PROVINCIAL usra&y PROVINCIAL LIE." A3Y , 113 lf3 VICTCf.IA, B. c. 0RMES fte DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY r - r NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER X I rADC Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 U 'sPATC"t:p VOL. XLI, No, 100 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, APRIL 28, 19.52' . PRICE FIVE CENTS ronnnn frrifipn IKlf AIL In i - 1."!! m KICE Jap War Is Over n Vice-President Contractors Already On Seal Cove Ground isitor; Impressed at IT No time has been lost in making a start on work Sight of Big Project j preliminary to the construction of Prince Rupert's Prince Uupcrt Tort To lie Used $336,452 50-unit rental housing project, contract for which was let at the week-end by Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation. r Mitchell & Currie had men at Wunists the site of the Seal Cove block this morning putting up work-i sheds. Breaking of ground Is i expected to commence this week renched After seeing so many things In such a BIlo space of time at the company's stupendous Industrial developments at Ke-mnno and Kitlmat, Paul S. White, youthful vice-president and secretary of the Aluminum Co. of Canada, found it a little Coronation Set June 2 Next Year Great Celebration Today Nationalist China Also Signs TOKYO Today was one of great celebration in Japan for it marked the going Into effect ot the peace treaty ending th war with United Stales and olliei Allied countries, including Canada, which started ten years ago when Japan tried by force to seize control of the Pacific Ocean. The day was also marked by the signing of a peace treaty with Nationalist China, ending even a longer war. Only country with which Japan is still technically at war Is Soviet Russia wtilch refused to accept the terms of the peace treaty. To mark the signing of the treaty 1.230,000 prisoners were released from jails ln Japan as a general omnesty was granted except for war criminals and those serving time for crimes of violence. The amnesty was granted to persons convicted of or accused of crimes to let them "make a new national start" on this National Independence Day."-'"" Excluded from the amnesty were 949 war criminals ln 'gray Sugamo prison although it affects most of 240 prisoners serving time for 'offences against the occupation. The amnesty is only one of the manifestations of this his forea difficult this morning to make I LONDON The Queen's coronation will tak-e place June 2, 1053, It was announced 1 any comment to a Dally News Reports arc reaching representative. ,troi:y armed defence : ,.x havp bcf n nparJng S(( much , the Communists have &hQyji Jt U)at j had to comc the Korean rnm- and see for myself," said Mr. , said to re-em blc the whKe wn llke othm wno nave I; ,? r with the arrival of the CMHC : supervising engineer. D. Robertson, head of Robert-: son Construction Company of jNanaimo, which has the con-I tract for the Eleventh Avenue land Westview groups of houses, lis due Wednesday and will get his projects also started at once. It has been stated that the houses will probably be com-j pleted and ready for occupancy by the end of the year. Accepted tender of Mitchell & 'Currie for the 16 houses at Seal jCove was $169,040 and of Rob-i ertson Construction Co. for the Alberta Man Leads Socreds In Election ed line wlUcli wa- bepn at the preal tunne,. and , the French Taer D powerhouse excavation at Ke- i adore World War u. lnano was greatly, impressed! -,ey may not be plan- Wlth the magnitude. i arly offensive again,, ! Mn( accompanics hcr' Nations in Korea, tnc husband yestCrday at Kemano i nevernu.ii.aa. ay shc had thc distinction of belns: CANADIAN TROOPS LEAVE FOR FAR EAST ;vcr 1.000 Canadian soldiers, enrout'e t Korefi to replace elements of Canada's 25th Infantry B:igac!c, received a typical United States send-off at Seattle recently as their troopship pulled out of port to the martial strains f the Seattle Military Band. The troopship, on a turn ibout trip, had Just disembarked hundreds oT Canadians, home on rotation leave, a short time before sailing. (National Defence Photo' dicing themselves in Uje flrst woman t0 d,.,ve int3 the great ten-mile tunnel through j 7 ; which the Tahtsa Lake water will ! j NEW WESTMINSTER Rev. E. ! 