I ' I t I I I i' i I , Thursday, April 9, 18b3 Crysteine Pill May Prevent A-Bomb Radiation Sickness Rupert Woman's Father Dies At Smithers mm lealth Plan to Give fc,.; 7,.-.' . From Tl.RK ACE Td -1 NEW YORKt $ I or . I I " M : - y keAid to Disabled $199.60 SMITHERS. Funeral services were held Thursday for James Davidson, retired railroader, who died here after a brief Hlnes3. He was 88 years old. Born In Scotland in 1864, he brought his family to Canada Ey ALTON L. IiLAKE.SLEE CHICAGO (API A big fat pill costing about $4 probably would save you from radiation sickness or'ueath ivuir an A-bomb, scientists said today. You'd Wave to take 1t Just before the bomb exploded The pill appears to be the best practical bet so far to guaid against radiation. l(y Tlie Cmiudian Prea II A WA. Tlie federal government is planning ...ni.iiii'fil expansion of its multi-million-dollar '' I ' .. ... .- - I 1 1 l.i I It was described by scientists ! presenting reports to the f'eder-' ation of American Societies for ! Experimental Biology. ! The pill would weight about two ounces, for a 150-pound ' person. It would be .-'mailer for sonifcone smaller; bii-g;r for a ' fat individual. It would be imade of cysteine, ; one of the amino acids or build-; inn block of proteins such as muscle fat and nerves. I Given to animals about two ! hours before they're exposed to I x-rays, cysteine saves most of i them. It apparently would do the same for humans. Dr. Harvey Patt, with the ; atomic energy commission, said: j"I would take it (cysteine) If an, atta-'fc v.'cre imminent. B'Jt I In 1907. He first homesteaded at Ferry Point, Alberta. In 1911 he came west with the Grand Reds :nese akVi Consult your Tmvel A?enti ur Canadian Pacific Airlines, Phone 795 ' Jt--- Kazak Philosopher Dr. Joad Very III' Your Travel Agnf A HOLLYWOOD Academy award was given to Norman McLaren's short feature "Neighbors." made by the National Film Board of Ottawa. The ucu:nc:.tsr; as produced by McLaren who Joined the board in lSil). ROKl'RT D. ARMSTRONG, 36, director of finance and administration for A. V. Roe Limited, Toronto, has accepted an appointment as Associate Comptroller' of the Canadian National Railways. He wiii join the company in Montreal, June 1. Trunk Pacific. i I Remaining with the railway. I , he was retired In 1935, making ' his home in Smithers for the , 'past several years with his son , and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Davidson. Besides his json, he leaves a daughter. Mrs.: I A. B. Crawford of Prince Ru- ! P"t- ; j Service was conducted , from : j the Smithers United Church by ; ,Rev. Canon C. A. Hinchliffo, j lector of St. James Anglican , Church, In the absence of Rev. R. H. Woollam. Pallbearers were W. A. Ivers. i semen c!,n.'.t JKNKIN3 ;K"NG K--U1' r -The ' (' ;ii,ui.t Is have ap- d ami won ' .. K.i horsemen of l the hist mator national neuiin program. Hon lth officiate said today tha features, to Im- outlined In the Common shortly by Health Minister Martin, likely will concentrate on aid for disabled pertons and expectant mothers. Initially, the expansion 1 expected to add another $5,300,000 g y-ar-and eventually a lot moreto SlOCOoo.Ooo spent during the last live ye".rs. The national health program, which provide federal KranlH to province to aid control of diseases, hospital construction and medical tralrilriK, was act up In 1948 by the former prime minister, Mackenzie King. Official recalled that Mr. Klnir had said the program would be reviewed at the end of five yeurs. The program celebrates Its fifth birthday next month and l-mlHtl!!-!! LONDON (API Dr. Cyril E M. Joad, Britain's philosopher, is j wouldn't want to take a daily dose over a long period, for then (the cysteine m:ht damage body organs." Cysteine casts about eight cents a gram, which Is l-26th of an ounce. About 50 gram or $1 worth would protect a per- ison weighing 150 pounds, he es- it:'.u,-ivi! n.st the , llcj I "It Ore Hauling -Makes Progress t.e:e Rained this lm-, 11 :i ra.l.o , ,,r!!ams of seven tunes ' "1 the northwest v,.'.mw? the Kazaks. The CompUie Irai-el Service CLEVELAND (AP) -Great jB. A. Sherlock. J. Chilton. H.l Lakes freighters, off to an early j W. Leach. C. R. Goodacre and start this spring because of the--'- R- Nicholson, mild weather, already have a : " j"very 111" at hla home here, It I was reported today. He Is 61. Joad. who heads the philosophy 'department of London University's Birkbeck College, has been in poor health for some time. The jiature of his Illness was not disclosed. He Is well known for his books on philosophy, his broadcasts as a leading member of the BI3C "brain trust" panel of experts and for his barbed criticisms on life In Keneral. Of American children, he once said in an essay: 'They are spoiled little brutes.