Prince Rupert Daily riews err A As I See It Monday, January 11, 1954 BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKVv'OOD i 1 ' I . 4 LA.SaE-J independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation! Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Daily New Limited. . e. MAOOR, President H. O. PERRY. Vice-President by 11 more Subscription Rates: y carrier Per week, 25c; per month. A1.00; per year, 110.00. &wVt'&u, sy mail Per month, 75c; per year, 18.00. "'Ss authorized as second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottaia Ltlafeaa r'" r 0 ufw- l&f loliday Odd Ends Most Players Prefer Came To Post-Mortem Sometimes Mr. Heinsite's post-mortem analyses are faulty but they still go unchallenged. This is because they have the ring of truth and because most players don't want to go to the trouble of "analyzing the analysis." They would rather get on to the nest deal. In today's hand Mr. Dale led the ace of hearts, trying to conceal the fact that he also held the king. Miss BraMi riferi, cashed the ace of diamond'; and ruffed a diamond on tne Haiti, l tills won,,.' I '0WI""1 ii. ... tft - . . i L a a J !. I ' . ' .iitll JL,,.-. LOOKING back on my first few weeks in parliament, here is a most amusing incident: Small boy hart been taken by his mother to witness a session in the Senate. Small boy paid close attention for about ten minutes, then leaned toward his mother and whispered in hoarse penetrating voice; "Mum, most of those old men are all wired for sound." AT LAST I have mastered something that has baffled me" all my life how to say Newfoundland. Our Christmas guests have been Professor and Mrs. Allan Fraser of St. John's. Allan is an MP, too. They say make it rhyme with North dciilnr North-South vulnerable Nnrlh ( lr. Aliel) 8 K IO 8 h-q j 7 a a l 7 C I) 8 8 5 Weil (Mr. Hull) (Mr. Ili-lnallei H -J 3 2 8 7 8 5 H A K 5 H - IO 0 8 4 3 O Q 10 U B l ) 2 C U 1 C 7 4 South MI 8 A 9 4 H None I-A K J 6 5 4 C-A K J 10 The bicMinif: board. Next she played the ace j and kinir of clubs She now i played the king of dlamo:r!s and ruffed smother diamond ; with dummy's last trump. j She st ill had a losing space, so; she then led the queen of hearts i and discarded the four of spades; when Mr. Helnsite did not cov- ; er. But Mr. Dale showed up with j the king of hearts and his! queen of trumps completed the ! set. , "The hand was Ice-cold," announced Mr. Helnsite. "After : luffing the first heart, cashing' the ace of diamonds and ruff-; ing a diamond, you shouid h ive I led to your ace of clubs and j HIS RIGHT EYE puffed and. black, choir boy Dougie Robson i left l of Winnipeg explains the cause to Most Rev. Walter F. Barfoot, Primate of All Canada, in St. John's Anglican Cathedral at Winnipeg. The primate had just been enthroned as Metropolitan of Rupert's Land and Dougie and Billy Gilchrist (centre) had been In the choir. Dougie said his brother gave him the black eye but "my mother bust it up before I could give my brother anything." North Fn.-a South I'a-J 2 U i 11 Fuss 3 C 4 C Vans 8 C West D J I Push I Hani 1 All Hum ! A .1 . . . f wiue size rone on that trick dummy would be qiircCd. Dummy would be tt'.wn to K 10 8 of spades and Q J hearts. John Fosler Dulles, Zarubin Begin Talks on Peaceful Use of Atom Energy block suede and fel Sun Power PERHAPS it is not a subject which has much bearing on this part of the country, but there has been a great deal of scientific speculation lately on use of the sun as a source of power. It seems that at the rate we are using up the earth's supply of coal and oil, a serious shortage may develop as early as the 22nd century. Although none of us will be alive then to worry about it, there is a responsibility to future generations to keep the wheels of industry in motion in those parts of the world where water power is not available. No doubt before coal and oil run out, atomic power wall be in general use, but even this depends on what can be dug from the ground. It is pointed out that the sun's energy, almost 100 per cent of which is lost to man, is sufficient to supply every acre of the earth's surface with an average of 3,000 to 4,000 horsepower. If man could use even one microscopic fraction of that, he would never have to give a thought to the depletion of natural resources. . ( , In a corner of Canada where there is plenty of water and somewhat less sun, this is not a topic that need be developed to any great length. But when Old Sol pokes his nose through the clouds, as he has been doing lately, it is only right that someone should mention what a really remarkable guy he is. Canada as News CANADA has obtruded herself in the best possible way since the war on