Prince Rupert Daily NW5 5 Tuesday, Aprii e, 1954 Letterbox MEMPHIS BANS PICTURE tbAIUKINU CANADIAN MEMPHIS, Tenn. I Thp rltv ,... . the RKO picture "The Son of SinbacT be,,,,,. M ftA Vrvsrsa seauencc by statuesaue Lill St rvr tt, . . 1 ' fcJ ' ""untreal strim Lloyd T. Blnford, the 88-year-old chairman nt , 1 Dicture picture ht but it i, k.. "K ard. ; "It was a pretty good had one of the, dances I ever saw. (Continued From Page 2) i do not understand and I can ! mention only a few, but there is New York, which also has cost 1 the recent matter of a boost in more millions. . postage. Ever since the first war, If these PIRATES can take -1 believe, we have been paying over the country, which amounts ; stamps on cheques. Much of this to the same thing as a foreign ; was done with postal stamps, army doing the same thing, and which was gravy to the PO De-our governments, army, navy 1 partment. They should have been and air force cannot protect our, able to lay away a nice nest egg business men and the public, 1 during all those years, although Just why are we paying taxes fori there was the large amount of their upkeep? And we go all free mail pnd graft. Now they over the world trying to run are raising the postage for the their countries as we do ours, third time land by the way I Does it not make you sick? I am h-ar criticism about the B.C mentioning only a few things Socreds doing silly things and that do not Indicate any intelli- changing their minds). I also oer.-e. hn'h federal ' note that American magazines and provincial. However our come here with postage paid to statesmen recently boosted their the U.S.A., of- only 5c for large salary by a considerable amount. publications, and doubtless Ca-wh" nnt boost the salary to nadian publications get the same S100 000.00 Instead of a mere Jow rates. I have been told that $10,000.00? They might as well ; newspapers are paying ii'c an hnve that because if they do oun-e. and no charge for papers not we will give it away to some ', ma Mod within a forty mile radi- THIS IS THE SACKVILLE, the last corvette of- 122 the Canadian Navy once had to fight the Battle of the Atlantic. The relic is on loan in H ilh'ax as a hydrographic survey ship and is manned by civilians. In 10 short years, the du .npy little warriors have been by-passed by sleek new anti-submarine vessels which slice through the water at twice the corvette's speed. It has become a plain fact that the corvette is no Ion ger of any use in a modem navy. However, in the Second World War Canadian corvettes took a hand in the killing of 15 enemy submarines - 13 German and two Italian for the loss of 10 of their own number. A TWO-YEAR, round-the-world honeymoon voyage will be taken by Capt. and Mis. Argwis Kavadias before settling down in Vancouver. Tne former Mary Koucheg was married at Vancouver to Captain Kavadias, skipper of the roreigner, i us. I cannot verify that, but on ON Tilt SAME PUOOHAM "UNDER THE RED SEA" Documentary LAST COMI'LETK SIIOVMNf, s;30 PM Some one said that charity ton of it all our MPs send a lot Canada Slashes Greek freighter Georgios. She will accompany him on a world began at home, which applies to ; of propaganda through the malls some of the millions given away. ' free. In any case the public pays tour on the Georgios. acting as ;ut course the unions and the 'the postage on this mail We ship's purser, and will be the BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE $2, only woman aboard ship. The "if uu-Miieis men wouia not want, : have gone up Irom 2c to 5c an us to tret all this lor nothing, al-, I ounce on letters as well as a though we paid for it, because it i raise on money orders. Just fig-wou'd put a crimn in the whole , ure out the per cent of a boost. From Net Debt Of AM UMCOMOUItAllf MAN! X' petite 30-year-old former bank clerk met Captain Kavadias in 1947. and they dated each other each time he returned to Vancouver. poniv svsrem nr sunsinizirtcT nrn. , By EASLEY BLACKWOOD- 'llJ Nine vears after ::.;. .."." " ,n ,nu e Kooa oia nays OTTAWA '(li ... . . - , t.