Moiui.-iy. Juue 23, 1952 udine&A ADS I MSSf BLACKWOOD on PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS ohn F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR lira. 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 REAL ESTATE r Immigrants FRED E. Dowdi OPTOMETRIST Successor to Margaret M Rm 10, stone fiuik PHONE BLUE 593 p O- BOX 1184 I At By EASLEY BLACKWOOD a Cagey Playing Is Way To Upset Hid Really expert defending, including the effective use of signals by Mr, Champion and Mr. Masters, I r i scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Blin k 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Kupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 GEORGE RORIE & CO. ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Bloek Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK SAUNDERS BROS. We Pour Ce;nent For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING I. awn Mowers Sharpened 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 USED CARS and n ' TRUCKS 4-1 ABEARANCE A-l SAftTY ti-l MECHANICALLY VAL'Jt , BOS PARKER LIMITED Chinese 2)jj Chop Suey - Chow Mein Opm S p .n. 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know Phone 174 For Repair and Alterations Smith & Elkins Ltd P.O. Box 274 JOHN H. BU LGE R Ojtftum'friil John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Brush and Spray pair,-j -pei imping I SINCLAlK & KEJ Painting and Decoral Contractors I Phane Blue 693; 345 94 HANDYMAN HOME SERVIC OENERAL CONTRACT! uuuuiok ana Kepairs , Kinus ROOFS - CHIMNK'I 'Jl BUHNERS PHONES: P.O. Box 1670 l MATTSON'S I UPHOLSTERINO I Phone Blue 126. P.O. E 234-3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B c H. G. helger: LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSUH Phone 06, Evenings Eia LING THE TAIL Tailoring Altrrili f and Clothes Mudr-lo Mfsf 220 Sixth St. Pii. 7 PORTRAITS I Films Developed and Pm PROMPT SERV1C3 CHANDLER'S STIWC 216 4th Street BS phone Oreen 389 J Prince Rnwrt f HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving . Beauty Culture In all Us branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtroddvn Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC . SHOE HOSPITAL Shipping and General Moving, racking. Crating Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agvnts for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 of this apparently lay- South dealer Both sides vulnerable Nurth Olrx. Kwu) S J 8 4 H 7 6 , II K Q 10 6 5 I" y 7 3 M rsl l.ut Olr. liititiplnn) ( Mr Masters) a 9 7 2 S 3 H A K Q J 8 H 9 5 2 D- 7 2 U A 8 i , C K 9 4 C J 10 a 6 6 2 (Mls. Ili'tlsll) SSA K U 1U 6 5 H 1(1 4 3 D J 9 4 C A The blUUm: Sooth Wist Nortti East IS 2 11 a 3 3 H 4 S All puss try to win 10 tricks with Miss Brash's hand. Pull trumps and the ddense takes a diamond and two more heart tricks. Lead a heart and Mr. Champion wins, leads his last diamond and ruffs a diamond return. Miss Brash did the best she could, cashing two high trumps, then leading a heart. But Mr. Champion won and the ace of diamonds and following ruff completed the set. 654 jfwtKvtf m 1m ftt hrerttMmnl not .yUiftd oc diiplayad y aW bqw Cool W Omfnmm t4 H . WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTINO ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Green 136 Box 478 General Construction Floor Sanding General Repairs CabinetWork Greer & Bridden LIMITED Phone 909 :15 1st Ave, W. P.O. Box 721 BiONDIE Classified Hates Closure time 4:30 p.m. day previous to publication. Classified, 3 cents per word per insertion; minimum charge 51) cents. Birth Notices, 60 cents; Cards . of Thanks, Dentil Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements,' $l!.U0. Special Display double price. ANNOI NI EMENTS Soroptimist Tea, June 2Gth, 2:30, at