the consciousness of the world. It is usually the fate of countries bursting into print to do" soyHfcause something has gone wrong a political fvi4, an assassination, a revolution, rioting, econojMip"difficilties. Latin Americans have always accused the North American press in general and with some justice of printing only such news. It is a commonplace of journalism that when all goes yel nothing has happened and hence ii i i. i i ruffed another diimond with ers . . . Cuban and the eight of clubs. Now lead an-1 1' a neart was discarded, Mr. other club to your king. Cash ; ''' collld stey lay down the heels. y jim.n m. iiiuiuottLK sary obstacles which might re iCe of hearts and Miss Brash "understand." "If you can say understand, you -an say Newfoundland" says Allan. I GUESS I must be a die-hard in my bones, because I venerate the old forms of so mar.y things. It made me feel good to note in the parliamentary prayers they use the older form "Our Father, WHICH art in heaven" and not WHO ait. But I guess we must be born differently. I remember that one of my brothers always got mad when preachers used the sul' from disagreement or mls- WASHINGTON UP-State Sec-I . . . Also see our Ar understanding over physical ar retary Dulles and Soviet ambas- sador Georgi N. Zarubin begin ! talks today on when, where and ! with whom the United States! rangement.? lor the conference, such as what countries ghoul 1 be included. would have a spade loser. If a spade was discarded from dummy, Mr: Dule, holding J 3 at this point, could safely play the trey aud again Miss Biasn would have no play for 12 tricks. can tjirl iandals. Fashion Footer 1 1 t Egypt was discovered Jn 1770 by I the Scotsman James Bruce I , IT PAYS To Aurari- the king of diamonds. Lead the;; jack of diamonds. : "If Mr. Duie ruffs here he has. to lead a spade or a heart and ; cither lead gives you the rrsl. So he has to discard a spade. I Now you lead the- six of dla-! monds and he has just as biu ; a problem. Now he is .squeezed, j If he plays another spade, you i play the 10 of spades from dummy. Then you lead to the ; king of spades, dropping the' jack, and return a spade and ; your nine. "Or, if he discards a heart. ' , you lead the ace and king of spades, return a heart and rulf it, losing only the last trit k." What Mr. Heiusitc (and every-' body eisei overlooked was the fact that, in the above sequence of plays, Mr. Dale could safely ruff the six of diamonds because and Russia may negotiate on the peaceful use of atomic energy. Their first session, scheduled in Dulles' stale department office was to be private. Indications were that little or no Information would be given out. These are preliminary discussions on procedures for a full dress conference later. Dulles' main reported purpose is to try to determine whether the Soviet government is since -e in its agreement to hold atomic U.S. officials currently are talking In terms of conferences between the United States and Russia, or those two and Britain. A three-power conference looks like the be.sfbet at the moment. PROPOSALS DIFFER While the talks beginning today are described as strictly procedural and may be followed by mofe preliminary discissions between Dulles and Russian foreign minister Molotov at Berlin late this month, the conference toward which they aim focuses on two Issues: 1. President Eisenhower's pro- form "Our father WHICH art." He insisted that anylhin? but the more modern form was silly. Yet he never kicked at the ; fact that the next word was ! ART and not ARE, or IS. To be i completely consistent, he should i have held out to have the prayer really modernized to read j "Our Father, who IS in heaven." CORRECTION please to all j those pe'ople who addressed , me this year as "Honorable." j I'm not an "Honorable" yet ! only cabinet ministers and ' Senators are honorable. discussions or whether it 'fc merely going through the nu tions because of the pressures t f j posal, made to the United Na-worlcT public opinion and the ; tions Dec. a. for an international needs of Moscow propaKunda. ! pool of atomic materials ami I Reminds me of the first world 4 ' war when we got our commis- j ' sions as officers In the army. In ! due course the government at ' Ottawa sent through to our I ! Know-how made up of contrlbu-' WANTS SMALL CONFERENCE tions from the United State.!, Dulles was said to favor hold-j RussU and other atomlic powers ing the later conferene to li and devoted t0 SU(.n peaceful small scale and to think there I uses production of power and might be some advantages i.l ; mp(llea, benefits of atomic ma- YOU'LL APPRECIATE THESE families a most '.v.posin? look- i ing pur"hmm It was from Hisj Majesty, King George V and j noicung it oui.sitie me unitcu 2. A counter propasal by Moscow for a piedge against the use of atomic weapons. The Russians have presented thus as a first step toward eliminating all sucn weapons from the arsenal .