Hie Prince kuperr Daily News Tuesday, April 6. ltfoi Habitant Switch Likely If Punch Line Falters ' defenders, said Monday nieht By W. It. WIIE.Vn.EY Cui ;4lun Press Btaft Writer I ' I haven't marie up my mind1 . I i-aI Rut if thnr. llnp rtnncn'l rnti i Executive Sets Practice Times For Ball Clubs The three senior baseball teams will follow a iet schedule for practices It was derided by a meeting of the Prlnre Ri,jlr,( baseball executive. At a meeting attended ty Rusty Ford for Gordon and Anderson, Miner" Simundsen for Commercial Hotel and Don Haw-ryluk for Eiulres and Baseball IN THIS CORNER dick Ai ni:s DETROIT O" The possibility of a shakeup in Montreal Cana-ilieits' starting lines bei'an to pm! rilli'7p onrlv trwiiiu nnii ther going there will be changes all right and they could come right in the middle of Tuesday's j PLEAS! !( .... in I ARKLING were two situations In the mak-i Same. ing. One was borne of imriH-; f.ACH NOT INVOLVED guised concern anion.? the Mon-i Akcd u Eimer Lach, veteran ti eal higher brass and the other i cenlre tlRurcA in any possible of necessity. j plans Irvin repllecl : "No, not They dealt with the ineffect- now .. uai work of the first line and -a. i lrvill aso gald he u consider-knee injury that may keep little! ,,, UJjin five defenccme ttnd Paul Meger Out Oi action. uni-kliTr onlv three Intact lines. commls-sioner Stan Morln, n i was Jaid down that the new sys-i .J tern ler praciic.es .snould .SjComiiioi If last night with Commer Hotel players taking thei The punch line of Maurice ! (1enurtiiL-e fnim hLi t,,enlnL' practice at Roosevelt Park game strategy of four full lines and four defencemen. While Detroit's first line of Goid Howe, Ted Lindsay and Richard. Ken Mosdell and Bert Olmstcad hasn't scored a point in five Stanley Cup playoff games so far. Their Mneptness reached the state of acuteness Gordon and Anderson tak their first practice tonight ami Esquires get the Park tomoirov night. Thursday night it will b? Commercial Hotel goniri nnc! Friday night G & A. Monday night Bqnires will start off the new i come in 1 I flfrt.ifcJ Alex Delvecchlo has gladdened Sunday night when Detroit Red j tn hvatt 0 coach Tommy Ivan Wings banged out a 3-1 win in, lntJ fallm.e of RHlar(l to sco.e the opening game of the cup: w fcl the Montreal follmv-fmal. , lvj Dick Irvin, coach of the cup I , ., ,. , i While Canadiens did all the Kit week. Also settled was Sunday practice with G h a practicing up until 12 noon. Commercial Hotel front 12 until 2 p.m. and E.;iUirei 2 p.m. on. wi I M SENSAT!! SPEEDS!! worrying. Red Wings remained at their Toledo hideout, 60 nul.s away confidently awaiting the .second game. If the Whms win the secon 1 game the odds on them to take the .series will zoom. Z to I f avorites The Wings now are 2-to-l favorites or a little better to tare the series; Exciting Cage Series This Weekend The 1953-54 season's final bas The executive also srt June I for the deadline for player ree-islration with a maximum of 15 players per team allowed. The meeting decided that the Prince Rupert Baseball association would not Affiliate with the British Columbia Amateur association nor with the National Baseball Congress. . ketball extravaganza is .slated for Friday and Saturday .of thU Word came from Toledo that week wben Mamon'a Omegas, ivan hasn't the slightest inten- THE Ql'I.EN and Duke of Edinburgh have accepted an Invitation from the Canadian Yachting Association to send their yacht Bluebottle to Canada to take part in a series of races in Montreal and Toronto next summer. A dragon-class boat, the Bluebottle was given to the Queen and Duke as a wedding present by the Isle of Wight sailing club. This picture shows the Duke at the helm of the Bluebottle. Schmitt Leads Maple Leafs To 8-5 Win Over Penticton By The Canadian Press em" Canada Allan Cup semi- Playin? coach Willie Schmidt i final series. One game ended in a has given his Nelson Maple Leafs1 tie. The fourth game is scheil-a firm grasp on the Savage Cud, ; uled in Trail Wednesday Senior B league champions and tlon of monkeying with the win- I nlm; combination that turned i aside Toronto Maple LpuU in j the semi-final and now has the t jump on Canadiensi ! ; plajoff winners take on (lie Bo-; Mo-Hi Rainmakers in a two-j game series for the champion- ship of Prince Rupert, j In addition to this meeting of I the city's top teams in a spccii.l Luxury bicamer Prince George! RAILS FOR ! Vancouver! and Intermediate