Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, February 12, 1952 I ... ...... ' -V.tMi' " - i Agreement v,- - 'jit I T IX- 1 proceeds from which went to th I CI IdCe IXinS men March of Dimes for Crippled l On Policing , Children. It was a Jolly evening 1 1 of fun and dancing and not 'the Help Crippled 1 of entertainment least the waa 3 renewed agreement between j provided by Egel Sargent wno , 3 r sx mm .v A it m,i rcmp fnr nolicinc Children Fund 1 acted as auctioneer for the var-1 d .n"- .-.Ml'1 l. i '-"J' " iety of articles donated for sale. war. auuiyiu last night. meeting i TERRACE. A packed Civic Hot-dogs, flapjacks and sausages police are asking for quarters centre for the Kinsmen's "Barn-sville" were on sale and dancing to the for angle men and have indicated hill orchestra continued on Friday evening showed billy "they are not at all satisfied the interest the townspeople had until after three o'clock in the 1 , .. with present quarters, but in the success of the evening. morning. ; will tear with us while we attempt to relieve the situation," NEW SANATORIUM The Aberhart Memorial Sanatorium In City Clerk R. W. Long told the RUPERT : Edmonton, built by the Alberta government at cost of about council. for policing remain the $3.000 000 to combat tuberculosis, is to be opened Feb. 20. The Costs as last year $1400 per man PEOPLES o00-bed hospital, on the University of Alberta campus, is shown same and $2,950 per car, with a minimum m the foreground. Immediately behind at right is the nurses' of 12 men and a maximum STORE : home and at left a general utility building. iCP PHOTO 1 uf 14 for the city force. "1 ; . . - . x . ' 'irH . It iX,::. Ay.. I r vi-y s - ; . , JxS ; - i A i tV' - i I , ' GOING OUT OF BUSINESS: DISTRICT NEWS Population Just Over 14 Million i t viLl-r-. Ck. ; 1 v; fO? IMPORTANT NEWS B.C. Catholic University VANCOUVER (CP) The Roman Catholics of British Columbia will ask the provincial government at the coming session of the Legislature to grant a charter for tile Catholic University here. Archbishop W. M. Duke said land has already been obtainfd for the Institution whicn wouia be known as the Holy Rosary University. Herb Leach PLANE HIT TOWER Thii'c airmen were killed when their RCAF training planer radio broadcasting tower at Carman, Man. Bo l ol one of the victims, cove ed by a shown In the foreground as searchers probe smouldering wreckage of the plant, CP 1 SALE! Board Head At Smithers HOTEL ARRIVALS OTTAWA. Official figures hum the decenial census of last year revealed Canada's population at 14.009.429 as of June 1. 1951. for ten province and two j northlund territories. ! The gain over 1941 is 1.880.000, . 111 increase of 21 8 per cent, the see FRIDAY'S PAPER CCF Stays With Labor mm? X! owna; G. Jfck.w., J. Richards, Tcrrjce: C -Butedale: R. Mtuior set; T. Woods, Snii;r, cler, Burns La. a : San Mateo, Cat; W f an, lla-.elton; o Su Lake; Mr. and Mrs o Prince George; U: , Crockford, city; E C. couver; J W." Laune f; O. Titus. Prince Kupert W. R. Long. E. L. Boultbee, R. 13. Cameron. N. Donaldson, Miss R Gall, Gus Elchuck, R. L. Un-clcrhill, J. M. Morley, C. A. Hayles. Bob Douglas and J. N. Morley, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. H. Hermanson, Klumtu; G. E. Brown and W. Embury, Kel- SMITHERS Herbert W. Leach has been elected president of the Smithers and District Chamber of Commerce for the coming year. Walter Bums is first vice-president and Hilton Morris, second Labor Meet ifllilEEW l!!lmi!l'lllllllljl!!!ljl!i' litlliilllilllliVtilllllllilluiilill'HUllll! Party Delayed VANCOUVER (CP) Top CCF. leaders in British Columbia reassured leaders of Labor Monday that the CCF. wants to vice-president. Al Ford, retiring president, is rccretary and Charles Akenhead, treasurer. Uiueau of Statistics shows in fi-i mil tabulations. Three-quarters of the entire 1 increase was in three provinces; I British Columbia, Ontario andj Quebec. British' i Columbia had by far the greatest gain of all the provinces, having increased from 817.801 in 1941 to 1,165,210 in il951, a numerical hoist of 347.