"" v.. ' m . 3! ' I prine Rupert Uaiiy News Thursday, April , 1953 of Jent C-anuaMers I leedeJ Prop Wash... ejLeavei -5 Cancer Z)rc 'rive Put ymond Manton Recalled Instructor Vic McOulre re- i overnight on Its way south, ports a fairly busy week's flyini; 1 The Department of Transport with Vic Orant making his duel is expected up in the near fu- LONDON i Reuters The j Duchess of Kent has left for j cross-country and Art Walker ture to bold exams for studen April is Cancer month In Canada and In Prince Rupert $500 so far has been collected In the turner Society's campaign for fund with an objective of ,jce by Loncerr trowel h rich, clear and sparkling tenor voice j of the Celanese making his first qualifying for private pilots' II-! Athens to spend three weeKs ; with her mother, Princess Hel- ! student flip. Ralph Mathevfs censes. !!) Hi - also made a practice crass-country to Terrace. ,',,1 Manton of San Francisco last night sang,' ena of Greece ' She was accompanied by her j daughter. Princess Alexandra, j An ureent need in the ram. Plans are going ahead for the 'quarterly dinner-dance to be (held April 25 in the club quar- . , l.. e:n . i paiRn is for 20 morf canvassers. The Aero Club now has a ! thrtiiiuh 1 a " vaneiy-inieu i i j)rogram - to vvr the - - . ........ i It was annrmnrefl tvuinv v,ii phone Installed at the floats." I ters lor members and guests. Bill Haller, transient riier, 1 Four new members have sit;n 0V flew Into Rupert from Seattle i ed up for the Approved School In hi Taylorcraft for an over-in the past week, and with the nipht stop on his way to Alaska, completion of CF-DEU, both The American Wildlife Serv- ; planes should be kept busy with Christopher Columbus U be-' lieved to have reached Icelan-1 with the British :n 1477. or 15 years before he discovered Am-; erica. 1 attendance at the last Alaska Music unteeri .f a may contact the drive rt here ' I " chairman, Mrs William Roth- nHu'se Pl-te "Ph Oreen 82 recall- sympathy with the ,, pi i. rtro"m i vocalist. The local Cancer Hocuty gives Wl!"?, i. m.- twice! A reception for the artists ' w Pwns needing medical '" h r .iV'a short j '"'"l ,,v t"' Alaska Music Trail ! ,'xam"1ttt",n n1 attention. Rlpilrtto ! '"wy In the Civic Centre - . ,L , M ; 11 opera ' ... . ... u l.'ldlex lnunue wa. well littjndi.rf Pi- - t n.iif - - ...c urumman uoose was aio in - both student and solo pilots. , nan i"u at ,., ..... Peanut Butter (Dig Kersey's, 43-et. Tin This weeks Family Library Record ' EXCLUSIVE AT SUPER-VALU A Complete Stock of NORWEGIAN FANCY FOODS Some ore listed below: . ., j "7 i" ,n w vim- uuLliriit r IU1- , "!:""' lowing the concert. ,? 'Man-i WHmi Stone, president of T. f ' i (I ' l.ilf iit wa.l '. ' ,n t;,v,c Colli AunocihUoii. '. MW'irVetl He p"-";1' !"rt, VI ll lit hl " 1 i'I'V m l. ctiuns ' Uu,nked Auxiliary for 'mak-f ' ..ikI Air Cham'- , ln " AMT wrien "such a IniKe !,, m vi-r.il Instances ucres." j.". IV,.,(i malice th-1 Thin will be the first year :-.i it lui'li C with that this series will have held - ,..ir ! ItJI own financhtllv anri It l Hue Strawberries Barber Shop Favourites 45c Frozen, Pkt. j r hit-fly to the elforU of the I i ,,,r r.l.uw.