Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Italians For British Mines - yw JJn 'Wi In , ,, imi.yalii WMk. . ""J '- I i" . .--. r - - ' w t v-. . --ox ray . . . Reflects and W-'tf'y January 30. 14; 31lo:, VTesU(l , tiling ou ? 'I ins i, mid.?ii not actually , sprinir, ,ie dil , Tne 3tr,iie. around New LONDON P- In a cl.rect n-pri: from ;hf :r union adt-r. Br;ti?r. :r.;nf-ori:er.i have been uiif-d to a;a...d'-n ir c;,;u-i.on to imrwr'a'-lon of ltai.aa :.-.r I J h .. lve :t.i In ladpndni dar.y .'.; ;-?-r devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnet Rupert and M ris'.-rs and Cr.trai British Columbia. Member of Caria-han nw A adit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily N'-'sspaper Assoeiaiion. 3. A. RT"NTEH. l!ai.asir.B Editor: H G. PERRY, Managing I)i recto. .tl"Bcr:?t:on rates: ,71 Of more J. 1 i'iV''o. and v fe to take iV Pl,;froii shortage i current e.nt co.ii co.ii s It carrier. per vtk. 2- Ls '.her. p - .!. $10; r.y mail, per r.t r ', 7,5c; per year $8 001 the S'at.-' na! VnKri of M.r.f- Columbi: com;. Pib.irfcd every armor.n expt Sunoay by Prince Rjpr Dailr Nv--, Ltd., 3rd Avr.w, Prince Rupert. Should Visit Here Af.part ri'iy ilke:.;..,! a havmi! a, jvc Bat sijjjtxijp v., itmr fi,, b,?,, , a few penr.iH t Monday niyri.u; "V ".-"'A -V ' . iV J k. - f -l. . - , ' ' r " 1 5. ' , t . , , 1 '--rkers. emarJCJr.f jieariy TW - O.j m..-.eT5 Sid l;trs "AXi'Jla :e s:-r.: to ery branch of th; o:'.ar.i--j-.h-n e.ipr-.xJirj ih" nee -?ry of imp .yn.z Italians :n pi- 1'.! re'".'." ; La.-t ;. :.r .'r.'.-n :i.e on , pa .-i.r.- u..tni; to rr.'."? t.!a;i ' :; . tiif-y it.-a. in cf t!ie nvjuittir.? cul cr..v to ac-ept isa Reminisces Says Mayor Whaien, ; h a at tne Fire Hall: ' ! cannot see what holds it totu-'fcei." our aee. we p- s"i.s excellent vi.-ion. Yet there is another aliped buiidin- tiiis. on Ti.ird Avenue i and to per-ce;et.-. even rinn.y what prevents it dom oilafiw? continues be-yortd ' oi.r pjwers. . A haircut does not ''. co;l M ; V.'a:sh.f.u"oii and Orfon shoijs b'tt i'. s not for !ai tt of tryi:... The hot-.t. howiver. is ,: i 'j.iOi'.- in time A ;on tune at'u tut (. there :u no such thine as t;.e b.irwriiit qietion or s.vjjbblin- over pretes The In-..t! .-nrted t-'i that. President Truman received an i. hty thou.nd "rd telegraph messatf the otli..-r day. But suppose, ins'ead of beir.i the head liroun-Rlack Revolt I CAME back from IwW. the Middle East and N'orth Africa last year convinced that we were on the eve of the greater-1 shake-up in recent history. F-'.m ail across the iands 7. hr,re thfc etr-.wn-fcir.r:ed ryrUe handy n- RINX'K RUPERT can regret the fact that Minister of D.f..! Production C. D. Howe and his xperts, on a trip to this coast this week to line up further contract and .-e-e what British Columbia Tidustry is able to produce, are not including Prince Rupert district in t itinerary. Certainly they v:tvrs sa piU 4 Pin; -ten? rr.uje to In i atwtat 5(k utterr.ployed Italian A.iX-4jA i 'nil1 ' i ' t mi.s lun'n s put out firm i. month i-: ive yoj eoufa literally feel the Ci.1 erour.d srutkir.s ber.eatli .vould he able to .: .-on-ietning of interest and in- i '' ... . .1 i ;ni f. et of the old rcer there. frozen water p,.-, ed seers. y;: i'Kht the.r oil o.r ini doors for p v, them wives oi; ormation in tnis part ot i;nti.