,3 Auto Parked in Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, January 30, 1952 M.it rornr and jettled down rivjht whore a divan used to stand. Sturgeon wanted to be sure Safety of Children Committees J Of Chamber I Living Room BOONV1LLE, lnd (API Ever since last Oct. 21 John Sturgeon Prince Rupert's Tree Farm Subject of Ne w Booklet j Two requests aimed toward has had an automobile parked UiiomoUon of safety for school , half in his living room and half i children will be placed before in his front yard. C Jit W the owner, Edward R. Gray 01 Evansville, paid fur damages to his house, so he obtained a writ of attachment on the smashed sedan. Neither party has made a move toward settling the Uiuo since that time. The sedan just sits there. Gray suffered nothing more than a broken ankle in the crash. 'Oil It'll i Standing, committees of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com- j mcrce for the year have been j appointed as follows by Presi-; dent T. Norton Youngs: j Alaska W. A. Armstrong, J. C. i Gllkei, R. W. Collinson, R. O.j Brett. Constitution and By-LawsA. iijoijett uie council oy ine riince it came in on snaiy . ,, i -ii i , i da i 11 city roaring All attractively lllUStl att-U, 0-page booklet Oil Rupcrt parent-Teacher Council, curve on Highway 82. forest iuicbi. cuiici conservation vt u and tree farming' fe was released; member decided at the regular; sturgeons house siu inside imonthly meeting in the Civic! the "V" where two highways to British Columbia schools this. Week, in connection, Centre Monday evening. jcOme together, with wiwi the uie uwinuu distribution in Prince Rupert, Lois Stevens; The first request, initiated by. Somehow his house stood there '. ., r,' the Borden Street Parent-Teach- without a scratch for many JJreahfail CtuL J-laS Cjuutl Silarl 01 JNew I OI K nas Deen ill me cny uuinig uie paL ., Association, will ask that a years, even when it was a filling njoyrd the Scot-Thursd.iy at the 1 sKin.sored by hUUe Club. The u.s led off by v at 10 P m. and ,ed until 1 a m. light be placed on the corner ; station and sat closer to the week. Prepared by Columbia Cellu- h . near Westvlew bridge where curve. First, Second, Third and Park But 0ct 2, .his car camf avenues meet. Members consid- screaming in off the curve, tore ered this a dangerous corner foroff a great chunk of tne north. children due to the fact that jplied by Fiddler Credit Woman's Breakfast Club Bruce Brown, J. H. Harvey, Dr.! in Prince Rupert was auspiciously i r. q. Large. ' launched last night at the ladies'. Entertainment T. M. Christie, lounge of the Civic Centre when I J. H. Black, Crawford Moore, twenty-two representative worn-1 Fred Scadden. en and girls from city businesses Finance S. McLaren, E. Boul-took the initial steps towards tei, E. Paulding, S. D. Johnson, organizing. The club Is under s. Darton. the sponsorship of the Prince Fisheries H. Hanson, Wilfred Rupert. Retail Credit Grantors' Mcixan, H. S. Whalcn, O. Stcga-Associatiun and also has the vig, H. Thorn, D. Souter. blessing of the Credit Women's! Freight RaL'S A. D. Vance, E. erdonalA Mrs. Kiia tiai-io and Piper Mc-, also were used. was master of !C the rloakroom ,t., were In the he Job's Daugh- name approacnea irom so many annual Valentine Dance on Feb-directions. ! , uary 15 The second request came from Tnoiie. p,,.sent, included Mrs. King Edward School Parent- D Gomcz R G Moore Mrs A. scribes the great forest management tree farm which the com-: pany is operating to supply logs' lor the mill at Watson Island, j In a foreword to the booklet,. Hon. W. T. Straith, Minister of Education, points out that the forests of British Columbia are Important to every citizen, and "that means that, to a large ex-j tent, our way Of lite and our frecl Conrad returned to the city today after a trip to reacner group, it usks inai a LVmiinato. J. S. Wilson, Mrs. A. I B nkfast Club of Vancouver. T S'niih. A. S Nitkerson. T. Mc s dewalk be built on Sixth Ave- Inimn W n nrlffiths T O was al ine nue West between McBride and Batem'an, Mrs. j F benning. I Mrs. J. Bolton acted as chair- Meckin, C. G, Withers, C. N. Spiro Gurvich left today by I man protem with Mrs. Mel Scott Parker. plane for Vancouver on a brief 1 as secretary. Grain and Peace River O. P. , business trip. Fulton streets. The city's P.