1 ,S 1 TcABS PROVINCIAL LIB3A3Y, vunia 113 VICTORIA, B. C. entries close MARCH 15th i . 1 4 ".-,.' t"-' , V -i i . - - , . ' s ' I 1 ' . - tr: r v r ' 4-. . . ! ; s k ' " ! M lit...'. i. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Conada'$ Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' VOL. XLI, No. 58 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1952 TEN CENTS (including comic section) IL n uu jadians jj i; - i No Support -Bennett Fires Major Farms Near At Present Salvo in Legislature Regina Hit iiish . iament I vyj? tt Work Now Under Way In Building of New B.C. City at Kitimat Work has been started at Kitimat and soon more than 2500 men will be employed there on what may become one of British Columbia's largest cities, soma 100 miles south of Prince Rupert. - A British Columbia construe- r Gardiner Discusses Foot And Mouth Disease Situation REGINA P The federal government is not ready to support beef prices against any slump from foot and mouth disease but mav have to do something later, Says Liberals and Conservatives on Way Out . Socred Government Next VICTORIA (CP) W. A. C. Bennett, hardware merchant, who quit the coalition government of B.C. ; last year, yesterday fired his first major salvo for Social Credit. ! I REGINA (CP) Outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in three additional cattle herds in the Regina area is reported today The outbreak has not yet been confirmed by laboratory tests. ; Three of the herds are in Sher-i wood municipality within the quarantine area and within a i mile of the city of Regina. ' There are 95 cattle in the three herds affected. , . s ' NOVA SCOTIAN Sir Peter Maccionald, born in Nova Scotia and educated at Dalhousic University, Halifax, Is Conservative member for the Isle of Wiht. He has held the seat since 1924. In his budget speech Mr. Bennett (Ind.-South Okanaganl said a Social Credit government will be elected in British Columbia this summer. ' He was constantly interrupted. I Arrests in Big Robbery the Minister of Agriculture, Hon.. ' J. G. Gardiner, said yesterday. For the present, the minister indicated, a more pressing matter in the interests of -the Canadian government is to get piovincial administrations to break down a variety of embargoes against the movement of western livestock and meats "'- i K 11 tion organization, now one of the largest in Canada, has started on the biggest building job in Hie history of the west. The yroup is Kitimat Con-.itiui tors and iU project is the Aluminum Co. of Canada's harbor, docks, roads, works and the city of Kitimat it-self on the shores of a hiterto isolated 1 inlet. nt v. within - Canada. Mr. Gardiner Kitimat Constructors, syndi- told newspapermen nis aovisers CUONSDT POINT, Rhode Island W Federal Bureau' of Investigation last niHht were holding two suspects after two masked men, carrying guns, held up the credit union at a naval air station here and escaped with $100,000. The car pf the bandits was .ouiid ablate five miles from the station. rate of eight of British Colum- nail informed mm tney aia noi hA mamr construction firms, think foot and mouth disease f A ,1 t V 1 i I. -'jn by questions and cat calls Jrom all sides of the. house. i Bennett, who joined the So-. cial Credit party several months ago, said the Liberals and Pro-j gressive Conservatives will go out of power in the coming election and won't come back for fifty years." , 1 Questions were rained on Ben- nett from the Libeiul, the Progressive Conservative and CCFj benches. ' "Come to some of our meetings and you'll get unswers," he said. "You're afraid of Social ' , Credit. You don't want me to tell about it." " He said Premier Byron Johnson had out manoeuvred the is bid and received for by far the would spread. largest building undertaking "We think," he stated, "it ever started in Canada. absolutely under control." A M SOI -WEATHER- i First Load of Pyrites From Reds Renewing Germ Charges TOKYO (CP) Chou ' En-Lai. premier and foreign minister of Communist China, said yesterday that United States planes have been spreading germs over Manchuria. He warned that any fliers who are caught dropping germs will be dealt with as war criminals. Chou said United States planes i made 448 sorties over Manchurii. I between' February 29 and March ; 5 "to spread a large number of germ carry in insects." Thlo ti.og tVio latest in t.hl. FATHER -uf the laic' B'iar-Law, hip Minister j. Om'erva- n r-. . iilll. i FIRES SALVO . . . W. A. C. Bennett Britannia at Watson Island l"h-ut lnnrl nf irnn nwitps from the Britannia Synopsis A Pacific .disiurDance which bi ought some rain overnight to the central interiur and a lew ,i F.uUani'-nt lor (ir.