34 houses on Eleventh Avenue i O. Hansell, M.P. for Macleod, and at Westview, $367 412 total i Alberta, will be campaign leader ; of $536,452. i for the Social Credit party in . I' r i - . r k. w Log 1 British Columbia's provincial election. ! Choice of a political leader I was deferred until after the elec Pro-Cons toric day on which Japan becomes one of the world's free countries as a democratic, sov-ern state. tThc Japanese peace treaty Todays Stocks 'uiirtc-. . tl. J.iluibtuM to. i.ltl. : be brought out to the Kemano j powerhouse. j i And the climax of the visit to l Kemano was a helicopter ride i I the first Mr. and Mrs. White had j ' ' experienced. . , They spent four hours In thv j ! Kemano area and then had a! j look at Kitimut where the great ; ' aluminum smelter is being built, i ! While here today, Mr. and Mrs. I I White arvs the guests of thc Co- ' nsport Naval Takes Disaster 174 Lives becomes formally effective at In Session tion. It was felt that selection j should be made from among ; party members who will have ' been elected. 1 i W. A. C. Bennett and Solon i 6:30 a.m. Pacific Standard Time VANCOUVER American Standard ' .28 Kwl of Timber Bralorne - , 6 00 Monday.) The United States embassy will resume operations after .03 v:, Low declined to tsct as campaign : fnmi Vancouver B R X :.: Pre-Elcction Provincial Gathering Ucing Held In Vancouver leader. Cariboo Quartz 1.45 Congress ig" may have been the lumbia Cellulose Co.. paying a , many a love affair In visit to the Watson Island pulp I f our grandfathers but mill this afternoon. . ; ipplirsriifin to Hie ltim- - They were aI?o met bv orfielals United States Minesweeper Sunk by Aircraft Carrier in Atlantic WEATHER- more than 10 years of suspension by war and occupation. Heading the diplomatic mission is Ambassador Robert D. Murphy. ...... Japan resumes full diplomatic relations with many other coun . .06 :.. .44 .07 .is 2.25 .28 I VANCOUVER Two hundred and fifty Progressive Conserva- j tives from all parts ot the province are here for the semj- Irtry has developed a 0f the Prince Rupert Chamber i Synopsts WASHINGTON, D.C. One hundred and sev- mark in progress. A 0f Commerce. It was gcncraaiy C 1 0 U a nunrterlv mprtlnir nf the Rpifish mmt in transporting Tonight they rntrain for Van- ,.,,,. ff of the United States BO' tlirouifhout the province last Columbia Progressive Conscrva-1 Cronin Babine ; plant Mascot ,. Indian Mines .. Pioneer Premier Border Privateer Reno Sheep Crevk Silbak Premier Taku River Vananda Salmon Gold tries including Canada but shi ur , night but partial clearing in HVe Association 1" u I Ili'l HCIU. ttlUT i VUflL "O till remains technically at war with . I ...... J . ... suocessiiiiiy here to- Nechako dnni, will proceed back : JNaVV Ittinsweeper HODSOIl w ere lisaeu as uil-miii arrival of the new type to Montreal. i i..,i;,.,i W.f W-f nin-Vit ' fnllnwin.r a pnllisinn in ;oii..i kv "' "'- party candidates lor the June to at several, iperatures freezing c, seated h S localltes In the Cariboo. In the, jpatform. 