JOHN H. Wcdr.esiay January 30, 1952 JJitM'ncSA CT Profeji o if h f?v Ch BLACKWOOD on CARPENTERS t' a mmtim. m (CI.OSI RE TIME II a.m. an day of publication) Cai-:f!f d Advrt!:!r! Is payable In advance. Picas? refrain from telephoning. Classifieds. Je per Word per laser tion, mirurmrn charge 50c. Blnh Notices 50e. Cards of Thanks, Death Notice, Funeral Notices, Marriage a;;d Engagement Announcements t2-0flL SPECIAL, DISPLAY, DOUBLS 1 RICE. iJJruine Ev FASLEY BLACKWOOD MARGARr OPTOfc PHr" BLUE P0.BC Why Be Half Right PRECISION SAW FILING 1J4S riGGMTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B Agent: Bus Terminal Island City Builders Mr. Champion in One-Round Battle of Wits With Fuzzy Mr. Muzzy In one sense, nVrly ever win an argument frm Mr. Muzzy. That is not because he is ever right. It is because people realize they are wasting the:r time. Mr. Muzzy either cannot see the point will not admit it if he i"e.-. RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kiloeo (Subject le Change. WtDNEi-DAY P M 5 . It -f. : r. V. -.r"r.rary aM" Yo'l iif-ard i - 'i y '.. .. E- ,t 'j 6 .Jt Ml-m.'j V.. .'. '.' i s Sn.iiv fiu:.".-tt Srrw 7 I t HC -V: a 7 :Ji Ft-:'.:.: M .ry H'-naervm li 'yJ T.l; by cr.ristopner fry li ji lr Ujy i N : J r Burmr.y ; CtiC Nea3 . m ! BO News 10 i. ST'C o:-ri'-iii ij -n NBC '.f i. V'-'' U ' r Kp-.rt M.d Si:-!1-jT THIIt-SDAY 7 '.) V-'.i'-! f'W-rfe IS 1') HTt's Bill O-toi ft .M irions il i-i.- t-jr M iTrts 4 X rfr. ; w 7 ... "A. k Ar"--t n i,, ri'-tonxmnm "1 tlw Air ii i) lc.i'.o'ij T int- i 'Jt V,t rI:. r !- i-rf' ): t! M --... p'TMl U . J H.. '-,ro"l ii.o rl'id'1 i! 4- .Vuj.fOO. V.rif'!!'-5 P M , ; : , i i . .' . - ii:5 Ir'.-r .ni trume i2 i I'.' harjn Br--lcaM I A:u-rrKV-fl C"r.c-rt i 4 Ii.s Live: Comity. 1 i .-V ft .i i.j.nK. n' John F. I.. Hughes, D C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs.: 10:30-12:30. 2:00-5:00 Eves : by appointment only 21 - 23 Bener Block phnrio Blue 442 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT fames Block 60- 3rd Ae. W. Prince Rupert. B C. ?hone 347 P O. Box 374 Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS IT NED AND RECONDITIONFD 210--4th Bt Ph. Black 339 GEORGE RORIE& CO. ACCOUNTANTS t AUDITORS Besner Bloclc Phone 387 P O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waring Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204- 4th Rtrwt Phone U55 WE KENT TRUCKS. COMPRESSORS. CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUAXJTY REPAIRS For Dowrtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ae. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STIDIO 218 4th Street Box 64S Phone Green ZH9 Prince Rupert HEAL ESTATE ) MOVE IN TOMORROW Vi ea-n. oaiance as rent, give you immediate povession off ;r;:. Jo i room bun?a.ow. Full price 13300.00. J Seven room huse. four bed-f r-joms. larae livinaroom, at:.-: :n. or.e bedroom on rna.n ' f . r. I 'J.! ba.-eTi-rt-. ' H-- j;r itirnace. iauncrry tubs.; ; P.-i.-e $7io0 Go Term-arrantre-.l j. . Exe.jsxve i matron ir Ata-ficies Ltl.' ; Phor.e 242 BLr.'K 197 Ever.H2i j IK (I SS H 1MI.D Til BIT WE HAVE a die: t with up to ,r a or i jour n'-dr'iorr! riO'j" Mi-". ; have b.t-'-riifr.t j Arm!tronir A.irencies Ln , 342 B...-K 107 ; j SWAh : 'AT IX EXCHANGE bec'.ro',-:ii ' Jurntinec! n-vu-?" f 1 be'ir.X'.'r. I lurrifc-f.'-fi auartni ri'-rr renira:iy ; ;,m'i Pr: ,t-I ! 6 P 2 WAN ED i WAN'TLD TO B! Y b"- -"''ni ,M,:t". R"J 279 !"pi - ROUTE E0Y5 : WANTED . Goad rout'-.; avai:.ib!e 1 r right ksnl of carrier ry i.i or gir'i at Daily NV. tilU with tnc.Ked rmunerr.'! j afier firt of y.