ORMES mm MUGS 1sX VWUXil DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA? NEWSPAPER CABS Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Greet Northwest" Phone 81 J niSI'ATCHKD VOL. XLI. No. 25 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1952 PRICE FIVE CENTS I out Hits Mm lW'' mm it Hard mill i SUE WILSON , Pri-ss SUB wnicr ifP)No one, they ftJ.ri it,. iff t I I i i f strike. Certainly, no victory in Detroit authorized by the ; ,s, early one morn- Mo More Canucks To Korea Iteinforrfmpntx I'nlikelr Bombing: Manchuria Dangerous ,ng canca w. i New Alumina Plant in Jamaica Ties in With Mean s B.C. Project Dcrpsva Vessels To Run From Old Harbor Hay to Kitimat bus operators , No Commitment to Join With United States in Any Punitive. Campaign LONDON (Canadian Press) Prime Minister Winston Churchill said today that Great Britain has no "formal commitment" to join with the United States in any punitive action against China if the ,t Railway. ,t labor disputes, me i ., was to enforce a a wage lnciea.se.' VANCOUVER (CP) Chief of Canadian Army General Staff n - out negotiation.! cttleiiicnt. They were said Tuesday that he has given MONTRKAL. Canadian investment in the "no encouragements" to requests. olttclals- for more Canadian troops in I toy a trial judge-'Caribbean area will be augmented by at least $20,- Korean truce is broken. Korea. imi up at a loiiLiiiu- (M() f(,n . ,.ovl(i ;ir,r(, sciiU pviiansion of the baux- Churchill told the House of Lt. Gen. Guy Simonds, who irrivn.1 harp frtm T'jnail hv air Commons that the whole ques "thc reason for the ' jte-alumina facilities already under construction in said he had requests from "usual tion was discussed among Great . . ? ... . '13,.!,..:.. u TTiiIIaH Ktatna and he 12-man executive . , . . T,,m...- . tm-niinr out vjiw material ir,,n .tH in fhom thii otner governments wnn ioicc.s Arms Drive Over Hump VANCOUVER (P Minister of Trade C. D. Howe Tuesday night nrpriietH a elnwinff fntnr- for .l-car and bus opcr-,."- .-" e - , i a F.L.t. the strike for Canada's aluminum industry, it was announced tSunelQtne yesterday by Nathanael V. Davis, president of AJu- further reinforcements are un-! in Korea before he went to visit likely to be sent by Canada. President Truman. It was aereed clearly that a minium Ltd., Montreal l nr trin.i a. i oaiu iil, u. ti,? serious situation wouia any bombing of Red Chinese air very The company's new Jamaica arise in such an event and vari- ba-es In Manchuria would in crease chances of general war. ous contingencies had been ex-, Canada s industrial might even amined without any definite or: after the western world's rearma- I formal commitment being UIIIC VJ , 1 nil, i,u,ii. tered into, tne i-nme wiunsi-ei , nrodl.rtiVp Tht. The f Canadian , ri , n alumina plant, the first in th: : Caribbean, is now having lU planned capacity increased from 180 metric tons, of alumina per : day to 450 torts per day. The j program is to turn out alumina Instead of bauxite. j The Increase in capacity Ls re- j saitl- ! machine, Howe said in a speech Great Britain wanted to keep prepaied for delivery before the out of a Far Eastern war, the , Vancouver Board of Trade's Prime Minister said. There was sixty-f ifth annual meeting,-"is Last Body Recovered - ':.: ' - - ' . : : it J,- ' creater danger closer to home. expanding and being improved importation uv-up m ninrv. Its cflects still :elt in this centre of oile industry. It. lost $7,500,000 !n ne important, 11 suf-uuiunl l ok in pas-ii ue of nine per cent. d Kili.ono persons who oili' street-car and oliier arrangements to and Irom work. ie strike, 2,h0 buses .droit's streets. Now ijini'4 operated. The Meet-cars a cut u 200. A 16 per cent ,ii the frequency and : M-.vice lias been ef- I M.AI. a sut nothing- The Supreme Court sub- ., j i Vis 'Ik : - I 1 i A 1 In the Far East Great Britain would be in the "wrong war, the wrong place, and the wrong time." a: .v'ia...,. J ! Sea at Sandspit Yields All dead from