-n Lolumoia. in tact, it is hard to see ho- trey cart call their trip complete without coming to ti l- ara which is so much in the 'imelight of industrial expansion now, is really doing WIDOW ACCEPTS MEDAL Mrs Erin Muidcon acceptea t;ie Di?'!: ?iii."hed sy-nice Cros?. or.e of the highest decor ati r.ns of the Un.i'od States gOTemmn awarded posthumoofly to her latt hu-'ftind Master Serjeant M'iidoon for heroism w a to'.t-f.elr! in K'rea from t he L S conal in Toronto Sat Muldocm a native of Niagara F.i'.lt, N Y ioir.ed the Canadian army in 1M3 and marr:ed a Cana-ihtn ho now lives in Toronto. !re j-nned the VS. army a f ears toter He was anarded the dee-jration ty Cen Jamf! A Van Fleet c-mrr.and'-r of the U S. Eishth Arn.y 'CP FHOTO H.zh', Q n ft.'f-re it cour:.. h ci-j-t- of the revoit the est. n-)- sp-aing up daily. re eeonoxlc The fKxjr, ignorant. daw-rkirtT. peop'e of i!i ro ant.4 do not kr.oa- mi; h tbcu? the worid outbid of their own iocaiitiei But they know tht-.. ir.u'-h their condition is has so much more in po- bijr thine.-' and. oh, in: ter.tial. rer b .t trie sct:tn.e cuiiap-sed when re-irtar ce suddenly Oeel-. oped m coal fields throughout the covr.try Union leaders said it as d on fears that an influx ot forvlen he.p mit-nt ropardire the i of riiuve tr.itiers and lower woritii-.K standards Sir Wiitiam said the tis ty:t. arivi-ed thai this l eip-ii: t a;.s ur io'inded. "V.'o have v-ry f.c.e report .l.oir.4 that the Italians are not .,iiiy vood ffk.nen but solid ur..-n m-'n as eli." he adocd T. or.ili'rii'.f this i .pinion a fra-iffnal 1'-Katf f:oai the Italian Ml:;rrs" un.rn ha beer, m'.i'fd tw a"-"-, nd the Xjt.otK.1 M ..':( .r f. -err' conference at Scaroorouzti next sumrrt r. - Mr. Hoe, ho d-s ismed the Prince Rupert : man L' the condi- , , , . , , tion ii peti!e live irs Eur VOTE for - - VO H. M. DAGGETT Aldermonic candidate for the one vk For transportation Phone Green? I 1 ' ' '. '"'1 " grain t-ievaior k'ator and atio Know khuws sometninir awjut me Enormous Construction Projects Wiil Require All Available Engineers More construction engineers than are available ill' "IliU" I1 ' lli '"'Hi.'Hiii 1 E h ,r ii and a BUT PEOPLE from Europe and America are the vi,;bie. direct or ini." t. overlords cf all the browr and biack-sKMir.ed countries, people from the west have white -kins Hence the revolt now sweiiir.? up i!k a twial wave '. nds t cei.orne a race-ar.d-cci'jr war. It u tr.e French who are hated BIG OUTPUT Expurt of V-iiic.!'in. strep'. u-myrin and chet ntedical ct--. from the L'n.ted 8'ate sohili d hatic i in"1 Eevpt. Iraq and Iran ''n British Columbia will be reo.uired as snon a work about 4275 .000 ooo w isi h;-ans ho are regarded on jipyeral major operations in western Canada con wr.h deepening suspicion m In- , . . ; ine hotel" arromm !.i!iri background of Prince Rupert, said in Vancouver that Pritish Columbia is Canada's first province in expansion "this is the briyhtc.-t .-pot in the country and it has everythintr." Certainly he has not seen everything without cornino; here. He is missing ono of the biiVhte.-t .-pot- of the briyht picture with which we are st;re ! - woulI I much impressed if he would only c . Indeed, when one thinks of it, and considering the prominent part this area is playing in the overall picture in Canada, it is remarkable that not only Mr. Howe but the most of the cabinet ministers s-ern to rni.