f 1 Prince Rupen Daisy News' OTTAWA DIARf As I See It Tuesday, April 6. 1P51 i. win... . xiir mini- aiii;iiiiii:uiii, Won-1 tn u. ninic move taken by Ihe coverii- was afl i ment so far this year Ls the pv;t ' npmHit'"'"'" lllf r week's decision l call V )m - thw-n, .cap,W, - n tnJependent dOT newspaper dvoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupen fcnd Northern and Central BrUiafi Columbia. MTOlbei oi oiittumn fress Audit Bureau of ClrrulAtlona Canadian Dally Nwspapr Assixmtlon. 1 pihHhd bT The Prtnw Kupf-rt Mailv Nt'Wi. Umlld. J. F. MAOOU. President II. O. HfcftKY, Vire-Prldnt 100 000 of world war It hn,i . u" W !e y.... as much as two year ad-- The Th.'!0" mam lrn, vanee of tiirir malurity dates. ! coiniwd h. .1.. ' If not exactly the first formal ' rial auihoriij authoriii. Subscription Rates: y carrier Per week, 25c; per month. 1 00; per year. ttOOn. ly mall Pr month. 7fto; pr yesr, 8 00. iUU)orlzd as second cJa-s mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa rco'initiou of the prions AX-'- That Slump Threat df the past several months, the; dollar. The soul step U at least the first attempt' mium orioinallv by the government to deal wii,i ! for Canadian tHo cituatinn K mtmne l . i nivn uuiar. v-"p Program Needed ' iONE Thing has very "" wjr 't.tui.i ui mil- i .... punywe, frf J lll- ntillcv It. marlrc .l.,iri.... . . Rl,.t,.u lr0!1 eoarture from the al titude hi- ' Pearance of oi. ' therto maintained that the re-! rditwiy. Has lh, ,1 cession would vanLsh without any "ernment hm if 1 A NEW CANAMAN-JAFANKSE trade agreement, ex))ecte(l to lead to greater trade between the two countries, is signed at Ottawa. Signing the pact are: left to riuhti Koto Mat.sudaira, newly appointed Japanese ambassador to Canada; External Affairs Minister Pearson and Tratte Minister Howe. The- new agreement will come into force after it is ratified by both countries. clearly emerged from the hearings before the ' Hanking committee of the ; oresent parliament: ; Canada is in far better shape i to meet and beat back a slump than was the case in 19:10. Apart altogether from the fact $1,000,000 is a handsome sum under ALTHOUGH most circumstances, allocation of that .amount for the improvement of highway 10 during the current fiscal year is unlikely to make much ' impression. , , For most Of its 4X0 miles Vietween l'rince Rupert and Prince (leoree, this road is in such sad need for a government stimulant united States one the advent of spring wen- : Canadian devplopaj, ther sparked a resumptton of j Wlu iiowinj up normal seasonal activities. The j new cheap ' n Naturally, the government is is designed torJ DAILY NEWS LETTERBOX br-nds which It now Ls calling. lis that bitter experience tauglU Pit that it win be,,. condition that' an expenditure of that size can he i this country so many lessons I cash resources aren't by any1 m4in. I1t flllv'K Tlia nU... the citizens of this riding will ment takes our money and gives Ql'OTKS ItKMlMSt KNCKS l, ..l ...:,u..,,4 i Tl, ,itt,..w.n i-c .int. "l-o now have what you not forget this injustice wh n ! It to every gimme guy In the of ,rpa.sur ,nerrp or,; miBht call "tools" to do an anti-slump job that we did not have before. The main ' tool" is the Bank lie uaiiv News . . : . , . , J ' . ... ., . : IS replace inem Dy Dole's ! 11,0 fm.C W8S Mvi V ?' I n,a,!y, tfhl"!!S th,,t OUr mowy ! h.-h will bear a lower interna With due iterance to I). " wun uul tituiuiicL ui .,,, That is it was l timorod , has nairl fur . .. , . Lar-e, whom I believe was mi.s-! n, m i,,,. . iw ! " ..... ! "." lm,s rcsml ,n 8 savl!"! for instance, we near about: i0 the taxnaver.s Th nrevniii,t informed regarding Mr. Robert. ,.,, ,,, unn.nnupr wn-it r i l of Canada, with its very flexible the poor starving children Jill rumor l.s that whereas th,. h.mrt ana swiiuy aajusiaoie raacrun- i uuiminKnam. wnom ne nien-, wUtor 0f the D.illv .. .., .,m ...a ..V now bein called bore Interest .lUlirv rtllJMM. llliULIL LI i ill. run.... ww ii mi.