-ar. 1 WANTED TOP MARKET. PRICES PAID Irr i rap :rort,' steel, bras, oopt:':. lead, etc. Honest -jrafiir.i:. Prunip: pay-riiTit made. A' Us Iron tt : Metals Ltd . 25'J Pror S. Van-co -.;ver, B.C. Phone PAci'lC '257. '".f" CASH !o ip cast, bra.i.--. cs arid ra::..i Pnone 543. Cal: 823 t'.a Av W -. t. C.ty. WAXTED 2 room apartment or Saree hou.Kepin? room by workm? co'JOie. Ciose in. Box 278. IaiL- Ntii. 25p FOR REST FOR REST P. ,om a r.d b-j B a n It'ii). FOR REST Room inare. Phone Red 471. it; i FOR RENT Semi-hou.-eke'epin? room. Men or..y Pnone Or-en i25pi FOR RENT Genera! Electric i.'ir p.-Uh&.-s. SI per day. Phone B.ue &i-2. PacM.c Electric "-!' FOR RENT Comfortable steam heated room for gentleman, Phone Green 891. cf-nci FOR RENT Sleep, ng room close m. Blue Ho-i '-5';' WANTED TO RENT ;u'vTTn TO RENT 4 bedroom Haiiineil, 1419 6th Ave. East. i36pi T I ' A VTf n O -r.vrv Bnurtmon' fir " ia"ree houkeepim; room by worHinif eoniiie c ose in Box 273. Daily News. l27p WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 roo.r. hoixe or apartment, by thre" :aduiU, non drinkx-rs or sinok-' erg Phone Red 860, - 1 25a BULGER Opluinclrisl John Bulger iL'd. Th'rd Avenue t.EOM.K DAWfS AUCTIONEER Phone ,reen 01 and Rel 117 WELDING Government Certified Operators High Presure Tanks Refrigeration SUurlts and Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. T!S f.. Phone Green 84 Call 363 FOR BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing MITCHELL & CURR1E LIMITED Builders & fontractir PLUMBING end HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repair; and Alterations Smith fcElkins Lid. PO. Bo 274 Used Car Buyers Easing of credit regulations payments extended to 18 months. What this extended term means to VOL' 1948 Monarch Sedan New seat covers, smart maroon. Monthly payment was S64 00 sou$45.00 1950 Ford Fordor $1975.00 Monthly payment was 89100 N'63.00 BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home oi friendly service" WRATH AIL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTINO ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES 'hone Green 136 Bo 17 This Isn't His Day! OS J I i Til DEAQ'r'r'S' )- I MATE ,,t?r. " JXptceic who li ,'.'- AIOTHEM A vl . vj-o: . riwT pt7ii!?nI S- St T I I w - " ' " sL r THEM .' -4 rft-L2 n Mm ?" Asks Our Alert or had covered with dummy's queen I'd have killed it with the kin?, and on the heart return, you d have held the ace-eirht over the 10 spot " Eu r, Mr. Miay cauld see thi-lo--ic wa.s u:tar-erai. "Weil, frankiy." he l.t-ci, "I cuin't know had the jai K of hear: It was :it.x-d m w.ih ir.y d.amonds." Mr. Chaxpion pave up. -Whosj ilral ii it?" he aK-3 uraruy. U3 kl U Li . W 8 , Cait'i. Shipping and f.enrral Moving, Packing. Crating, Carta;; and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2r.d and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones fcl and 68 r'.'T"--. ' If A IS DINING ' PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW . SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe fmM WILFORD ELECTRICAL WORKS Motors and Generators Rewound and Repaired MOTORS BOI GHT And SOLD New and Rebuilt Generators 6-12-32 volts Box 1307 Ph. Blue 391 BLONDIE 2 Rxori al Hifiii')ffc i i ni Musi i 'i tO 5V'Ki Ci ii :t 45 N'vel Tinrie s 'yi l-ii M-n Iiand ' 4 4S .S.'