Prince Rupert Daily News Impatience Saturday, March 8, 1052 witn trance lw ?fcOJS 53 r , . . r irsJ An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince , Riipm and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Dress Audit Bureau of Circulations By ALAN fiAlt VEY Canadian Press Staff Writer DlRPi Saturday Sermon Canadian Dallv NewsDarjer Association. : LONDON (CP) The French 11 lid ...... 1 rk, )?.. 'A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. D. PERRY, Managing Director crisis Ls regarded here as Uv SUBSCRIPTION RATES- most serious Britain's Gallic ( neighbor has encountered In' carrier, per week, 25c; per month, $1.00; per year, rm Inollier bltualu tun $10; by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. 0S" For the first time, a touch of ii. .1.. Hi 4. il-f; irj- It. h . it OUiui.... .. i Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Entered as second class mail by Post Office Department, Ottawa (By SENIOR CAPT. GEORGE OSTRVK, Salvation Armyi "Give instruction to a wise man and h will be the wiser: teach a just man and he will Increase In learning." "The fear of the Lord Is the beginning of wisdom." Prov. 9:10-11. "TUic line Konn PHi imtirvrt Np&c Ao nra (nvAAl Sttl'v ... 5tl Ave i M""st": fc 1. 1 impatience can be detected in British reaction to French per- I versity. Instead of the half-amused sighs of resignation ! which usually greet another i "waltz of portfolios," editorial comment is to the effect that ' there wouldn't be a crisis at all if only Frenchmen would pa ; their taxes. ! British politicians, too, are aware of the dangers of a.breaK-down of parliamentary government in France and this may MACKENZIE KING HOME The boyhood home of the late !. ....... .. , j r , VJVJ,tu William Lyon Mackenzie King, former Prime Minister of Canada, Canada With O high academic Standard. Education has ben rebuilt using the original grey brick of the building is available to all and every effort is being made to in Kitchener, Ont. Mr. King's father, John, secured the home istomp Out illiteracy. This is an envious record. But when the future statesman was eight. The house was taken over 'fhen is Education only for the Mind? by the Mackenzie King Woodside Trust and will become an , critic once ieveiled this ac- , -' - historic site. Books and furniture and other mementos of the 'cusation " against us: "You're! SEALING 4 GROUNDS early days of Mackenzie King will be on display In the house, j producing nothing but a bunch of i , . . . About 80 per cent of the fur i CP PHOTO i educated pagans." Let us think! . . about very seriously. We ; s8 ln tne orl(J are f"rd at ' IN I in'., l .The Answer-Prince Rupert the shipping season has scarcely ALTHOUGH opened, coastal vessels are already having difficulty in keeping up with the freight traffic out Vf Vancouver for the huge Alcan projects at Kemano Vnd Kitimat. The cargo is beginning to pile up in he Vancouver sheds at a rate faster than the avail-Able ships can take it out. More ships are being looked for and those already in service are being jpeeded up. Moreover, the traffic will increase ,veatly in the very near future as Alcan intensifies Juut enlarges the B.C. project. Mavbe the freight shipping companies, if they CO tical politician like- Senator "aC "V"; " . , I 1 Taft could believe such nonsense our ment,?' or dMc achieve- pacific. We lnese 0,1 vve ents- see i a.' set forth above. nanri i As I See It explain the somewhat - belat?d ; signs of sympathy for a British i contribution to the European de-j fence community which have1 been noted here latterly. As portrayed here, the problem Is that of a country with everything it needs, Including; 'abundant resources and a hardworking artisan class, corrupted ; by an almost mediaeval fiscal Every great warmaking power Wnat about Moral Edllcation? First Presbyterian Church oi uus cemuiy nas siguvo irrsii- Th(s seems tQ be sadly lacklng. 