Prince Rupert Daily tJews Saturday, March 8. 1952 TODAY O.NLV 7 - 9:05 p.m. consider before the boats return north in 152. There will be the price question for one thing. Another will be the conference between the fishermen themselves, and the government in IVORY HUNTER, Alberni Takes First Game In Semis Against Filers n i THE WATERFRONT WHIFFS ; VANCOUVER (CP) Alberni "Athletics last! night defeated Vancouver Eilers 66-60 in the first; game "of the best-of-five series in the B.C. Basketball ; r .V. " r? i . ! -wim.u,,,. . I. l I Ntrt'i ftait, start, aU UtnM irmtk Mftrfniiat.. MONDAY to VEI)ESI)AY Evening Shows 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Wild Night Described " -51 emi-nnais. 5 The Athletics weduced a var- "w.ake nignU trylng t0 fiure K Bad Luck for Fisherman-Logger ied bag of tricks that will keep a .;nce- , , euers' 'Coach, Jim Bardsley.1 ,Als0' "Jf shwed lot, of! Z 1 i Plain hustle and marched intoj llllllllltlllllllD ia 26-8 J'''st clual'ter li-ad. Phtlllf fti'J 1'll rf,,..l.... Grain Shipments Speeding Up No one appears to know the precise cause of the sinking of the gasboat "Pearl Harbor," owned by A. Preliminary hearing of Peter Byrne, charged with doing grievous bodily harm to Mrs. Vera Beynon on February 15, will be resumed next Tuesday. First session session oi of evidence eviaence took iook place piace "v a.y i or Kpstrvali. "CTUTAIN AT 8:30" TODAY 1X)RIS DAY '- nANMv 6:50 - 9 in I trc v u" J ' u IN MY DrfJ 1 '- " 1 SUNDAY MIDNIGHT0NLY j , m v-u uiv nuvui a ...- a&u. n, a uccu n vacourt Mag'Strate W' D jt0US'h stroke of luck for. Cloutier, French-Canadian Kathcrine white, who told the i hand-logger, who has been operating on this part of Z?k rSSedTfi! he coast for ears and wel1 known-The boat-used Bcynon for a month to look largely for towing, as well as providing a comfort-Ascribe" agnf able headquarters for the owner, is 45 feet long, has ing with two other men and of good sized cabin and is well equipped. It was aboard an argument between Byrne and (u tflt r, "tal 1 tt ,..t t i .1 1 a 1 i Mrs. Beynon. I 1 Harbor that Cloutier kept his personal she said a man had called i possessions and a week under water is just a mis- for her while she was at the ..:i.,..i i n. . . i veteran harry Kcrmode and , Joe Semarin supplied Athletics with a one-two scoring punch; that couldn t be stopped. They finished the game with 32 points between them. Best man for Eilers was veteran Kenny Lawn, who kept the inter-city champs together and managed to knock in 11 points. One thousand fans saw the game. Twice in the hectic final quarter. Eilers, with Denny Wot-herspoon, Reid Mitchell and Nev Munro performing brilliantly, rapped within two baskets of victory. With the Twin Albernis. chances to eliminate Eilers look good indeed. 7 R1M THE EAST SQ Curling Kesults 7 p.m.- Batcnum 8, .Jennings 5 G: Oslcrtag'8. Boulter 9; MrKen-a zie 7, Berg 11. B 9 p.m.-Miller 8. Sieber 11; a Moo o 7, Black 8; Greene 1, Skall-B merud 12. Bcynon home the night of Feb- ruarv 14 and with him she mot another man at a downtown beer parlor where the three of They had also seen Mrs. Bey- non at the beer parlor, she said. 'lhe trio returned to the Pig , . gu. Avenue iwme at about 11:30 ' - - ; a bottle or rum. "We started thinking, then Peter iF.vinri rnnip In Ho h wl ciiDie ol drinks, but lie c wasn't wasn't r ,n... Liu , giri 'o h ciow ,!..,uu,or i. v. Urowp QC. Then, i, the in.; witness sak., suki, Byrnj iiyrnj . ..." i," il H. . i he was i lcaving. , he ii " , l p.ijin;; , 'Y,,'- ,n" . Vhe -11C um bills. PIUS. " At about 2 a.e. Mrs. Beyno i came home. ! i nc.c was a iguj ig going on in hei bedroom between Pete ..nd Vera. Ihey into the Trent room still quarrelling. "Then there were beer bottles and coke bottles flying around! Vera threw them. I left to: phone for a taxi." The two men and she left shortly in the taxi, she said. In answer to Mrs. WilU Ray. defence counsel, witness said Mrs. Bcynon was "quite drunk" wnen she came home One nt the men was sober, the other , tt Man on the Run" -if mm i i i ii i , Plus "ROM KO I.AM)" CARTOON - NT.'VS SHOWS 7:t)l) p.m. !:0 p.m. nr n i. isi t h BASKETBALL TONIGHT inti:kmi:ii.te G:I5 p.m. Fraser & Tayno vs Fashion EXHIBITION 7:15 Grads '52 vs Grads '53 (iirtl.S1 8:45 -Bo-Me-Hi Rainbirds vs Peoples Store IliTlTniaS 