-349 and percentage gain of 42 47. Yukon had the greatest percentage increase 4900 to WOO o. 85 per cent. Saskatchewan was the only VANCOUVER (CP) A Trades Union conference which some political leaders have said could bring formation of an Independent Labor Party in British Co continue close co-operation on , the framing of objectives. . i The statement came as a re-j suit of week-end meetings of the ; provincial CCF. council at which leaders discussed a plan of the Canadian Congress of j Labor to hold meetings in Indus- j Many Profess at trial constituencies to review selection of C C F. candidates. lumbia has been postponed until March 7. "I am sure the entire trade union movement will join with me in expressing condolence to the Royal Family and at the same time, on behalf of our Hazelton Revival HAZELTON. Fifty United Church workers from Kispiox, under the . leadership of Sila- Some delegates expressed fears nuvmce 10 miuw a hi-licm; .. . miBht cause mip h'v,"nndrPPea m farmer and non-union voters to! 000 tO 831,000.,H. that th C C V h. I Johnson, Jeff Harris. Steve Mor- movement, wishing our sovereign rison, Atoert jonnson, cnariev queen a long and fruitful reign." coming more' of a Labor party i and less of a Socialist party. , ' Other members said the labor Stevens and James Blackwater, ; conducted a revival at Hazelton : Tom Uphill MLA said in announcing the delay. If you want 10 sell it. advertise l News classified. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS ' If you have missed 'yur paper, please phone your newsboy. If you "do not know your newsboy's name, call the office before 5 p.m. ROl'TE 1 Alan Laird, Green 153 Watts and Nickerson's to FrlzzeM's Mctor.s: Fulton Street 016-000; 6th Ave. West 600 and 700 Blocks. ROITK 2 -Ralph Olsfn, P.lue 718 Herman Street; 1480 i;th East to Seal Cove. KOITK 3 Victor Maskiilak. Ave. West 243-1077; 2nd Ave. West 911-1028 including 9th Street; 3rd Ave. Frizzell's Motors to end of 3ra West. ROl'TE 4 Alvin Nystedt, I'.lue 638 7th Ave West 704-1427; 9'h Ave. West 102-61)9. 806-801. Full on Street 700 B'.o-.k; Tallow Street 803-823; Com'; Ave. HOVTK 5 Jimmy McLean, Red o22 4th Ave. Vr st ino-44.'j; 5th Ave V. '.s. HS-5ir; 6H1 Ave. We. t .(08-539: Diinsniuir Street 211-424; Tallow 512-515: Eiu.r.on Place; Agncw Place. KOITH K Kiln-aril Skalapsky 81 h Ave. West 105-537; Dili Ave. 110-271); McBrkie S'.rcet 113-708. ROl'TE 7 Peter Urnwn, Blue 971 " ..i PIPER LAURIE WmUlA consultation plan will apply only in predominantly industrial rid 5Ni JOYCE HOLDEH C""" last week. Captain Harden J.r the Salvation Army and William! Wale ot the Anglican Churcn also t( ok part in the evanaelical j meetings whirh were held in the; Army Citadel here. Many came forward to profess their faith. j TODAY to WEDNE ings and that the C C F. has al- ways worked in consultation with , Interested economic groups. Canadian Congress of Labor! officials said that the executive ; of the British Columbia Federation of Labor will mei t in fcbo'il two weeks to decide on mechanics of the plan. Also "Caul Sharp" . "I old Turkey" News Shows 7 - 9:00 CAPITC School Budget Higher In Current Year But City Will Pay Less Jlencfit of Industry Reflected in Kusintf of Local Tax Burden A FAMOl'S IM AVUlMi Wightman Heads lerrace Red Cross Telkwa Church lea buccesstul : fan P M1! :Uii, narra to r,, .Hit! b pal gf. o i. f dr s rtivoif-e n a 'Orrr 1 i.v,.,.ri;t.,.