j. v u ' 1 1 "I ( . ""-fir , l Fire Chief fo i Picture Confirms Wednesday. June 4. 1952 atre Minister Says- Inspect Stoves Death of Jet Ace Life rel ay In Apartment j PANMUNJOM, Korea (AP)-A ! Communist correspondent today i Save Up To V3 On Pyrex Pyrex Pie Plate fjjf ' Regular Bfic NOW 39 rJSi ct ' Snuare cak' bi,,h po Ifl'vi , 3 Regular 1.10 ... NOW 0w Lift- in Canadian i by Gen. J. A. Clurk, president of them will sooner or later return ll. 1.. hpCfim n? easier, ilh.. r'lnolnv. n..- in tV.o ..... tirU ,nH.-l SHIPS AND 1 Fire Chief Earl Becker will 5 he hafj seen photographs ; make an inspection immediately whjch contitm tne death of Maj. States jet ace shot down la.t Feb. ! The decision was made this IK 8-Piece Milft Bol Set 4! Ef .VST I V-.SPW WATERFRONT -3 f.sf- Regular 1.99 .... NOW J.'1' morning following the second 10. nave been given an , t, aPP-nmenta aDU,dn.mpnu are r subjei ,..hi... t .to )n! "It Is obviously necessary that ""'L .', my and are allowed th gh,ju)d ose eomp!rte i ir.rt "I their eamines; PScal pressure." Gen. CUifs contact with what Is going on in f'lv.iVtablished prison can- j statement was repeated by E. D. that outside world," said Mr. 5'"'.ln.y may subserit.? to Fulton PC-Kam!oopsi who urn- Garson. '.:,. t-d newspapers and pur- ; e( that judlrta, app(ri,ltm(,nt.s j,e 1 "In any case news sooner or ;C!.rMmas parcels. j divorced !ater Pt'netrates Prison walls from ""m politics ,,,, were outlined in ; , ,P i , . , amDsl '"variably in a perverted M'! I" the M'..,i.tlcH Minister! penitentiaries debat', form. . . rriu a ALL 0'ENWARl! ITfcMS REDL'Cfcft t PRtCE One of the oldest passenger II ships in service on the B C. coast, Canadian Pacitic's p.'.ncvss raaiy is being stripped of her superstructure in False Creek, Van fire in less than a week in suites Alan Wlnnington of the Lon-oi the Second Avenue apartment. 1 don Daijy worker told Allied The fire department yesterday ters he saw ..wilhin the last: sped to the suite occupied by J. ' K ..,,, 1f of Da-, n. 1 W. Morris where an oil stove day or two photographs caught fire, filling the suite with vis" body, his identification tag. smoka and scorching one wall his pistol and his crashed jet. The before it was doused. j pictures appeared in the Com- LaH Tuesday a similar fire munlst Chinese-language pub-1 r":m!; ... , w'miv of tiart. ! Mr. Garson said an increase in' Authorizing the purchase of ' ; ,ul,n,Vs lor 1952-53. ; pay for prisoners became effee-1 Christmas parcels by prisoners or u ,.r (hp changes 'live Oct. 1 IBM I their natives was a step taken u,'r .,.!,. t,, reform mis-! The old rate was five cent alto case the tension in peniten- diiy. paid un form V to ul! oils- uwinuuimg uic nuiiuajr . ,.-i,ii" Green-jotiirs w'hoye conduct and indu.;- ic- rorunio ANCIENT ISLE couver. The Mary is being refitted as a covered deck-type barge and will go into service between Alaska and Vancouver sometime next month. Before being offered for sale, she served the circuit between Vancouver, Pow.-U River and the Gulf Islands. was controlled in the suite oc- ncauon -liiDeraiion .ny cupied by G. Dale. l-iorial." Chief Becker reported the de- Winmngton said the paper partment responded to 14 fire 1 also carried a big photograph of calls last month, none of which Chang Tse-Hui, Chinese ace , t hai Cutiudlans not : try WJre satisfactory. !'' i about, the I - "This sum was iimdeauate to While the Mediterranean Is . . r ... i-:oir.!i'S. provide even a l ease lafoip iIIk. I land of Cyprus Is mainly agri From a form to o fiddle Daily News Classifies The ambulance credited wun siiuuuug 'f'nT.t we must not petkrWW allowance and did not ; cultural, it produces important ' 1 ., lp tuib niw.'iii ' make anv distinction between in- I quantities of asbestos and .Iron was serious. ! Davis. answered 33 calls. L-iim 'there was a ! mutes" lw were merely dolnm I pyiites. ,'i i, ci -itorimia fervlce," ! the minimum daily work arid : ''...l.'.Vd.mnell. -We all i thov who were making liett.-r . . ... i ... ' . fi.rl ' ftni.l Mr Marm. !t AO "i " ' K 1 ti V.V IIHIS! uriiiivrr ill n v. . ' "' .,..!, ! and must do "The new scale of lemunr-rn- i to n tin! 