Prince Rupee f Daily News Friday, February 29, 1952 (Ci.osriiF Titir ia - j . Utiiloviiicj or Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor PRECISION SAW FILING " " oi nay piiDiicaitan) r.i , . , .. Word Classified inserUon Advertising . Is payable In advance. Pleae refrain Iran telephone Classifieds 3c rr per 50c. Birth Notices 50c. cJTX&SZ Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $aoo . ' SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. BLACKWOOD on bridge By EASLEY BLACKWOOD ANXOVNCEMENTS Individual t.'isnlnv of .She!' -.iit uim rsatures Treasur - ' ! Maybe Mr. Muzzy Should Play ,,1-enniary 23, Civic Centre. Free admission. ip) Catholic card party, March 6. The Bus-inest nn.-l Pf,f.-I,..l FOR KENT ' ' SLIi SPINO roenn for i. 801 I Borden Street. tr FOR RENT Sleeping" room ! close in. Blue 433. (53c I rnn crur ; Two unfurnished lentils with kitchen privileges Cheap rent to couple who wm ! care lor small boy while mo - , ther works. Phone Red 834. I All IIis Hands I . Women's Club. Uir. annual card - -- P&rty,' Friday.- March 7, Civic FoR SALE Tender match HiatCll against aRUinst the Itie Uptown UptOW'l made four spades op the . T ' Centre. Rt-rreMUnents and prizes. utp) j ljaL a"i' vvc carcis. When tne nana was repiayerl for rent- F-.irm-hed wartime tne other room, his teammates, sitting North ami B,fxl!.4'rrai.yXwSaU',y- S:South. 2Pi ; ha( 'feated that same contract: Kill"; Laward P-TA tea, home cooking White Elephant sal" March 20. St.. Pati;.-n"a Ten and Home-j cookm- sale, Cati- jlie. inn I March 20. Card party .ml draw-i inW r:i!!ie 8 p.m. j Conrad Street sdiwJ'pTA1 card party, Conrad School, I March 21. i FOR RJT.-f5rmip chojep nffiee s-;iaee still available. Wallace Block. Third Avenu. See T. "Norton" Youn".s, Real Estate & In.Miram-o. Phone 451. i52cl i A ir " ' "r t-Ajjiaiueu LOU I, some- u,-wr ' r,, Y0"ng ,fryib0dy had card a,l pi, imrr l(iH(i. H, Ked d 8!l. at! Irmht. but it wasn't. Mr Rn.f i, Sleenim; room. Rtd'was Mr- Muzzy. FOR Rt:NT 8d(). ' 'Royal Pui-ple tea and sale of' homeoonkino,. Lll-'s Home, March 1 1 ... tviAKGAOr- OPTOjjf. KT(j.EE,- Ptr BLUE-;. P".E05 Ck-:uii'rs h K'lrie Phone Bl ifl Coluiii'iM At'(nt 'nr.. ill Mil i-j: I I'lANor AN'D knew 210 4'llS'.. :. HAN'DV. HOME " OENRRAL OX H'lil-liii; t hoops - r 01L BVI P O It n 1 MATTI Phor.t Blue 13 ; 234 3rd 1 Princ? K'.-pF H. G HELC UX2. REAL ESTATE r Phone 96 Ever Oil HcQtim: LAVVR1C Mitt Di'je 187 I Complete n :v;:t -burneis ; Slove::, JU-j'er.' .- iJU I'lliUOiT PLACE Box 1C11 Station B Aj'ent: Bus- Terminal Island Ciiy Builders John F. I . Hughes, D C CHIROPRACTOR Hrs: 10:30-12:SO. 2:00-11:00 Eves : by appointment only 21 - 21 Besner Block Phonrt BltiH 442 scoTT McLaren CHAflTKP.ED ACCOUNTANT lames Block COS-Srrl Are. W. Prln,' Rupert, HC. Phom 34 i n.u. Box 37 4 GEORGE ROP.IE & CO. ACCOUNTAN TS At AUITORS Bestier Ulrii k Phone 387 PO Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP PeiTnanent Wuving Beauty Culture In ail Its brnnehen M4 41 h Himt I'hone 615 WT KENT Tl( (.'.' KH, COMPRESSORS. CONCRETE MIXERS By hour day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE f ii.wni rr's si t mo 21 3-41 h S'reet Box 645 Phone Oreen 3t6 Prlpe Rupert Train Schedule For the East Dally except Sunday S p m From the Cast Daily except Monday ; o; ; m In 1,1 a " team lt-''"l Ol of four IOUr Club, Mr. Champion - had r t i nr , , How did vnn Kent thie Virt uale'' as-kfd Mr. Champion "Mr. East must have had a can) misplaced or must have revoked." r..ln 1 . . "ics wnav nappenea. Mr R-U)IO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles t Subject it Chance . FHIUAY p M. 6.20 International Commentary 5:110 Tile Lone lunger li.00 Supper Serenade' CIS I'ersiiiuil Album 6:110 Musical Varilles Sn:..