Hrince Rupert Daiiy News Saturday, Janutry 5, 1952 (fJutoncA & Professional km 7f CARPENTERS (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement. Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE TRICE. MALE HELP WANTED Movies by ! Television NEW YORK (API Americans soon may be able to see a first-, run movie or a current Broadway hit on their television sets, If they are willing to pay for it. Three different forms of subscription television have been developed, and the Federal Communications Commission shortly will be asked to lift its ban on the use of the air waves for any service for which a fee is charged. Fundamentally, all three are similar. During a subscription program, television signals from the station are scrambled, to be unscrambled on the home set only where the viewer has the necessary attachment and has paid the program tev. . ANNOUNCEMENTS Presbyterian Burns Banquet, January 24. I Legion Card Party, January 10. j Women's Hospital Auxiliary Valentine Tea. February 14. ' I I Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, j April 9. MARGARET McLEC OITOMETRIrt Room 10 ' STONE BUILDINQ PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 ELECTROI.UX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue S70 Bxit for genuine parts and jp phone or write above Brick, Stone and Block W Tile Setting and Plaster,, K. SORENSFN Phone Blue iv.iij HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTY , Building and Repairs ol kinds POOFS CHIMNEY OIL BURNERS PHONES: P.O. Box 1670 Rft MATTSOi ! S UPHOLSTERINO Phone Blue 120. P.O. B 234 -3rd Ave. g. Prince Rupert, BC. MALE HO P WANTED The Canadian Army " 7 Requires Infantry Soldiers The Royal Canadian Infantry Corps is the ideal Corps in which to start a military career. For those who do not wish to make the Army a career, it is a Corps in which they may travel and in which they may obtain broadening experiences to prepare them for the future. If you are interested in the Active Army, write or report in person to: 11 Personnel Depot, 42H1 West Third Avenue, Vancouver 8. B.C. Whether accepted or rejected you will be reimbursed Tor your travelling expenses to and from Vancouver or. if you apply in writing, your transportation may be provided in advance. If you are interested in the Reserve Army, report to any unit in your locality. If you are ever called upon to help defend Canada you should be prepared. JOIN THE ARMY '(Gel Hav H of your wwi A!d m$k on our prvciition nii)iin. MrH'tmnirbMy rcurl ji,inl- tpm in, film mm4 mMiiiv. ly Tli'r'U vat lnr, r, W PRECISION SAW FILING 1345 PKifiOTT PLACE Box 1C11 Station B Agent: Bus (Terminal Island City Builders John F. L. HughevD.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs.: 10:30-12:30. i2:00-.S:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besncr Block Phone Blue 442 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block G08- 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert. 'B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest . In Mu.sical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St Ph. niack 389 GEORGE RORIF. & CO. ACCOUNTANTS fi AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all i Its branches 204 -4th Street Phone 65S WE KENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels aiid Worn Boles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt ard Courteous 'Service Phone 678 214 4th Street Proprietors: Ed. Dawes. Sid Alexander 1 11 n H. G. HELGERSO'. LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURAN Phone 06 Evenings Black Call 363 FOR BETTER . , . Planning Building or Repairing MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMIT! D Builders & Contractors .lv.VAn.V- DINING " PLEASURE IN . SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIER 'hone V.rrcn l.lfi Itox 478 Shipping and (jeneral Moving, Tacking, Cratinj, . Cartage and Moris Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylf ne and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Parfc Avenues Est. 1910 i'hones (0 and 68 PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith SEIkins Lid. P.O. Box 271 PORTRAITS Film's Developed and Printer PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STI'DIO 216-4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 388 Prince Rupert JOHN H. BULGER OjHomilrisl John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue AI.BEItTA'S ESTIMATES 'Continued from page 1) 000 plant as starter. It will make polythene, a plastic widely used in the electrical, pharmaceutical and packaging industries, and will use 10.0p0.000 cubic feet a day of Alberta natural gas. A tnira chemical concern was reported ready to announce its plans. Another C-I-L plant is under construction in Calgary a $4,500,000 project to make commercial explosives. An additional chemical project is a $3,000,000 plant for. the Lindbergh area, 120 miles northeast of Edmonton, to make caustic soda, chlorine and associated chemicals. Other major new industries included a $5,000,000 addition to tlie Canada Cement plant at Exshaw, west of Calgary; a $3,000,000 refinery at Stettler, and a $5,000,000 pulp mill at Yates, 115 miles west of Edmonton. Sherritt-Gordon Mines Ltd. is considering Alberta for a $17.-500,000 ore-processing plant, the site of which is expected to De announced soon. VAST IRRIGATION The past year saw the com- i pletion of large-scale irrigation I works, balancing in the south to .some extent the Industrial do-; velopment in the north. Completion of the $7,000,000 St. Mary River dam marked the first big step in a $30,000,000 project which will open up some 4000 irrigated farms over the next 10 years and free large dry areas irom dependence on grain growing and ranching. This will result in intensified raising of specialty crops. Already a quick-freeze plant in Lethbridge is producing more than one-fifth of all the quick-frozen vegetables marketed in Canada. A cannery at Taber announced a $1,000,000 expansion program and a new $5,0000.000 beet-sugar factory, one of the most modern in the world and southern Alberta's third, went into operation. Agriculture, still the province's basic industry, produced more than half a billion dollars worth of crops last year. Forest products topped $18,000,000. With more than 15 per cent of the world's coal in reserve, the province mined an estimated $37,-000,000 worth during 1951. Industrial activity stimulated all forms of Commerce. The year saw tremendous expansion in warehousing, for instance. Retail trade topped three-quarters ' of a billion dollars, more than j three times the turnover of 10 1 years ago. Bank clearings total-! led $2,250,000,000 and bank debits I approached the five-billion .dol-I lar mark. j ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MEANS PLUS BUSINESS FOR YOU TAXIS 70 SEVEN-0 70 Radio Cabs 24 Hours Daily Service Charter trips to all points ASSOCIATION MEMBERS I'KIM'K HI I'I KT I.AMI Kl ( (HtlllMi lltVlllKT TAKE NOTIOR that COMfMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY. LIMITED, ol Prince Rupert. British Columbia. Pulp Mitnuliieturer. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: COMMKNCINO at a post planted North West corner of Lot 6134, thence Fuxt a distance of 100 feet to the North East corner thereof, thence S. 4 52" W. along the east boundary of snld lot to the South East corner thereof, thence 8. 13" 6T W. along the east boundary of Lot 4007 to the South East corner thereof, thence east a distance of 300 feet, thence N. 45- E a distance of 1400 feet, thence north a distance of 2200 feet, thence west a distance of 880 feet more or less to the hlfih-water murk on the shoreline, thence southerly alffnf? snld hiKh-water mark to the point of commencement, and containing 78 acres, more or less, for the purpose of a booming ground and log storage. COLUMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY, LIMITED. DATED November 27, 1051, (5c) Subscription telecasts would be only of extra-special attractions not available for free telecasts, or costing too much for budgets of advertising sponsors,. They would be in addition to all tho regular programs on the xair. Officials of the Zenith Radio Corporation of Chicago have indicated they expect to ask the FCC shortly to authorize their method, called phonevision. Arthur Levey, president of Ski-atron Electronics and Television Corp. which calls its system subscriber-vision, forecast the other day that some form of subserip"-tion TV would be in operation within two years. The FCC has been authorizing experimental tvlecasts as the subscription television systems with a view to romidering whether to permit such operations in the future. FINDS BIG DEMAND Zenith ran a 90-day test of its