- ,.c n..; r.,....i. .;....:,. TERRACE Morris Wightman ' has been elected president of the Te:race branch of the Canadian Pd Cross Society. . ! Mr.s. Ivan Frank is vice-president, Mi.-.s Head, secretary and Mrs. Elv.ood Brooks, ijAieiuiuuira ui i i iito impel t m;uuui uirli ici TELKWA The Ladies' C A. TSi ID AA 'i-aft 4 I for 1951-52 school year are estimated at $342,184.90. ' the united Church held All of Section 2 . . .. . .. i verv sucee.s.shi tea and sale o an increase ot bliS-i.ot Irom the actual expendi- home cooking in the library on tures of $281,161.53 last year but the city pays $130,-1 Saturday afternoon. iCNR-Fisheime.: s ROl'TE 8 Jimmy Johnson, Green 661 Waterfront and Pacific Place; Floats). 583.88 or $13,911.15 less than last year's $150,494.03. E !) Mclvin Ujonison, Green 113 Ol ' The city's percentage of tlit. : RJinnfii ECIPES- Phone Itrd 120 Today for lleservatiom on ' "( UtTAIN AT :30" i educational bill for the current year is 40. 9 percent of the whole budget for the district as compared with 78 percent last year. Principal factor In the easing 51 school years to $15,403,000 In i 1951 -5. The city's assessment Is j increased from $6,722,933 to i $7,224,501 but this increase is j tf Iset bv the rural assessment 01 tne cuys scnooi oiu mis year )ump from $1 80G.067 to $8,178. TODAY to WEDNESDAY!" J? F P One Complete Show E I Each Evening at 7:15 p.m. a I'AMOl'S N.AYW' Kincolith Choir Names Officers KINCOLITH. Christ Church choir here has elected officers as loilows: Superintendents Charles Bai-torl, Mrs. Emma Nelson and Mrs. Mary Barton. Choir master John G. Moore. Onanist Fred Stewart. Treasurer Arthur E. Nelson. Mar. i::er Sidney Morrison. Music keeper Tuny Robiion. z mat uoiumDia property at Watson Island has come 741. ' - Of the total school budget for i the- district this year $59,199 Is : delrayed by estimated grants, j leaving $$291,223.63 (including a ; en the tax roll, switching the majority of the taxes for school purposes to the rural rather than ,thc urban portion of the school dist rict. I The assessment for the district deficit last yean to be raised by taxation. up from $8,529,000 in the 1950- Wc Spccioliic in USED WIRE ROPE For The Logging Industry "Each line is carefully graded and tested befurr M our wai chouse to assure you of complete sati-sfif- SPECIAL STKW 1 lb. lamb, beef or veal cut i.i 1 Inch cubes 2 tbsps. bacon fat 2 tbsps. chopped onion 1 tsp. salt Dash pepper 1 bay leaf '4 tsP- celery seed Pinch of thyme or marjoram 3 tbsps. catsup 4 medium potatoes 8 carrots 8 small onions Coat meal with lour Urnwn In bacon fat. Add onion and cook until golden brown. Add seasonings. Cover with water and cook, covered tightly, over low heat until meat is tender. Peel potatoes, carrots, and onions. Halve or quarter the veg- Terrace Plans Kings Service B.C. Wire Rope & Supply Co1 Rear 549 Taylor St., Vancouver, B.C. TAtlos 8H1 Ave. East, McBricle to Hays Cove Circle. ROl'Ti: 11) Richard Mat Donald, Blue 33f 4'h Ave t:ist 237-73'',;. 5th Ave. Eavt 301-719; ti Ave. F;isl 110-24.'). 301-626; Havs Cove Circle 82-667; Cotton Beret 511-516; (irrcii S: net 411-416; F.liert Street; Youii Slice.. ROITE 1 1 I rslic Munhxli. lllaek Z8S PiL'0'i Ave.