recent trash Last of the 30 bodies of the ill- quired to provide more raw materials for Canada's rapidly expanding aluminum industry, including the new plant of Aluminum Co. of Canada at Kitimat. Further enlargement of the plant in Jamaica to 670 metric tons per day is called for in the company s plans as a successive development, according to Mr. Davis. I i as never before in history. "And I venture to suggest," continued Mr. Howe, "that never before has Investment been directed along a line which holds promise of greater returns in terms j of the things Canada and the j world needs for a better life and ; for greater security " ! By any test, said Mr. Howe, I "Canada is doing well at the be-' ginning of 1U52. And yet I be- fated VCi which crashed at Sandspit January 19, was found washed up on the beach 2 p.m. Tuesday, half a mile from the 'Baby Bonus Boy in Army cra;h scene. PARA-RESCUE NURSE Nursing Sister FO. Marion MacDonald ol Vancouver, one of the first four women in the RCAF to complete the rugged para-rescue course, has been appointed to the Instruction staff of the para-rescuj school at Edmonton. First woman appointed, she will act as liaison officer between women students and the male staff, make demonstration parachute jumps and guide women through every phase of their practical training. : (CP PHOTO Loggers' Union Demands End Prince Rupert based RCMP have been combing the beaches Army Uieve there are greater things in EDMONTON (CP) The ;uhd that the strike! u and that the oper-j i. not receive a pay in- j in the vicinity since the crash.' te Uni&h Tucsciay to the '. store for this country. In a sense n. ni.uiiui.is )"' '" st.nrv of i "Babv Bonus Bun- i wn have vet jo rean the Units ot .i a full year after the To service the alumina plant I and handle export .shipments, ai deep-sea port will be created on j the south coast of Jamaica. Ai 600-foot all-steel pier will be constructed ai Old Harbor Bay; with initial drcdfrin operations! ' to start immediately. The manufacture of alumina In Jamaica rather than ship-j pine, out the raw bauxite ore ; reduce the- shipping casta by I more than filty percent. Refiu-1 inn ol alumina, a white pow- mint The basic rate 1 an hour belore the j uiiiot be raised until 19 E.Kli man lost; HEADS CANADIAN DELEGATION -Dr. E. W. R. Steacle. vice-president of the National Research Council, Ottawa, will hrad the six-man Canadian delegation to attend the second Scientific Conference In Australia next month. The first conlereiicc was held In London, Eng., five years ago. The ihrefi-wet-k conference 'open 111 Canbvrra Feb. 17. (CP PHOTOl been viewing the bodies and each ner u slarled October 21 whi our efforts." exsc adjourned sincdie. The en- j ..Gunner T j wuson," husky Economy was straining to pro-tire report will be turned over , 170.pOund soldier, absent with-, riuce all demand Investment, de-to the Attorney-General's oe- out leave rom Camp Shilo. Man- j fence and investment- needs, partment, RCMP sub-divisional j il(jba 8Urrcndcred to Army au-J There were various restriction headquarters said here. ; thorities In Edmonton. ; imposed to keep competing de- Of Forest Management Plan VANCOUVER - iCP) Deimuid Meanwhilct no salvage action t It 4i,al, 94 hnnra later the mands from interfering ith ons ij operators and other iiplows deirmmleil ai -liimr a);e increa.se j liie strike beuan, re-' is expected to be taken on Hit wreck which ls being broken up by heavy seas. clery substance, is the last step . to 8'j cents. The - " liout stood firm on its lifts. Traffic experts by variou;. ' in the preparation oi raw Qaux for lie, a reddish colored ore, - means k'ul uie nwu 11 , , Today's Stocks l('iirl-' N. II. Jolilllll t'o. Ltd.) gunner escaped from custody another. about the same time his parents "Eventually," predicted Mr. appeared with the information Howe, "and I hope In the not too that their son was only fifteen distant future, we and our Allies years old. In fact, they said, they and the