PERSONALS , t KupeM Lady News ' Tuesday. April , J954 Bo-Mi-Hi Students Ready To Sample Variety of Jobs in City Tomorrow L r 1 Churth Memorial LONDON (CP) The BBC has taken a 14-year lease on part of Memorial Hall, dedicated to e'erey who left the Church of England in the 17th century and formed congregational churches. The BBC will broadcast symphony concerts from the hall. Anglican Cathedral Rites Unite Prince Rupert Pair Clerk, Mary Storric. B.C. Fruit & Produce Robert United in marriage by Canon I make their home. The family has Basil S. Prockter at St. Andrew's spent the past seven years here, Teachers (Conrad Street Karen Kemp, Jean Golds, Myrna Knutson, Pat Wilson. Teachers (Borden Street) Agnes Mcintosh, Elizabeth Jones Pat Mitchell, Diane Stone. Brewerton. Royal Fish Co. Freezer En where Mr. Gulllet was employed In - j ft t gineer, Lloyd Ryan. by Atlin Fisheries. In Edmonton he will be with the Edmonton C.N.R. Drydock Sheet Metal Fit. Jt. J. Si Plater, Don Haudenschild Anglican Cathedral Saturday afternoon, were Mrs. Anna Dish-man an 3 Charles F. Hallan. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lewis. A quiet reception was held at the home of Mrs. Alice Houston, 1136 Seventh Avenue East, following the church ceremony. Paint and Glass Company. Mr. and Mrs. G. Clarke Mc About 180 Booth High School students will take over the city tomorrow, with a student mayor, city clerk and council running City Hall, and student employees undertaking Jobs in business offices, stores and industries throughout the city. Youngsters will tackle one-day careers as health Inspectors, firemen, sales clerks In stores, teachers, editors, mall clerks, telephone operators, hospital dieticians, bellhops, bakers, stenographers and so on, in the Future Citizens' Day project sponsored by the Prince Rupert Ju Capitol Theatre Evening, Manager, Eugene Neloon; Usherette, Pat Pierce. Totem Theatre Evening, Usherette, Lorene Gordon. S. D. Johnston Ltd. Stenographer, Ionna Olscn. Armstrong Agencies Stenographer, Elaine Christensen; Stenographer, Carmen Cawdell. Lean former residents of Prince ; Rupert have returned to makei their home here. Mr. McLean' has Joined the composing room staff of The Dally News. The couple have been holidaying in1 Florida and the United States 1 -rf The newlyweds are residing at 1805 Eighth Avenue East, and expect in the near future to be stationed at a lighthouse on the Shipwright, Bruce Tasaka; Machinist, Jack McLean; Electrician, Tero Paavola. Consolidated Mining & Smelting Exploration Engineer, Oeorge Henry. North Star Bottling Works-Bottler, John Newton; Salesman, Bill Sedgwick; Stenographer, Margaret Adams. C.N.R. Superintendent's Office, Nelson Morven, Rodney Philipson. I J west coast. Mr. Hallan has been for the past six weeks with Mrs. T. A. McMeekln, 1939 Atlin Dlbb Printers Printer, Har employed as a relief lighthouse keeper in the past. old Fletcher. 4 '48 PLYMOUTH Custom 4- . door. Fully equipped. In beautiful condition $1200 49 Z-Tone A.40 AL'STIX. Clean car. New tires. Priced to sell $750 51 A.40 AUSTIN Lovely shape. Regal Printers Printer, Bert Tipton. Donald and Robert Magor, ar- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gulllet, 946 Tenth Avenue East, and Kaien Consumers Co-op Gro ; rived home by plane yesterday ' v v it At cery Clerk, Madeline Sklapsky sons Glen and Bruce, left by I from school in Vancouver to plane today from Terrace fori spend the Easter vacation wltn A good deal at SS35 Family Meat Market Butch Edmonton where they plan to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John er, Tommy Moorehouse. Magor, 431 Fourth Avenue West. Rupert Butchers Butcher '50 PLYMOUTH 4-Door. Completely overhauled, new transmission. Clerk, Len Griffiths. nior cnamber of Commerce. Similar projects have been staged