1.60 ,56 .08 .13 alf at Columbia Cel- n Is the list trip to thc Pacific I "" . b .pany s pulp mill. coast for Mrs. White whose home ! the Atlantic Ocean batUl'Ciay night 'With the airciaii Ct UI41VI11 441 i V A UlllUU 03',2 overnight minimums were In th; p Ions left Vancouver is in Toronto although now re (carrier Wasp, also of the United States Navy Major-General G. R. Pearkes, V.C., M.P., Nanaimo, will preside. W. D. Lambie, president of I forties. . , f ys am) towed by thc siding In Montreal. The disaster, one ol uie worst Spud Valley : ... .10 Silver Standard ; 2.50 Western Uranium 3.90 Cloudy weather s In store for I n, a Dolnutee Towlne mast districts today and showers; the Prince Rupert Progressive- In peacetime naval history, occurred some 2000 miles east of 'j to cxeiiunged at the Mand mill (or cedar Norfolk, Virginia, and 700 miles Oils -'. will occur particularly near i onservauve Assueiauun, ana i. mountains. It wll clear gradu-iM. Christie, party candidate for ally ths evenhig. Tomorrow will Prince Rupert in the election, be sunny at first but cloudy from! 'eft today for the meeting In from thc Azores Catholics Dissatisfied Russia which did not sign the peace treaty at San Francisco September 8. Russia immediately denounced the treaty and the accompanying U.S. -Japanese security pact as "treaties for the preparation of a new war In the Far East." Russia assailed pacts in statements by Ambassador Alexander Pan-yushkln. The latter called tne peace pact an Illegal separate peace treaty with Japan and said-it was concluded in a violation of the Big Four Moscow conference In 1945. He added: "The conclusion of th ttoaty shows how far the U.S. govern An;,'lo Canadian 8.05 AP Ccn '. .f8 Calmont- 1.80 Central Leduc 3.75 Mr. White said that there was no doubt considerable heavy construction material from the East for the Kitimat and Kemano plants would be moved through Prince Rupert. Already thc possibilities of using this port were bring investigated by the company in its "struggle" with transportation problems. a infix Pariflp rlistiirhnnrp which vttucuuver. fir.4 time such a quan-- has bei-n transported ithoul. the use of the ial Davis or Gibson Columbiii Cellulose ;!gpr, Rae Johnson. ' system is more prac- High seas and murky darkness were prevailing. Sixty-one members of the Hob-son's crew were rescued. Lt. Ctlr. Tierncy commander of the Hcbson, is among those beleved lost. i Is expected to move Into south coast this evening. i i Forecast Home Oil :.....'.il 1450 Mercury : 32 Okalta 4.60 Royal Canadian .24i Will Oppose Auy Party Denying Minority Rights In Education Would Prohibit Gasoline Bomb North Coast Region Cloudy with showers today, especially f "8 a lot of time and As to what extent this port marks another step -watiun of the forest I along the mainland coast. this evening, sunny on day, not much change In tem- TORONTO : Athona Aumaquc would be used when the plant NANAIMO .K)-A special con- i yyough seventy-five feet ol I ventlon Sunday directed the ; hCf have been damnged , th I executive of the British Colum- Wasp Ls proceeding to the Uni-1 bia- Catholic Education Associa- ted gtates under hcr own power. n.t tion in to onlivnlv nnimsp" nnv . LONDON Dr. Cyril Garbutt, ne said, greeting thc got nto operation was some " : uinuiie run, perature. Light winds. Lows to Beattie DuQuesne . .50 Bevcourt :.; 1-15 Archbishop of York, would ban the use of the gasoline (napalm) hnmhl i v yt tr urn i T"fo ret Tt ment has gone In the policy of 'coercing' Japan into a United night and higns tomorrow at party which denies SEARCH CONTINUING political Port Hardy, 35 and 48; Sandspit The Navy said today it had the most horrible weapon nextsutatts "Lmt? brldgehead in 34 and 46; Prince Rupert, 34 and thing that would have to be studied. The alumina would be coming for the smelter by ships from Jamaica. The disposition and thc method of shipment of the output would be determined later. received no official word that: 49. minority rights In education. Another resolution endorsed at a rally attended by an estimated 700 Roman Catholics lar hundlrd in carload Pml by heavy cables, bundles are boomed f"tol Iks in an or-llM"'m- A raft is com-H mht sections and r ri'mhiy 5iio fed and f "ile and its shallow fakes low ill r a the search for survivors had been called off but. said it was acting