Prince Rupert Daily New Saturday, January 5, 1952 i Army Again Brings Cheer i v:!it)titH!i;!HTtit.fiiitttf!"H'Mttirr' !ti'it!?ii:tii!nt(!i;!!!itt-i(i!inSMI"tntili' .f'tS')iiti?rti'M;ii(i!!',ilf!'T!i''tii,"ir"i!)f''!Iilti,!l!!!ti!t,'T!Til Loca And Happiness to Needy n Stimuli ton IreSi 1 low (Briliili -Sar By MURIEL NARRAWAY Canadian Press Btafl Writer LONDON fi The new year has a problem for dark-haired, Edmonton-born Dianne Foster. 23- d PERSONAL I (jrcllner left on today s flll Q ,l nVHiK'Mivcr on ouil- J. Jrene Ha mi Many I'rince Rupert people may have been under the impression that there were no needy persons in the city this Christmas and that abundance jof employment and high wages were making it possible for everyone to enjoy the new high standard rtP 01 0 1 lit year-old wife of Toronto'. An- , jMf Mrs. George Martin fclv l U ar J-toilcii drew Allan, drama supervisor for , sail tomorrow on the the CBC ; for Vancouver. , SKEENA CROSSING Mrs. ,.u - 8ay, Dianne, who been mar rfiof living. The Salvation Army found it different in 'A - LuelU McDonald left by Irene Harris was hostess at a rlcd for Just six months and ..,., mr Vancouver to re- successful New Years Eve party never been hnnnier In mv life" f - quite a number of cases. r sludles at the Unlver- In Kttzegucla village. There were faces the prospect of having to Work Clothes For indoor or outdoor work we hove a complete supply of the dothes you need. See our overalls, work shirts, denim smocks, work pants, work gloves and coveralls. .vw." " an Hi, stay in LAnaon .wnirc nu&uanu i Naas River and speakers includ- .i r Kfruin left by plane ,,,,,. ;or Vancouver on a .u ior 8am Wesley Davld Wesley, , trip. He Is expected Mrs Eliward Wesley of Kltze- three or four days. gulca and Chiefs Robert Stewart, ... J Tn..c.t I'll Tnmn. A An m m nnrt C , n Salvation Campaign . I'9calArmy Workers To Participate in Soul-Savin Drive i Local Salvationists gathered on New Year's Eve to consecrate themselves to active service in a I Reporting this morning, Major W. C. Poulton told the Daily News that the Army had found a number of pensioners and people j trying to live on fixed incomes j who have been having a difficult j time to get by. j For these people what the Army was able to provide meant the difference between a "comfortable" and an , "austere" Christmas. I "These are the folks who are really suflering from Uie new I , gmln ana Ijtinj - naiuca nuamo anu vugc on;w- sall tomorrow on we uiv oi uie muua nivcr. ' . I,.. I,, I.,,. Irin In Andrew returns to Canada for radio commitments. . j Diane, a dark-eyed, five-foot-two Canadian, came to London In July, 1950. on holiday after two years In radio in Toronto. As with many another Canadian entertainer, the holiday soon turned Into a business proposition. Now Dianne has a five-year contract witn a BiiUh film company and has Just finished her second stage appearance. Her first dramatic role In London started last February In fin ir ?r and the states. IN "OTHELLO" Dianne Foster, 23-year-old Edmoton actress, went to London last year on a holiday. Since then she has appeared In one film, is making aonther and has had parts In two stage plays, including "Othello" with Orson W'les In 'he title role. Dianne also married Toronto's Andrew Allan, drama supervisor lor the CBC now on leave In London. (CP PHOTO) 1 Male"11". aIlcr EP-'1U,"W I,rlslnias and New Year 1 r, Riitcrlalo with reaQers Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Sonja meeting, Monday, Jan sra.M'ii ts. Mr. and Mrs. William high cost of living and for world-wide evangelistic cam-,whom we were able to render a paign of soul-saving and useful service which was much dom-building to be In operation n.rf turned to the city on uary 7, at Mrs. W. Balllnger's. :lrotln last evening to re-ij studies here. 5cl Agatha Christies' thriller, "The WATTS & NICKERSON MEN'S CLOTH I NG Third Avenue Phone 345 n Arthur Jones, son of Whist drive and tournament. iTo middle blonde act" rt Mrs. W. A. Jones, and Saturday. January 5. Moose ray'a mlde''n. appreciated. . throughout the whole of 1952. Radio Luxembourg in "Tne Lives "The people who dropped their ' General Albert Orsborn, the International Leader of the Sal-trom of Harry Lime," the character donations in our Christmas pot "The Third Man" film. may feel satisfied that their gifts vation Army, launching the cam- .. .... - 'wet Dut to sood use in Dlaces paign, said: ,,0Wc. son of Mr. and Temple. Everyone welcome. .4c ' . r Zf " uianne nas aiso miue u..c - - here U d.di wl oodl n bring "Because the spiritual and film, "Quiet Woman." starrring exis(mg rharcl Olske, sailed by tne ' " - Gcoree Thursday night to A meeting of the Prince Ru- For this, Dianne went blonde studies at University of Pert Fishing Vessel Owners' As- and "looked such a mess" she Columbia aftor spending relation will be held in the Civic crept out daily In a huge fur cap rlstmas and New Year Centre on Sunday, January S, that obscured her hair from season visiting at their at 1:30 p.m. (4c