the home of Mrs. C. G. Ham, 337 4th Ave. West. Rebekah Baaar, October 4. Catholic Fall Bazaar, Oct. and 9. Anglican Fall Bazaar, Nov. 15. LODE, Fall Bazaar, Nc,vem- ber 20. Presbytcrian Bazaar, Novcm- ber 27. BIRTH NOTICE SCOTT Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Scott, in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Friday, June 20, a son. Thanks to Dr. J. A. MacDonald. illpi J L i ' PERSONAL I WE PAY cash lor burnt out; motors, any size or nake. Wil- ford Fleet ileal Works, Cow Bay. Phone Clue 391. tf) "NU-LIFE" Duracleaners. Up-'W holstery, rugs and car clean ing. Free estimates 'given on request. Address 1228 Beach Place. Phone Black 433. H71 HAVE your windows washed. Phone Red f8!. Free estimates. (ll'.)pi LOST AM) POIND LOST Green wallet on Port Edward bus Wednesday morning. Reward. Red 930. ( 147) LOST Pocketbook with pass-uort and important papers,' McClymont Park. Finder keep money and return wallet and; papers to Daily News. iM'Ji, LOST WalletT Thursday eve-: ning, containing sum of money and important papers.1 Finder please return to L. Holder, 1311 1st Overlook. Reward. (149) HELP WANTED EE. MALE ! HOUSEKEEPER wanted for small, friendly family. No objections to one child. Box 415 Daily News. (148) FOK SALE NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited. Distributors for: Mining, Sawmil, Lodging and Con-tractois' Equipment. Fnovir- ' les Invited. Granville Island, Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) TOR SALE Motorola car radio, full automatic tuning, Like tion new. Call 65. (152) FOR SALE M i s c e 1 !a n e o u s household articles. Excellent condition. Green 59. 728 Fras-'th er. ( 147p) FOR SALE Baby bugey in good son condition. Red 958. (148c) FOR SALLE 8 x 10 Axminster carpet, good condition. Blue 331 between 0 and 8. U4'jp) "FOR SALE-Cirrvilater coal and j'vooa heater. Phone Blue 213. S r, ' V,147pi FUR -rSAti Cheslerfield suite. M. real bargain at $70.00. Also coffee table, end table, bookcase, and baby carriage. 363 ; Borden Si. Green 923. (147) FOR SALE Oil stove. General Electric frig, tables, chairs an,l sewing machine. All in good! uiiuiuuu. ciue iio, or za 11th St. U48p FOR SALE Frigidaire electric range (cottage typei, $175 00 Frigidaire (8 cubic feet), prac tically new, $300.00; 3-piecei wine cnesieriield. Telephone Black 944. at) FOR SALE Demolished Loc"-stave army building, 24 x 72 as is, SbOO.OO cash. Box ion?' city. U52p) BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE 16 ft, Criscraft-built speedboat, sports model with new engine. Everything in excellent condition. Phone Blue 792. U50 CAKS FOR SALE FOK SALE 1950 Ford 4 door sedan with Heater and ai- conditioning. In good condition. $1595. Phone Blue 712. ! 149P FOR SALE 1949 VanguardTix passenger sedan, very clean car throughout. $400 down Phone Red 496. (152) FOR SALE 1939 Buick convertible, radio, heater, defroster. Phone Hlue 737 or call after 5 p.m., 544 9th West. (152p) ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 7 room house, 7th Ave. East, near King Edward School. Two lots. Phone Black 205. - (151) FOR SALE Harbor view home, two lots. Full concrete garage basement, furnace, electric. ' fireplace, hardwood floor. Owner, Blue 784. (151p) FOR SALE Furnished house. 735 1st Ave. West, across from Elizabeth Apts. Blue 468. U47p) Garage for Sale or Rent Between Cth and 7th Ave. East in l'OO block. Phone Red 5t3 anytime. 