-T.A. groups were Mrs. M. Hansen, F. Derry, Mrs H. Mark, Mrs. Bowman, Mrs. W Bowes and Mrs. J. Marchant. standard of living are dependent; ked lend" tnelr hei wher I S'-cakers prior to the organi- Lyons, G. W. Nickcrson, C. G, j rational move were G. P. Lyons, j Mitchell. Dr. A. W. Large. : president of the Retail Credit I Highways H. Kraupncr, A UWf, Jack Cobb Is able to be up and about again, after being confined on the neaiin oi our loresu, anu,cv(,r possible to the 8choois to the forest Industry. j observe Education Week, March Crawford 10 home for a few weeks. For mat reason, Mr. oiraun n to 8. For a Smart Figure, Wear Grantors' Association; George Mm i ay, P., Cameron, Cook; P. H. Llnzey, manager of Moore, P. Gamuia. L ( jllV.il s George Viereek returned today "- V. " , . T 7 Mrs. A. Logan, of Borden Street School Parent-Teacher Association, has been chosen j the Prince Rupert Retail Credit I Immigration J. S. Lindsay, G 1 x i Ih Prince firorL'e from a uo "" on 7T7) , fore, t resources so . J. ! hi trin t vnnrnnvpr conserve our ! Bureau, and Mrs. Laurie, secre- S. Kearlcy, D. L. Abel, Dr. . uwow.v-oa w - i iiv.l thmj miv nrnrtiirp Ji manv arv. !Munthe. I Mcintosh. "Cllff-Atenuc West, en-I'xerutive of the lian Club at tea future i M' I vons snoke on the rlesira-! i nhnrRnhi'i-r Mi-Knv T M .1 C. Gilker returned todav on jobs and products in Mijjcne bill'y of w-men employees of Christie. A. P. Crawley, C. G the Prince George from a busl- years as they ao uraay. j to Vancouver ana T,e booklet, designed particu- to act as delegate from Prince Rupert Parent-Teacher groups to the annual convention of the British Columbia Parent-Teacher Federation, which will be held this year in Kelowna in AnriL Member of King Edward union, honored bu'lness dew-loping a real inter- ! Mitchell. A. E. Smith. I ncss trip T Applewhaite, pSt in their business instead of j Municipal P. H. Linzey, Nora Seattle. ft .a, who aium-iaes considering ineir worn merely a ; Arnoio, u. U-otuari, w. v . stone. FOUNDATIONS Fitted by a Professional Corsetierre Phone Blue 070, Green 279 larly for use in Grades 5 through. Grade 0, is al-io being made available to the general public, j THE TREE FARM and Mrs. Apple- job. He was confident that a Membership R. H.Parker, E. winner's organization such as the Gladding, H. T. Young, W. J. was assisted by credit Women's Breakfast Club i Scott, A. MacKenzle. , i Mrs. H. S. Parker returned to j the city today on Uie Prince j George following holidays and I business In the south. Aiheid. president of mold be a strong force in the; Mining A. D. Ritchie, G. Dibb presided at the cliy, benefitting both the com- G. A. Fowlie, Don Stewart, C. A. bylaw was passed at Mon-ancl Mrs. Robert munity and its members. After , Bernvi . any night's council meeting to lis W D Smith, an. if would be the only women's National Affairs A. Fraser, J. seu lo1 g on the waterfront, to The Columbia Cellulose Com- school PTA invited all other PTA pany tree farm is the first large membeis In the city and their tree farm in British Columbia. ! friends to attend their Old Time It began operation in 1947, and Dance to be held on February 8 this pa.st summer GOO people were At the same time. Conrad employed in it. Headquarters for gt eet School PTA extended an the farm are at Terrace, and invitation to everyone to attend cutting has been started north tncjr POclal Broth, rhood Week ol Terrace, and at Khutiayma- progTam on February 12 and their teen Inlet, 65 miles up the coast. - business organization here. ! T. Harvey. G. A. Hunter, D. Ste-: Fred M. Hill for $1,200. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Root rived In the rt'y todav on the Mr. ( r;ok spoke on the relation- venson, Dr. R. H. Ball, D. f or-rh p betwi .