-y Burneiie Show 7 11(1 c ue News 7:15 C'HC News Ruunduj) : 7::iO Musical PruiH'am B III) Whaleha Knew, JeeO 8 .JO Vancouver Theatre !) 110 C'huckwak-on 9 .10 Canadian .short Storks 0 45 Festival Bummer 10 00 Chi: i.ews , 111:10 C'HC; News 10:15 Nesbitt Reporting 10:30 Design for Listening 11 .00 Vtenuier Kepcrt aiu.' siitn-oR SATURDAY A M. 7 :00 Musical t'locfc 8:00 C'HC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good Hits and Encores 8 30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Litl le Concert 0 :O0 line News utal Commentary !l " I r Sfiflole Kerei:a:!e , a so CBC .Stamp Club 8:45 Sonija of tiip West i l):r'.l Time Signal 10 00 Cliildn n's ri'h-?ntre ' "-, 10:30 Worltl Church News " j cue News: Weatlier neport , n 00 Saturday Date , 11:1)0 Weather lo-iiort 11 :31 Message Period tl :S3 Kecorneit Interlude i 11 45 Scandinavian Melu:ies I P.M. l-':00 Mid-day Mtlndlcs ,'' Prr .ra in Hesu-ne Mii.ii-h1 Program . 1 00 Platter Parade J 2 00 Eallet Club J j 3:00 This Wect . , 3.15 CBC News 3:25 Recorded Interlude : 3 30 NBC Symphony On h. 4 .30 .spurts CollciB 4 45 Oa the lieeord j ' ALL B.C.' FI RS W ANTED TOP PRICES ASSl'KEO! Despite continued unsettled i Market conditions, our Better Outlets enable us to pay TOP Prices, MORE we believe than abtainuble ANYWHERE. For a I TOP grades I UP TO: SQUIRREL 65c; WEASEL and MUSK-RAT $3.00: MINK anterior) $35.00; MARTEN $50.00; FISHER $75.00. Ship ALL Furs you have, while these HIGH PRICES still available . . . HURRY! Dept. 190, A. B. SHUBERT CO., Winnipeg ; Address shioments in 423 Hamilton St. VANCOUVER Itc IN THK SUPREME COtmT OF Blcl l'ISill COLOMBIA IN PItOBA'l E i51pi FO; 1,'KNT Gencial Electric loot- p.ili.sheis. $i per d;iy 1 Imr.r U.'ue !'J2. Pa-.-ifie Eiec-tne. (tp HOAhTi AND Rd'jM fr workine man. Biaek fiGO. itfei WANTI I) TO HI NT WANTED TO RENT 4 "or 5 room liousc or apartment bv German family. c(iijct and ' b an. Christian people. ' Green "''- '52pi : 1111 V WANTIO malY THK FRITISII COLUMBIA CIVIL SERVICE . requires INSPECTORS 1 OF LABOUR GRADE 1 for the Department of Labour at various centres in B C SALARY: $233. rising to $273 1 per month, including Cost-of-Living Bonus. DUTIES Under general direction, to investigate and inspect employer's records with respect to the observance of various labour statutes and the methods of keeping such records: to prepaie and lav ' barges in cases of infringe", ments: to prepare reports and compile information for ihe Board of Industrial Relations on senior officials: to confer w-ith Emnlnvors nnH fmnii,.-. ees authorized nmsn(.jtin. 111 respect to joint submissions lh: !:-oa:-d related duties is ni.uireu. . QUALIFICATION'S Hish f-.-honi pr.-i ,ntion or ecuiva-'cr.l: liFio knowledge and appreciation of problems arising n- P'TiDiover-einployce relationships: knowledge of record -keeping and recording payroll ' information: at least" 5 years'! experience in business or industry:, .ability 10 deal tact-1 fully with employers and em- j nloyees and the general pub- ! IK, Note: Candidates must be prepared to serve in any part of B.C. as required, although consideration will be given to personel preference where possible. Candidates must be Untish suojects, not over 45 years of age, except