- ly summed up by Bruce lirown, M LA for Prince : Rupert, whostimates that at the present rate of ! allocation, it -w ill be 50 years before highway Hi is !in first-classi shape instead of the 10 years which was predicted at Victoria a few months ago. This is not to suggest that even this amount 'of attention is unwelcome. Along less difficult '.oarts of the hiirhwav some excellent work is he- , at the rate of three percent, the ery of control over the financial, tioned in a club address ;. the gw: N,.ws alsp ,.hP (.ilii.n.n ol.i fef,rt 'thm to My Idea Ls set-up of the country. . or which P M.u-c Rupert? He told'thcm to; Z ? saUhtuiren ... .... w I T.F L:. t. J t'' . "!tj""-- W1i"-.J'i!'.'- .htmld lo!,k after their own ehll- Fast Passant J m 's i" rxisiriicc nu out.ii i pened alter mat cditoiiai.' haiunss Irom pr,,, replacement bonds will bear terest at the rate M not more ; than two and three-fumrfrr. : percent. In other wortiK, the calling uf i thp hondu Ls (1 kI f11 nn lll n-ii-t rtt ining as a sneu ot punuc worics, nnr ut ii- "i ii'i"i n mt- l;lWa l0i) notlce and the pon To Vum-ouvfr - i- ... ' nra ni of Mr. MP . Cunningham. 11 n niniin i m 'i The ti. that -is a list of things wait-'life dien. or that government .should see that they do so. It is their own responsibility and althoii'th we feel sot 17 for the children I I lofiits remained as l: ing to be done - with plans all gentleman has passed on and 1 , . Whlt..01,' ... j. ...... . . .. 'ihhil- In fnlriwu In Viij mr.,.,.-ii " WnHHIOI.SL in tlie Vng done to provide a good surface, and this latest TrK I" i 1 M bel ?iy days, when wanted uie and ,,-opie kicked ke,,t do not see that we have any rc-1 th poVernnu-n'. lowarii; a che sponsibility whatever. In the case; monry plk.v An(I R is llMjvl.. l what they . ii . . . t i . ... i j -. . . i ' . i i. i , - known. allocation at least nas trie vmue ol neiug its larj-e The Minister of Public Works out who and what they clidn t oi lamme or pestilence inai is u ni:0,...yea arn.must Olt.i. Frederic My -ather, Charles i hK tnld l.he MP's that his rto- Sunday 8:05 To Kitirtiat-FriO. To Krmaiid s pm To Slcwart, Alin urd-y ( To .Mavt and y, ( liarhiltrs Tr a.m. March an arid 22l want. Anyone who tries to take another matter wuVi economic experts that r- as last year's so that the'effortjs, being sustained, ,1f not increased. Ipartment has its hands M M""', . ln tnf.en,,ce " j the drydock from tliLs city That angle Is Involved In many I cheap money polic.j is one which keening ahead with detailed: pay vouipuii, ai shou!d .,1Von a one-way tlo- other similar matters. We are attracts a maximum How of cap plans for the necessary year to ! lhat of nf- ha hL'' rt:m,1"ls ital from both domestic and cenees early days containing year work, which we must do. ket out. That Ls the rule In the Yukon. Let us keep our diydock. Don't let anyone touch It. Show your colors . . . get busy. ThLs Ls our in any kind of times, good, bad supposed to have prosperity at home. How come? The governments subsidize various bilsl-nesses besides war production for ourselves and any other To Suulb Qurn 1 or indifferent. He has no extra foreign sources for development purposes. It is elementary that when Interest rates are I1LU1 piujiK-ts o:' : expansion and development are Thursday 6;(kj at loth arm : native land and wc must pro-! ixEgar in the world, ajid as a P-issensfr Kfjfrt. facts that are true, and I shail quote from him: "18G8. We arrived at 'ort Simpson ln the evening and ca.a anchor In that splendid harbor. After supper we went ashore and .spent the evening at. the Fort. At that time Mr. Kobei I Cunningham was Hudson's B.iy Company officer in charge In tect our industries Whlcn me 1 result the envemment, niirrhnse.s rlisi fiuraurd- I he ceit nf tvirnc - IffiSt LES SMITH staff, or funds, to keep constantly up to date a whole "shelf" of expensive plans for things which never may become realities. But while the above Ls true, It is also true that the heads of the present government, and the leading thinkers in all parties in the House ol Commons, are familiar with a list of oldtimers built out of the wil-1 iU&v am0unt.s of various mater- i ing the money to prosecute them derne.'