ri i"iCe fvupci 1 LAiny INeTj Wednesday. June 4, 1952 - ruteAAlfin.lt I 'III BLACKWOOD on PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS John F. L. Hughes, D.C CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 .v.wv.w.,.w.w.vi.w BOATS FOR SALE u By EASLEY BLACKWOOD ni J (All Times Daylight Saving) VANCOUVER and VICTORIA SUNDAY ss. Camosun 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Coquitlam 9 p.m. ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Friday, Camosun, 12 Midnight FOR NORTH QIKEN CHARLOTTb ISLANDS June 4 antl 18 SS Coquitlam, midnight I OR SOi TTI (HT.KN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Coquitlam June 11 and 25 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupf.t A sent Third Avenue . Phone 368 Cuess And Imagination Are Fine Start How did Mrs. Keen have the nerve to come in at the four range with a king, a queen and a jack in her hand? The answer, is that she used a little imagination concerning her partner's holding. FOR SALE Trolling boat "Al-den," care of Fishermen's Coop. ( 135p) FOR SALE 36 ft. trolling boat. Phone Red 807. (143p) FOR SALE 10 ft. plywood boat. Phone Black 831. 133pi CARS FUK lALh. FOR SALE' 1930 Chevrolet coach. Engine sound, interior shabby. Oifers to Bell, Room 29, Commercial Hotel, Prince Rupert. (133p) FOR SALE 1950 Austin A-40 sedan. Very good condition. 3 new tires. Price syou.OO Can be financed at i2 Price. -1332 8th Ave. East, Call between 6.30 and 0:00. 1 1951 AUSTIN 5 ton truck will1 exchange for big or small house. Truck can be seen at1 Superior Auto Service. U35p ! FOR SALE 1951 Plymouth, sun visor, heater, radio, seat covers. Phone Blue 872. U35p) FOR , SALE 1951 Hornet Hudson, two toned, perfect running condition, new rubber. Private i owner. Price $3900.00. Terms. i Phone Green 981 or write P.O. Box 1171. U33p) I FOR SALE 1950 Meteor sedan. Radio, air conditioner and sun n visor. Privately owned since '' new. Can be seen at 112 Taxi 11 .stand. " (131p 11 Mr. Dale's double showed a I good supply of high cards. Very probably his hand contained a strong heart holding, with at! least four cards in that iuit. However, he must have some high card strength in at least one of the minor suits and possibly in both. Mrs. Keen decided to try diamonds first and then the clubs, if necessary. As you see, there was no point in mentioning the clubs because Mr. Dale promptly bid game in diamonds. Mr. Champion thought of going to five spades, at which he would have gone down only one trick. But he was pretty sure he would take a minus j score una mere seemed to be a line chance of defeating five diamonds. If the opening lead had been Jlie king of spades, things would have been easy for Mr.-.. Keen. But Mr. Champion had a devilish plan In mind, Involving the opening lead of the singleton club. MARGARET Mcl0; optometrist! Room io STONE BUIU)4 PHONE BLUE 593 po. nox um! 1 !.L,ECTR0LU unu scrvli NOW LOCATED Vr MANSON'S CHINA i0,. Phone: aven ; ); Evenings, blue itm y' For genuine parts a.Mieu phone or write ale HANDYMAlJ HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRai W Building and Repair.-. f :ii kinds ( ROOFS - CIIIMNI? OIL liUHNI;( PHONF..H: I P.O. Cox 1C70 MATTSONTJ UI'HOLSTKIIIN Phone Blue 12. I'i) 8. 234- 3rd Ave 1-Prince Rupert, I: H. G HELGFR'fjt! LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INi',1 Vi Phone 96, Eveniiii-.-i lt:i-k i LING THE TA;tC; Tailoring - Aller:nluiis and J Hollies Made-to-Mi fcrf 220 Sixth St. Pliiie f, Jill"- scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block C08 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 GEORGE RORIE & CO. ACCOUNTANTS Si AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 . FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK SAUNDERS BROS. We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SaW FILING 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 55 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtroddvn Heels and Wo. n Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STl'DIO 216--4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert 1131 . 