Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, January 5. 1952 TODAY ONLY TONY MARTIN - JANET LEIGH 7 - 9:05 p.m. in "TWO TICKETS TO BROADWAY' Tense Picture Due at Totem Story of a criminal lawyer who I" : ' ..i fS if nil It i! is II I i -t " - X f I- .- . 1 t is so convinced that his client is innocent of a murder charge ! that he attempts to bribe a vital i witness when the case starts , going against him, "The Ppoplc 1 Against O'Hara," is the feature picture on the screen of the j Totem Theatre here next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I Spencer Tracy has the leading role and the cast also includes ; Pat O'Brien, Diana Lynn and : John Hodiak. ' t Ho'v Tracy vin.Mcatt's himself and tracks down thc real mur- derer at the cost nf his own life ! makes for an absorbing drama' which shifts from courtroom to varied colorful locations in New York City where portions of the picture were filmed. Pat O'Brien has the part of a sympathetic policeman tout be- ( tween two emotions. Diana Lynn 1 is the daughter of Tracy. Her de- j votion to her father stands in the way of her marriage. John - . j " vt ' i - " . ' ''- ' . ' , It, ; I t - 4 rki If; Mi - i 1 v ' t-J t- Ii) V i'r'Tf'ciik,. T ; I RACY i Iremendou as tht fighting Uwyer i, who wouldn't quit! ii J : oruwtiv In M-G-M'i HANDBAGS Anchorage Taxi Lews Tightened ' A'CHORAGE City ordinance vinich would do away with driver owned cabs and abolish cab stands within the city cam'e up for first reading at the city council meeting. Cab operators would be required to: maintain off-street parking; own all cabs in the fleet; have the same color scheme for all cabs owned by one operator: maintain 24-hour service Public liability insurance of $10,000 for death or injury of one person, $40,000 for more than one person, and $5000 property damage would be required All licenses would be issued subject to vehicular inspection and certification of applicants by the police chief. Number of cabs could be limited on a basis of demand for service shown by records of operators, the effect on traffic congestion, impairment of safe use of streets for vehicular and pedestrian traffic, or other reasons deemed fit by the city manager and council. No taxicab could be used for personal use at.any time, and no cruising for fares would be allowed. All calls would be handled through the dispatcher's office where complete records of all drivers, and trip sheets would be maintained. License requirements for both operators and drivers include United States citizenship, 21 years old, ability to read and write, non-addiction to the use of intoxicants or narcotics. Good moral character and repute, no conviction of a felony for 10 years previous to date of application, no conviction at any time of a felony or misdemeanor involving an moral turpitude, assault with dangerous weapon or use of traffic in narcotics, drugs or traffic in women lor immoral purposes. i attorney. I REACH SAFETY Seamen all but glad to be ashore after drifting helplessly for seven days during one of the wost winter storms to sweep the Atlantic are these crew members of the ' EC Mayfall, shown at St. John's, Nfld., as they await the impair of their ship. The ship was bound from Bonavista to St. John's when fuel p. imps broke down seven miles from her destination. Tor three days the vessel drifted while cr.'w members uwd mess tables to keep fires going. This fuel ran out and she drifted without food and water running low On the seventh To Compliment Your New Outfit! Colors, styles and prices that invite the most exciting customers. 'PAT DIANA JOHN clay she was spotted by another ship and taken in tow (CP PHOTO) Royal Tour in CNR Pictures MONTREAL A comprehensive pictorial review of the recent o'brien m-wmm oil, tobacco are WALLACE'S CTADTC klftkintv an bbw am .Tt ' I brandy, sugar, i but a few. j tour of Canada by their royal Department Store Evening Shows g g gf, gY 7 - 9:05 p.m. A KVMOI'S PI AVhltS TIII Mll '(IBMnRHAaMBi ! We called there twice.' once southbound, and the other while enroute to Southampton. A WATERFRONT WHIFFS highnesses, the Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh, lias been issued by the Canadian National Railways. It is published as a supplement to the January issue of the Canadian Na swarm of blacks coaled ship, the , Umbria. Not far off lay, a British TODAY 6:50 - 9 ESTHER WILLIAMS - RED SKELTON in TEXAS CARNIVAL" SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY RON RANDELL J JOAN DAVIS , man 'o war. The Cape Vcrdes ' ' ; provide links with history. The group was long a favorite haunt of slave traders. It was there i many a one called, on his way from the nearby dark mainland to America with a ship load of In ' V in Prince Rupert Great Salmon Port Dodge Cove Progressive Where Have Tuna Gone? "Omoo Omoo" "TRAVELLING SALESWOMAN" bondsmen. Such were sold. Hence, anwarerl their descen- In not many places in Canada is the catching of salmon the year around so simple a matter as in dent- and a war that convulsed Prince Rupert. It is not at all unusual off, or near Prince Rupert. Anyone, in a rowboat, or some other kind of craft is free to go out and see what his skill, or just plain luck amounts to. MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY The 'Portrayal. .. Tiie Cast... The 'Drama of the 'Year! Ttif cvrr-to-bF-rriwnilwred