The P, Prince Rupert Da;u KI Saturday, March 2, 15 Iloyals Beat Canucks st Night's Fights Ily The Associated I'rrir. T Tie WHL Series North Stars Set Record In Men's Loop JUST ARRIVED IN THIS CORNER hick aviu:s 1 liy The Caiindlim Press You pay your money and take your choice in the Western Ho-v League. Tonight, .six teams go inlo The big guy with the unpredictable eye has to show tti" hometown fans that when it comes to putting up a fight, and ine Stanley Cup fight is a tuiighie this season; no can stop MEN'S LOAFERS A New York Gustav Bubi Schoiz 156' 2, Bcrling, outpointed ' Al Andrews, 15a1 4, Superior, .Wis:.. 10. . . Philadelphia Johnny Cooke, 147, Philadelphia, outpoint ret Emmy TuccI, 145, Philadelphia, 8. Paris, outpointed Garth Panter, Paris, outpoin'sed Garth aPnter, 158"2, salt Lake City.40. . North Stars .set a now n corci in the men's live-pin bowliti?, league this week when tUeV I rolled 3.401 in throe cames win.r I trimming Philpott Evilt. For the last week the city has been in the grip of bon.spiel piuyoiL acnon in two quar finals und a semi-final ,1 ! the hot ones. all tii and BUCKLES A up. I North Stars aLso had best ! same of 1173. i I Bob Vuckovicli topped kegler? , ! in -a" Division . wan 777 and ! Saskatoon Quakers and Edmonton Flyers have traded .shutouts, while Calgary Stamrjedcr.. Euclid, the great Greek mathematician, flourished around 300 BC. For Casual Wear I after absorbing a 4-2 clrulihtiii: STETSON three men btltemi the 30l-! mark. Chris Erick.Mn rolled 313. Eric Sanderson 3U3 and hv S!a- te: 301. j In "B" Division Bill Dickson j had best game of 269 and Free, j Vigor had high three of C0'. I Kaien Industries rolled top came of 1072 and LCa had' top three f of 2MJ0. from Victoria Cougars, took their second giime. All four are playing quarter.:!. Last night, New Westminster Royals avenged a 2-1 overtime victory by pasting Vancouver Canucks 6-3 in their best-oi-nlne series. - Tiie Royals-Canucks set-to was costly for the league champion Vancouver club. Able to U:.' only 13 men, Canucks lost three Also MOC-TOE OXFORDS in LI. 1 I I?f-;iilts ! "A" Division 537 Taxi 4, Local '!-SSfI- ""JIM 7ht Simon ' r.- yyy. .Wd.d. W A 0B MB 4Mk mm m. . Philpott ! bJ' injuries. TH MARK OF THE WOULD S MOST FAMOUS HAT 1 lie Menem "I'lishionnt-to-ht" ) mi tier has ten the standard ul hjt tvftttuft fcf over 70 wit. i 703, 0, North Stars 4 ve",$,n9 h Dolly News Brings J Evitt. 0: Cooks 4. Short Circuits i 0: Family Market 4. Thnm Sheet ! Metal 0 (default i ; CNR A 2. Art I Murray's 2; Nortlfwest Constrae-: tion 2, Moose 2. ' B" Division I.cuiort 4. Jay-. ceesO i default i ; Kaien 3, Rupert Motors 1; Dim Jnans 3. Savoy ! Hotel 1; LCB 3, Nelson Bros. 1; Overwaitea 2, Deuces 2. in tonight s games, Calgary is at Victoria, SaskatJon at Edmonton and Vancouver at New Westminster. . - The Stanley Cup semi-finals shift to Toronto and Boston this week-end with the National Hockey League champion Detroit Red Wings visiting Toronto.; Maple Leafs tonight in the third game of the seven-game .series and Boston Bruins playing host to Montreal Cuiiadiens Sunday night. For Toronto fans, goalie Harry Lumley is the man on the .spit. it 00 WHAT YOU CAN DO AT HOME WITH DOUGLAS SYLVAPLY PLYVOC You con carry out th horn plannid ideal yWn admired in your tavorit magoiinti, mok imitt furniture, or remodel an unutcd attic r butntnl It' a pleoient spare-time paitime end you'll b Mary Mcleod Tops Keglers Mary McLeod rolled best single game in "A" Division of the women's five-pin bowling league this week with a 285-game and Nancy Kennedy had hih gain in "B"" Division 'with 258. Jeannie Warren of Art Murray's had liiith three of tint night with 095. Results: "A" Division New Laurel 4, Bulgers 0; Rupert Radio 4, Sunrise 0; Lyons 3, Annettes 1; Dibbs 3, Stars 1; Art Murray's 3, Clo-verleafs 1; G & A 2, Doms 2. "B" Division Manson.s 4. proud of the protttlionol looking jobs you it Ji easy-to-work real-wood iylvoply pantli. VANCOUVER r I 5 Hours SJ $4485 0neWoy iCCvl- ! ; S'-Z) NVr-Tn'V U'1 DO-IT-YOURSELF or HAVE -IT -DONE joi uvc ! Skeena 0; Seventh Avenue Mar madness, and yet there are other matters abroad which need attention. For instance the Marshall-Ketihison fight card a week from tonight. The venue having been settled as the Civic Centre, boxers Bill .Morrison, Chuek Place, Hilly Tsuchiya, Billy Saunders and Art Tiircotte have been allotted to meet assorted rivals, but