Rihmi fed it? (Continued from page Friday, February 13, 1953 FUSE) ALB) Tk J S " I 4 we had our birthday. It 1 a ter- BLACKWOOD on pHONli 748 FOR HELPfUL CLASSIFIED AO-TAKER PgADLINT FOR CLAflSiriED ADVERTISING 4SO P.M. DAY PREVIOUS v3rictc icie yy EASILY ELACKWUOC Even an Easy lEftsnvAL PHONE your classifieds In to the Dully News. Juki phone 718 and we will be Kind to help you phrase your- advertisement. (41-nc) FLACK your classified ad In this paper at the economical six tune rate 15 words (or 1 consecutive days cu.st $135; 15 word for six consecutive days tost $1 80 And remember you rrin phone- your ads-just rail 74H,. Daily News, ( lf-nct WILL TAKE CARFrofi-hlldrfn liy day in own home. Rod '13 39p Takes a IJttle Planning After the orx-rung lead is made, the wise declarer takes a few momenU before he plays that first card from dummy. He mentally prepares his overall-pkn. In today's thai Mr. lieinsite got a little tw eoekv. 7. 1 11 la e-(eH The contract secmeil so easy that apparently 1 ' J no ' rJan- : IOST AMI I-Of Nil SPARKY, THE PET of the Children's Shelter in Toronto, obUs with "Kitten on the Keys" for Anne, Jim and Pete, fcparity. a stray was befriended by the children last spring and brought back to the shelter. FOUND Boy s watch, le thcr (Hi Aff Ol NTANTS 'iiZ,n7Z.-ZZZ jaatj- (i - w a n I , tll'f'IIM "j-ax specialist. Jt n, Fork BUi.-.el!iiililiri linivrj (Mtni ItATTFKV MUUIK RUPERT Ilsttery Kmp. 14 E.t.st 3rd Awe. I'huur nine I'r,, n,.. palr,l, rchuri-lt,4 and r-bulM-lnn. '('it's eujranUrt fc WUHH. WANTI II -VOI'NU marrlecl man (3( de- Mres permanent rKisitlon a ncrotint.ini. etr i Scandinavian J university deuree Exierlenc! ed in construction. pant-pm' (lin tinn iiiid oil cunipanies Jnx 610, );iiiy N( w O'lpl f AltS I OH SM.E FOH SAI.F,- Una, only l'i'.? Pontine Cata-l tact N Jcrmyn at Ellis Air-6IO() miles. $3 000.! lines office lUti all iIiin ii 603 after 6pm I i3!p) HK SAI l-37 Ford In top running rendition. Heater, two spiire wheels $:!00fX Must Icavinj; city. 1273 Water St (ltn Class ificd lilltOM urnr 4 3" I"" day pre i 1 I' ' . . ui..rfl n..e ,lirtl. 'Jl '(iur,.S. M cuts: Cardj N'"-",1 Than. Marriage anj ,rj Hitrt. .mlllt AllllolllMCniClltS, ! j p:..tov double !. Vi iN-imais i SEMI DISPLAY RAILS: en rich lr one inscr- ton ' ,f inserted 0" . ,try t'OV 'Or a rnunui ,' ,rv-h if inserted evprv day tor a yeor iiiinihiuii Mc z iiiini s' .tVSOl M IMI'MTS ilir Curt p.iiiiis, Fiiiru- ,'ijiy V,ili i!lm U Wi.im n s Auxiliary ,uiif riam . Valhalla Hail. to 2 10; ! mul !! .iui u a, Ciir. -.1, H S. !. K. I) H I I 1 ::;irv Valenltnr it :,.i!u'(!. .v. y. I) 14, Mrs I. 3:'.' Ml Ave Viif r;irle. Feb 20 cti-m h I a. Feb ?1 S !. 9 p in . Canltol Thc- lnnif-siris ol l'.(j2." -,'i,.,!i nuiimiciP ,vil h 5 I : , U S. In f.l Pa an (I . i. March 12 ni P TA card parly. Ki K;i!in;! Sal.1 ,(! I' TA Wh.'e Cr, '.!..r h 2H Ibashiers hater let - Ap-'J 2 B Anf.Iiary Card parties inn . t athrl! April 'J sprinit s.iP- - C h.,il. : daffodil :' Sju:ng Ba.iar, f'-na'a- spring ba.aar at . April 23 'XI I. Tea and : Si May A baxaar. M.,v & ( ruireh W A Rurim. 1 'if tile M)Kii Knrin. t'l 21. MiKkc Ti aiDle. '?ong sale. May 2U Uu. June 4 'IMSS 1-msONAi.s !