phonevision, with 300 selected Chicago families having sets on which thvy Could receive telecasts of fairly recent movies. The company reported the families subscribed to the TV movies at a rate 3'2 times greater than the average fam..y attendance at the movies. They paid one dollar for each movie ordered. Skiatron, having completed technical tests, plans to ask the FCC for permission to start a similar test of its subscriber-vision in New York within 60 to 90 days. Technical tests are being made in Los Angeles by Paramount Pictures Corp. of its telemeter system. Radio Corp, of America has disclosed that It also is working on a subscription TV method. Motion picture producers, sport promoters and college athletic officials have expressed keen interest in subscription TV as a means of allowing telecasts of their products and events without causing heavy box office losses. As envisioned by the developers, subscription television could be used by all stations for occasional telecasts, or by a single station in a community specializing in pay-as-you-see TV. But in any event it woula supplementnot replace the regular programs which the set owner receives free. ATTENTION ALL SHOUEWOItKF.RS United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union 1952 wage conference, election of rjele-gates. The Legion Auditorium, Monday, January 7, 1952, 7:30 p.m. Check Your Car for Winter Driving Regular servicing of your car means lower operating costs. Check your ltibrica-, tlon, brakes and tires today for winter driving. Resolve for 1952 to have your car in top running condition every day of the year. Bob Parker Lid. FORI) - MONARCH "The Home of Frivndly Service" ASSISTANT sales manager, pre-j vious experience not necessary. Phone 8U4 for appointment'. I 1 8c I HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKFEPER sales girl wanted, j Phone 804 for appointments. : i Gc ) , , 1 i WANTED Office girl for clerk ing anu typing. Shorthand not necessary. Apply Pioneer Canadian Laundries. (tfi FOR SALE FOR SALE 50 h.p- Gardner die-sel, shaft and propellor. Cheap. Green 549. . i5pi BOYS' and girls'-ski slacks, all unnl hest nimlit.u nv.idp 'a sizes, priced very reasonably. I B. C. Clothiers. i if ) FOR SALE Three room house with bath. Call 1078 11th East, 7 p.m. i4pi FURNITURE for Sale Bedroom rugs, radios, r.litst of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield beds complete, cribs, etc.. Lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (tf) FOR SALE-1 air-cooled gas engine, A-l condition. 1"2 h.p. 1700 rpm. 8-u.sed G.S. & Y. gate valves from 3" to 5". Go .d' condition. Apply T. Bcntham. Port Edward, B.C. d'.ci FOR SALE -52 h.p. Vivien Diesel, first class condition. Suitable packer, saw mill, planer" or light plant. Price $1250. Apply Dry Dock Machine Shop. (Gpi FOR SALE 5-tube .G. E. radio with record player; one Quebec heater, cheap. Apply it 1 3 Fra-si'r St. or phone Red 548. ( 4c FOR SALE Nearly new 12 gaue Stevens pump gun with Poly-choke. Phone Green 973. (8ci PERSONAL EMPLOYMENT Canada, United States, Alaska and Foreign. How, whe i, where' to apply. Send $1.00 for la! est employment opportunities report listing firms hiring. Service Bureau, Dept. N2. P.O. Box 1275, Saint John, N.B. (5ci PRINCE RUPERT Hotel Dining Room serves business men's lunches at very reasonable prices. Hours 7 a.m. to 9:30 ' ' 1 p.m. (Ui HAVE housekeeping room for couple who will care for two children days. No objection to child. Mrs. L. Bolam, P.O. Box 1401. (tfi FREE Windshield ice-scrapers. Write, phone or call Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd. Black 884. Box 1219. 15c) 'IF vou must move to the Vancouver Area contact Robert E. Montador at North 2976 in North Vancouver for hottest and courteous solution to vour housing, problems.'' (h) PHONE 18 vour Northland Dairy, for daily delivery exceot Sunday. Bv looking after vour milk vour milk will look after vou. Keen it cool. All milk guaranteed. (tf) CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1950 Custom Ford Ftirdor Deluxe complete with custom radio, magic air heater, clock, etc. Beautiful finish, first class Condition. $2,100.00. Phone Black 480. 6cj FOR SALE 1940 Plymouth Tudor, good shape. Leaving town. Best offer. Phone Green 781. 