Prince Rupert Daily News IMPORTANT AhlNOIINrciiFi r Judgment, ray... Punishment Refleds and Monday, February 18, 1952 As E See it (C'fmore Shrine Ceremonial In June Nobles) of (i.wh Temnl Conine; From Vanenuvei -a. wwiivwnj. For Graduate Nurses in the Prince RUN!J Reminisces Faslor S R. Johnson of Cam In Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian ress Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. 0. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: rose orouunt one or tne mos! powerful messages of his evan- gelical series at St, Paul's Lu- There are frequent references theran Church last'niKht on the to how the farmers are becoming subj.vt of "Eternal Purl.shment."" prosperous. Indeed, some may be , . i-iskinu richness But one never There are some people, the "f moving out anybody pa-tor said, who like to deny the heais in ,. L,rai rM,mnl nf .r,,i from town to sliaie in the spoils. 3y carrier, per week, 25c; per month, $1.00; per year, $10; by mail, per mnnth, 75c; per year, $8.00. a series or six lectures on "T, Aspect of ABC Warfare and Mass D,. be starting on February 25th at 8 PV Nurses' Horne of the General Hospit lectures are sponsored by the Health t Group of Civil Defence. All qraduate nurses ore urqed root) further details call Mrs E. Bartlert of t On Colorful Pilgrimage i.nother colorful pUgrimage of the Ancient and Arabic Ord.-r. Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, will visit Prince Rupert early this,. nthnn a nurt.v nf onwards Customs Man Writes Published every afternoon except Sunday by , Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. j Entered as second class mail by Post Office Department, Ottawa. I judgment or the consequences of A RETIRED Canadian A1(OI F.s id iMiKIl Athletes from beyond the seven ;f onP'nundred members of Giz- ! fiistnms man writes D n. ,, nf nmi's h,. with band and stnat ne tninKS eigmy-'" at Oslo in Sweden una we sus- , com(, hPV1 from Vancou- some forty local if!v nv runotv n,r rent of ... ".'V. P a P'u m0 '? "B.a ver to Initiate They are coming ! i - ine vcnaiiiiy 01 J uukiuciii,- uV uu, inei. snouiu oe suim- ,.or,,il.4..,o .1 . . ,l : ,.1 in ,.r,r,a i ik. . . . i ... ;.,.-., ,i:,,nnl lunuiuaica. Instead of May 2 Hie L a n an litn in.-ujmr men- i " mjnt'iiuui m iun"i"'i June 6 and 7 New Testament that deal with eil as nthietic way. Hitler, eternal punishment. "It is ap- back in the thinies, staged a big G E. CLOCK RAD and 3 as was originally planned. Union steamer Chilcotin is being chartered for a special voyage unri the ceremonial headquarters pointed unto men once to die now and won a popular renown for the Fatherland. Adolf had ... the world t most useful rodi the right idea but the ambition. wr("m will be in the Civic Centre. I C. A. Berner will be ceremonial would vote for union with the U.S.A." I For years, he says, he chatted i wail Canadians "not at bwy ports like Douglas but at points where we had time to visa awhile with the folks as they passed through " "At the risk of being hanged as a traitor, or being bumped off and then comelh judgment." Th.- New Testament word for hell, which Jesus u.- J, is "Oc-henna" and means "burning retire." This can mean nothing but eternal punishment No more worry about falling asleep and leaving the radio on ... no more startled wakening to jangling alarms . . . not with a (it: CMH'K H AMO. ritish Columbia's election is coming on apace Politicians and master and O. J. Dawes has been appointed potentate's representative. As usual, the public will see much of the proceedings as the Hel! was necP.ssary because of others- arr Hiking their chops in sin. Common sense dictated to anticipation. Campaigning and man that he cannot live a Hie 'lolling will have a vitalizing ' by a United Empire Loyalist, I'v The best of each ONLY else every prognosticaior nobles,' with band and patrol. I' lor madn 'to be whh God in Heaven. Hei. idead wrong The province can parade the ne streets sireeis with wiui the uic can- cun-who will figuratively u..V . t K..iit. nrcnarod for the clpvil and with a. roushm light to dar cunau tread the burning sands. A CLOCK - A RADIP - A MUSICAL See them at 'it would be the thin edge to- his angels. It was a place ol the air. Sir Dick McBrlde, Billy i wards World Union something utter darkness and gnv.hlng of Bowser, John Oliver, Doc Tolmle, we must have if we are ever to t.eth where fire shouht never be Duff Pattullo and many another 'have quenched. . who could be m.