5 &si4.98 I WALLACE'S 1 : DEPARTMENT : STORE iiiaiisiiBiii. STARTS MONO. PLASTIC AND PAPER ABLECLOTHS .mu iiei.M-ii were ooing most of,Hoag and R. C. Curric, Vancou-the drinking. i wr; j McIsaac Npw HazcUon. She said Byrne was "quite so- A. Baron- and F. Reekenburg, bcr when she last saw. him. 1 Kitimat; Mr. and Mrs. Herman-Second witness, Maurice Mc-, son, Klcmtu: J. Henning. -Gu.rc. a logger, of 1356 Piggot. Skecna; R. K. Knowles, Yellow-said he had passed the Beynon ; knife; W. Coburn. Ycllowknife' home early morning of February j M. Desormeaux and Mr and 15 on his way to a pay telephone , Mrs. Philips, Terra-c C A Oke on Piggot Avenue, and had heard A. Pellctier and E. Davics ' Kcm-childrcn screaming. ano; j. R Frccnian and , Mor Cargo rates from the Pacific Coast to Europe will be increased by about five per cent this spring. They become effective April 7. The rates on cotton nnters to tne united Kingdom and on wood pulp to all destinations will be increased in specific amounts, rather than on percentage basis. One of the newest motorships to ply between Canadian and American Pacific ports and th:: Phillipines and Japan is the "Vlgan." She has just made her maiden voyage. The "Vigan," built at Malmo, is of 9.2DO deadweight tons and is fitted with 41,420 cubic feet of refrieeraterl j Space. She is a fifteen knot craft. tumour is wpu uiav Marcus-sen of Oslo. He is well known along the B. C. Coast. Fifty-four men who were brought to the city last night aboard the steamer Chileotin from Kcmano transferred to aircraft here today for m6vement to Vancouver. In addition to the two regular Canso and Land-seair flights, Canadian Pacific Air Lines put on a couple of extra flights by the Canso through Sanlspit to Vancouver to accommodate the Pacific. The Chilcolin, Ciipt. William. Mc-Combc, arrived in port at 8:30 p.m. from Vancouver and way-points and sailed at midnight Hu-soulh Queen Charlotte Island points, whence she will return Here tomorrow eve.iing southbound. II l . ...!! .1- M.'H .ilvei A t- tt. Ne s el hi PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS' AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass CasMiius Electric and Acetylene SPECtAI.IHTS SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY n ft DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW .SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe II! K.I DAI III; IMIKK.I ItMllIt Morr lirantiful anil iraclii;il than over in four rninileli'ly new models iiultnlinj; this fine Do Luxe Cold-Wall. ' iBCn! FRIGIDAIRE tlECTRIC RANGE Models fgr cveiy kitclirn iiml liuil-Ret. Model RM 60 cooks a wliul mdl while you're awuy. ( imie in anil .sit mir (l'rigi(laire) IJefriKeriitors ami Stoves at amazing rrihiclions. GORDON & ANDERSON Limited Phone 46 .iiiiiii i i, mi V', avac CENTRE me ungine is coiicerneu. More grain for Dorts across the Pacific. A French freighter sailed this week for Japan. Early next week another steamer Japaneseis due to load another full cargo, and. in all likelihood, later in March, more boats will be clue lor similar shipments. That makes six ships here this win ter ..,... .,.,,,. SIOl X IIOMK 1110 Canadian destroyer Sioux untlt'r Commander P. D. Taylor back home, being due to ar- nvc today baturday, , - March 8( from fl'nm Knrfa Korea. She Rhf Is Ic rcDortin! rpnnrflnrr at o Esquimau. The Sioux has com- pIctcd two tours of dutv. Th. warship has a total complement ftf of nnr. 275. rnr n I in.. ti..i CPO Ted Mills of Prince Rupert Is a member of the crew, It's been a pretty fair season In the clam industry near Kltkatla, the product selling at $3.25 a sack.Some of the diggers are said to have been getting as much as ten sacks a day. Kit-katla is an old Indian village not far from Prince Rupert. Seiners and puckers on the west coast, in need of aid, will have another new ways to choose from. One is being installed now at Alberni Shipyard. If will be 105 feet in length. ' Two bids have bccii received for extending the float at Doclce Cove (Oigby Island) according to advice from . the federal public works department, Ottawa. Iw tenderer a the Skrena Itiver Pile Driving Co. Mil. The figure was $13,422. The other tender was for $17,643. IIAMKUT FISHING Halibut fishing will begin May 14. Season will probably last about as long as It did, last