Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday. June 4, 1952 Wracle' Ruling Hailed by Hollywood SCREEN FLASHES - HOLLYWOOD. The 7 : Koje Uprising D'Aitagnan and the lovely Claire, son and daughter of the famous Musketeers. The s'tory is laid in 17th -.century France and revolves around the exploits of three young men and a girl who follow in the footsteps of their famous swordsmen fathers. Supporting cast Includes Robert Douglas, Gladys Cooper, Dan O'Herlll,, and Alan Hate. ,J HoYW0OD:e f Popular Hollywood ? T 1 "owrehearsCZ mount for the ,"alKr Lamour"RoadtoBaly-H'-; times selected "The ful Girl" at Fairfax uTi 1 She appearrSn1! : ', n in Paleface." Last Rites For Former Rupert Youth film industry is rejoicing because the Supreme Court of the United States has added a new member freedom of the Apple wh ait e Speaks at Perth Club i QUO VADIS Still this afternoon and tonight "Quo Vadis" can be seen at the Capitol and if anyone has missed it, this 4s the last chance to see perhaps the greatest screen sensation of a life-time in this city. Not only are historic events during the regn of Nero, The Funeral will be held in Terrace ! Screen to the tradition;)! TAYLOR - DEBORAH 7" TODAY 7:30 Saturday for a lb-year-oia Doyf , ; ,..v, fi ,., a ,! nt to irteClOmS. I pfRTH Ontarln Eriwarrl T n QUO VADIS" Techno r m m n M a Vancouver Island infirmary; The high court May 26 unan- Applewhaite. Liberal MP for Still Unsettled ! KOJE W United States guards fired riot guns Into prisoner of war compound last night, slight- i ly wounding four North Korean J ; prisoners. Prisoners' compound 604 re- ; fus-ed to remove clothing from a barbed-wire fence obstructing ?j guards' view of the enclosure. aj Guards opened fire with shot-m I guns to drive the unruly POWs i oack from the fence. j Two of the prisoners were tak- ?n to the camp hospital for ! j treatment. The other two were m ' given first aid by fellow prison- ers. j Tho s hooting ra.sed prisoner through the generosity of Prince imously threw out a New York Skeena. British Columbia, who Terrible depicted accurately, the BACC AG? r Rupert citizens. rT "Joerto Kossellini's "The spoke at the regular meeting ol entire movie is realistic to the Leonard Campbell died last Miracle wnicn nad been termed the penn Canadian t-iuo tnis L 11 finest detail. Saturday at the Island Home sacreiigious by the state's evening, told 01 tne history and Farm, Cobble Hill, near Victoria, censor. i industrial development in north- Mm MS J Robert Taylor, as a' Roman warrior and main character in the story, was never better in his portrayal of a difficult part, while the heroine, played by Deborah Kerr, shows so much convincing acting that He is believed to have suffered i Justice Tom Clark wrote in western British Columbia. He re- a heart attack. the decision: ". . . We concluded viewed the early-day gold rushes The youth was the son of Mr. that expression by means of int0 BC- and the Yuk;. gave a and Mrs. Ernest Campbell, for- motion pictures is included in raPid description of various di- merly of Prince Rupert. He had the free speech, and free press verse tvPes of settlement ln his been suffering several years from guaranty of the first and 14th constituency and urged his lis- a paraplegizing ailment and amendments." teners to spend their holidays m tm W J I - ' casualties for the last 24 hours. - iu uuc ucaa ana sevea wounaea. mhm h rnitinn oro,., a-nrw This was the first important and fl0 tnelr Pleasure travelling judicial acceptance of what the in Canada, citing, as reasons, the film industry has long been grandeur of British Columbia seeking: the right to make and scenery, the historical attractions iMajorieMNN Up iifi iNKllBRlDElMffiil! Sizes 12 to 44 Pique Dresses 55.98 show films without outside In- 01 tne country from Nova Scotia lo the Yukon, the opportunities she will remain a living memory of the historic scenes. A thousand other actors and actresses jol nto enact scenes of the days of Christian persecution in Rome. And all the time Nero leers, and plays Ills lyre-even while the world's biggest city burns. At the Totem Friday begins "At Sword's Point," the RKO Radio film, in color by technicolor, starring Cornel Wilde and