-n a business and the . ward. public, also co-ordination be- ; Port and Marine A. P. Craw i a M'rviteurs. It 'ft If bmuiiifj i Prince George from Vancouver. twrrn credit and sales depart- ley. D. MeKerrieher, Dr. R. O I Mi. Root, public relations direc-i tor for Columbia Cellulose Co., I is here on official business. meiils of a business. Credit was'Laigi. J. McLeod. r most important factor in the Publicity G. A. Hunter, Wm. businrs-. world today and, if Ciuickshanks, D. Forward, G. D, ara33B vVtj- ;TIHfl Ilae L. Johnson,, woods manager for Columbia Cellulose, tells the "Daily News" that one of the most important reasons lor publishing the booklet Is to Wusjj girls start veT day with this handled properly, could result in rrizzeu. Mr and Mrs Stan HoliWate and family ar Ived today from the healthy stimulation of busl- i Radio H. D. Kadiora, wm. nes -. SI one. W J. Scott. V. Grant. idea that sound M . Liii7;.'v referred to the im-i Public Utilities C. G. Ham, S :i Prince Runert Formerly em lOH Sfc COltit I VilliUIl oiw lull utilization of existing resources. ."We arc really conserving our resources when we make lull use of mature tiee.s," Mr. Johnson .stated, 'but utili.ing ripe st.fmls we .supply the products we need. iiu fnlluwed the Sons of Norway .y night with Joe uctor. Music was ;e Colussl. Dyed th dancing Tided In hold one niefiing of the , were served by i:.sen. Mrs. Carl ..v O Gl.ske; Nils chairman and monies porlant ourt that women were McLaren, W. Stone, Robt. McKay, j pi0ycd at Pacific Mills, Mr. Hold-paying In business, particularly ; W. D. Lambie. i gate will enter Columbia Cellu-ii c idit granting He felt that: Resolutions (Associated Boards) j ose q0 .sprvire here, the new' club could be of srrvire A. S. Nitkerson, J. T. Harvey, i not only to the Credit Bureau A L Bell, Dr. L. M Greene, A. M.j W. H. Brett and Perry York, 'mi to the businesses from which Hurst. , T-.rt Seiv F sh'-nncn's Union and the won; oi r.-imc and In the , mill- Retail - P Gamuia. A. J. Do- i Fishing Vessel Owner's Asso' ia- At tha first lymptomi Rtlax in a lor new 1- us a whole. minute, J W. Rogerson, E. Mali. ' t'n delegates, respe ctively, to the while we make room Soothing HOT MUSTARD BATH Mrs. Laurie dl-closed that the J. Bulger, E. R. Gordon, L. M. I international iiauoui vaniunis- j'ouaS nvaiwij- utilization I'eisenilnil sion convention in Seattle, re- on.u rvauuu auu mmm 4r -Jf is a Trade and Commerce E. Boul-i turned to the city today on the of our natural resources concern in British Colum- ter. H J Marchant, P. LeRoss. i Prince George. prime hhi." Mr. Johnson said, "ana it first, women's credit breakfast lu j had been formed in Portland In 1930 Now there were 400 clubs in (be country. Activities were along educational, recreational and social lines. They IL t J. Skinner, Chas. R. Roberts. Transportation A. D. Ritchie ' i oil i ; R. Brett (shlppingi; A. P. Mix 2 or 3 tablespoons ol mustard in a little cold watei and pout into hot bath. Adct bathing, give yourself a brisk rub-down .-. . then off to bed for good night's rest. Yout muscles will relax with relief! Commander R. D. Barrett, staff apparent that people want rfiicer. trade. Roval Canadian m'0ro infoimation about hew Navy. Ottawa, has arrived in the these resources can be conserved, city for a visit to HMCS Chat- we hjpe that this booklet will ham. He was the speaker at the be hcipi'ul." weekly luncheon of the Prince . , A. Murray motor UcrJ. wen- designed to develop the best Crawley (air principles of business and mcrl- vehicle Civic Centre T. Norton Youngs I .liJSHWATER. England Rupert Gyro Club today and tomorrow will be at Rotary. torlous service. Tl. next mreling of the new organization will be February 8 when officers will be elected. Proposal is to have the breakfast meeting once a month on a Stewart In W.ieii a posloiiice woiKer leurea in tins town on the Isle of Wight ... uklw away his alarm clock, 'llun he was presented with re-I ivii'.eat g-Jls including a new ; aia.m clock. New Hotel at rved by members veil committee of 'he Mou.s.' after ineciniK at the ll;uii(l Miinecy. A session preceded rm in which the Mrs F Flewin and ii Delirious re-re served by the e Mrs. O. Tweed. Miss slyvia John-Hiier M's m. roll Miiurey. Mrs M s II, Paulson su in the persons MeC'alhim. Mrs. B. Mrs, S Good. News In comiuon with the rest of (he world the residents of Stewart commemorated the memory i l Robert Burns. Scotland's na-t'onal bird, mi Saturday in the Moose Hall here. The celebration, this year, took the form of Ocean Falls Is Nearly Ready Alm t completed is a 1 50-room addition lo II.