Forts : Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN feature which will bring together f I Sfandring Ties I two team.s made up of forme j Prince Rupert - "greats" In a Mixed League Northern European versus "7"'a i senior aroatevr, In a wil(, third perlod that Southern European contest. Bo-Me-HI Rainmakers unr WI DNKSOAY MiilniKht t iimfort and Service 3 Year's High Game the guidance of Jack Evans Kn nninir fill mil tn Irw nnt Foi reervtlnns writ m pull Cltr rr Depot (jdlee, Prlnc Rupert, B C. wvv rvey oujjicuwii y ill J U. Schmidt, a defenceman Willi Penticton V's last year, turned on his old teammates with a vengeance in Trail Monday night as the Leafs ground out an 8-5 win over Penticton. He scored three goals in a row to spark a" five-goal Nelson outburst in the second neiind. The win 'ives Nelami P. 2-0 lead in the best-of-seven Wc-t- I Penticton's Bill Warwick was ; tossed out of the game for at-: tacking the referee with a stick. ! Brother Grant Warwick picked I up five minutes for lighting o the same period as he tangled ; with Ernie Oare, rugged Nelson , rearguard, in a fistic dHpla". , Oare also .spent five minutes in j the cooler, , ! Don Appleton got two goals for Leafs and Mickey Maglio, Herb Lovett and Jimmy Lowe j added the others. For Peiitii:-i ton, Jim MDottaU produced i a three-goal effort, while Giant ; Warwick and Jack Mclntye i added singletons. compllsh what they just failed! Doug Standrlng found the alto do In the Civic Centre Round I H's to his liking In the mixed Robin tournament when they I five-pin bowling league this we- were edged by Bill MeChesney sl anti "ashed the pins for a 339-powri fill Omegas ' !all,f' t0 foI-ce a tip for hiih game Coach Alfredo Calderoni of the '; ot 'af wllh Don Hawrylult. Southern European d esc e n t i Aft" two rue8t'd m"' group said that his team will i Standnng bowling for The Dally I News, marked up seven consecu-Vernon consist of Severino Domlnato, Bernadino Ciccone, Nic- i ,ive strikes from the second to eighth frame before he shot !ai G.uvich, Nieolai Pavlikis. 1 wWe f tl,e headpln Nick Mazzonl, Bruno Pettenuzzo. Guiseppe and Car.o Giordano. ! Hls Same, helped the new.i- The "big left hook, with swinging right and head-down" system of boxing came unstuck Saturday night. It crossed up Andy Marshall and it failed Clunk Place. Only on a couple of occasions did it do Mouse Morrison any good. Where Joe Ward's boys expected to land the crushing blows on the right hand side of their opponent's jaws they found a glove there or were themselves pushed off balance. Time and time again both Place and Morrison found themselves tucked under their opponent's left arms peering at the cheering crowd. The tried and true straight left, delivered with the chin tucked inside the left shoulder was conspicuous by its absence in all three Ward fighters. The straight right shot from the shoulder, with the side of the face protected by the right shoulder wasn't used. The age bid geometrical fact that the shortest distance be tween two points is a '"straight line" was ignored. It was a pity. When Mouse's left did connect, his head was level with his opponent s knees. When Chuck did score with his hooking left he promptly went into a ciincn. Every clinch is tiring to the man being leaned on, but the way the Rupert boys went in With their heads down, eyes off their opponents was asking for trouble. Joe says that his boys didn't do as they were told. Maybe he's.right. Andy certainly didn't follow many of the things he ' was taught or that he had learned in his ring career. He went in like a lamb to the slaughter, to the 23-year-old Trent che.son who was afraid that Joe had given Andy all the answers to pull a repeat performance of his March 5 victory. But caution was gone, Andy wanted to get In the blow tnat would floor Ket-che.son and cool him quickly. But he, too, went in with head down in the second round only to meet an uppercut that lifted him in an arc onto his back. But there was one good fight that night, and few will jmte the fact that Maurice Hishop gave the crowd and young liiil Walts a boxing lesson long to be remembered. When Maurice ducked his eyes never left Watts. Every time Maurice kicked his foot Watts' eyes dropped and two more of Bishop's left jabs were in his face, followed by a right to the mid-section. The right that floored Watts was straight from the shoulder. It was a wonderful show from a man that hadn't been in the .ring for