Prince Rupfc'i uony incj Tuesday, February 12. 1952 (Jkm'ik'M & Pt'ojesi i I SliippiiiK and (irneral Moving, l':ieki:iR. Oralinj, Cartas.! and Storage Completf, Reliable and Effl-eieiil Service. Also acents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen. Acetylene and nil welding supplies.. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor 2nd and Patii Avenues Est. lylO I'lionttt 60 and 68 BLACKWOOD on I? . (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publieat.jn) Classified Advertising Is payable La advance. Piease refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Void per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards t)f Thanks, Death Notice, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE I'HICE. L .1 OPTOfc. (bridge By FASLEY BLACKWOOD CARS FOR SALE r0R SALE -1949 Chev coast, low milea e. in excelleut con dition. Good tires, radio, heater 'and many other accessories. Priced to sell. Some terms. Phone 947. tf VnHmr Can Defeat a Champion ' "If I had myself for a pai-tner, I'd be unbeatable," proclaimed Mr,' Champion, modestly. Nobody paid any attention to this routine remark from the great rite k BLUE;- .' electT KALES Asf Gt uncrs. P'. IvtiliRr MoileLi iI; Phone Blue 975 man. 1 He was referring to the faet FOR SALE 1950 Austin. Five good tires, heater, accessories. In good condition. Must be sold before February 17. Owner leaving town. Sacrifice S12o0 cash or finan..e. Thone Green Rooms, J. D. Cripps. (37pi FOR SALE '49 Austin. Radio. heater, good rubber. $950 cash. Red 516. evenings. i39p' South dealer Neither side vulnerable ( North (Mr Miell S-9 6 H K Q y 5 D 10 2 C--A J 10 9 4 West East (Mr Muv) (Mr. I'lianiplon ) S A K Q 10 5 S- H 1 2 that he had made a fine U fen- sive piay bat Ivii. uiu:j ha:'.! loused it up and let Mr. Dale ! make his contract. This hand illustrates the wis- j dom of playing your best, even . with an apparently hopeless ; hand. When Mr. Muzzy opened ! the king of spades, many play-I ers would carelessly play the : (deuce from the East hand. Af- ter all, why should you encour-,' age the continuation of the suit? You have no high honor in it and you can't ruff the third round. SCREAMS SIGNAL But Mr. Champion's thinking , went a little farther than that. ; He saw a way to make his kin ; diamonds if Mr. Muzzy . would cooperate. This card Phil Linzey's ; j CARPENTERS Hv l! f rmtr fU4 bn uur liria!M4l tittiii). llMtittiK'tatiir ft.:furw J.liiU ft lilnitf mmm fill rur'll ml limmm. Ir PRECISION SAW FILING 1345 riGGorr place Box 1U11 Station II Agent: Bus Terminal Island City Builders John F. L Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs : 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 , scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608 -3rd Ave. W. Prinze Rupert. BC, Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 GEORGE R0RIE& CO. ACCOUNTANTS k AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 - 4th Street Phone S!i5 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS. CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels ' and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLUP S STi niO iia4th Street Box 045 Phone Ureen 386 Prince Rupert. FOR SALE '40 Plvmouth 5 pas- sencer convertible. Can be seen at Frizzell's motors. 40p 11 FOR SALE 1951 Dodge ton pick-up. 7.000 miles, good A shape. Snap. Red 505 iltp) FOR SALE Dodge seven passenger, Fluid drive, two heaters. 8 : conditioning, spotlight, radio, fog lamps, side mirrors, 8 sun visor, mileage 17.000. Priei 9 S350O. Can be seen at 415 5th 1 East. - i Hp i 10 FOR KENT 10 FOR RENT Electric portable I 10 10 sewing rnaenines oy ween oi i by month free delivery. Phone 864, Singer Sewing Machine Company. 36c i ! 