in the case of ex-service men who arc given preference. Application Forms, obtainable from any Government Agent, the Civil Service Corn-mission. Weiler Building, Victoria, or the Civil Service Commission, 636 Burrard Street. Vancouver, to be completed and returned to the Chairman, Civil Service Commission VICTORIA. NOT LATER THAN MARCH loth 1952. Utc WANTED A resident collector-salesman for Prince Rupert city and area, age 30-45, must have selling experience and some Knowledge of collections "Prt-Easter parade, Civic tn-r tie, March 27. Lutheran Tea, March 29. Prcsliytrna Church Spring Sale. Aoiil 3 Rotary Rummayi :uid Auction Sale, Ajiril 5. Conrad Street f.cliool Par-ent-Teaclier White Klephant Sale, Conrad S- hool, April 5. Iicrion Au.viliarv ,';r.iie.i April U. Job'j Daughlcrs K;.ster tea. April iO. Women of the '.Moose K'j;;n . Bazaar and 'l ea, April 17. Cathedral Soring Uuaat, Ao-il n. Girl Guide tea and sale An-Elican Cithcdral Hail, Saturday April 26. United Church W. A. bprilfi Bazaar May 1. I..O.B.A. Sprin'sTaloT honi" cooking, etc., May 3. St. Peter's Spring bazaar, May 8. h'.mjis Tea, May 10. ' rrXERAL NOTICE COLLINS In the citv Monday ei)r.ary 20. 1SJ. Mona veiyn age 28 years, beioveu wite of nir Georse Collins. No. 14 Cow Bav Rev. Canon Basil S. Prockter Ai'il conduct services at Grenviile Court Chapel at 4 p.m. Saturday c, , ......1, iu IUI1UW 111 Kurvicw Cemetery. B. C. Undertakers m chart;e of arranpe-'ILif: 1 ltd SATCIkU t, .1,.. ..... - . " Feoruary 20, 1052. Christian iRe' j..o uiunins or uoa eal Cove Circle beloved father of Reinholdt, Norman, Olsa and Mvil . .... If .... Ufv . . U ... r. ,1.-,,,,, ,i wlli '. ron- auct services at Grenviile. Court ! C hapel at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. I March 1. Interment to follow in' Fairview Cemetery. B. C. Under- ' takers m charge of arrange-1 ments. , 1 I'EItSONAL FOR Hertz U -Drive, Phone Bus Terminal, -530. ,7-, MRS. MUR1KL G A G HON pro-pnetor of Beauty Lane Salon ltni ever tht business of the Moaern Beauty Shoppe on lebruary 20. You can be assured of the same courteous treatment and personal attention as in the past. chc) 220 Sixlh St. Phone 649 WRATH AIL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTING? ENLARG1NO EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES 'hone Orcrn Ufi b.x 178 PLUMBING HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE J' For Repairs nd Alterations Smith &E!kins Lid. P O. Ho ?H PRlfiut'G O If you h a v c a printing problem we can solve It. We've a printing form to fill your every need, and to add more efficiency to your operations. Dibb Printing Co. HINESE DSSHES Ghop Sucy - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:3(1 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phono 133 WELDING (lovernnicnt Certified' Operators Hign Pressure Tanks Refrigeration Slacks and l-'irc Escape INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225 Kt e. riinn. Green 884 JOHN H. BULGER q.i, fomcliisl John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue You Con'r Win! Ps'O'', THATS THE HIMJ TIME IT S Hfil-VFNFD, A,0 J SOU HAVE NO . 'u LL-- - ,-. 'J ) IT'S iv.r t,-i .