nearly a dozen years and who has a mangled right hand from a train accident. But Maurice's years of fighting in the British army showed to wonderful advantage, and in our. humble opinion Maurice should have got the Elks best boxer award. Ketcheson didn't think that he'd won it. He said so. But since the powers that be were Insistent that he get it he naturally didn't turn it down. Without a doubt the 1100 fight fans who crowded into the Civic Centre Saturday night got their money's worth. It wasn't ,a. spectacular card, but it was smoothly-run by the Elk's Lodge, nnd there was plenty of action to keep the paying customers happy. The self same customers contributed approximately $1,730 gross and when income tax, entertainment tax, trophies, rent, new gloves and incidentals nre'paid for they should net about $1,000. ' Whether the money will be used for the purpose planned remains to be seen. If Andy Marshall decides to continue his cmest of British Empire Games honors, he will be able to do so. He knows that so far as last year is concerned he has met the best amateur middleweight Canada has to offer. Whether this year there will be some lad who didn't get to the Dominion championships in 1953, waiting along the trail, he doesn't know. Nor docs Trent Ketcheson. Even if both boys end up in the BEG eliminations- they may not meet again. Someone might remove one or the other from each other's path. If they do meet again they're all square now and both should have learned valuable lessons.1 Ketcheson learned something as late as Saturday night when he watched Bishop's straight left. Andy learned something too . . . not to forget the referee's word of caution "protect yourself at all times." . We were quite impressed with Ab Hart's two Terrace youngsters and also with Martin Saunders boys. They're shaping up good and if they remember that training is 90 per cent of be- coming a good boxer and that the fights are only ten per cent, t ihey should make out okay ... if they remember what they've r.bcen taught when they're It; the ring. - - Two outfits are struggling for life in this city ... the Rupert Football Association boys want support badly to prevent a good game dying out. Any new or old players, helpers, fans, . anyone who knows anything about the game is direly needed ' and Maurice Bishop Is the man to see . . . the other life-seeker -J the newly-born Pony Baseball League which needs adults to guide half a hundred boys through their first season of organ-; lzed baseball. Offshoots of the official Little League the 13, 14 and 15-year-olds shouldn't be allowed to lose a chance of in-' "crea.iing their baseball education by playing every week during the summer in a proper league. But adult help is needed badly, people are wanted who are willing to sacrifice their valuable time to a good cause. Let's not let the kids down. Toronto Girl Breaks Records The scp's or j coach of the North Eunmeans. ' H"!' h" ""' f""' from Chats to continue at the The buds, ore Art Murray lists his team as fo- lows with more to be added: Annus Macphee. 'jack Lindsay. Mella and Heii;a Holkestad, Te J and Don Arney, Herble Morgan. The birds oi-1 ! TORONTO if Virginia Grant,! jvnior SMOKIES VI ! l;ronto A1u&Uct CIub's "-y"'- i Trail Intermediate Smoke Eu,-old smashed two swimming .star, m turne ,n a wlnning effort at Canadian jumor records at a , p fc A,b n d Ci1 meet here Monday night. fhe Abena snuad o take a She completed the 40-yard free ; 2-1 lead in the best-of-seveii I style in 21.4 seconds, beating the ; semi-final series for the Western I old mark of 22 sceonds set by ' Canada intermediate crown. By DCRNil Kerr of the Border City Dorothy , in Klip led the B.C. cham-Swnnmmg Club, Windsor, in; ninlla ilhVn mu ,m...,.s Lcr'i Ride in a PARKER'S A-1 Uscl 1835. She also swam the 40-yara ' coming from Les Chrtett ise.i and Dave Nicol. Hod I-'unteyi:e and Bing Merluk seoted fcr Pon-oka S'.ampeders. 5? FORI) fEIM'' New tires aw j backstroke in 25.5 seconds, beat-' ing the previous best time of 25.8 established by Leonora Fisher of! Ocean Falls. B.C., in 1952. 53 K)RD PANM Heater. Ixiw mileage. Ccmpare this price S11!I5 Last Night's Fights Brooklyn Ralph Tiger Jon: t, 157, New York, declsioned Billy McNee-e, 160:'i, Central Isllp, N.Y., 10. Detruil Duke Harris. 149, Detroit, stopped Irish Bob Fninerty, 152. Cle-.'eland 5. Ilolyokf, Mass Andre Te.-,- .?ier, 164 '2, Springfield, Mass., decisioned Al Anderson, ir,Gi4, Lous? Island City, N.Y.. 8. Ham; or, Me. Charlie Chase. 