. Prince Rupert Daily News i-abtnet colieaguet Lord Simon is t -I v Monday, June 23, 1952 ruVh Vrlai;! "o mun rh Ul Hiii :i ft , W11U French Slow in Backing War Ultimatum to Nazis By EDWIN S. JOHNSON Canadian Press KtafI Writer LONDON (CP) Britain and a united overseas Commonwealth came close to meeting the onslaught of Nazi Germany at the start of the Se nd World War without the aid of France, ha independent cauy newspaper devoted tc the upbuilding of lrlnce Kupert ana Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation Caradian Daily Newspaper Association. Published bv The Prmce Rupert Dally News Limited J. P. MAGOR. President H. O. PERKiT, Vice-President t-1 '- Ul WP'ilr- .r"ut Chamberlain net " at th l"e t., .Vl" . u n" 4 . me of Mi-niM Subscription Hates: By carrier Pei week, 26c, per month $1 00; per year, $10.00 By mail Per month. 76c; per year. (8 Ou authorize! as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. erable course which 1 cumstances of m l H should have taken-' Brt Had Chamberlain tW I to declare war . ... "1 "7 I . Disclosure that only a last- 1 Munlrh .h " ti to oe acting should be seen together at the of the; lor btllcvin , .'e no Pfofife Are Distasteful HROFITS have always been something that outset i " .1 c Ml ' .,4 s f. war," Lord Simon declares. "And have rescued 'c-ww. f fit it was only at the last moment minute decision of the French cabinet had brought an agreement on an ultimatum to Hitler Is made by Viscount Simon, Britain's pre-war foreign secretary and chancellor of the exchequer, In his memoirs, "Ret-:tspect" (Hutchinson and Co ). Lord Simon, who lias had the distinction Of serving in cabinet capacity under five1 prime ministers, recalls the difficulties encountered In dealing with the French government as the dan- that the - French government wi:s got to agree, not indeed to the Identical timetable, but to an ultimatum which In 1U caac would expire some hours later." Lord Simon also threw new JAPAN'S AMBASSADOR Sadao Iguchi, second t.om left, first po it-war 'Japanese Ambassador to Canada, lias presented his letters of credence to Governor-General I Massey, ceiitre, at Ottawa. Present during the ceremony, left to light, are1: 3. F. Duluute, administrative wcretrfry tc t.ie governor-general; Mr. Iguchi, Mr. Massey; Dalia Wilgress. Uiider-sceretary of State ah J H. f . Feavel, Cshada's Chief of Protocol. iCP from National Film Board l ,l" mt,a front j A"? .Wh"e MunlL' hat' added n to the prestil western powers, it had u ,1 a vital breathing Hitler's viofation 0ll Munich pact, Lortl sCl that ultimaU-ly British Commonwealth " I struggle as a uniu.d light on Chamberlain's hlstorkn tlight to Hitler's Berchtesgaden mountain retreat in August, 1038. in an effort to forestall h Na.l march Into Czechoslovakia. PLAN "" The mission, he say1!, was nut Report From . . FAMOt 1 RPstnuK,1 ' ger of war grew nearer. j Neville Chamberlain, prime ; minister at the time of the The corner-stone of in i House at v-i I Parliament Hill on Oct. 13, 1792 f AsJ See It f 1 Lj f -V f ' fit more : crisis, had sent an ultimatum : to Hitler demanding that Ger ¬ Ey Edward T. Applewhaite, M P., Skeend man troops be withdrawn from Poland. He had stipulated th:t i reply must be forthcoming by 11 a.m. on Sunday. Sentemlx-r a lat-mlnute inspiration, but a long-thoupht-out scheme known as Plan "Z." If all else failed. Chamberlain decided he would play a final card by paying a personal visit to the German leader. The details had been discussed with Sir Nevlle Henderson, British ambassador In Of some interest to Prince Rupert and to Skeenn S3 r the public have viewed with varying degrees of distaste and suspicion. Yet, if our personal earnings do not provide substantially more than is needed to maintain life and security we are filled with a sense of frustration and suspicion. We expect industry to base its wages and prices on the bare cost of production. We bespeak for ourselves a comfortable residue over absolute needs. Yet we will not recognize that the one is as -surely profit as is the other. Profit is part of life. Nature itself cannot accept a life force that merely replaces itself. Sooner or later something would disturb so nice, a balance and bring life to an end. ; Competition, '-changing human tastes, the need for capital, the recognition of the rights of the worker to participate in benefits and to enjoy securities, and, most of all, the provision f oi' taxes to meet the growing needs of our communities all are factors chargeable against the profits resulting when materials are transformed into commodities. How small, a percentage much profit become before it can be accepted as reasonable? Business Spotlight . By The Canadian Press should be the new Northwest Territories