iif soiiip trte grain. 4 there fit:s TiiiKiv-Kiiiimi (Continued from page 2t Prince Rupert Doily News Friday, February 29, 1952 Elizabethan r,w.lw,.w:,.y.,,l a" ' I AS I SEE IT iCo.iUnued lroni page 2 1 have ben actually enrolled, ii mi thp ioh bv M:ll'ch 1 ! 50 officers Panzer (tank) di- divisioAs 300 artillery officers iou airmen 1200 NCO S ytiO craftsmen and technicians. W liU WAS HUlllOriiailVe t uiirce who kept giving out the laist reports, sp.ead from Lisbon b high-priced international Pear.'on had consented to take .... nni-uA. tl,nl n,.- T n.-ln. ';i lltTHSMH. ll.ab UU1 UWli lt. I tlie job as Secretary-General of Oovinusly these were "planted" by somebody high up who was trying to "pressure" Canada's miniver into taking the Dost. regardless of the fact that this wuu.U have taken a key man i ' 1 I..1- J I , t 5 .-V j i , H v r ' y , l j - , .. , w.-1 1 -' ,4 . "1 -1? r i Style Era Cuern's Dresses Will Affect Clothes Trends B' MURIEL NARRAWAY Canadian Press StafI W'lltrr LONDON it Punrlclino' nn , fashion in the new Elizabethan era, British writers forecast that dresses worn by Queen Elizabeth li, like those of her ancestor, Hoed Cuetn Bess." will affect clothes trends but on a far wider scale. Kiiet-a.-. the f.rst Elizabeth Influenced only court styles, the nsw Queen's sense of fashion will be reflected at all levels of society. fuer the Canadian tour, wemen in all parts of Britain and the Commonwealth discus- i sed and envied the rich velvet coats, slim tailored suits and . Klitterine crinoline gowns worn by Elizabeth These were recorded w.th beauty of detail in such epic as the Canadian tour film, "Royal Journey" mow showintr in Prince Rupert). Styles worn Dy Elizabeth on many important occasions have been in pioduction within the month and sold at prices acceptable to the general public. Such things as the coat and hat sh wore to leave London on her li- jevm InM wprp rprtrnrii'irp ,1,11 sold by the hundred, on home an j overseas markets. -Said the C.A.C team com- mandcr. "They take terrible risks to cross but it Is a great challenge They know that once the risks have been met tiiere It the virtual certainty of shelter and food. "People tell me: 'don't feed them; let them starve; that will stop them coming." "Well, you cant. Sure, they'd die. But the UN rani lot ik These people know that If they' once (jei inco Seoul they'll ho fed by C.A.C. if they're really in! neea. UN and R.O.K. police call the movement an "Invasion." Along a key 2 Vj-mlle sector of the river front there are 50 control posts manned by 262 police That net caught 2,395 during i iue iiioiiui inai 60,000 crossed. A known 30 were drowned and countless others are feared lost. The crossers waded, swam boated, floated on logs, bribed nollce, rode army flaicars and hitched lifts on UN military vehicles. Moie than 200 boati were confiscated. The organiwr oi one ring turned out to' be a former police chief. Now that the river la frozen USED CARS FOR SALE 1947 Plymouth Sedan 1950 Austin Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Sedan 1950 Studebaker 5-passenger Coupe 11)43 Fod Panel H-tun 1937 Lincoln Coupe 1941 Chevrolet Coupe 1940 Plymouth Sedan towering derrick in the background MANITOBA'S FIRST? This run)!;? 2 .5 taste s of oil a dav from what maw hp Mfinitoha'c first flowing well. The well, near Reston in the extreme southwest of tn ; province, was drilled on land owned by George Walker, standing foregiound. (CP PHOTO) f.om a much more important . reasons- p. .uion in our ov.-rf Em-ernmert 1 There Is the call of the "old isewvpapers pay high prices to hometown." Many left families thc. .