'HI AlT it , I'astiic. H,, Kl ( WtcUtt: R,, n ies, such as Taft wants, and Unless ' we keep a moral stride i r v broken them at will. What about ,,h ,r nnHpm1r Hpvpl.mment (1 i uic Rsjwrs pma, a stiap ui we wiu hava conquered illiteracy ''4 system. svsiem. A a recent reuem report repon by dv a paper?" Does he forget that - i . , tr an look any further than Vancouver, might already : French finance cbmmission esti and Ignorance only to yield to l more Germany. Italv and Japan all the lilt lusts 1USLS OI of the llic flesh titrnil and unu amn sink .jv- tVimirrVit nhmit neinrr Hl' MM K'linprt AS trip 'a uiai me gim - readily ... . the Kellogg ,, Treaty . signed back Jnt0 a state of deBcneracy din m 4, . - 4. , eit,tcr; k,., u. 9 Cll it cheated out of the equivalent of i 400,000,000 in luxe '..very year. DEVIOIS METHODS j Persons in France paid set ! sums by an employer can't get ! away with much, though their lu c,,uu"le Wilr- i To illustrate just one such Not only Russia, but Britain headlong and disreputable con-and the U.S.A: have already anion while the population of broken the tieaties signed at Canada 1934-50i has increased creased Yalta, Potsdam and Cairo. But bv 13 percent, our ulcohollc 5 1 : first united Toft Could Bring War f' , 7 A. 3. 1 ?fcT' . 'v;t. . S36 Sixth A, why labor the point? consumption has Increased principal dispatch point for Kemano and Kitimat. iPrince Rupert is three hundred miles closer to 'Kemano and Kitimat than is Vancouver. Six hundred miles each round trip would certainly save a jot of steaming time for the vessels, i We are, after all, the terminus of a railway and Jth rough railway shipping rates from the East to Prince Rupert are competitive with Vancouver. ! allowances and exemptions tend SENATOR Robert A. Taft i Prince The truth is Senator Taft ls a the alarming rate of 207 perce jercent w Keep meir payments smau d.v;. . , t. a Da sadly muddled man. In later The Scripture sums it up In Rev. lawrwfi J ill I I H. IVJVJ I w I tilt , most western standards The! articles I shall show why his these words "Ever learning and j real evaders are the industrial-publican nomination a s embitter rela- never able to come to the know- , We extend a cordial Invitation ; .. -. . uiugium wuuiu lists and the shopkeepers; Latest , President of the w i 1 1 1 tions with Canada and Britain sermon: n, ! available figures show that 27.000 ledge of the truth." (2 Tim 3:7. t to visitors to worship .with us. God says: "I will destroy the ; 231 fourth Are. East . i States. I and probably lead to the very Our ReliM French building contractors dq-i ChiWwsSu wisdom of the wise and bring to Minister: Rev. E. A. Wright. D D. . If Taft is nominated and war he wants to aveit. elected it could mean world war ! .There is wharfage space here tied up to the railway i ciared an annual average profit ! . . . ,..., . i i pnnivfltpnt. tn rsnn nothing the understanding of the ; Happr that is not being used to the luiiest advantage anci ; Shnnkt.pnr!. ,hn h tho. three. For in the senator's own Anihem: "I 7 : 30 Eveniaj prudent" d Cor. l:19i. Let us learn Jroin past clvill-.zations which stand as spectre reminders that we too shall be doomed to ignominy unress we i turn back to righteousness and I the living God. Holy Week to Be Observed Sermon: -lar Anthtm: t; COME Affl admission book he Plainly shows that he own manane to keep their profits remarkably small. 1 stands for P'lcles whlch would: ! avoid turnover, luxury and ex- surelv aggravate the present; cess-profits taxes through the i world situation to the point of , fairly general practice of han-:cianger- maybe utter dlsater. J Idling transactions without in-1 These are grave matters for voice. Canada . For the policies which "There Is one solution in ; Taft urges would s.ureiy cause e i France . . . that Frenchmen t serious and maybe even deadly j should pay their existing taxes,": rift in U.S.