- -juic ui men re-mum leader Mao I the federal government Is re- ; AS ; ti mated. J The important th.ing alxiut ; cysteine is that it is the first : chemical which protects against both x-rays and neutron?, both of which come from A-bombs. Other scientists said Belgian jdoctors are giving cancer pa-I tients cysteine before they get ! big doses of x-rays to kill their I cancers, to protect them from 1,000.000-ton Jump on their 1952 ore-hauling performance. i The Lake Superior Iron Ore ; Association, reporting this today, j said the lake fleet has moved 1.139,569 tons of the Reason's goal' of 100.000,000 tons of iron ore. . l"'rU'd 10 ,K' m satisfied with it believcd to w.:h the no-ithat 11 nu decided on this men. tradl-1 thrce-wsy expansion: Do YOU Want to a n.unlsm. by t ut land to C'oncintratc on medical aid rind rehabilitation of disabled r m A Every elevator in the two harbors at the lakehead arc dumping grain into 25 lake freighters, and another 45 carriers are awaiting their turns. radiation sickness. Cure or treatment of radiation sickness alter exposure is a more difficult matter, the scientists agreed. The name Nokomis fory the grain-growing centre in Saskatchewan was taken from Longfellow poem 'Hiawatha." Our Special Prices represc-nr y.' a terrific soving for the best in quality t , , grown-ups. In the same way a ('' lough, squat j crippled children have been v.; . " riding skill aided This may develop In the :.!.! ( their distant ! establishment of special hos-i !a .4ii Comrk!piuU for the disabled, but thk , a:.'are against m be a matter-for federal-...- (;(( land owners provincial planning. " Provide funds for nupolnt- !, :.,!:;. t land ow ners mrnt of pf0VllM.,tt, d,rwlorg and tt . tu:n of the cen-;ftth(tr untd fwrmnnH Ui con. ftf 4 centrate on pre-natal and (xst- ' 'natal cure for exix'i-tant moth-! I l.oldir.its In vast mi i . which nu n adjoins adjoins p- i ... This oroeiam would include i . :.d T.iiel leduCHtion of women in child ! v cis up OKainsi-canns; and construction of ape-I 1. I. Ci A UNFA l' Is the spry 82-year-old owner of a Quebec city book store which dates back Ui lf',44 Tlie atmosphere of Die store, with Its 40,000 books, is unchanged since it was founded by (Xtave Crem-nzie, father of French-Canadian poetry A landmark of the Latin Quarter, the store has supplied books to Quebec cardinals, members of the French Academy and International personalities.- -,io visit the did -iiy. BROWN SHOES BLACK SHOES RED SHOES GREY SHOES BLUE SHOES : GREEN SHOES " DRESS SHOES PLAY SHOES t i' A. r:,or of the rial clinics in areas where none! : o . ..p. a:t d under- are provided now e m iiodic blood- ' ; Conslructlor. of laborator-'lr-!i''.Viood''andil', 'heir' i im t ' ld ,ortnr ln Obtaining liU Concentration would be on building laboratories In communities where none now rxtit Ui' y hjve mally 'I. oni :;ieat cuun- .,w.K bio.ul.-a.t dc- PHONE Wedge and High Heel SANDALS Now, from $3.95 to $10.95 if Return Relatives PROMPT SERVICE HEATED CARS STAND: HI M.f.UsON IIMH K, SIXTH STKI.KT 53 WZ : . PUMPS and TIES : from $4.95 to $9.95 nu- ti,,. f.-derut ' !' ' '-d to per-' !" ii " I I' l.ilives of i'.iii.id.ji.,i from whom ' 'r.iMte,i by war (i Wo, ;. War nep.ir-5 J. ii- ,: i s. Canadian ; v. i.w a brief I"' !MmI to t'Uizen-' ''-t I'aiTis to allow J '!' of close rela- ; -i h" J.ipnilesP ' k lire nt the Elks' WELCOME KAMLOOPS DACE FRIDAY, APRIL 10th iS-5feK1 for Lovely table settings Vogue Shoes Limited V, M i, I.- frntn f hrfv tlinin.-w; nf soft CVIltllose ui ( 'it ietis' Asso- it :i;,( tl.-v dnnc anil fnKI likf tini linpn. 'iits alMiul 20.- ... "'v 0T , Box 633 Green 595 506 3rd W. Admission $5.00 ' Everything Free! ' of Japanese nn- ;';t,u"1 ''oi)iles where l' -tn children were t., anuinpany nu,lr ' J. ; in alter (heir '! the war. Some '"r:i .Lipanese were ''1 in!" the Japnnee ; '' a:'' prohibited re-''-' t'ai,.ui;i. JTr R J: i '. T .a r i i c j a . :' V 2 r t 1,1 i4- i.,v I -V I imoolh t "V mil IF :A V-1 -I .) ' -to -,.V r-tXr. mi u s 7 J AW RUM Hound, ,, mend- 1 sUold be as it '' i in ' UubllKlKvl 1)1 the l.i,, '"rr "': ''"tibia, ""vrrimurnt of