-ervices to supply real In Seoul and want to return to i.e. They should complain, them. Families billeted on farm-Thrre has been a marked decline ers in the south want to return in the reliability and objectivity to their own homes Business o. -lueniaiionai news reporting men and homeowners want to hi the past few years. Too many see how their property has fared such "plants" and too much propapaganda is coming through. MATTER OF SURVIVAL i Significantly it Is the poor i:iE CHINESE-American family not J tne richi who , ' to -''ur re- which was insulted recently in , . San Francisco, where residents turn' The rlcn can ord to wait of a certain community voted to ln Pusan, Taestu or Taejon. The Keip tliem out, might ponder this Pr consider it a matter of sur-incident: vival. For them there Is the lure neie in Vancouver an East ..' Indian fanuiy moved into a ' Cjardc enuict FOR BIG HOME GARDEN YIELD, EFFICIENT SEWING NECESSARY - litest,. jjhrfajjf f4 ROBERT COATS ST. CLAIR has joined Alaska Pine and Cellulose Ltd. as Timber Con sultant. He was once district lorester at Prince Rupert and "K-e recently assistant chief forester of the B C. Forest Service. Credit Union Here Expands Re-Ucetcd as president of the Kiien Consumer Credit Union Thursday night was S P. Wnnd- side. Two new members erected tn Ihn U... .. . .iiu.v Ulan uuuuiea its ooeration in '.he last year, total several times Its present volume of traffic. 4. Medically, Seoul Is no worse off than any other city and, as an air target, would not have the strategic importance to the Communists of centres such as Pusan and Inchon. The provost marshal of Seoul area command said the Korean argument on bridge traffic Is valid. "Vehicle checks indicate about 5 000 vehicles day v....vo a n uaj cross HUM the wit bridge," he said In an Interview, "The bridge couid be freed for traffic without congestion. It might at times Interfere with mllltEirV mni'Amnn nf "..- v. ..v.. i ii SLippil.a and personnel. wuuiu ruin me econ- omy of Seoul overnight " ' , RJ?L$ the want to . ArlIy. CAC and Republic of Korea officials agree on tha Duraclear.ing Is recommended b y Canada's leading furniture and 1 air. dept. stores. Complete Insurance coverage by Lloyd's of London. Carpefings, Twists, Orientals .... and Fine Upholstery may now be safely cleaned and revived with consid-. erat!on for their life and textures Durachaning restores resilience to wool , fibres Pile unmats and rises Colors revive ; Fu-.nl.hlr.gs are Dura-e'eaned In your home No Inconvenience ln -having them gone Also mothproofed. If de-'.red Phone Green 328 t A World-wide Service D. J. Duradeaners 1233 Water St. Prince Rupert, n.C. DAVE JONES mmm m ' uueiiors were K. L(J I nvi' Lis niTTcn OLITTlIt c Edwards and George Hills. Taking into consideration the Others on the board are F. W. increased elegance and maturity imb'e vice-president; H. j of the Queen's styles since her Marchant. G. R. Brett and Hany ma.riagc, fa hion writers Incline Burrow, directors. U. th.n.t E izaL.th will play aa Jrs. Mabei Kye was re-ap-evoii greater roic as fashion FOin'ed secretary-treasurer, lcade.. Edna McKenna of the Scott McLaren was elected to Daily Graphic says that styles si';jervisjry committee. Others WJin dun;.g the Canadian tour on the committee are George AAj s.ii. -a levivai of es:en- V -!.' el' and Angelo Astoria. ...iiy ieiiiin nc cloth's." New memoers elected to the Like hee tnc-.stor of the ea Her 'rsMt committee 'are B:d Rud-Sli-a.etta.. era, Elizabeth loves '"h!n E'ic Faure. W. II. Brett; iu t..n.r.iig leminity of jewel- derhani, Eric Faure, W. H. Brett, encrusted ciinoline ball gowp.s 0lhrs remaining on the corn-that give a spa. k'e to formal are Rupert Crete-el, R. H. ..U,e uccas.ons. And with tlie Eav'dson, Don Forward. Chair-i.mi;;ity hne shows prclerc.iLe nlar is to be elected, ft).- ihu uiaceiul sweep of princess OPERATION DOl'BLCD l.ne." that cficc.lve.y ci: P uha iz" xi-...ch waist . Mamoer.