1 148c I FOR SALE-5 room house, fully furnished, hot air furnace. All cash. Call at 786 Alfred, c 149p FOR SALE Pipe fittings, wrenches, picks, shovels, axes, crosscut saws and .sledgehammers. Call 120 5th West, or Blue 610 after 5:3u. ( 152 FOK RENT FOK RENT Three rooms in private home. Box 418, Daily News. dtp) FOR RENT References required tor 5 room apartment. Adults only. PO. Box 17!)2. U47 I SPEND your summer at Lakelse Lake. Fully furnished cab'.ns on the shores of Lakelse Lake. Boa tins, swimming and fish-ins. Rent by day, week or month. Write or wire D. Col-thurst. Water Lily Bay Cabins, Lakelse Lake, Terrace, B.C 119 WANTED TO RENT One or two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. No children. Box 417, Daily News. H!lp WAN 1 F.D ANTED TOP MAKKET PlilCKS PAID lor scrap iron, steel, brass. coii))tr, lead, etc. Huiie.-t gradhv;. Prompt payment, made. Atlas Iron Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver, B C. Phone TAciiic 63.)7. tf) CASH for scrap cast, brass, copper, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 62'J 6th Avenue West, City. (tfl SHEET METAL PLUMBING. Heating and Sheet Metal Work. Roof hit. Plume 543, C30 Cth West. Letuurneau. (tf) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, income Tax sneclftlUt. S O. Fur It. Stone Bulldlna. Red 593. (20m) TILE WORK :FOR YOUR Tile Work of Sinks, Fireplaces. Bathrooms, see "Chuck," Green 932. (152p) Socreds Oust Education Minister EDMONTON R. E. Ansley, MLA, and former Alberta Educa Minister, has been ousted from the Alberta Social CredU League and remidiated a.s an of- ficial Social Credit candidate in I-etluc const it.nenrv League president R. D. Jorgen- made the announcement Friday. He said the decision wui made at a sepcial meeting of the league's board of directors in Edmontin when it considered Ansley's action in supporting the candidature of A. V. Bour-cier, MLA in the Lac Ste. Anne 'constituency , in oppositfoii to A. Montefnurro., official Social Credit candidate. -t; -n fll u I t ' ' I f 1 t-- A " . u-1k....Jj SLAIN Mrs. Kathleen Sloman of Hamilton, Out., mother of a 14-month-old daughter, has been strangled to death and police ihave charged her husband, 26-year-old bank clerk, with murder. A former model, Mrs. Cloman is shown model- Happy With New Abode EDMONTON (CP) There is a 'hotel'' in Edmonton where the guests stay free of charge. But not everybody can get a reservation. The "note"." is Immigration Hall. Each day during the spring and summer months about 50 immigrants stay there for short periods before going on to new lives in Western Canada. And it's not a bad place to .stay, considering it's free of charge. There are married an single men's and women's quarters. Ex-service personnel would find a close resemblance to barracks life in the free hotel. At Immigration Hall everybody is waiting for a new job, a new home, or the rest of the family to arrive. Cleanliness is relative to the occupants of the hall. Single men are least neat. But the immigrant mothers go to the otlv: . extreme. Their little rooms are scrubbed and shining. "They haven't got anything iike this in European camps." said one Polish woman through an interpreter. "The food is good but strange to us because it Is Canadian. Sometimes we buy a bit of black bread and Polish sausage. It is a good cure for homesickness." Among a recent group of 40 immigrants not one could be found who would trade the lodging for what he had lelt behind in Europe. The question whether they would prefer a DP camp in Europea brought stunned looks and incredulous laughter. Yeggs Nab Payroll From Office Safe MONTREAL (CP) Theft of a $35,000 payroll from a safe of Atlas Construction Company in adjacent eW.stmount was announced by police last night. Poice said theft occurred on Thursday night but gave no reason for withholding the news. The janitor told police he was locking up for the night when two men, who had broken in through the window, held him and his wife at gunpoint. Additional Pay For Army Doctors, Dentists WASHINGTON (API A bill providing special pay for doc-:ors and dentists in the