here in past years, but this year's total of 180 student-participating breaks all records. The students will be given employment forms to hand to their bosses for the day, and the employers will be asked to grade the students, in general terms,' on their work. The student mayor and council with their city clerk, will hold a council meeting tomorrow morning and will tour the city, inspecting the work of various city departments, with Mavor Oeorge Hills and City Clerk Bill Fine new tires S1308 aw or KtVr wlil nlule "cl 411 sv Tlal' tu iuimua mis Rupert Freezing Clerk, Margaret Youngman. Fashion Footwear Clerk Manager, Irene York; Clerk, dauulitiT. Princess Alexandra. Details of the Saanlch Plumbing Stenographer, Be-v Botrakoff, Oil Burner Mechanic, Don Husvlk. Grant Si Newton Electricians Helper, Louis Martin. C.P.A. Agent, Masaml Nakatsu; Traffic Clerk, Louise Het-land. Smith Si Elklns Plumber's helper, Larry Eytchcson. , Northwest Construction Superintendent, Alfred Strand. Columbia Cellulose Mill Manager, John Phipps; Production Superintendent, John Cllb-bett; Plant Engineer Bruce Stan- 1fJins & onleil OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie 303 Third Ave. W. Phone Green 960 Yvonne Jackson. have not D en I1UI- ac uua ueen the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto likely will visit other Canadian centres. The The sixth and final "Guess the Weather" contest sponsored AUTO SERVICE by Super-Valu Food Stores was t widow of tlic Queen's uncle who was killed during Wallace's Clerk Manager, Margaret Olsen. Fraser ti Payne Clerk Manager, Lynn Nlckerson. Savoy Hotel Bellhop, Dick rid War in a plane wash In Scotland. I r- I f I 1 Flood. won today by Mrs. A. W. Bushaw, ! P.O. Box 488, Prince Rupert who ; gained the $25 prize. Her estimates of 48.4 degrees for high temperatures and 30.3 for the low during the week of March 28 to April 3, were closest iwood; Power Plant Engineer, Rupert Hotel Bellhop, John bteal rasnion onow d by Job's Daughters GIANT RUMMAGE SALE Long. Winding up the day will be a coke party at the high school from 5 to 6 p.m. List of Jobs offered throughout the city, and the students filling those positions, follows: Civic Centre General Secretary, Bruce Forward; Crafts Instructor, Melvl n Andersen ; Sports Director, Louise Wood; Receptionist, Jean Smurthwaitc. Skeena Health Unit Inspec to the official figures of 48.17 and 30.357, high and low . shnw at the ia.Jiion parade w in the Civic David Rldsdale; Technical Director, Steve Yamamoto; Controller Dept., Bill Donaldson; Manager's Secretary, Bev Comer; Switchboard Operator, Pat Lemon. Canada Packers Ltd. Clerk, Rudy Strodl. Nelson Bros. Store (Port Edward), Charlotte Wing, Yoshiye Saichl; Office, Fusaye Saiki; Mechanic, Robert Morven. Howell. I Wrathall's Clerk, Eugene Man. - Van's Bakery Baker, Gerry Desautels. Queen Charlotte Airlines Area Engineer, Bill Holgate; Base Manager, Art Parent. C.N.R. General Office Clerk, Lois Good; General Office Clerk. Toru Nakatsu. Superintendent's Office (Wharf), Donald Franklin, Duane Loughlln. Finning Tractor Mechanic, George Thain; Parts Clerk. :l. ASPHALT SOURCE The famous Asphalt lake on the Island of Trinidad covers about 100 acres. or startling, lovely Joan Bennett, Sonja Jensen, Oracle Wood, Mrs. T. R. Lloyd, Marilyn Berry, Mrs. Hopkins, Joan Davis, Rita Yoston, Mar-Jorle Tattersall, Leona Ritchie. Jackie Halllwell. Laura Mitchell, Pat Hill, Elspeth Sommer, Bar- J bara Doumont, Oeorglna Mlt- ' chell. Ann Eyolfson, Muriel Shier, he suit line, es- tor, Lorraine Smith; Inspector, ds. One featured 206 SIXTH STREET ! " i ." pltated jacket, csena raviikis. Unemployment Insurance Office Manager, Roy Sclbe: Stenographer, Judy Stole. le waist, to flare on the slim skirt. :rn. tlarea out at Department of Indian Affairs Sheila Bennett, Myrna Knutson, I Drue Patrick, Donna Macarthur, Danny Newfield. ore knife pleats. Daily News Editor, James i Mrs. Pallant, Marglt Macarthur , style was a id suit with an SATURDAY, APRIL 10 Prince Rupert Fishermen's ', Co-op. Chemist, Kurt Gott-! schllng; Engineer, Don Martin-j usen; Stenographer, Myrtle Wing. I Atlin Fish Co. Stenographer,! Rolande Turcotte; Freezer Man j Gerry Christoff. B.C. Packers Bookkeeper, i Reynold McKay; Freezer Man, Henry McKay; Switchboard. El-! ; Elaine Christensen, Mellalne 1 Mrlntyre, Carol Hill. ; toy jacket, with Batcman; Promotion Manager, Jamrt Savillc; Shop Foreman, Morris Dean. Ormes Clerk, Marlon Watson. Dceth's Pharmacy Pharmacist, Russcl Morrison. Stenographer, Jackie Procter; Clerk, Gerry Moorehouse. Canadian Customs Inspector, Harold Webber; Inspector, Bill Reltc. Department of Fisheries Inspector, Ron Pederscn; Inspector, Paul Bekctov. B.C. Forest Service Forestry Enplnccr, Boyd Cook; Forestry front and deep waistline in the atured a knife- Sole Starts 9:30 a.m. coats we're Annual -jJwartl Bulger's Clerk, Glenys Owens Clerk, Edith Olscn. Cook's Jewellers Clerk. Norma Olldncr; Clerk, Lenorc "la'iv out.stand- p-around style. Engineer, Gordon Lugrln; Radio lost, stays wrap- Plans for the annual bursary ' Technician, Angus Smtth. . . with a grease Job that's done right. a trinket-trim- award were heard when mem- Prince Rupert General Hos- la Childs; Fish Worker, Ethel, Moorehouse. Court House Government Agent's Office. Stenographer, Rose Tasaka; Clerk, Seijl Mat-suo. Rupert Radio & Electric Radio Technician, Terry Auld; Stenographer-Clerk, Jackie Gus-tafson. I Northern B.C. Power Steno Manson's Jewellers Clerk, : bers of the Prince Rupert Chap- ' pltal Housekeeper, Olive i rii nm. Sponsored by HOSPITOOMEN'S MXIUMIY K,es and sports ter. Registered Nurses' Assocla-; Stra nd ; Dietician, Norcen Rcn-i Gordon ti SUPER SERVICE Anderson Hard Corner Second and Second Service Second to None ware Clerk. Jonna Olsen. Kaien Hardware Clerk Manager, Art Turcotte. Gordon's Hardware Clerk grapher, Thelma Lewis; Office Tu ning sums iot j tlon, hem their monthly meeting : snaw. ir.ature women, in the Nurses' Home last night Fire Department Fire Chief, t In the long s Mrs. F. E- Anf leld and Mrs. A. Jim Stewart; Firemen, Bill Jfired a variety wildgoose of the bursary com-" Tsuchlya; Terry Shenton; How-'s- mlttee, announced that girls 'rd Johanscn; First Alder, proeram was a wishing to try for the bursary Louise Freeman; First Alder, wich'ers, direct- must submit applications by the ! Don Hargrove, wll sineing their end of April. The bursary is of-I Telephone Department Wire Manager, Philip Lyons. Clerk, accounts, Francis Matsu Northland Dairy Stenogra-. Da; Billing Clerk, Thelma Pav-pher. Shirley Frayne. likls; Private Secretary, Marion tscuDy s furs uicru ateno- fcvuns. Howdy Do" and fered annually to a local high Chief, Dennis Reed; Chief Op- crnnher. Jackie Moore. Public Library Librarian- school graduate planning to en-: eraior. joan urimme. Dora's Department Store Clerk, Jessie Butler; Librarian ter nurse's training. I Engineering Department Cleric, Margaret Johnson. 1 Clerk. Gladys Ferrance. Mis Elizabeth Clement, dl- j t-'tV engineer, Jim Carlson. Rupert Motors- rector of nursing services, spoke1 Public. Works Department ; Michael Young; Salesman. . Splto's Grocery Clerk-Salesman, i stenographer, Sondra Wald- briefly to the grouo on generall worus roreman, jonn uumn.s. ; Richard Nlckeson. baucr. T.M.C. Cartage Cartage Assistant, Kioshi Matsuo. McKay's Grocery Clerk, Betty Morgan. nursing topics, and serving of Kaaio aiation i-rnt- refreshments wound up the Announcer, Margaret Watt; meeting. ' I Announcer. Barbara Doumont; , Announcer, Roy Pedersen;.. Aa- J selections dur-included David he trumpet. Bob aorordion. Mrs. mhst nnd