Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, June 4, PORTABLES POPULAR Canadian films manufacture about 23,500 portable ers each year. THE ROUND-UP I Bv OAYLE TALBOT Tribe Shuts Out Bosox To Regain First Place v !" ,' i.J 1 n -t r , , f - jj it faces Have Moe Than Noise Canadian Oarsmen To Use B.C. Craft At Olympic Games KELOWNA 9 Canada's oarsmen at the Olympic Games in July will have racing shells that can be termed an all-Canadian product. They are being built at the Kelowna plant of 29-year-old former Navy Pilot Gordon Jen- otherwise sound citizens to pay NEW YORK. Cleveland Indians regained the American League lead by blanking re Attention Ladies COME and HEAR up 10 ju ior a chair at the '500," but there Is no denying that the event has something besides noise. Critics of the race used to say that Its giant crowds turned out because of the Implicit promise of sudden death. That cannot hold Eoori miirh lnnspr fnr this IANAPLIS N0W l"at llW fi'soutof our ears and the I have erased to throb earc willillg to co icede Lpryone should see and ijts city's famous auto race j iS its enthusiasts' claim j :irop of a gasket, the i really super sports 1" There a eood )0S" fthat they sell the 150,000 4kets they talk about, i,., a one-time loser, we pens, who in four years has be marked the fifth straight yean?me internationally famous for withnut a driver fatnlttv anrf th 1 ms racing craft. I it ri. Russia Will j Enter Olympics HELSINKI, Finland (CP) Russia Tuesday announced It would participate In the summer Olympics here, thus bringing to a close months of speculation on whether the Soviets would send teams. Only sport Russians will not participate In Is field hockey, a women's sport. This will be the first time modern Russia has taken part ni the international games. Before the revolution, czarist Russia entered teams with indifferent success. He Is Canada's only builder bf throng which cheered the victory racing shells, a craft long domin ated bv th? traditional builders of 22-year-old Troy Huttman on U.S. Memorial Day was said by velaran observers to have been the yet. in England. Four of Jennen's shells are on Vernation which causes order for Canada's Olympic crews who will seek new laurels at the games In Helsinki, hy Do So Many Attend? L, he that the "500" bugs There was no betting and the part, ' bars were closed all day. You had ' for the most vamped Boston Red Sox 6-0 last night. In the National League, the Brooklyn Dodgers clung to their one-game lead by nipping Pittsburgh Pirates 6-4 in a night game alter New York Giants lambasted Chicago C'ulw 17-4 during the day. Mike Garcia drew his chief offensive support from Luke Easter in his shutout for the Indians over boston. .Paster drove in half of Cleveland's runs with his eighth homer and a single as they snapped their three-game losing streak. Indians got nine of their 13 hits and all their runs off Lefty Maury McDermott. Righthander Jim Wilson pitched "pnry'rig two-riid to lead Boston Braves to 3-2 National League victory over St. Louis Cardinals. St. Louis Browiis defeated the Washington Senators 3-2 in 17-innings and New York Yankees downed Chicago White Sox 4-3 in 13 innings in American League night games. Satchel Paige's third straight single with (wo out in the top of the 17th scored Bib Demaeblri from second base with run that g ive the 'Irown-i I are. in-hn love atnoinonwes una to go looking to find a drink. Vet ! ukumied by C.A.a.o. these thousands sat there hour i The craft, ordered by the Can-after hour and watched the adian Association of Amateur little cars scream past. Oarsmen, are a single, 28-foot, There's got to ba an explana-1 27 pound