-s.': Hind folded ' . . (Mr, lei le) ( Mr.' M111 ) ( Ml-( W '"-I ) Mr l ax ) North dealer North-Soul h vulnerabli orili , (Mr. N in I li K 4 H J 7 4 D A K J 9 0 II K 3 2 I :ll ( Mi-. Keen) lr. I tiaiiiiliui) jj S - A S a II 11 1 I! A ( li :l ! Q 1(1 II 7 5 I) c Q II 7 ' A Millttl (Mr. Smith) S K a H K 10 II 5 1 I 4 C J 10 H (i 5 4 The bUUlinvr : North Kast , .South 1 U 4 S Alt pass Muzzy led his singleton diamond and dummy's 10 went to Mr. Dale's jack. Mr. Dale returned the king f diamo.ids and Mi-East rulfed. Up to this point the play had been the same in both rooms. But here it took a sharply different course. Mr. Muzzy didn't overruff with the king oPspadei because he didn't know he had it. MIXED WITH CXl'BS He had that card mixed in with his clubs. In fact he had considered bidding five clubs on his hand, believing he had a seven-card suit and a lone spade, Anyway, he discarded the .'eight of clubs 'at trick three, '.signalling that he wanted that suit led. This weird manoeuvre started a strange, though logi-; cal, train of thought In Mr. East's mind. He was now sure the king of spades was In Mr. gale's hand and the bidding served to confirm this belief. ' H(' didn't want to take a spade fi'K-sse. lose to Mr. Dale's king and have a spade pounded bac'2 at h'm. That would leave only one trump in dummy and .Mr. East had several bad hearts to ruff. Besides, there was a pretty fair chance that Mr. Dale h id the lone king. .SIIOKT-LIVEI) MIKTII Accordingly, Mr. East led a spade and went up with the ace. was disappointed when the king failed to drop. He led bacK heart and finessed the queen. Mr. Muzzy took the king or hearts and it was here that he noticed the king of spades in hi., hand. "Wait a minute." he cried "We're mixed up." His opponents got quite a laugh out of this, pointing out that the only person mixed uo was Muzzy himself. Their mirth was short-lived, however as Muzzy cashed the King ot spades and shifted to a heart. Mr. East had to lose two heart tricks in " ,""u lnos''i Plus the diamond and. spade losers, sent him to deleat. If you want to sell it, advertise it. News classified,. Sliipiiini; ar.t! fieneral Moving, Packii.g. Crating, Carta.: and Storage Complete, Reliable und Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co Ltd lor Oxygen, I Aeetykne and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues -Est. 1910 Phones o and 6r GEOKGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Pnone ;rcen 810 and Ked ill llJm News classified. ;anc 10 SPIi lt- advertise BLONDIE I Savp oi vmu) DiDITAFTFD r ts- ' f 1 1 T-ii n ,ri i i NOT TO FOR SALE - poR SALIC 5 II. P. Hornet 'hain s saw in excellen slnpe, o. - u - piete with 48" bar and :;n bar. one 4rt" chain and nvn 3" chains. Must sell this week. yiiiS.OO. Phone Blue WJi or inav be seen at Paeinc fcloetrir. I i52c TOlll hi. I ceived by the imdersie.ned tip to noon of Wednesday, ill :n :i i 26th, l'.)52, for the purcha-o i.-f the following described prop- city bclone.inf; lo the i of wiinam Mown, deceased Lot 10. UK.vii !'.', Kitovi: District Lot 4C6. Plan Village ol Stewart, together with improvements situated thereon and conunts. Terms Strictly ca. li. Hieh-est or any tender not nere.,-sarily accepted. O. F. Forbes, Official Administrator, Aiimiiiisiratnr of the Estate of William llobill. Deceased, Court llmi.,e, I'nic-o itnpert, B.C. i:,!ri FOR SAI.F Two revenue homes, I 1 bath tub. new fin niiii.n : tank, oil burner nstaurant slovc, canopy and sinks, ce- j . inent wash tubs, bassinet. : Phone Ureen jrj. uflernnons. : i ' f7p i For SALK-iminediJirdTaverv I "MARATHON" pi.iiwi- and Used Machine Shop Lathes, Drill Pres es, Shaper.;. ' etc., General Ma -bineiy item-: and ' COOLJDGh ' Proj,, Hers Box 311, Daily News. ijjpi F' CRN IT ORE for Sale-Bedroom ru&s. radios, chest of drawer. 