Act, noiV3, i9:'J. Tile hour had been before Parliament The main purpose of this Bill VZ to revise and consolidate theNorthwest Territories certainty when it nu t at noo i SPECIAL! Premier1 Winch? AS THIS is'-written it that nay. On the previous Saturday morning the cabinet had agreed unanimously that the ultimatum should be sent, Lord Simon writes. Chamberlain and Foreign Secretary Ixird Halifax then spent the rest of the dav Act which is now contained in Chapter 112 of the Revised Statutes of Canada 1927, and four amending Acts passed in 198, 1940, 1948 and 1951. A number of provisions con-1 talnerf in the present Act are j mittee, and other prominent dropped, as . they are being i scientists and business men. WHILE EXlSTIr seems likely that the veteran CCF leader Harold Winch will be called STOCKS LAST Jnntii within brought the legislative: till late at night in a stniKcloi jurisdiction of the Territorial to get the French to take and ! f 7 M'Hli-l 11 upon to form the next government f B.C. Reg. 179.5 announce contemporaneous action. This, he says, the French riilnlsters Bonnet and DaludlC' mere is, oi couise, a ciiain-e Council. These include1 sticH subjects are roads, Wills, property of married women, coroners and inquests, and sale and possession of intoxicants. Truly, our big northern brother Is growing up. of a big upset on the final counts 15 Speci were unwilling to do. Backed by their military advisers they ai -eiied that thp French tmiins advancing to the Maginot Line! One of the less spectacular but hard working standing committees Is our committee on banking and commerce of which Hughes Cleaver is chairman. This committee has been studying the annual report and fi ;an-cial statements of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation and has reported thereon to the House. Mr. D. B. Mansur, president of C.M.H.C. was a wit .jss before1 the committee. The committee held 13 meetings during which Central Mortgage matters were rons'dei.Hl and evidence adduced thereon. The prime minister, as yod in the weird system Under which the BC. election was held. If there is an upset, it will probably favor Social Credit who claim to have the best chance to take second choices, especially from the Conservatives. But the Mutineers who actually made would be exposed to premat uiv attack from the air. Rupert Hsk and "kdril ) ! C Jimmy Byrr..-, the Liberal from East Kootenay, gave a very good address fin the estimates of the department of labor. He was discussing the problem of 65-year- "It was of the iirsi import -jnee that Britain and France who old people, who, through no fault the first counts, and Thi cases to be heard concern the following dispute: 1. A corporation's claim that Alberta has no right to levy a royalty on oil, gas and coal which the province received under patents from the federal government. 2. Contention of a group of coal companies that the Alberta government has no right to in-ciease royalties which the companies must pay for coal pro Far-reaching decisions affecting the Alberta government's right to collect royalties on oil, natural gas and coal will be handed down by the Privy Council in London this summer. Some observers say there is more than $200,000,000 in petroleum rights alone involved. Three caws, two of them directly affecting the rights o the Alberta government, and the third a private civil dispute, are to be heard bv the Privy Council. have doubtless heard, recently glanced at the remainder gollig , of their own have U'en forced by, say that the percentage of to retire on inadequate pensions, CCF second and third choices and in many cases without any was abotit as high as that of pension whatsoever. Also, i i the other parties. civil service, only those who have H.nr-e the nrnhnbllil.v that, the , had services with branch -M ol duced in certain areas of the They are among the final appeals took the rat'.ier unsual course ol giving notice orally of a motiu h ) proposed to have placed or the order paper In his name. It read "that the subjest of a pension plan for members of parliament after long service based on contributions by all member' province. the armed forces are eligible fot appointment alter reaching the age of 35. Lieutenant Governor will call on M.'. Winch He had one further point tc to go to the council before recent legislation making the Supreme Court of Canada the highest court In the land becomes all-inclusive. 