prince Kupe-rr uuuy i cW Wednesday, January 30. 1952 " " KNOW YOUR PRINCE RUPERT i Intrigued by Watch 1 ' ' jL, Works, Farm Youth Started His Career '-':t lA 'I 4 . X. John Bulger, Ical Jeweler, Worked for Nothing r - - "M ir V- -'1 Through flood Times and Bad to Success : 1 , r 4 A very young- man a farm hoy stopped in front of a jewelry store window and peered inside as he so often hud done before. He marvelled at the RUPERT exposed intricate mechanisms of countless watches ticking. John Bulger, in the little town of Seaforth. Ontario, made up his mind and decided on his life's ! career. r 7. "S,-Z",' - A 9 - a job. He (ot it. ahifiht, but with-;IOCAI Bl.yNO I ror several year, yonnej ' Wim't Uo tne rjulgrrs think of oinca ra " " ! jOUK.-r merchandizing? "UFa think nAfirtl litlt htlU In. John tfulqer, r-ounder ot the Hrm J smithi Ithing-and other facets of the; . mf.rrhants are n. r 4 j jewellery business. , i not not trying trying to to make make a a killing killing. In nark Att ss in 1916 Started mast cases It isn't so, cither." Department stores, says the rider Mr. Bulger, often make their prices look very low by "loss-leader" inducements broken lines on which they can afford to take a loss. Standard goods, however, sell for standard prices. "We handle most nationally loclay, a modern, w;ii-sio kiu , jewelry store on the main street I of Prince Rupert is the climax i cf a story which started in the little eastern farm town more I than 50 years ago. I And it was not long after John i Bulger learned the fundamentals ! of the jewelry business that lie I opened up his own store, i "It was a very modest begin- John Bulger first opened a small shop in Seaforth, Ontario, at the age of 18 in 1898, specializing in clocks, watches, jewelry and plated ware. The large turnip watches were mostly key winders and had silver advertised products. We sell them ining and I guess I worked some.((jr tne" sale ire as lhey car can pretty long hours at time but I v ,n Van(,ouver or othe. ner hunting cases, some weighing as much as twelve ounces. Usually there I were heavy silver chains to match. T S iB-R-B-Rt FINE -John Kenhcy and Mrs Lea Weese 1 Windsor managed to appear enthusiastic about their dip Dei roil. River, despite the )re. a 20-mlle-an-hour wind and car-frigid temperature. (CP PHOTO) ientists J Renovating ! WHS WUIIWIIR IUI III" II IU HIIIL was what I wanted," today re-i calls Mr. Bulger at 73 and still ! active in his business. In 1910, the jeweler, his wife land young son, Jack, came west ; tt Vancouver and bought a store tlie.e which he operated for a few ' years, following which the fam-i lly moved again, this time to ; Lacombf, Alberta. large cities." Mr. Bulger has not regretted choosing the jewery business as hif career. When he took his first, job -and without pay his employer said: "Sure, you can come and work here but you may be a sorry man for it." Such was not the case. "I can't say I ever regretted e Monks iFire Hall In 1910, th.: linal move was An t(rVltit i.iill ir, nfl..l hv It n a jeweler," says the, jew- being eler. .RMASTON, England (API ., ti-tll rir'tw 4 t city to make more comfortable j m!V'c"l 'r',,ce ., r .. 1n,.41 r,Ul I.. D "id 2-foot-high wire hf quarter, of firemen, follow . .... f nri,.v,ir an inspection tour of th, After a fair amount of success, Mr. Bulger moved to Vancouver for three or four years, later to Lacombe, Alberta, where he remained three years, finally taking over the Wark business in Prince Rupert in 1916, which business had been here since the iotthding of the city. Jim Thompson, owner of Thompson Hardware, is the only person still in business Who Was in business on the main street at that time, as far as Mr. Bulrjcr can remember. At about this time ladies' vratches were also large and i ujivcy iilai, tu tin- ivjnij Bank. I Ul lit"" ' tt!.- W.. Unn. tf 3 UO.nlo.1 i v. :ll tumble more man a boys Thirty-One Tax Appeals T t will cany their grips past Miss Marnie Bulger rs r of guards through a b i the fence-then, as lar and aldermen. City council utilities commit -tee will study decorating and renovating problems with firemen to be instituted in a "limited way." Council was not in favor " of spending "tflo much money on the old wreck of a fire hall," said Mayor Whalen. SLOW STAK'i Business was very slow, admits I Mr. Bulger. It was auring the Fir.