1 airtight heaters, chesterfield beos complete, cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B. C Fur nit ure Co., Third Ave. itf: ! FOR SALE White en.nnel v,Z terprise ranpe with wick buinir in excellent condition Green 114. 400 4th West. i5;c FOR SALE 1 oven and 2 oven restaurant rouses. Prince Rupert Plumbm?: and Heating. i51c) FOR SALE Chrysler (ar m-' g:ne, rebuilt and converted for marine use. also suitable for a iight plant or a hoist. Price S275.0O. For further particulars phone Elaek 613. ia''pi FOR SALE--.5 tube Road Pal car radio, S3') 00. 309 2nd Ave., 1st room 1st floor. iSl'ji FOR SALE Pair of Davidson laminated ski.;, steel ed".-:. safety harness: sre 8 Na'-"lc ski boots. $10 cash, Phone R-"l 510- islei: FOR SALE Full t.rnllino Apply 100 4th Ave. West. I53pi FOR SALE Drill press 14 inch Delta motor and accessories as new. $125.00. Room 27. Royal Hotel. utpi FOR SALE Aenes 1" lennth ft. Dower 15 Vivinn K.. ' seen at New Floats. (56pi FOR SALE 5 h p. Johnson out- ouaru, usea approximately 100 hours. Price S!80. Applv 046 10th Ave. 1 52p 1 CARS I Oil SALE FOR SALE 1037 Hudson Terra -plane, floathouse with 80 ft floating walk and wood float Ideal set-up for fisherman Box 307. Daily New;. 1 5 1 p i FOR SALE 1!4C Uod're panel. Rood , condition, wh- lioence good rubber, recent, coinulete overhaul. Priced for qui'-k sale. Phone 614 or Blue 454 evenings. (tfl FOR SALE 1040 pontiac coach. i54m OR SALE '39 Dodne Serin n raaio, neater. Good tires ; plates. Paint and nnlmKtn'i-v A-l. Mechanicallv sound. Must be sold. 318 8th Ave. East Black 887. 1520' LOST AM) FOUND - 'OST - Blank leather wallet con- ---n ..v.... Uliuu, IlIliHIl t ant papers and small amount 01 cash, vicinity of Tenc': Grocery, Seal Cove, and bus or Bus Terminal and Macy s. Finder please phone 464. (52ci HELP REAL ESTATE" FOR SALE Cash Wartime 4 in good condition, Rupert East including new furniture! Prince Rupert Realty Co., over Broadway Cafe. itn 'FOR SaTe-Ato. Rood build- mes mils, selionl school .i.i nnrl Uni-i, ...... ... .i.w. Ideal for poultry or fur farming. Price $2600. Inquiro 519 9th West. ,52p) We WANTED of WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID fcr scrap iron, steel, brass, cooper, lead, etc Honest grading. Prompt payment made. Alias Iron & Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St. Van- .an cotiver, B. C. Phone PAcifle 6357. ,,, WANTED TO BUY-Four room house. Good down payment. """lie mummy, tlox 310. Daily News. (51p) T CASH for scrap cast, brass, copper, battel ies - and radiators Phone 543. Call 623 6th Avenue For the MEAL that lilBl BEST OF mm is , P ,f . i, ! t '. 'I' i ''tl'i TOR TAKE OCT o'ltDI I!S PHONE BROADWAY CAF! Roofing-Renovating Foundations Repair ati"' House it'"'':-' work of aS b Estimates fiivt-n oi. i PRINCE RUPERT ..... 1 FISHERMEN'S I'1I1I:.I1VIIMN ,-5 1 --"'---'IT imone Blue 1U3-cnont-oti-n 103. COOPERATIVE r - GREER & BRIDDENl Phone fl(l') 213 1st Ave. W. biticius. ene,-eetic. nd inter- 1" oK ested in builrijng a future for j J"Lai!AHAM himself. This is a genuine IN THK MATTBR op proposition in a new territory. 1 THE "auminlstration act" This Company is one of ihei,TAKE N-,T'E that by Order of largest in Canada oneratin" ; , 1 !"""r Ju"C w- 0 Fulton, cm-I stores 1,7,1,1 and b r a 1 n c h e s . from i 1 ?T "' 1 WUfl ",h "lPi"ted "!ly "f Vh'uT Ailmmlstrutoi- a.d. ', NO inVfStmtntol the Estate of JOHN GRAHAM, nee, neies.s.ny, ,, -v all stock supplied. Ueceased. lute of victory Cove tu the Lines carried are household , f'r"vl''''' or British Coiumijin essentials. In replying, please A,,L PAnTIKS h n v 1 1, K ' ,-lalms state experience age marital ""?". " Estate are hereby it!' frh l "irv of - me'r'or z7M: Box 313, Daily News. I52c lny of Fehrunrv. A u. 1052 ,.iu'r 1 WANTED, MALE-!