- : tinoiatmfii: Interiude 4 S CBC Sw Korea Fight Worthy Cause l'rc Support of Campaign in Defence of Principles for Which t hristianity Stands Description by E. T. Apple whaiit. MP for Skeena. of a re-cent visit to the fightin? front , in Korea as well as other piaces in the Orient, including Japan. pr0ved of much interest to the .l n Club of First Presbyterian Church at a meeting Monday r.iirht. He .spoke for about an hour. Support of the campaign in Korea as weii as all aid to the; peopie of that country was commended by Mr. Applewhaite as being in .accordance with Christian principles. This was no case of "turning the other cheek' when all the principles for which Christianity ; stood were being threatened. The circumstances were such that justified violence and the ' Patriotic support of Canadians ana tne cnurcnes snouia oe i forthcoming ANNOUNC EMEVTS Cithoh:: ... . Febru il' I., an T 1 O D E F'o:.. fa. F' or ...,rv !3. . :.(; 0 Mrs. J'-r.s :.! . 30. :-: H - :i. a. T ... F'.or.. - ! A L" F A W U Y A '' r' :'"'" Cj::"-. )! .' . Co:.-. P T A H.T--: kir.5'' ': f-.i . Con-' ra.i St: :-t or.'; . J 1 Ar,!:ial :. ,.y. February i'i I.' Dp Y-ar February - St. P..:r:-:V. T-i . (I H ,!P,- ' eo,-i:,:i.? Si.e, Ci.: ... n.-:: March 20. I :"! ! .rt; a.'!-i tiraw-' in? of r...'ie 8 t, m. ii A . April l...:,T A.or.i ,1. V.' i.T.'n 'A S;i: T'-. 17 AMI OF THANKS Mr.:. .1 A Tf-i and f.imiiy de-sire tu exprf. ; r hf:;i:t:-;I I apprecia'ion for ti many aftA t ol e;r.'jn":.( :.-T t'i ot .sym- f pa thy i-.v. ;. : m .nur recent j lyreavemer.t. lai ti.ariK.i i are extended to the many ?r-eanizatjor.s I and Inends. (iy'.'tn and hospi'ai I tc- PERSUN'AL PE1TAELE mother ;.l care for c!ii.c;r-r.. 2,3 S-j Cove Czr- i . .E KfPLRT Hi Din:r. i .'.:y p rr:. WILL CARE Jvr er.ii'i cotnng Cd'.A for ,r?::r. rrsoth'-r An-- py 314 "tr. A'.e. tf-nof 1 ARE YOU BALD? ' WVjiji'J you Uie real hair? , We zuarar.-ee to grow it or refund vour money ir. full. THALIA HERBAL PRODUCTS LTD. 4371 We?t 10th Ave , Vancouver 8, B.C. j i HELP W ANTED MALE - WANTED-Bo,- for S.m Roa'e., S-':tion 2. P.T;ne 040 or Gren j 7C7. 25c' HELP tWTF.D FFMALE WANTED Lady ' for cleaning c.iitie.s 7 p.m. till midnWht. I Apply in pi r.jjn to Prince Ru-ptrt Hotel Ditnns Room. Chef I-enr.ard, 2 to 3 pm. 30c WORK W ANTED WATIE13-Part-time work eve-tiHies and week-ends. Red 360. 1 25p i FOR SALE FURNITURE for Bale Bedroom fuss, radios, chest of drawers, airtight heaters,- chesterfield beds complete, crihs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (tf) BOYS' and girls' ski slacks, all wool, best quality made, all sizes, priced very reasonably. B. C. Clothiers. Ufi FCR SALE Reconditioned fur ( coats Oat.S ?2ri 5,Z.).t)ll Oil 'and and un up Fowlio-' r OWIIC-. Ruttle Ltd., 3rd Ave. i4.-c! FOR SALE Leonard refrigerator, bargain. Phone 60 between 9 a in. and 5 p.m. i25o FOR SALE 40 ft. diesel troller. Phone Green 968. I29pi FOR SALE 8 piece walnut din-in? room suite consisting of table, six chairs, buffet and china cabinet. Also walnut tea wagon, one china cabinet, imitation hardwood finish, curved glass front. Phone Black 511 or call at 704 5th Ave. West. I29pl FOR SALE Wick burner oil ranae. Green 923. I26pp CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1947 Fleetline Chev sedan. Excellent condition. Phone Green 832. 26p FOR SALE 1940 Plymouth convertible. 5 passenger. Can be .seen at Frizzell Motors. 28pi LOST AND FOUND $1 REWARD for boy's brown shoe lost from car. Phon Green 587. (25p) ELECTS as; Cifrlhfrs Rr r Phone Bhie Ji Brick. SteM s: Tile SetUr,e t K. SCf HAND HOME GENERAL K Euilding anc ; t- ROOFS - Oil B: PO. Box 1670 matt; L'PHOLT Phone Biat IS 234-1:; Jrlnc Er H. G HE: lac REAL ESTATIi Phone 9 Ik Oil Heotr LAWRIE St-Blue Incomplete serr;-burners is. Stoves. Heate Train Sc For the EasU Daily excepts From the fist- Daily excfpiS i km EXTRA FRIIJ everv suit ""' and H"' LIN the fc 220 Sixth St- "bTchjcj I HATE PEOPtE J t Tti.