Proud Oldster "Mi-oiai Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It I P THE ! ot ETTERBCX BELSTEAD. England cp) j ce Royal at th ,! Walter Orltnwood. 3R. u,w eountv ,,,. tl!a Wednesday. June 4, 1952 proudest boast is that he nasi work on n, '. "' Business Spotlight By FORBES RHUDE i Canadian Press Business Editor! G'ant Showcase.. International Trad Fair The Canadian International fec' f sPl,ee- double what they lacKied every farm Job, received' reaped his i11'? f 1 AO Independent dBliy newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern end Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation Canadian Dnlly Kewspaper Association. Published bv The Prince Rupert Dally News Limited J P. MAUOR. President H. O. PERRY. Vice-President Subscription Rates: By carrier Per week. 2ac; per month By mall Per month. 7dc, per year, Authorised aa second class mail by I V,' I lUW 0n.ine , & POST'S GRAPE-NU nf, A mantel aa Hw fnu-.i . uh took last year. Britain, as usual, is a big exhibitor, and so are Western Get many and Western Continental Europe In general. The fair Is essentially a place lor buyers and sellers to get together and talk business in relative nuU't. Only on three days, the two Wednesdays ami one Saturday. Is the general public admitted, though any one with a legitimate Interest will find .10 dirriculty in getting In. Hi J. R. van den Brink, Nelh-vrlandR mlldsler nf economic af- Trade Fair opened today, and until June IS people from virtually every five country In the world will tread Its aiMes and look at the goods on display. The fair, held annually In Toronto since 194H. In effect, a giant Miowraw of many parts, where 2D countries wl'l exhibit their wares, and more than 35,-000 buyers will look at them. In post yvars, Canadian firms hnd held back somewhat. This yen., however, they are out, In, and take up more than half ot the full 's lnoi ntiare Human Relations-A Basic Need businesses fail, while others under similar SOME circumstances thrive. Some executives themselves fail in their attempts to lead to success and direct the business entrusted to them. And this does not necessarily mean that such executives have not the intelligence or most other qualifications required for efficient leadership. Mostly, though, they lack the bade need skill in human relations, If the head of an organization is tough with his men, they will be tough with theirs only more I. i J Of mote r ..... 1 M.tfnoll -J Does B.C. Want This? IT IS to the credit of Pre-mier Manning that, by purge after purge, he has rid his provincial Social Credit party in Alberta of the most persistent Jew-baiters and race-slander-mongers. .cVimo nf t.hpa fnrmprlv mis- used the columns of the Social Credit paper and "study groups" to spread a form of anti-Semitism only in degree less poisonous than that which was spread over Germany by Hitler's Nazis. R..t Premier Manning nnd the Vnuine Christian wing of the , Social Credit party have so far! been unable to purge the fed- eral side of the party. Thus Canada a few years ago saw! the astounding spectacle of aj Social Credit MP having Ills i 1 1 r noirl hu thn to vnotiDrc nf tj puiu uj miv. iuaujiu v Canarln tn ttPnd the tlNho. Controc't Down Throughout Canada mNiiiyn-n m. imv .' "V . . . '.'"' n" . May lOIHI'en f I7ft.t3l W l,nw" tl8 2HS.l00 from May last J1"'' "aJs Martian nuildlng lie i"11' Ltd. The lota! for the lirat five month- of Hie Year is $700,-874 0D, down t!r. 130,000. May figures by rntrgtHlPs were: Rp.'Ulentlal $42.(1201100 rtnn :$( 382,900; commei clal, 134 271- lallway Wharf, $1,500,000; pon-; 100, down $2i,2t5R.rim; IndustrlBl, I Klructlixi program for Imperial $27.003, 1(K,, up 15,590,700: enpin-.tlll, t,ld In British tHilumbla, ,Hi i:ig $71,735,300. uo $B.7fl8.ilon. ! t I3.MHj.000; bridge at Thn-e Rlv- U111 MtiHHnhOa u,oit l,i n n linn rum. ,.lllllu ,h. OT ROGERS -KINO OF THE COWBOYS in. tt U 1, r a l,h l RRe of 14 0W 500, most of It In engineer ins. so. If he is open to suggestions, they will be, too. Whether the executive is autocratic or democratic, arbitrary or open-minded, whether he makes " hasty, vague decisions or firm, well-thought-out ones, the people in his organization will follow the same line. , A good executive also has insight the ability to understand behaviour in oneself and others. On this