-N0. aiiti.niatir oil heat- il-filt SALE- '-Xi Chrysler sedan .i Contraet North dealer East-West vulnerable I Me. I hawbM) 8 A 16 ' D A K Q J i 4 C J 7 l Knot r. Ilaie) ( Mr. Mm-1) 8 K T 9 2 8 J 3 H A 7 8 H 10 4 rv-7 D--10 9 C K J C A ! S 1 I Mr. Ileiii-ilei S-Q n 4 K J t l- B 1 C Q at A The bidding: North tut Bouth West 1 D Phi 1 XT Pa 3 NT All pan be red somowhat He had two winners in his hand in the Jack of hearts and the queen of clubs but how was he to reach them? After winning with dummy's -. j . a. t l J ..II ace oi oiainiMius, nc v u wnan spaae lowaru nis . minrn. mi. Abel played the nine. Mr. Heln- if!lte thought a long time and finally let the nine hold. Mr. Abel then led anather diamond j8nd aKaln dummy was !n. At this point there was nothing to do but cash the rest or trie dia-jmonds- and give Mr. Dale a spade truck on the end. Down one. Mr. Heinsite's timing was pitifully faulty. All lie had to do waa to pick up all the defenders' diamonds first then knock out the ate of hearts. Playing In this fashion, nothing could have stooped three no trump. As the result was being scored Mr. Dale remarked: ' Heir-site. '. you are my favorite declarer 2nd I think any defender would share my opinion." MOST MONEY FOR YOCR rt RS! Regardless of weaker Markets, SHl'BERT" Offers HIGHEST available Prices. For (TOP grades! up to: SQUIRREL 0c; MUSKRAT $2 00; WEASEL S3 00: MINK and OTTER W000; FISHER $50 00: LYNX $25 00: MARTEN $40 00. For BETTER cash returns, ship ALL your Furs, MMEDIATE-LY! Dept. 190. A. a SHl'BERT CO., Winnipeg. Address shi patents U: 13 Hastings St.. F, V.AXCtHVER. BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe Prince George Luxury Steamer SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Inlermediale Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WIONKSIVW Midnight I Comfort and Service For rcsorvflUons writ or cull City r iW-fH-t OfHv. Prince Rupert. BC. i 1 J ?l 3 Good Used Cors 1 1150 Stodebaker Champion 4-diior sedan 11948 Dudce 4-chx.r sedan 11931 Sludeb.iker 2-limr sedan f Austin Panel I l'tl'l Flying Standard ' Coach THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1937 Chevrolet Coach Good transportation ' at $100.00 : Superior Auto- SERVICE LIMITED- 3rd Ave. W. Phone Green 217 JOHN H. BULGER tilrist Johr Eufgcr Ltd. Ihird Avenue John F L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR lira. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Ucsner Block Phone Blue 442 H. G. HELGERSON ; ' LIMITED HEAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black 899 LING THE TAILOR Tailoring Altejations r'- .' and : v Clothes Made-to-Measure 120 Sixth St. Phone 649 L SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 60S -3rd Ave. y. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 ' P.O. Box 37 DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe By CHIC YOUNG MAILMEN LlkE TO SENO POSTAL CAPOS ritilt D'.Uup her right now. You ca hardly Imagine. Everyone i downhearted and out at the ordinary Our town I Ut recti Is empty. Thi afternoon I did some ihcjppirtR. We were with about 2 prop) In the Oalerie Modem es (big warehouse. 'The radio give only funeral music. Interrupted with, messae-e about air-droppines and re-eue, and with request for help from the flooded area from where they arc only able to tend emergency messages by mean ut the radki. "It U getting worse and worse. This morning the dykes at Srhouwen gave way In three more places and on February' 1 there will be high tide again, so they are working like mad to re pair whatever poiibie, otherwise wiU still be worse. . "Uurit bma, Du vouiiKutl brother perti-hed. His hi ads were home when the flood set upon i them. He drudged the whole j night, up to his waist in the water, to loosen the cattle. Then ' the water rose very fast at once and he had to flee along the , dyke whlrh gave way just tM-hmd j hluv lie truule. it uu to : Rtrijen where uncle Emits five. There he died. nio-,t I.kely of a heart attack." The letter goes on to tell of other families in similar pttirht i -We have an Wea how these - people are suffering, becutis e I know ,he country," said Mr. S - hollen My family Is only one: of thousands The campaign here wind, up ; Saturday with a sal. of hotnc ; cooiui' iirto win oe ju-rven ov wrimen dressed In the national rof.tume of the Netherlands. i The sale will be held at the j former Bulkley Market store on Third Avenue which has been decorated with windmills and wxmdr n shoe. Of particular help in canvassing have been two city organizations of young people. Job's Daughters In charge of Mrs Alex Mitchell and the Catholic Youth Organization. In charge of Martin Nuyten. Be vers I Individuals also have i volunteered for the work. The i entire city 1 expected to be cov- ? ered by tonight. The following list Include the I balance of downtown business f ' section donors: Overwallea $5, Woolworth $5. Mortimer Realty ; $10, Ranee St Hardy $2, Prinee1 Rupert Realtr $10. Thomas Oow- ; ian $10, Familv Meat Market $4.' MoRae Bros. $10. Deelb s Phar ) marv $3. Rupert Radio I'.ectrW-. $5. Van Meer Studio $1. Smith it Elkln $20, H. A. Breen $S, Mr, j Rtromdahl SI. Wrathall's $2, Noble's Radio $5, Dr. W. 8. Ker- j "Pin $10, Mrs McLean $2. P. R. FlorlsU $10. BUI Scuby $2, Dvb- j havn St HariAon $10, Silversldes $2. Sheardwon $25; Fowiie and Ruttle $2. Wallaces Dept. Store $2 iSa-kiecl t Chaage) VV DIAL CFPR IMO KUocyele ' ; PRIDAt 1' P M. 5 00 Intrrnatlooil Commentary 5 OS Rawhide w-M.mir br KHe Wild 00 Th Rhythm Puis e 1 S Cnnjwli at Wnrk to Miiilcul Viu-wtles n is Knilev Burmiue Show 7 00 I1C News 7 1S-CHC te Rounlhip 7 ao- Biuid CcMirerl 1 6 UO Musical i'ri.ram so V;utrtivi-r Theatre O OO CUC SKWt fcr Jo Arnut rn.n s 46 i'kcr hoi cq IO l- Bf News 1(1 10 - ( nc Hrws 10 la -Air Aiubutiuwa 10 3(. etuuu- ul t'tmln 1 1 uu -Wfullier 11. Ikal 1 1 1 Mimw till MiilniuhL V2 -ei,a OO Annt. SAlTlit.'Y AV. (lo Mustcnt Cine :.(IIC News: WTJtlier ts-n. r '( .1S - Milsk-nl Clnck n oo - 'Iit: N. ws H Id Ik-rr'n nut On4 R 14- lliut DIM I BlIIKIfff S an. Miirnina- Devotlona a 4S - lame Concert 0 oo H1K- News and Commentary 9 1!V-Huddle Hereu.ule 8 an cut: stamp cmb a 45 Socks of the Wt-st S Time Signal 10 00 Children Theatre lo . w.a-ld cixmh New II) :4a 4-Ht: New in s- - Wealher Report tl CO .Siillirday tluLe 1 1 1 :SO -Weather ltH.it ) 1 1 at Mesaaee IVr.Ml ( i :a. - (tec tut. 1 1 :4.S ivraonal Album PU. 1 3tw Mld-rtny Melodle ri :2iV Pnairwni Kesuiu 13:30 Minora! Program 1 :O0 Verdi ' La Ttwvlata" 3 oo -uc News 3:10 Recorded Interlude. 