Maureen O'Hara as the dauntless JjOne pmoner was kUled and an-!citizens nel3 raisecl a fund tc rh" was funded by accidental j SPnd him t0 the Isiand home a discharge of a guards machine Besides nis parents, who nov. a gun. and two were wounded in a reside ln Terrace, he leaves a ; night of an escaoe attempt. siste, Caol and tnree brothers. Defiant proneu. earlier set, Rlchard .Allen and RoUrt. J up a new flagpole at their prison j In Prince Rupm are hlp ipen in place of one which was grandmother, Mrs. A. Bendiksen: a knocked down by guards yester-; lnree aunts Mrs A c oiUis .i . . Miss Janet Rackow and Mis - : It will n not be there very , Cnrjs viktil. two uncleSi Robcr They're Smart . . . They're Worth More THEY'RE AT terference. The news was greeted with enthusiasm. Eric Johnston, head of the major producers, said the decision "marks a giant step forward toward removing all th shackles of censorship from the screen." MGM boss Dore Senary said he was "proud and delighted." Veteran independent pro-aucer Sam Goldwyn called it "a great victory for freedom of xpresxion." HOME-GROWN CENSORS lor sport, pleasure, education and entertainment from coast to coast. , Mr. Applewhaite discussed the immense aluminum project undertaken ln the Skeena district, including an interesting outline of the aluminum company's plans to construct one of the largest power houses ever known, in a cavern inside the mountains of British Columbia's coast range He stressed two facts, first lummc,u DMB.-ueiierai and Carl Sim0nds. ' rrr. tmk. LORI NELSON JAMES BEST i Boatner. i Strikers Will RICH STATE j V"T"! ! V:yf Hst 'round THursdqy Q Soturdor I f I'Hritish Columbia, includinc LJV1W,l,Pr Nl J&SirSJ' f j hotr. of 1'rince Rupert. rif'7) I WALLACE'S S DEPT. STORE 5 Montana, besides its vast cattl Be Disciplined and sheep ranges, has the largest copper mines In the United that a new Industry was beine ji i th-.m ci t o.nyi L J.n I i-r M A WJ , States. Hut no bigwig would hazard built rather than an exlsltlng a guess as to what would be the industry being transferred from effects of the decision whether some other location; second, thai lf S w . VT k . T it would ena tne state and local no expendable resources were censorship boards that have being taken out of Canada at all plagued the film business almost the only Canadian natural re- APTONE since its Inception. source involved being water Until this week's decision, power now flowing, unused, to 71 if WONDER WALL PAINT I PARIS it The cabinet, an-j nounced today that any govern-j ment employees who heed the Communist call for general strike j today will be suspended and dis-i ciplined The interior ministry also ordered units of the National Gen-jdannerie to reinforce the Paris i police and be prepared to use j t oops If necessary. The Communist - dominated , Confederation Generale du Tra-j vail has called the strike as a protest against the arrest of . Jacquer. Duclose, th-j party's act-: ing sceretary-goneral, on charges of threatening the state's j'W" IV 'A i 1 1 ':. va.'.lia!)!", rlrie-- quickly and l.s .asy to apply, cry: s VV; 1 paper. Wa liioard. P'asler or Kalwiminp ? ? f$f& ":ie - -tc show Thursday a J" 1 """rs ",,en 8: p m- r yr f a. t 8:30. HAW'S 3 nuis had the judicial bless- the seas. " of a 1315 Supreme Court uling. It had upheld an Ohio ;t Ohio's censorship has long tule requiring review of films btcn a. problem to moviemakers, y a censor board before public Scenes of violence have been xhibition. 1 forbidden in Ohio. Even the With this legal basis, home- r.ssing of the plunger to set rown censors sprang up a!' off dynamite has been snipped 'er the country. At the present out of pictures. ''i"ht states have censor, . lucs llAve police censor-boards. Some are seldom strict, ; hip of movies, exercised mainly Clinic- or nine Pr.stcls and White. fVv- ten ating problems by using Baplone Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. iC: ka 1 mm T rsgy tun-. IKSIIE HOWABB WCMDY HILlll A i CHAKMINO CHAMING I ( 1 1 0 H 1 f III , t V COMI OMIPV AROlr v''.'. til i n r n c 1 1 s m , ' Lit- 9 "Taw IITIFtSNIPt Zjti 4e'i A TO SCOTLAND YARD Inspector R. W. Wonnacott. 