It I FM.M.K ( Enquirer, brother, Charles Robert Mitchell. William James Ramsay, bom 1908 in Webbwood. Ont. lived In Port Albernl. Enquirer, titter, TYPIST WANTED Typl.it re big trucks packed tlyht in the lane. A report to c.ty council showed only 14 of the original 24 remained In operation. quired immediately for either Today's Stocks c.inarU.in I.tquiJ, for oxygen, acety-1 ;: ' l'iHig Mippiies ' M".;.'.!- hL ijloniite! In lr I I LING THE TAILOR Tailoring - Alterations and Clothes Made-to-Measure 120 Sixth St. . Phone 64 PRECISION SAW FILING All T.ypes of Saws Sharpened 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 904 Mrs. Mabel Tolk-y. Mother is lit. John Thomson, came to Canada from Pennicuik. Midlothian, near Edinburgh. Scotland. Lived in Ocean Falls, BC. Enquirer, father in Scotland. (f-iif1y . I. ttin-iun f . I.lit) Kt.AU fSTATE temporary or steady position Must have at least three yeart typing experience after completion of training. Dictaphone experience desirable but not necessary. Only expert typist will be considered. Arrangements to live at hospital residence preferred but Ht'8 to Terruct. ,: i f tai'es ieave 'j 3i u m. dally :.. 4pm i 19pi SPECIAL Wartime (our with stairway to two rooms in attic. On 7th Ave near MpHrifie Prlr 00 RETIRED ACCOUNTANT with degrees will accept private clients' auditing, accounting, etc. assignments. Eox596, - Doily News VANCOUVER American Standard 07 '4 Bralorne 4 75 MONTREAL Ot-Among new dlh-washing machine on ex PRINCE RUPERT UPHOLSTERY Custom Tailored Fiimiture it is possible to commute daily Term, arrarig,.d. Exclusive list- VJ I) Cuyttt Apply to Dr. J. from the city i' ing. hibition Bt a restaurant suppliers' ( scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 6ti8 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, BC. Phone 317 P.O. Box 374 and FJrclnrat D Oalbralth Medical Super- i A ,.h,..1uam A rt-rt M i i .". .1 Ltd. REPAIRING - REMODELLING convention here was one tha', . . ti.ii i un.,,11..! tl IIIMI (Cmirs 1 V.h Ave We,'. '.K (2711 i REBUILDING : 21c)l Phone 342. Black 197 evenings washes 10.000 plates an hour i Ph. Blue U18 30 2nd Aue. W. hWV. K Ml W ! K H -j.- Fori-"" Ties n and' UlR IU.NT :vi rvin Phone (33p VC r v ." ' i ' S 1 v .. ,(;l Sfw-'. ti' , if ) . : t tvi ., tint Hi!- , . V i tK W . ... .v. A 1; if 4 1 .-. v j . f. v t , . r v s v.; t f ; . ii ' vi-- ' f J f ' v.tt. '..i .'4 ; -a V -i Kb' :': . . I- - v.- ' c t : v V t ' J . a"l' '. r ' J- v , . ' if v-4 4 0:s FTR RENT Sleeping 538 8th Ave. East. rm. (23pi NEWS ADS get RESULTS room. FOR RENT Sleeping 600 Thompson Street. ()8 I rR- n.'TT- H-:iable. home : 1 - Chimney sweep, i- r li-.iiiing. to - Phone' !. i22t house. I .03 1 25 06 15 .55 .08 1 91 .14 .08 210 1.00 .07 .02' 4 .014 .04 1 4 150 425 .W 100 .33 2 05 13 65 B R X Cariboo Quaru C'tngrc-ss Cronin Babine Giant Mascot ,.' Indian Mines Pioneer premier Border Privateer Reeves MacDonald Sheep Creek . Taku River Vananda Salmon Gold Spud Valley Silver Standard ..... Western Vrranium . Sll-Van ... Oils Anlo Canadian A P Con Calmou C & E FOR RENT Seven-room close in. Blue 400. 20) ddle't liov'I'ler 4. BABE PRATT QUITS ROYALS AS TEAM FAILS TO CLICK NEW WESTMINSTER f Waiter Babel Pratt has quit as coach of the Western Hockey League New Westminster Royals b.cause of the team's dismal showing this season, Tt't obvious the Royal aren't going anywhere." he ald. Ti slow death. Perhap it my fault. Thlt may be the answer I am going to tit tight for a few dayt. I have no plant at the moment." Ken MacKenzle, Royal co-owner, took over as coach when the ream left Monday for a three-game prairie trip. New Wesi minster now rest in seventh place in the eight-team league , FOR RINT Light housekeeping room, fully furnished Phone Green 828. 