O r v :1 1 Ryinq Club Ends 'Nationa? 3,o DAILY NEWS THE ROUND-UP II Week' With Bombing Contest I i 1 National National Flvine Flying Club Club Week, Week. time time instructor instructor for for the the club club and and Hogart Neared Golfing FdWcl came to a close here Saturday Kelsey is chief instructor al with a bombing contest by six though he spends only a tew SPOUTS I NEW YORK If Ben Hogan , had won his tout-in U.S. Open ; championship, we would have placed him without hesitation ine nbers of the Prince Rupert j hours weekly with students. Ftitmet foginans Get Around Students are taken over the ' lit Aero Club. A flight engineer with Queen Charlotte Airlines, Bert Van-derhan, was the winner. He kept spectators amused for several "t lit LONDON (CP) Dr. Jaihua t&jn I?. deman, formerly ol Ri;gina, be- Championship Golf," and the Squire has swayed us. There ts a sneaking feeling that either Bobby or Walter, given the advantage Hogan held at the halfway point at Dallas, would never have let it get away. It seems doubtful that Hogan will have another chance at his fourth open crown. Bn, like his chief rivals of the last decade, Is crowding 40, and next yi-ar they are Inaugurating a 38-ho''e qualifying test on the two d tys preceding the open to take tne starch out of ageing limbs, in all likelikood, the 32-year-old Julius Bqr'os Is Just the forerunner .of a lieves In getting to a convention ' minutes as he swooped from the f r ) city and surrounding country tor instructions and since op-' cration began the club has never had an accident. ' "We have one of the brM. safety records in the country," a club official said this morning in thanking the citizens for their Interest during the past ' week. upon the same golfing pedestal with Bobby Jones and Walter Hagen. Our feeling Is that Ben has won his triumphs over more good golfers than his tvo great predecessors wert' called upon to overcome. The improvement In equipment since Bobby and Sir Walter hung up their vivid records equals out, because Hogan's rivals have had the advantage of the same tools ha has used. Ve have been reading up on ' ' ' '- - 4 f V - j thi) hard way. . ; skies dropping oags of lime at Dr. Hancieman and his wife ; the target in Seal Cove. iWinnifred, once one of the hast club officials reported a "ver i woman shots in Western CadaJii j successful" week with five new i left their new home in Pretoria, I members joining. Free trips 1 South Africa eany in May en were given anyone over the ase ! route to a June convention ol0f 18 throughout the week with chiropractors at Oslo I Mayor Harold Whalen topping By the time they get home the list of civic dignitaries who Jones and Hagen In Gene Sara- whole new line of younger open zan's book "Thirty Thirty Years Years of , champions. they II have travelled some b,U JU , took advantage of the oppor air miles, all in their own privat- j tunity to" s e the city from the- COSTLY CHAT SUNDERLAND, England CP)-" Two men were taken to court for stopping to talk for three minutes at a busy pedestrian crossing. After explaining they had to talk on the spot became they were in a hurry, they were each fined 12. : End of Era, Begins the NeW v plane "Winnie." jair. They travelled across Alrica in j Tne tlubi which was loimoc' short sleeping at night in I hops, ive yoars ago, under the guid- Gen places Jones and his onetime bitter rival, Hagen, on -an If it is the end of some sort of era perhaps It will be remembered as the period In whictt or under the plane, crossing some .1T)rP f Bob Kelsev. a pilot itr absolute par. They were, he snyi 3,000 miles ot jungle ana l.wv Queen Charlotte Islands, now Texans won eight out of 11 open the greatest Jones with his four titles then the reader may be U.8. opens, three British opens nines ol aeseri wiinoui niLnap. Their only excitement occurred at Calibar in Nigeria, when a group of L00 natives got a litlie out of hand and a guard tossed n is a government-recognized flying