WW Along IRupcrt Party Leads Delegates To Convention was presentation of a Prince Rupert halibut to Trail's Mayor E. G. Fletcher, with compliments irom Rupert Mayor Harold ;.uen Mr. Moore, interviewed on. return of the delegates Sunday alternoon, said "they thought it PfU.ce Rupert DaU yN Two Xdiiadidns Travel 18,000 Miles in Jeep BOMBAY. India ,.,,.. Another Japanese grain boat, the ftyuzan Maru, has arrived at the Dominion Grain Elevators to load 8700 tons of barley. It is her third trip to this con A five-m;!ii Prince- Rupert Chamber of Commerce junior tarn wlrch flew to Trail by courtesy of C'n. olidated Mining was a good gag I Mr. Moore made the presen-I tation. The halibut was doaated j by Prince Rupert Fishermen's tinent. omening .o. w.. rweV. we co-operatiw Association. iwo youim hv.,i, " . m" 4 Toronto ended up hZ r U" ancr an 18 Ihfy are Douglas Wilki -and Warren wSk have motored through i '' the Middle Ea.st aidf Lwa? countries. o' i :ri hen lugs of last season's catch. A couple of private yachts have been in port for the past few dayj. Out, the Lila C, hails from Keuhikan, her skipper be ng Capt. Christiansen. The other, a Canadian vessel, the Conita, Is on het way to Alaska, the master being Capt. Maclntyrc. Her chief steward is Cecil Robinson, who for years was employed with the CNR. ! , I ' - 'x i -I- I List to a rive at the 10d2 site of other Frince Rupert-made he Jaycees rcpional convention j product -. were distributed among fast week. tne 15 c'elegates to the reeional f Heaoitif, the f.yinr, delegates : convention, including a caw of as Ncey Moose. Prince Rupert salmon, by Nelson B os Fisheries iayi ' p; evident, accompanied I Ltd.; another from Atlin Fishing by Roy Brown. Jay Burns. Har-ice. an assortment of canned old Hampton and Don Tucker, i sea food frc.n B.C. Packers Ltd. Mr Moore also was pilot of , and a case of Queen Charlotte (h. Cominco p'ane, supplied for ! crabs, from Burns L.:t: Buys the purpos? of aking the dele- ; Mr. Moore also gave away some gales to Trail through the cour- vitamin pills, courtesy Co-op to tesy of the company. It is the j the chairman of the convention, company plane based here. I 1.12 dinner chairman and the re- fso after graduat nK to !' Montreal and . The Ryuan "Maru, under command of Captain T. Oikawa, arrived here Saturday. Stevedores are fixing and repairing shifting boards and loading Is expected to get. unuer way soni" time Wednesday. The vessel, similar to other grain ships J,hat have bc:-n loading barley here for the past four months, paid previous visits to Portland and Vancouver. She is expected to sail for Japan on Saturday. Carload lot;; of fresh and frozen salmon kvcp rolling away from both Prince Rupert and Vancouver, but this docs not tell the story completely by any means, and covers both U.S. and Canadian markets. There's the halibut and heavy fillet shipments, as wvll as prime smoked fish and shell fish products. "just to keep Highlight of a city-sponsored , gionat presiucr.v lunchoon Thursday afternoon j th- boys going." vay from there t,, Sweduell freighter. m through After Denmark. travelling Bei2,,,mJ by j.. 7 Britain they took a 77 Capt. Oliver Adams lias recently installed in his seiner, Sandra Carol, a new 170-horse Caterpillar marine engine. Returning from his trial run on which he gained a speed of 10 knots, Capt. Adams was hlglily w ia uie car 1 f 11 it ur. WOi' I nwn It,!,.. .... ,v, i vll. Then came France, 6!t, piPHseo wnn tne performance. ' irsic. in -. V TRAPPED FIREMAN With both hands cluuui ng at. the cab wtidow, CPR fireman Charles White, 28. grimaces in pain as he awaits res ;uc from a trap created by a locomotive collision in northwest Toronto. For more than an hour until cut free with acetylene lurches he was pinned against the boiler, partly buried under coal and suffering a broken left ivg, shock and burns. The yard engine cab was smashed wh?n It was rammed by a doubleheadcr locomotive. CP PHOTOi Installation Willi miul nt Ih.'r.riw. ,.J ..1 '' ' "K'wiavi;. " "u j .. . atlv, i ui Key, Jrydock hum in Jerusalem. jorctan next, then Iraq, ira r t.. L . Afghanistan th. tn.. - 1 Two hydraulic seine drives for tuiwi iiidi,:oii nas o'ln reccivea Pakistan p ' "c ""wr ra.. and finaly India. ithe Prince Rupert Co-op wer- Mayors To Discuss Security Role recently manufactured by the Swann Machine Shop in Van- rnnupr here recently that a former fisherman of Prince Rupert, Julian Kordahl, is still in hospital in New Westminster. His general physical health is fairly satisfactory and h is eating and sleeping well, his doctor reports. sion on proDicms 01 ua lada CEMENT MAKERS With 194 pianu in the prv tnce, Ontario produces about i for cent of Canadian cemer output each year. youth and Maj.