"' T : ' - 1 - . ..-. Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, February 13, lVaJ i SCREEM m ! ! fofon Afafbn Wa e Uppcd LONDON O Britain' renewed pchOd pun l, lM..s , . bacon buying from Canada will, took none at ail in m I help support the increased ration ; j xmy M of five ounces a week effective ; Utmt dn,.u , Feb. 22. a food ministry .pokes- I Canadian fuMl to Br,? man said. 1 country imporu-d Tx m !' iih'- V ' 1 .! FLASHES i value. I1C WW vvimnv,.....B ......... .u-wKliv u4 Ua( OH V nouncement Jan. 23 that some , 9.257.568, from Canada ' !. - KIN -- -P International Players, a fardy tiwk c.niip.my in Uus historic eastern Ontario city, are nun- $1,000,000 wlli be spi-nt In the No mure tlmn jo i Indecent Literature Scored by Adventists OTTAWA v" - A religious group The warning was contained In n presenting about 20 000 Cana- a statement prepared by the d ans today warned against Canadian Union Conference of creating a monster" to deal Seventh-Day Adventists for pre-with the problem of sale and sentation to a Senate committee distribution of indecent litera- investigating the problem. A brief ture 'also was prepared by Darren L. ' Michael of Oshawa, Ont., execu- conn . near luiuic iu uuj vatiaumii i huiui iiiipoiLS 01 oucon supplies . Biltain virtually sus- Denmark. they clulant about the way break Un'uUi.'al records Take A Peek!: rules. With a rnoru I'Jj'i season of 4fi ronsecutive weeks behind It the company, operated by Arthur Sutherland of Kirx.ston and Drew Thompson of Ottawa and Tor-! onto, is about to begin its aUth' year. AT WALLACE'S INFANT'S DEPARTMENT Of Course. , - . ' Pv I J. . tV. , ,i ' ... r ; ' f . . , s . , ( , " - t ' . - -s-A Vk' f- ' - - . . ,r v: . f r,r '"r;y--- y-'irr du'rm a Tr?nXZn taTmj TODAY o.d SATURDAY continues to be "pay what you. Eveninas 7: 9: p.m. TOTEM A rAMOLS CI.AVI.KS TUtii Matinee Saturday 2: p.m. like" Tile audience, admitted free at the dour, is asked to demur. l ;. ite i' app-erta'ion V t'A-lk Lin rd. I1HTIC Suu.c; at inn s i. r ua Their Newest Rioil MARKN4EK! lsky FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1953 As Always . PLACE ORDERS NOW Dibb Printing Co. We're extra particular uf J our baby's department . . . J Baby is precious f know, I and ue know also him prerinu baby's health must he. With Ibis in niiiiil, Wallace's re very, yry J careful In stuck only the m right b.ihy's and inl.inls' wear. Cunie on in. Vou'fl find our uniplcle. law infants' department t lile J satisfying. 5 vallace's : dept. store hi, i... in.-i r i r. aiiiri. jiystem U a bit licii". "We :.v two a.'U. thin have the cuileftMti p!,te p.i kHALWALLiSL. e S: d bv several attractive lrl. Wc"l tive secretary of a special com-; mittee of the conference which drew it up. The conference welcomed ac-; tion by Parliament to protect the country "from such manifest dangers to its morality" as indecent literature. , However, it suggested "ade-1 uuate safeguards ... to assure Uie continued freedom of the press" and that any measure "be 1 confined to the prohibition of; the publication, sale and distribution only of that literature which is commonly classified as obscene, lewd and vulgar." Mr. Michael said his church Is concerned about some of the proposals already made to the committee for dealing with the problem. At sittings last year, the committee heard suggestions from various organizations for some form of censorship and for a clear definition of obscenity In the Criminal Code. "We feel that some of these recommendations if enacted into i law would prove a clear threat to freedom and might well be the prelude to a thought-control, police-state climate so repugnant to our free way of life. "While we wholeheartedly deplore the publication and distribution of literature that Is unquestionably obscene, we hold that we must not create a monster to deal with a problem affecting a small segment of the population, that might some day - ' ' ' ' - . - Also ( artHin - Sewn A. 1.NGEMOIS lt.lKIAllO. cuprxiaru-iaoie nas men uc-signed as a time and space-saver for apartment dvellers by Tom Murray, on the trafhc staff of The Canadian Press at London, Ont. Called an Armoire-Table, the cabinet is GO inches hisli. 30 inches wide and 12 inches deep. Whin extended, the table will seat two persons comfortably with room for a third if nects.-u,ry. Dishes are stored on two bottom shelves, each six inches wide, and a 10-inch top shelf. CAPITO ! liiver et w;a!!!iy at It and often It's erli- r fra.it f.r (amine, ll.it ; t'i a living iitul we're d''P;t i what we like L -1. working in llic.itre." Tii ir.p-iin. (,-;i.rtiur. Its i :i.r,.