Mur of Johnny IWUiuia ia another great rule lint only .he could pl.y. tional magazine and copies are ; now being distributed with .pay!" cheques to the company's 115,000; employees. r j In more than 90 photos the "Royal Visit Picture Supplement" ; takes the reader over the nationwide route starting with their royal highnesses arrival at Dor- j val airport to the departure from . Fortugal Cove. Newfoundland. j The pictures represent a care ' ful selection from thousands of : negatives made during the tour; and provide a- wide variety of scenes ranging from formal .cere- monies to incidents of human in- j tcrest. Their royal highnesses travel- ; led 3.460 miles over CNR lines and in a special message to employees, Donald Gordon, chair- 1 man and president said: "It is a fine tribute to our service and the men and Women who per- . formed it. that all our arrangements should have' earned the, praise of our royal visitors and i Uiorj who accompanied them and those who made the plans.". VANC'Ol'VKR VHTOIUA Chilcolin 8 p.m. January 6 and 20 J Chilcolin midnight . Januaiy 13 and 27 Camosun Tuesday, 12 Noon M.Ii E ARM, STEWART AM) POKT SIMPSON "Sunday. Camosun. 11 p.m. FOR NORTH Ql'F.KN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Z Januaiy 4 and 18 - s-. Chilcolin midnight FOR SOl'TII Ql FEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin January 11 ancf 25 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert AkcuI Third Avenue Plio.'? 5C8 A written driving test would j be required and in the case of drivers, a physical examination. No driver would be allowed to drive more than 12 hours on shift, nor return to work until a new nation Known as the united States. , A feature of that struggle was the building of a fast craft for the Confederacy. It was launched in Britain and called the Alabama. Few knew Just what was to be done with her. The low down was given oat, however, when she sailed into a harbor In the Cape Veides. The skipper, addressing the crew, announced that the'Alabama would prey on American shipping. If anyone felt like quitting her then was C-K . A Iti.-l sjUzcn. within the last few days, managed to land more building, is situated cu Digby then half a dozen fine fish. Fre. a island, the site being just rw .1 is a njest a;cpctable dish, irom the western end of Prince any old time. Many a yoar ao Rupert townsite. after eight hours had elapsed. the latc BishP G A- x Dio-; licenses could be sus-! n is a comparatively new Driver." cese i (.aicuoniai no naa (.fimmunitv nnrl industrious and m come f.'om Ontario to take over pl ogressive, may be said to be the the duties of Canon at the new iarn.ost village so near this oitv. the time. Some did. For years, Pacific port cf Prime Rup-rl,.Throughout the season, lhe dccp Un'itPd States merchant ship sea and other forms of lishing owners and masters found a keep the residents of Dodge Come nightmare in the swift raider of ponded by the police chief for speeding and would be revoked for reckless driving or for other violations of Ura code. Other rules and regulations within the meaning of the code could be adopted, and enforced after due notice by the police chief. Similar regulations, with minor variiations would apply to buses, airlines limousines, vehicles for hire, and sight-seeing buses. well occupied, for they are experienced, not only in the fishing industry, but also in the turning out of gill-nutters and other craft. rilTKH'U III UIKC di 1UW UIl UilU harbor. Weather was pleasant, i.i! nan heard much uf BiitLsh Colunvbia's salmon wealth and took along a rod, doubtless thinking there was no .asim why h3 should not be rewarded. He was indeed. It was not more than a couple of hours when the tall figure of the Canon could be seen passing the corner of Third Avenue and Second Street. In his grasp he held a noble fish. It miUU have been a steelhead, or a .spring. Anyway, it was .1 dandy And as for the fisherman? Oh, he was pioudcr'n Punch. the rebel forces. In practically every ocean, her guns sent hundreds of stout vessels to the bot- torn. It all totalled up to enor- i mous losses. There came, however, a day j of reckoning f r the merciless ' Alabama that spared no Yankee S'lilo-s. Out-ranged and outfought she waged a dramatic duel with the USS Kearsage. ! being sunk off a port in Northern France. PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SIUI'IitlliDKR.S AND UNOlNEMfS FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1952 Growth in deep sea shipping, although not directly in connection with Print'j Rupert. Affairs is seen in the movement of iron ore deposits of Texada Island, down the coast. This ore, as well as coal, will be made use of by Japan. It, will be necessary to OKOItr.i; OAWEi. AUCTIONEER ..n- r. 'if-n Htl jnd R(" H7 - W I W IU h- .stings lylene Iron and Brass J Electric and Ac WHding W I tarring EXTRA SPECIALISTS DM faAWMILI, mid MININO MACHINERY CHARLES LAUGHTON W JOAN BLONDELL build a new wharf at Texada and ,, , ,, , , ,. it is expected the sailings from One never knows all about the w' , Campbell River more or less perplexing points wnj aver a month. there are to the fi.