-.s. What do you Jh!nk? - uls-to keep labor employed at is too high In terms of the pros-1'IKRRE LKCI.AIHE. : titti v ages. The result is that pm-t to have discerned clear In-Prince Kupert. i f.v(.ry 0, in0 government 1 clieatlom in the past sever: 1 i gives to some foreigner a few weeks that Canadian interest Prince Ruper jOA Third Avrw serving B.C. s- 3 What appears to be lacking, however, is a con- jcerted program, to put this highway on a level of importance 'eqiar to that' of the main thoroughfares in the south. The operations are so patchy that a motorist cruising alone a fine road one 'moment will in the next find himself navigating jover whirt seems to be pasture land. This condition '.strongly suggests that allocations for improvement are made primarily as a political expedient and that nowhere will be found a longe-range indention to take highway 16 seriously. To judge from present activity, or the lack of it, some of the; Vworst sections seem likely to remain that way; (forever. " v'' j Naturally a fierce .cfy viM to Tur,fTfniS!the million dollars worth of food or 1 many ways he was a remarkable ; man. He came out originally as: CANT HtU'Ki: Ol'T SfOKK a Church Missionary Society The Editor Missionary, but not finding the .. N materials that we paid for. Besides the fact that we paid lor this Santa Clans stuff, we had projects which everybody knows will sooner or later be undertak-l rpSij,npci ne entered the servn-e i Considering the mess the world to pay double prices for what en inv'CahadU..'. ,: . . . - of' tnfi Hudson's Bay Company is In. and the things that we wo constimed ourselves. Doubt- ' slump or even fn the event of a yhere his shrewd business abiii- hear over, Ihe air, or. in the j less thf things given away were . of better quality than what r serious mreat 01 a serious slump, tscs. wf,rc of greit value to them.! papers, 11 snouiu nut mam-i 11 j It will be possible to speed ujy anti llirv ma(ie a mistake -wheii i inflict you, or the public, with they lost him; he merely asked some of my troubles. I just can not figure out the score, and it purchased at homr at. those Iri-! flated pi ices. That it prosperity, 'ind we are -trying to wet other countries to follow our rxampls. They must Ihlnk thut'wc uie ulH, nnd they urc exactly cor-- for a small Increase of salary, which they refused, he irompUv fSOl south" if- plahs-to- put'irt folu-lune highway .4 1.ukL would seem that the world has gone. crazy., or that I may be crazy myself or soon will be. I So many of (Jie. bii; pubui workA j yid. - public", ' utilities - pcVhaps years or even decades ' before they would ' be built otherwise. - HERE ARE , some of lmmen.se public works or public utilities all set to go: forth were curtailed or dropped altogether in.. reel. What is our dollar wotiru just hope that those remarks resigned and started in bUkJiies for himself; not at Fort Simpson, but first at Inverness and afterward at Port Esslngton at1 the mouth of the skecna River, which he built up to be the Your share of INDUSTRY. You can obtain the advantage of investment in over 100 widely diversified, carefully selected .securities. See your Investor Syndicate representative lor full details. T. M. (TOM) CHRISTIE Office 315 3rd Ave. W. may be of some value to some today? What happens to old ' -.-wV- .- - , ,' - . wy ' 1 -I- -v. "' "" . . ' t : ,....'; r-, ' " 1 - w' -.-' 1" . Wl.'i.. -1' 1 ij,, :. ? - e - , ..-" I f 1 . , w v - ...2 . .... i - a V .... ? .;' f " .w' : , . v 'f' ! 'J The St. Lawrence seaway, now ! headquarters of the North Coast which station It held for many held up only by the last ditch one. or amusing. people who .aved monry or in In the first place I cannot i wrance for the:r old age? They see anything that has been ac-j '4 obliged to pay these inflated complished by all the interna-! "rices and compete with present tional conferences from iheidav workers who draw from Hague to date. Some of them!10 to $20.00 a day, whereas produced terrible results. ! 