11 ; 1 1 FOR RENT Room to share. Phone Red 471. Ufi FOP. RENT General Electric ! in flot.r polishers, $1 per day. I Phone Blue 992. Paeiiic Electric, I (tf) I 1 I 1 WANVEI) TO RENT 2 WANTED TO RENT-. Rooms for j 3 men. Phone 263. (37pi 3 WANTED TO RENT Young, working couple, no children. desire house immediately or bv j March 1. Non-drinkers. Apply 4 Box 299. Daily News. i40pi 4 1 7 . - luurtu single inun ui git;u m- tetiritv desires housekeeping room or room and board. B.ix 298. Daily News. i33pi WANTED TO RENT Suite or! house. Young couple with 41 year old girl. Any vicinity. B.ixl 201, Daily News. 37p 1 WANTED TO RENT 4 bedroom HalliweL 1419 6'h Ave. East. i36pi ;:EAI. tSTATE FOR SALE 5 room house,' 3 bedrooms, large size living-room, modern kitchen. Basement, automatic oil burner, hot air furnace. Price $7850. Apply 723 6th West, or phone Green 153. i36p) LISTINGS WANTED We need bungalows, houses, etc. Have a long list of buyers. For luick .service phone Armstrong Aprencies Ltd. Phone 342 Black 197 evenincs i36ci LOST AND POIND ililKT Kt.uril;iv niC't. in flown-1 HiNESE I DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 Jaibmncj for Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor 220 Sixth St. Phone 649 WELDING Government Certified Operators Ilicn Pressure Tanks Refrigeration Slacks and l ire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225 1st E. Plum." fireen 881 WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing DEVEIiOPINO, PRINTING! ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES 'hone Green 130 178 PLUMBING tsnrl HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith & El kins Ltd. P.O. Bo ?.74 SPRING CLEARANCE OK Good Used Cars EVERY CAR Ml ST GO SAVE $75.00 in.r9 Ford Fonlor was $2025. Now SI 050 (10 . 1349 Meteor Coupe Lots of extras. was $1055. Now S1580 11)48 Monarch Sedan Lots of miles left. ' was $1435. ... Now $1.1(i0 1943 Chevrolet Sedan was $745. Now $(70 ONE-HALF HOWS 18. MONTHS TO PAY BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly service" KADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycle (Subject U Change) TL'ESUAV 6:15 John r i.atr 6:140 International Comty. 6 JO Piano 6.00 Do.tur Dot'bocty'.s Log (i.fcO Musical Varieties ( d Junior C'haiiiWr of Commerce 7.00 CBC News 7:15 CL.C" News Kuumlup j Letc'isier oquaie iu BroatlAiiy 1 W The Nation's Business 8:15 The C"iiniH.(lores j 8:30 Ileeord Album i 9 00 Chlleotm nails I 9::i0 Musical Program 10:00 ("BC News I 10:10 CBC News j 10:15 Transcontinental Traveller 10:30 NM-Liirne I j :00 Weather Report and Blgn-ofl WEDNESDAY M. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 t'BC News 8:10 Here's Hill Good 15 Morning Soni; 8:30 Mornlnn Devotions 45 Little Concert j :00 BBC News and Commentary 1 15 Music lor Moderns 9:30 Mornin: Concert I 8:59 Time Signal 1:00 Morning visit j 1:15 Barry Wotxl Show i :(0 This Week's Artist j of 45 Musical Kitchen 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air j 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report :31 Message Period 33 Recorded Interlude. 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies PM. 12:00 Mld-dav Melodies 15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12.30 B C Farm lirtmdcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude :00 Afternoon concert :45 Our Chier Problem: Comty. .00 B C. School Broadcast 2:30 Records at Random 3:00 Tea Time tilth the Stars 3:15 Musical Procram 30 Solo Guest 3.45 Novel Time 4:00 Jimmy Shields SinRS 4:15 Piano Pops p. 4:30 Mauu'le Mnt'Cl.',s 45 Stock Quotations and Int. -SS (TIC News 5:00 Rawhide WAV1LO ROUTE DCYS WANTED Good routes available for riyht kind of carrier boys 1 ; or girls at Daily News office with increased remuneration , after first of year. ', , CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop-, per batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 623 6th Avenue Wet. City. tf , WANTED TOP MARKET j PRICES PAID for scrap iron, i steel, brass, cooper, lead, etc.! Honest grading. Prompt pay- j ment made. Atlas Iron 61' Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St.. Van- couver, B.C. Phone PAciiici H357. (t! ) ! IN the supreme court OP British Columbia ! in probate i in the matter of the estate OF JOHN (1HAHAM - and IN THE MATTER OF -rue ..inuivKTUiTinH ACT' ' ., . v... rr r - ;led to me n mm the lath ,,.lV . Fchruarv. . a d. 195: si wr which date claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims uf which I then had no knowledKe. ALL PARTIES indebted to the said Estate are hereby required to pas' the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. riVnsn at the City of Prince Ru-oert. in the Province of British Columbia, this otn cay m reoroa.v. O F FORBES. Omcial Administrator. Prince Rupert. B C. By his Solicitors. Ray. Fraher Hi Honarth. Prince Rupert. BC. 1 57c I ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MEANS PLUS BUSINESS FOR YOU Colussi's V. Au' lits to." in MusK'i. : PIANOS ' AND HEa? 210 - 4: h St. 1 HAND- HOME I GENERAL C! Euildinj and F kc. ROOFS -OIL EV P!' P.O. Box 1078 matt: UFH0LT Phone Bl je a 234 Jrc Prinr 8- H. G. HEL' LIMIT REAL ESTATE Phone 96 Era. Oil Heotmc LAWRIE -V: '' . Blue IK Complete sonic burners i: Stoves, Hcaien Repair KC- House Inlf work of ii ; Estimates given k 8 WILFC: Fl FCTRICAL UnforSOndG8 MOT ISOl'GllT A New tnJ ": 6 -r Box 1307 For the MEAL that REFK ANNOIWEMKVTS Lei ion Cu d any, February 13. Women's Hospital Auxiliary Valentine Tea, rroitiary 14, Mi's. R. John.-.un, 4;5j Fourth Avenue i West. . CuLhoi.C curd party, Fcbru- ' Siry 21. IjOD.E. Founders Day tea, Febriuuy 21, at home ol M.'S. Jens Muiiliie. j Conrad P.T.A. "Sadie Hawkins" dance, February 22, Con-)ad I Stieet School. U. F. A. W. U. W. A. Valentine , dance, oddlellows Hall, Febru- ary -22. Annual M.i.sonie ball. Friday. February 22. Cards will also b? enjoyed. United Church I.iap Yiar tea. February 2o. The Business and Professional Women's Club's first annual card party, Friday. March 7, Civic Centre. Refreshments and prizes. St. Patrick's Tea and Home- cooking Sale, Cathjlic Hall, March 20. Card parly and drawing of raffle 8 p.m. Presbyterian Church Spring Sale. April 3. Legion" Auxiliary j;;riug Sah April 9. Job's Daughters Etstcr tea, April l5. Women of the Sprin'J Bazaar and Tea. April 17. Cathedral Spring Bazaar, April 17. United Church W. A. Spriir: Bazaar May 1. St. Piter s Spring bazaar, i May 8. ; . ! Soiija's Tea. May 10. I IMJIAI. NOTICE MARTIN In the city Sunday. Feorujay Hi. 1152. Elizabeth Sarah. ae 6J yi ars of Vancou ver, B.C., beloved mother of John A. and George H. Martin of Prince Rupert. B.C. Funeral: services will be held at Mount ' Pleasant Undertaking Co. Chap el. Vancouver, at 2: Id p.m. Thursday. February 14. Inter- 1 nient to follow In Forest Lawn Ccmeterv. Vancouver, B.C. ( I to PERSONAL PAINTING, p.iperhanginir, wood graining, carpentry, plumbing. A. Ralh'.'eb; r Phone 37. i38di WANTED- Lady to live in. mind 2 children please apply Box 300 Daiiy News. i41p) END EMBARRASSING BALDNESS AT LAST A TESTED, I PROVEN HAIR RESTORER Quickly promotes hair growth in all caws of baldness regardless of age or condition Sold on fullj money-back gurautee. For par- ticiiiarj write Thalia - Htrbaii r,u4i..-ic' I tfi V-i U'oet 1f,tl Ave,, Vancouver S, B.C. 37c HEL? WAV! fit MALE OPENING for apprentice in pi.i.ti,.;j trade. Good opportunity for capable, ccrssien-tious young man interested in i"arn:i,' siood trade. Hign S-hooi education desirable. Apply Daily News. tene SALESMEN WANTEO SALESMAN with connections with jobbers, chain and departmental stores to seil im-. ported porcf lainwaie. toys and novelties. Box No. 297, Daily News. i3(k'i FOR SALE FURNITURE ir Sale Bedroom rugs, radias, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield beds complete, cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (tf) FOR SALE Reconditioned fur coats S25 00 and up Fowlie-Ruttle Ltd., 3rd Ave. (45c) BOYS' and girls' ski slacks, all wool, best