school. Persons now receiving their pilots licence are eligible for the $100 giant from the gov HONOR VIOLINIST Thomas Rolston, 20-year-old Vancouver violinist, has been chosen as Canada's representative to a musical competition in London called "The Festival of Commonwealth Youth." Rolston was presented with the Canada Medal by Norman Rob-eitson, Canadian High Com-mi'siont'i in London, o.i behalf of the Music Circle, sponsors of the Festival. The Festival reaches its climax June 30 with a competition among all the Common wealh award winners. . CP FHOTOi 1 wooden spear which struck a lntei c-sied In Sarazen's estimate and ranking of the players he has seen in his long and brilliant career. Gene won the first of his two opens in 1922, and 18 years later tied for what would have been a third, losing to Lawson Little In a play-off at Cleveland. There is no shrewder Judge of golfing talent. five U.S. amateurs and one British amateur; Hagen with his four British opens, two U.S. opens and five P.G.A. crowns . . In his second group Sarazen rates equally Ben Hogan, Sammy Snead, Byron Nelson, Tommy Armour, Francis Ouimet, Jim Barnes and Henry Cotton. Gene gives himself no rating. He would fit snugly into the second group. ernment. Under the rules governing payment of the grant, a pilot must have a minimum -of 10 wing of the plane From Africa, the Handemairs went to Scotland before proceeding to Norway. They left thsir four children at home In South ' hours ground school and corn- h-ric- - Africa.- ultte a minimum oi .iu nour.-s flying time, at least 12 of whicn Going On ( VacdtJdn? BUY A USED tAR AT LOW COST FISHERMEN (Continued from page 1) must be dual instruction. The PHnee Rupert club hi'S two Taylorcraft seaplanes. W. E. (Bill) Harper is full- Trie craters on the moon may have been made by volcar!c explosions or blasted out by higVi meteorites. Football Fare DOI B1.KS tl.AM The Winnipeg ( am of Bobby WiUlarris, 20, left, and Derek Riley, 21. winners of the doubles event In the Olympic trial at Port Dalhousie, near St. Catharines, Ont., will carry Canada's color-; In next rn-jiith's Olympics at Helsinki. Williams won the Unltvd States national singles last year while vlth tin- Hamilton U-under Boat club. He moved to Winnipeg ,a-t lall. Hiley ronies fioni a family piominent In rowing for is var.-i. (CP PHOTO) Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, June 23, 1952 ; !isl4, Claxton and Humpback Bay, on Porcher Island. ! In camps like' Humpback Bay, ' there are places for repairing ' gear and huge floats where fish-ermen can tie up over the week-'ends. Many Fraser River fishermen arrived at Porcher Island Baseball Scores BASEBALL SCORES Saturday National Pittsburgh 4, Brooklyn 14 Sunday Cincinnati 3-0, Philadelphia 3-3 St. Louis 7-7, Boston 2-2. Pacific Coast League Saturday Seattle 7, Oakland 8 Hollywood 10, San IDego 5 Portland 7, Los Angeles 8 San Francisco 4, Sacramento 5. By J. S. WILSON 1 Heavy rains made the grounds, late Saturday en route to the so heavy last week that both of Naas. the regularly scheduled games Sockcye fishing is permitted G&A Hold Lead, Split Two Games in the North Star football com- W on week Uays. t isning must petitions were called off. teasR on Fridays at 8 p.m., This week's schedule calls for'leaving Saturdays and Sundays v i J.. -He. H . North. Star game on Wednes- clear. This ruling Is made by the day between CYO and the federal Department of Fisheries Heavy Battery. The last game as a conservation measure. In-between these two teams pro- spectors in each area see that vided one of the best games of rules are enforced, the year and a renewal of the GUinetters, unlike the halibi't test between them should he fishermen, are away from home outstanding. in some cases all summer. Fish-Fridav evening brings thf porkers and collectors visit the 21950 Austins 1 1949 Chevrolet Sedan 11946 Dodge 2-' ton truck 1 1948 Thames Van 11949 Flying Standcrd 1 1941 Interna-. tiOJSo! 