-d nn, Auxiliary and to the loyal sup- With llLH " fc " auiiw'iu-r ui music lovers : v t huscn pro- The Auxiliary this season Sll.PsVis-oP 2 t,ns ilLiC , n Italian and j mm Oh Mo 1 M- You ToA.qhl ' tWondef Ho Old foiU ' Are at Home . She's Only a tfd n a Gid?i Cocj Doa tn ihe 0(d CH'ry Orchard WM Strolling Through . ' the Park One Ooy as l-Mginh M'li'C- ' sporiMilvil five tcpular conrerU ilat night was the last I and three special concerts, two of ;, '., i,v his ar-!nlin featured local band tal ; jjr Ji'ii'-i played In Green Beans 15c Herring Roe 29e Tuna Fish 25c Dressed C'ob 19c Goffelbiter 18c Lunchtild ' 70c Cod roe 48c trab Paste 12e Anchovie Paste 11c Xjogemester Sild 29c Xalassild 56c Fyrstesild 34c 3oatcheese, 1 .-lb. pkt 45c Sauda Cheese, '.-Ib. pkt. .. 36c fishcakes 54e Fish Balls 47c 6 different Sardines Zftf Displayed in our "Party Lines" Section yam Cut, Columbia, 15-oz. Tin ey Douglas ; Part nt. The other presented James : Mllligan. young Canadian bari-j tone. j Mr. Manton was Impressed I with the preview of Mins Jeanne ; Fa u re 'i art exhibit which fea-i lured four palntinus in the Civic , Centre lobby The two artists met at the reception after the concert. Miss Faure's exhibit takes place in the ladies' lounge April 16-1B. 6 Selections -1 Record Sliced Peaches H r Brentwood, 15-oz. Tin U A Keep your Family Library of records complete V Play ; j i j .S iR. r.'Tsi 8hlrl"V ' I li vi ....! liaiU'hter of , i!;s :-r T. C. ' a! a ;urt In a tele- I v txTau. she looks as Corn on the Cob eaders Qc i swim the Channel. I Oakleaf, 35-oz. Tin M.!rh 21 showed up! it rrhearal of "Haif i 39c NABOB PUNCHES 16-Ut A. 28c WAX PAPER IW-ft. Kefills Heavy Bottle Grapefruit 1 Juiced tropic pride, 20-oz. a Tins 70c lie TEA BAGS Nabob, DeLax. W'l APPLE JUICE Concentrated ..Tin a play about a r. m all Bppro-ii::;.r'.ifl kwim suit. ?a to Wtirk r J. i.n Warrlntfton ": f.-.ru-butt 35, !;; 2: and said lo ."V but you Juit ,;:r a channel swim- ..ed Miss Douglas :,.-.ty is lust as pretty Attention all Hk. Meeting lor tonlfiht cancelled. lilt Attention all llkf. Meetinc lor tonlcht rancelled. Uti Senior B Basketball Championships here April 10-11. 1861 Anyone Interested in playing baseball for Commercial Hotel team please phone 676. (93) Football Association meeting Tuesday. 8 pm, at Legion. Friendly game Sunday. J.J'i, CY O. versus S lection. "851 9 Attention all those Interested In football l mllino tor pUiyer list and team entrance Is April 11, Mall entry list to Box 68 (85i 12C PUFFED RICE Big Shot Pkt. 18c PEACH NECTAR Ideal fw belalin Tin MILK $7.W t ar.'i h the neces- BLACK PEPPER Nabob, Pure Tin 28c I Carnation or Pacific, CASE !n U) convince s .he ee-uid swim the the 4 i f 4 1 , -." v j s -Y f . ' m . ; t. - ' . n--t, mat i ' ; v 5.''. I .vr . i " '- ' j V- - . " . . ) I' -.- f 1 - w f- - -i - i i. ; v. f .. . - . -' . ! :.. ' f , H 1 - I.6 " . r i . .. - , . . r, . . ' V. " o- H. ..,t: .. 'r v.t : '- , 15c e: OLD DUTCH ' Tilt -. J5-lb bat GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 09C FASCO. .os. .. JtJ QUAKER FLOUMf M 24-lb. Sack JF U&tW Ji s t.ifjie-ti4lJ4. waist ; ii r. t know " seemed tV i,raT." the pro-rr.'