' Ill II II III III. , m,i, n n , 5 Rose's Family Ponce Rupert Daily Mews r GEORGE PAWFS AUCTIONEER Phone Itlm-i. Hl and lied 127 9 Behind "Curtain" MONTREAL (CP) The Herald says today in a nt-wspage story ! it has learned the wife and 17- daughter of convicted year-old I . . . n r trif, i Communist spy Fred Rose, have) (J oStOO APJCf 7&8 g'ii. ut-iiuiu 1.11V. noil viuvaiu. Rose left for Czechoslovakia , PROFESSIONAL LI U F last October and nt;vcr return- ed. I The story says Mrs. Rose, and j her daughter, Laura, left by '. plane from an east coast port ) following a farewell party. No j dates were mentioned but it was nfADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS NLvV Fl Eh TANKS ( 550 Oal. Tank IIIOOO 375 Oal. Tank IKl.OO m Oal. Tank ... .... 74.0C VI Gauge Steel - 3 : Extra. INDUSTRIAL WELDING fO. Oreen 884 - 221 1st Ave. t. t w - -S Y f understood the Roses would be i i united "shortly." LECAL NOTICE THE DAILY. NEWS' lassified Kates m 4:8o p.m. W prerfou. I"ton.- .ord Dft In- I.ANK MITIISTBV ACT lie: fVrtlflenle of Title No. S;l?-I if i.t Hi, liloiK 40. Keetlon i ( of prime niiiKTt. Mafi in t. WHKRKAH ' satisfactory proof of "CIRCULATION" TODAY ...... 3360 Yeor Ago 3212 Nova! Girls LONDON (CP)-Ex-Wrens from Britain. Canada, Australia and the United States will attend a reunion April 21. Admiral' of the Fleet Sir Roderick TvIcGj-isor will be chief guest. . fcitipfi. Ml cnw. . Mrs. Rowe 1 ' DRESSMAKING 234 Third Avenue Eit, oyer Rupert Battery Shop. Phone Blue 126: - . - lops of the above Certificate of. Title u.rrt6 id Eogagement .jjtspnj double pflo. SA JE1TES M)R RENT 3-ROOM furnished suite. Green 698- (82) uof Kpt rMFinilbllltT 1,4 iiU Inserted Incormctlj tronK ciawifieHt-on unlet , t men error Is rec-lved iwued In trie name of Allred Anderson has been (Med In this office.' notice Is hereby fciven that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of nthl loot Certificate, unleiw In the meunttme valid objection lie made to mo In writing. DA IT?t at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert.. B.C.. this 22nd day of Mnrnh. IBM. An. Andrew Thompson. Deputy Huisiarar of Titles. , , i4a p( noun of Cr. t UaCTtion, FOR working couple or girl. 914 OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER. 210 Fourth Street . Phone 212 e' sasl- '3p) 14 BUSINESS PERSONALS INVISIBLE Repairs, Dressmaking, 727Fraser. 81p) WORLD'S fTnIStMCLKAIR ELEOTROLUX. Phono Blue 970 for Parts Sales Service. . (c) CHIMNEY, furnace, stovp cleaning.-. Repairs, chimney built. Phone Blue 331. (82p) WILFORD ElecrricaT WoTiTs Dealer for Ekolite Sounders. (8!)i if--- X It-" -p ,! 2 ROOMS. Red !)84. ANT AD (90) 3-ROOM unfurnished apart-ment, suitable for couple. Seal Cove 7, Phone Oreen 108 (80) REPLIES RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocjclea CFPR are holding replies 40 HOMES FOR SALE BEACH LOVELIES Kay Kayse, Shirley Deas. and Mmian Ettie i left to right) scan the skies to see if it's safe to put away their umbrellas. Or perhaps, on the sands at Daytona Beach, Fla., they're looking for fellas to share their umbrellas. CAPLING TRUCK LINE .eaves Pr. Rupert for Smlther Every Tuesday and Friday. For .onneetiofiS Phone 632 PAINTING. If e following