-.' Ocean Fails IfELKWA U ALKS... ihnv fur nn ice rfirnival are will Martin Inn Hotel which dance under the auspices OI tne in olnu ahead with Miss Yeatman Canadian Legion. It was a fine bring the building up to third . . . . n 114 nf Inrnn hnIP c 1S TI1 aliai . Residents oi premier ana v"-' ' ..v. - Hvder Joined- in the celebration, province. It will have 350 rooms. i Including dining, beverage rooms. barber shop and beauty parlor. V.ore snow fell diirinc the past 'illing the younger group of girls nnd Mrs M Hoops arranging lor other forms of dlitertaln- i;-nt. The Mifses Annie Wilson. "hlrl'j- Fiase - and Peggy Miller are candidates for the Carnival vuren. ?C?ers wcekand the Depitrtmcnt of V.. K Knonoe. well-known Public Works is having a hard , Vancouver architect, who design-lime keeping up with it. The ', ed t Martin Inn. was a paswn-rua'v snow ilow ha; been out gcr on the northbound CNSS of net 'on for some time. Rvpatrs Prince George to look over the O. K ilhood Is rccuperut- Mr iv "n the Smilhers BulKley nos- wt,.c cf (cried and a trial run was hotel. pilal after an operation. made up the Salmon River road ir ll'.eelui", Tlllir i 1 2Gc 1 "'tmtj Cinailia'n t II p.m. Itefresh-(ltci are iiskecl to help ;ym in Annuncia- If you war.t to sell it, adverlis New.i e.'..i.isitied. Inspector of srhoo's H C. Ferguson returned from a quick trip lo Terrace. leading to the Silbak Premier mini. Unfortunately a rock struck the blades of the worm and put the machine out of com- f'J to i tin-. 7 p.m. (25c i D '. E. E. Lucht, veterinary sur- mission again. Repairs have o'on and Mrs. Lucht of Prince fern effected and It is expected 1"if i!c are snendlne a few days that the plow will be back in here on business. ''ti'i'e. Fishermen's: 'U. HuiKlay. Feb- ! Pi". Metropole! operation very soon. Meanwhile t!i" walking Is very tough through two feet of fresh snow. FASHION FOOTWEAR Mike Birmingham Is reported t b" making a good recovery from his recent Illness. STONE BUILDING 1 23c i ''ng Const ruction iboiers Union No'. ui'-tc. Civic. Centre, ; l-m. All laborers this meeting us It "(d, J. H. Mair, ".v and Treasurer. ( 28c I The Kentucky dam, 20 miles from the Junction of the Tennessee and Ohio rivers, strctchei n."i feet. h. Ma'heim, diamond driller .mm Vancouver, arrived lust v.-rk to make his headquarters at the Copper Ridge mine. , R. Singmiister of Vancouver drove' through wii.li a replacement truck unci will be here on business for the Neil Evans company. J C. C II, who arrived from the wcsl on an early morning train, reports thai, all one talks about Is the snow, especially around Ten ace where, the people fear a thaw because of the possibility of floods. Fifteen feet of snow is reported at Pacific. iOof y Wales 0i Our- . , - ...,m'iiMtr I BT llll I I. I II I ,-. s ni-'h seas u'nstii 4 'oiniei ij..,, , mXi ""'70 -T I 3 mini r limriT lUUUHaiatr ' Was works. The "ecu replaced bc-' i'fler being damn's Ra.es. ts i CanacaS (heat TCHEN GADGETS The strongesr port obout our business is rhor the less workmanship you con sec, the better the job was done! That's why we're so proud of the cars that cruise out of our shop with that "brand new" look even thouO they may have been in cing Dccorotors iEOW-PRIGE CEREAL fn Openers 'clien Tools Kio Cutt f S' Flour Sifffr. Dnilinn P ins d Boards, Chore Girls Vegetable Brushes serious accidents. Remember this number if in need: GREEN 217 Superior Auto Service nur goiul lualili depends on nmiri!hinj futnl! And that's ck-ai'tly wh.it you iict when you serve NAIUSCO SUKEDDUD WIU AT Itir hrvaKaM. It's mailt, from MV.c whole wheat, intivjilin hran and wheat germ.. I bh dJiyinns cereal coyts jmt a U a- centi, too riutly savts you momy on breukjuitl f BEDROOM SUITES 4 PIECES Vanity, Bench, Chiffonier and Bed. All new ond better suites $lfi000 X W From Gordon & Anderson ipuuiii Limited Third Avenue West Phone Green 217 Phone 46 Limited