- were told the Union 'JIT rc.,., Whil ....... . !' arrFS' hi;. betwi 'Ml) 111 ' la no reason . . DOrtlcm ... the aayb,, STUS- Phone Gf I 7, n A V ir-i Superior Auto Se?l l-l..... J rj-. - Limited Third Avenue Wcsr ine 00 OGGP OQaQP I; i i -H i, i ! i " 'i- i. 1 V 'I 1 1 ! t if",' Il t. -t - X 3 fj M 7 THIS NEW! JiM feature... I Thii lid has a special, : Vs I reidient sealing device around its inside f. ; 1 , rim. This "Seal-Tite" lid keeps rh. jfiT If 3 tobacco fresh, by forming an J oirtight seal which retains natural fj 3 moisture and flavour. iy fjy Out, nifiecior RUM. over7years old i .r-.ji .-aiuiaii waiuioue in-many viL.C( such styhs. One -u... e..oiu,i!e was the olive-g.een velvet ccat w.th nip-- -1 t..u swinging skirt .. e... n hos already set her 3al on morj than or.- current iish.on lacrite. She w;.s the fi s', oi iht ro. al iar.i !y tj wear -hoilc:- ever.ins s.y ;s. Bj.1 ei- -o-i. u.cses lo.' ine.1 nart u.. i-.-- e.nad an a.itf Atistral-Ian toue ward oljes. j .::..v "ivaku.ioue i.i th.; .'. I ciays of h.r reisn, ! o .'oeivat.ons on the Queen's1 i'ashion sense were baed partly on tl.thes veo.n in Canada. So ia.-, this would-be Australian - -"-i. remains a secret -uoaid liie Ojihic. It 1, expec-' .....eve.-, that the clothes v ; i own to London for wear In Juno v.hen court mourning Is ded. Eut the more elaborate of thc3e ' -V-; a c likely to be worn for m- tr.ie. Ihe si'mnr.-r rhoice 4 t-Pe-d tj feature de.icate ha . iiae wi'.h a smattering of' w.iite and black. Tne Queen has iww). !. p f -rente for black on ' other otcaMons than court I..UU1 ninr;. Big Crater on Fraser R. Ish By Powder Blast CHILLI VVf.CK -A era' or. 10 by a luu"a on Tw.rc? naiid in tlie Fra er Rivr f . Iowhik an explosion which shook me rouiuryside on Tuesday After considerable speculation the blast was today attributed to explosion of a cache, of old blasting powder which had been used in blowing ice in the rlvr a I HI " .'. K j-j 'AJf- Tat f t- wt-n (Mr i-o. wit,, .aJuaS-a Chard Is a eaf Crop it rt ii i-i-.'? r53 l. K Snap Beans Are "od Crops 't cicrs wh ch 'ccuire thp mot planning are those which give a . Harvest and should be planted lor several crrps. maturing one after the other. The tendency ,s t j sow too much in tire spnnt, so there L more than you can use from the first harvest, then a scarcity later on. Tiu faster a vegetable grows, hi, loss time it remains In good table ccnd.tion after it matures. J, prevent waste, von must sou. at first only enough seed to pro- . . . I fh eS JrU Can U5e belore f . they , ose qua htv. Then make other sowings, to mature In so you always have ne C1"P' harvest or ap- nroaching it T,,Jr taK"S fipu lnS' but is not tca11 difficult. A few houw CtVmPri this winter, ravc lnuch wasted effort in spri.n- and summer. To en- "? nal1 as practica1' ferliliz H Mhly. Eivc it plenty of water Protclon against insects, and good cultivation. Such garden v.eU panned will produce 2 l'fV n 1 1 .... ... . . . . l: superior , ..." "i'a :tj anj rth it. -..v. ,.oo un, man iwtre as much suace upon which sa..ie amount is planted Gardiner Opposed To Embargoes By Ontario and BX. VANCO JVEa-Rt. .II. n. James iTarcuncr, Canadian min -star agriculture, visiting here this week, reaff firmed his stand again';: p.o ncial embargoes aaainst Cask:it?hcwan cattle fol-llwnr; the ou' break of faot and mouth disea.se. Mr. Gardiner icii that this as inappropriate at a tinm v hen ! Canada was enriravnurinrr t,. r. the United States to withdra embargo. The federal minister wa speaking of the embargoes which have been announced by the Br.tish Columbia and Ontario givernments. LOVcLV TURTLE VICTORIA (CP) ' Rosie. the Pugnacious snapuine turtle r--.