News you want your (Subject to Chanee) j MUST BE SOLD hou.se and chimney phone Blue 418. ,oonl2000 Down, gives possession of oxcs: TUESDAY I 921 924 925 ;io i$4oS MinicJture Coif i RUSSELL, Man. (CP) A dwarf, calf was born on the farm of Supper Serenade PHOTOS taken at home. Anytime. Phone Oretn 380. Chandler's Studio. (81) Kmlley Iturnette Kliow eplic, must led for in person Future citizens Dy Program (E. B. Lyon near Binscarth. At i:c XX Roundup ' two of 8. " "eif;hed 12 tloiter s-iuarc to Broadway pounds, was 17 inches high' and! WIT.FORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. (96) Eilers Defeat Calgary Cagers VANCOUVER (Pi The defending champion Vancouver Eilers edtsed Calgary Wittichens 52-48 Monday in a tight first game of the best-of-five senior A women's Canadian basketball final ( llMINti EVENTS IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY , ROCK OR TONCRETP WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS this smart 2-bedroom home, targe living room with cut stone fireplace. Bright cabinet kitchen, two pood bedrooms and bath. Cement basement. Hot water heating. Completely furnished (fridtre. oil range, etc.). Full price $5250. 5 ROOMS. $2250 FULL PRICE Sound 3-brdroom home. Just off McBride. Will consider trade on 4-bedroom house. ARMSTRONG AOENCIES LTD. Phone 342 Eves. Red 953 (82) The Nation's liUftlrifBS zs mines ions. The tiny here-ford is being raised on a bottle.! PM. 6:00 :.10 :45 7 no 7:15 7::l 8:00 8:15 8::lf) 9:00 8:110 loflo 10:10 10:15 10:30 1 1 'fUl Daughters Easter Toa, ISPENCE & MATIUK, Pninting (jontraciors. ptione 101 days: Rummwl""' 881-EvwHne. (96) 3 Auxiliary ,rii 10, M 6th Street. MAGAZINES, Novelties. Eddie's Cahadlana Twenty Questions Mr. ShowHu.tne,--:s Vancouver Theatre fctBO News ttBC Newn New C'aledolila. f Here Comet; t:ie Bund to ettl her Keport. Mulriit Miilerpieeffi Mjn-tilf ' WEDNFADAT News Stand. (O It Elf-plunt Sale. W.A. of i U.. April 10. Baton's old ! CARS? Bob Parker's of Course. -Private Disarmament HERTFORD, Eneland (CP) War veterans' souvenirs surrendered to the county polit e last year, listed in the current annual report, included four .submachine guns, 63 nfles, 77 revolvers and 27 pistols. LONDON (CP) A secondary school in Lambeth will take iU cwn buses for a two-week students' holiday in outhetn (95) WHY PAY RENT? j Fully furnished three-room cot- is-.oo SCOTT McLAREM , JH.RTERED ACCOUNTAN7 James Block, 608 3rd Av. Prince Rupert, B.C. , Phone 347 P.O. Box 3T IhK dcitim4rM n net published 0 dupUyed by In Bazaar, Anrll 14. NEARLY everyocav uses 9 1C . LOST tlij) the Liqxiot Conliot Bord or by tk Cocnnin j 1 Br ink ColumSi. 0 2I F'rance this summer. The will cost 12 a pitpil. n of tlm Moose Spring ue ot Mrs Fred Orlm- BLONDIE BUICK hub cap. Phone 94. 5th Ave West, Awi 15. m lcorr.i One Snog Leads to Another! By CHICK. YOUNG 181) taire. close to McBride Street. Price $2000, Easy Terms. H. G. HELGERSON LTD. 216 8th St. Phone 9 or F. Wilson Black 197 Eves. (82) 2-BEDROOM home, fully fu7-nished. Part basement. $5500 eash. 308 6th West. Call after 5 p.m. (84p Mrs. inMl i-wc LJllAfvS V Tea, home of I Ronoov v-ni 11 d ..... . . '. 1 ;, --: ' "-t ; . - vv . k."J?3H 1 finally found ) 17 EDL'CATIONAL A PERFECT !