-ntioned are out 1 '"Maybe peace I'm a dreamer. Maybe' ( Ail the world should be Judged ol the picture but lots are left, i the Almighty intended us to be in the righteousness of Jesus I at each other's throats and live Christ. The pastor challenged UK KOKS.V'T n MIM irf.w.,..,i.,in.r ,.vut,.nep Hut I've .he nudlencn with these words Canada's ambassador to West Rupert Radio & 2(i Native Chief In Air Force Kenneth B. Harris, son of Mrs. your c;e dealer T C. j found there is more harmony "Are you too busy t; be saved? Oeimany Davis, not, only with President hands ' ahum npiohhnr itrp not. too otir- rir m:iteri:il thlncs mean more ticular about the location of to you than your soul? Is your Heuss but is doing It with an irene Harris and th late Robert TRADE-IN NO 'their line fences, or do away name writtui in the Lamb's Book a'most broad smile, wonder it Jwith them altogether, as in the o. Life? It Is a fearful thing to he can be thinking of that other wheat country." . j lull into the hands of a living time. iGod. i . . , ; . . . ...I .... , ,.Vn.- Frequently a o.'ath occurs in Harris, returned Saturday night to his base of the RCAF at Trenton, Ontario, cfter spending a furlough wilh his mother and ina pncise.y oecause i oeur,c - I,'""'' Prince Rupert where the full and Esters, Mrs. Robert Jackson. Mrs ! that annexation of Canada tu the Father judgeth no man h but f '8nort tf nf ,np is and Maz(., Harris ,the U S A. would destroy-nd ha h al Judgmer, "Call who his friend., and his brothers, Phillip. Elijah !n?X aSu. Zrld"' 1 Vnity7he wo,dT -a, nmnber many Of.ei, there ,m and George, a.l of Port Ed 9' , cu. ft. DELUXE Refrigerator . $499.00 8' cu. ft. DELUXE Refrigerator . $461.50 ward. is no wne or lamny mvmoera A- well as being an Air Force here. Scoren have perhaps been acot.mtnted for years yet, when mar with fchl"?l hi has been for that I am against annexation. one question asked: "What have 'ihcre r.rc only two ways to yoc done with Jesus-i" The pas-get World t':-:on. One way is to tor closed will, these words: Strengthen and reform the UN "You will meet Jesus either as , until it becomes what Tennyson Saviour or Judge." 'called "the parliament of man,' . ... 1 he passes on. the name is not f)V(., p v(,ar nl! )s aS(, a Cuf 8'i STANDARD Refrigerator $432.50 ! recalled or can oniv dp nci?r-m!nd by direct Inquiry of some of the GilUcuu.ka iSkeena Crossing i tribe, his name being one certain to have the know- fjah-gwa the federation of the world." leclic. DELUXE Range $519.00 STANDARD Range $388.50 DELUXE WASHERS $359.95 tries, for all the same "advantages" for annexation of Canada would apply elsewhere. His mother. Mrs. Harris, had the honor of meeting and pre- sented to Queen Elizabeth II u IhlS Can ne .,,,. L, AmnHIgn tnnr o uifl This Is High Praise rise of the Canadian dollar to par with STEADY that of the United States has piven this country some almost invaluable publicity south of the border. In a letter to the Financial Post, a New Yorker makes this flattering statement: "I have often wished that the United States was as well governed as Canada. Also it seems to me that Canada is coping more successfully with the problem of inflation than any other country in the world with the exception ," of Switzerland. Hence, whenever I am able to Invest the meagre sums which the United States income tax leaves to us, my instinct is to invest in Canadian securities." And from the New. York Daily News with its . huge circulation comes this tribute: "Money's primarily a matter of people'8 confidence in the government that prints it, and the world of trade has expressed increasing trust in Canada. No merry tax-spend. '" 'what's debt we just owe it to ourselves' policy up there. Canada's aim has been to pay as she goes, ending up with a sound budget. "Canadians' energy in developing their country (they even snap that if the poor US. can't afford to help develop the St. Lawrence Seaway, they'll do it themselves Is drawing admiration from all Americans. Incidentally. U.S. investors in growing .numbers arc entrusting their saved dollars to conservative Canadian industrialists and miners, rather than to our own Fair Deal-harassed corporations. "Congratulations and continued good management, Canada. Some day we may get around to following your fine example." This new enthusiasm for Canada in the United States will be welcomed and appreciated here. But we could do with a little more of it in Canada too. There are still too many Canadians who do not realize the vast progress we have made in developing this country in the last 10 years and the still greater-development that lies immediately ahead. Tribute to Alan Cross "THE Richmond-Marpole Times paid high editorial I tribute last week to Alan Cross, former Rrince Rupert boy, who died suddenly a few days ago of a heart attack. Mr. Cross, who has lived for several years in Richmond Municipality, which contains Lulu Island, was lauded for his high sense of public V.Iuty and responsibility and for his many kind but unassuming acts. 7 , The editorial was as follows: -- "Richmond and all its people have