-t World War days and the city seemed empty. For a time; the newcomer worked in his own shop during the day and in another jewelry shop in the evenings, trying to get established. Of all the businesses hit during a Thirty-one appeals will be heard by court of revision on city tax assessments February 4 53 t r at s V Deadline to present appeals was "This old building is about due ;'at noon Tuesday. Following city council members have been ap outside world is concern-y will virtually disappear I- a. rigorous and secluded monk's. r boys, used 15 to 18, may un's atom scientists and rs 01 (lie future. The hey will disappear behind one rinsing the 10 square of AMcrmaston, Britain's . and most hush-i'diiiic plant, being built it was once a deer forest pointed to the revision court: Mayor H. S. Whalen, Aldermen to collapse. I don't know what 'the It) years oi depression . air. holds It together. It is a waste B"'Rer believes jewelers suffered to spend much more money on rnoft. ltri okeep" - "We nad a Pretty goad stock He hoped firemen would "bear hen the bad years came but with us a while" pending plans very few people bought things. J George Hills, 3. W. Prusky y and people Jack Bulger, Son of John and Partner to erect a new building. i Vou can t eat jewe ( The Inspection tour was tine re- by Harold, last of the ; s,,jt 0f a letter by the Flre- Michael Kruegor, George Casey with Aid. John Currie as alternative member. Lumber Sales Not Disturbed i VANCOUVER, CP) Britain's !austeritv nroeram should not were more conceii cd with getting enough food than in luxuries" But the grey-haired, soft-spoken jeweler with an open, friendly face, has served thousands of customers and knows that jewelry is not always a lux The WatchMaster makes ascientiiic record ol watch perlormanco. attached to long neck chains, quite di(:rent from the feminine watches of 1952 which are not much larger than a dime. In the year 1923 Mr. Bulger and R. W. Cameron went into partnership, and Jack, son of Mr. Bulger, went to Vancouver to learn the jewelry manufacturing business.' Later taking a course In optornetry, son Jack joined the business know n as John Bulger Ltd. as partner, ami Mr. Cameron withdrew. John Bulger, Sr., has always taken an interest in the technical end of the business and in the summer of 1925 undertook to make a street clock which still stands in front of the store. . Policy of the store has al kiiigs. 1 fighters' Union to authorize sev-huve been hand-picked i rial - renovations in firemen's ppllrants answering news- j quarters. Signed by D. K. Llewel-adve Usement for crafts-ilyn. the letter stated that "time ppretuiccs. For their five i mul time again" firemen had training they will be vol-; tried to "have something done" prisoners. to their quarters, to remove "un-t fiom periodic visits sightly conditions." tliey will eat, sleep and ; Certain icpairs, including Unit Hie plant until they are oleum laying in tho kitchen, have to take their university nli oady been authorized. Aiterwards. thev will be i ury but a aenniie neeo You are invited to have your watch tested without charge IN 30 SECONDS r v "Sometimes a gift for a special Pffect sale", of lumber to the cccarton is as much a necessity .united Kingdom Hon. Howe, as food. Gifts need not be ex- minister of defence production, pensive, either, to make someone miA here. happv and a moment of hap- steel will be short for the next piness is oiten a vital need." sjx months. The situation may In 1942 Bulger's moved to their ease after that. nresent premises in the Killas-, - 1 Mrs. Leona Sprinkle New Deal On Police The WatchMaster eliminates guessing in determining (air and honest charges. WHEN YOU BUY A NEW WATCH. BE SURE TO GET A WATCHMASTLB CERTIFICATE Colli ed to return to Aldermaa- fiill-ticrtgrd atom workers. way, authorities think, ill be kept away from 'mists and Communism, here will be less risk of r Fuchs or Pontecorvo. pamt itself already has i to operate In a small way, s abend of schedule. Phys- A new contract between city and the RCMP for the coming year s Dolielmr will include a 50 woi king in two labara- hi dden away behind, their i cf:Ixi (iaj gpant for each single le security fence inside force memhrr not livihE in ba- Christopher block on Third Avenue. Meanwhile, a son Jack had gone to Vancouver to learn t!i jc''lry trade in a well-known store. Then Jack took a course in optometiy and returned to join his father in partnership, operating the optometry Section of the business, A SILVER SIUI All types of customers with all types of requests came to Bulger's. For instance, the Prince Rupert Yacht Club over 20 years