102, Montreal, decisioned Charlie Babcock, lt8, Banaor. Me. 10. 10(1 per tei! Have Your Tires Rccoppcd (or Sum' 51 roiiu PK'Ri 51 PLYMOUTH Tl'DOIt Mechanicallx tops. A real buy $1105 head of "B" Division. " Bob Hamer had hih three K the division, with C98, Joan Parks had best game for women, wllh 242 and Iris Clark, with 618, scored top three. Jeannie Warren led women in "A" Division with 310 and top three of 093 while Art Olson, with 280 and 7fil, was top man. Results: A Division Shenton's 1. Northern Glass 3. Shamrocks 4, Hi-Jaokers 0: Whalen's 3, Windy Six 1: Pushovers 3. Headpinners 1: Canada Life 3, Fa.shiou Footwear 1; Orphans 2, Fowlie & Rattle 2. It Division Daily News 3, Chats 1 ; Esquires 4, High Clreen 4; Thorn Sheet Metal 4, High Gold 0; Harold's 3, Eby & Sons 1 : Bob Parker Ltd. 3, Mixups 1; Hills Shoes 1, Hams idefault). Standings: A Division Shentons 45, Fashion Footwear 39, Shamrocks 37, Whalens 3j, Pushovers 34. Hl-Jaekcrs 33, Headpinners 33, Fowlle Sc Ruttie 32, Canada Lite 27. Windy Six 2i, Orphans 23. Northern Glass 20. K Division Daily News 50, Harold's 4.5, Enquires 43, Hills 34, Eby & Sons 33, Thorn Sheet Metal 29, Mixupj 28, HigJi G ild 27. Chats 25. Bui) Parker 24, High Green 21, Ham? 21. Custmii Tip-Toil YOUR FOKU-MOHAHCH DBU BOB PARKER LT "THE HOME OF FIHKKDl.V ftni!r h 4 7 C'i Jjx EXHIBITION BASEBALL Milwaukee N 0. Itrouklvn N a. WmthliiKton A 4. Ctnrlnnntl N 9. PlttstiiiiKh N 1. Plillntlelnhla A Cliicimo N 2. Baltiniorr A 0. Now York N 8 Clevrinnd A 10 Delruit A 8. Phil;ilelitu N 2. Ni'W York A 1U. Chorlotto SAL St. Louis N 2. Chlc.iKO A 0. Boston A 5. Mt-mphi SA a. Olluwn II 7. Hichmond IL 6. OI.I MEASIKE An anker as a measure of wine and spirits in England years a:;o was equal to about 10 gallons. featky M Happy Moi t WANT A PERFECT HOME? Take lime to find tjie one you want and be sure your goods are stored safely with a responsible warehouseman. Phone 60 THAT'S Clayton Heads New Baseball Group tndsayh the senior league. Local and Long Distance Moving (il'OItCIO LONDON, bass-baritone ot the Metropolitan Opera, gets sonic expert advice on "curling" bar-bells from Steve (Mr. Universe) Reeves. Mr. London, an athlete in his own right, believes daily workouts are essential not only for his physical fitness but for his voice. V "Leave it to Lindsoy's" Your "Allied" Agent After a discussion of age groups, players and coaches, it was planned to call a mass workout Saturday, April 10, between 1:30 and 4:30 p.m. The workout will be supervised by senior ball-players and other interested persons who wish to help the newly-formed league. Another meeting of the Pony League association will be called within a week in an effort to boost attendence by adults. "from Coitwiiled Cows a temporary executive was elected lust night at an organi-, .'zational meeting of the Prince ' Rupert Pony League baseball .'.association, held at the Civic Centre. . Elected president was Ross Clayton with Maurice Scott as , vice-president. Harley Lewis U the secretary-treasurer. The meeting which saw about 16 boys and 12 adults turn out, was optimistic that a three-team unofficial Pony league could be formed for play this -year. A ways and means com- mittec was formed to approach 1" sponsors and acquire finances. It is believed that two sponsors ENJOY TOKYO (Reuters) The Ke.i-ora Thistles completed a victorious 10-match hockey tour of Japan when they scored a filth win here today over the all-Japan team, 12-7. than nnl arcnli . . . . . --a.. in Nothinq is more imponuiu m C,,p; lit habies growing and gaining as - , cvoull1'11 Hint to normal growth, as proper '".,,,1 E. ii'iv more 1 anaunin nai'i.- -- rial- flmn nil nlli.-r VnntlllllCt f CRATING PACKING STORAGE CITY TRANSFER mil aonllf11 i .- Babies and Carnation g--' " Carnation is so easy to digest, n n hin j calcium, phosphorus, mpii-quaij c0ll0i' increased vitamin D - 480 Unit pel P'n' ' FURNITURE MOVING LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE uife-absolutely uniform. ... have already expressed willing- i ' ne.ss to finance two of the ; " teams. About 55 boys are now ! i registered as prospects for the new league. It was also decided to con- ; tact the senior baseball assocl-'j - ation executive to see if it would ; be possible for them to absorb j three or four 16-year-olds into ' Ask qour doctor about Carnation fC Phone 950 "V ) Canada's Mildest, Best-Tasfim Cigarette r i I v i r)