'nf-'r saving were on a busis of ',n a tor t0"r vrk-we-that Considering the horrible m-ss fn Before these mollycodd ing days is Canada and Ule( o'ople raised their famil.es with-ridiculou-s U.S.A. are in. It seems positively ! ' ''t "aby bonus, etc. and .av-the for us to be toUing e" m,jn- with these hwh I ay world how to run their busi- Phone 384 iavor 01 developing nignway jo. ine communities served there maintain that since they are paying the bulk of taxes and .create the heaviest traffic, their communications should at all times have first consideration. ' Superficially.' the argument has merit. But what it means in ' the final analysis is that the southern strip of B.C. will continue to grow more crowded until even those who live there are- adversely affected by its lop-sided development. The four-lane highways of today become the eight-lane highways of tomorrow, and no one is a bit happier. years. lie was a most capable man, a great Indian Trader and a most genial, good tempered man, a giant in stature and strength, but a kindlv man who never employed hLs strength unless forced, it bcln-j almost Impossible to put him out of temper. I knew him Intimately fot-vears and take plea'ure ln ottering thLs tribute to his memory." opposition of U.S. selfish interests,. The natural gas pipeline from near Calgary to Toronto and Mont rent with offshoots to U.S.A. HERE ARE some others in tho planning stage, which could be speeded up, and rushed to completion years ahtad of time: v awn i-rupii: piu in i u .mi l Kir nni'L nMif n u'A hivii nit irn My father took over from M The Big Bend Dam scheme, on j Cunningham as offlner in char-te -f?C v'" J brains to run our own countries, i ' they cannot I've in luxury on i present waes. Our governments have lnPir noses stuck into practically all: I believe the government has ma(le convWtcd crooks and fined of our citizen's business as well. ; We have none of our boasted rubber, cable, paper companies, pioneer spirit men with puts laus they combined to get a enough to look after themselves -falr I)rice fnr ,r"'lr Roods. As-hiifc meielv a lnim h nf mollv- ' "minsr this was carried too far the Upper Columbia. The Fraser in year 1870, as it was during that year the former resigned and started a business of his own. River power. Irrigation and fish conservation scheme which is 1 potentially the; biggest thing ' ver undertaken in Canada. The , Saskatchewan River Irrigation i and conservation schemes, held j up now chiefly by arguments lover technical details and di It it ls is my my belief be.uet the tne word word "prize prue , ., , nacked :n some cases. Assuming they fighter" had not yet been coined , il(1'c? ?a' J - were rrlminalS-then whv in thf. In the IBbOi. J nme ot n" doc Ue 1m-' sofl piuow. Mv Wea of an JOHN w W. M. MOKIbON, , . . ,., ., irovernment nerm t ni cms nf Prince Rupert" " ' ! others to gang up to fix Drlce 4- h.iieirtf nd let neoni ct'nnri al" give them assistance in do ii'K .-w aim nu nuillllLg aooui 'DON'T DIHMAN1XK IMtYKOOK ,1 on 1 heir, Own fcut.-or die. One vision of casts. . v The , Trans-Cunada Highway; na-fnn'rr1 -or Tess fnlff -rritf !trMt"ld be finished, with a bang. them. Ill fact it passes laws to result I understand is that the army has to turn down a large rompol employers to collect the The Editor, The Dallv News: r""ney that ls used in promoting Re fJMMVP Cn wv's letter on ' pti.i niaii " inzjyn- w,,u wiiu ait unfit for the army today al Just as Good SIGNIFICANT advertisement has just appeared A in the -newspaper. , In this ad tlie advertiser seekLs" thdrs'erviees of rst' aista&$ bookkeeper. Not a major matter, to be sure, if the ad stopped there, but it goes on to stipulate: ". . . age 70 years or under." It is one of the most encouraging of signs when business departs in this fashioi from the routine that has developed in more recent times and recognizes the fact that a person of seventy may be as useful as one ten or 20 or :50 years his or her junior. The Halifax Chronicle-Herald. tnts swindle, win some one rtt-a.se tell me what difference there is In these two kinds of so culled criminals? Why one Is ihl FKhSENT parliament has , the drydock. Mr. Casey says In actually voted fifty million dol- j his letter, T feel the question lars to finance construction ol i must be approached In a more new rental homes. All that is ! direct manner." generalOelectr though the army has become a sort of old men's home, or a youwrmen's club. That condition ni,)i!iiG In mnct nf nnnlA Tvlnv fined and why one l.s subsidized I fee! that we should tell Ot We are getting too soft. Now 1 11 l like a lark of brains, or SWIVEL-TOP VACUUM CLEANErj necessary