shell; a double, 33-tion, and the only one we can; foot, 54 pounds; a four, 40-foot. Jwitrh them go fast and 1 ,rtcd race drivers, them- 7AtVast we feel sure t,lat "jf those who witnessed spectacle were more ;j tied up in the procced-jin is the average fan at jj irse rac1. President of the B.C. Women's Libero! Association Speaking on behalf of the Liberal Party and in supoorl of JACK McRAE. Ladies Lounge-Civic Centre Thursday Evening June 5 Ol 8 p.m. Embody Welcome Vote AAcRae Progress Today think of at the momeni, is that! 11 pounds, and an eight, 60-foot, 250 pounds. more persons own cars than own horses. Top Canadian oarsmen, already know the value of Jenne- built shells. Toronto's famous i Argonauts Rowing Club has i I! ior Leagues Baseball Scores National New York 17, Chicago 4 Biooklyn 6, Pittsburgh 4 Philadelphia 1, Cincinnati 2 Boston 3, St. Louis 2 American Detroit 1, Philadelphia 3 Cleveland 6, Boston 0 Chicago 3, New York 4 St. Louis 3, Washington 2 Pacific Coast Los Angeles 2, San Diego 3 Portland 2, Hollywood 3 Sacramento 6, OaKiiou 1 San Francisco at Seattle, postponed, rain. Western International Lcwiston at Vancouver them, reclng nine of them now, and the University of British Columbia's crews split the waters of Burrard Inlet in. Jen-craft. FACTS! pp at Big hde Deal S. WILSON They have won' 12 major cups much dlssatisfac- illce 1948. and mary American footballers locallv clubs use the Kelowna-made By J. There was Uun among ! their hard-earned victory. It was also Paige's fifth v.n in relief pitching. shells. over Saturday evening's game Jennen's workshop is a converted wartime housing unit on and their criticism was directed against the executive. Some of 4 ,;t (CP) Pennant-con - Boston Red Sox and last jMrolt Tigers swapped j vers Tuesday in a "mil-liar" deal Jiat Jolted the football shores of Okanagan Lake. the questions the want answered are ben will Hff mulis his own plywood, tans the leather used in the shoes and ; ami 1(1 i i i wi v L IU UL' ifcll tAL'LUUVC lilCLlllKr i trade shipped a -star , Wno 1(.ked the team, How WCJre n the oarlocks. Only the oar- Spokane a' Victoria po; Vsemmi George Keil and locks themselves are imported rajn the players notified? Who ar- Hoot Evers to the Red; from England. In the frame rjnRod to provlde a ball and t0 Yakima 10, Iri-City 11 f 10 inning?) Wenatche? 1, Salem 2 goi s'ubk'ob mark out the ground? What was a u,i" "l" 7'",, ! Walt Dropo. outf.elcler . . ,d refreshments P,eccs of wood- Tne wldc variety j infielder ienhwlt and Pesky. They were big for the visitors at half-time? , u"u V ' V, . Wh:tt strips were provided lor1'"1' .(, t ..,., Jk ,o. h!rn red cedar, American oak, wn. niiifi: ii niii : ij .11 Remember when: J-lin J. McOraw. the peppti' i,y,x also obtaineu jonnny game not advertised? regular short- Phllllpine mahogany, Australian Iron wood, cyprus and yellow cedar. In the finished shell there are 4 000 tiny copper nails. Users' lad relief pitcher Dizzy Your football reporter sug-Kests to nresident. Ralnh Smith baseball leader, resigned as man age of the New York Giants 2 years ago todav after pilots the National League club for 3' years. In which stretch thvy hai Boston retailed first n Dick Grenert from k,p to fill the first base that he cail a meeting of the ! WARTIME AIRMAN team representatives, hear their complaints, and have the rep acquirer Edition. Tigers Kelowna-born, Jennens, before he bfcame a boat buiicU;r, knew al! about "stress and strain." He was trained at an aero-industries technical school i:i Los An resentatives provide the answers four World Series championship1! McGraw died two years later, in 1934. 4 'asenian nea Hatfield f the problems. 