33 11 45 FOR SALE 1950 Austin, new overhaul, good condition He planned to step In with nisi VANCOUVER O-Dr. Thomas ' nee of diamonds at the first childs, Caaadian Veterinary-lead of trumps and underload General, said here there is his ace, king, queen of spades. 1 now no foot and mouth disease $400.00 down. Full price $825 00 Phone Black 548. U34p) FOR SALE Studebaker V2-ton pickup, blue, good shape.- Call at 1425 11th East after 5. (132o) 1949CAR for sale or will trade for pick-up. Apply 1439 8th East. (135p)J FQR RENT Large sleeping room for gentleman. Phone ; Red 248. 131p) ! FOR SALE 1942 Plymouth se dan. Phone Green 617. 1 26 i WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Employed at Columbia Cellulose, urgently requires honse or apartment any size, furnished or unfur nished. Box 404, Daily News.1 WANTED TO RENT Unfur-furnished suite or house, couple, no children. Green 728. (136pi WANTED TO KENT 3 a room room suite furnished or unfurnished hv CKR firpmnn mnrrlprt nno child. Blue 291. 131p WANTED TO RENT Four or Make Your Printing Matter Part of Your Business D:d It ever occur to you that you need distinctive printed matter for yuiir p:ii l leiilur liii.-.iiie.'Ls '.' Type faces give you tills outstanding distinctiveness and these can be supplied by our modern printing department. Dibb Printing Co. "Ma DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe JnsJ Arrived! Be S""e to see it! FORD'S ; Sensationally All New RAKCH VAGON . NOW ON IIISPI.AV . ., AT BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly rrrvice" FORD - MONARCH DEALERS Phone 03 For the MEAL that REFRESH Classified Rates Closure time 4:30 p.m. day previous to publication. Classified, 3 cents per word per insertion; minimum charge 5U cents. Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards of Thanks, Death Notice's, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Armouncesments, $2.00. Special Display double price. ANNOUNCEMENTS Make your reservations now for the Shrine Ceremonial Ball Friday, June 6. Tickets at Van Meer .Stir.'io, George Dawes (Red 1271 o: . (. Bluaidown.' PrpirOi terian Tea, Mrs. Lain-st, Lie's, W.i 4Lh Av:-. F.u June l'j Presbyterian Hazaar, Nuverti- her 27. PI.RSOVU WK h'.nV cash lor burn!, out inolun:. any .-l.e ir nil'.e. Wll-nrd Kl-c'.i ical Works, Cow bn.''. Phone Blue 391. (If; SIIK1NERS' CONVENTION Shriner.s' wives and candidates' wives contact Mrs. Roy Evans or Mrs. Harry Robins Immediately. H31i Dor't Worry About Alcan oi fjo.lniibia C'eliuliihe . . . WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF Vote ART" MURRAY For SOCIAL CREDIT I AM not responsible for any debts except made by myself. George A. Cook. il34pt l.k.'ST AM) I Ol NT) . LOoT Parker 51 pen and pencil set. Reward. Finder please phone Black 802. (131pi HELP VVAXTKli MALIC WANTED Experienced truck driver with knowledge of city. Steady exployment. Apply in person to Philpolt, Evitt & Co. ' Ltd. (130) HEM WANTED FfcMALE HELP WANTED Our accounting department has openinRS for two capubie young women trained in stenography and general office routine. Permanent positions for those (nullifying for same. Pleasant working conditions. Reply by letter or in person to Rupert Motors Ltd., P.O. Box 1730. (HI) HELP WANTED Fully qualified stenographer. Permanent ob Group medical plan, group insurance. Annual holidays with pay. Apply in person to Albert & MeCaffery Ltd., Cow Bay Prince Rupert, li.C. (132) EARN EXTRA CASH - addressing pontals.at home. Write Lowell Press Co., Monde, InOinana. (1321 WORK WANTI'.I) MAN wld fourth ch:;s certificate of stationary boilers re quires, .work. Hluc !)0(). (132pl ?SPEif tefJCKD ; p;tyrolf c I e r k r desires position. Box 3!)J, Daily ww,s. (135i Hilt SALE r'OH WALK House trailer. A neaulilul home on wheels. . 