- uns, April 22. f -- I HID UP HERE 7 FORARAiNVOAV A.M. .,'.,' s 7:00 BO. Fishermen's nroadenst t:l.1 Mn.l.al I link 7:30 CBO News: Weatlirr , .7:35 Mu.Uat cluck .' : 7:4.1 Morning llevittittns , ' 8:00 CBO New-,: Weather -,, ' 8:10 Here's Bill-CiiMid .. 8:15 UrrnkfAt,t Club. , 1 V 8:45 I. aura Limited :0O HBO News ana Conitj 0:15 Aunt I.ncy !I::W CiiiHr Mhat May . 9:59 Time Hlftncl ' -. , . 10i)0 Mornlnjr VI It ' 10:15 Trie Happy Oann IOaH Mumcu! Kll4:he,ii PHYLLIS Hankinson Is accept-inif a limited number of voice pupils. For appointment phone Blue 325. (86 i in! PiKiar. April 22. . : Card Party April 14. . .l--r.sA TOI-4IGHT NEW 3-bedroom house, furnlsh- -vWiU-Coms SLLCCA'E in INHASjrjy HAsjrjy PLACE place 1 "S r r- -- ' FElD 1 ,- rup 1 Z .W ."v-iiiy-- " v - -..' ' ,: ,(FuMV ( FOS MV CARD CARD CAME GAME JJ-, ' II TH,S OLT j lP "- . ? x .J . -r-.kJ JilAwv-I '.r.n r'init i A -' t. , S-' . .... - - ed. Full basement. 1119 6th Situations Wanted Female Ave. East. (84pl Show, I . SI May l. Phone LARGE Revenue Home. Central DAY carp for children Blue 923. i ist I I lv located. Box 921 n- 1 til Rummage Sulc, Daily " ,a- H is . , . .r ... MawrU U II ILI)ING MATERIALS ., . . ' Ji t Your ;ood NeiHhhor KlnderKarten ti the Air Mi-"aue I'ei'liHl Mel's h il lieu CBC News CBO Showcase J.O .. in A.roa(lcasi W ,o::n; Bazaar liw.pita! nay lea. 7.,rT,T7";"""";rT.r LARGE revenue home. Central-; i'Jf PHILTOTT. EVITT & CO. LTD. , v locat,ld boX m DaUy News, j ft-Phone 651 652. or (80) 5 tnqulro about our budget plan i - ! , , f... ...... lAn.A l,v,.n.,nm.,n Vnit O fmiL.a Utnuhlnn ! J.U uti j w u i nullity iiiiijiu.viiii;,!, r,f a-uiuiuviii iiuu.ir, itu..i.ii No down payment. $100 to $onol room In basement. $5400. 1263 to 24 mos. to pay. 82) iPark Ave, (83pl Star ot the Eastern y 13. LI'L ABNER . By AL CAPP j : 40 Houses Wanted to Buy 28 H KNITI RE FOR SALE Purple Spring Bazaar, iw. May 15. -ALTHO, IT'C BE A MERCV EFAH 1 ET VO' AL Ur."- LI 1 ABMER'S GOMMA AM IS GONNA MISS Kr PLEASE.?-DON'T ANV MOKE ) vo' SHMoos.rr vo' PAhJty of rw sausage-size drop N IS SO FRIEMDUW, AN' ViXi,7 PAIDA'-AH SiMPLV COULDN'T ; yOl.'r- DEE-USHU5.yrr --j, EATNO MORS- 0"0'. THA'JK J i ' LARGE wine veiour bed-chest-1 CENTRALLY located home, . erfield. Good condition. Ex- - preferably with cottage or rellent value at $35.00. Phone: suite for revenue purposes. No Blue 395. (831 j agencies. Blue 814. (81p)- -J:.1.T . ln(erliMh I:ini Kcroril Mr Vnu I He, i.ril AIIiiiui S:00 B.C. Mrhool Broadcast 2:a0 lYans-Canada Alatlnce 3:15 Brave Voyaae 3:80 Hoedown 3:45 B.C. Roundup 4:15 Vocalize and Stock Quotatloni 4:30 Jubilee Hjud 4:45 Benny the Bashful Boxcar 6:00 Howdy Doody 5:15 International Comty. B:2U CBC News: Weather 4 6:30 Continental Carousel 5:65 Have You Heard DO SUMPTHIN'SO-sfo5rR.,v-AWFUL. Srrlng Bazaar, pter'j TO VO-HE. WOULDN'T TELL ME WHAT. HES OUT GITTIM 1 41 BL'SINESS LOCATIONS -eW- "EQUIPMENT; M-NOW "7 nrrxTT "j ' mnm n.i" tfrian Missioirnry Tea, (122) M. bazaar. May 27. nearly-new Sale. May 27 IIEI. Try Clean, Hard. Hot BRIQUETTES In Your Flreolace, Cookstove or Furnace !FOR RENT Available after j April 22. Store and office I presently occupied by Pacific ; Electric. 