- .... ...... , mo the Second World War Canada Brains And Nerve Make Ideal Bridge Combination THE KEYS OF TIIE KINGDOM in Launers time, we built a OTP. road (which the people were supposed to own). This was supposed to be a main line to Rupert and the Orient. We also built an elevator at Rupert, and Cowboys' Torget nv wo nrices for things and running the country into debt. There are so many things that French Marshall RaDDed bv NATO JOHN M. STAHL CALGARY (CP) Canadian and United States cowboys will ride I hear rumors about a Dry Dock When Mr. Champion responded with one diamond, Mr. Meek was afraid to bid no trump without a heart stopper. He was also afraid to bid spades on a three card suit. He therefore made the mJld go-ahead bid of two diamonds. and fr Sh f However, during the war, when ; r.'5e has lopped more than $2,000,000,-000 from its net debt in sharp contrast to the increase that followed the First World War. A white paper, tabled today in the Commons, estimated that at the end of the fiscal year last March 31 the net debt was pared by $10,100,000 to $11,151,600,000. The net debt hit a post-war peak of $13,421,400,000 in 1943. In 1919. the net debt totalled $1,-812.584.819. It rase in the next nine years to $2,347,834,370 at the end of the 192C-27 fiscal year March 31, 1927. liuie kiiii snu.uuu at nit? nii- nual Calgary Stampede July S to 10. Most prize money, $3,500, is for the saddle-bronc riding . . .. 'the boys were fighting for De- PARIS iv-The North Atlantic mCCacy, back In 1914, this G.T.P. Council has delivered to France's , road from Edmonton to Jasper marshal Alphonse Juin a severe .,,, tnm im anri the honkmnt Today and Wednesday Evenings 7: - 9:20 p.m. TOTE rmimua Hum n But Mr. Champion is a modern and unprecedented reprimand Canadian Northern substituted event- ior nis criticism oi tne European . tor lt tts far as asper, but the Army treaty. i piimax was reached when thp A resolution which the council main line to the Orient was South dealer Both sides vulnerable North (Mr. f lumpi'M S B 5 4 H A K 6 D A 10 9 7 .1 2 C 2 (Mr. Hull') (Mrs. Keen) 8 J 7 2 S 10 II (I 3 H Q 9 7 II J 10 8 4 D--R 4 D K fl C K 9 8 7 4 C A 10 5 smith (Mr. Meek) S A K Q H 5 3 2 D Q J 5 C Q J 6 3 nd he is not afraid. At his second turn he made the good bid of two hearts. Since he had never passed and since this was a iww suit, the bid was ab-; enlutely forcing. Mr. Meek would hardiy be in a position to raise hearts bo- cause, with a heart holding ;;ood I enough for that, he would have bid one heart over onj diamond, j ' Mr. Champion wns'.ling to ; play gan.e on the hand but he taw no reason to oarce into no vuieu monuay was aeuverea 10 marie a str)e track ,,n(i business the marshal, commander-tn- tl,ken to Vancouver. Taken south chief of NATO forces in central j 5no miles and shipped by boat Europe, today. It said: ! north again 1.000 miles on its "The North Atlantic council i way to the Orient. This was a expresses its profound regret at 1 bare faced swindle on all the the nnhlic statement. mnrl hu nnnnle upvt nf lacrwr onH tha Gas Well Fire Finally Doused ( LEGAL, Alta. 9 A gas well tne commander-in-chief of cen- ': promises made to the settlers In fire which raged for 16 'a days in j trni Europe on 27 March, 1954. this country would have been this district 33 miles north of ancj reiterated. to subsequently enough put a private stock VIKING RADIO COMBINATION SPECIAL $17885 TERMS ARRANGED OTHER MODELS TO $294.50 TRADE-INS ACCEPTED T. EATON Co. Ltd 328 W 3rd Are. The bidding: cumuiiioii w muiikuimicu uy , These statements are contrary sel ine comnanv behind th-hars trump himself when for all he south West North East Pass ID Pass water flooding at 3 p.m. MST) lrnjw t.ho defenders mieht. hp 1 C Monday. 