1 liree room:-, fully furnished Oil heater, refrigerator ice box, i'. a:; or electric cooking bnill-ln closet, drawers find vni'drobe space equivalent to a 4 or 5 room house. Call ?3? bill Ave. West. (215pl NATIONAL Machinery Co. Mm Ited. Distributors for1 Minim .Sawmill, Ixigging and Contractors' Kqiimnient Enquiries Invited, nrttmille Tslanrt Vancouver 1, n.C. Hf' FOR SALE Shotgun case, shell vest, hunting coats, breeches, boots, puck saddle, fish tackle hunting knife, etc. Phone Blue ?64. (135p) FOR SALE Drawing equipment consisting of 32 x 42 board with T square, spline and weights, also instruments. Phone Eluck 396. (132) FOR SALE Deluxe three room house trailer, furnished. 238 , 6th Ave. West. 135p) : FOR SALE Solid oak piano and bench. Weber make. Phone Blue 346. (136) FOR SALE One meat block, one refrigerated highboy cooker. Box 402, Daily News. (136) FOR RALE Man's sinle breasted tnx. size 38. Reasonable. ; Box 400, Daily News. (132) FOR SALE-r Baby buggy. Blue 297. (134p) BOATS FOR SALE -FOR RALE 40 ft. packer "Lill-mak" (noored at New Floats. Best oifer. Apply 1337 Piegot v Ave. (134n) VfrOR SALE 1? ft. fow boat find Johnson Outboard. Apply Dr. R. O. Large. (134) West dealer Ensl' vulnerable North (Mr. Dale) t lu 2 H -A Q 10 6 J 3 2 C - A K . Mel I as (Mr. Champion) Mr. A I. el) S-A K Q 7 8 - J I it O a H--K 0 5 4 a 11 J D A 7 I) U V. - J C 1) 17 11 Mini ll ( Mr. Keen ) 1 8 5 H 8 U -K 10 (1 (! V- Q J III (i The hhhliijR: West North En it South 1 S Uhl :t h 4 D 4 S 5 li' Canada Free Of Foot-Mouth Infections in Canada, there is no longer any danger of a new outbreak, and in a month Canada will of- ficially announce this to the world. Hvie to visit the Federal Health of Animals offices after a tour of Saskatchewan Dr. Chlkls said hi an Interview: "The cleanup of foot and mouth In Saskatchewan has nevei been equalled in the world. I consider our staff matchless." He said the taig. t date of Sept. 1 for reopening the U.S. border to Canadian livestock 'sounds reasonable" but hs declined to commit himself further on an exact date. He said the U.S. Livestock Sanita y Association has put its stamp of app.oval on the job done. ' 1 t " ' 1 it 1 ' ' '! 654 23c per dotn fMid lot empties. PlM kv them ieJy when tke driver cellt. ru .J,,rt..nt i. puu,.h.d d vi.,.d ., e Liquor Cm.oI Bod b, . oerri v-elumb. Ml PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know Phone 174 For Repairs and Alterations Smith & Elkins Ltd P.O. Box 274 'ii'l C RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) ."...W.i WEDNESDAY pm. 5:30 Question Box 5:45 Something In Hnrmcmy H:00 Supper Serenade 8:15 Huwuilun MeluUieh 6:30 Musical VurietH-s 6:45. Smiley hurnette Show 7:00 CBC News 7:15 f'BC News Kuundup 7:30 Stefan Kuzakrvlch Baritone BOO "The Shadow oi a Tree" 8:30- -Hriuy V iuoo tBC News 1U:10 CbC News Supplement Piano I'liu-lnm:.1 1 :UO WeaL.ier itepnit u::i Sign-oH TIIUUSiDAY am 7:110 Musical Cluck BOO CBC News 8:10 litres liiil Oixxt 8:15 Molllllltf 8:30 Moniln Devotions 8:45 lattle Concert 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 8:15 Music for Moderns U:3U Sunrise fcierenatle 0:50 Dorothy Douhis Shew U:b5 Recorded Interlude 9:5! Time Sif,.ial 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 KUlers of Purple SftRe 10:30 This Week's AJti.'ll 10:45 Musical Program oo Klndergurten ol the Air Roundup Time 30 Weather Report MeiwnKe period ItecjroeU Iiiterlude ScaiullDHftail MelmltPS pm J0" Mkl-dav Mclodlm 12:15 C MC Newn I'J 25 Program Hesume 12:30 B Farm Broadcast 12:65 Recorded Interlude 1 M Alternoon Concert 3:0(1 B. C. School Broadcast :80 Kwcorus at Itnuuoit. 