year, which certainly was short enough. Last year's catches and prices were both on a good basis. even if there is a good deal to IT'S BABY WEEK at THE STORK SHOPPE March 3rd -8th We Have Many Special Values SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY ESMOND BLANKETS 30" x 40" , i.29 THE STORK SHOPPE 303 Third Ave. W. Phone Blue 810 "-"c. y nv-uidi iy wnere ' I rl . r i nniiing urama In Tntpm Piftlirf ' " ' 'UMlC r...., ,.f n 1 it.iii,i a tuMii u;in iiuar apart bv u,c disappearance, of a child, i no wen, comes lo the .screen of the Totem Theatre here as the feature offering at the first' of next u'ppl- T7nnl Mtn et,,-i.. are ar(e recalled recalled hv by tho the hih high rlraimn drama and excitement of the motion picture. is Adjudgcd one of the v"" host poig- , nant. Tilt rlroniiD dramas of lUn the vear w n.o breath-taking acf'in learta no to what nas bccn descrlbc.; by Walter Winchell as a 'U-rrific Cast lncUl(lcs Mlc;, well knov.n ,.. B,, ., ... K ,lly, Henry Morgan. Christine Larsoni Tom PowcrS Maidip Nt)r. man, Robert Ostcrloh and Ernest Anderson. -:- JUtJL Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. E. Dixon, Kcmano: W. H MeDnntilrt R S '-. ea.iifiniH n cim,. L. Coyer, T. W. Grcveling, H. rrMni nu. r- Schcwinghammer, Kcmano; A' "cMaster, Nanaimo; Mrs. A. Brown, Port Essington. t."- Hockey Scores Pacific (least ! Calgary 7, Edmonton 4. Vancouver 2, Saskatoon 2. Victoria 3, Seattle 2. not noticed ..wvuvvi miy any bl-jod uijttu on mi the tne w"l,,:i. he told Mrs. Ray. w'i'n the doctor came he told the l-ivl taxi driver Hrli.r l lo get .... police ....ii and i me amoulanec immediately, the witness said " IV RATH ALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METEHH AMATEUR SUPPLIES .'hone Orcrn 136 l..- 178 Prince George SAILS FOR Vancouver ml Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIIM(.lli Luxury at Lo4 Co.t For Reservations' Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, PC. a Classified adverusements to the News pay big dividends. Paper Roll Towels Paper Napkins Papsr Doilies - '' . Paper Plates O Paper Spoons PM7 riyiiiiuitli Sedan IM50 Austin Sedan I'M'' ( lievo'et Scilau 1!)."0 Klmlcliakrr 5-iiasM-nser Cmipe 1!M8 l urd r.uie .-itm PI37 Lincoln Coupe Ittll Clirvrolci Coiiih-lit HI I'IvmimiIIi Sedan Saturday, March 15 IN THE AUDITORIUM FOUR DUKE'S 0RCHEST! :l basketball Superior Auto Service Limited ' Third Avenue West Phone Green 217 i miiicu in at, me nouse tn i vcstigatc to sec what the trou- rlil!: "u? Jf,b,0,?.t ,2 a m " McGunc M said he didn't know at the time Who 1 verl in thp hncn but he knew Byrne who let him! in. ! He put the two children to j bed and stopped them crying, ! he said. In another bedroom he ! saw a woman, apparently asleep I on the bed. ; "It looked like an accident had ! taken place, there was a Jot of! uioou wu around i'iuuihj the iiic place. u aee "I asked 1'cte what happened b ' didn't get any .sali.stm tion i .... ..... . in ii hi.s l,l answer. He said, Mind jut.r .... own UU.KUU10. business.' "I made an effort to det to TO home T slnmuul V.i,,, I amound a little to straighten him up and told him to clean the place up." Next morning, McGuirc and a ; friend returned ta the house in a taxi. "Pete let us in, he was' lighting the oil stove. I saw the lady in the bed. She was looking very sick and was moaning. I told Pete to get a doctor, but lie said one was coming." Byrne was bleeding from a cui i over his eye, said McGuirc. There ! was a lot of blood on the floor mc! on the bedclothes where iVus.S Beynon was laying, but he had ' VANCOUVF.It and VICTORIA .SUNDAY si. Chilcoliir 8 p.m. TUESDAY ss. Cainosun 12 noon AI.ICK AKiM, STFWAKT A,U I'OKT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE UI.A.NMX March 14 and 28 s-s. Clillcotin midnight FOR SOUTH OIKF.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chileotin March 7 and 21 (midnight) FRANK J.' SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Aver.uc Phone 568 ; Dancing 9 to U p Non-mcmbcrs 75c Members 50c in oid of Senior "A" BASKETBALL FUi Tickets froffl Civic Ccnt' ond Ploycr Mcmbt" 0$ Sec our handsome new collection of men's footwear for Spring. mm e Quality, comfort and , good looks are combined to perfection in every pair included the group. Geo. Hill & Box 737 Sons Ltd. Phone Black 69 9:30 to 2