- ).st 2nd Overlook; Il"rnnri Place. Piggott Place. ROl'TE V. Jimmy Moorehead, Red 335 ' ' 11th Ave. East 333-18uj; Frederick St.; Sherbruok Ae I'.OITE 11 Ronnv iIit, Green 258 1st Eiist 225-247; 2nd Ave. West 137-341; Street 131-225; Market Place; 3rd Ave. Daily News-Nationa. Mu'ors. UOt TK 15 Rubeit Jensen. Black 955 5th Ave. West r.35-735, 741-745, BorUen Street Fraf ' S'.rcd Li;"4ar Place. ROl'TE 16 Frank Killiorn, Green 977 . ' 4'h Ave East 124-234; 5'n Ave. East 101-215; 7th Ave :03-658; Bowser Street. ROUTE 17 Charlie lindstrom. Green 921 6th Ave West 210-539; 7th Ave. West 120-537; Bill Ave. 221-528: Lotbinierc St. 721-728; McBride St. 413-704; Tatlow St. 625-733. ROITE 18 Teddy Careless 6'h Ave. East Block 800; 8th Ave. East 915-976; Oil) Ave. Fast 1000-1144: 10th East 9O0-1130; Alfred Street; Bacon SI reel, Donald Street. , KOl'IE 19 Jimmy Johnson, Green 661 ;ti Ave. Exst 870-1140; Ambrose Ave. KOl'TH 20 Jack Rudolph, Green 731 . . 8th Ave. East 1030-1914. KOl'TH 21 Donnic Ivcron, Blue 712 2nd Ave. West 1 lo .-1314; Park Ave. 1005-2279; 11 In - Street; Water Street; Beach Place. ROl'TE 23 l.arry Parent, Green 487 8th West 615-735; Summit Ave.; Taylor Street. ItOCT'l 21 Brian Roberts, Black 48(1 TERRACE. Arrangements are being made for a memorial service to be held in the Civic Centre on. Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the day of King George Vi s funeral. eiaoics and add to stew 35 to 45 minutes before serving time. Add more water if necessary. Thicken stock for gravy. Serves 4. 1 U,Li me If you want tr sell it, advertise it, News da-ssified. CAPTURE HER HEAR STEAM tR Prince George I I . ., ' 4,jM i and VICTORIA . t L j, K J SAILS FOR Vancouver Flowers 'tell her shes Volenline . . Whether ' beautiful corsage shell ' with oride .... a boud' I and Intermediate Ports SUNDAY Chilcotin 8 p.m. -nd Ave. Wcrtt 716-3rd Ave. and 6th Street ; 3rd Ave. West Daily News-Walts and Nickcrson's (5th St.). ROl'TE 25 (iary Parkin, Green 660 6th Ave. East 1111-1470. ' ROI TE 26 I rankic Slewart. Blue 716 Each Thursday it 11:13 p.m. Fcr KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNU.HI Luxury at Low Cost For Reset vutiong TUESDAY ss. Camosun 12 noon v red flowers with all me mings, or a gay flowcrinq plant, we'll ta in filling your order wi th our freshest and lo Phone us todav . . . we'll play Cuoid Remember . . . Valentine's Day is FebruC I ARM, STEWART AM) OUT SIMPSON 108G; 1103 Ridley Home; Hays Cove 7lh Ave. East 081 Ave. 928-1154. ROl'TE 2 Christopher 6th East, McBricle- liarvev, Green 214 -Hays Cove Circle. Hays Cove Circle. Write or Call ' CITY OK DEPOT ; OIMCF, PIUNCE RUPERT. BC. Prim e Aj Sunday, Camosnn. 11 p.m. KOIt NORTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS February 15 and 29 ss. Chilcotin midnight FOR KOl'TH 01 FEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin February 22 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Say it with , FLOWLUS-BY-YVlltE DANCING LUNDS Toronto-born Alan and Blanche Lund will tour Canada with British comedian Tommy Trlndcr's "Royal Command Music Hall Varieties." Sponsored by the Variety Club, proceeds of the tour will go .to Varieties Village in Toronto, a residential vocational school for physically-handicapped children. The dancing Lunds, remembered In Canada for their war time tour with the Canadian Navy Show, have become internationally recognized. They have played two Royal Command performances, appeared In a number of successful London shows and in night clubs in the United States. (CP PHOTOj 0V j THESE ARE THE DAILY NEWS LITTLE MERCHANTS ' THEIR SUCCESS DEPENDS . ON YOU if your love is miles away Phone 777 Third Avenue Phone 568 mini!iMmimmmim!ti!i:iimiiiii!i!inmm ' .P M . ! ' IN! I . ' ' Nil, 1 ,;! '1 li,!iij!il,iil!!u.liiiui:ii".iii,iiuiiiiiii:iii