Alex ! Easter Par-ral ?irls paraded Faster bonnets, "ato and Leona '"d a tap dancing Strand and 01i?a o duet, and Eliz- tap routine, the show was a Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Manager, Donald Reed. Dan's Service Station Shop Foreman, Stan Parker; Front End Man, Arnold Moen. McRae Bros. Clerk, Nina Mostad. Thorn Sheet Metal Lance Theobald, John Kustas. ' I ry Daily Nfwb Classified nouncer, Ken McKinnon. Post Office Mail Clerk, Charlotte Munroe; Mall Clerk, Tayte McNelce. Teachers i K i n g, Edward School) Teachers. Sonja Han- Watts & Nlckerson Clerk, j sen, Sonja Sclvlg. oeorglna j Dnvld Shore. Mitchell, Donna Becker, Bill j Art Murray's Men's Wear i Blrtch, Shirley Morven. Norma ; Clerk, Donald McLeod. I Johnson, Julie Procter, Jim' Esquire Men's Wear Clerk, i Baldwin, Betty Oskcy, Jyttc ; Nocland Brechin, Judy Lloyd. I Mollerup, Anne Eyolfson. ! Crawford Moore Agency " Alex Mitchell i several men as ; Provided piano Mi1 for the show 'or 'as Mrs. Ber- nored Queen 1 welcomed the ' "ie close of the 1 flowers and gifts hat( assisted in event '"M Pat PlPrep Conrad PTA Sale Successful Conrad Street School Satur- who also attended the china FOK THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY day afternoon was the scene of sale. At the sale of toys were Mr.) a giant White Elephant sale and ' V Maureen Hopkins'. T's. Sharon Pai-;J Le,,na P("-!sy Ann Dom- I, Jones. Pat Mit- B. Cameron. Mrs. J. Kurdz'.el and Miss Shirley Kurdziel. miscellaneous, Mrs. E. Chrlstlson, books. Mrs. D. Main, Mrs. A. Quast and Miss Anna Colussi: clothing, Mrs. W. Bussey, Mrs. E. Peterson and Mrs. M. Cathi, lie Fin- spring tea, an annual event sponsored by the Conrad Parent-Teacher Association. An Easter color theme of mauve and yellow dominated the decor, featuring dainty paper flowers and pussywillows in attract Ive sprays on the tea tables and placed around the tea room. Mrs. W. Murdoch, president,, received guests at the tea for which Mrs. G. Aldcrson and Mrs. KKay, d ers FLY . . ''v ('""Us now 'RAE BROS 189) n t it Tuiml """ "" trrr" J. Ritchie were co-conveners. Assisting in the kitchen, and serving tea were Mrs. H. Butt, Mrs. V. Dodds, Mrs. A. Desautels, Mrs. M. Hubel, Mrs. A. Kelsey and Mrs. H. Hampton. Mrs. C. Marlneau was in charge of the home cooking booth and Mrs. H Thomas was cashier. Mr. N. Glr-ardet attended the soft drink :'s meeting. Mrs j '' Bead, PiaCc.: 6 181)! us Auxin,,,.,, with 14 million critics.,. LOVELY Myrna Hansen, late of Chicago, sends a wlsh-you-were-here greeting from Hollywood. The shapely Miss Hansen, who was "Miss U.S.A." In last year's Miss Universe contest, Is enjoying the warm California sunshine between shootings of her first movie, "Yankee Pasha." ' stand. I S3 The White Elephant sale, set up in a room adjoining the tea room, was co-cotvened by Mi'. G. Patzold and Mrs. L. Colussl, Ari 8, 8:00 8l(!i Auditorium. (It' n IBU.n affairs. We Serve" , 1 P.m. Tuesday, ,1 Audltor-i p!come. No ...C- 1811 km LINE delicious dessert. to Do you ibinlc pou have the time tnj money ti tarn fk tverj type - : -ni bnni of produtt on the market? Of course net... a 1uU it Impossible. But in i vvyyou do sample tbem til. Keii'spaper tJivrtismg iw( gives you information on every product, enabling you to choose the met wbwb best suit your needs. Because you are able, to nuke this choice, manufacturers and merchants compete for your custotn by offering 1 the best mines possible. By placing product nevs befort 14-milliun critics,' . advertising performs the service of ensuring that all products represent the highest quality for the price. K . Your Daily Newspaper Gives You latest Product News!, mi KETCHIKAN with connections to SEATTLE, WHITEHORSE and all ALASKA' ml -frozen strawberries i Lm. ""i IMti'd (, Phone 266 "ord Office Opp. Post Office