quality made, all sizes, priced very reasonably. B. C. Ciothiers. (tfl NOTICE TO SAWMILL AND PLANER MILL OWNERS For Sale One NHS 600 Series Cummins dic.sel engine developing 210 intermittent horsepower: Ideal for larger sawmill. Presently being used in planer mill developing 175 continuous horsepower. Engine in excellent condition and delivery to buyer is subject to our complete conversion to electri'Miv. Puce i,'5(i(i.OO. AloO one TD9 Catmobile-tractor and hydraulic lift unit in new condition. Available for im- immediate delivery. Only $10,-500.00. Apply Box 2!)6, Daily News, or direct to Central B.C. Lumbermen. s Co-op Assn., Burns Lake, B.C. U3 H - 10 7 a 4 H- ti 3 2 -7 I K 5 4 Q ! 2 CU 7 ti 3 joutli (Mr. Hale) S-J 4 3 H A J a A U J C--K IhddlnK: So ulh West N'rth ID IS 1 (J Pas :l U Pass 3 H Pass 4 I) Pas 5 1) All pass would seem to be marked for sudden death since Mr. Dale had bid diamonds so strongly. In other words, Mr. Dale could I no doubt enter dummy with', either a heart or a club and pull the 10 of diamonds through. It sounds simple but what if it could be arranged for Mr. ' Dale to have only one trump ; on the board? Then he could finesse once against the king ' of diamonds and Mr. Champion would still have, the king amply ; guarded. j With this plan in mind, Mr. Champion screamed for con- j tinuation of spades by playing his fight spot on the first trick. ; Mr. Muzzy cashed the ace. Now , if he had followed with his third ' high spade, Mr. Dale would have been forced to ruff. on the board or accept immediate defeat. After that Mr. Champion's king of diamonds would have been a sure winner. SHIFTS TO HEARTS But no. Mr. Muzzy had other ideas. At trick three he shifted to a heart and Mr. Dale took the balance of the tricks. Mr. Champion was beside himself. "Why didn't you lead a third spade?" he beilowed. "Didn't you see my eight spot?" "What eight spot?" mumbled Mr. Muzzy, confusedlyi It was here that Mr. Champion wished he could have himself for a partner. GKOKGK DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Ked 127 JOHN H. BULGER torn el Irht n.i John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue If you h a v 0 a , printing problem we can solve it. We've a printing form to fill your every need, and to add more efficiency to your operations. Dibb Printing Co. BLONDIE COOKIE, VOUf?J WV SACK WRPl ) At:D 1 CANT JL MAKE THCM Ja'i Z) BEST OF FOOD 15th Birthday I i : Celebrated by Credit Grantors 1 See Film Greet i Breakfast Club Executive . Prince Rupert Retail Credit Grantors' Association, at its monthly meeting last night, ob-i I served the fifteenth birthday of! J H. Linzey, manager of the ! Prince Rupert Credit Bureau. i Mr. Linzey was a Leap Year baby, having been born 011 a February 29: They had a cake in his honor on which there were sixteen candles but Mr. Linzey explained there should have been only fifteen since there had beeii one period of eight years between February S9's. As the birthday cake was un covered, the meeting sang 'Happy Birthday!" Other gifts included a huge autographed birthday card and a carvett alder "credit club." a wicked-nppear-iiiE bludgeon supposedly meant for collecting from would-be deadbeats. Cake and coffee were served and a social hour enjoyed. This occurred after the other proceedings of the evenin? which included the showing of an impressive film entitled "Big Idea." loaned by Swift Canadian Co. and having as its theme a depic- "on of the blessings of personal freedom in a system of competl- ti ve free enterprise. The Big Irlpa as prnuhasized bv the Pic ture's moral, was that in this country the individual is free rather than being a slave to the Rupert Film Council. The meeting delegated Mrs. Catherine Laurie to represent the ass(K.jation at tne Canadian 'Credit Conference to be held in Vancouver next. week. : ' Mrs. Laurie will also attend sessions of the Pacific Northwest Council