-hmg indust -y. . . , . ., . Ja"an ls "king steel. There had been a notion that on the British Columbia coast, al-! bacore tuna would be caught in-: It was in 1951 lnal for Ulc first definitely. The cal-h that had umc since the early forties, Jap-develjped into a million dollar anese shipping was noted on this affair one year, faded away and coast. There was a new vessel on gradually died. The fish prac- the first regularly scheduled ser-licallv disappeared last yea'. It vlcc with the Orient. Today, had been selling at $350 per ton competition is sharp on world at one time. routes Freiuht rliarnrs are hith As Always PLACE ORDERS NOW CARTOON NEWS WELDING Government Certified Operators llillli I'r-ssurc Tanks Itifiiciratimi Slacks and 1'irc I'.M-apes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. K.-v-l' I.. Phone Green 881 AGNES MOOREHEAD Union steamer Camosun. dipt. John Boden, will not be making her usual early afternoon arrival from the south tomorrow and is not expected until early evening J at best. To assist in the move- , mcnt of workers on the Aluminum Co. of Canada power project, the Camosun is making a special call at Kemano Bay this week. She may do likewise, as well, In the following week. Ill KRING EXTENSION Anolhcra extension to the original 30.000-ton quota of herring in the northern sub-district has been requested by fishermen, the Fisheries Department said today. A 10.000-ton extension had been granted shortly after the original quota was f.lied in the shortest time on record. Fishermen believa there arc Dibb Printing Co. EM I iinnMMi.iiiiMiJHi i SHOWS 7-9:14 and there is a ship shortage. tim e acliv.: in fishing ana boat There is said to be no sound reason why Aluminum Co. freighters, after discharging alumina at Kitimat, should not pick up rvturn cargoes such as fish, pulp, shingles and ore concentrates at Prince Rupert, Vancou $400,000 PER DAY WILFORD ELECTRICAL WORKS Motors and Generators Rewound and Repaired MOTORS i;OI GUT Anil SOI.IJ New an 'I ICcliuill Generators 6 - U - 32 vol Is link 1307 I'h. Blue 3!1 ver, Victoria, Nanaimo and New still plenty of herring in and Westminster. The question, it is around Gasboat Pass, the herring thought, is doubtless already j bonanza scene of the season, but Every woilting day Just year tfm Sun Life p'd out an average of nearly $400,000 to plV hulden snd benoriciiintn. In ninny caM tit insurnce check repiesenterl the only fundi avatlublo al tiino of due need. Arc your dependent imiluily pro tot led? JOHN T. FOWLE llux 8:,:. I'lionr Hliick :I7 NOTICE FREE TAXI RIDES (from Mondoy, Jonuory 7th to Friday, January 11th inc.) being studied. ! i I ! f 1 ' : 1 :s 4 rS a i y - i! the department Ls making no promises. Decision will be handed down "as soon as possible." Meanwhile, herring are show ing In Kwakshua Pass, in the area of Fitzhugh Sound, and it is STEAM tR SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA expected the fleet will head there as soon as weather permits. This area, in the central sub-district, Prince George SAILS FOR may account for the bulk of the 40,000-ton quota there which, the department says, hasn't been scratched. Only about 1,000 tons have been taken so far from the district. .To show our appreciation to our many customers who have helped build our service over the years we have decided to return to them 10', of our qross income on city service. Vancouve r THE CATE VKKDIiS Contrasts can Interest. Prince Rupvrt. with her mild and misty islands, her snow flurries and icy streets could never remind one ol the. Cupe Vcrdes! It's always cool even In midsummer as well as fresh and often fair away up in this port of the North Pacific. But off the coast of northwest Africa, the sky, if not cloudless, can easily be that way. A few hundred miles from the continent, the sea Is a rich, a dark blue, and the sunshine strong and dependable. Portugal has owned the Cap.? Vcrdes for centuries. The climate is rated unexcelled. As British Columbia understands it, there are no forests. Peaks have a piirchfd look. But that does't mean this is an arid land. Folks in Prince Rupert may We wish to express sincere appreciation to our customers ond friends for their support and potrongac during the past year. We hope that the New Year ' will be one of happiness. over our phones will be Every tenth trip taken absolutely free to the caller. himI liilcnnedi.ile Porta Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. Fcr KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MfDMGHI Luxury at Low Cost I"nr Rest i vatious Write or Call l l'V Oil DEPOT OK KICK ft. Weather has kept all fishlirt; j activity to a minimum but when j thu elements turn kinder soma trawlers hope to head out to the ! flatfishing grounds at Skidcgate ' around January 12. Those who have already taken j out their trawling licenses are Oscar Giskc (Morris 11), Frank Gale (Carolina Maria), and Jul- i ius Barth (David Scott i. 1 M"umnmm- f 1 - ,f I r I' 99 TAXI CO.. LTD. mxmm PRINCE RUPKKT. forget about halibut, precious 1 salmon and herring oolichans Tanker Imperial Vancouver, Capt. c H. TotUen, arrived yesterday to replenish Imperial Oil Co. supply of oil products. and cleansing rains. Here's a fcrcnt slice of creation. There's ' color and warmth. The islands Due to motor carrier regulations we regret wp are not im rnilttcd to extend this offer beyond city limits are just north of the equator and plenty of products flourish. If you. want to sell It, advertise NEWS ADS get RESULT! Fruits and stimulants, pineapple, jit, News classified.