2 D Pass 2 H Pass 3 NT All Pass able to run five spade tricks. IIi two-heart bid was tha best to the explicit and repeated dec- i r believe these remarks cover larations of policy Issued bv the , actual conditions in our coun-council under whose authority , tries. They look terrible to me. all NATO commanders hold their But why ask other countries to apnointments." ; make such fools of themselves. The statements which the res- ' And actuallv nav them nur rnnn- way to find out whether the Thrre was a trap at this point hand belonged in three no trump but Mr. Meek avoided it. He IB.C. Ministers Ottawa-Bound wr- . five diamonds. The bid did not cr-'cr but followed suit brought Mr. Meek to life and he with th" six spot. On came an- . olution, referred to were con- ey to get them to do so? . tainea in two speecnes Jinn clmse the no trumD SDot. nth.r r'.ir.i onri he ninvprt tlie : VICTORIA (P Premier Ben NOT EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED D. T GREENE, Smlthers, B.C. . tu usual, Mr. Meek plaved iack. Mr. Dale won with the j nett announced Monday that made last weelt an(J statements well. In spite of the club open- king and, seeing that the suit ,wo cawnet ministers will go to , newsPaPer men later- I L!J Tx 1 1 J An.r.A cViifaA trt O Init i 1 1 "'8 ' u,c !,eveI, vU i Ottawa this month to discuss CHESTER. Entr. (CP) Bnrnn of that suit. Mrs. Keen won with heart transport problems. The two men R'desu. better known as Shane are Attornev-General Robert Alexander, has been accepted by and returned the ten. tha ace STRATEGY PAY'S OFF Meek with dummy's the for a three-rnnnf.h Mr. won i Bonncr and Works Ministe r p. A. army pc,?. came to his hand with a I officers training course. Hp Is spade and took the diamond j Cilelardl. tne i8-year-old son of field ! finesse. This lost to the king , The premier did not amplify marshal Earl Alexander, former 1 but the rest of the tricks were j except to say he hoped the con- Canadian governor-general and ' his. j ference would be held April 26. now Britain's defence minister. A business without advertising CHESTERFIELDS is IV- If he had made the natural- i looking play of covering the j ten of clubs at 'rick two. hs would have lost the hand. Mr : Dale would have played low to j leave a club in his partner's ; hand. When the diamond finesse ; lost, Mrs. Keen would have led hrr last club and Mr. Dale ! would have rattled off three ' more tricks in that suit to put ! the contract down one. AND LOUNGES ike winking I U,?,Sy4,,!, We show you just one of the a- 2?T7 many, many styles and at a models. There are many more, in varied colors, smart fabrics, and styles you'll love. Prices Start at pretty gir r 2-pc. Chcsrerficlds $1Q7.50 Twins Believed Have Good Chance Of Separation MONTREAL (CP) The Herald says yesterday it has learned doctors attending Montreal's Siamese twins believe, following i initial tests, the two girls have separate brains and nervous systems and chances of even- tunl separation are good, k The story says doctors who 2-pc. Lounges $179' ENJOYING robust health at the age of 101. Herschel Breg-man of New York reflects the pleasure of becoming a United States citizen. The youthful centenarian, who teaches wrestling at a boys' camp during the summer, said he "never had a dull moment" in his life. A native of Minsk: Russia, he came to this country in 1930. and tt was at the age of 98 that he realized he "wanted to r die as an American." in the dark you know GORDON & ANDERSON Phone 46 hat w .bv-'. smGD have examined the twins, two j ! of three girl triplets born a t i week ago to Mrs. Betty Savage,1 say the youngsters sleep separately, wake separately and cry separately. It had not been established yet whether the twins had a common blood supply. Hospital authorities said the condition of the twins is "the same." They have been con- sidered in Improved condition ever since shortly after their : birth. The third child is normal but weak as a result oj prematurity. 1 Chinese ntiihaS CHOP SUEY . .7 . . . CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe Vttt Outside Orders I'hinip 133 you are doing but nobody else does. Sec Your Local ROOFING and SIDING Experts GREER & BRIDDEN s Now At Wallace's Of Course "My Ladies" LIMITED Phone 909 215 First Ave. W. Easter Bonnet If you like the "flowers that bloom in he Spring," you'll love our new Spring hats. All the latest season's colors trimmed for a colorful Easter. The usual Wallace's value in prices too. MEw TH E Mill it Competitive Prices if Instalment Payment Plan fa Guaranteed Workmanship Large selection of asphalt shingles, asphalt siding, asbestos siding and shakes to choose from. ii in Mm jji .miji.nn n m ii illliil'iiiiiilAilTiiwiiMi e Read daily by more than 10,675 rea WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE