r J' spassmg 1 M I f t 46 Senior Citizens Enjoy Social At Civic Centre A Bocial at the Civic Centre provided by the Women's Coordinating Council for the 'Over 70 club' proved to be an enjoyable affair for 46 senior citi-zens who attended. " , , I . . Prince Rupert Daiiv News 3 Friday, April 10, 196? J.B. Menara Rites Set For Tomorrow Requiem maai will be held to j nephews, Igino and Mario Del morrow morning at Annuncia-j Molin. tion Church for John Batiste! Funeral services will be. held Menara, 67-year-old fisherman. In the afternoon from B. C. Un-who died Tuesday. j ' dertakers with burial in Fair- Mr. Menara came to Prince view Cemetery. Rupert 24 years ago, lived in the province for 32 years and came One erf the strongest Hudson. to Canada from hi native Italy. Bij Company ton. In Cmata 42 years ago. was to w ret Oatry, bull? orl' i Only relative here a two the Red rivar m 11(31. . , .. I 1 1 hj ... the rleriiu" 'Inn in the province ..... ii. Lie and W ! V ...tui rii tj. irf ... Mrra l Ot corripanisis were 111 5. 4. o. r.ia. Tti nrenMent Mrs.- A. and Miss Olive Strand y- hi V' ( .VI '"" drcti-'i but say. r 3Kfbu-. no reia-l(Wr,y : rrobably io. Social Hainea, assixted by Mrs. W. W. Bowes, received the guests and j J Mr. Bob McKay gave a, talk on "old time" and oi! the development 01 Prinre h-pcrt. Mr. Dyke McMillan entertained at the piano and sang solo. Mrs. Haines made a short speech of welcome. Proceedings got under way by the singing of "O Canada" with Mrs. J. S. Black at the piano. Mrs. Black wa also In charge of the program. - TT 1 1 The Rev, h. Richer showed three very Interestini? and -entertaining films, "North of Hud arc SM to . , ,M next Wcdnes-name have titi pos-sible j. MrlUe, who ;d '. ,v from IMS f lllSt ( ix ium: Bill 1(i Brucr "n- NonP anv statement but ' ... 3.- spreading Then Miss Olive Btrana pmy- son Bay," "Sing with the Commodores," and "Highland Holi ed a beautiful piano solo. a, ir tr in irri aarnal I : .. ., U ALEXANDER KNOX, 45-year-old Canadian actor from Btrathroy, Ont , has been chosen to play Cardinal Wolsey by London's famed Old Vic theatre. Knox will play In a Coronation production of brmKespeare King Heiuy VIII" opening in London early in May. Knox his played on Broadway and in Hollywood. He was last at the Old Vic 15 years ago a understudy to ijiorence Oiivier and - Emlyn Williams. j i!l is I" Vancouver .1 . tifjuiritviu day." Mr. Jack Macintosh recited a beautiful and appropriate poem on leliowsnip arid friendship. ASKS SfCCF-STIONS Mr. Sieber asked for suggestions for Over 70 Club members to see some of the Coronation Celebration In Prince F.upert. Mrs. Viereck voiced the appie-ciation of the club. The executive of the c.ub was asked to cooperate with the Coronation Celebration Committee. "Trees." - m Following this, the meeting was turned over to the Over 70 Cluo to discuss aaaiUonai gatherings through the year. ." committee was chosen, consisting of Mr. Jack Maclntooh, Mr. George Casey, Mr. H. Walker, Mrs. E. Moorehouse and Mrs. H KMln. They retired with the officers of the club, President Mrs. M. Viereck, Mr. H. F. Glas sry, vice-president and Mrs. P. W. Anderson, secretary to form plans. just are ill! TIIRI.f CANADIAN WIVf, admire a ilver teapot In a German handicraft hop In Hannover during a shopping tour. Left to right: Mm. Dorey Reed, Toronto; Mra. Joan Howey of lanide, Ont., and Mm, Pety Murray of Edmonton. A medical officer with th 27th Canadian Infantry Brigade ai, Hannover, commenting on the life led by Canadian troop In Germany, said -with a Canadian society, provided by the wives and families of the married men, the (moral) tone would be improved. The single ill i Mr. B II Castle (if bad a good WATER truth about tells tlie vvlii sky 'n, Wrd- p rl weather Sisters Hold men wouia seme uown 10 accent sumuurun miu mr. manrcu men would