'i these people. , U'n . . .18 a Rraded scair of 10 . j r i.lhcr hand .... 1 15 arid 20 cents a day. inmates i - 4 ,,! in nils that this is -mourns noi. meitiy on uicri ',,' i. r ami that, these i woik vlficlency but o ) their i-en-re lx cnii.se of the eral conduct and attitudes. il.r. have (lone UKUilist pmnon oi un.- nan ir- , muneration must be saved, n ' i'fj.,,..,,,! '" ;,ald prisoners are UKainst the day of release; the 1 ,.i .....i ... Uulaiiee mav h. .'tient for Hie .. ... ' miwi',..A i.f mil-. II .ii.i'ilol I r-ir f i ( J) Oil III' II IV. Y.'nm I""-""" ......... ............ i MU Jl US CIUM'UKI.J OU'.i, l'l.f.viii! n 0 , members-, 'i'". alicl J-t f-upplies. .! il:, t sitlmc, ' '."'"j. i, ..fly with estimates! "e ,,f lhe ra!i,: 1!i tur 1,1;i,w" Hr'.'.;.,.;.jii!l:iter Winters. prisoners to subset l!m U, ;:., I,,,,,-.- opvriinK. Produc-1 newspapers was that mot f.1 "" "' " - 1,1; ,i ti r How.; announced!" uu j. j rc M . ct inns on the sale 'm -.r.miti.m of avlutinn p.asn- "nil be lil'ed Tuesday, June 5. ! trie! ions were imposed i-isu of the U.S. oil industry (. ruiiy l-.ist month. The tri. rt'lias ended. . iMiucrs voted $205,000,0110 s 19;i2-f)3 appropriations to -igiivcrnme it bills for June. IbrMt'inn was reces-.vd brief-ir.i.f -nibers moved to the j'.. Ir ihe royal as-ent of 1 1: is. including 158 divorce 1 In (n n L ires included one LJ LJ I' , . H. 1 . " ' 1 J 1 i 1 it M r.r ".1 11 3 jj 4 V -j thu Vktoria Day. In-i!il b' i ig celebrated May 24 jjr. be celebrated on the ' Mcriay before May 25. !:. ealing with penilvn-. m , in b e r s alternately M and criticized Canada's nul iudirlal appointments. 6 t Garnm said political coh-ntm;' re :iot a major tac- ir. election of 'judges for :.:!ui cimrts. He said Ira .:c r.ut deny that political Mil 1 f M V- .a:ioiiN are "sometimes a ur" but the main basis of .ir'nifii!.-; to the bench Is the Klite's qualifications, 'teireed with a suggestion' o o IT"- a-- t .71 v' M -Mi (T fi'rf' " The liquor Plebiscite is not a "wet" or 'Mrv" issue, lit "cr- sinriis, aim wine I A 7T i are available now. They are here 1 iwu 1 7 5V1 1 to stay. We ajiree with many who say that 1 i!r'.?:. our present method of distributing linuor is not satisfactory. M Hih in aiimr.r mn inirn m m u BUCHANAN'S M,at ll America today, while they reject the theory of prohibition, the citiens wish that their bars were better regulated, better zoned in fact, something. they are not. Hut for them it is too late to do anything about it. They are saddled with an unfortunate; , system. As it stands now we don't know exactly "how", "where", and 'Svho" will distribute liquor by the glass. The Alcohol Research Council suggests that a thorough study of the matter be undertaken before we go blindly into more liquor outlets at the caprice of the next Government. Governments don't always do things the way you expect or want. Vote "no" until you know what the score is. B. C. is a good place to live and British Columbians deserve the best possible liquor laws. A "no" vole protects your interests. mm SCOTCH WHISKY iT I &iHd, Blended and tottl.d in Stotland Sold In J6' a oi. bollle. 7 SI Hut consider what would happen with a "yes" vole in your community. The .next (iovernmeiit could license bars in your neighbourhood. Are you sure you want a bar in your neighbourhood? As a parent, do you want your children exposed to liquor right around the corner? As the plebiscite reads, the above could transpire if a "yes" majority is given. As' a property owner, do you want nearby bars when it is considered that land values depreciate in the neighbourhood of a bar? In many communities in North ''BIIIBBIIIIIIH111111111" ' advrrlisfnient Is not pillilislied ur displiiyed liy the i.iq"r "lllr"l It it ,,r .y the tiovcrnment of British Columbia. k LIST OF THE VERY BEST m m i r n 55v n n VOTE BBlKj(Qry UNTIL YOU KNOVU 11937 Ford Sedon 11941 34-ton International Panel 11949 Austin 11949 Morris 11951 5-ton Austin Truck Superior Auto Service 1 ivnitt ALCOHOL RESEARCH COUNCIL T,ifd Avenue West Phone Green 217