North Atlantic Treaty were still receiving the "baby Organization will surmounf, the ment hump of preparedness." Wilson was not his name. He j had used the Wilson birth cer- -1 j tiflcafe to enlist. jdHU r66l tO Ten days ago, according to in -formation received, the gunner MonltorrnfiTin that the British Columbia government end lt.s present forest management licence scheme has been made by Che International Woodworkers of America (ClO-CCL) in convention here. Delegates, who opened a four day meeting yesterday, aiso urged other changes in the forest policy. A resolution which was adopted urged that forest management be taken out of private Not Worried About Label Of Commies VANCOUVER (CP) John Clark of Denver, president of the International Union of Mine, Mill e lmniim. the c,ty:n,ovlnK fm-ly. Business off 3o strike action not only , pf.r.Pnt at the start of the strike. At Alcan s smelter r at at Arvkla Aryioa baUX'tC k naml',a- i but as a violation I recovered oulcklv Qu,'bcc uii.ilHin'.s ri,.ht to en- The back of the sttike was I At Kitimat the processing to- noln,. ,nv..ri.men. T: :l ,. I, A a court ' WalUs tllC ill II 111111 11111 ingots Will VANCOUVER American Standard alu- .26 Hut b SR. employees rt.d that the law applied to! Mart, in.-tead, from the Bialorne 6.05 iki is. was barred from ! tv Kii ikers mid. five davs later. ; mma Total investment by the com hclDcr helper iiivuiiwiunvuii was working as a cook's pany m Jamaica may go as high .is S4n.O0O.OOO. Including the cost hands and put under direct control1 of the government. It was a plea for 4he small and Smelter Workers ilnd.i, said on by stale law which ended the walkout bv ruling that illc employees to strike i the dispute be referred to Us me Court upheld Ullli! April 2l .status. The State ! Supreme Court upheld the ruling, s, like Toioiitonians j Tlie U.S.R. fare was, and still transit strike in that j is, 15 cenLs. uly. et about during; : !()f extensive agricultural projects ' Tuesday that he ls not too per-: initiated six years ago. '1 he pro- turbed about the Communist- operator and said the placing ; of huge tracts of land at dis-j posal of a "monopoly of lumber J operators" will eliminate thC small operator and strengthen j "monopolies. gram is being carried out by Ja-; led" label wlilcli is tagged to nu maica Bauxites Limited, a sub- j union. Miliary of Aluminum Limited. All j "The Communist tag Ls put on capital requirements are being; any good, militant union," he provided by the parent company, i said in an interview as' the an-with the exception of $5,700,000 1 nual Mine-Mill Union conven-towards the cost or the first-! lion opened here, stage plant, which was loaned to I Mr. Clark denied that the Jamaica Bauxites Limited by the i Mine-Mill union Ls controlled by ) by automobile orj fcmentcncy car-pools i nitidis of thousands oi j UjuI the city. Hitch-j 1 no troubel obtaining i Old Country Football Scottish Cup, first Kiiund Celtic 0, Third Lanark 0 itivl (R'-play Feb. 4.1 at Kemano. LONDON (CP) Great Britain ' Vancouver military policemen tonight ordered thirty warships went to Prince Rupert and, with of the Home Fleet to the Meill-the Royal Canadian Mounted terranean in March for corn-Police, flew to Kemano and bined exercises with the Medi-brought the absentee to Edmon- terranean fleet, ton. The emergency in Egypt has The Army wound up Uie affair sent battle units of the Meditcr-by discharging the 15-year old ranean fleet to stations along and handing him back to his the Mediterranean from Libya parents. to Suez. Leaking Alaska Motorship Limps Into Bella Bella A United States motorship, the Alaskan Cedar, is reported to have reached sheltered Bella P.ella harbor lust night after developing a cracked hull. B R X 04 Cariboo Quartz 1 15 Congress 05 Cronln Babine 54 Giant Mascot 99 Indian Minos 22 'i Pcnd Orcilie 8.85 Pioneer 190 Premier Border . .37 Privateer 08',i Reeves MacDonald 5.75 Reno ' 04 Sheep Creek 1.67 Sdbafc Premier .64 Vananda. 