have their normal outlet." n Weir '', Mr. Geoftse Casey moved llf onree irom Mr J:u:k Macintosh, cnair a b.i!! stay in nd Cuba Successful Spring Tea ;if sun.stiibf greeted Put Seagram's "83" to the water test. Water, plain or sparkling, , reveaU a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. maToS cT SJT -t. of than,, to the f ported that It was decided that ! -o-inat n Council. Mrs. i the Over 70 Club would meet ; Haines suitably replied, ' quarterly for socials and enter- j Mrs. T. J. Boulter and Mrs T. talnment Glenn were in charge of the ! Thnv fnrmed two committee- refreshment assisted by Mrs. T. Plans For Air Cadet Week Completed By Committee A larae ernvit attended the here ana (h'si-nser f " AHit 'Ike .' Hi- opi-rnle 8 the Allien f ip in y An active program for celebra-1 lng. Parent of cadet will be' one for visiting the sick, con- j Sollir -n, Mrs. Carl Strand and annual spring tea held at the Convent by the Sister of St. Seagram's "83 Joseph. tion of Air Cadet Week. April 121 par?!ciearry welcome Cta-fist of Mr. Macintosh. Mrs Mrs. T. WUiord. also at Mr. Walker and The afternoon closed witn .ne M ig was finalized lat night, room instruction is given Moorehonse, at a nuK-tlng of IS'- sponsoring these parades. iMrs. Kiliin. Mr. Geo. Cay and singing of "God Save the Queen i ih. Vrtn Hirnert Annl 18 will be Tae Dav for! Mr. Olassev are on the Old Ag? with Mrs. J. S. Black at trie jm4i iiiriutu-a mr. Guests were received at the door hv Mrs. A Brebner. newlv- William IW-alon and . j k M :'im Lf...uripi,ii ivrranremen j pone enmmiTLep mr. m.i elected president of the Catholic I (Nft M-rurity here anadicuilVhidktj 0ay Seagrams Sure Women's League, and Sister Superior. Convenor of the tea was Mrs. iir ca'jei Mjujuiuu. . "" - , .i,..,..... - - - - a iirellmlnarv to activltle re made at the meeting to intosh paid tribute to thf w-.ht Wd"S Coordinating Council, dance at the Canadian Legion f J ,5"rTaBs PAY TBI BITE their Ugs.: telluUe plant to si tomorrow night to which mem- Qn( m,nute Biitnce WM on- from tii nnnual Mr fvitl co-owner ,.:a.!ii: i-ipply busincit ,r0 ln-re, is here on 44 Take Part In Catholic S. Dickens, assisted by Mrs.' bers of the Navy C.det .e " "i, ."""trT li:-1? mem0r'' t!W toW This advertisement is no published or displayed by the liquor vet lnIU3. rum will be non -" " ., ,;,, John Bulger. Doiron and Mrs. Schaeffer. ' Pourers were Mrs. M, P. Mc-Caffery and Mrs. R. E. Moore. Serviteurs were: Mrs. M. Lawrence, Mrs. D. Rouse, Mrs. B. iu relrehmint aerved. , ..! The "Scotch Lassie" and Mrs. Control Board or by me oovemmem 01 bi Card Party Commencement of ASr Cadet , ,',r" rZZ,iL Za'u cwford delighted the Week wUl be marked by church ithe 12tt anniversary of theUr, dience with voftt, MOI and caA-t iniii of Canada. The . . i..in Young, Mrs. Wingham and Mrs. larade jaraoe on on ouimu Sunday The .i - squaoron , , , ' i ooin invivra me "" oc-'ision will be simiully observ-1 . .,,..Th. ohtp ar- Forty-four players took part In the regular Catholic card party held last evening. iW. Bond. f?l ft$T ' To Serve Your Every Need for J-Ul latin UD Ul ine tuiiauiaii , -, iiu - eo in ccnirrji innnigniiui. nuuu . .. m tft . .v. nnu-mxi The centre table was tastefully Whist Miss M. W. Pearson decorated with sprmg flowers ': ,jLjJ- ft. ... ii. Guests we hown ti itagh the! SL?RrfS Many Attend attend :. rv. there. i"', , , , . sr.jf who arrived here 7D' 8 -otiand. ItX i :it!riis lor a flve-. -n with hr parenu Mrt S J 1 Mary) Gal-: m tU'hth Avenue w.H tiiae daughter (Kb her when fche "nlreal oil the fm-rrunce on May 1 Her !kj live in Obiscow .ut Mrj, John Mi-ln- -i 1 n !or man at Culum- Dumas andiCon-r,t h7 sisters. On Monday open te,,,rrtL .IZ 'U. ' I I rribbaee Mrs. A COMMERCIAL FISHING SUPPLIES WU, be held I at the .ru(lr(: ol U eamut oVcfc Oar- bt. . AndreW S parade In