21p FOR RENT Two double bed-roms. separate beds. Green 155 "211 .S FDR electro in.i'le ;it 1'rmce Rii- C" . T hint Ave. W. xhi . service, plume (c) FREE FREE FREE A BEAUTIFUL 20x40 BEDROOM FUG FROM FACTOR T TO YOU Yes. we will Hive you, absoluteH iree. a (nft of a matching; bedroom rua with each purchase of our Luxurious Corduroy Chenille bedspread. This is the apread Thai has thousand of velvety tufv-ihlch completely covers tht spread Now on sal lor afi 9& each seat COD plus postage. In all ihades. m bolh single and doublt Ijed sires. Wuh either multicolored or solhe same color patterns on top. First quality. A truly remarkable buy. when you consider that you get a rug worth ;1 as a free Rift to match. Immediate money-back guarantee. TOWN COUNTRY MFG. lkm 14'.l6 Place DArnica Montresl. Queljee (H-pl T ! SINGER SEWING CENTRE rent "!" tv.dy u. e 09. (c Phone machines. rvutablo ic) 804. DINING PLEASURE WINff O TO RENT BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe .i. M o riitiery Co Um- iriimtnrs lr: Mliuna. i I".ln and Con-' t.iiuipments J nquir-it'l OriiiivHis Island. r l. u.c. (If) WANTED TO RENT House or; in Central Leduc 4 05 Home Oil 1175 M.-rcury 20 Royal Canadian 21 Royaliie 16. 5Q BLACKWOOD on .-llltn SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe apartment, 2. 3 or 4 rooms.: for biulnest couple and ton,: 11 If you can help, please; write to Box 600, Daily Newt I (20pij WANTED TO RENT House. 4. rooms or more by March 1 Adults Black 330. 21p) r nil vnrV. Phone t Lelntlrnean (tfl f. il G'li V, TORONTO j i ' Athona - - 15 1 Aumaque 18 j Beveourt 91 ; Buffalo Canadian .21 j Consol. Smelters 32 00 i Conwett 5 00 , '( Hi): Kl-i-t;i,-:,l Works. irh;. .. rewound and tt) - TAX1H And TRANSFERS I By EASLEY BLACKWOCaJ PRINCE RUPERT Ilplavnl Hid Stratciry Tays Off For Mr. Dale CI, CS Chop Suey - Chow MeFn 0en 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe Por Outside Orders Phone 133 Im.illy located articles f smi tio:,t Rtolen from 7'iS !f Winter's Here . . . It is Time to Think About SPRING REPAIRS If your house gutters need attention, if your boat needs new tanks, see us; we have the equipment and the experience to do anything in the SHEET METAL line. Start the New Year Right Change to BLACK ond WHI.E For a Clean, Dependable Taxi Service, Call 65. 'Rvriitunlly . . . Why not now Luxury Steamer ' ' 1 SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Pnrtt Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN Your failure to come" in over an adverse overcall doesn't mean you are barred from the bidding forever. In today's deal Mr. Dale could find no good bid after Mr. Abel overcallcd with two hearts. He didn't have adequate trump - " ii Will tive partv con-"J seven davs to return "re turning ver to law. t'('"-i;e Hiown. (21p) v '!)' Prime Rupert group Aoi.hi.itrs AnonvmoiM to-v v'.l(' P. Box 151 1. Rupert. 1201 support for his partner spades and he wa not strong enough to bid three clubs or two no South dealer North-Siiutn vulnerable Vm-IIi (Mr. Half) GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 816 and Red 121 I.H ACCOUNTANT. Income Donalda 63 Eldona .42 East Sullivan 6 50 Giant Yellowknife 10.50 : God's Lake 92 Hnrricana 12'4 Heva 07'j Duvex - .47 Joliet Quebec 36 i Little Long Lac 71 Lynx 11 McKenzie Red Lake 34 McLeod Cockshutt 2.55 Moneta 43 NVgus J20 Noranda 78 00 Louvicourt 200 Pickle Crow 142 Petrol Oil & Gas 62 Shcrrit Gordon 5.55 Steep Rock 8.70 Silver Miller 109 Sweet Grass Oils 72 Golden Manitou 335 Greece Creek 08'i Landover Oils - 33 Rlx Athabasca 2.00 Nesbitt Labine 2.93 WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service f For Reservations trumps. He might have taken a shot at doubling two heart but - oi-t s. n. Furk. ' Huiiding. Hed 593. (20m) KUTFRV SLRVICE that would .have been pretty risky. All In all. his best action was to pass and await develop Ihom Sheet Metal Write or Call CITY Oil DEPOT OFFICE PRINCF RUPERT, BC. CITY TRANSFER Long Distance Furniture Movers CRAT1NO and PACKINO FURNITURE STORAOE Household EffocU Moved to or from any point In B C. Phone 950 'J liT Iw'.iery Shop, 234 East ' Ave Phone Blue 128. Re-ir., re. h.ireir.g and rebull'l-j- wrk cuarnnted lr ments. If his partner could not find another bid then surely his Train Schedule STANDARD TIME For the East-Daily except Sunday 8 p m. Fruan the East-Daily except Monday 9:50 p.rs LIMITED tide had. no game. 8 Q S M 1 i D A a) Ci 1 (Mr. Abel) ( Mr. Keen) S 10 S 7 5 4 3 3 H A KIM H Q 10 t D S D 1 C 4 . C K 10 Smith (Mr. Meet) i 8 A Ull H 9 D K J 10 4 O A The bidding: South West North Est IS a H Pas Pasn S D Pass 4 a All Pan 253 First Ave. Phone Black 887 i 'vr .Nr fih'nii Looking at it the other way around. If Mr. Dale had put in 4'T At Totem Theatro Jan ma P-'lr of glasses. Finder a bid at thl point, Mr. Meek would have been Justified In expecting more. And he might Firtt Ave. and McBrtde (e) IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE "'mm to Dally ' News, ;wnrd (19p) have bid the hand overboard. WANTED ''"air Of IFlnswa tllnlnlfn When Mr. Meek bid thre dia By CHIC YOUNG Love Thy Neighbor, Bumsteod! BLONDIE -nd Ave. West. Finder please "'" 72. Reward ,20c) monds on the tecond round, Mr. Dale swung into action. He did CASH for tcrap brma. copper, batteries and radiator. Phone 1 1 C MDtiPE right; blCmD-e-I S IT DOES SO MUCH A A VOU ID I OT--J ( VOU TRUMPED ) not make the mistake or snow , 1 1- J rr S NOTHING (LIKE A N.Cc:, NEIGHBORLY r7.j4 V"i,T ( VOlJ'PE GONG ) iS.w.-x f TO EAT ALL. -s FIFTV-TWO ) FOR SALE M3. Call S30 6tn Avenue west. cit. tf and Mr. Meek did not like the look of Mr. Abel's 10 spot. With typical caution, he abandoned ln a mere preference for spadet ' SALE 50 000 RTU nil REAL ESTATE the trump suit and started lead (20pl ' i-none Blue 497. THn.iH Ing diamonds. Mrs. Keen ruffed the third diamond and returned rnnt --- -nn.irfi.i u from town centre. Three C.VvlE Or emiUot Phllpott, Evttt i Ltd. or of raising the diamonds io four. He know a lot more now than at the beginning'. He knew Mr. Meek'! spade suit was at least five long, that Mr. Moek's hand was well above a minimum and that his own ace and two queens were fitting cards. No reason to be subtle. Mr. Dale houses: one seven-room with bathroom, one three-rooms with hnthrooin. one two- "" ne month old. Black room. Electricity, water and nhone Installed. For further information write to Box 523 the queen of hearts. Mr. Meek refused to ruff. He Just discarded his losing club. Now, another heart lead could be ruffed on the board, preserving Mr. Meek own trump kngth. Mrs. Keen shifted to a club and the ace won. Mr. Meek then picked up the remaining trumps and spread the hand. (21p) !.o'.Kr 'eetrle washing Terrnee. B C. 1221 i . --..iii.at... - --i l-trllf -llcirig.MI.4H j '..-. ume 002 1 10) r,i-.fiiM.ii -rt . . I! RATI? put Uie hand In game at spades. Mr. Abel opened the klug o! hearts and continued with the ace. which Mr. Meek trumped. A small trump was led to the queen -rirenl... I j - . . i VV3( intei- ... ' . '". uilIu "no FOR SALE Six-room fully furnished house with three-room basement suite. - Hot water heating. Prion Red 129. (21) I v;t-Mti4. - , ', , J ba. ,.;&r?zx i..: ..J l-i? ie:.i v'.'ft 7118 I', , V b'ke, bed-' Alfred 81. (2l)