Wo JIM SI, anuucL Pen lu I Presbyterians Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, March 8, 1952 'omen laid for Reserve Over 100 persons enloved the carina lOlach nq During Summer To Celebrate Paying Off Debt first Annual Shamrock Card Party of the Prince Rupert Business and Professional Women's Club at the Civic Centre last evening. So Ca 1 I l l . . ii&?y w rj and Z)inc? f . raiaiuy iinoaru navai snips ana in trains' L 1 . t ..... ii a The Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion, at their monthly meeting in the Legion Club Rooms on Thursday night, complied with a rpnnnut h Pro men's irf ii"iwi i-ani, ijuh ui me over- r(.iM-ve divisions. Lieut. Cdr. G. C. I The first prize at bridge, a card copper kettle, donated by Oor- A smallcr-than-usual eight don & Anderson Ltd., was won ,....,: f'nfflmunfln..', Cfoff vir.t- viM vincial Command Command that all offt- playing crowd made up Congregation of First Presbyterian Church will celebrate next Wednesday night. A social will be' held when final liquidation will be made of the outstanding $300 of an obligation of 2500 ?S DU P. Li tables nf whist, at. last, night's Dv A Lowes. Second prize, an ,he ii aiiH.K .....-...v. o -a11( tt vot cers and members wear a black vjsit to H.M.C.S. Chatham, to di.SCUS.S j1bbon wit their badge, during i ..nurses for "Chatham's" nersnn- K !,n . . ,. attractive hostess set of glass- c r Sons of Norway drive but the J donated by GonJo g dance following was well attend- . ware. was won hv r .i wnMc 1 . my y? US mm - i u.jcii,jr, rving ueorge VI. for training: centres this Donaon to the children's be leaving Ed. The Canasta prize, a towel set which was Incurred eighteen, olC?rd,1,nn.cr Vtl Ml3'c?- if6! by WalIace' Depart-'months ago for the purpose of ve Dental Clinic wa on , rrevenu vertsen, second; Reuben Chris- Dorothy Dorothy McDonald, McDonald, and and the the crib-1 crib carrv'nf out church lmprove- tlansen, men's first; Roy John-! bage prize, a Cup and Saucer , ments which were badly needed I-iffibers of person-..ed on the West J'somo of the new I-fcd to the Great enn ....... r I . 1 -1 I J,.J I t i n ... 1 nf tVtnf tima The work included Mrs. Harold Anderson and Mrs. J. M. Cheater are to represent ithe organization at the cancer meeting on March 26. i Decision warf made to hold a St. Patrick's Dance in March In the Legion Auditorium. Aunt,'- prize; iiua Beaiora, aoor prize, was won Dy J. Delorme. t reshmgllng of the church and A raffled ham was won by Miss Evelyn McDonald was tho painting within ;.id without. James Hogan. Proceeds were do- winner of the door prize, a large The pastor, Rev Dr E A nated to the Scouts. 1 basket of tli Boy spring flowers. The Wright, was moving -nirit in Nev Styles Choose your favorite1 in plain gabardines or splashed with color in rayon prints or Paisley designs. . Priced from 5-50' 6-95 WW- 1 k-i Cutlets took a Thomas Parkin, general secre-'JVn rifle range tary of the United Fishermen's rue ladies are holding their In charge of refreshments was special raffle attraction of the the Improvement program and """' ouiiuuei on March is Mrs. iiarnev Koaio ass sten hv vpninp a hnrrp hsisirof nf arru.