-',! to in), but h Pr. Mis DotiKlas Is ii the Hoval Academy 'ir Art here V'X a rni( in another n-i-e she will enact us h.uiidi and will not 2 49c FRUIT COCKTAIL III NTS, IS-os tin 32c ROBIN HOOD OATS Sua Premium, J-lb. Box . Men's Five Pin Bowline, League banquet will be held In Valhalla Hall April 10 at 7:30 pm. Prices will be presented for the season's bowling. (Mj Attention. SON whist and dance. Friday, April 10. Whist g pm. Dance 10-J. Refr?h-, menu Good piles. Fun for everybody. Music by Mike Co-lussl and accompanment. 84i Attention, all ftsnermen and .shorrworker members. Tho UKAWU ballottlng referen SHERRIFFS PIE DEAL tits Awaif irmation FRESH MILK 1 PKT. SHERRIFF'S PIE CRUST MIX 1 PKT. SHERRIFF'S LEMON PIE FILLER ALL FOR Trip East Quart Carton dum, election of officers com-imences Friday, April 10. 7:30 Prince! P-m.. at a Joint meeting In Le Stilts from SPAGHETTI O Q?C ' t Libby's, 15-oz. t'ns"w i GREENGAGES IQC Choice, 15-os. Tin , -- j DILL PICKLES 42C I ' Evercrisp, 24-oi M. . , , , : l( NABOB PRUNES XAo f;, w " Etra Lare. 2-Lb. Carton SOYA SAUCE 'I China Uly Tin - - - F . ALL BRAN 7c Kellogg's Large SHELLED WALNUTS J Ap i-Lb. Cello U- l ttu - - 75c DOG FOOD 11c Sure Gain llv EXTRACTS 91C 1 Siie 2-oi -rfJL" ! gion Auditorium. You must nave nw.iitiiiii conflrma your memlMTkhtp book if avail pplicatuim to at-'ii.nl.i ov S-out 27c able or other means or Kifnn-fication. '841 t ,. . i . OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10. Stone BuUding Phone Blue 593 COTTAGE CHEESE OQC WHIPPING CREAM QOq Laree, 16-ot Carton (J i3-Pint Carton UO' LITTLE DIPPER OCp VISIT OUR Cake Mix ,ke NORWEGIAN SECTION FISH PUDDING C9C MINCEMEAT k ikifm f at oa Norwegian. 15-o.Tin OO QQf Stafford's Old Fashioned. Jar 3J FROSTIE DESSERT ' , ,!! '! July 18-26 '' I'-vi:! RulMlale of Prime R,ipi.rt Troop s IJ.iiclwin ot the Scc- '' ill Ix- among sev- "$ R ('. Scouts to at- n,m'-(lay animal event m norf Ulan 3 000 ' yar. ?hntT ls IW'ked with rjr.Kiin from lnter- ruil titions to joint eatinTinus. sighUee-""-Tt.unmcnt. Site of ,,r is Connaught Park u lapital city. Sfout a--tivitfs locally n ovi-rniRht hike by who journeyed to ll ''"-t f 24 -nour outdoor icqairrmenta for Jjure, Ronuts taking ne hiki! were David a;t Bruce Raold. First id '""my McLean and r;. Second Troop. 3T lc and 2c here, and 5c there. It doesn't sound much, but multiply it by the number of food items you buy in a year, and it comes to well over $100. Try the SUPER-VALU way and see for yourself. 1 1 BUTTER First Grade, Pound . Grade A Large EGGS In Cartons, Dozen 64c 63c Ii Security or Jubilee Bacon Yl -Lb. CeHo-wrapped Asparagus 1 No. 1 California, lb Green Cabbage No. 1 California, lb 25c W You're Cran 25c 9c . .. ""Wh an 'li t , 'T". ror Th grvatctl advanlurt story of our time, 33 ours lo Parit, by Charle A. Lindliernh starts in this week's Saturday Evening Post. Don't miss itl Get your copy todayl Nolley's Shoestring Potatoes Cheese Flavor, Tin iti-fr)!nt, tint 21c Pork & Beans 5Brimfull tins 4VC A CRISCO ogr ' 3-ib. Tin ' be suretoaef: Strawberry JAM Nabob, Pure, 4-lb. Rhubarb Field 2 lbs. 29c Lettuce Colif., Large Heodi 1 for 29c Spuds McBride, Sock $3.49 o ,95c Round Steaks Boneless, lb yC Round Steak Roast , Boneless, lb 7 VC Round Steak Ground, lb 79C Perk Dutt Roasts no. l. ib 59c Slab BaCOn Dominion End Piece, Ib 55C Centre Piece, Ib 59C: nn HO r 0 j5 uu Oranges Sunkist, 252's 3 doz. 99c At Jbtym. fink SPECIALS GOOD TILL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15th