regular .eekli officer of the - relt. commanding Here the public- mill , Armoury. dron XfVat t0 the rnem- Annl 11 R?l7?l?ir AnnUai D8Zaar he o see have an opportunity progress being made, For quick results try a Daily New Classified Mr. A. Astoria. j Bridge Mrs. A. H. SLlver.sides and Mr, E. Rosedale. Convenor was Mrs. Galbraith, assisted by Mrs. G; P. Lyons, Mrs. A. Brebner and. Mrs. Bug- yinka. driu preon'mach- he squadron The Annual Spring Bazaar of the Women's Auxiliary of St. i:J1 Vl"- r District News eaders Andrew's Cathedral was opened promptly at 2 30 p m. yesterday by the Rt. Rev. H O Watts Imshoo of Caledonia, who wel- t ATTEMTION Young Fellows Who Are Looking For DRAPE SLACKS TERRACt is-e 3()-year-cld An-n is leaving on the .'mi"'i lor, Vn .".T'. in- li br.ard a bui Yirt ..nd siiil on the i Gi-orjlc, April 23, t his home In Hoi- . . , . . , i. ... mA rnmA t lip manv BUest. OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10. Stone Building Phone Blue 593 i Hear B T. Applewhaite over sCFPB tonight at 7 45. (lit Ine nospivai waius nr iwd - " Receiving wer. Mrs. H It. Mor- ..,v at Easter bv lovely spring r ' ' . . . . . nM.iHfint of f tt the arternooi nrfjirnnon m Senior B Jas-rtb.ll Cham- J . he by tne Aux. timer, president ... I.,.. v.... r.,n in.ll .(Mi , ' yinw Kh nrt itn Baiiil S. Prock . .A 1L, h h.-rtMid. ter who introduced the guesU tC: anyone niwiei-u I., i"--... , nc ni-u ba.-eb.ll lor Commercial Hotel XMe. ,M" win. convenor! n We maintain a complete on-the-spct stock of equipment for .... Seining Halibut Trolling Everything youctin possibly need from hooks to nets, including gurdies, I i n e s, leaders, floats, jigs, navigation aids. etc. Whatever your fishing needs . . . coe first - to Lipsett's for Lipsett's are first with the finest in commercial fishing supplies. ' - inm nipns Dhone 679, 93' YoucsriM ii.-R for a vacation i iwiM'y Is Mr. Hilda ;i Mn. M. Kukluuvn, by Irani to Quc-f thrv ii board Cun-r Simaria April 17. ) Moose whist tJr.ve tmuuraay Arransements tor mis were. " - - ; , .. mode at the monthly meeting of of the tea room assisted by Mrs. Un- N A. Beketov Mrs F. Anfield the Auxiliary in the Credit E? Paulding and Mrs. F. N. Mrs. E. ion Hall whicn was prelded over j ; n ii dish . Every-: April 11. Moose Temple. (S5 rjne welcome. I (tensive vt&st to Eng The card party which was to, h,.v wn held at St. Petors ;4 ine rimsment. AAA More members are neeied to: The lace covered tea table was carry on the work. Mrs. Chad-1 centred with a profusion of tck a member of the local ; ' spring flowers encircled by tiny Dorcas Society attended the egg candles. Mrs. H. L. Holtby. mcettng ad said that on one; Mr. K. Oreer. Mr,. H. O. Watts mceung m,m. and Mrs. Basil S Prockter poured Church April 13. has been can-: celled, ' 1Im ' i PIU(I has returned to IF you feel ALL-lll Gabardine and nylon mixture. m ;rt afli-r a thr. water resistant, non-creasable. I .it m Vancouver tmrt t Fwitbsil Association meeting; Tuesday, 8 pm, at legion ! rrlf.nrliv same Sunday, 2 SO, Tmnd urrm, 1 while Mr.. C. J. Currie, Mr, O. E. j Dirs win r i Un Mrs R J. Bason. Mrs. P.I perfect style and fit. Beautiful shades. tnese he vi.sitcd his t many liienda C.Y.O. versus Selection. 85l t hncinnettes. orde'-er! by Bird and Mrs. St. J. Madeley served. Attention all those Interested ue Auxiliary for the hospital n football. Deadline for player w, denVered In about 10 days. eS" 511.50 Expressions of admiration were but MiCarthy came the Prince Ocorge ' a.'ler sjxnd.n? five SI Javpli's Hospital. Hst and am entrance is npui. f matter of how tne nun exchanged over the novel crocus and eggshell table decorations ot Mr, h I. Holt b v. to Box S8 11. Mail entry list pital board could be best a&sist--a v,.. th Anxilinrv in the In (85) Ttwu 4Yt nut people wwk under prenure, nrry more, tlees Irst. Thit