2 45 l iberal Assn. talk 3:0(1 The Music Box 8:15 Famous Vclces 3:30 I First Met: Comty. 3::5 Novel "lime 1:00 Sunshine Society 4:30 Around the World In 110 Days 4 :4ft Mock Quotations; luterlude. 4:55 i.ilC News b:ou lull Ishlster Trio RCAF Jels Wing Over Atlantic I j , P for II New Base j j OTTAWA (CP) In perfect' weather, the F-8'i Sabre jets of No. 439 Fighter Squadron left their base at nearby Uplands evih.. - ui .,. base in tngiana. ! First stop on the trans-Atlan- tic flight to North Luftenham, where two , ether Canadian were scheduled to spend the. night at Goose Bay, Labrador. The squadron, led by Sqdti. Ldr. Cal Bricker, DFC, 30, of Grenfell, Sask., is the first Canadian jet squadron to fly the Atlantic. No.s. 410 and 441, already at North Luffcnham, went by boat. Ceiling and visibility was practically unlimited Friday as Sqdn. Ldr. Bricker led the first four-plane flight into the air and set cour.-;e for Bagotville, a 305-mile hop, at 9:24 a.m. EDT. Four other flights followed at brief intervals. The flashing Sabres were pre ceded about "u"uk "-7 8:40 a.m. by two v m, North w Stars, loaded with ground, , crew and equipment. The North ! 0I T Z , . L , V. . A"'"' Bay. Two other North Stars fol lowed after the squadron was safely airborne. On hand to watch Cunadian aviation history being made was 1 a. giouj) oi seveiai nunureu an force personnel including Air Vice-Marshal A. L. James, Chief of Air Defence Command, Group Capt. Bill MacBrlen, Chief Staff Officer of the Command, and Wing Cmdr. D. G. Malloy, Commanding Officer of Uplands Air mree North Star transports already have reached England with an advance party of 74 groundcrew. LAND REGISTRY ACT Re: Certificate of Title Ni.. 2B465-I to Lot Seventeen (17), Block Twelve (12), village of Stewart. Map 005. WIltREAS satisfactory proof of lofis of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Michael Cornelius BermlnKham haa neen filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lofit Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at tne Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert. B.C., this 14th day of May, 1952, AD. Andrew Thompson, Deputy Registrer ol Titles (14l'p) FOR RENT FOR RENT Three room o cabin at Lakelse Lake. Phone Kea B07. (143P) FOR RENT Sleeping room. Men oniy. ureen B94. (132p) ACCOUNT ANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income fax specialist. 8 O Furk Btone Building. Red 5!)3. (20ini house ! by younTcoupr wUh101 are stationed, schoolage girl. Blue 849. (135D) Ba-otvllIe- Que. The planes ORDERS PHONS 2(l CAFE WANTED TO RENT Unfur- nished house or suite. Phone Black 297. (136pi REAL ESTATE WOULD TRADE 6 room house and 3 room suite for 3 bedroom house. Phone Blue 607. FOR SALE- 4 room house and three lots, 1425 11th East. Call after 5. , (133p) FOR SALE Large wartime four, furnished. 1547 Second Overlook. Daytime if possible. (135o) FOR SALE Waterfront Lot No. V at DodHe Cove. Boatshea 41 x 30. Lot partly cleared. Small house partly furnished. Lumbershed, " some lumber ! '.. clVi" f" ' lu"1D:r II he could reach Mr. Abel's hand In this manner, a club return would enable him to ruff for the setting trick. This was a rough defense to htndlc but Mrs. Keen came through in fine style. She won the opening club with dummy's ace. There was no way to reach her hand quickly. Therefore she could not take the winning heart finesse and get rid of her spade. After a little thought she found a line of play that was just as effective. She cashed the ace of hearts, led the queen of hearts and threw her lone spude on it when Mr. Abel did not cover with the king. This was merely trading tricks as she had a snde t.n ins anv. way. Mr. Champion was in the lead now