-s us most of the time. It is reasonable to think that they should take a little more active interest in this port and district instead of continuing to shun us as they have so consistently done for many a long year. At least, ministers in such department? a- Mr. Howe's hou!d not continue to pa-s us up a!i the time when on their fairly fre-l itr.t jaunt.- to the lower coast. Vigilance Freedom's Price ) As a gift for nia. Y.i couirt carry this analy- :tu-t l,M" i"'1-.-i' lift step further, over into E-petlai!jr on the 'shortje the mighty country. China. The Iwt" will be hejvy duty ir.c-h-Un.ted S ates, which was once anws and shore operators. E.1-ihe met-lik'd western country, mund Wark. interrrational r"p-has now become new China s resentative of the International : rrh e.nrtr.y F-ar Is the ba.;s of Uni m of Operaiinj Eraii. ',-.. ffl'-'St human hate. iAFLi, said in an interview to- da THE REVOLT ajalnst the over- Mr Wark. :th II V.' Flitrh . !ord..h:p of the west bee an in union bi.-:!ra rpr -entathe. ls the yellow-skinned part of the here on a tour of It'OE losals. elobe The white man never did Ineiijdint; Prince Rup-rt I xaj rf-eeed in overcoming J..pan. for 5-10. ins-anee. as he did the res? of Greatest dram on available ne black, b'own and yellow fnttlnver h; come in cotine-parts of mar.kihd New China t: n .th Aluminum Co of Can-has vi-nn!iy thrown off the aria protects and laving of tne ' people. Work on the Kcmano Bj-Kiti.nat transrni'iion line ruad U to commence February 15. The job ea!: lor a continuous road akmiMsirtc the power lines for 50 miles over some ol tne roughest terrain m the ana. Mr, Fletcher said ui.Kr. had been approached lor 13e0 men for this job. These developments are n ally doing a great ining for B.C. We antic. pat the ail-round laoor market will be boosted to the highest standard in Canada in the next few VA( Ol 'VHR anil VK TtilflA SUNDAY rs Chilcotin 8 p m. yourself ,5' ill or somepooy eise nue yo.e. iroia has done like- A.rx-ria-EC. oil pipe hi.e. .V j.-k wist- peaces b!y. thanks to Oan- on the pipeline is to begin lat- one of ihe nicest thinp fiL time the nation- mt --v. to A'm .. .a.jui. disarma- aiam dhi Ir",!r''fa w!tt In'"' -"-p- part oi Ap.-a says Mr w-rk. EVEP.Y . , port, was therefore quickly able-and all constructional w.-rfc i- ment Wer.t we we n-.i-.-ht rr.iir.t have hve rt-on rea-on to to feel ft-e-1 rif-rvrin-; nervous. tr iin f'eeocm he k.ii --i TUESDAY .ss Camosun 12 n.jon UC K AKM, HTfH tllT AMI POItT SIMPSON' Sur.ilay. Cmtun. 11 pm. Kilt .NORTH IJIM-.N C IIAKI.OTIE I il.ANUS Feb: uary 1 ss. Chilcotin midniiit Kilt SIXTH QUI I.N t II Alil.OlTH ISLAMJS ss. Chilcotin January 25 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rujk iI Agent years. both union officials a?re'd. Ne.tner had any comment to make cn the "wildcat" s:rike by tunnel workers at Kcmano Bay. but 'sumeimn' oefinre" in the ay of a statement is expected later this k Inve.; union officials are expected here on Wednesday's or F.