- the world. Nations, where all previous ef-; forts to negotiate international ' atomic agreements with the Russians have failed. j There is no optimism in ofti-j cial quarters about the bilLty of an agreement this timti, ! but Dulles Ls described as deter- j Lit started out "To our dearly beloved ... Officer and Gentleman." But the government apparently did not want us to get twehed heails over that pan.! ment. Somebot!;; had carefully written in, on i'"! parehmet.t, in very bhek :n:, the woid " rrmpurary." We used to call ourselves "Temporary Gentlemen.'' tha mere is no news. This has been the destiny of Canada right up to the present time. She is a country of exemplary political stability, peaceful, demqcfy,iif,;yfidustrious. It has taken a trulyisensationil economic boom, with all the attendant poetical anil strategic iconsecjuen-ces, to force Canadrl'imo the! ken of the-i;est of the world. It is true thai sne always was of great importance to the United States, but today she has become more than important; she is vital to our economy and security, as we are to hers. New York Times OTTAWA DIARY By Norman M. MacLeoc mined to do everything in his power to remove any imne-e.i- 13 C Tlir man wlm limilil Ik; iiiiliirrl in i (liiiini.sioiis 1317 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door Kcdan .. 5975 lljO Plymouth 4-lloor Sedan. All new tires .... $45Q l!M!i Ford Tudor. Very good shape J95 LARGE SELECTION OF OI.MEK CARS TO PICK FROM 1 The Soviets have shown no interest in peaceful development apart from a weapons ban. The United States is officially interested in eliminating atomic weapons only as part of a disarmament and peace program. AN ex-airfnrre officer diooned Electricians Plan Series Of Strikes .a kt This man jiir-t one of many life insurance policy holders is not always seen in a way tlnil rew'J his true importance. t in to our place for a cuo of tea and told this story: ! A brash young officer, invited i to a sedate London club, breezed up to a row of old retired gener-I als Lnd asked in a loud Vulgar 4 Fred E, Dowdie OPTOMETRIST New address: 303 3rd Ave. W Phone Green 960 LONDON ( Some 2,000 key AUTO SERVICE Usually lie is regarded simply ni a man wli!i providing financial security for his family. B! vcice: electricians, members of a union ; "Where is the can around headed by a Communist labor One of the first drives which ( cies now becoming apparent in if you could see him 111 lru perspective luwin here,?" Nobody so much as looked dp trombus paper. . . 1 i,iDerai Mtys propose ti) launch i tn$ nation (U .economy. ; . at the s&MH !',, PaWaiaertti' f . t -4 1 i . ??VH ! The rvoun man taken brick. which reconvenes tomorrow will I Mopes for the success of tne j re-worded his request. leader, voted today to support Uhelr demands for more pay vith a series of one-day strikes thropgtiout England next week. The strike will hit atomic energy stations and guided-missile plants as well as airports, :.fcVthe hackgroiintjof his 'uiuuujjJ'n(liXF the whole country you'd realize that lie licnefits his fellow-citi.ens in important )' 'Jake Midi useful puhlic works as new road- have as its aim a worthwhile cut I drive to cut taxes are being j KnxeA h ih vc c v ! icu-iaccu uiu uuy pui " hiS cent trends in the national book- 1 ?"JX? keeulnz ieye" glasses and said: "Go down that corridor and in taxes in the Abbott budget which is expected to be brought down in late March or early April. just consider ihis! oil refineries, and steel factories. iic uui6c ui uiu rcai j i ,,i n ptt Vnn will see n aivn . . ' . liridjies, schools and hospitals, for nisJaiicf lie often helps to create them bccaiw large part of his premium payments if m The campaign of the Liberals ; national income. Treasury of fl- marked 'Gentlemen.' But don't1 7Ae. 