on. "supposition that active Buffalo Canadian .21 Consol. Smelters 34.50 Conwest 4.10 Donakla, I... -40 Eklona .23 East Sullivan 8 15 Giant Yellowknlfe 10.00 God's Lake -47 Hardroek .13 Harricana ' .10'i called for thc executive to "op Principal purpose of Mr. any candidate who does not I search had ceased." White's trip west was to attend ; "'Vrrr.,Xm A department aide said tliat Social Credit Platform Built at Westminster a con ierenee in Victoria oi mer; ' i ! jWalioil. lie .vnlal,,..! Pacific Northwest Trade Association where there was a unique this view was based on belief that planes and ships in the area of thc sinking have had "ample time to search the waters." oouDie euucuuuii wuuuu o discrimination which must be eliminated." " A resolution concerning the ''K f OIt CEDAR Heva Duvex .11 '2 .89 Jl puip loKS nere fro, . . rl,ih u . rrnrpspn- The disaster was probably the separate schools Issue passed , Unltrd states Navy's worst since rrn"I'8,hl be termed as tatlvc of Aluminum Co. of Can- 'Wl in NeviencHn I.,, . t last week at thc annual conven is n uu acia, ana rep i est ma uvea ui 1 ma,lagr explained Aluminum Co. of Canada. Rey the end of the war and one of the worst non-combat losses. WHAT HAPPENED The Navy believes this Is what tion of the B.C. Liberal party came under fire as being "ambiguous." The executive BCCEA was Instructed to express Its Would Abolish Compulsory I Hospital Insurance ! presSure for monetary reform Pay As You Go Policy j ln accordance with fundamental Monetary Reform Social Credit belief that "crea- tion of monev ls aTht the NEW WESTMINSTER -The! alone. It should not major plank in the British Co- government lumbia Social Credit Party's ! bf delegated to private monop-platform for the provincial elec- i olv; tion June 12 calls for abolition L,A!stf,nce n PS1"5 and distribution of all fobds. of compulsory hospital insur-' ance i LONG DEB.Vli, nolds and Kaiser Corporations took part. Mr. White also visited Winnipeg where he addressed the P.- un of cedar, unfit for am- j happened: Ridgva Appointed Mark Clark Taking Over in Korea WASHINGTON, -1). C. (CP) Appointment of General Matthew B. Ridg-way, at present commander-in-chief in the Far East for the United Nations, as successor to General Dwight Eisenhower as supreme allied commander-in-chief in Europe -was announced today. General Eisenhower ls returning shortly to the United States. dissatisfaction with such m"ik n i v., ,...t., The Hobson and wasp were - . - ciiuuuic on tne Little Long Lac .70 Lynx .16 Madsen Red Lake 1.97 McKenzic Red Lak-e .... .43 McLcod Cockshutt 2.85 Moneta .44 Negus .61 Noranda 74.50 Louvicourt ... .30 Pickle Crow 1.76 Petrol Oil & Gas 1.27 Senator Rouyn .20 Sherrit Gordon 4.30 Steep Rock 7 30 Silver Miller 160 Golden Manitou 6.05 ... blguity. Manitoba branch ranc of the Cana- f jrw. An e,.h ,,. ;;: Thn meetiim criticized Educa- i part of a task group enrouie io rers' Association. dlan Manufactu iocs iris US IIKirndnl .... . J . l . tion Minister W. T. Straith for a the Mediterranean i Bin rJm;rr',,ruDri . . . . - , I.. 1.... H,nnt. Night manoeuvres were being limber fi,' ' " A nine-point program was put! before 1200 delegates, at the one- Mr. Hans-sii, wno is aiso president of the National Social Credit Association, was elected tH'n miinA. .. II day convention Saturday. It calls i statemeni ne naci maue iu.h a in regard to separate schools. It was called. "unworthy of a minister." Premier Byron Johnson was also critlch.od for approving the statement. after a two-and-a-half hour de- raIt here, : arrived with Drunken Boys Stole Liquor for: Abolition of compulsory hospi- ; bate and, finally, a constitutional i amendment. His election was In Ittl UISU1U1K.V. -nmnlianr. with wnat some Free hospital care for the ! I. , .;. TV; ,.. Krir. delegates oescrioea as an uui- tuberculo- Hazellon Boy ; ..."mi rj.ii,rti. ;matum" from members of the