view. SPECIAL! ;n the city. Men's Five Pin Bowling WITII ORSON WFXLES the major added. . throughout the world have given Now she is at work on "Lo t Christian U . "'with8 Je'an Vent -d There were twenty-six such in- -nest peop grave Montreal's Mark Stevens playing cidents -here Army hafnper .and ""gf ntcan to the part of a loose-living red- other assistance were of extreme women everywhere to h?adPwhib Jean who generally and heart-warming helpfulness. nn- Tn 7aith takes this type of part, wears the Armv pot returns this Christ- turn bacit t0 God Tnere ig no halo. mas weren fourteen percent up 0ther solution for the ills of man- Dianee is already committed for from last year. kind." a third film. This means she will Major Wm. C. Poulton, the Dis- he unahle return to Canada1 DIES AT SERVICE trict Officer, recently returned League resumes Monday. January 7. A Division, 7:15 p.m.; B Division. 9 p.m. (ltci Her next part was dark -haired Bianca In Orson Welles' "Othello" at St. James's theatre, which came off Just before Christmas. Regular Moose i meeting, Tuesday, Prince Rupert : STTf' V) January January 8, 8, 8 8 rm- p.m. mis was me greatest, mrm oi Ladies' Worm Wool Lined Boots 8.95 .., . i . ..i j VANCOUVER VANCOUVER Qh XT' John John James James from from Toronto Toronto conferences conferences, out- wun ner nusoana iien ins six months' leave from the CBC ?nds 1 --i J : Galloway, 78, collapsed and died lined the campaign, and the form recently while attending the of activity It should take. Campbell Watson Island: V y (6c 6c Dianne's career in London, one k'j e Cook and Mr. and ' of her aims In coming here was Cook Terrace: J Krlst- NOTICE. Meeting of the to study voice control, and she n and R W. CundaM, Van- Doep Sea Fishermen's Union will says It s lesson In Itself Just to In March. At present Allan is funeral of Col. Walter Mclnnes. The local Corps, under the working with the BBC as a tern- Two two had been friends for direction of Sr. Capt. O. Oystryk, J. F. Dvrnctor, Pacific: be held in the Union Hall on listen weues. I 4 Corps Sergeant-Major M. porary producer In the features many years when they formerly and is, Smlthers; Ken Mai- sunaay, January o, at z. p.m. snc got the part or Bianco rtnee Rupert. Business important. (4c) after appearing with Welles on Ladies' Shearling Lined Boots Waksdale. is being organized for 3 department. lived in Kegina. U DID VOU HEAR WHAT i 10-5 " 11-95 -rS. OH, DON T r iAV THAT MR CMTHEPS ! GET HOME TONIGHT j DAEWOO'-, NUbLVT TrT 1 W m IV m m K H m I I V Mt K MI I Mr CJF F ILf I f I I V LOVEi Mt a i v b mm mm mm a mm i i t ii ti II K ii i in eii'iL.iiii ii v f-r.:. ) ri; i tiv - ' l- t year-round special effort in 1 evangelism. January will be ; spent In prayer and preparation, j To coincide with the International Day ot Prayer, next Thurs-; day has been set aside as a 1 special day of Intercession before God. a public service to be held In the Citadel In the afternoon. I Simultaneously in Canada, the : Territorial Commander, Commissioner Wm. R. Dalzicl, announced that 1952 marks the a m i mm mm mt m HavaiH i i 1 w i ' x i i i n I I LAIIII IIIIIIIU. Vw- TONIGHT V ilL. Fashion Footwear seventieth year of "The Army's" work in Canada. The Canadian effort will ge known as "Operation 70." OUTFIT ELECTRICALLY for 1952 with G.E. PRODUCTS l NITY INDFR ROMAN . ., 'Ccntlnurd from pasc 2) wr.'iwn church. 3. Return of the Anglicans tu Ciilholl.-tm. 4. Return of European Protectants to the Roman Church. 5. Conversion of sinners and "bad" Christians. 6. 7 and 8. Repentence and conversion of Jews. Mohammedans and Pagans. Vatican sources pointed out that lit le more than half the world's 820.CCO.000 Christians are Roman CaUholics and dcclarca union now is mast necessary because of 'materialistic foxes seeking li disrupt Christianity." G.E. Radios G.E. Kettles G.E. Stcom Irons G.E. Washers ond Pumps G.E. Refrigerators G.E. Toasters SEE Northern B. C Po wer Co. L td. Stewart, B.C. FAMOUS CHURCH The C a .icdral of Ireicurs M Germany, built in the 12th cen Prince Rupert - Phone 210 tury, is one of Europe's best spec- j miens oi uoini; arcniiecwure. I THEY PAY OFF IT'S PROFITABLE IT'S EASY To Use DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form voel-' Ciga. j " ' f 1 ' ... 1 J. I I MOvJbECLEANINS- ) i VJf.tL btMvE VOU ) f N I ( S iVk V, YOU'LL HAVE TO VEALS TQ VOU IN t( ( WANT TO AT I 7.J III ilft I-") 1 CL'MB CTVtfC THE J I WUI? OWN TOOH ) CIrff S WlTM VOU-1 I .7 Y?it? (C ' f FURNITURE OQ VOU MAY EAT J ( WANT TO PEEL ) J4 & V C?x'V VN ' (at the table J. v- i 'rbs though ft ' I ) r I ) 1 X MV.rU"e"E CanOi--BAnS J jaii . BEANS.') I?, i , :.. f Jf J "Bti IT EVtR I LVL HUMW.t,lHtSJ - - ! crcwe BACK, L i :. mi? niTHtk";. m'S ; J-V. WE lOVf vCiU- CjV4 . home-ZA Six Number of Times Enclosed Please Find .... (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25, cost, 75c. insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Add lour words if box number required mm j to I II r-si.1 iver l Name vrn liit the Address - Phone No -rr- i 1(3