-:t in iio:i' t'li' of the company's 8(H) performance sln.-e ;t jwa.t foui.iiid In ISIB by KuMu-f-I land. fi.titl EutS.t rla.'id. "We've t.M'd ! more than 2fHI iict.frs from ah j parts of Canada and even a few TODAY to SATURDAY Evenings 7 - 9:05 Sot. Matinees 2 - 4:25 rWKIt'S CI.AVI.RS1HMT IT PAYS 110 ADVERTISE 'Canada Should Find Money To Build Better Highways' LINDSAY'S jILiL Ull lrm the tinted .Slates wove done 1;0 p!a. (ruin Oeor.'e Dirii-rd SltaW Arm and the Man' our worst flop- to "Tol-ac-ro Koaii.' our bii'xet hit. CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. I Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING By FORBES Kill' OK Caoatfiftli Press Bu-ir;es E,iit'r Canada's highways face worsening traffic C. W. Gilchrist, managing dirt-fUir of the We faaed the wonn p:i. eve of Knitii-'e My r'i'e' by H ,tn !::'. i s of Pel'Tborou Ont . aiid it i i. a b', succes." PRESENTS AN EXTRA CONCERT JAMES Ml LUG AN Ba,ite OUTSTANDING CANADIAN AKTlr at the .m am mm W 9 mm9 mm MIIPFINCi . . . rOUWARDlMi . . . MOKACifc Expeiienccd handling Local. Nat ion -wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP ViA I.IXIJSAVS" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Thone (id or ti8 Cnr. 2nd and Park Ave. turn savagely on the life-blood ! Canadian Gmh1 Iioads Association, says. of our freedoms.' i 'iv every yiro.'irk. is a very; Alberta Man CIVIL LtN I Ice tf.JUpm Addressing the Ontario G-JOd Roads Association in Toronto. Mr. Gilchrist stated: "Unless building is stepped up and continued at a constant level in the years ahead, wr. shall find ourselves becomine Brotherhood Elects Slate profitable investment." Mr. GiichrL.t said popular ion increase of the l.i-t j V'Jii indicates Canadian population In 1978, 25 years hence, of 20 -800.000. compared with t;,dav s H .800.000: and. on tins ba-.iv automotive vehicles would increase from 3.100,000 to Special to The Dal!? Nl'WS PORT SIMPSON Alfred Wes TONIGHT- Tickets on sole ct the Civx Centre FL Q KETCHIKAN Helps Uganda Government even more deeply bossed down ley was elected as president of j ;n the traffic quaamire the local branch of the Native - to brins our highways and Brotherhood of B.C. at the an-1 streets up to a tolerable stand-nual general meeting here. i ard of efficiency we shall have w'fh connections to -k SEATTLE Twin-ENGINE Other officers are John t,. : t0 spend more than $100,000,000 COMFORT WHITEHORSE each year more than we now j are spending, and. keep on spending it. Toronto Police Tait, first vice-president: Solomon Spence, second vice-presl-, dent; Caspber Webster, treasurer i and Ambrose R. Russ, general secretary. PHONE 266 I KDMONT1 N Ronald J Harvle of Edmonton went to Uganda Afri-a. as an agricultural officer and ended up tak-, ing a large part in loeal government. Mr. Harvie a '.'r-year-old graduate of the University of Alberta. Is chairman of the education committee for the state of Toro ANCHORAGE MONDAY . . . WEDNESDAY . SATURDAY "Where is the money, the en- j gineers and the skilled help , which would be needed? There is no pat answer. But if we don't find the money we are going to Hot Convinced About Murder ELLIS iilR lIslS Musk Ox Thrive STOCKHOLM f The native musk ox has been extinct in Sweden for several thousand years, but since a group was moved from Greenland to the arctic DANCE TONIGHT At VALHALLA HALL-10 1o 2 SPONSORED BY THE WOMEN'S AUXILIARY UF.AW.U. tay anvway in lost time, lost life and lost opportunity. . TORONTO 0 Police, still not "The main emphasis of our as convinced as Ontario's chief t'onsiill Your Local Travel Arfent public education should be to coroner that fojl play had been carts of Norway the animals t.t thp taxDavers the truth, the committed, todiy sought identi member of the board for locating ard maintaining a lepro-sy settlement, and member of a district team advising the government on "nearly all problems " He also supervise the marketing of Torus chief products and keeps a check on the export of food. In a recent letter home. have been observed in the north-, starl financial facts, distasteful flcalion of the mutilated, fr(-n em part of Sweden. is they may be." body of middle-aged nr. an iujed In addition to ordinary dif fi-, on the shoreline of Toronto s culties of keeping Pace with harbor. highway needs, said Mr. Gil- ( chief Coroner Dr. tirmrie u.w-christ. "we have yet to con-: SOn said the man definitely was he explains tills check is necessary so that natives "won't ex- 75c Priici Rcfrcshmcr sider the roaa lequiremcnis oi murdered ana nxea mi iime as t jj ,ne fXK) t,Kiiiy when x-, have a iff GOOD RUM 7 , for your money USED CARS AT RUPERT MOTORS the potentially-rich northeast ' late August or early heptemner. there ls pir,ity an) then starve and northwest." yne body, with one an.) n.i-.s- ti)e next day " "In the next quarter-century ing, the legs gashed and nearly A of trartor.i wliich does they will undoubtedly become severed and the che.,t and head culilom plowing for African farm-keys to the continent's Indus- battered, was found la.st Sunday efg (s unrt(.r supTVi.sion and trial mipht. Road transport will by three boys. It was hidden np H n (.n!,ra(, of a 700-acre ex-be a valuable part of our trans- under a pile of debris and logs. perimerital farm He has a staff portation systems into these . ()f 30 Africans in a district 5.H .. I V.n f.vn1n( i . --U. 1943 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door Sedan An'. --;.' i :i!i:;r....vMo;i. he'er, radio, new paint A vr"-.'t si li-H areit.i. aira iii nirtivc nn- t.tiu.- ; rules jMiuare $1650.00 Northern Gome EDMONTON r, ... M--" r-.d' more sportsmen from the United States and Lurope sue going Mr. Harvie .said he find, the (iit.trirt interesting. 'TSaine abomirts and rlenhant, tation of mineral wealth econ omically feasible. "The Ontario government re ccntly estimated that the prov 1 W.... V--l'rrtK l lnce's highway investment of hunting in the Yukon, says the hippo, buck of all kinds, wild pig. 1 .rr fffi nnn returns a riiviflf-nri viiirmi's fh and came director. Hon and leopard are common,' Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan $11G0 1 1947 1947 Call 112 That's the Cab for M of nine per cent from gasoline Them Kjar. He kaid here the he said in hi.s Utter. "There are Ford 4-D&or Sedan $100 quite a few snakes, Including territory offers moose, caribou, grizzly bears and wild sheep. taxs. motor-vehicle registrations and other sources. This. 1948 Austin Coach $850 1949 Plymouth 4-Door il50 . v 1948 Dodge Cub Coup; 1950 1 4-Ton International Panel robra-s, mair.bas and puff adders, all extremely dangerous." ' rjiibooii-i and monkey are pests. Crocodiles have rxen placed In the same cl! ?s as vermin. Mr. Harvie says he finds the 'oris arduous, tiring and sometimes trying out still interesting Married and now a father, he i joined the British colonial service lt-o years aao when he was gra-jduated from university. H" train " x. JAMAICA nsoo Ltd. Phono 866 - - ' "".' . -.-J r- . Motors Ruper Prince Ruperf, B.C. i ris a'ivo. r,s.'mrtiT ts not puillie ir tiiaplayf-J bv the tjiq'Jfir Contro tVara or hy Vm Orverninei f Crlt.iKh O'hirnhM ed for 10 months at the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture at Trinidad' pud then went to London. The family has licen In Uganda for about a year. CLEARANCE SALE STILL GOING ON WE M Kl THK HOOM SLIPPERS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Sadism Cases Both Hoaxes VANCOUVER CP Police said Some have gone hut there are WATER tells tlic truth about still plenty to choose from, i 1!)50 MONAKC4 SI.DAN lively shade of green. Try this one j today that two cases of sadinn i reported by two boys Sun jay STILL. 1949 PLYMOUTH One of the better buyi $1425 1941! CHEVROLET , Smart two-tone, radio and mT , ' v. ' ' U Si ii fit? .: , 4 turned out to be hoaxes. One boy who said a teen-aged youth pressed a folder of burning matches into his hand Invented the tory after he had burned himself while smoking with two other boys, police said. heater. Don't miss this one at SH95 1948 PLYMOUTH Put Seagram's he w41ur loU Water, plain or sparkling, reveals a whisky'i true, natural flavour and bouquet. Seagrams "83 'GcuuidiaftiUhij ON SALE Nice all around J1095 TRUCKS He told the story in order tiiat his mother would not know he 1940 FAItGO H-TON PANEL was smoking. Lots of good running The tale of two boys stripping left 815 DISCOUNT a six-year-oid boy and burning hLs back with a flaming stick ur.d a heated hacksaw b'.adc, o I 0ay Seagrams Sure BEFORE YOU BUY TRY YOUR A-l USED CAR DEALER Bob Parker Lid. Phone 93 "Tile Home of Friendly Servlca" PREMIER MAURICE DUPLESSIS kisses the ring of Paul-Emlle Cardinal Legcr at a pontificial high mass celebrated in Notre Dame cathedral, Montreal. More than 1,000 attended the first pontificial mass celebrated after the return of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Montreal from Rome where he was made a prince of the church at u recent consistoiy. was denied by the two boys' respective purenu. They said the story arose out of a quarrel between the three families. Fashion Footwear Thi advertiwment h not published or displayed by Cnntrnl RnarH nr kw tii a Oovarnmant Ot Bnmn v