1428 6th Ave. East, 6p) FOR SALE One 1950 Futur-matic Oldsmobile sedan. Apply Dr. R. G. Large. i9c) WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID lor scrap iron, steel, brass, couner. lead. etc. ISonest grading Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron ti Metals Lid .250 Prior St.. Vancouver. B. C. Phone PAcific 6357. (tf) CASH for snin cast, brass. Conner, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 62D 6th Avenue West. City. (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOST Brown overcoat at Oddfellows' Hall, New Year's Eve. Gloves and scarf in pockets. Phone Green 2(18. 4p) LOST In Oddfellows' Hall, grey "wool overcoat. Keycase in pocket. Phone Blue 333. 4p LOST Man's lighter New Year's Eve in Navy Drill Hall. Finder please phone Green 496. "(4p)' WILL the person who took gabardine overcoat by mistake at Oddfellows' Hall New Year's Eve, phone Blue 701. Premier Brand trade mark. (6p) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Fully modern home with harbor view. Two bedrooms, basement with hot-air furnace. Apply Prince Rupert Realty Co. (tf) FOR SALE Five room house. 1025 9th Ave. East. 8pi WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY 2 0? 3 bed-room house. Apply Robertson, Savoy Hotel, (5p) RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subvert tc Change) SATURDAY P.M. 5:00 CBC Sport Pnpe 5:30 Eric Winl OrclK'Stra 0:00 CDC News (i 05 H'jcltfy Brondrnst 7 '(( Ort':tll MllMC 8:00 Buicl Venture H.30 Swt-el and Lively . 9:00 Prairie Sciinmier 9:1)0 Concert nl Europe 10:00 C'HC New 10:10 CHC News 10:15 Armdule Chorus 10:i)O TnKiHlt'iO Orchestra 11 :00 Weather Heport unci Sign-1 "SUNDAY A M 8 ::) Sumlav Wornlnn Kocttal BOO HIM' News S:15 Music lor Meditation 9:30 Harmony Harbor 9 59 Time .Situial 10. 00 B C. (ialdener 10:15 Just Marv 1 0 :30 The Wav of the Spirit i I I nil CHC News 1 1 :0:l Capital Report I I JO Itellniolis Pi nod PM 12:00 New York Philharmonic 1 :m Critically Meaki!t 2 :00 riddle Joe's Yarns 2:30 Jake and the Kid 3 00 SS. MaliHold 3 15 CHC News .1 :20 Ask the Weatherman 3:27 Retnonal Weather Korreast 3 :3I) Vancouver .Symphony orch. 4 30 Hi!l Hack the Years 5:00 National Sunday Ktciilne, !Ir 5 30 l.illle Symphonies 8.1X1 Ktaec '52 7 IX) CP.C News 7:10 Weekend Review 7:20 Our Special Speaker 7::) Music lor Slriie-'.s 8:110 Showtime CHC orffO Red Skeltoll show 11:30 Vesper Hour 10:110 CHC News 10:15 Wrilimr lor 50 Years 10:30 Coileelor's Items 1 I (III Weal her Report ad Si;'ii-o!f MONDAY A M. 7.00 Musical Clock 8 :() CW: News 8:10 Here's Bill Oootl 8:15 Morning Song 8 .30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Lntle Concert 9 :0(1 HHC News and Commentary 9:15 Music for Moderns 9 3(1 Sunrise Serenade 9:50 imlhy Douela.s Show 9:55 Recorded Interlude 9:5a Time Siyual 10 00 Mornint,' Visit 10:15 Barry WixrI Show 10::W This Week's Artist, 10:45 Musical Kltdlell I 1 :C0 Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Roundup Time 11 :30 Weather Report II 31 Message Period 11 :33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Meiojies P M 12:00 Mid-dav Melodies ' 12:15 CHC News ' 12:25 Program Resume 1 2 :3() P C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1 :00 Aiternoon Concert 1 :45 Ciub Clinic: Commentary 2:00 Tales of Friendly Creatures 2:15 The F'estive Season 2:30 Records at Random 3:00 Tea Time With the Stars 3:15 Christmas Program Review 3:30 Today's Guest 3:45 Novel Time 4:00 Sunshine Society FOR RENT FOR RENT Room in heated apartment for quiet gentleman.- Box 2H5, Daily News. Utile) FOR RENT Double sleeping room. Blue 433. (5c FOR RENT Housekeeping room 960 1st We.ft. Apply 221 5th East. i9pl FOR RENT General Electric floor polishers. $1 per day. Phone Blue 992. Pacific Electric. . (tf) FOR RENT Two-bed sleeping room for sinffle boys. Green 894. ' (4p) HOUSE FOR RENT Furniture for sale. Box, 203, Daily News. (8p) BOARD and room lor working man. Black 060. (tf) WANTKI) TO KENT WANTED TO RENT Bedroom or housekeeping room for gentleman. Box 264, Daily News. , (Up) URGENTLY required by Government employee Three or four room furnished or unfurnished house or apartment. Phone Green 973. (8c) PARTY would like to rent five or six room house. Will buy furniture up to $1000. Contact Mrs. MacDonald at Green Rooms. (4d) WANTED TO RENT Small suite for working couple. Write Box 261, Daily News. (4c.) WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished 2 or 3 room suite for working couple. Box 262, Daily News. (4p WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 room apartment or house. Green 486. 