3:15 Thai Wee 3 SO Dixieland Jna 4 00 John Plstaef 4 IS Sport Collet! 4 SO Hecopd Parade 6 SO Pwno Playtiouse PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. Real Estate ond Insurance Now Located at 345 THIRD AVE. W. FjIc-' ; j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Six-room fullyTur iiishcd house with three-room basement suite. Hot water hatinK. Red 12U. (40 FOR SALE New 4-room house at Terrace. One acre, half garden, electricity, tsood well, small chicken Itouse. Price $5,000 cash. Apply Box lu8. Terrace, I1C. I37p WAVTtO WANTED Furniture. Must be rea.Kmiibly priced. Ph one Oreen 400. '381 yVANlKD Itj BUY Beach or noat house. 3 rooms. Most have Rood boat anchorage, Reasonuljlc fiw cash. Writ' Box 6(10 IJally News. (3pi CASH FOR Scrap: copjier, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543 Call 631 6th Ave. West. ' iC help wan'teuTmale II C. KJHKT SERVICE require-? British subli-cU 21 y,--arii and over for 6 months' employ ment as Assistant Forest i Kaiiger. Kiartmii saury $225 Ou : ix-r iiionth and expenses away; irom ni auquaru-rs. uraue 0 I""-.;.' " . '.tni'ii i iivi ti. ntT near" est Forent fJlflce Ijcloro February 23rd for details of quall-fyinc, exiiniinatitin i.nd iwi particulars. iH-c WANTED Reliable youne man with some knowledge of aviation and Iran.snortation ( on- - - - WANTED A man to start hLs own nusin'-ss iimoii ni money reiiired. Sewing machine experience helpful, but not essential. Reply U) Itox 5!9. Dally News. (41 1 CITY TRANSFER Lonq Distance I CRATING nrd PACK I NO Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Houw-hold Effee' Moved to or from any point In B C. Phone 950 First Ave. an MrRrlde o DO YOU OWN A - SMALL BUSINESS? IS YOUR ADVERTISING EUDGETi NECESSARILY SMALL?; Then moke use of semi-disploy (advertising such os this! Increase the volume of your business at a small cost. See the special rates for monthly and yearly contrarts advertised ejsewhere on this page. DAILY NEWS lit FtE VSTATE Or MTCHAW, TAK-WMUJWAN. olherwlse known aa MICIIARL l.FWtS. UK(gA.SKr TAKK NOTTCK that an Administrator, duly Hilnted by tlie Court, or ihr mime ut Michael TnkwiMil)-wn. otlwrwue known a Michael Utu, who tlieU wt Dlusn Buy. Quccu Charlotte Islanria. Province of llrlt-th Colutnbi. between th (all of 11140 and llw fU o 1951. I rcMUlre all creitiloni and others hnvlnir claims aenlnst the aald estate to send the tame to me, properly veimeo. ai ine iddreaa mi-ntuiiieU below on or before the 31st day of March. 10ta. utler which (late I shall ir.ieeed to distribute the estate to those -tilled by law. IuivIiik repml only to such claims of which I shall then have been nollUed. .m rliRI-WKH TAKK NOT1CK niny was nn-rssarv. Mr. Dale opened t.e . six of hearts and dummy's ,uem wtt Mr. He I mule was delighted with this opening. He had one heart trick home and. after knocking out the ace, the Jack would take a second trick In suit. These tricks, plus six diamonds and the are of spades, would total an easy nine. ' "Dale, you are my favorite opening