little else has been forthcoming A telegram from Lt. Cmdr. Kill Patton at IIMCS Nutlen informs us that information requested on Kelchison and the other fighting sailors expected on the 11MCS Sioux, next Friday has been forwarded to IIMCS Chatham. But to date it hasn't arrived. On the local front however? we haven't heard much from the Elks Lodge, who should by this time have all the officials named and briefed on their respective jobs especially as this is an amateur fight card. Among those who should know the score by this lime are the judges, the refeives, timekeepers, timekeeper lor the knockdowns, the announcers, and the lads who are going to look after the fighters in the dressing rooms. Things are quite different in amateur fights and plenty of the things that get by in pro fights rob simon pure fighters of points. There are three judges, to prevent a tie and all the referee has to do is to control the fight and pick up the slips from the judges. If while refereeing he notices a foul, he informs each judge so that points, or an entire round, can be taken from the offender. In scoring a fight, a judge can do it broadly by rounds, or by the point system. In short fights the round system allows for too much maigin. of error, whereas on the point plan the result is more clearcut. In judging rounds on points a "maximum and less" method is used. A judge watches both fighters, jotting down points for aggression, blows landed on the front of the body or head but not on the arms or gloves, for avoiding blows, for defence and attack. He then gives Boxer A who he considers piled up the highest score 20 points, no more or less. Then he allots Boxer B, who didn't do so good, say 17 points. Then suppose Boxer B rallies iji thip second round and Boxer A doesn't do so well, and the judge then gives Boxer B 20 points and Boxer A17 . The fight is all tied up. In the third round, the limit for tournament fighting, sees Boxer A come back again and win handily 20-16. Boxer A therefore wins 57-53. Two other judges have it 58-57 and 5S-52. The referee does a quick job of tallying up and holds up A s hand. To make it simpler a 10-point maximum per round s can be allotted. . ' . That is only one item we hope the boxing committee of the Elks is taking into consideration. The other things are just as important to ensure a smoothrrunning card. Boxers should be gloved ready to go on the moment the preceding fight ends. The officials should know their jobs so there will be no 'kick back from visitors. This is especially important in this Prince Rupert-RCN card since the visitors will travel the world over before they end their careers as sailors, and the memory of treatment they received in Prince Rupert will last a long time and will be retold in strange far away places. 7 CongrutuUitions to Al Miller, ely Moore, Jim McConncll of Terrace and two-time winner Jack Laurie, all 'of whom led their rinks to Victory In the Prince Rupert curling club's borispiel Father O. P. Mohan, has laid it on the line for the soccer players. There is a meeting of the Prince Kupert Football association, Tuesday, March 36, at 8 p.m. in Annunciation school hall. All soccer players and persons interested in supporting the game are invited to attend. If there are sufficient persons interested plans for the coming season will' be drafted. If not, there will be no organized soccer here this year. " '. . Sunday the Prince Kupert Senior Baseball association meets at the F.Iks hall, at 2 p.m. We hear that quite a few of last year's players are hanging up their mitts and it is feared that baseball might fall by the wayside likewise. If it does, it will be a a real blow to Johnny Odowes, Bill Murray and Gunnar Anderson who over the past few years have sunk a great deal of moola in promoting and supporting baseball in this city. Should there not be enough players for a four-team league then surely there is enough for two city teams which with Terrace will ensure a stronger three-team loop. Anyway it's an idea to kick around. V POST SCRIPTS Surprise visitor to Johnny Odowes clothing emporium this week was Harvey Sykes, ex-winger and derenceman for the New York Rangers. Johnny and Harvey used t0 P'ay Iw the old Brandon Wheat Kings, the former on the left wing. Seems that when Harvey got talking to Miner Simundsen, the former prairie goalie was, for once in his life, speechless . . . Apparently a