Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, February 28, 1954 Premier Urged to Adopt 'Store' k VICTORIA (CP)-Premier Ben-1 thron inrone speech .n..u , 'III n.k.. Talent Scouts of Film Board Seeking Charwoman With Hidden Acting Talent circulars fromV ware i. r Cheating Time Clock Offence in Canada nctt was asked Friday to drop the government's "pay-as-you go" policy and take up the policy of his own hardware business. Vincent Segur (CCF Revel-stoke), speaking on the Trans-Canada highway during the rnerehflnHi,i., OTTAWA (CP) National Film fications. She has to be a char-Board talent scouts are looking j woman with a hidden talent for tor a woman wi.h unusual quali-1 acting. which said V2tlt; f"d only U50 aOw the premier to htL OTTAWA (CP) Cheating the amendment to a section In the new revision or mt njimn.u factory time clock will continue to be an offence under Canada's Code which states that a person WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE employment who falsifies an record or punches a time clock with intent to deceive is guilty 111 u c Jure deal your oil 1 a ill The ideal woman Is wanted for the star role tn an NFB short on the woman who clean up the Parliament Buildings while the rest ol the capital sleeps. A spokesman said today that it's nothing new for the NFB to bring out the actor in unsuspecting people. He said it has done "quite a number of times" in the board's current scries 'Faces of Canada." One NFB crew is making a short called "The Station Master" at Finch, Ont., about 33 miles southeast of here. Dalton Henry, star of the film, is Joint agent of the Canadian National Railways and the New York Central Railway at Finch. He never acted before. Faces of Canada Is primarily for distribution on the NFB non-theatrical circuit, for service and farm clubs and church groups; but some of the shorts have been seen on television. They give Canadians a look at their fellow countrymen and their jobs. REV. A. M. VINGE . . evangelist Criminal Code. The Commons Friday night defeated by 67 to 13 a CCF bid to remove it from federal crimes. Colin Cameron (CCF-Nanai-moi said it should not be the court's business to arrest a workman because he "sneaked off five, 10 or 15 minutes ahead of time." Mr. Cameron, ' a west coast shipyard worker before his election to the Commons last summer, said if the law had been enforced against himself "I would have been before the magistrate almost every day of the week.". Justice Minister Garson said the practice "is really obtaining wages under false pretences." Mr. Cameron moved an of a crime. He proposed deletion of the reference to time clocks. Later the Commons approved an alternative amendment by Davie Fulton (PC-Kamloops) stating it is a crime to falsify employment records "by any means, including punching of a time clock." Both Mr. Fulton and Mr. Garson said the fulse punching of a time clock is simply one way to falsify employment records. Mr. Cameron said employers should enforce their own rules instead of asking the courts-to do it. Mr. Garson said the law applies to both employers and STREETCAR named DESIRE" Lutheran Church Readies . For Mission Members of St. Paul's Lutheran church here are preparing for a "preaching, teaching, reach- spring into the fashion scene Beautiful new nylons and dacron and other new novelty fabrics. Prints or plain. Thoroughly practical dollar-wise and wear-wise yet n e'w in 1954 styles. You'll be more than pleased, we're sure. BY THE PRINCE RUPERT LITTLE THEATRE A Scheduled Departure Time 8:30 p.m. CURLING RESULTS ? Monday, March 1- Tuesday, Marc 3LACKWOOD on BRIDGE 1 V at the Civic Centre Auditorim Return Fare $1 .00 . Tickets at the j Sixe 12 to size 52 WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Results In the Rupert Motors Tro-5 phy round-robin play at the Prince Rupert Curling Cluo were si lol. " lows: J i Thiirsnuv Holliston 9. Gordon 4: Waklry 11. Scott 6; Ford 10, Robertson 9: Bird 9. McNlece 8. Friday : Warren 13, Thorn 6: Holliston 10. Eyolfsou 7; Greene 10, Andfrson 5; Parker 11, Georgeson 7; Miller 8, ADULT . ENTERTAINMENT Timing Important To Good End-lMay The end-play is based on the simple theory that in?" mission, a week-long evangelical event scheduled to open March 7 and continue until Mar. 14 Coming here for the event Is the Rev. A. M. Vinge, dean of the Camrose, Alberta. Lutheran Bible Institute of the evangelical Lutheran church. Mr. Vinge, whose son is a missionary in Japan, will preach at morning and evening serviri Sunday, March 7, to open the mission, and at nightly services throughout the week at 8 p.m. Schools of evangelism will be held every afternoon from 2 to 3 p.m. "The Living Church Marches On" is the theme of the conference durini whirh Mr. Viiive viil 1)0 assisted by the Rev. H. O. Olson of SI. Paul's. Assisting Mr. Olson in preparing for the event are M. VuldT-hau?, R. Olsen. T. Fosscn, B. Pedersen and A. Fossheim. (fit Aston 6: Garner 11, Berg 9. when it is more advantageous for