-Canadian relation-says the Spectator, a right-wins ; ships. Oriunibts: Mrs E. J. Smith and John Currie. MARCH 9. 1952 Morning Worship 11 o'clock. Speaker: R. H. Culridg, field 'secretary of The Gideons. Sunday School 12:15. Evenine service at 7:30 Pastor's subject: "What Does Jesus Christ Mean to You?" "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy'' Wednesday Evening Congregational Social. SUNDAY Sew .more could be provided. ! Prince Rupert, of course, is the answer to the emergency which is certain to make a bottleneck in (shipping from Vancouver to the north coast. And Ino matter whether Vancouver likes it or not, Prince !I!upert is going to be used. The transpoitation con-Vem which gets established here first may be making U smart move. It is too bad the Canadian National itself has not some ships which it could use at this 'time in completing deliveries from its own northern Igrminus and railway line. But as long as the CNR Holy Week, the period imme-i Morality and head learning, as, diately before Easte, wiU be XMrS ShS? S I cbserved in Prince Rupert with ls nothlng In any achievement of ! an interdenominational service man that can brina him back j of Christian witness on the Into right relationship with God. j United, Bcsav ary at 11 in : Older at 12 15 United Hall at YOUNO ADCIT; mtftH iftei Vict. I there would-be no real neM to ICY FOR AMERICANS, by Robert Wednesday in St. Andrew's under Hence Jesus cbn,( died to for man ; otnno" nr "AT-flNF j think up new ones." a. Taft, Doubleday, $3. the auspices of the Prince Rupert reconcUe nlm witn the' Efforts have been-made to re-j , Ministerial Association. Rev. H. Father. Of course "the preach. t f orm thp Frpnch tavatir... nt-n.-t , - -" ij i i Hilt n pnmhinatinn rf uartarl ... tr"T xkt l ft, ft 1 VJ- Olsen. pastor of St. Paul s jng of the cross is to them that THE Lutheran Church, will be the perish, foolishness, but unto us 4'eiiiains an wicuiiciiuciiudi wuui n. uic uusmc, ic ' . "" a . . 3 Dastor. Making arrangements u-hich are saved, it Is the power EVANG lor the service are Rev. Dr. E. A. 0f God unto salvation" (1 Cor story is being reperted. FREE CHI Wright, president of the Minis- 1 : ia . There can be no acceptable terial Association and pastor of substitute for the work of grace. First Presbyterian Church; Rev. and any counterfeit is but a ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 5th Ave. at MtHride St. Rev. II. (. Olson You are invited to conre and Worship at St. Paul s Lutheran Church. The Just Shalt Live By Faith" fair minded person will agree with half or more of everything written in it. But any Canadian who squarely faces the Taft pro- Srvits eontiiMtt) Hall, Fwirlb H ?uSSu8T XSZXrsi. ew's A Cl t powers, froms ruinous tne remainder would be ed,.al and Rev.,,u Q. sieber, turn away." i2 Tim. 3:7.. Sundny School 1'. ray ... Reflects and Reminisces Classes lot l Mucn or ineyrgumenr. in me pastor 0f First Baptist Church. Our only course then, is to get i book concerns what Mr., Taft Morning Struw SUNDAY SERVICES MARCH 9, 1952 The Ministerial Association, at back to Goti and cultivate a its monthly meeting this Mon- healthy and wholesome fear ol , . u .. ,ii,.,,,,t.i,.rt trt ihn i nrrl u-H iph t t h hpin nin a ' Evening Servicf ' ! thinks is the growing illegality 'of action by the presidents in the (foreign field. As an outsider, fame and nj The warm ft -11:04 a.m. .u "i.j ,. t i f ukrtnm Aluriiing S.ervu-e lowship pits between pastors of Katchi- "So teach us to number our Sermon: Blessings Accord-kan and Prince Rupert on April days, that we may apply our : tng to faith." The good to; . The inspiriBf 20. hearts unto wisaom. irs. u:iji. saws vould seem obvious that a deal should be made with the concerns that do have the ships for use of this jort. Some changes would have to be made but they knight not be a great problem if it was