auians KETCHIKAN Four 14-yeai old Ketchikan boys were taken held enroute. Thc Hobson and another destroyer-minesweeper were trailing the Wasp to help pick up men if any of the carrier's planes failed to land on Its decks. Around midnight the Wasp, probably cutting through rough seas at 20 to 25 knots, turned into thc wind to enable planes to land after a simulated night strike. The Hobson, travelling at about the same speed, plowed into the carrier. It Is not clear whether the Hobson sank immediately. Sick Chinaman Found Hanging I In custody early Saturday morn-i lng in a cabin on Pennock Is- Dies In City ."ri'. , iNatlonal Social Credit Associa- j laud after stealing twelve bottles, vidual and private enterprise in j An elderly Chinese was found exploration and .development of' "So long as I steer the campaign, there will be no rivuil ot 11 in a m ViarnTlnu fcv ! expioru of whisky and 48 bottles or beer A SCVCii-year-old boy died on I from the Elks' Club the previous Sunday in Prince Rupert Gcn-evening. era Hospital after a brief. Illness. Thc boys were all inebriated was cary William Grant, son S,M,'n 'iveS " - .-,. -' naturai resources. his neck behind the door of his -pay as you go policy in all Interference in British Colum- provlnclal expenditures and re- bia s anairs Dy tne Aioeria gov- after having consumed five of of Mr and m,.s, w. E. Grant of Th, (;ulludl'l the 12 bottles of whisky and con- Kl km nr ... . . . . .. . j 1 nazelton. We bee 1 duction of administrative costs. ""i n. nHu xc More "beneficial working ar- also said that he had no lnten-rangemcnts" ln fedcral-provin- -tion of becoming pohUel leader rll Remains will be shipped to his the .tC 1 suierarjie Deer m tneir nwiuium President Truman announced at the same time the appointment of General Mark Clark to succeed Ridgway as United Stales commander In Korea and commander-in-chief of United States armed forces in the Far East. General Alfred M. Grucnther will continue as chief of staff to the supreme allied commander in Europe, the post he held under Elsenhower. Ridgway's appointment, and Eisenhower's release become effective approximately June 1. Clark is now commander of army field forces at Fort Mun-roe, Virginia. ,n 5 1U11 bln 1 for burial. tcrn r , . , home of the party. ! housekeeping room behind the j Chinese Free Mason Hall. He was Low Way Bin, an old-timer in Prince Rupert. I 1 Coroner Don Forward said' the ; man had been missing for a ! day and a half before being1 discovered by neighbors. "A physl- Guelph Two Up In Junior Final re; "-many. i one or tnc hoys said tney nau mils Smin ' taken the liquor to the Island In icrta. ' 19' r Roc an outboard motor boat, drink-w Collo,,,, lnS on the way. One of them or uuu. to, of Fort became so intoxicated, he collap- -TIDES- (Pacific Standard Time) clal taxation agreement. Reconstruction of the present Labor Relations Board, revision of the Workmen's Compensation Act; review of the Industrial Arbitration and Conciliation Act. Establishment of a legislative committee to review periodically the Workmen's Compensation Mr. Hansell announced that he planned to tour the most of the province before the June 12 election. ' The 56-year-old honorary minister of the Christian Church of Vulcan, Alberta, has been Mem-berof Parliament for Macleod ince 1935. Tuesday, April 29, 1952 " Rohinv, sed in the boat. 4:03 GUELPH ff-Guelf Biltmores l"'5 Port .Is pending but It is defeated Regina Pats 4 to 2 last nkely an Inquest will be held, night to go up two straight in ! Low had- been complaining of the Memorial Cup Canadian Jun- an Illness for some time. He has su. 30, of Ed- I The boys were turned over to High .. 18.9 feet 16.4 feet 5.0 feet 17:20 their parents who promised they j aths were Jurnh v, y accident would take drastic disciplinary Low no relatives here. 10.1 feet I tor hockey finals. I Act. . . . ""ouea. ' .measures. ,