statement we made in a column on the Toronto Lyndhursts that hockey was Canada's national game caused art argument an da bet in Terrace. Basically lacrosse is Canada's national game but hockey superceded it after field lacrosse went Indoors . . . Dave Jones of Smithers, down for the bonspiel got a lot of sympathy in the "snake room" at the curling club for being so tired. After all it was a long and rugged spiel But Dave wasn't tired from curling. They have no bowling alleys at Srmthers and he'd bowled 10 games here Just to keep his hand in With Sylvoply, most projects ore well within the overage man's ability to handle 0 hammer and and when you "do-it-yourself" you save montv, When you "have-it-done" tor you, you're still ahead.. Syivoply's time and money saving quo' reduce costs too, when a professional carpents ecntroctor does the job. YOU CET PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Bc.oi.s3 of Syivaply's tough, cross-ply corettgc ou con nail as dose to the edge os you .sh ket 3, Hi-Flyers i.: Cooks 3, Coop 1; Toilers 3. Wallace R. 1; 75 Taxi 3. McKays 1; Bi;; Suters 5, PR Plumbers 2. KJ;-J1f ! il H 1 W m Try Daily News Gas: WF2S&m A lHHt -0 Sylvaply will net split, crack, break or chip. An: Sylvoply s immense strength ond durability km jfjb you do a permonent improvement. Lasts an. indVrors or out. a 1 ZZZ&'- VI 't-f II I I -4 MHIr-KS I I : iW 6fiC " 1 1 O V! SI ' ill I I IM if 1 ii I '-jf95 ...... - a ,c 4. ,v 4 I I. ' J.w Ihe Imnih crnu-st Tkr hou- ran r...M m. ..... f .i ' '' '. Ti" W - : J I i l I: IhnuwMih -it rnri.niK., trim ,r ,Wn uu " ?!', - t? ' Vf' f. ', I 'I W ilMiir-wiie butil-in. huil,l- i,m,n, .,-.,.(. 1 I ' C. r .'' - 'j. 'A money I cave 1 is 1 II . ii, : - 1.1 - . . v.r a :...... j Heating Mus . , m y-r Be Planned S'nc.; :4 .-VlFH; fT-M jSr 1 An expertly planned heal- 1'on ian do a heltrt. mar profraionaUonkUte .,h flA t- I j fk ' lug svstein pavs Tor itself whim vou nm S?hl. lluill int ami nth, l,n . TZtV LIV v ' in ,"f, ,.,' yean. ihrnnrh throuKh ?"'"'"""' "' ' Mr till. air rair, In ln 1,1, I I A l-J r V? toj,,.ri, , ,wl .VW),,, l VJ H KIIKin I irreater romfori thai pro- . ' 1 U-7 ' ' I LyilNIINVJ J lmit,.s (.r hfuilli tor 1 ? ' " i ! PLEASURE V ... I, 1 Z-. CANADA'S BUSIEST BUILDING MATERIAL iilnjl tuilders insivt that trie mo"Ois irv ... . .. (....i. m ,,l,t The roc '' rnono 1 'H . . 1 SPARKLING NEW 1 ....... . , !. Sf- Sin SURROUNDINGS ( SMITH & tLKINS ' liCommodoreCafel '2S9S.w. wSMJ -tnu StvnnV k naina inIO more new home conslfuctiw tver bsfo.e, meofti that this pipulor moteriol P", every ic .t tor pppeorance, value ond lona lite Bl0- '9 4 tret by 8 feet panels or jynuK'i a thickness (or every u'.e. 1- : - -. 'j 1 1 ! 1 '.". e ,,,n mmmmmmmmmm iianni in j; I I rrrr" ? . 'JZ f I l-T-"l,-1 II 1 II u-f o.o.U in yir Ihe handyman! SEE YO.R SYLVAPLY DEALER vam nnr 'n Rioifft in mind? Visit 'hondyinon ' . . . ,. . ,..1 -LnliT unlit headjuart!iri in your ne'gntotrooa, y"' Mo X " glad to give you odvice thot can sove you w your WW jy v p.uju.., ,, r m '",:UK'.--' ,?'' i 1 i . .- 11 " rleoler has 0 good stocn " fl d.iploytd for your nvtr"', ol.o disployinj the new "tokt ir, more thon 45 difler.M s.l thlrl, from x JO ira"" - Ti,. . .mnUmt thriltv panel ore hondy tor small lobs ond r.P""' oiound the home. See Your -t-d, 1 f ,-- - r -"x-wT'T'i ii I : : M I oil J GH! tlGfin f.jy 70 USB GENUINE WOOD PANELS Local ROOFING and SIDING Expert I I ' PLYVVOt DOUGLAS FIR SYLVAPLY GREER & BRIDDE SKVINO IUM DEALCIS HOl COASI TO COASI MacMILLAN I BLOEDEl LIMITED LIMITED '!4-" lube-up service means smoother motoring You owe it to yourself to give your cor the BEST lubrication service . . . and that's just what we offer! Let our grease gun marksman get underneath it all . . . he's always neat, fast and thorough. You'll be satisfied with our reasonable prices AND your car's performance See us OFTEN! VANCOUVSH CAIGAKY I5MCNION V.'inMffO 10NDOM Phone 909 215 Firsf Avc.W. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LIMlf Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 116-117-58 Terrace, B.C. Phone 131 k Comperirive Prices ir Instalment Payment Plan TV Guaranteed Workmanship Large selection of osphalt shingles, aspholt siding, asbestos siding and shakes to choose from. SUPER-SERVIC ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPP II "AT THE CORNER OF SECOND AND SECOND WHERE THE SERVICE IS SECOND TO NONE" Phone Block 820