1a r mzz cher Bill Wight. Tha league Standing: geles In the early 40's. Then he ft at m v : $ became a flight engineer with A 8 14 7 W L F Oeneral Motors 3 2 9 CYO 2 2 10 flattery 2 3 10 he trained himself, and from a one-man start he has a payioi ot $1,500 a month. ding Down the RCAF, and befo e the war I ' ended he was attached to Urn Tonight's fixture will bring Month the Oeneral Motors and the ! CYO up against each other. . a.-... r2?6dXv -m Football Lineup n; per m 1 1 s totalling ftcfe ls nod bv the city i'f Rupert during May rmpai 's with permits 3 162 550 in Anrll. when Wnolworl'i Company and ! The team to represent the ' General Motors In their league FOOTBALL TONIGHT MOTORS vs rYO 7:00 p.m. fleet arm of the Royal Navy. He piloted Wildcats. After the war he returned to his Kelowna home with an English bride and started to repair launches for salli lg fans oi Okanagan Lake. In 1948 the Kelowna Aquatic Club gave him the job of repairing their shells and soon be was building his own, making a fast switch from aero to water dynamics. Now he has more o.ders than he can handle. And, he com mands top prices. For an vigil t h , , ' . I M ' , i ' ! t :. l ' , . J l 1 ' '(. r . .- ' i '- n i j - M a : . :- t ... t , f Is-. 3. f j i : r "''"f f i .it 9 -wiu.,.,.-. r nv- i f '1, t - t , ... '' T 1 i fixture this evening will be se- I lnrtaH ft-rm- RnhinsriTV other city firms took out ' permits. !Eby. John Wilson, Olsen. Blsh- " "' y . i ' Lien; Talt, Riou, Pat Wilson, , wpro fit- mit.rnp! inn nf "! op, w,v- ' ' ' . Matthcws, Murray: Maron, TJed- rmes and the balance were Vhile. 'ra'ins or imorovenv nts 3 quarter? or stores. ' of permits Issued for the e months this year totals j months of 1951, building peimlts Try Daily News Wunt Ads Classified Ads Pay the price complete If J1.8O0. In his workshop he employs eight full-time art'sans. whom ml Diiiintt tho first five I amounted to $94,425. m7 v 1 ' If If! To compliment your good tcistc . . . a distinguished selection of . fine Canadian Rye Whiskies and Staling London Dry Gin. This Summer Play Your Pari" in i Ths British Columbia Distillery Company Limited New Westminster, B. C. Soon Reserve Force Units from coasWoxjcxHt will begin one oi the greatest summer tredtt-ing sessions in Canada's history. Exerris Freedom will see Canada's Citizen-Soldiers "in action" training and studying Tinder field conditions. More men are needed immediateJjr in the Reserve Force to take part in this great national effort. Every Canadian citizen who is physically fit has a part to play in this programme of defence. If you cannot go Active then the least you can do to exercise your freedom is to join the Canadian Anny Reserve Force. Do not miss "Exercise Freedom" this summer. If you are in the Reserve Force you must take part in this most important phase of your training this year. If you are not in the Canadian Army Reserve Force, join the regiment of your choice immediately Join in Exercise FREEDOM this summer. EXPORT CANADIAN WHISKY Fk "VI1 Pll !T .41 SUP1111 R tOTTLlD N IONO ' CANADIAN WHISKV Kt a wmwrw.i'MfMBsniifiritBill ' IOHHOH ;: dry cin , nm Wtiiim jim try If '"f ii'- teAiw-- iWi Si i U m demand for Its products both at and In , ,,,,, crowlni Limited has E The British Columbia Distillery Company ,llrket8-.n expansion program that keeps pace areaHy Increased Its facilities over the past few years Columbia growth and prosperity, nnj k... .,.ii. ... i.. i.. Loon with the rapidly " Join 120 MM BTfo RCA-now! I --" iiua mutl up ll siiam i. r r 'tlT"" : ,h. the unuor l.quor ccniro Control Board or by tho Government . of British Columbia. Advertisement is not published or disployed by t