-teiw y. i7 I South dealer Boih i';e3 vulnerable 1 Mi IU J-li) S i, 9 3 H 4 5 4 O A K Q 9 8 3 C 10 I sir. SI mi I f vr. I I.miji 8-7 2 K 10 8 I H A J 8 H K & 6 : I 0-8 7 2 Di 5 4 C A 7 S 2 C- t J 8 i ! ( lir. ( J UJtSi' I U 10 7 3 i I- J ! C K 6 4 T?W I- "iO :' i 1 S Pan I D P, i 2 ? P;. 4 S Ai: psto I Such a .situation aros in cor.- nection with today's deal. Mr. : M.izy wajs on the tjpenir.? ' Mainst Mr. Dale's four .spa::e contract and he laid don tit ' are of clubs. Surprising;? en-'itwri. lie now cave some prettv s--;i thout'ht to hU play at tra-k f"o. j He noted that his si -tie was. not zoine to get any more ciuo tricks. He alio noted the good six-card diamond suit in oummy. Since ne hiueif had three nia-i mon(u. that salt was b.jnd to break favorably for declarer. So winners for she defense there. Ii Mr. Champion had any win- ners in spades, he would always get them. That ieft only the heart sail. lt the contract could be cefeat-; cd. it would have to iJe in hearts. Braveiy. Mr. Muzzy laid don; the ace of that suit and con-' tmued with the jack. ' The queen covered and Mr. : Champion won with trie kir.?.j But tnat set up Mr. Dale's Hi; spot as a third-round winner and he promptly claimed the of the tricks. "Well. I shifted to the right suit, any ay," sa.d Mr. Muzzy, looking around at the kibitzer. for approval. "Wny be half right? ' sneerei Mr. Cnampion. "So you shifted to the right suit. But why not lead the rieht card of that suit? " Mr. Muzzy was overcome with indignation. "What good would lt Oo to lead a low hear he demanded. "None. But do you c'-ny that you had the jack of hearts?" Mr. Champion said, nastily. "II you had led the Jack at the sec ond trick. Dale wouldn't have had a chance. If he had ducked in dummy, your jack would have held and -then we could have caihed the ace and king. If he ALl'MINA PLANT .Continued from pae 1) source, ra.ner man sn.pping int ore itself to an alumina plant in North America." First production of Jamaica alumina is expected to commence in the Ihird quarter of 1952. while the greatly enlarged plant on wliiih construction is well under way is scheduled to go into operation in late 1953. At the B.C. smelter, which will be ready for initial operation early in 1954, the alumina will be discharged from deep-sea vessels direct to storage and pottines 800 yards from the wharf. The company wa.s the first to acquire bauxite properties in "ughout the island. Test , !'ere carried out originally in ! 1942 and were continued through ; the ensuing years, both in the Lin 000 acre of land containine approximately 5.000 acres of ditions is being bred and modorn farming methods were applied. FUNERAL NOTICE NICKERSON In the city Sunday January 27, 1952, Mrs. Sarepta Ann Nickerson, age 87 years, 8 months, beloved mother of Mr. Milward F. Nickerson and Mrs. Charles Lowe, Prince Rupert, and Mrs. Gordon Colquhoun, of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Rev. L. G. Selber will conduct services at Giunville Court Chapel at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, January 31. Interment to follow In Fairview cemetery. B.C. Undertakers in charge of For the MEAL that REFK BEST OF FOOD Duncan McRae, vice-president ! jf the Presbyterian Men's C!ub.ialu!nlna from th bauxite at its FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS PH0NT BROADWAY CAf " 1 Grge Mitchell on oehalf of WANTED TO RENT - Hous- the cl,,t. thanked Mr. Apple-working keeping room or small suite by lady. P.O. Box 125. whaite for his discourse. (2opi ! At the close of the meeting re- For New Construe! WANTED TO RENT-Three four room suite. A. W. Craft Box lO'JO. City. 30p and Repair Won was in the