-ioay s boat arr.val. Bc;.or.d that, ojth s-id "no give or receive is... B jt now tne revolt against the .' a?re.Tent.s with the IUGE wet ha leapt across the oily More than 250 engineers w;li lands of the M.dcie East and be required on the oti line joo Afrit-a. Prime Minister IScr- rhifh is expected to iar:e to Aa-iegn't trimuph in Iran or years to complete. Work wiil oe Perma ; was hice the bursting of done in several sections, then a dam. The rr..?hty force of re- linked together. Closest point the volt sweeps et with almost line will come to Prince Rapert. uncelievaole speed. said Mr. Wark. will be at Lu- cerr.e. about 500 miles ea.4.. UP TILL NOW Communism has Meanwhile, road and rail con- . not d.rectiy come into this f'ruct.on in connection with the picture anvwhere from India S-OO 000 000 Alcan project :s ex- Every time the Russians rebuff our disarmament proposals we could draw a breath of relief. Wr can't forget that twice during our lifetime western civilization has been attacked and brought to the verge of destruction for no other reason than that the attackers thought we had gone soft and could not or' would not defend ourselves. On both these occasions we were caught un Third Avenue Phoi'C 5C3 ONLY ONE PROMISE To continue to work for the Best Interest of Prince Ruocrt VOTE FOR prepared. We had kidded ourselves into believing c'st Pei to dram heavily on bc. ..... ... , ... 1, But see how the revolt of the en,ners reserve, that there WOUk be no war because all the world brown and black oeoole wlli in- Both the Terrace-Kitimat nro- An Eettrie Wit- ni j) oi b"ili"" plug it in-w jut fir luir nr toffee in 2' ; (in hefj" & wt,r hi ' heal R ii"'1 ''ih: current heai--u.rn i nulii !! f i! ' real! wanted peace. Are we going to be caught that way again? Are we so naive as to believe that a solemn pledge to disarm would be binding on any government that is planning a war of aggression? fiuente quit.:- another tru?gle posed rail line and highway con- tnat between the western dem- struction fete under IL'OE .igree- , ocracies and Russia. said Mr. F .etcher, and of , Suppose you draw a map of the 1000 who are e-toe'. ed to .the world and pamt in the So- work there thi summer. 80 per vieti.-d part red, the western cent wou.d bc- made up of en-ri- ' democratic part blue, and leave r.eers and trues drivers, all the Middle East and Africa ..... .... T. NORTON YOUNGS if "5i . Vw - .won ... . , 1 "mu ' ... A .Such pledges are taken seriously only bv people an5 w,t" a d blg ut-0" way are to be eonstrucied next ihc I1 ti.lm-ss in , 1 Hi . JlldIA Ull 11. summer in the Tweedimair am liiw. w no reany non t want to light or to make the sacn- ; Ru.-ia and the brown and hjrul; Park arra to complete a nrt-..c .......... I 1 .. .. . . . .1 fices that military nrenarsttions , black countries are not yet ai i I ' llt.s. But Russia L engaged 'r. ....... Our own government seems to be aware of the !on with the, made a tour'or Auan's .ndus need for adequate defence but to be more afraid of ; s aJelngagedw S ! -r"P' ' the weakness of our own citizens than of the de- "f s1- aiso winzi ttie , . west Plans are waitin execution to signs, of aggressor nations. establish four 1000-men camp-. b0 lc.n,, ... ,.., u 4 l. 4 .ON THE old principle of "the l . at Kitimat to begin coiutrucfion . UmK man rfema,ns what he is, eternal - enemy ot ene!mey te 'in yp:mg the -.ownsite. ai,o, vigilance will be Our best assurance of freedom from I friend" some sort of alliance arrangements have been made. Get some young blood on YOUR city council VOTE FOR ALLAN ARMSTRONG Co-tdidate for 1 year term NO MATTER HOW YOU VOTE EE SURE TO VOTE 4: An Electric Iron Drop in nil fttl ihi electric iron. "Why," )iu'll My, "it's sn ligfl!" Y, only three pound . . . and, because of it. big ole-plutc, you can cut youf ironing lime hy a much a. a diird. FiiiRef-tip Fabric llial tune. in" correct temperature for every fabric. fear. ' oetween Ka&sia, Persia, Eftyot u-ttoruun- 10 Mr. r,epr. vo sail i and the revolting peoples of Ai-1 a passenger ship from eastern ri-a Is a foregone conclusion. Canadian coa.t to be u.