- liMAI.E WANTED Reliable baby sitter, vicinity tjveriooK. Box 312 Daily News. (52p ACCOUNTANTS which dut claims Tiled may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowlrdee ' AI,L PARTIES Indebted to the Bold Estate are hereby required to pny the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith, DATED nt the City of Prince Ru I pen. 111 the Province of British Columbia, this eth day of February. I A.lJ. l!).r)2. i O. F. FORBES. ! Official Administrator. ASSOCIATION Membership Meeting Sunday, March 2, 1952 Legion Hall at 2 p.m. 52c BUSINESS girls' perms appoint- ments to suit intent c. ',... . 1 Jerry s Beauty Salon under new management across from viupei-vame. Phone 855. i51cl NOTICE Due to Rod and Gun Club's dinner Thursday Elks' meeting postponed to Friday, February 29th. i5lc) RICHARD 'SEPHTON7DTsfrict Agent of the Mutual Life of Canada, is in the city on a Hottd' ViSit- Ph0ne Savoy nottl, i. (SSe) (55c) WE PAY cash for burnt out motors, any size or make. Wil-ford Electrical Works, Cow Bay. Phone Blue 391. (tf) FOR SALE FOR SALE-30 H P. 3 cylinder Easthope marine engine in good condition, 3 veins old Price $750 cash. Can b seen at McLean's Shipyard, Seal fovc ,52p, . FOR SALE The bfoTrmnn camera, new. Model l!52 for scientific and amateur photography, 1 sec. to 11250 sec , lens 1.5. with accessories' Green 812. 52p) FOR SALE Gas wTruFrna-- chine, $100. Box 307, Daily News. (51p) ti. - ' DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe DON'T APGUF. ' Xi:a HOT AO.'.UIMC vmih Mfc when 17 -I Nt'VtH '.-AID I KMOW t S-v, A W!D Right t ttii-r PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income Tax specialist. S G. Fork, Stone Uuilding, Red 593. (20mi " SAW FILING By ifc wince Rupert. b.C his Solicitors, Ray. Fraser Hogarth. Prince Rupert, B.C. (57c) IN ttK THE t It, it WILFORC ELECTRICAL Hrc nnd Gff: Rewound onM 1-.OI G11T And New una Grne"l I lJ rvCHIC r-J' '': -rf U:-'! '' ' ') V A FPX . ANTAvvj'i-y ' ; ,3 i -TT ' tjf v:'s IN CIRCLE RAWS are fully equipped to gum-grind and sharpen all tvpes Circle, Rio, Combination, Cut-Off and Planer Saws. We have the latest model frrind-ing machine available and a complete stock of aluminum oxide cool cutting wheels, also automatic band saw machine, automatic, hand saw machine, and automatic re- "MECHAK1CS' LIEN ACT" TAKE NOTICE that Edward Bell of 383 Taxi Company. Prince Rupert, BC having owed Albert Goodwin Bartlett, carrying on business at Pnnce Rupert. B.C.. under the name of Superior Radio Sale & Hervlce. the sum of 428 05 for a period of over three months for labour and material bestowed oil one PYE liTC III) A Herial 247. Mobile Radiophone, the said Albert Goodwin Bartlett will the said radiophone for sale at toother. A trial will ennvinen otter von Pci- : , iiis ..n pre i".iiie,ci, in. 2ii, ,ln street, prince may .vfyour saws at' Island' i.K.t Z cSi' " 1116 BUS ,'W.;",a l;,Wi"-'"!-'l"ll ioner pnv mi Terminal to the said Albert c.oodwin Bartlett Precision Saw Filing 1 Rld sum "f 42un5 and the costs 1345 Piggot Place of ntlvpisine this notice. (51C) ,rPAT,ED CrlnC' Ru'wt- B C, this 101C7 lGth dav of Fehnmrt, lor... m4- it! "A. O. Biirttet.t west, Vlty, (tf ) I If you want to sell it, adverUje I (62c)