ago promoted an international yacht race and the winner would be given a special kind of trophy. Bulger's tendered on and received the contract to make out of silver the replica of a yacht. uii perimeter. . ,-acks Secretarial- assistance for one knows exactly what pnce office also will be supplied going on in the main h ihn itv 4 Th,' supply ministry, which The new contract was discuss ways been to handle the most reliable ' and best - known makes of merchandise so that customers know what they get and know the price is standard. A large repair business is done in watches and different kinds of jewelry; manufacturing on a small scale is dene as well as engraving and diamond Eetting. Only the best quality diamonds are handled. The WATCHM ASTER (illus ed by the city council Monday night as a committee of tie whole. j City will also advise RCMP i that a new building is anticipat- Britain's atomic energy m. maintains strict se- Plant itself will be' the n Britain to run on the iJly line" system. Nn-work- 3 KEEP WARM ELECTRICALLY "ELECTRIC HEATERS" n.i .itWIO-i uinlrl Hrinyo nollf", liV- ond machine of its kind pur- ; chased in the province of British Columbia. A stock of ail the best makes of watches is carried, including Elgin. Hamilton, Ro-lex and Gruen, as well as a large variety of lesser-known makes at moderate prices. People are realizing more and more the advantage of sterling silver table ware, and "Bulger's carry a number of " nationally advertised patterns in open stock as well as a good Ftock of Rogers and Community flatware. At this time of year, with inventory being taken, there are a large number of items to be cleared at a discount. We laid the keel in much the kllOW how his own unrlr;.... . rr; o iail me "e Beneral general plan. plan. " combined " , with a nmnosprt proposed new, new.' ' way wav a auup sn,P 13 is Duut- uum, tnvn . Idal estimates put, Alder- ! tpZne exchange building. f rcAvnlh separate peces ' .total cost at 12.000,000. The daily grant will be made to J' ;.?m! ie only oiv me or Britain's six subsidize single men who cannot ',"luu"'' "" l"" centres to be built j TtfTXverl in the four-man ork but we a cn oved watch- ; atomic Inst It being completed. s' li secrecy wraps. , barracks. A stenographer for po- ! Other "specials" included a ,.i..t ii.n 1-... i,i h.aii i I i ! lice office work was recommend- LAZJ trated on this page), a very expensive watch timing machine which operates s'milar to the electro-cardiograph for human heart beats, is included in the equipment in John Bulger's Ltd. Mr. Bulger's WATCHMASTER was the sec- mcmu.uu .or u.. lu ed to relieve more force members for policing duties. : ' . y ' - Thanks Mr. Wally London Watchmaker ylulose Co. Mrs. Lorraine Fedoruk 600 watt radiant . 1000 watt radiant . 1000 watt radiant.. 1100 watt radiant ... 5-75 7.75 10.75 16.20 1950 lto of thanks to Columbia 'we Co. Ltd. was tendered 'moil for the ne nf on Restoration of Alarm Boxes Fire alarm boxes on Route 4 east to the dry dock will be nnpntt,.n "Of; GlinTI f! 4 nOS- fval eauinmpnt. loof MM impany ako will be asked vey special thanks to the W4 w I I .- ; ft G.E. Fan-tvoe .... ur ot the equipment who sible." A complaint was regls- 0 mi z. v --t z 1 - strenuous and long ; tered to city council Monday ia. ooorge Hills made the by T. J. Boulter, drydock super intendent, that the lire aiarm ' box near the plant was out of or-ider. Lack cf linemen available f ips and Waterfron FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1952 As Always PLACE ORDERS NOW Dibb Printing Co. in the area was blamed for continued inoperation of alarm boxes throughout the city. More ute calls, however, were received by telephone, said Aid. George Hills. Log Fireplace watts x" Northern B.C. Power Co. Besner Blk. Ph. 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. ' Stewart, B.C. '1 notice to mariners from department of Transport ln,es that the outside bea-11 the north side of the en-' 01 Porpoise Harbor has '"'tuoiished, presumably by 'r .s'w. It will be rebuilt In 1)rig but, in the meantime, ; must beexercised as re- LTD. JEWELLER f- .... PREDICT NEW INDUSTRY CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) Processing of Irish moss may be- rnma n iiptir in PrinCO Of the hncn Bra jtj... T..l 4 f 11 flM. V submerged at high water, j by W. E. Affnew of the provincial j resources department. At pres- l)u want to sell It, advertise I ent Irish moss is shipped out of " ".ussiiied. I the island in Its raw state.