armed orces has won approval of the louse of Representatives. It row goes to President Truman, f he measure extends fro r.i iept. 1, 1952, to July 1. fSoS, .he time In which medical men .an come on duty and qualify tor an additional $100 a month pay. DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe Make Your Printing Matter Part of Your Business Did It ever occur to you that you need distinctive printed matter for your particular business? Type fact's give you this outstanding distinctiveness and these can be supplied by our modern printing department. Dibb Printing Co. Try a News Classifies brought about the defeat down contract. On the king of hearts opening, what did Miss Brash have to lose? Only two hearts and a diamond. Or so it seemed. Actu ally, she didn't have a chance in the world for 10 tricks. The good defensive play started at trick one. Mr. Masters played the deuce of hearts. Now, except in the unlikely event that the deuce was the only heart Mr. Masters had. he ob viously wanted something else led. But what? It was too late for a trump lead to do any good. How about a shift to clubs? Possible, of course, but if Mr. Masters held a quick club winner, wouldn't he have played an Intermediate heart, followed by a higher heart, so that Mr. Champion would cash two hearts before switching? With a semi-solid diamond suit in dummy, Mr. Masters probably had some strength in that suit to ask so positively for a shift. So, at trick two, Mr. Champion shifted to the seven of diamonds. Now it was Mr. Masters' turn to make an important decision. Did his partner have a singleton or a douoleton diamond? He decided if it were a singleton, Mr. Champion would have cashed two hearts at the start, so that when he led the lone diamond, it would have been 100 per cent clear to Mr. blasters that a diamond was the right return. So Mr. Masters ducked, playing the eight of diamonds. Now Chess Expert I MONTREAL CP) Chess fo; ' lowers raised their eyebrows jwhen the Spanish chess master Arturo Pomar sacrificed his i queen in an exhibition match , with the Montreal city cham-;pion, Noel Williams. But Pomar I won the match when Williams ; resigned on the 30th move. I J aiW ONLY . l Hy Wad riRi Irackd 8 MOTICTIO . rOR HOMI, CAR. "1 ! aln $f Your Hon, Redy tor tnuaiu a tls in brtckel, PRESTO i ao mil, to U,kt, ll' hindlod euily tyt bf a child. I'M H fckt mrt ftrt-kMini fewer ikm sti. gubhtrt muiy Um$ Ut tixt mni mtitkl! tBta'nt utieu electrical, ail, (uuUaa and all type af Crea. S inexamriw.iauH want aae for lilcV en, car, atltc. Doa'l iehy. Don'l laVe chances with your loved onet'ufelfr I DAVE Red OWENS 751 I Popular Steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports , Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIONIGHl Comfort and Service For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT BC. GEORGE DAMPS f AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red 127 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED AD ORDER FORM ! word to a space cost appears to right of last w ! and address count the same as other words i i nun".- ; t mi' I , I 1 )" I liny I 4 dal I k t 1.1 H'f I ilnv .. S 1 ll I U dais 1 20 '! sr, wok i ilnv 3d OHI I (1:1 I days II risiV4 3.1 l,Hi 1 ilny -I d.iy Bv'CHICYOUi rents per word per insertion for additional words Write ad below 1 Name Atld 3 Plcose run my ad ( ). I enclose $ NAME ADDRESS Mail SO Unreliable! r i t 1 0mm J I J f. I i 1 for DAYS IN THE DAILY NEWS in full payment. PHONE City or Town now to the Daily Nsws. Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 VT?ZPisA GOSH -IT TAKES A ( LOT OF GROCERIES TO N ' f FEED A rr'' jrS"T FAMILY T I -xNfTMrPW'tf I ,WXO bUMbtEAQ 1 CANT TPuSr NOU TO '.EMBER A THING rl KiS' .Ii-flr-v Mir- -i J . n rp--:-- z ir