but there was no chance to reach Mr. Abel's hand with a spade or with any other lend, for that matter. The only other trick the defenders could win was the ace of trumps. Co-insurance Reduces Stay Of Patients VICTORIA (P Due to Institution of hospital co-insurance, the average length of stay by BCHIS covered patients in public hospitals decreased from 10.19 clays in 1950 to 9.8 days in 1951. The figures compiled by BCHIS show total adult and children loys covered'by the scheme ' ' were ,i, f1 .o.,, .bf reJdS(l of 7.581 over 1950 despite the fact .irirlitinnal OOfl no f , ,r covered by sorvlce. t If the length of stay had re main ai me iasu level, BCHIS would have been required to ac- cept responsibility IOr about 5'i,400 additional days of hospital care. This average reduction of .4 clays p,r patient of 57,100 days per year, represents utilization of about 200 beds for the entire year operating at 80 per cent capacity. To construct these beds would have cost more than $2,000,000 and the annual operating cost would be about $700,000 per year. Russians Hold Up Disarmament UNITED NATIONS. NY '(Pi- Russia told Western Powers today sue win not aiscuss proposals to reduce Communist China's armed iorces unless the Pelping regime Is Invited to take part. The Soviet statement was made by Jacob Malik before the United Nutlons Disarmament Commission commenting on a western plan for placing voluntary ceilings on forces of all countries. GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER rhone Green 810 and Red 127 Brush and Spray Painting Paperhanglng SINCLAIR & KELLS Painting and Decorating Contractors Phone Blue 693; 345 9th Ave. W wuuu inauc iw uiiiuies iur"K"i-- iicaucu uiict.i.iy iui uou.-c REST OF FOOD FOR TARE OUT BROADWAY Shipping and General Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor$2Ad arid , Parte Avenues'" Est. 1910. Phones CO and C8 WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPINO, PRINTINO ENLARGINQ EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Green 130 Dox 478 Chop Suey - Chow Meir Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 ( THAF would mean V WED HAVE TO oS'TlHAVETl-E WHOLE Q. S, POV.-NSTAiPS General Construction "Floor Sandin I General Rcpaus Cabinet Worf Greer & Bride.;: LIMITED j Phone 909 115 1st Ave. V. I'. JOHN BULGE Jnlinmln .ii John Bulger Lt. Third Avenue By CHIC Y0l J I FORGET THE NEW PrfAKta l e? scows and larger craft. Price reasonable for quick sale. Box 751 or see owner, Albert Lar-sen, Dodge Cove. (131p) WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET PRICKS PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Van couver, B.C. Phone PAcific 0357. , (tf) WANTED-Board and Room- Young man of moderate hab- its requires board and room ! or furnished or unfurnished room. Employed Cellulose. Box! ws, uauy News. (133p) ASH for scrap cast, brass, copper, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue West, City. (tf) WANTED Pair of loggers or field boots, size 11. pood condition. Box 401, Daily News, or P.O. Box 1474. (tf-nc) I.AM) REOIMTRV ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 30369-1 to BlocK Twenty-Eight (281. and Lots One (1), Two (2). Three 3i. Four (4, Five (5). Six (6. Seven (7 1 and Eight (8). BlocK Twenty-Nine 29. Subdivision of part of Lot Seven Hundred and Forty-Six (7461, Queen Charlotte District. Map 1071. WHEREAS satisfactory proor of loss of the above Certificate of Title issued In the name of John McLellan has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C., this 31st day of May, 1952. A O. Andrew Thompson. Deputy Registrar of Titles (loSc) X SEU 7 BW TRADE ETC. "Me and My Big Mouth!' NtW pf?APS AND IF WE GOT NEW WOULD MAKE "UG1?, WE'p NEED A V.'KOLE nM LIVING- ROOM SET WE COULD J Am.. frfHESE I?UG3 I ... 7 J V -M III I Hi! ill Scvfn Hem