suffered a com- " ' munity and personal loss in the sudden and tragic passing of Alan Cross. Those who knew him well, and they were . countless because of his sympathetic fellowship and under- standing, have lost a true friend. The community which he ZZ',, served in so many voluntary capacities has lost one of ' ",. its most valued citizens. "The personal loss will be most acute to his associates at B. C. Packers Imperial Cannery and head offices. The . company has lost a valued executive and President John . Buchanan. Ken Fraser. G. Mort Ferguson and others will also miss a treasured friend. "The very modesty of Alan Cross kept many Richmond people in ignorance of the service and citizenship he was rendering them. His knowledge of financial matters was t- given freely as treasurer to several organizations. Through them he was the unidentified benefactor of so many people. ... . "This was not enough, however. He was also a member . of the Volunteer Fire Department. Although he was tired from a motor trip and had complained of not feeling well, he rose in the night to fulfil his obligation to the com-;",; munity as a volunteer fireman. It was while at this self-J imposed duty that, he received, even at the young age of - 40, the higher call. "The hearts of the people of Richmond go out to his """ " sorrowing wile, his three sons, mother, brothers, sisters and relatives in their tragic bereavement. With this sympathy is extended a grateful, if sad, acknowledgment of his tireless work for us all. "It was fitting and it was in keeping with his character, that wb"n his friends and fellows paid their last ' ' respects on Monday, their tribute was in compliance with a reauest that donations to the Richmond Lions Inhalator Fund replace the traditional flowers. "There is no more beautiful flower in the garden of mankind's life than that of self-sacrifice and service. Such a bloom was the life of Alan Cross. It is memory's everlasting flower." HKST REMEMBER A MUiatlon like i The other way Is by power 1 politics to have the big fellow.! j swallow up the little fellows, either by war or other compul- j sions. The stern necessities of power Of Old ' ' . 1" ' , . , oi..' n. Plenty i" J .r. ,.....'.' :mbarralng. from her people of Skeena Cros po ucs woum r... xvu.a , limprs hear ni"k nam 's, so called C2l.n pnjaivnrl trront 1 n if u follow suit give her the very Northern B.C. Power k As a rule there is rarely. If ever, VI ' (h(, ,ato King GPorRC an objection. It is more apt to FEDERAL UNION of the whole excuse she may want. All th. British Commonwealth anu countries of eastern Europe the U.S.A., plus western Europe, would be annexed outright be the opposite. Somtimes, one rnnnr m v fceromer more accustomed to th? . 1.1 V.n . i rr ,.l Ua V.nnn Ihaip - Itesner Work Prince Rupert, B.C. J. P. MacDonald of the Forest Branch left on today's plane for a trip to Queen Charlotte City 1 wuuiu uc u Kiwu biuitK, it iiirir wwuiu uc nun ui i 'V e of it thOil recognition ol what Is correct.. It is a melan uieaiiL a iiaiurui aim piacucm uoeration wiiooul i-utaeijfsnui. extension of our past growth, war. All the British countries, includ- ' choly business trying to find out on official duties. from description whether or not another friend is no more. ling Canada, would want, to keep IT IS NOT by mere chance their own identity, their own that Col. Bertie McCormick M queen, their own local laws. The ; whooping it up more and more '. U.S.A. would naturally want to for absorption of Canada by keep all its own traditions, and U.S.A. yet almost froths at the its own government set-up, and mouth at the mere mention of flag. '"Union Now." Juneau is to have more dwoll-: Ings. the work taking n'aec un- ' der the jjcneral supervision of the Aluska Housing Authority. ; Rentals will be $25 to $50. Some I ... new union ,.......wj machinery , For ror "Union uruou now Now" is is based iwku on some ; ' The could vn jay sounds i vu:wij will be Df four-bedroom rour-bedioom and and i be set up on a democratic j the idea that all the British na- two-bedroom horn.-;;. This so hrndle only the thiivs lions keep whatever they waht being Inn within within reach reach of of basis to to most ! ; which arc essentially interna to keep. Including their throne ii,,iif Prinu Bmwrt u also to' tlonal, or supra-national that 'and unite only to handle those ' huve .k building bc Rent quo- ' is, above and beyond the do- things which cannot be handled i tat,i9I1, later ' mestic affairs. weil separately. : i : , As a printer in Hamilton, On- , Au lhLs controversy about bar-! NOW SEE what would happen i tario, said to me 30 years ago,; berlng costs has not, the slightest If Canada simply folded up; "the border between our two ; Pf fe, t on old man Dan Byers of j and quit. The USA would have