34- ton panel 11949 Austin 1 1949 Morris 11951 Austiri 5-ton truck 1 1941 Chevrolet Coupe LeagTie-iPatlinfr. (Jonlon Si Anderson split a (iuiibli'liKuler Sunday with two different teams a.- they lo.'t Hit; first one against Ahel & Odowes 6-4 and won the nit'.lit game 3-2 against Commercials. Western International Saturday, Trl-City 4-0, Vancouver 9-8 Salem 7-4, Victoria 2-2 Spokane 1, Wenatchep 6 LewLston 4, Yakima 11. PCL SUNDAY Hollywood 8-2, San Dicgd 3-1. (i At A pitcher. JacK Sliarpe t same two teams into competi- lisiiernu-n ctany to pick up men tion but this time in the pre- catch. blew the first inning to allow five runs off six hits to give the Clothiers their big lead. Al uminary rouno oi uie uomituoii Companies have their own Day (Sheardown) Trophy. The collectors and packers who move winner or tins win meet uen- from bljat t0 boat. Each fisher- Seattle 2-5, Oakland 7-1. Portland 3-3, Los Angeles 2-2. San Francisco 6-0, Sacramento 4-4. WIL SUNDAY Lewiston 3-7, Yakima 0-2. Salem 7-4, Tri-City 8-0. -Spokane 6-0, Wenatrhee 2-9.. erai Motors in tne final on no- it I 1 1 - -as-, I man ulies a flair to Identify his minion Day. boat. The sockeye are counted! though he gave up only one more run, the winners collected seven more hits In the balance of the game. For The Clothiers, Jack Lindsay gave up nine hits which laid off with four runs. The second game, a txistpohl d Chisox Take Over Second league Place SEW YORK (CP)Chicagd's slz-ag White SuS took over second p:ai in tlw pressure-packed HLJ. "I 1 !- Dick Cameron has returned to the city and is full of the display of football put on by the visiting English league, first division Tottenham Hotspurs and the representative B.C. Mainland team. and weighed aboard the packers and fishermen are given a slip signed by the skipper stating the amount taken. The fishermen receive their money when they return to port. Initial layout by each fisherman runs lti:o hundreds of dollars. The net alone for each man costs at least $500. feature between O & A and the I Sneacf Sews Out In Opener hatelmcn, was scheduled for seven Innings but went the full uimrun I,eas?ue penii.-uit race The visitors won eight goals nine in extra inning play, as the teams fought out a 2-2 tie. Superior Auto Service LIMITED Third Ave. West Fhone Green 217 to two. The superlative combination and short passing tactics of the" Hotspurs was so per ON PARLIAMENT HILL Two delegates to the ninth an uial convention of thi North American Indian Brotherhood stage a war dance on the steps of the Parliament Buildings i i Ottawa. They had presented resolutions on national questions affecting the Indian populatioi. Delegates, left to right, are: Chief Running JHorse and Chief White Eagle of the Caughnawaga Indian Reserve near Montreal with Andy Paull of Viww, preside.it of tha Brotherhood. ' (CP PHOTO) LOUISVILLE, Ity. (CP) Defend-in champion Sam Shead and Medalist E. J. (Dutch I Harrison have been eliminated in a cyclone of upsets that swept the opening rounds in the United States Professional OoUers' Association championship. It v. as the worst first-day car-nuge for tee titans since Detroit's Aned Documents WASHINGTON (AP) Tha discoverv of aee-ycllowed docu- fect as to -be almost unbelievable, he said. They made the ball do all the work. Players Firefighters Down Hawks in Hitting Spree changed position irequentiy Dutments signed by George Wash there never was a position left ..." ' :, i I unfilled. It was the perfection Sii.dav by .splitting a duuble-htjiJcr with frorit-runn'pg New V.;:i( yuiikecs. T:i' Yanks, behind two-iiit P-"i'M'g of Bob Ku.ava, won opfiicr 3-0 but . the Sox txwiH-Hj back to take the nighi-f'P 2-1 to the delight or 49.970 Ijiu, ttie largest crowd of the ' iii in Chicaso. &tnn Red Sox tumbled inU M p:;ice by dropping a twin-l Cleveland Indians 7-0 m 5-4 White Sox now trail tii jnk by two games, Washington's fifth-place Scn-at,'.s remained five game.s ofT tiie puce as they halved a bar- With