-H.iil-Hallem- Progressive Conservatives and House of Briti.- Meat Prices FORMER - RANCHER Eric Johnson, a former rancher from British Columbia's Cariboo district, is Conservative member for Blackley Division Of Muiii.ht.all r. scattered showers to the south em coast Aov i intc ? Albert this ; Mine in Howe Sound is being unloaded today at Wat-, that they would not rcount in the "2- K.W Brmsh ' son Island for the stockpile which Columbia Cellulose j Te LnS on L the ropes Increasing C;o!un.bia. t. Miit wi huiiil lor cne su cnur ournine piant n i j A. till? r UliS. KUWIUV T. H. S6rensen, general man- r .rt,,tl T , ' series of Communist propaganda. AiSCGrwremerlh! installing in connection with the pulp mill. The burner is expected to be .ager of the British Columbia!. . . rerito Th TTni,d Rtf.tp, hrand KU(.h eadv for operation by early Co-operative Federation and absurd. in prospect for Van- charges as I summer. When the sulphur- other co-operative officials from (P" next week i Today's Stocks western B.C. Sunday morning, bringing rain .and somewhat lower temperatures to that section Sunday and continued cloudiness to the rest of the ' makine Dlani siaris running, Vancouver, uu imxc umi uac, . lw.ll notVe necessary to bring for the annual meeting'of the ! pr' cent of MM 32.75 W cents paid an avei age sulphur the long distance from Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co- ;ers 1 Texas operative, are sailing bv the ! a pound for cattle. , ' .. first , shi v,, ment , of f pntet i Chilcotin tomorrow night on; Ten carloads were bought for The Vancouver. that price at a Merrit jale. consists of 1600 tons brougnt J: FOOTBALL VANCOVVF.K ;fra Britannia by the tug Gulf, Mariner towine tne barfte BulK Canada Should Be Building Carrier No. 1. formerly the Frank ; Waternouse coast freighter ' Southholm. The outfit arrived at ; Watson Island at 8 o'clock yes- terday morning. ! The Gulf Mariner, rfne time iFalrmille Naval vessel, formerly nwned and now owned by Gulf . j -'.' ' ' - m.. '. - 1 1 ... l v. $ " It 'c i : - i, i'i. i - i ' ' I ."'I. f V " ' ; ' 't i' ' - . I U. fx " t r ; , ' 1 K V, . V ' ,,;' m ST "... I I t u . If n 'F- v t 1 .i . - :l . . ' - i. . 4 " - C., ' ft ' I' 6 ft j ' i ML "t I-, y i ' . - - J.t .! 1 'I ' 1 . i. j i. -' -1,1 r r Roads Instead of Spending In Europe, Declares CCF'er VICTORIA fCP) Leo Nimsick (CCF-Cran- Furecast North coast .igin;i Mostly overca.st tonight and Sunday. Ch'ca.iiutiU tlrizjile today, changing to rain tonight and Sunday. A little cooler. Wind. light except southerly f 15 1 tonight and Sunday morning. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy, 38 and 45; Sand.splt, 34 and 42; Prince Rupert. 33 and 42.' Vancouver City, Lower Fraser Valley and Georgia Strait regions Cloudy today and Sunday.' Occasional light rain this morning. A little cooler. Winds light. Lows tonight and highs tomor-1 row At Vancouver airport, 38 and 4G; Abbotsford, 35 and 48; I American Standard 26 Bralorne 6.10 B R X 04 Cariboo" Quartz 1.25 - Congress 06 Cronin Babine 44 Giant Mascot 97 Indian Mines 21 Pioneer 2.25 Premier Border 32 Privateer 0934 Sheep Creek 1 65 Taku River 07 Vananda 19 " Salmon oog .03 '-a Silver Standard 2.35 Western Uranium 2.85 Oils-Anglo Canadian 9 00 v. y .-! ! Lines Lines Ltd. Ltd. of of Vancouver, Vancouver, is is under unaer ' i- t i x. . rharter to Frank waternouse. brook ) suffcested in the British Columbia legislature NAVY- C. E. M. li') us t'.ir.adian officer in Potts-'"1 in 1SI44 and i lie Canadian 'Mux awl wesl--m bases, i,s Cun-'iniier tor Hox- jshe is powered with twin diesei; , th t Canacia's Drimary highways be taken I oi of 2000 i!uou n.p. n.p. ana aim orougnw uiuugm, i - - ; - .. x. , engines WAS LECTURER M. Mac-' plurson, a former lecturer at the University of Nvw Brunswick, Frederirton, is Labor member for Stilling and i UC1C1U.C her tow up the coast speedily at over Dy tne r euerai uuvei iiinent d& ils 101 2 nrniPft n-lkirk i The Mariner has space for 100 Nanaimo, 38 and 