718 West 2nd. Phone 12200. Basement, Bus Terminal. $24.40 Ton Delivered (81) ALBERT & McCAFFERY. LTD. "Hide Tea, May 29. Today s Stocks (Oourteny S. O. Jnhnstan. tjt. Mt) Office Three Phone 116, 117 or 58 . vor" 'T Ri Your Agents for MrLeod River tOK KLN7 p SIVKSS PERSONALS rooms In Mussaiiem biock Hard Coal (82! WS CREPE PAPER for! j Jons for nil occasions. above Deeth Pharmacy. Apply R. E. Mortimer, 353 3rd Ave. Phone 88. '84) w'nss and ribbons fori FOR YOUR FUEL REQUIRE- any. showers andi MENTS: THE HEART OF JULIET JONES s at By STAN DRAKE THE VARIETY i Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace, i (771 ! CoalFoothills and Bryan Mln, FOR RENT Offices In the I Stone Building.- modern, steam i heated, centrally located. Apply m 1 1 A-r ). 'vjki i 1 I- ' 1 ' ll , S SOFll.APDili'Sjry J THEBEHM$ ttglTlNg CZOEZS f PIONT PONT HAVE TD.TWOUeR TD.THOUgft, 00 OlP I? I? WELL, IVgLL, TM TUg OTHS OTHBt f 1 .. f VANCOUVER American Standard .. Bralorne . Cariboo Ould .i,t:. ...... Croitln aib4i?l ' ', v Giant IWaseot Indian Mines Pioneer Premier Border Privateer c MftN-IANT: WcomefptiitWrrt. EVt'tr -fe CO. CTD,1 Rom ; NU .3 , .Stone 'Bldy. - paikt PAlNiT OUTPITS ouws M4V iy my WAV& puSsee B&GBS PLANTS. punts, ftJT mjr NpNC ; J .11- 3.80 .95' 05 52 07 1.92 .05 .03 ' O. Furk.i Phone 651 or 652. I82l i pnooe rtcu ovo. '"" '"fns.Red 503. 20ml -rrr - t. ;..rr.-.V.i.''--i7r""..0i.vrrr.. KlNtS, nove t'ps Frt,ii,'ul . . .. 1 '"' . tn (el SAt VK ?nintra HontnK K ttPpr - 'I'll KKI.l, YtJUlt lltJlVlC Sewing Centre. Phone n Flatll-k-en. TTJl."',.."' BH4. ; ' You will ao Deiter at (CI H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Reeves McDonald task) 1.70 32 I OR SALE Misc. sohi-cluled sailing Real Estate and Insurance 218 6th St. Phone 96 or F. Wilson, Black 197 evenings (851 in.- y ,rom Va"- ' ciiiok now l-i Ik rv,. i trawforri Moore Tn.ve! .71 .U'i .01 v2 .02. .88 .(i.i .12 .07 .19',i Sheep Creek Silbak Premier Vananda Spud Valley Silver Standard ..... Western Tungsten . Sil-Van Dorrecn Estella , Oils inti Street or" 4G BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (801 P canrtv .,i!r.". r h.,,k ;' """ "'ate nov- 18-FT Custom built house trailer. Complete with fixtures and electric brakes. Sleeps four. Can be seen ot Parkslde Motel. Phone Blue 2125. (85p) WASHING machine, in good condition. $45.00. Please reply Box 927 Daily News. (82) LARGE well-built dog kennel. Phone Green 736. (80p) FOR SALE Modern up-to-date Beauty Salon. Thriving business. Owner leavinrr for Ontario. Phone Black 913 for Information. (82) I ai nit, VAKIKTY Y' (8:11 -v. t-i.. P'Ey and ,.i -77771 r2 0(1,1 .,BH;,i, 4G BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 'Mr. J. Kempster" -. iinn S4 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS CAFE for sale. Good location. Modern equipment. For particulars apply Commodore Cafe. CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543 call tut) Phone 17. 028 3id Ave., west. (83) '" "ine Blue 331.. i; LHP.' WHJTwiE fT---P" LIKE CRAZY... AND ALL THE TIME i,SI.S "i f 4M SOT THIS PLACE 6CLLIN5 Trr-r Sv.64T.N3 ABOUT PkCPJCTON? C3F Of 'EMS BHS SOT 6CT A A PRETTIER PKETTIcK POpuCTlOrJ WOPUCTIGN BOSS BOSS." ' '' 4i t ' ' V W WSW, WOWARP? ?JUjlE XL'!:-1 "x -- Wr. i- ' - 7 ikfaM rail J mLMhM SHERLOCK HOLMES . By EDITH MEISER ond FRANK GIACOIA , oOU RECOGNIZE ) OF C0lH?5E. IT'S f THE PAIR ME&. Y I AH, WATSON. YOU HAVfTF-"' ' .