countries Is an insult to Ood. j western Pennsylvania. He start-! ten more states. But the whole who made us one." r business 69 years ago and ! national development of Can-; Quite true. But the way to j sun charges ten tvnts a haircut. aeia, or sense of being Cana- wipe it out is to wipe it out Never could see any reason fori dians, would be destroyed. The : between the U.S.A. and the en-change, he says. We'll wager a British Commonwealth would tire British Commonwealth. i hat he's never been doing much j collapse, for Canada is the key . sitting down. link in its inner ring. j Mrs. R. Heppell of Terrace left j I ine new American Empire , or. today's plane for a trip to i If you won to ?H K. acvcrtlsc I wuuia swaiiow up otner coun- Vancouver. i New rlan'.fled I ; Atitaqain! ;Os .78 jV: (fVV& Vv' x -hey're burning the midnight whale-oil at the North Pole. .Srrijtfttrc f-aS.lcigc jt or Jo(lai, Gen. 1:27. "God created man in his own Image (iliristmas is past, but another December Hth lie? ahead. And Santi is already going right ahead with his preparations as many i Canadians are doing, mo, at the 1) of Nf. Many Hank of Montreal customers have already opened sptfbl , Christmas Savings Accounts at "My Hank"! They plan to deposit a "IJ" sum each payday throughout the months ahead. This dollar or tv.ii which they are determined never m miss unj unl In toit h- ioouh.ill into a generous amount for Vuletidc expenses by the i'mt "Jingle Hells" is again No. 1 on the nation's hit parade. Follow the happy lead of the wise old boy of the North Pole . . . itarting your preparations today. You can open a Christmas Savind' Account for us little as one dollar at any branch of the H of M. !New Chemical 1 At Edmonton plant at Edmonton late this year, company officials report there will be sufficient pentaerythritol available to supply all of the Canadian needs, with an important surplus for export. The Edmonton plant will be in a strategic location to supply : needs of the mid-western and iar-wetern sections of the Unit- I ed 8tate, since all pentaerythri- j to! production In that country 1 has heretofore been concentrat- ! ed at locations on the eastern ' o 2i L." .EDMONTON Pentaerythritol, v comparative newcomer to the " ;tiemlcal industry, will soon be produced In sufficient quantities 'trt Canada to supply all of the domestic needs and to make this country a major exporter of the material. MAKINO THE MOST Of YOUR MONEY Saving for special purposes ami for lurM-letm weJ' guts best when it's part of a really individual pl.m nunapinK your nmncy. Ask for vmir copy of "IVrMi'l I'ljnninji " the hnnkli-t that tells r,,u h"w "' within your intnine mJ save at tiw branch rf l" II of M. I'ick up ("ur copy ("Jay when you're i'I""1"" your Christmas Savings Account! coast. World-wide markts will The chemical, which has be be ved ment from Van- important replacement j Ef come an of giycerin, is used in the manu The availability of pentaery-thrttol in Canada will serve as a stimulus in expanding the paint industry in this country, and will result in a sharp increase in consumption of the material here, and decreased import of alkyd resins now obtained from foreign sources. Construction of the Canadian Chemical plant on a site near Edmonton was started last June, and the work, to be completed late thU year, is running on schedule. Bank of Montreal Irince Rupert Bianch: ERNEST PAULDINO, Manager Bt-wart Branch: MELVILLE G. GENQE, Manager facture of explosives and is an important ingredient in the manufacture of alkilyd resins for baked finishes on metals. It is important in the finishing of automobiles, refrigerators, stoves and other similar consumer goods. It is also used in finishes on military vehicles, weapons and warships. At the present time the total Canadian requirements, amounting to approximately 3 million pounds annually, are being imported from the United States. With completion of the Cana- dian Chemical Company Limited WsOfeWfilir illt ILK mt Hl um ' " FAMILY REUNION For the first time in 10 yeirs all the immediate members of Prime Minister St. Laurent's family came together at Ottawa for a Surprise celebration on the 70th birthday of Mr. St. Laurent. They are. left to right, (ba?k row). Frank Lafterty, Montreal, son-in-law; Jean Paul St. Laurent, Quebec; Lora 8t. Laur'nt. Compton, Qu'-, sloter of Mr. St. Laurent; Reneault St. Laurent, Quebec; Hugh O'Donnell, Montreal, son-in-law; Dr. Mathieu Samson, Quebec, son-in-law; (centre row) Mrs. Reneault St. Laurent daughter-in-law; Mme St. Laurent and Prime Minister St. Laurent; Mrs. Hugh O'Donnell, daughter; (seated! Mrs. Frank Lai ferty, daughter; Mrs. Jean Paul St. Laurent, daughter-in-law; Mrs. Mathieu Samson, daughter. tVIHY WAIK or I " WOIKING WITH CANADIANS IN For best results, advertise!