trm i bod n hrain aukM phevciil dlneu easier to low harder to rrfiio. Toi?'i Inn Imnf. bwererl misUnn, rwork, wrry ny ( rhee ma alter! normal kidnj Ktwn. When kii et out d ttitf, cri arifta and wastea remain ia tK irilem. Then backache, disturbed teat that "tired-wH" heaef-headed reelinf alien I allow. Thai a Hw lime to take Dadd a knine, Pill.. Dodd'a alnwIaU the kidneyi to normal action. Thee, iw feel betler-aleep bettor work belter. Ask tor Dodd l kidney Pill, at stalling of the new djet kitchen! B.C. CLOTHIERS Third Ave. W. Between Belmont and Royal Hotels EDVJARD LIPSETT LTD. Vanconir Victoria Prince Rupert .,; iii'. The gaily-decorated booths held a varied displays of useful ard interesting articles.' In charge or sewing, knitting and fancy work were Mrs. T. B. mark and Mrs. G. H. Trapp. Men's 4M--Pirt fioHng League batwi'wt will be held in Valhalla Hall April 10 at 7.30 0 m. Prizes will be presented for the season's bowling. '84 Attention, SON. whist and 'lance, Friday, April 10. Whist 8 p.m. Dance 10-2. Refreshments. Good prizes. Fun for Hal is limkuiK forward P Ut Tacnma next :1' s "ing to attend rt ennference of Ro-" In the American city. " lor Vancouver for a ' is Ine lli. harrts. He "itlit on the Prince nd evicts to spend is being ncia Qvr nnui n.. -more mformation. Apparently the Terrace Volunteer Firemen have made the Diet Kitchen their project and it U now almost completed. Plans are advancing for the Coronation Ball. A request had been made for the tuse of tne Auxiliary tea- plants. Mrs. B. Pavlikis assisted hu Mix. Kena Pavlikis: candy rs Mrs. T. M. Christie assisted by I everybody. Mu.slc by Mike Co- luoci niiri acetmintinmem. t-' eiira and Dlates tor aiieruouu tn the 'hir, city.' J. teas and! twa oe o and ; . Attention, all fishermen Miss Julie Prockter; while elephant novelties, Mrs. J. Fournlo-tis and Mrs. H. E E. Fame. The wee tots were fascinated by the fish pond conducted by ik - rt. J. Mrcha.nt. The popular home cooking table was in charge of evening branch members Mrs. A. G. Bart- member of HMPB Nhoreworker members, in? . ,,nl,.,ion. and checked 'naval establishment F.A W U. bullottlng reieren- '"" U by an A Auxiliary ux I ay member durn. election of of .cm con -over i"V -Sub. Gedle hits Rone to .mm Pruiiiv Anrii iu. . pm, at a Joint meeting in Legion Auditorium. You must have ""'re ne was trans-Ins bank .Inhn mm borrowing organization, Mrs. Norrington turned- over to the Auxiliary $3.50. the proceeds of some marmalade she made and sold for the cause. s trainini" iitflfn lett, Mrs. C. S. Foreman and Mrs. R. G. Farmer. t Mrs- Shelford , Darton was cashier. your membership ooos " - ANNOUNCING : !ftl. Prior to his de- able or other means of m) inmmanding offl- ( i t : -T . i aianaer T. A. John-"ntf(i him with an Silver trnu nn K.iir ts o' the ward room. - regular bnwlirig to a close, the IS tin ii iw. w !umtr j , . vitc apt iiti 811 nrDnnlinl Un..l r , .. . tip Ayiuii.liu. IN, r. r jun league was an- The B-Y MARKET LIMITED w'ish to announce that their store at 1048 HAYS COVE AVE. will stay open the following hours, effective MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1953, for the convenience of their buying public. , ' . . MONDAY ... 6-9 P.M. THURSDAY 4-6 P.M. TUESDAY 6-9 P.M. FRIDAY 6-9 P.M. WEDNESDAY 6-9 P.M. SATURDAY 6-9 P.M. SUNDAY 3-6 P.M. ,:' .,. L k ...,' , fv - (V it'- - Lr Phe U pres'-V McMillan, secretary If your way of life JcmanJ quality, you'll liU CatewooJ w ireasurer, ishlng to bowl In f nhfti.u i .. . -..U1U u.nye lne(r th alley, o the ex. ,WotcJ Flannel. TKe cliaracter anJ shaJei make it a . - a a scieet teams. feet complement .ml your .election ol one or two sum per Week- will provide you with lliat well-JreMcd" look at all times. i J ... . , 4 A y ... rl!'",. Hi'!h S,' WAnS&NICKERSON i iirmnnaiiiia. CLOTH I NG . .J 1 1 k I. -