7p ROUTE BOYS WANTED Good routes available for right kind of carrier boys or girls at Dally News office with increased remuneration alter first of year. ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. S. O. Furk. Stone Building. Red 593. (20m! Oil Heatina Scrvic; LAWRIE MACKAY, Mr Blue 187 - Bjx 6:; Complete service in oil hei burners and supplies Stoves, Heaters-, Stow ? Train Schedu! For the East-Daily except Sunday f From the last Dally except Monday 10:0 FINEST OF COOKING For the MEAL that REFRESHES i APPLICATIONS will be received by the undersigned up to noon, 11th Januaiy, 1952. for the position of City wci'4h scale operator. For further information contact Superintendent of Works. City Hall. D. C. Stewart, Superintendent of Works. (4c) APPLICATIONS" will be received by the undersigned up to 5 p.m., January fit li. 1952, for the position of part-time Civil Defence Co-ordinator. P le a s e state age, experience and salary expected. For further in-lormution contact City Clerk, City Hall. R. W. Long City JJlerk. 1 4c i WANTED Reliable manias Rawleight Dealer. A fine opportunity to step into a profitable business where Rawleigh .Products have been sold for years. Experience not necessary. Write Rawleigh's Dept. WG-A-166-1G3, Winnipeg. AN EMPLOYMENT and "claims Officer, $2280-$2(i30 Prince Rupert. B.C. Full particulars on pasters displayed in Post Offices. Application forms, obtainable thereat, should be filed immediately with the Civil Service Commission, 1110 Georgia St. W., Vancouver. (ltd WANTED Man with some knowledge of laundry maintenance and steam. Permanent position for right party. Apply Pioneer Canadian Laundry. ' iUi SALESMEN WANTED With us, top men over 45 can Make $30,000.00 IN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS Will you make that much in 'your present work? If not, here's something -of interest to you: 8 of our top men averaged ai least $50,0uu each in last five years. Now, with nationwide demand increaseing, ALL SIGNS POINT TO EVEN GREATER RECORDS FOR THE COMING FIVE YEARS. What does that mean to you? It means you can join this organisation now . . . with this tremendous boom coming on . . . and share in our million-dollar expansion program. MIDDLE-AGED businessmen and salesmen, able to travel for a few weeks at a time, are invited to join our top-bracket income group. Middle-aged men 45 ... 50 . . . 55 . . . and up . . .are particularly qualified for our type of business, where earnings start at once. S. N. Tans-ley earned $103 in first two hours. Clarence Martin earned $792.88 first full month. G. A. Holland, new man starting tllPBD L i-j' '. mice niwuLiiA ptriiuu, average of over $700 per month. Frank Hoover averaged $1400 a month his first four months with us. These are unusual earnings of top men. Like earnings are available to you because we do not put a ceiling on your income. We have an OUTSTANDING product (Can. Patent No. 456591). A peacetime economy a wartime necessity. Just as important, we have an OUTSTANDING,- proven method for selling that product to high-type business and professional men and farmers on long-term credit. Your earning checks mailed in advance. You have nothing to buy. We make all collections and deliveries. Our Company has wide reputation for being leader in its field. BIG SEASON JUST AHEAD! Age is no barrier! Rush name, age for full 'details. Vice President, Dept. Y, P.O. Box 88, Station J, Danforth, Toronto Six, 0F - FOOD FOK TARE OUT ORDERS PHONE ZOO BROADWAY CAFE For New Construction and Repair Work SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. Ave. V. I! P.O. Hoi . 1 Jai faring j Ladies and Gentleml LING . the tailor Phone (MS 215 1st Chinese dishes Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE i ; For Outside Orders Phon. 133 j l ,nn ,. D. phoMf 1 ' ' 4 4 ! ! ' '; i ' j I i :j ' f ' f ' I i I :. ' 'ill ' BLONDIE The Reputed Js bTspjtcd ' ByCHlC YOUNG .mw'i I I Hhs vewy popuia'71 I nrrvBol5vcr1 , VE-H.1 ( NO WONDER HE WON" I WITH THE MEN TOO BE POPtflAR IF f "N V HEARD ? THE VVOMEN ARE , , sZ-S ( HE happens to ) A MP M'NUFF 1 V. UU&T CRA2V ABOUT HIM ) jr-. v V HAVE A LOT OF , (smiW mtt&s -L0zu d&sM ' t" Mfi f?rM fer- H -jjl., . CjSV t. I x. L ... I :.V! wi.H'iin-v.l4.iiliHL. 4S 1 1 . .J..J , , jj i I nww.v.'Wj"":w?"'