3. A farmer's claim that owners of oil rights on his land ca i-not expend natural gas to which they do not haV the rights in the course of oil production. be inferred to the standing tne aiitiE"'-1'1''' 1 a-: bring to the attenUon of' tin the Liberals may try to cling to mi!.ster, although he said it office, even though they emerge may nwt deal Speclflrally wlln from the final count behind the th ,,.nf. ,,....,,, .ti,,-,, u committee on banking and com merce." Difference Between Oil, Gas Rights be not one who would say he The third case is of broadest There are many, clear preced- Ueves that employees no! are From time to time over the last few years the question ol making some contributory pension provision for members ol turning in a fair day's work foi ents to govern a situation such as now looms up in B.C. But the chief of these are those whloh a fair day's pay. But h did fe?l that taxation was defeating the parliament has b.-en diseusi-'d incentive system. among members of all parlies The annual report of the Fish- i A plan suggested by a group ol enes Research Board of Canada private members Is that contrl- ed. Now the question Is whether the provineial government can Impose royalties. The action was initiated by Huggard Assets Ltd., which has rights to some of the lands originally held by the federal government. In the other case, six coal companies are contesting the validity of legislation passed by the province to Increase coal royalties from seven to 15 cents a ton. Thj original royalties were set by the federal government before Ottawa gave the public Interest. The farmer, Michael Borys of Leduc, near Edmonton, claims that oil and natural gas are separate products and that ownership of oil rights does not give the owner inherent control on natural gas rights. In practice, it is impossible to extract oil without removing natural gas. Borys won his case i i the Supreme Court of Alberta but the decision was rejected in the Appeal Court. Many other farmers who have leased oil rights without the natural gas rights are watching Borys' case with butions would be made by all members on the same scale a-those required under the Civl-Service Superannuation Act. concern the first Labor government In Britain in 1924; and the MacKenzle government of f925. The first Labor government came into power in Britain on almost exactly the same background as the CCF or Social Credit may come into office In B.C. next month. That is, Labor lacked a majority. The defeated Conservatives and the Liberals together outnumbered Laor. But Labor had the largest of the three groups. All Impartial opinion in Britain turned thumbs down oh the .suggestion that the two old l'rie parties should .galib for the year 1951 has Ju.' come to hand. At the turn of the century the biological board was set up to organize and administer scientific work for the promotion of Canadian fisheries. In 1937 it was re-named the Fisheries Research Board. Mvrnber-f-hlp includes lepresentatives of the Fisheries Department and of the fishing industry, and scientists from Canadian universities. Included in the membership are W. A. Clemens, MA., Ph.D., F.R.S.C., Vancouver; K. F. Har-c'lng, Prince Rupert (renresent-tii.b '...the Jivhing ..indjustrji. A.. I, Pritchard, M A., Ph.D." director, fi?h culture development; R. E Walker, Vancouver, chairman of provinces jurisdiction over the natural resources In 1929; The coal companies contend the loyalties cannot be increased unless all parties concerned aie consulted, and they were supported in their contention by th-j Alberta Appeal Court, which ruled the government's legislation ultra vires. Interest. The first case is based on an agreement made 40 years ago whereby the federal government relinquished to Alberta rights o i certain lands in the province. At the time the land grant was made no royalty wheclule exist f xJ 4 - .ix the Pacific sub-vxecutive com- ray up on the Laborite.". Labor took olilcvj but was defeated in the IIou.se in less than a year and went to the-couliti y, when it was badly beaten. - THE FEDERAL Liberals fought the famous election of 1928 oh the red-hot constitutional issue. This arose out of a aituatioh much the same as that which now faces B.C. The personally most beloved Governor General that Canada ever had got himself hopelessly In Dutch by picking and choosing favorites among the political parties. I don't think thv Lieutenant Governor of B.C., nor his advisers at Ottawa, would risk a repititiort df any such an erh- real, Regina or Halifax, . con-eludes Johnny Canuck. Canada's dollars are extra valuable today. It's worth while spending them in Canada. There's a lot of our country we have not sen yet. Ask any school child or adult what they know about Canada. iviiEns's MY MONEY ? Reflects and Reminisces ; Spelling matches are said to got us where we are today it would justify its existence. Incidentally, If Social Credit should emerge as the winner there would be no point in setting up any obstacles to formation of the best possible government they are able to form. Even