47. Nimsick said the roads are Can ada's first line of defence. In the last war. the Alaska highway was rushed to completion in 18 pt Fighters Score by 1(0 's i"- -Mulish Cup Sixth Rvnntt i Blackburn Rovers 3. Burnley I. Luton Town 2, Arsenal 3. Portsmouth 2, Newcastle United 4. Sheffield United 0, Chelsea 1. Scottish Cup, Fourth Round . Airdrieonians 2, Hearts 2. Dundee 4, Aberdeen 0. '; Rangers 1, Motherwell 1. Third Lanark 1, Kalkirk 0. I English League Div. 1 '. Aston Villa 0, Tottenham Hot1 spur 3 Blackpool 4, Fulham 2 Derby County 4,.Preston North End 3 Huddersfield Town 0, Bolton Wanderers 2 , Liverpool 1, Middlesborough 1 Mtiei Sunderland 1, Manchester, . United 2 Wolverhampton Wanderers ,3, Stoke City 0 English League Div. 2 Barnsley 0, Rotherham United i Bury 1, Brentwood 0 Coventry City 1, Leicester City 3 Hull City 3, Leeds United Notts County 0, Everton 0 (tie) Queen's Park Rangers 2, Southampton 0 " ; Swansea Town 1, Nottingham Forest 2 West Ham United 0, Mirming- ham City 1 i Scottish League Div. A Partick Thistle 2. Celtic 4 ! St. Mirren 3, Queen of the South 1 Stirling Albion 1, Morton 1 tie) Hons of cargo in her holds and j brought that quantity of alum-i Sum sulphate for Cellulose. She will go this week-end to Alice i Arm to pick up 100 tons of Tor-! brit mine concentrates, calling i at Watson Island to pick up her empty barge. ! The Gulf Mariner and barge will operate twice a month between Britannia and Watson Is- i land. nnL.in ,f Uu, riulf Mariner is A P Con 51 Calmont 1.95 Central Leduc 3.30 Mercury ! 30 Okulta 3.80 Pacific Pete 11.00 Royal Canadian 22 Royalite 17.00 TORONTO Athona .U Aumaquc .20'; Beat tie DuQuesne ' 45 Bcvcourt 100 Buffalo Canadian 24 Consol. Smelters 38.00 Conwcst 3.70 war. li- 1 Vs- months. "Next time" he added "we may not have eighteen months. Instead of 'spending millions for airdromes in Europe and guns and ammunition for European nations, this money should be put into trans-Canada highway svstpms This should be com- i TKO's in Golden Gloves et Set i Capt. Charles Roberts and mate pleted 'as quickly as possible lis Al Strang. She has a crew of as if we were developing a new 1 sixteen. 1 type of bomber." t By CLANC'EY LORANGER VANCOUVER Experts are predicting that Joe Ward's Prinee liupert Elks will come home from the Province Oolden Cloves with at least three, and nnybo four, championships when the tournament fail 8 " .V;.x. ! ; mm all. . 'K-!f there an no 3 w inds up tonight. Rupert fighters won three out th ; dl'vi'lopimnt,s be brought of four fights here last night as down Fin ianee Minuioi- . heavvwi'luht Glen (Tinvi Carlson Nuns Still ,: Abl)U. announced and Middleweight Bill (Mouse) i!e cave mi . Edmonton (CP) Premier E. C. Manning last night announced a record Alberta budget of more than $116,000,000. j As provincial treasurer, Mr. Manning presented his 1952-53 budget to the legislature showing a big increase in oil revenue and major boosts in the spending for left sat him down again, and he i was through for the night. , CHICK PLACE ! Place drew Victoria Drive's Jim Swanson In his first fight of the night, and wasted little time. He put Swanson down for an eight count in the first, then put' him away for keeps In the second via the TKO route at 1 minute, Morrison drew oyes. - but Pri , Donalda 47 Eldona 27 East Sullivan 8.30 Giant Yellowknife 11.35 God's Lake .41' Hardrock 13 Harricana 143i Heva 13 Joliet Quebec 48 Little Long Lac 69 Lynx 13 Madsen Red Lake 2 00 McLcod Cockshutt 2.80 Moneta 38 Noranda .-. 80.50 Louvicourt 30 1 Pickle Crow 1.57 San Antonio 2.45 Senator Rouyn 17 Sherrit Gordon 4.60 Steep Rock 7.35 Silver Miller 1.59 Upper Canada !.. 1.70 Golden Manitou 6.35. Victors were light-heavyweight Enthusiastic Andy Marshall, who produced probably the most devastating PINT-SIZED PUGILIST Where he found them nobody knows. This discarded, worn-out pair of over-large boxing gloves is likely his only plaything. Korean children stay cheerful despite the tragedies of warfare. (CP from National Defence) Manitoba Rink Sweeps Through, single punch on the whole card Ambushed and linlitwcicht Chuck Place, 25 seconds. Cana- 1 education, health and welfare, ! HONG KONG ft Three Idian nuns, who were expelled ! highways and assistance to mu-i from China by the Communists, ; nlcipalities. said todav that, if it becomes A surplus of $279,300 was es- who scored two TKO victories and had the crowd roaring with ivuiuster Has said that Cana- txn''t substantial "'s slthough there "' MJiistmciiis. 