-b v...wc at aj rovlnclal Museum here, has te"ccd sulltary con" i-wank neighborhood. Many of i.T- iieigiibors signed a petition o keep them out. But they came j:y..a . twenty years later the juiiie family thought of moving ....... me pi.p e in the same . ,n.o. Rued, signed another "round robin" tins time asking th.rn to stay! "The world lo move" and it move.; mostly m i;,e right direc-....). assets being $118,617.03. i-oaiis were is.' uotl to 145 rre m-l-( s lo. a total of $110,34142 i jta. mcmbcrsh p stands al 35 3. a-, uic.ease of 59 over last year. Sluice inception ol the Union ever, jerrj ago, 414 loans have b.- .. mace to it i membcts. HATE .... ,nnulurc. :. . This advert iMemetit Is not puhlihl or diyplayid hy thrl.( Hoard or by the Government oi liritiah t'uium f WAMT ADS . . ' -Market Place of Milk Carrots Arc Root Crops "ci'ore buying seeds for a garden this spring, devote a few evening; to considering what ve-taoies you will grow. To some extent, the list will depend upon tne amount of t.iace you devote L th.s leisure-time activity. Heaviest yield from small ""ire can he , btained fro.m v se. tables of which we eat the leaves. Tnese include the "greens" which are cooked, and the salad leaves, -...i a,e eaten raw. T.icy yield .j abundantly they are usually v jerp.anu-d. Next in food p: eduction, compared " to space occupied, are vefe.tabiei oi which we eat the root.:,- stems, or seed pods. Beets, carrots, parsnips, broccoli, snap beans, turnips and onions all tr fieavy yields, are rich in x o .e valje, vitamins and m;n- Don't discard any of these on he .hsory that you do not like l.-m, unless you have eaten rierr. . vhen half grown, fresh I the f?a'den. Tnis is an ex-.i-rlei:?e which only home gardeners can enjoy, and it will j--. a n-y uoiiufLn.iuii ui now e le.uus vegetables can be ... , . cales which give the I MVJIIh" m fd Value for " Xh i y CCU,Py are those a jl Jf which we eat tne t-.ed or "'"f CahhaS T'0,1S- HUCrm" 2 f if' 15 and llma Sir"8!'""' nt ,1 fC?T' " en nit 13 lhc ; ., ?xvArl alr "Bhts int y P' eVen M f U l garden , u a l POrtd onsP? PS r'maanSare tralllirg on a raiaea a.np. fence, f where . they yield 4V1-1- - 1 '. Van whTJ, kn.n; , den space busy throughout the "Jtl1'" ,eQi''s-8ome study. itects Xitimat srrsed for I Two Vancouver linns of architects have been c-mmissioned to prepare tsisins ir 0 housing units tj) bcjuilt at Kitimat for the Aluminum Coi..pany of Canada of Ltd. m They are Scniaicns dj Simpson, and Sh.up & Inompson, Berwick, Pratt. Upon completion of plans, Kitimat Constructors will proceed witii the erection of the dwellings which include single lamily, dup.cx and multiple unite. Semmens & Simpson are '.Is doing drawings lor 166 family units and Sharp & Thompson Berwick, Pratt, 164 units. GLADSTONE, Man. (CP) The extension Department of the University of Manitoba is designed to benefit the province as a whole, said Dr. A. H S i uiiiouii, uie&mtnt OI tnp nni.'., versity, in an address here ' He ' I expressed high hopes for the CLASSIFIED ADS i 5 .. s-K ef'A'eia: Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form i --I words If bo: number required I -i 81 1 I MORE "WATTS" FOR YOUR MONEY! Depend' le Morrison Diesds now develop more electric power: 3000 juuu waits wtiti.nd nd 6000 6000 w.tts w.tts t t 1 1800 800 R.P R.P M. M. First coil, oper.ting tnd m.inten.nc. cost. r lower Ih.n ,ol,, or otner eU WorId famoui Mcrnson. .re 'Self -.9..l,n3" ,rd "SmUJk -.l.rtin9," eorr. M,y equ.pped, ,e,dy for use. Order yo-.-r comp.ct Mc r ncn pl.nt today . . . c s,oc in ,rln,it. ccmolele 60C0 W.li, Jl 760 . 3000 W,:, $1 340 Number of Times Enclosed Please Find (3c per word per insertion e.g. N-imbcr of words 25; cost. ' insertions for price of four. rMinimum chnmt. 50c ) Add four Name r 1. inr "hrvn" Hi..-. - ... 1. , . , m ,i -- 1 i f . : i'l 'I ! 'J I 3 k vU Bin 1?J Address No --''""' -v.. TV .Phone . .1- ... " 'i.TW V .11 ... . ... - . ... .. ...