of Canadian Women's Breakfast Clubs and, on her return, will bring back Mrs. Doris Taylor, the recording' secretary of that body.' to instal officers ,f new,y fomed Breakfast Club here. The meeting also considered ways and means of expanding membership. Guests at the meeting were executive members of the Break fast Club Mrs. Jocelyn Bolton, president; Mrs. Paul Rickwood, vice-president; Mrs. Catherine Lawrie, secretary; Mrs. Ella Good, treasurer; Mrs. Yvonne Bowes, Mrs. Lorraine Dell, Mrs. Mary McLeiid and Miss Marisa Windle who later had 9. meeting of their own. COUGH SAVED MONEY DENHOLM, Sask (PA coughing spell dislodged a peanut from the lung of two-year-old Brian Eolon. Denholm citizens had already raised a fund to send the child by air to Montreal for a surgical operation to remove the peanut. LAND REGISTRY ACT FOR TAKE OCT ORDEItS PII0NI BROADWAY CAfi town area, black cloth purse. I his Honour junae w o. Fulton. ' . Finder please leave at Daily! made the 6th day of February, ad. I rank Brown assisted by oper-News office. Reward. (3''ipi I I was appointed Administrator ating the projector of the Prince " " CockerT. law of ticr'y cove, m the ; rTh f4n Proving oi British Columbia. i - all parties having claims FOUND Outboard motor found ! th said Eta are hereby, Roofing-Renovating Foundations GREER & BRIDDEN 215 1st Ave. V. Phone !HW recently in iuu diock ounn rv Avenue . East -Evinrude,' with trade name Elta. Owner mav : obtain same by applying to RCMP irif-ntifvincr pnsinr nnrl . paying iJ for .hie this advertisement, Ori.rt,com.rt 1 i 1 ltc TENDERS OFFERS plainly marked "Offer for Tractor" on the envelope will be received by the undersigned up . to noon. February 28, 1952, for the following Tractors located "as is and j where is" at Public Works old shop. Quesnel, B.C. DETAILS: Unit T-103. Allis-Chalmei;.s crawler tractor,' Model HD-10W, Serial No. 7672, equipped with operator's guard; Model G Carco towing winch; Isaacson hydraulic blade control; seven tooth land clearing blade complete with push beams. Unit T-106. Allis-Chalmers crawler tractor. Model HD-10W, Serial No. 5705, equipped with operator's guard; Model G-4 Carco towinz winch: Isaacson hydraulic blade control; angle dozer C frame and custom built seven tooth land clearing blade. Further particulars are obtainable unon apulication to Mr. A. R. Tarves, District Agriculturist, Quesnel. Offers will be subiect to 3"', S S. & M A. tax, and must indicate clearly the Unit number as the tractors are to be sold as individual units. The highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. PURCHASING COMMISSION, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS. VICTORIA. B.C. (Hi ACCOUNTANTS PUHI.TC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax sneciolLst. S. O. Kurk, Stone Building, Red 593. (20m) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES LeSalle Extension University 3743 West 10th Ave. Vancouver 8, B.C. (38c) DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe t. ; V Conine Conversation Bv CH . , , i i ;; prTft1 - n r ) - y.J-.K5"jv . paH-APF CTHERrT)- "iV1-) TALK ft J ( SNOGGLE-DOGGLE ) --rfilYYTn THEV T X' Yi T0 . r.-2L S- umf-apf J hl 1 (Cor'i TtV"'YViH i n he: Certificate of Title No. 2203-1 to . Lots Nine 19) and 'fen (101. Illfick Twenty-elht (HH), Section (8 1, City of Prince Rupert. Mup i23. WHEHEA8 satisfactory proof of loss of the above CertlllcntP of Title iusuert in the name of William O. iiiillry has been filed in this offirp. notice Is hrrcby niven that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the tlnle ol the firiit publication here-"f vne n ProvKlonnl Certificate of Tille In lieu of said loot Certificate, unless lu the meantime valid objection be made to me In v,ritlntt. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Hnpert, B.C., this 26th day of January. I!.ri2. A.D. Andrew Thompson. Deputy Hcglstrar of Tltlen (60p)