just decided 5o make therril? , 1 JJse of Park Funds 3T IS satisfactory that the Parks Board has decided 1 to seek conversion of the Roosevelt Park 'fund to ?ther park purposes but, if the board intends to Jonvey the impression that it wishes to use the Entire amount collected in that bylaw fund for a Swimming pool and park at Seal Cove, it may be on She wrong track. I 2 We are wholly in accord with the plan that a lark be developed for East End residents. That end i the lesidential section has become heavily populated and recreational facilities slfould be available. But at the same time, a swimming pool at Seal jCove at this time may not be practicable. 'if a man It Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Sermon: "A Warning to Ungodliness." Sunday School 12:15 p.m. ktep Mi FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH I with only academic interest In A loudspeaker system Is about tnis phasa. his reasoning seems to be installed in the House of sound to me. The Constitution Commons. It's not the first. Tnar of the U.S.A. gives Congress the occurred shortly after Confeciei- right to declare war. But In re-ation in 1867. cent years tne presidents have I taken greater and greater de- On a "dare" six American aii--cisions !n tr!e foreign field. The U S A- is today engaged in a men spent a night in a venerable cost'y war ln Korea- Yet Con" building reputed to be England's most haunted house Each, witness has never declared war. In bis head full of ghosts, went U this twee as in many others, hnd fnnr in thp sam- rnrm, i beginning with the military oc- PASTOR: C gfmi Jinn m.i. f t About two o'clock all wnk nr.' cupation of Iceland, U.S. presl- "TV & V SL'NDAY, MARCH 9 7:30 p.m. Evening Service R. H. COLDRIDGE Special Speaker Jiir. Coldridge is the Western Field Secretary of THE GIDEONS. He will tell some of the HUMAN INTEREST stories, recounting some of his experiences ln connection j with the distribution of' BIBLES In hotels, prisons, hospitals, and to service men across Canada. . SATURDAY, MARCH 8 BIBEL Abend in Dcutschrr Sprache Sonnabend Abend 20 L'hr. BIBLE Meeting in German language, Saturday evening at 8 p.m. MONDAY, MARCH 10 8 . p.m. Young People Society. Special Speaker . R. H. COLDRIDGE. trembling and feeling strange. Qents nave y-Pa ingress. In some cases they have forced They heard what sounded like a the nand of tne wnole U N' harp. So did the other two. Sup- pose they had never heard of phantoms, but dog-tired, had TAFT'S whol'e book shows woe- pread their blankets and drop- NOTiCt Ded into rtrpamlPss simh., iuuy muaaiea tninsing. e very i 1. The pool would probably not be attended to . awakening after seven or eight ruly argues that w.el.can nev" hours ln fine trim lor a good have wolld Peace wor'd hot breakfast aw- But ne refuses to admit the - fact that you can't have law on Daylight saving, this season, t any 'vel of human societ,y unletss will last from April 27 to the last1?0" h,aTO SOn)f afencV "i w force week in September. That's about I Plus a police t0 uPnold fiVo mnnthe Ac ncndl enmo Ar FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE ia large extent. The majority of people, even in the East End, live as close if not closer, to McClymont Park. 2. Expenditure of building another swimming pool, if added to the present one, would give a good start for an indoor, all-year pool. !. 