-Gen. F. F. Wor- , t,10 xtpnt flnri va ,.. nf rt i Today's Stocks I 1 i'otirt"T S. D. Johnstuu Co. Lid.) For A Girl's . Outdoor Summer-It's Wallace's SWIM SUITS SUN SUITS SHORTS SKIRTS 1 BLOUSES TEE SHIRTS BLAZERS JEANS OVERALLS SWEATERS thington, federal co-ordmator of, fish ln Rri,ivh r:nimhia Qn,i civil defence, will direct discus other northern waters is exten-I sive and is traw! -caught as well 1 as long-lined. Large cod weigh nintp llhnn ten nminH Murlrf sions on civil tletence in action. Among guest, speakers will be Premier Manning of Alberta; THE STORY OF THE GREAT SANTA FE l n I I r i STAMKM A.ng Cmdr. Sir John Hortsoll. : cod can drop from ten t0 a, ,,JW c!;rector-general of civn defence as tW(J an(1 a nalf There haij training for the United Kingdom; ; a,wavs been slnce .ariipst tims Sir Brian Dunfield of the Su fi live demand in Prince Rupert Ct rrvvxvT 1 1 IJ ir xr.,,,ll . . ' V J c..c..,, ma,u. speaking, is not a true cod. It s MONTREAL C Officials of the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities said the 15fh annual conference in-Calgary June 29-July 3 will feature "the role that the municipalities can play in the nation's security program." In a statement released Uklay, Alderman George C. Miller of Vancouver, president of the federation, said: "A solid foundation for a full and effective national security program involves careful physical, social and financial planning and forethought by municipalities in order to deal with the multiplicity of complex problems created by the present period of rapid urban growth and national economic development." At the conference, J. O. Assel-in. president of the Montreal Metropolitan Commission, will present, a report on urban of Chicago and president of the Welpht. t hptu;ppn flvo DnH 10 a 1 Conference of Iiniir,Hs it n.rd roD i. i United States Mayors; and L w. tirK'Kington, watpr anr) (s PalIhr down prominent Canadian lawyer. VANCOl'Vt'R 1 American Standard ... (20 Bralorne 6.00 BRX 032 Cariboo Quartz . . . 1.35 Congress .07 Cronla Babine .30 Giant Mascot . , .90 , Indian Mines .... ... ., ,.15 Pend Oreille ' 5.85 Pioneer 2.00 Premier Border 22 Privateer 07 Reeves MacDonald 3.50 Reno 04 Sheep Crt 1.40 Silbak Premier .43 ',2 Vananda .03 Salmon Gold 05 Spud Valley 2 05 Western Uraniurh 3.90 Oils-Anglo Canadian 7 80 A P Con 48 About 500 municipal officials are expected to attend the t as lar south as Monterey, to as far north as Unalaska. It is sold as fresh, frozen and smoked. Red cod is fou .id between San Diego and Alaska and is known as red cod, rock cod and red snapper. j Wallace's Dept. Store j joei McCREA dean ST0CKWEI1 - chili WILLS f Army Releases General LOS ANGELES iAPi Maj.-Gen. Daniel H. Hudelson, wuo created a furore by saying that the Communists had the power to over-run Korea any time Plenty of- produce that Canada has been glad to sell to the United Kingdom now goes to Soviet Russia. Lack of a mort UON UU IDS SUU'uNii:.v tftuMiKjnv ntimit growth and its implications for FANCY DISHES they chose was released today valued and u.seful overseas mar- imnnirinnl finanro on TODAY to WEDNSDAY Eveninj;!! Shown 7: 9: p.m. TOTEM' A FAMOUS PLAYEKS THEATRt- . Calmont 1.55 C & E 14 00 I lm ACUVP &Tmy QUCy' lle WIil ke' te missed. A feature of W w. Harold Harold Clark tJ.ark nrexment president nt of return to his civilian job as an nresent sales is that one order Iffauo COmpany tive.'upon his ft&to&iXZ .c anon of Canada, will lead dis- return Irom Koreai Hudelson te?,n, "rl?an gr0wth' plan" '-aid ihe Communists have too i Cuds and Saucers D'nner Plates Teapots Peach Lustre Dishes Punch Rawl Ses much manpower for. United Nations' forces. A TODAY TO WEDNESDAY THURSDAY MATINEE 2:00 ii. life ftiiu uctrii;pnjiit. John P. Kidd, executive director of the Canadian