ohe-hit pitching by Arti niurri hollow' in 194T When Ben of team play and Intelligent co operation and combination. ington, Thomas Jefferson and other great names in early American history was reported to President Truman yesterday. Leslie Biffle, Senate secretary, told Truman he found about 100 papers last week in an old bookcase in the Senate library. Watch Battery for 'some sucn moves in the future! . Olson last night and an eighth-1 Hogan, Snead, Jimmy Demaret inning route in which 17 runs; and Bobby Locke fell lh one were scored, Firemen pasted thunderous lump. Hawks 22-3 in Prince Rupei Three; former P.O.A. chatjip-t,,m,;,n league I ions Chandler Harper, Jlrri Fer- Snioke Eaters turned on the rier and Denny Shute were cut ". Works In Iron Lung Oakland, calif. api Dr. Ralph Kenneth Winkler, 30, re- heat In the eighth as they sent; down during the long day oi )i men n the nlate. collectlntt double eliminations, along with Preserved Dignity " . . . , ... - t .A ft 1 TO r.rat W-r, bill with St Colli'! Browns 17 rum nil 12 hits ana louriuova iwangiur.i, i vi" iitrned ttj work yesterday it I.CNDON (h F or years Quen- savec train tare 'I ' the Sl' 8"e -5 "u-lwalk5 ofr.U'EdtKPhe ktoajJ4 . th -iron . I tin Douglas. CO, fciiiR, he second 3-2. Phlladei- Ke(,,wi(.k brothers. i Burke, jr., season sheading moneJT lung which has kept him Wm alive-by alive; by riding rWing to w work on a smtut riitinvMO win ii . . Out of the debris emergeu ur. w divided a dt.une header with Klivt, up on hit, walked six and ' taking a 12-lnnlii! first struck out fuur. Cary Middlecoff as No. 1 remain lng favorite. since he contracted polio in the motorcycle. Now he's beea decline of duty. Winkler, who as u1 ted mayor of the Kensington chest surgeon often worked with district and thinks it is beneath polld cdses, was himself strickm his dignity to enter the town last1 fall. His duties at first will hall on a motorbike. So from be limited to reading X-rays. Inow on he'll walk. QUEER TREES RIRMINOHAM. England (CP) 4 nalntlnir called "Trees" drew i J and me As the second, Danny Hill for the winners 'collected two singles and a dou- c Rain curtailed action in t!u blc and knocked in four runs. National League. A single games other "big guns" for the Smok-W-ecn league-leading Brook-1 ies were Lnridge. Lewellyn, each n h( idlers and Pittsburgh Pir-With three hits. al and a double-header be- Hawks scored two in the first wn runner-up New YorK 1 inning off their only hit by U;aii!s and Chicago Cubs wa- ! -Pienehv" Vei'er and another In Esso and Esso Extra are continually ' being improved to give the best balanced combination of instant starting, smooth flowing power, lively acceleration and protection against engine ping. Switch to Esso gasolines and you're always tLsa&2 I favorable comment at an exhi for the MEAL that REFRESHES bition here by yourig Parisian painters. Then it was discovered the picture had been hung up side-down. 'WlHl OUt. ' the sixth on un error. FINEST OF COOKING BEST OF FOOD i6lad I switched. ySS) CASOuHla? j to PRODUCTS OF IMPERIAL OIL Fori TAKE OUT ORDEitS PHONE 2(10 BROADWAY CAFE SO Mltttl!lMiM Rfninljon or uhf rplr ttrvlce, Phona M DEWUIO MACWNS AND VACUUM CULANtX EPAI BIWGKB srwTJIO CENTtW Radh-ltlrphtea MARIETTA tJ tit CO "MM I t't-nplf aMVlo 1 llnd a. Pickup i $ Tvifif. P. lMk. J i' Rtfii9rotioo Lit kUWNMOWER jVi IpAW SERVICK l --By Mtcfaio 101 V C BALDWIN l I ; vmo All iiixta PCAVGR'S OSAREFD" DO YOU READ THE CLASSIFIEDS? Most peopfe do, and as a matter of fact the classified paqe is the most widely read in the paper. People who really want to buy thinqs read the classified paqe carefully, DO YOU ADVERTISE IN THE CLASSIFIEDS? If you want to sell ANYTHING fast, phone 748 and olace a classified ad. People who really went to sell thinqs use the classified ads. Classified ads always bring quick results. Take advantage of the DAILY NEWS phone service tot classified ads. arc made bcWcr, smolrc better, ARE bctffcr TODAY