chair in the absence of Presidf-Tit; Fred Cotirad. freshmvnts were served. Classified Ads Pay LAND REGISTRY ACT Cfrtificiit! oT Title No 2206-1 to Ljt.s Nine i9i and Ten 10. Ii!fck Twenty-eiptit (28 1, fcec-tion i8t. City of Prince Rupert. M..1) !)2. WHEKliAS satlfartory profjf i ne aix.vo cAtihcte of Title uwmiI In the name ol William C . ,,,,4 , hOT,b that i WANTED TO RENT -3 or 4 rc n apartment or hous for noietlR,. SEE GREER & BRIDDEN Phone SOI 215 1st Ave. W. hit the expiration of one month from ; Jamaica ana pioneeiea in geo-tht nat of the first publication here-: logical exploration for the ore il .n ZT"iZZZ utllas , tne meilMlme oojec - tion ne made v me in writing dated at the Land Registry Office Sin -Vsa ' ".field and in Canadian labora- J"t"ry, I i ad . comDanv Durchased Deputy Regtetrar of Title, I sup I Christian people. Phone I '). I2:ipi A( ( (H NTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income. lax spec ulist. & G C. t Pin I K k . ; , Stone Building, Red 5i).i. 2Dmi , TENDERS SEALED tenders addressed to ; the Secretary, Synod Of fice, : P O. Box 508, Prince Rupert, ; B.C., will be received up toi noon, February li l', Ior ' the of M.V. Western , Hope which can be viewen at the Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Shipyard. Length 42 feet between perpendiculars, O A. 46 feet, Beam 11 feet, Draft 5 feet 6 inches. Powsred by 90 II P. Acadia. Cruising speed eight knots. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. I23ci FOR SALE! Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned to noon of Saturday, Febru ary 9, 1952, for the purchase of the hereunder Motor Vessel: Name: "Irene." Length: 2i feet. Beam: 7 feet. Depth: 3 feet. Powered by 7 HP East-hope Engine. Arrangements to inspect this Motor Vessel can be made with Mr. James Ar-seneau at the Prince Rupert r.... r,.l. ck; h ibauxite deposits and has since tvi;Wii.K vATrits protection jconduCted an extensive agricul- Rsc. 1027. Chaper 140 j tural and reafforestation scheme Columbia cellulose com- j to raise the productivity of the PANY. LIMITED, hereby Kives notice : remaining land. A stock Of cat-that it has, under Section 7 of lhe:,i,. t n,n t. ' suited to the Jamaican con- iri Aet rtti mh ,h ,.., i c KINESE DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. -3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 BUT. DAGCOOO, I C O RETLiCN 1 I CLEANED IT AND OILED IT akO Put it C BEN'.H 1 !-,. j; oi Public works, at ouawa. and in the ofllce of the District Registrar of 'up:nulK,rt at 'Huperl. British Co-1 lumbia. a description of the site and the plans of dolphins proposed to be driven in the bed of Porpoise Harbour at Watson Island. British Columbia, on Block "A", Lot 7381. Range 6. Coast District, Province of British Columbia. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the expiration 'of one month from the date of the first publication of this nutice Columbia Cellulose Company, ; I-imitea. Will under Hecllon 7 oi me 1952. wcotxev has -i: MAD MY ret v"? -t'l ELECT&C0!a5-. ; t ii l m t oi"JJal u "c;!aid Act apply to the Minister of tween tne hours oi 4 and i fui,ue, at ins omce in the city p.m. daily. Highest Or any l of Ottawa, for approval of the said tender not necessarily accept-lite and plans. ed. Terms strictlv cash. G. F. 1 HATED this 21st day of January. LOST Lady's Bui ova wrist i i i watch, black cord strap, vicin ity Capitol Theatre, McBride Street to 8th West. Phone Forbes, Official Administrator of Estate of John Graham. COLUMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY. LIMITKD (J23,30,P6,13) (29) Black 607. Reward. (27pJ