--ed by unless forestalled. Kit. mat Constructors as a float- Scripfiire ftiiiage for JoJc ; At all costs the west mus: "'J i transform the revolting Arab and African countries into al- "The Lord is not willing that any should perish." Long Wire Asks .. j ( .'' .; !'' i ! tj -II Peter 3:9. . lies, not enemies. Sooner or lata they are goinu to get complete A.m Lesmm IIi.a freedom from the dying forms 'Iff lUHC UCUUl Electric Toastr ' n -i or r maile rijjht lbt in the kUihen. ji body'. tste-,f golden brown, ' nininu hot- LOOK A NEW INGLIS WASHER With features no other machine can offer. Save $30.60 BUY NOW AT 159.00 RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC preventi make ust ttvP i 1 s V. r f w k " Ml j' h if v .4 .'"J nine to '" Toast si": f s i ' I -1 t f " 0 of western imperialism. If we don't let them indeed help WASHINGTON President Truman has his reading matter them get that freedom a.s we helped India get hers, then thev cut 0,,t ,or him the lon(!-st tele-wili take the.r freedom anywav, . KTam Western Union history, like China did, or like the Ani- A G30-fOot telegram, complete encans themselves did in 1776. wlth signatures, and costing That is the fact of life the we;i.'S2 94- was to be roiled int0 the his to face or suffer calamity White House to tell the Pre.i-of " gigantic proportion.'. lcl!;nl ,hat 31.3-.S citizens ol Schuylkill Count j, Pa., belijve a 1 1 U fi proposed new Air Force depot J-folel Strrivali should be built in their county . instead of in nearby Lancaster Prince Rupert County. C McGlashing, Penticton; R. Ejgn, dupiirates of tne 80.000-S. Edwards, Sea Island; W. Le- w,rd meS,,age also were to be Duke and Mr. and Mrs. T. C. delivered to the Pentagon for Mclntyre, Alice Arm; W. Q. Thomas K. Kinletter. Air Force Fraser, J. Nelson and Roy E. Secretary, and Gen. Hoyt S Van-Smith, Vancouver; J. O. Mlt- denberg, Air Force chief of staff, cheil, A. N. Jones and R. H. as well as to Capitol Hill for Ciuley, Terrace; G. 8. Rogers. ' members of the Senate and 'Armstrong; B. Reynolds and G. House Armed Services and Ap-Gnmstad, Hazelton; R. Lush. 1 propriaffons Committees South Burnaby; F. Taaffe, West Vancouver; J Jfefferles, Smith-1 HISTORIC CUP ers; Mr. and Mrs. S. Uruski and j King John's Cup, a 15-inch sil-daughter, Alice Arm; N. F. Car-iVPT -gilt treasure made about negie, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. 1 1325, is still used at mayoral ban-, C. H. Lundstrom, Stewart. quets in King's Lynn, England. To the Electors of Prince Rupert Having been requested by a large number of Taxpayers of the City I have consented to offer myself as an Aldermanic Candidate 'for the TWO year term vacancy in the coming by-dection. Your vote and Influence will be assurance If elected that every endeavour will be made by me to safeguard the Interest of this City in giving a progressive civic administration. FOR TRANSPORTATION THURSDAY NEXT PHONE GREEN 917 H. F. GLASSEY Candidate for Alderman lcuricil appliances Ihe most scceptable P""1' wcddiDi,!, anniversaries or just because! CNDIIK NEW. MANAGEMENT , SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert's only modern rooms with bath Fraser Street Phone 31