knack of knowing why people act the way they do, rests the administrator's ability to develop his staff and get the best results from them. Whether an executive is a top man in a large industry or whether he is owner-operator of a small business employing only one or two men, on his skill of human relations with his employees and with people outside his business, for that matter will depend a large measure of success. using that trip to . appear on the unieserved right to vote, the Philadelphia platform with' May j ask Mr. Editor wliich the notorious fascist leader In ' if the better way to be a Christ-the URA-Oerald K. Smith! j Ian. to pu'ach the doctrines or to practice them? DOES B.C. want to condone the! P. McC.UIRE. PWute irirmjiii touwtuf- motw mm ' mi, ma l"i''"!I.Arid,h()f, ..-.uinnmriii (trains, not oat! MB FINISH iReoiarcREDi. The rotiSHtD GRANITE-LIKE f0 fLOOM. disguised Jew-baltlng, which Is discretely passed around by some of the Social Credit big-shots? On April 16, 1952, John Blackmore MP sfjoke at Trail. He implied the same old line that any close student of anti-Semitism will recognise at a glance. The -Jewish international bankers" are out to take control of the. world. Our democratic statesmen are mere dupes and stooges. So ran the familiar theme in Germany. How different is The Socred version? The Trail Times for April It reports Mr. Blackmore's speech thus: "To Illustrate this he said that Lester B. Pearson, Cana- dian Minister of External Af fairs, was a protege of a man I Known as me tmperor of Canada,' probably the richest man in the country, and that Pearson was now engaged In trying to deprive "y,Sa V--" STORE FRONTS MOTOR PRODUCTS LIMITED 1 Phont 8M f , OWNER'S SPECIAL 1!)M CIIKV. -lOOR I M.l'Xi: AERO SUDAN, B500 miles, air roiidiUunlnt,, scat covers, while Wall lirrs. Off Finished l:i bnmittful cascade bh,e. Full priced At 9 ANOTHER OWNER'S SPECIAL 19 III PONTIAC 4 -DOOR DELUXE SEDAN Fully equipped, radio, spotlight, svat covert, heater and "f I Q C defrostei. Very clean ItoD 1943 CHEVROLET ULFETMASTER DELUXE SEDAN 2 -tone blue, radi'., seat covers, new partial motor. f rtQC Till;: car on exceptional buy at only ' 1951 AUSTIN STATION WAGON Only C700 miles, radio, heate , d.-f roster, 4 QOCf This light new car for only ... Xtf 09 TRUCKS 1947 DODGE on Panel Complete body work and repulnt Jo. Heate- and defrostei, rod tires, - Anp Fir) price lUOt 1913 CHEVROLET ,-Tun Truck Excellent tires - 4 AJ-Specially biiiit van-typ- body XXld 1919 FARGO 2 -Ton Short wheel base, 2-speed axle, brake, van-tvbe body. J fania Full price l&OD TO PREACH OR PRACTICE? Editor, Dally News: Upon reading the Social Credit pamphlet outlining the fundamentals of Social Credit, I noticed in the opening 'blocked paragraph the following quotation from Thomas Jefferson : "We hold these truths to be sell -evident, that, a)1 nie i are created equal, that they are tnuowed uy their Cieatoi n.i certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of hup plows." imp appears exceptionally fine , in print but upon hirh Is the j greater emphasis to be placed, ; upoa mat in pinn or that m , Dractice? I inBC'tne Indians have been granted the unreserved right to ' volt. By special wuvWiat Infirm tho Inrtlann In no ,,, ai-. enabled with means tesi to receive old age pensions of !.0 I a month between 6f and RQ At i 70 or over, in B.C. the Indians receive the same old age bene- fits s the white man. Tlv Indians in HC. are en- titled to the same blind pensions and benefits as are accorded to those of the white population, ; i In Alberta the Indians receive 1 neither the old age no- th . . , nniii-iAi.c 1 1 1-1 hn t-- ,-,1 h wrw.tiiiii.-i, i' Ui Uirimuic, lilt" J 1 1 ; Hln l tn Alhertn nr. nn, i Vancouver any other Social Credit MP would dare to make that statement In parliament. For apart from the downright .slanderous falsehood It tells about Mr. Pearson, all MP's would recognize the general theme. Everybody in Ottawa knows that Lester Pearson rose by long service ahd sheer merit, through the Civil service( to become Canada's top career diplomat. He was picked, for his present Job by Mr. King and hot by any imaginary "Emperor of Canada" who exists only In the Imagination of those who peddle exactly the same brand of mental poison which Hitler peddled. The dif ference Is, the