20 Salmon Gold 04 v Spud Valley 20 Silver St andard 2 59 Western Uranium 340 Oils-Anglo Canadian 9.50 A P Con .55 Calmont 2.10 Central Leduc 3.10 Home Oil 16.75 Mercury 25'2 Maritimers to Visit Pacific VANCOUVER. Former Mali for Wonders at Timidity Prince Rupert People elements outside the rank and file of the workers although the Union was expected from the Congress of Industrial Organizations in the United States and later from the Canadian Congress- of Labor 011 charges of CommunLst domination. timers now living in British Co f yor H, S. Whalen thinks the people of Prince Economic Cooperation Administration, now the Mutual Security Agency. Hie loan Is being repaid by aluminum shipments from Canada to the U.S. government stockpile. onm TO KITIMAT "Production from the alumina plant will go chiefly to the new aluminum smelter being built by cur subsidiary, Aluminum Company of Canada Limited, in Brittsh Columbia," Mr. Davis said. "The new we.sl-coast smeller, with an initial capacity of 83.000 metric Ions of aluminum. iliimbia can look forward to aj j grand three-w eeks' vLsit f rom ; i eastern friends and relatives thU l ii summer, thanks to J. V. Dodds jof the Edmonto'n Maritimers' j Association. I wo "much too timid" to speak their minus uk'1's what they are afraid of. In an interview be Sketchy reports reaching here say the vessei was forced to head for Bella Bella after trouble had developed on an Alaska to Seat UK- mayor said this statement could also to aldermen in the citv council. U.S. Admiral Named Chief Okalta 4.35 ! Mr. Dodds lias made arrange- incuts with the Canadian National Railways to operate a "Why. often we have a meet tle run. Crew members arc reported to be manning the pumps to keep water from flooding the hold. ing when only one or two alder- men will voice an opinion. The others don't even say a thing. special train from Moncton to Vancouver for Maritime resi LONDON North Atlantic, Treaty Organization today ap-1 will create a .considerable increase in Canada's requirements Reds Trying For Control Menace Seen by Head of IWA To Klght Them VANCOUVER (CP) District President J. Stewart Alsbury dents who want to vLsit relatives pomwa V''"e.."'rr...!or who Just want to look at the of raw materials. This has re suited In an expansion and ac EATHER Synopsis ''olmnhla enjoyed un-111 t'iiilil us warm moist r poured over the coast, ''inpcialures remained miCK oi me uuiieo oiaies nmj 1 - .. .,,11.,,, a,(,sl ... ,1 , 1..- I.. IL, .Ulim l-l Ul Hie vii.iii,i. Number of men aboard the ship ls not known. The Alaska Cetlar is owned by Ocean Tow Incorporated of Seattle. (-deration f uul" consu UC.1.1U11 1 as u supreme cuniiiiuinivt ui i-m-.i , .. pacific cu-L-t nrourain in Jamaica. Savings of Atlantic. The idea for the train, to be "Surely, they have something to say on city affairs. The mayor was cILscusslng the visit of the Junior Citizens' Day elect-council which vislled Monday night's council meeting. -"I hope they didn't think there was Just one alderman on our council," quipped the mayor. The visitors were: Mayor Bill about 50 In shipping costs will known as the "Ovcrlander Special." grew out of the popular Pacific Pete 10.00 Royal Canudian 23 Royalitc 17.50 TORONTO Alhoiia. -09 Aumaque - -22 Brattle 20 Bevcourt, 75 Buffalo Canadian 22 2 Consol. Smelters 201.00 C'onwest 4.00 Dimalda 53 Kldona - -20 East Sullivan 9.15 Giant, Ydlowknifc 1125 God's Lake 37 Vi llunlrock 13 Harrlcana 14 lleva 10l4 .loliet Quebec 51 1, if tie Lone Lac 68 be realized by extracting the The appointment follows agreement by Prime Minister Church-Ill dining his recent Washington visit, to an American admiral (Continued on page 4) ""'te iiuties whle thosc '""'i lot' stayed In the .specials operated by the CNR warned Tuesday that "enenfles of democracy" are planning to and the Edmonton Maritimers heading the Atlantic Ocean com Association from Vancouver to 'Olotl ammmU ll Ties for move against the International Woodworkers of America In British Columbia. 