'mPwK .MSfla","' Le, vested for him by his life insurance (" let that deter you. Go rig In." Association, has countered with ' I a threat to lock out workers one I CTTCPROy idav for eacn day on strike- jinny to help finance their construction, cials say that it may run $300,-000,000 above the $24,000,000,000 estimate of the Finance Minister in his last budget. And during the election campaign, Mr. Abbott said specifically that growth in the national income would be isn't being baaed altogether on solicitude lor the long-suffering taxpayer. That's only part of their motive. Th rest of it is a mixture of enlightened self-interest and political and economic The Editor, The Daily News: Just who does the Immigration officers think they are kidding when they say the "so-called" new Canadians are not Or note science', progress in the jr? 1 against disease. Here, too, this man pla)''; . a part. For life insurance oninpani'" contribute funds to vital medical rf- 9 search projects that promote hdlf' health and longer life for all. t Moreover, by safeguarding his faniilj-he performs another serv ice for hi fellow citizens. For by doing so .' Frank Foulkes, Communist boss of the Electrical Trades Union said the men are "fully mobilized and at war stations" for the strike action. He said the threat of a lockout "is a challenge which will be met by the full resources of labor." Foulkes and other union officials refused to disclose exact plans. Anton Chekhov, Russian author who died in 1904, was 'the grandson of a serf who purchased his freedom. one of the sources from which future tax cuts could come. Then there is the fact that the government is likely to save this year about $60,000,000 whlcn it spent in the past year on capital aid to defence industry. These two items, with their $360,000,000 total, could make a worthwhile tax reduction passible. Time will tell. A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY May lie purchased outright, or in monthly instalments. Won't lapse if you miss a payment; Requires no medical examination. J In event of death before Annuity commences, all payments refunded with interest. Can he incorporated with Old Apfl Security to provide a higher level retirement income for life. Write for full details today t Primarily the Liberal M.P.'s believe that a substantial tax cut would sweeten public opinion towards the boost in their own indemnities which they still are hopeful of negotiating before the session prorogues. The last time the subject was raised in Cabinet the Prime Minister taking the jobs of Canadians? Look at the .CNR. Travel up' the line and you would think you were in a foreign country. They are all over B.C. taking the place of Canadian workers. Most of the new Canadians were firing bullets at us not so long ago. G. JOHNSON. makes sure that bis family will w be a financial burden to others. So, if yon are a life insurant policyholder, be glad that in these ways you're helping to inft Canada a better land to live in Committed For Trial VANCOUVER (CP) A pretty is reported to have been more charitably disposed to It than previously, and to be worried mainly on the grounds of the possible reaction of the public towards it. In addition, rank-and-file Liberals would like to see the first year of the government's new term of office marked by some popular tax revision. They See and hear trw NEW MM RADIO FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 23-year-old mother, committed ! for trial on a charge of murder, won her appeal to be freed on ! bail Friday, despite the objec- I tions of the provincial attorney-general's department. ) Mrs. Alberta Brown, charged with the rifle-slaying of William Zahar, of Tawatinaw, Alta., was Ar YOUR SERVICE! A troinod Ufa undarwrltar - cprtantin( I lha mora than 50 Canadian, Briliih ana Stolat lift iniuranc campaniat in ConaJ" " ladly halp you plan for your family'l tf ' and your awn nitdt In lalar yaart. tly 10 FOR 1954 Featuring The "EM-CEE" RADIO PHONOGRAPH COMBINATION Hail to: ' TH Director, Canadian Oovtrnmant Annulllat Dapartmant of Labaw, Ottawa (Fariaga Fraa DPI PUa$t ttnd mt information $howing how Canadian Govrrnmrnl Annuity can bring n reiiremtnf incorrn mt lout toa. THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES figure it would be very smart politics. And while the government may not be In urgent need of measures to Increase its popularity, Its supporters believe that a gesture of good-will towards the electors who returned It so handsomely last August wouldn't come amiss. Finally, the Liberals believe that, from the standpoint of economic polk-y, a cut In the tax burden on Individuals and on industry alike would be the most effective means of coun-Jeracting the slowdown tenden- freed on $10,000 ball by Mr. Justice A. M. Manson two hours after she had been committed for trial. The slim mother of three had been released on $5,000 bail at (Mr.Mn.Mlii) lllvaal Only $199.50 Pay Only $19.95 Now and Name your own Terms 24 Months To Pay At RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Ave. W. Phone 644 IN CANADA Jt is Good Citizenship to on.$ Life Imuran Dal. Ol- .. her preliminary hearing. She is charged with shooting Zahar, also known as "Ollie Johnston," In the doorway of her home at Mission, B.C. ..-Talaahai Aga wfian Annuity la I underttand thai infwmalim given will bt htld confidential