3. Most of the money raised bv the one-mill 202 Sixth. West (across from Armouries) Taft Is adamant against any idea of world government. He By virtue of the authority vested in""1' Minister uf Public Works, pursuant to Sl' of the Highway Act, I hereby declare a P limit of 11 tons over Diana Creek nritls' approximately 14 miles east of I"'"'' R"p Highway Hi, until further notice. (Rignedi L. E. SMITH, Divisional Enginm. Department of WW' Prince Rupert. BC and some do not wish it making, therefore, the eustomarv tanele and dLSsatisfacMnn Anvrhun ili Savs- Sl'XDAY 10:30 Sunday School and Bible Class. F . . . ' Every living person knew what every departing soul discovers Heb. 10:31. "The theory of an Internation- the north it's hardly twilight un til around 10:30 p.m. i al state, bearing the same relations to nations and their citi-! zens as our federal government bears to the states and their i citizens, appears to me, AT Gary Gregson, Vernon boy, received a bullet in the stomach when he chased a masked bandit 11:30 Morning Service 7:30 Evangelistic Service. Green 331 EVERYONE Would be saved today. Heb. 9:27 Matt 25:31-46. Pastor C. FAWCETT LEAST IN THIS CENTURY, to be who robbed his father's store. U tn.n j i Gary thought he knew jiu jitsu 1 'ctical ua"e""ui" a"u, tte ?nf ml, i"" ote is mine. Mr. Taft has som hand out fu Sftuk? danger" shallow Ideas on a stronger U.N. ous. Jiu Jitsu knot so dangerous. It ls suggested tnat the Charter can be made satisfac-A a iq load nt of lumber, imK- i lately i deliv-'tr h cnmimll. tv, tn GENERAL ELECTRIC IT PAYS TO P) itax levy over a five year period has been paid by ratepayers who would not make Use of the Seal Cove swimming pool. ! For a fair deal to all tax-paying residents, the iFiQOsevelt Park fund disposal question should be jplaced before the people, who should have an opportunity also to vote whether or not they wish it to be a part of general park funds. We wish to congratulate a young group of men jon the parks board who are determined to do something this year for our parks but also wish to issue ;a word of caution : Anything that may be done this lyear, let it be something strongly noticeable and acceptable to the public. This will gain the public's confidence and its support for future park development in this city. 1-1 not how we! PROMPTLY MODELS 5.6 and 7 AC-DC Battery Portables privilege will be yours if you pom nmntv Charge acc few- 1 I" 1 nf r.t.Vn 1IU,lk. ourselves can agree to eliminate' n llLe ?n. i Z menw" our veto power, If decisions of thei anth' !? ha"dlflne a sllfel Security Council to use force are, Sp hh v f' aPHP6,a,red t0 based on expediency rather than .!?' ac1law. It seems to me that peace tlonon th. f f FrH.f theWoolworth!ln this world ls impossoble un-! Bk riday morning- Yes, given' ! nations agree that, without! cnT.nk nf t ? , appeu E ,n ay veto pwer. thpy "i ub- bv Tixtv fnr hundred;mit their disputes to adjudica-y "lxiy-Iour- j tion and abide by the decisions of ! n jil, Jan Impartial tribunal." By this, time some years ago! there were signs of the yellow I bloom of broome among the ' IT SEEMS incredible that a prac- are payable by the 1 0th fwchffJ and installment accounts on w j ... ' ocrnRD IS OK - JUST ARRIVED Large Shipment of Electric . Train Track Straight and Curved Lengths For "O" Gauge and "027" Gauge Trains So dure jPaisaye for JoJai scripture i ajjaae tor yoaau fnruooery over on ihe railway' A GOOD CKtun OF YOUR GREATEST ASSEU rncniT nilREAU "My grace is sufficient for thee." II Cor. 12:9. reserve. rossiDiy the time Ls early but broome dovs appear scarce. Once it grew ana spread rapidly, brightening the sombre spruce and hailing the coming of spring. But not in the more recent seasons. at HELPS INDIANS storey frame building with eight CALGARY (CP) Tenders have i wards, has ben in iui f rtF rmif ing do not mix. The former, once on the job, pay no attention to the man made vexation. What they do heed is nature particularly, the tides. If the fishermen, in the midst of their Industry tried to follow daylight saving, there would be endless Inconvenience and difficulties. Ven called for construction of 'months caring for Indians who PRINCE RUPERj Rupert Radio & Electric a-stair residence for tne new previously had to go to Wetas-Jljidian hospital at Hobbema, kiwin or Ponoka for hospital Alta. The hospital itself, a two-i treatment. YOUR'OE DEALER Fishermen and daylight sav