42, head of the KCMP Identification branch, will spend the next two weeks ln the U ilted Kingdom visiting Scotland Yard and discussing identification procedures and related matters with British police officials. He paid a similar visit to the headquarters of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington recently. (CP Photo i 0 BfCCMIS ffj lu curb lewd shows. But many .ulies also have censorship boards which disapprove films for other reasons besides obscenity. Most notable of these is Memphis. The Memphis board has scissored or banned a long list of Hollywood efforts. Mainly the censorship was because of scenes involving Negroes. Dl XT TROUBLE 1 . "i ' lt!r.!!ll.:-i'ii.... . - -LK ... P , o ra w K HP ' ' ' i II If riil IE DO YOU fi mm Extra "BALZAC" "MOZART SERE.VADKi TJ)V 0.1'I.V 7: - 8:3(1 p.m. OITPOST IN MOROCCO" "HI RE COMES TROl'BLE" British Seize Russian Held Radio Berlin . m B II m m M B II B M n I II a 1 ft The film industry is criticized by intellectuals for not being! ;idult and outspoken enough, i But often the daring and adult1 pictures that It makes are the ones that draw the wrath of the censors. i Armed with the Supreme Court decision, the film Indus-! try may well be able to throw off some of the official shackles which censor its product. But FASHION FOOTWEAR "SB. BERLIN P; British military j police threw a barbed wire bar- j ricade around Russian-operated i Radio Berlin today and besieged that Communist Island inside the western section of the divided city. The surprise dawn action caught the guard of about 20 Russian tommy gunners inside a big red brick building ln the middle of the' British sector of For the proffssiunal or lh woman who craves utmnii comfort in her shoes oi white oxfords i th:it doesn't mean any new and shining era of film freedom., The important film censorship is still the unofficial one. It is the unofficial censors who give Hollywood the most trouble the civic, professional and religious groups which can bring powerful pressure on studios and the-itres. The film industry's trouble still will remain the same. As one sage once put it, "Everybody aas two business his own and .notion pictures." J'JST EXACTLY WHAT IS THE LIBERAL TARry'S POLICY ON HOSPITAL INSURANCE? all sizes. Mr. Wismer Says: m Co-Insurance Is going fo bo removed" &3 the former German capital. j British and German police on ! guard around the barricade an- j nounced to both Russian and j Oerman civilian station person- j nel that anybody .inside the building could come out but nobody would Ire allowed back in. The British action taken after consultation with American and j French occupation officials apparently was a retaliation , against the Communist seizure of several small areas on the Fashion VALUABLE EXPORT The 1952 cocoa crop from the Foot wean African Gold Coast and Nigeria) wcus woixn more man tu.uou 000. fringes of western Berlin which lie Just inslda the Russian occupation zone but had been administered by the West -H Premier Johnson Says: !.M, DCrsono, or, (he obolition of Co-Insurance o rhis time will jeopardize the continuance of Hospital Insurance." WHO IS THE BOSS? WHO ARE VE TO BELIEVE? h is only right and proper that the people of British Columbia should know the answer. We Challenge You Mr. Johnson Moke $ '$ COLD FUR STORAGE Joint Ooerafion WALKERTON, Ont (CP) A friendly compromise settled the argument when two fishermen hooked the same pike in the Saugeen River. Albert Strader Safety Furs-t A ... cooked the fish, which had swallowed both hooks, and Jos eph Sutter helped him eat it. To Give a Direct Answer! 4 Popular Steamer . Prince Rupert SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Forts Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service PROGRESSIVE FURS NEED A SUMMER VACATION i 11 R CLEANING REPAIRING REMODELLING Ji 5c a gram's Crown Royal Scacivam's V.O. Scacirams "83" Scojiram's Kings Plate: 5cQgram s Special Old CONSERVATIVE For Reservations Write or Call Vi CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. Phone 974 FREE PICKUP Box 1362 BILL SCUBY FURS Issued by the Progressive Conservative Association mmm 302 Third Av., Prince Rupert This advertisement is not published or displayed ry me " . Control Board or by the Government of British Colurn