doses are more dilute, as yet The question for B.C. Is: t) we want to establish here a political parly whose top men stoop to that sort of thing? Is It not true that we have any Pities already? Tim wren!.. I" Llhtraf Aoc!Uo4 i The visual appearance of pclished rock . . . C'nokt of 1 1 00; per year. 110 00 8 Oo the Post Office Department, uenay Immense as it Is." PRELIMINARY SHOTS This is the day General Elsen-j hower, who returned from Eur-i ope last weekend, will speak out loud at his home town in Kan- sas. The nation will stop every- thing else to listen. For the Oen- eral Is about to take the f ielr, politically speaking, P and fellow countrvmen are cBurious Bg to Uhal m be th )1Re , stralPg B There are people who are said never to worry over anvthine. But it so happens they have relatives who are not the least bit that way. SOUNDS INCONVENIENT In a province enjoying an in-' dustrial boom sparked by a large j Inflow of investment capital, a' three weeks' period or uncertain-1 ty. about the result of the elec-' tion could be very inconvenient 1 to put it mildly. Capital does: no like uncertainty. It is doubt- ! ful'that well know nnvthlnff rt-l finite June 12 beyond results li halt a i.ozen to a dozen ridings. - Vancouver Sun. IATEST REPORT Allt your lnvftitmnt DeaUr Im rhr latett atport nd Protfwctut f CALVIN BULLOCK iia. A Special! Lamp Shades New Shipment Just Arrived. All new designs all new size . TRI-LITES, BRIDGE LAMPS, TABLE AND BOUDOIR SHADES AT SPECIAL PRICES colon in matt erf aranito.liL finih PI IK FNDIiil!hl QUALITY. "K0L0RB0RD" it imperviout to fire, water, rust, nim age, and it not (fee ted by climate ... it improve tim rft,re wU, tormhiy onPn tr,P rar. Rig lobs In May meliulrd: Causeway over the Rtralta nf 1 t'onsn between mainland Nova Kcotla and Cape Divton, 33,OOU,-lK0; bridge acniss the narrows of Halifax harbor, M.miO.OOO; roke nven at Bydttey, N B, M- OOt'OOO: Prince Edward Island jihem'rai plant at Bar tla, t)lit , tSBOO.lMMl; Aircraft Paris, Bt. Icatlmilnia, Out., $4,000,000. . rw.f 111 y 1 1 u- washing and scrubbing see "KOLOmoitO" at youh local iuiloing suttir mui bringing them Into the North, AVnt'c Tr,lat.y 9reanl-ion. Sousoqe Thieves Noting that Pearson had been one of the strongest sup- CAPETOWN (CP) Sausage porters of partition of Pales- thieves should have known bet-tine, to allow Israelites self- ter than to continue their pil- , rule, Mr. Blackmore said that fering after police sergeant A. Pearson apparently thought Plenaar retired and bought a Israelites were capable of rul- partnership In a butcher shop Ing themselves but Britons at Qraaf f-Reinet. Plenaar were not." caught them red-handed and took them to court, where thr-v NEITHER Mr. Blackmore nor' were fined. Some Dealerships still open. n . ray . . . j ! Reflects and j Re minisces I 1 ! r, Prince . t , . I Ruperts gram elevator 1 silent for twenty years, resumed business a few months ago, and j will continue on an active, per- manent basis. Announcement Is j made by Hon. c. D. Howe, If there Is anyone in Canada who should know what's he's talking about It's Mr. Howe. He Is not only the Minister of Trade. He also built the darned old elevator. A Vancouver man with a thousand dollars in his wallet, lost every copper. It was his savings, to date. He had Intended putting the cash in the bank, but thought he'd buy a l-'w things for his little daughter, first. Livlhg costs are mounting, we k.iow, but surely not that much. WATER AND WOOD Fisher, fervent radio commentator, told about the Saguenay ieg.' :n ot Quebec, the other evening. It's thei, said Fisher, that wood, water, power and funds changed a stubborn wiidernesi Into expanding cities, picturesque towns, highways, huge enterprises, and hundreds of miles of unrivalled highways. "And," went on Fisher, "(herd's also wood, water and power away up in northern British Columbia. Look for vast development at Kitimat. Enough Is going on there now to produce more results than happened around Chicoutlml and Arvida in Sag- , . (fa m w m -a- i fcnecyJi 222 Ent 67th Ave.. VANCOUVER 15,1 4 ,ji S4t,t,' v Mi llm siiost BEfomessive VOTEHS LIST Now available at ILepstatioti in Saiada 1 ' J. D. McRae's Committee Rooms (Next to Royal Bank) Check to see if your nam is on ; write. 1 11 1 u 71 1 a 1 tmrtti by th .C. Rupert Radio & Electric