leader." Mr. Heinsite gloated as nc led back the king of hearts at trick two. Mr. Dale was si k1 nt. lie won w'lti the ace of hearts and, after s.roe thmtfht -ilfter1 tj a small club Mr won wlln th(? are the ki of clnh to that It would be very convenient for "lis side if Mr. Heinssite had to lead spiides from the board. Accordinuly. he now led a dia mond and dummy was in. gy i this time Mr. Hcinstte had so . Trna C tr"r"tc luuay oiut.r5 O wnry r. 4akiia i m. Lid.) . VANCOO'ER American Standard .. .074 Bralome 5 00 B R X 04 Cariboo Quartz 1 90 Congress .. .05 1 2 Cronln Babine .14 Oiant Mascot .48 Indian Mines ni ! Pioneer i .s i Premier Border BALI i Privateer. 05 Reeves MacDonald . 15 ! Sheep Creek .80 Silbak Premier . .24 Vananda .021, Salmon Gold 021, Spud Valley 044 Silver Standard I 30 Western Uranium 3.60 Sil-Van .50 Dorreen .33 Estella .93 Oils Anelo Canadian 7.10 A P Con J4 Calmont 1.70 CliE 1200 Centra! Iduc 3 50 ' Home Oil 10 25 Mercury ,.. . .19 Okalta 282 Royal Canadian a .16' TORONTO Athona 17 Aumaque .. .18 Beattie Duquesne 3fi Hfvcourt .115 Buffalo Canadian .32 Consol. Smelters 30 50 Conwest - s4j :. Donald u:...v ! M .SO ' ' Fldona .41 East Sullivan 6.20 Giant Yellow-knife ..... 0.80 God's Lttke .85 Hnrdrock .144 HarrUana .131, Heva ... .07 Duvex .444 Little Long Lac .86 Lyns .13 Mrtrtsen Red Ijike 1 55 Mcleod Cockshtltt 2.50 Noranda, 77.50 Pickle Crow 143 Petrol Oil St Gas .55 Shertit Gordon . 500 Steep Rock 880 Silver Miller .85 Sweet Grass Oils .89 Golden Manitou . 2.90 Greece Creek 07 1-andover Oils .40 Rlx Athabasca . 3.10 Nesbitt Lahine 4.05 Stxrciol Service BRIGHTON, England f Gov- e r n m e n t cod-liver oil and oranne-luiee for babies Is deliv ered dally to new housing es tate by at mobile food office. Mothers had comolalned the climb up a steep hill to the food office In town was too tiring. BLONDIE If Winter's Here . . H is Time t Think About SPRING REPAIRS If your house gutter need attention, if your boat needs new tanks, see os; we have the equipment and the experience tu do anything in the SHEET .METAL line. Thorn Sheet Melal LIMITED ' 253 First Aye. Phone Black $87 DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicoting ClrcuUr Letters - Monthly Bulletins any kind of Business forms. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 40 less than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Giv us your mailing list We do the rest. GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. Builders and Contractor New Construction. Repairs, Foundations and Rc-rooling 215-lst Ave. W. .. . Phone 909 P.O. Bos 721 FOR YOUR ROCK ' AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING All' Types of Sqws ' " ' Sharpened -"' .215 1st Ave. W. . Thone 909 PRINCE RUPERT UPHOLSTERY Custom Tailored Furniture REPAIRING - REMODELLING REBUILDING Ph. Blue 818 330 2nd Ave. W. (Chinese e-jt)hicJ Chop Suey - Chow Me in Open G p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Thane Black $46 and Red 127 Try Doily News Want Ads . VEi. r SENT IT TO ( OU Wt-it S4 1 WS i t ON MV VACATIOH J .it Oe Fncine overhauled, new- seat , covers and exruiust pine, grind j tins. Iiv-iiirting radio and: heater $Vrfi and U-rms fiiwirl ' lransportatlon llox 610 Duly news (39p) l ull UI NT F(1R F FNT - Three- room apart- ; ment with bathroom. Phone : Oreen 83.'