If the Social Creditors w.'re to go to. the extreme length of Importing their Premier from Alberta I don't think the other parties should kick too much. The point is, B.C. needs thi best and strongest government It can get. Federal rent controllers say rent control should be extended two more years and two mor3 AIR FORCE OFFICIAL Air Vice-Marshall C. R. Slemon, 43, d native of Winnipeg, Is considered the likely choice as successor to Air Marshal W. A. Curtis, 58, who Is expected to retire this year as Chief of Canada's Air Staff. Air Vice-Marshal Slemon now is chief of the RCAF's air training command with headquarters at Trenton, Oht. (CP PHOTO) be coming back. This practice used to be termed "Victorian." But there were no able bodied adults incapable of writing a letter without feeling nervous. years after that, and two more years after that, and two more 5 ears . . . .Cleveland Plain Dealer. broglio. There is no danger of one If the Crown sticks to the solidly established Britten and It' a good question but hard to answer at the last moment. Maybe hard to answer later on, too. Gih that'i lost or stolen ti not very often regained. That's why the ultimate answer is the B of M Travellers Cheque, when it comes to peaie of mind while travelling. Should you lose your B of M Travellers Cheques, or have them stolen, they are without value' to anyone else. And you can claim a refund if they are not recovered. You see a Travellers Cheque becomes valid only when you sign it a second time in front of the person who cashes it for you. ' So why take a chance? Why spoil your trip with worry? Canadian precedents namely to can on wnicnever party leader The Rug Show Is Over ' Fast cars in Prince Rupert menace more than citizens. At 2nd Avenue and 2nd Street, Friday afternoon, a good sized rat was observed trying to cross over and to accomplish this required all available aRility and judgment. If a rat ever mutters to itself, there's no trouble figuring out what this one was saying. SEEMS DOUBTFUL There may be buck privates knocking around who say "you bet" when asked if, In their days overseas, they ever had canned salmon In the rations. We never discovered any but that's not saying there were none. They reply usually, and after a pause. "No.. Don't believe I can remember." Just as though he was na the largest elected group of followers. OPINIONS differ as to whether or not It is an advantage for a party to take over the government when it lacks a working majority. Ramsay MacDonald held that it was an advantage. "Office is power," he said. The government has t r e m e n d ou s powers of initiative which opposition parties lack. In any event it seems to me a fortunate thtng for B.C. that a CCF or Social Credit government is likely to take office when the liquor by the glass system is Changing cash into B of M Travellers Cheques before you start costs you so little, aad there's ttO better protection. fa. " strongly doubting something or 1 1 The Eisenhower - family, it is "', reported, recently purchased ntner. BUT . . WE STILL HAVE THE RUGS TO J 0U1IO0 CUADttm ED ! part of the battlefield of Gettys burg in southern Pennsylvania. Any old time, with nominations i a few weeks off, another speech a pipe line is penetrating British Columbia, through to tne Pacific. B.C. wells have al may be expected. Dwight is also said to be rather brief. ready produced, but contrasting the immensity of the province with what has actually been 3l still found, production has long way to go. T Bank of Montreal 'rinct Rupert BrancH: ERNKST PAULDING, Mgr. .Stewart Kranrh -- MELVILLE G. GENCE, Mgr. yOllIIN(t WIIH CArJASUNt IN f V f "V VT M I t Of I I'' N C ' WHERE TO SPEND There are some who think of tourists as coming from anywhere on earth, except another part of Canada. They see a party of typical strangers, wandering and observing; and im Extreme heat, in and around Chicago and the Central States ! has taken the lives of about 125 being inaugurated. The two old parties are alleged to have been deeply Involved with the liquor interests for the campaign funds. If that Is true, it will be easier for the new government to withstand demands for liquor bars in too many places. EVEN if a CCF government lasted long enough only to repeal the outrageous election act that If you haven't seen these rugs already you should come In ahd see them at the first opportunity. For quality rugs, perfect for modern accessories and colors. Gordon & Anderson Phone 46 mediately put them- down for home folks from Kalamazoo ' 1 persons, weatner on this placid coast has been fresh, and free of black flies. Also, free of any kind of heat. It's practically unknown, and possibly Just as well. Pittsburgh or Baltimore. They couldn't possibly he from Mont