- THE WEAPON, s ONE OF A PAIR OF GIBSON WROTE j COVEREP THE BULLET ' "' 1 THIS 15 OUTRAGEOUS .!?. 6IBSON e ) DUELING PISTOLS ABOUT ? THE THATKK.LEPl?ft. jl8S5ii? , : lSft PUNBAI? COULDN'T J it . I PURCHASED IN rr PAIR THAT'S BEEN -v w , e r . HAVE SHOT jUV WIFE ' Oyv J " -JL- . AUSTPlA LAST MISSING FOR ts CSVIOUSLV, MV WITH THAT RE VDIVE(?J YjiC J5AR. SEVERAL PAVSF PEAg HOLMES'' archie .m.mvnr By bob Montana j IT-. 1 HEY' it wrw T aw tms done'. Y jumped a uttle, I'llS?! ARCHIE ..-TXom'gOSH ) I HE tAKC . THK-A-WAW ) L ON TELEVISION.' yfcTN . I TOO aON.-W LSty Jl YOUP CAP SAVE" , , V7 J ITT RARDNeS J J f tSsml '-r fe? hsS 8th Ave. West. (c) 189 nl 47 AUTOMOBILES 35 BOATS AND ENGINES fe"1ndscaPinK, l"s. Ba 1: P'anwhB and 14 FT. Peterborough built boat. Can be seen at 1105 Ambrose Ave. Phone Red 981. 85 ton 77 '' 'n"v lV0R p"oncB.ue4i8rCaS0? his"s?...!ni Landscaninc N.K.-15 MERCURY Outboard motor. Practically new. $350. Phone Red 565. (80) S6 ROOMS FOR RENT h.rockl,ln(1.Er':reen AUSTIN A-70 Station Wagon "Hereford." Tills car Is in excellent shape, with new tires, radio and heater less than 18.-000 miles. Very reasonable terms to a responsible party. Price $1600. Look this car over and sec for yourself. Can be seen at 1058 6th Ave. E. Phone Blue 897. (86 1949 CHEV. Sedan Delivery, good rubber. Phone Green 469. (82) "shpondV 'J, I10wer , "OS, patios nnri lr,6 tstimates. Phone A. P. Consolidated -.31 Central Leduc 2.15 Mercury ,'.'........ .11 , Okalta 1 1.70 Pacific Pete 11.00 Royal Canadian .11 TORONTO Athona ........... .oai'v Aumaque i 12 Consol. Discovery 2.05 Bftvcourt ; .25 Buffalo Canadian ia-j Con. Smelters 27.00 Donalda .49 Eldona t .25 East Sullivan 4.20- Giant Yellowknife E.20 God's Lake .70 Hardrock .. 14 Harricana 27 Duvex ..: 17 Jolict Quebec 38 'i Little Long Lac 70 Lynx v 08'j McKenzie Red Lake 37 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1.33 Moneta , 40 Negus .13 Noranda 66.25 Lnuvlcnurt 16t Pickle Crow 1.1 Petrol Oil Si Gas ., .45'i New Senator ,12'j Sherrltt Gordon :. 4.20 Steep Rock A.. 7.85 Silver Miller 1.05" Golden Manltou 1.80 r"'"u, nntr.,-, 2 SINGLE rooms. One double, twin beds for working men. Meals if desired. 812 2nd West. (83) :jM3ot,alrk Phone '" ""i. Letour- rooms furnished. Black (82pl TWO 814. 48 DODGE 4-door sedan. 539 6th West. Phone Red 937 after 5 p.m. j AUSTIN Pickup. 724 Alfred St. . (82p) ',s i.'b and aw,;iMni SLEEPING room. Apply 100 4th West. (Mp) Oth a "V,J11" Ave. Rita 65 West, (89) filing.!. 1141 (81) LARGE front bedroom. Beach Place. Blue 433. all c.'sion b, x.ws typr. or saws. iftst, - nuns, 215 1st Atomic Models LONDON Two larire models werp featured at the 37 ROOM ANTl HOARD (90) for yo83?! Electrical Engineers' Exhibition ROOM man. and Board Blue 639. lMmmercial.Ph; (86) 3fl. SUITES FOR KENT one or tne unusii uiuuin: jac-tory at Sellafleld. Cumberland, and another of the first British atomic power station under fniifrri.i"10 servie.rf THREE-ROOM suite, partly fur am '" flnl v. , Domestic nished, May 1st, Phone unie (80)377. (8i) I construction.