1 b,'pn speeulation miRht bring from ; Siin.non.ooo in In federal taxes, fd the eiRaivtte tax u'cl a"d there may " fWh Horns as s.a.shiR machines 1 ators. ' Chuck had a tougher nut to crack in his second fight, Billy Rtnne nf North Bumaby, but his mugging antics and arm possible, they will return to their , timated with no new taxation. him up in me wavi8- 'after softening The third Prince Ruuert fighter sprnnd round. Rupert's curly to see action, Bill (Chubby i headed fighter delivered a colos-Stacey, lost, a decision to Ralph sal solar plexus punch In the missionary work "lull ot eiunu- tjy reamiing w siasm" even if they have to suf- steadily the province will be debt fcr the sam ordeal again. ; tree by 1973, the Premier fore- The nuns were kept imprisoned cast. for almost a year on charges of j . Qjl revenue was estimated at murrierine more than 2.000 or- too ann nnn on inrrpft.se of 412.- Surgeons Now Fighting To Save Life of Steve Suchan of Montreal MONTREAL 0 Surgeons fought today to save the life of Shore of Vernon, but the call turA uiat left Stone gasping at drew boos from the audience. ! phans at a Roman Catholic or- 393 000 over the $25,906,000 for i phanage at Canton. i 1951-52 year. They expect to return to Can- ; Calgary Hospital Nurses All Resign Without Defeat WINNIPEG Manitoba "made it ten straight without a defeat in this year's Canadian Curling championships by defeating Northern Ontario 8 'to 6 in the final match yesterday. Later the Winnipeg rink was awarded the trophy. Manitoba had ten wins with- rnt. ft riefeat, i ada soon. frill (werous 1 minute, 45 seconds. ! Stacey's bout with Shore was a dull affair, and ringslders were dvlided on the decision. It could have gone either way but the judges saw Shore. Finals take place tonight as well as presentation of awards. Carlson and Morrison fight this afternoon and likely again MAKSIIAI.I. KO Marshall was drawn against Dan IVckovich of Vancouver's Police Mutual Benevolent Association and was outweighed maybe 10 pounds. Peckovich, a couule of inches taller than last iCRASH ON JUNGFRAU j, CALGARY Because of complaints from graduate nurses, Toronto Crash Kills Two Men ballet-pierced Steve Suchaiv who was ambushed in his swank Cote Des Neiges apartment by police who sought him in connection with a Toronto bank robbery and shooting of two policemen. Police seek two accomplices also wanted .by the Toronto police for the' robbery Tuesday of $24,000 from a bank and the shooting of Detective Edmund A-O11I r every 200 BERNE, Switzerland (CP) A , twin-engined United States air j . ... i,.. , ""ton Lo...mM year's liEhtheavy champ ana 11 t.a 1 u ". "lie ,,, torce iranspon piane (rp, Twn nu,mbers Hrilich r.iilumbia lost 11 to 9 Jivl provinccs 8.000 of lJ-M, to Quebec't match yes- 1 hen, P10yPd t0 TIDES Dr. Joseph Heaslip, superintendent of the general hospital here, has resigned. Mayor D. H. MacKay strongly opposed acceptance of resignation of Dr. Heaslip who has been drawing a salary of $8,500. With one exception, all of the 82 graduate nurses on the staff , have resigned and will cease work at the end of March. Tons and St. ' Roy Perry on " ' Thursday. frau nenk at twiliirht esterday. Reserve were .iuc - tCraay. - Twerf Shf Jens J-) their Vampire Jets collided m faiis -- with Hun obviously stronger, gave Andy a lot of trouble until Just before the bell in the first round. But with the bell, a Marshall left hand came shooting up and Peckovich dropped, after four seconds of fighting, as if pole-axed. The Vancouver fighter Iniade an attempt to come out In I the second, but aiiotlier Marshall W. T Sunday, March 9 Com.,,.. . . ported aboard. There was little mid-air over . 1?" " 1 Columbia and Police, lying in wait for Su-hope Toronto Names of of the he Gn ont nrio Rritisn that any occupant could north of fiVed before he could get 0:28 High 1952 18.2 feet 19.3 feet 7.7 feet 4.0 feet t , t4 t I ' t v H 1 - " ! it - - V l 1 - ., , " - . .11 " ' '. ' . 7 Ntf .. " '!: i i M r " ir pnms WH WUlIUt.'" f " d "S" . It ;.? 'on told the I his own i'los into play. j wills and four losses. 12:18 6:19 18:40 notification of relatives. , Low ' " - a day "lital patient.' j temperatures.