- i It WW ,lt II Ul nci o W1IIUI1, IttL actual shooting by plane yesterday for a trip to wun Mrs. Jean Warren looking i Mrs. Alf Jensen, Mrs. O. Oiske, eries, donated by Lyons Fine proved successful of penny banks 'i. .. ; n.Fninff nT vnnrniivpr nn linifkii HnvtnncMi arter the catering. This is to be :Gimnar Selvig, J. Dahli, O. K. luiiuwuu vy a social evening with ujsen ana nus wasseng Mrs. Mi'C XT E. TnU.ll i - r-i i . Foods Ltd. was won by N. Beke- in Presbyterian homes which ac- tov- cumulated most of the funds by Miss Mary McMillan, president means of which the debt was of the club, acted as convenor, paid off. Dancing was cnioved to music Rothwell In charge of by Mike Colussl. UK'll r.M'"n - 4 results were sur- A iIlckv,y of tne local Bank Qf 1 Montreal staiff made a brief .s. Eileen Trapp is business trip to Kltimat ki11. turning in a day by Queen Charlotte Air Lines appears to be in plane T JP a ard hl be Confined to large extent to her l unMaren. hoi)e durlng recent Wcka on it WATTS &NICKERSON 0 9M t t awLuum ui hit aruinus, Airs. ,t of TM.il Nora Arnol(, Js feeillg tne rest of ! MEN'S CLOTHING benefit. Go Places! Go Navy! .THE -R.CN. NEEDS MEN TODAY! I thiii the old one. eiiwriainmeni. Committees were chosen for I the Spring Sale and bazaar on April 9th. Mrs. M. Gilchrist Is convenor. Reports were made by all sew- i Ing groups. I Following the singing of God I Save the Queen, refreshments' were served by Mrs. E. Rothwell ana her helpers. j There was a good attendance. Raffle -was won by Mrs. E. Heal. Mrs. D. Gomez was in tho chair. There was one guest at the ' meeting, Mrs. W. D. Smith, for-' merly of Stewart, ai r I'onsirucuon. . fus-snicr is lios- Get the Facts about a Navy Career from j. Iiini.s Umpleby mioti'jii to Lead- nan Donald Mc- Mrs. W. A. Anlilla arrived In the city on Thursday night's train from Francois Lake to pay a visit here wiui her mother. Mrs. Robert Gordon. Leeds Apartments. Mr. Antilla will be here iv-xt week to attend a forestry conference. David Henderson, who was located in Prince Rupert during the war construction days with the Vancouver plumbing concern of Burr Si Ancijrson, revisited the city briefly on Thursday and Friday. He was on his way back to Vancouver after a visit to Kitimat. A.itcs his coining . Jr R m I AJft e NAVAL RECRUITING OFFICER ' H.M.C.S. CHATHAM, PRINCE RUPERT PHONE: s Dorecit Kowk ,im "i'vcii plane ,t tli" i'ii(l ol the 526 -leujfin,' is eo..ting . eighty-three and eighty-five cents per yard at Squamisn. were recently submitted, the contract going to the West Coast Dredging Co. Ltd. i:iT!!;ilHl)NS 9 cu. f. Deluxe Refrigerator $399.00 8' CU. f:. Refr'aorntnr CN-4-. .i h.vs aiways de-ik uf the ('oiii-!up In ancient with frozen food comDartment S411.5Q '&!$t inant was usually i on tne smaller ..t-uiuis bearnv; l jiijic-laiieJ pen- 8',i cu. fl. Refrigerator $332.00 . Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Besncr Bloik Phime 210 Prince Rupert. B.C. N Stuwart. B.C. ' i bi'. f ;ni) ho i khiylit ana ear--t in'-d banner, r.oaua.vs to a ::aR Wh' ii on ions, a aliuat in cliarae ii mil jj iUcn he flew his !:us now worn by I l p a captain took -MEN'S I fd to commission cu on board and ii -int, after this lie .tin:; a crrw and ship. This pen-iptain's own prn-n this developed ; flying his pen-on special ofncial also the "Officer Oxfords and Loafers it ' as rt lirrsMuitKT ' '.'ii'.o' Die same. CATHEDRAL f All Saints' C'alh- lk. N.W.T., is the eniiirrinil j u. N.Z. (CPl-Prized ieaiainl's ire;it. 'n to film ratim- i Fashion Footoear 4 bccuniinn scarce.-f -'llfish from whieii i ars to be vanl.sh-! 1 '"'y firm canning! uP'Jrt is delugeu! t-OOlf. Of A? I GOT ALU N (MOy WONDfcPFUL'F.NOljGM ' IBWO'EWTO TMESE CAEO GOODS ..--ir r TO LA9T U5 OR . A U t A f V WAPPV ABOUT THIS T PfAS. TOMATOES. A , V TT MONTHS , ( 6T(?iNG 8EAN5, ) I'LL PUT UP T"1 1 I TH,S 15 A . ( thfpk tuf A:l lX ''I - f SAUERKPAUT, J (sOMEexTPAA SgooOPLACe) aWj. C BELU--IX.L see ) hf " MUSHROOMS. ) SHELVES IN 1 ( FOI? SHELVES r-V WHOS AT JhI f APRICOTS PEARS f THE CELLAR J Y ( THE DOOR iaU 7 BEANS. BEETS ) V TO STOPE ALL yf - VT- A I WAS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD ) ' SEE p I CANT ) I f""--l I ( HERES JUST THE THINS FOR I WITH THE CHILDREN AND yS R FIND SOrETHING TO - rOo VlJL1 TO PLAV WITH --YOU 7 . JUST DROPPED IN r S AMUSE THE CMILDPEN ' C C CAN BUILD A BEAUTFUL f FOR A t- "r ILJS- WHILE WE CHAT a".A? J-t CASTLE WITH ALL , ' ' I x.THE CASTLE WILL I I I ( PAG WOOD hST I LOOK BETTEB IF WE TAlfE I ":-r"-- REr ,1 f COME UP QUICK- V Ti'lrir W"THE LABELS OFp L (SOMETHING TERCIBLES ) JrfstAP , THEV 10Re ALL THE j II I T you CANT -4 f I'M TRYING TO X-RAY ) . k'pj C "-ABELS OFF THE CANS.V TELL WHAT'S) " V THEM, BUT YOU vT. '.. . 7 HOW CAN WE TELL I IN THEM B ( CANT SEE THRU P O - 1 I &W we WON'T KNOW WHAT ) "4) ( COME, PAPLING5, LET'S GO"0 I ( WE RE GOING TO EAT FOP S 1 T J- r CAN'T STAND TO SEE "Tf V sders upIrtwin 51 s I (l 8"!d. Bult;n-s. T- and toiiiiiaiucnl 1 Tcnu 8. Mod: welcome. 1 58c I I'1 perms. Dr up in POWER CHAIN SAW A LiqhJ ONE-MAN SAW with a HEAVYWEIGHT'S POWER. IU endurance and dependability arc "fiekl-ijroveM." Whatever (he job, your ... ' Au work guaran- Beauty Sulon, Uf) A lllr.,,1!.,.. of tin. furrm. " s Uiiu.n union will will I 51 SlTl'.R, TWIN lakes in it its .stride. Some of th'j features are: J '""s 'tine pi,i,, ,, ,. f 5 . 9t 2:30 p,. Dyna-Torqus single engine f Hosnii-.i I x74f SEE IT! 3rd ai 1' ''J"" Green 733 to1 rp,rk"n. .11," I Jk-L' . credit Automatic cluti'fi and rewind starter. i-uKer. ,uc) TRY IT! VMM '':5-!V0 ,,,. . c" Armv raser Slreot, t" Ba,lanec(l design for easy out ling and carrying. Only 25 lbs. without cutting attachments Cutting attachments frum 14'' to 16" 11 re unnhlo of .... . Jft' Marc), 20 I5(lc) Fill in and mail for, full Name Address Piirlifiilars; j P. i SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. l'liiit'c llupert, U.C. Dist.: PIRVES KIXCIIIK LlMlltl) ' 845 Burrard Street, Vancouver, B.C. ft CHAIN SAWS