. Clip IOR RRST Rontn nd botinl 1428 6!h Eal. 381 FOR RFNT Weeping room, close In Phone Black 977. i38i FOR RFNT Sleeping nxim Phone Oreen 438 I42i P.Orj FOR RF.NT-.n 121 Thomn-(411 St. JSISf.ER fsEWINd C ENTRE rent i P"rtatile machines. Phone FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in Blue 433 37 FOR SAI.F FOR t? Al E-One 8 ft watertight skiff. S15 0U Can be seen at 400 7th West I rear!. . l(l,,i FOOTHILLS votU-ssl r on I Phone 651. Phllixitt, Evilt & Co Ltd. ic FOR SAIE 16' house trniler Apy Oscar Julum.vcn, nu Ipot (38pl FOR 8AI EL.ii;ht lilurtd din-ette set of t.tbie and lour chairs with padded backs and scats In blue leatherette. Good condition. Green 510. 3Hpt FOR SALE- PI .v y -Ik-n wit h f loor . wheels, practically new $10 00 Phone Oreen 8511 (371 SALE One Tlotpuint de- luxe washer. Phone Green 889. (371 FREE FREE FREE A BEAUTIFUL 20x40 BEDROOM RUG From Factory to you. Yes. we will give you. absolutely free. a gift of a matching bedroom I rug with each purchase of our! Luxurious Cordtirov Chenille-1 bedspread This Is the spread that has thousands nf velvety j tufts which completely covers me spread Now- on sale lor S6D9 each, sent COD nliw postuce. In all shades, in both .Untile and double hedsies. With either multi-colored or solid same color patterns on top First quail! v. A truly remarkable buy, when you consider that vou get a rug worth $3 as a free gift to mntch. Immediate r v.r.r--hark pnnr-nntce. TOWN A COUNTRY MFO., Box 004. Place D'Armes. Montreal, Quebec. (Hp REAL ESTATE FOR RALE Rlx-room house ond 4-room house on llttt East. Apply 454 11th Fust 41p FOR SALE Fig bt-nmm house. cement basement. 336 Oth West. (38) metal work. Phone I Foil C-.1 MO 6!h West. Le cl NEWS want .ni y"u !! or buv r.r., . "ire hcln fmrt i.... " or flu nrii.. i.. . . . r "f-oiy any-"U v, ran think i,r ji "JW .-nci hi" Priec. D,... ... " """ " group xrihnli,.. . Write Po 'Z. ,.: Rixrt. VVaV W.iehmi, r. t "" WlteinB ,.a ,.."' c, ""u SU1 oVanv. Inrjulr-Lsland, '"rJ' BC' ttft ' I an i.li.,- . o. Ltd f,,: " Mtuia I PI.1 & 8to,e Rfaltv f ."'mr,, Hn- Dark ' 970. "rvlce. Phone -- in burnt. ..'' and cut. RE. "l VARIfTTY , ""Mcrtrli ' WW red. ""ound ana irint ' ""vitt. 'r. Ii7 .?." elrctrlcsl Rod 155 " Avc. West . H?m. a- (el Like a Busman's Holiday a VMHV ITS A fCSTAL CARD ' 1 . "s- I , FPOM YOU, . f V 1 l COCO rVs.N'NJv'j COC3o ,. lOir4lNSligi -Jf a.i(? v? h t i f I 1 i !oa-- WK-.,-:,,;;,.; FOR SALE Marine repair ma-rhlne shop, fullv equlniict. Some terms. No trlflen, plense For Intotmatlon apply Hox 578, Prince Rupert. B.C. 38p FOR BALK Oeneral store ind post office in Interior Good cash business Address Inquiries to Box 611, Daily News. 139) that all peraoiw luuVbU-d to tlve said stale are required to ny their In-debtednrM to me forthwith UATbD at Pi luce BuiH-rt. B C. tills 3nd day nt p-ehrunry. inrvi. oonnopr frakkr ronBES, (lntclnl Administrator. Prince Rupert, BC (P4.8.12,13p) (Next to Stylo Barber Shop! PHONE 301 Arc You Fully Covered Against Fire? (c) e,rjbod7 Hull" K iS. ,IM I- -j e; a "(c) Uses 89.