the enemy to leart.f t.nt nnp nf thpm in and let him lead. Of course it is1) SUNDAY AT MIDNIGHT not quite as easy as it sounds. The element of timing INVASION U.S.A." OKRAI.D MOHR - PEfiGY CASTLE UAVID WAYNE - HOWARD tie SILVA AUM.T FNTF.HT A INM KNT ONLY is important. In today's deal, for example. Mr. Abel led the seven of dli-nuiiuls, against the final ron-tmet of three no trump. Mr. Musters ducked the first dia iff. V mond but had to win the second ; North dealer. Neither side vulnerable. Norlh (Mr. liel) i R -A Q 6 H K 7 t I) H D 4 C A Q 4 (Mr. Abrl) (Mrs. Kern) J 7 4 8 810 5 H J 8 S 4 3 H--9 2 IV-7 V K Q J 10 8 3 O 9 3 3 C K J 8 Suiilh (Mr. Malcr") 8 K 9 8 3 H A Q 10 D A 2 C 10 7 B S MONDAY to and he noted that Mr. Abci discarded the deuce of clubs. Now how convenient it would be if. by some magic, it could be i arranged for Mrs. Keen to make j Hie first club lead. In that case ! ,:,,,.,, ,i ,.,,!H nluv Inst, tn the WEDNESDa! EARLY CATTLE First permanent Introduction of cattle to Canuela was when C'nimplaln established a dairy farm in Qucbej in 1(521. Also Ployinj . . . ... . , . T The' bidUjuii: A Unrk- ana oovumsiy oom uic ace NorUl . tB1)t HoutU 1 U I c rr.iii.iJUMirjnrerrri THOSE 1'IJU qui en wuuiu win. 1 s 3 N 2 S ANNOUNCEMENT 7 jswwji x 1 rORCK CLl LE.I 1i GREY II But Mrs. Keen has all of her i mental faculties. If she wera put into the lead, she would not lead a club. She would lead something else. It follows, then, that the thing to do would be to Uike away from her all of her with WAITER OONNC opponent lead drily if he will lead what you want him to. Therefore It is essential thit he be given the lead at exactly the right time that Is, after all of his safe leads have been taken away from him, leaving only the lead which will gain a trick for you. IRIS MKREDI7 t4l ln 1 ' I'cnrda in the other suits so thati r JL If I 1 "h.J I she would havt- to lead clubs. ! Loit Times Toil "PETER PAN I i , Mr. Masters did just that. Ill cashed the ace, king and queen) of spades and on the third1 The British American Oil Company Limited is Pleased to announce that FISK tires are now available at all BA service stations in the Prince Rupert and Terrace areas. Oh no I didn't want Insurance for . spade Mrs.' Keen discarded the) my Hnlr I want Insurance for my i elgllt of Clubs. j Engine Crew Survives Crash QUESNEL, B.C. (CP) The two-man crew of a Pacific Great Eastern Railway locomotive es- HrJIK ! Next he cashed three heart tricks, ending on the board and on the third heart Mrs. Keen clropped a small diamond. No,.! caped Injury Fridaytwhen th?y ) TSHaTI "BEAR C0UNTI i fl'1:iH vvl:T shows ( 1 Ul!UlillltUllUll7 7:00 ond 9:15 1; V ( i PAUL HENREID . IPATOAMEjmj CAPITO Your Wife and Children are the HEIR3 you should protect. It's Important to have the rlaht Insurance nnd vou should call on our store ot INSUUANCE knowledge to help ou out. TIiim man of MH'r) kuuwM !hr M out: Tor liiMirauce lie cull mm tn hi liM.r. and, only now, did Mr. Masters ; rode the cnalne head-on into a put Mrs. Keen into the lead. He j string of box cars near here, led a diamond from the board Engineer E. Ucschene and fire-nnd discarded a small club from i man Frank Barter, both of near-hls hand. , 'by Williams Lake, B.C., stuyed IT WORKS with the engine until It rolled to Mrs. Keen cashed her inree I a halt after forcing the boxcars remaining diamonds but then .seven lengths back and ripping had nothing left but the king out track and roadbed. There and jack of clubs. Her club lead ; was no estimate of damage. . ' gave Mr. Masters his contract, i Timing, then, is another im- j The village of Charlcsbou.'s, portant demerit In the end- j five miles north of Quebec, was play. It is helpful to make an first settled In 1059. JERHY LEWIS - DEAN MARTS ENDS TODAY 7: - 9: p.m. in "MONEY FROM HOMfJ ABOUT FISK tires are unconditionally guaranteed and are exclusively distributed in Canada by the British American Oil Company Limited Budget terms are available to credit card holders . . . See your BA dealer for further particulars. TALK STARTS MONDAY Evening Evening Show? ShowF 7: 7: - - 9: 9: p.m. p.m. CARPET imp, s V '.cm 1 J 1 THFUNM$r K. MANAUV hm' discevrd TSr I the scret of KJj earthly parodist. 'vXJfll A DEVOTED WIFE 1 IN GIBRALTAR Aid. f DANCE TONIGHT LEGION AUDITORIUM Music by The Rocky Mountain Boys Dancing 9-12 Adnission 75c EVERYONE WELCOME In Terrace sec: In Prince Rupert sec: THESE 3 WILL SPEAK FOR Rupert Motors Ltd. ... , . , . . W. F. Bailey s Service n c f 1 Dans Service Station . THEMSELVES WL'NDA t'KlcsT Produced by I I A GLAMOROUS J( - .-- SWEETHEART i J , ...T J T 1 IN MOROCCO! Ujl jv ip popular demand to give the most f on the least SK.S5 sq. yd Wt'NOA WKVK The carpet that crenteu a new fashion in home decoration Sl.!5 sq. yd. WlN!. PUSH Woven ex clusively for those discrim inating people who enjoy luxurious floor covering $13.95 sq. vd 9x 12WundaWeve only $139.00 See Them Today at McRAE BROS. LIMITED "The Store That Bervlce Built" Phone 6 or 36 2