ls that the province underwrite one-quarter of the cost. Also, this vast sum of money alreodv vnteri bv ti-it parliament must be spent either on slum clearance and re-construction, or construction of tawa direct that the citizens of Prince Rupert will not stand for the dismantling of the drydock. The money spent on the drydryk does not amount to a drop In a take the idea of a 33 hour week v,nra-for one thing. I-aat fall. In Canada, wc had a The government spends mil-! ?rike of 'lboul 125 They lions of dollars for inspectors to! "P thmKs from the Great travel around in autos. Thev also! LakM to lhfl Pacific, and cast million gallon bucket. Millions are spent, for war purposes hut! spend fortunes for office equip-1 millions of dollars loss, and pre- low-cost rental housing, for pea pie who are not ln a position to buy their own homes. As to the province's one-quarter chare of the cast of such new, low cost rental hous nol a cent to keep industry mor-: ment, to cover nil the taxes, old vented the movement of grain, ing, because this drydock is out ; age pensions, baby bonus andi TWjPe now a similar ralamitv of sight, out of mind for politl-! such schemes. If we do not pay L ... . nnrmt,nd , n!1's tl"pr'tnf(l " fh thc rt awh al clans ln Eastern Canada. I the last cent that these Inspect- Build up Eastern Canada and ore can squeeze out of us we sure REFLECTS and REMINISCES Rtiy forget the best harbor in the Ket the works. Then tne govern-1 See l-r.TTKIl ItOX PaRe (j) ing, it can work out Its own deal with the municipalities. In other words, a big union A couple of scientists are 1 SPRING... world! Yes, starve the citizens of Prince Rupert, keep them down and otit. What ls the raattor with that member we sent to Ottawa? la that the thanks we get for electing a Liberal member to represent this part of Canada? I hope like the I.W.A. does not need to send any more petitions to Ottawa about housing. The new law is on the statute books the money ls all voted. All that anybody needs to do to get local housing projects going ls to get the local city council to agree to set the machinery in motion. The smart looking destroyer Sioux sailed Monday, following a jolly visit in perfect weather. Sunday afternoon there were numerous callers, who. eame in by the vestibule and found everything in ship shape and com fortable. Sailors seemed amused, and we don't wonder in the slightest. It's easier to understand that when a tar finds supper time approaching there won't be any mess. It's called something else, and he loves the idea. naking experiments in an effort o determine whether or not f Lsh an talk to each other, and in he event of being able to, if hey do. ThLs question is asked y the Record of Kitchener Out.) Like as not, in some little leal Cove gossip corner a few icrriii? and salmon are declar-ng this idea of shifting a mat;-uiicent plant like 'the drvdock .11 the way down to New Wcsl-ninster Ls plain crazy. Like all ha rest of the earth, these days, lupert Is off balance. V! ('A: " jt) NEW NEW LOW PRICE J $114.50 V -1 rtt Means lofs of Hard Wear .. See our great- new selection of children's shoes designed to fill every need. OXFORDS CREPE SOLES SANDALS Fashion Footwear TRAVEL TOPICS SOME SAMPLE AIR FARRS FROM PRINfE KITERT TO: One Way Return Vaneouver 44.85 80.73 Kdmonton 57.70 103.83 Ketchikan 15.00 27.00 Toronto 162.70 313.83 San Francisco 85.80 161.85 New York 171.80 333.85 t Your Local Travel Agent CRAWFORD MOORE . If the controversy with reference to cigarettes and cancer, about the only thing one can be fairly certain about at the present time is that non-smoking doesn't cause cancer. Kingston Whig-Standard. Alice Roosevelt Longworth tejls about a merchant seaman who was being investigated. "Do vou," fesked the interrogator "haw any pornographic literature?" "PorrtogTaphlc literature," the sailor burst out Indignantly, "I don't even have a pornographic." BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cale RADIO & m RUPERT TRAVEL AGENCIES- 313Th Many men who Tun after the fire department to witness a blaze have wives who run to the fire sale afterwards. 315 2nd Street Phone 620' ird AJJ5t, f-trsA Definition of a clergyman-1-. man who works to beat hell.