1 1 IlltTll. r.onifiy rnnfirtnri Morrison. City Clerk Vcrna Graham, and Aldermen Laura Ball. 4 itll'h fur ll.n "J 1 Pat Hill. Dorothy Marshall, Mar mand. The announcement did not inline the deputy commander but he Is likely to be a British vice-admiral, Sir William Gerrard Andrews. the east coast for the past three-5'ears. The first of these, the -Bluenosc Special," carried former Maritimers from the west home on holiday in 1949. It was followed by the "Spud Island Special" In 1950 and the "Her Speaking at the opening of the fifteenth annual convention, jory Way, Shirly Patrick, Roakl Feness, Bill Donaldson and Jim Alsburv declared against com Bank Accountant Is Moving South Two Bank of Montreal transfers are being made here. E Vein Ardagh, accountant, expects to be moved soon to the Kerrisdale branch. Mr. Ardagh has been here since October, 1948. J. W. Wakley, from Vernon, will replace hiin. Reg Stranks has been transferred to Knight Road and Kinsway branch. Bateinan. IIOI'I S l Olt .()(! mun ism and said a bold move was being planned to gain leadership in the 30,000-mcmber I vox 13 . ' ' -1'llUUI ""'"""ions point, to a j1-' ''''crease in preelpl-o(l cooler temperatures lime us colder air ""er the coast from the "wcver H,e niuln flow '7 fmm the west and orm win be waring " casl late Thursday. Por-east r,'ast. regu Cloudy Meanwhile, Mayor" Whalen New Checks hopes citizens will turn out In Pakistan Two Million Hollar Contract Willi Canada Arranged VANCOUVER (CPL-Canada is arranging a $2,000,000 contract to provide Pakistan with railway-ties, Trade Minister Howe said Tuesday night. "To help relieve tho Immediate famine problem In India, we are sending $10,000,000 worth of high numbers at the pons to morrow to choose out of four candidates two aldermen who will sit on the council for one ring Chokers' Special last year. Hie "Overlandcr" is due to leave Moncton on July 12, arriving here on July 17 and returning to Moncton on August 12. Passengers on the Special will have an opportunity to see the Canadian Rockies, Jasper and Banff National Parks, the Edmonton Exhibition and the Cal Going Out OTTAWA (CP) More than 023,-000 checks totalling approximately $25,000,000 will be delivered iater this week to persons qualifying for federal govern and two years respectively. Candidates are Allan Arm , '. "J"'nrrow. A few , "(l;ly- Rain beginning Ul' lomnrrniv t ntio union. "These enemies are still about us and are planning to move Into this organisation as they have In the past," he said. ALsbury led a fight against Communists in the IWA from 1946 to the "October revolution" of 1948 when the Communist element was expelled. Struggle for control ls expected to come on the convention floor during the four-day Madsrti Red Lake 2.03 McKcnzlc Red Lake 40 Vi McLeod Cockshutt 2.75 Moncta 37 Negus 68 Noraiicla 84.00 Louvlcourl .2512 Pickle Crow 156 San Antonio 2.49 Senator Rouyn 18 Sherrit Gordon 4 60 Steep Rock 7.56 Silver Miller 1.67 Upper Canada 174 Golden Manltou 7.10 strong, one year; Harry Daggett - TIDES - one vear: T. Norton Youngs and wheat to India. One shipload has already left from this port. We are also arranging a contract for !' twiperature. Winds-J 20 1 today, light tonight, -. southeast (30) tomor- H. F. Glassey, two years. Polling station ls at tho Civic Centre. gary Stampede and to visit the Drumlieller Bad Lands, the oil ment new old age pensions of $40 a month. Thursday', High Low Mure rhnti 9 Ofl are on the vot- ' "' Lus tonight and January 31, li2 ... 4:28 . 213 feet 16:43 195 feet .... 10:40 6.0 feet 22:46 5.0 ftvt the shipment of $2,000,000 worth of ties from British Columbia to fields near Edmonton and the' The checks are the first to be national parks at Prince Albert, ,morrow-at Port Hardy, ers' . list, of which less than 50 Rr"1 Prince Rupert, 37 per cent vot-d fit the December ho sent to Pakistan as Dart of Issued under the new Derisions da.sk., and Clear Lake, Manitoba. J the Colombo pUu. plan. 'elections.