Citizenship Council, will lead a discussion on ' assimilation of new Canadians and what the municipalities can do in this regard. j Joseph McCulley. former deputy commissioner of penitent ar-ies, Ottawa, will lead a discus-: , Fascinatinq Challenge WINNIPEG (P- Rev. C. El Raven, former vice-chancellor of Cambridge Un'versity. said h re that the conflict between science and religion now may be resol- liTnf f. .24 11.75 .19 18.25 .09' i .16 1.15 .22 31.25 3 fiO .3D 20 8 10 .43 .12 .10 .12 .82 .40 .65 .14 Mercury Pacific Pete Royal Canadian Rovalite TORONTO Athona Aumaquc Bevcourt Buflnl ) Canpdian . Consol. Smelters Conwest Donalda Eldona East Sullivan God's Lake Hardrock Harricana Heva Duvex Joliet Quebec ... ., .... Little Long. Lac Lynx trT ir - -o: v i : : UTAHD , . . vcd. He told a meeting that Mohawk la l Hairdo To i reconciliation of the centuries-Offset Poodles. Ponies j old conflit't "is the most fa.scin-ROCHESTER, N Y. (API i,tinK challenge and oppoitunity Staging what he termed one that has conle lo Christian man's protest -against women's Pe0Ple-" - poodle and pony hairdos, ,25-; , . year-old George Wright turned Neve' Lose TcniDer' up yesterday with a "Mohawk", McHENRY, 111. (API Julius haircut. Wright had all his hair Bruhnke is 103 years old today clipped except for an Indian- and he says his formula for long style brush down the middle, life is: "Never lose your tem-'It's one man's protest against per!" He has lost only two of the poodle and pony hairdos," his teeth, still can hear and see he said. "I'm just having fun. see satisfactorily and takes an Everybody's jealous of me." i occasional glass of beer. Madsen Red Lake 1.55 NU-LIFE DURACLEANERS McLeod Cockshutt N.'tjus Noranda Pickle Crow Petrol Oil & Gas .. 350 .43 77.50 1.61 1.13 .15 Senator Rouyn Kormerly DIRACLEANKRS kVM?n-Fsi ' .USX-: rw j k b m m mm m m it . -v-t Prices For This Picture: Matinee 75c Evenings $1.20 Children 50c unytime ONE COMPLETE SHOWING EACH NIGHT AT 7:30 Rugs, Upholstery and Cars Duracleaned Revitalizes the fabric Mothproofing Four Yea- Money-Back CiHuranree. "Greatest Show on F.arth" in Saturday edition read Si Thi Pr"1 Price ol admission for the should have read $1.20. SELL I IfTsY A f r i 1 AGENTS: DAVE KNQWLIS - HARVEY DEARY New Address 1228 Beach Place New Phone Block 433 Free estimates given on request. oderation is It ii t el ii (i I li e r ii (I in e 10 r wisdom j For Cool Cooking . . . ik U :m v J l Cook Electrically J SOCRATES ji SINGLE BURNER HOTPLATES $ g 5 j L I I .V 5 E" (All Times Daylight Saving) VANCOUVER and VICTORIA SUNDAY ss. Camosun 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Coquitlam 9 p.m ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Friday, Camosun, 12 Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS June 4 and 18 SS Coquitlam, midniRht . FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Coquitlam June 11 and 25 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupe.-t Agent ' 5 TWO BURNER HOTPLATES $10.55 Inn j ' TABLE RANGETTE ' $48.65 THE" HOUSE OF SEAGRAM CONSECRATE BISHOP Seven bishops assist in the laying on of hands during the consecration of Rt. Rev. K. C. Evans, former dean of Montreal, as sixth bishop of the Anglican diocese of Ontario at St. George's cathedral in Kingston, Ont. Clockwise, left to right, they are: Rt. Rev. W. E. Bagnall, Bishop of Niagara, back to camera; Rt. Rev. J. H. Dixon, Bishop of Montreal; Rt. Rev. A. R. Beverley, Bishop of Toronto; Most Rev. R. J. Renison, Archbishop of Moosonee and Metroplltan of Ontario, chief consecrator and celebrant; Rt. Rev. W. L. Wright, Bishop of Algoma, behind Archbishop Renison; Rt. Rev. O. N. Luxton, Bishop of Huron and Rt. Rev. R. Jefferson. Bishop of Ottawa. Between Bishop Beverley and Archbishop Renison is Canon E. West, canon sacrist of trreCathedral of St. John the Divine, New York, and at right rear is Rev. K. F. Blachforcl, Deseronto, master of ceremonies. p PHOTO) 5 11 . n r n r i . i T 4 i iwrwern d. l. ro wer lo.l w. 17 SS- Besner Block Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C MEN WHO THINK OF TOMOIUUIW I'n'AGTIRE Mni)EI ATinNTjinAY Third Avenue Phone 568 Thi odv.rtii.m.nt Ij not published or displa.d by lh. liquor Control Board or by th Government of rWUh Columb 7T