The Prince Rupert DnU r' Monday, January 11, 1954 THi KU 0 'HUIII- M MOfT UCITMt wia Joan FONTAINE FALANCE COKINNE 0 CALVEF )0UGLAS Animal Hotel Shows ot 7 - 9 p.m. Propaganda Tirade Resumed By DON DALLAS LONl-.ui iKeutersi Soviet press and radio coinmcntalo s, dropping the honeyed tones of their New Year greetings to the West, have launched a new piopi 0nna tirade agaiast the United States. Vviui me xierlin four-power conference of foreign ministers only two weeks off, Kksuj hate-machine Is spreading tn? story that the U.S. is out to sabotage any relaxation of world tension. Aim of the new campaign appears to be two-fold: To split the wc.ein allies and to create the advance impression that if the Berlin conierence fails, it wi.. not be the fault of Russia. A.sia comes in for special attention. Implying that Foreign Minister Molotov will press ms earner demand that Communist China join ihe four blir Dowers in pi tki' Ax 2kH itorred gates I il 77 7 .M L luIU"luluapleLeaIS ln tne 1930s take a breather between ; periods of the Quebec-Ontario National Hock League old-timers game at Montreal in aU of Chanty. Charley Conacher .left). Joe Primeau .centre) and Harve .BurwSi p"?y2 wesson for Ontario in the exhibition game which Quebec won 11-9. played ' -Ilk. j; . .tiftf iff i , '"X ' " "Vu. . '.15 1 1 -' Vy;.. -ufy l-. " ' ' t ' .3 ! 'i T . ' - -M -, il I : ' i " 'k - is ! i 4 ' " ft A . i v .i.3i.ywf -si Young Soldier Learns Finer Points Of Linotype During Assembly Job j a full-dress conierence on world J peace. Alcxei Leontiev, Moscow radio commentator, said today the United States "is trying to sabotage all attempts to tiue-national tension In Asia." MAKING TROUBLE He claimed the United States is making trouble In Korea, Communist China, Indo-China and Pakistan. ' "Political forces outside Asia" are blamed for the fact that settlements have not been reached In Indo-China and Mal Wallace's Dept. Storr Today to Wednesdoy : 0m " 1 - 9:M "Louse" .... 8:15 onh 1 L Winter Warmth In Underwear Wallace's feature a complete stock of ladles' winter snuggles and vests. All sizes. KAYSEK . WATSON-STAN FIELD aya. Soviet newspapers portray Chiang Kai-Shek of nationalist China as a war maniac threaten TOTEM FORT FRANCLS, Ont. (CP) When Pfc. Gordon Kyle worked for his hometown Fort Frances Times he knew how to make I routine adjustments to the newspaper's linotype machines. After serving in Korea he can as-semble, tear down and reas-I semble a linotype. ( j The story ot now pfc. Kyle, a Canadian in the United States Army, learned about linotypes is also the story of how the four-paee, English-language Korean newspaper Korean Republic was born. That story was told last week by the Fort Frances Times. Last August, after the Koreans bought an American linotype (Merganthaler type), Kyle was told his unit, the Korea civil assistance command, had been requested to place him on 91) rinvs El A Famous Player Th-alrr CANADIAN'-BORN Melissa Hayden has been given star status as a ballerina with the United States company, Ballet Theatre. Appearing at Hamilton, Out., she was given top billing for the first time in her native land. She was born in Toronto but hr.s appeared mostly in the U.S. and has toured Britain with the company. Warrant To Be Issued Today For Arrest in Reuther Case s ing Asia "on direct instructions I from his United States sippou-' eis. ' The people of Western Europe i are mid ihat their economies are depressed by United States; ' "monopolies" preventing free trade with Communist countries.! Moscow has also been warning j Western Europe of a coming U.S. economic crisis. j Playing on French fears. Mus-1 DEPT. STORE CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGF First Avenue and MrRride Street i cow repeats with monotonous i regularity that U.S. "ruling cir temporary duty to assemble the machine, train Korean girls as operators and Korean men as mechanics. With a manuil in one hand, a screwdriver In the other and wo-king 10'. hours a day. the machine was soon asesembled and in running order. DETROIT ( -Wayne rcimty.were ixj;.t. l on ih ;.l-it. Th" prosecutor Gerald K. OBii-iii heme of Knchle's mother and a prepared a fcurt move t'c'-y tn girl friend w.'ix p.'porn.d uinlci I'urh the fflnrt to trnci; 'oii .survcilliince. his missing kty wtine-ss in ie O'Brien's move was the latest Walter Rculher ftlMwuns c m . official step in the biwrre story The pro.seru'.'ir .-:n ii.;ht a wu . of reputed secret confidences, tint foi asi.j. with intent to , feaM of 6"'-?lnd vensoanrc on iill fgninst ,x-(onv,ct Don, Id i ff 1"' nnU thp" FOR THOSE COLD DAYS AHEAD . . . Models From ; r. " cles are rearming West Germany "to German fascism snd militarism." Britons, traditionally proud of their navy, are told the United States Is out to take away their domination in the Mediterranean to make the area "a jump-ing-off ground against the Soviet Union and the people's democracies." Red Star, Soviet navv paper. rC'") $89.50 r. i -l -J W X Mill. ST X'..- ....' B El UP IJ.Nvj2ffii'Mf a c!:an police wui'.Kl be abfiMcd ; Provlnc'a! ptii..' of Ont.uln. vhere Ritchie is ijciicvod to have fled aft-i rluJmi; his polite cunrds F'-UUt'. si' id thev NOW' S the time Budget IMan Available HAD NO PRESSES , The Republic with a "first' with the news" slogan had the j ""V linotvne In Korea, but no' presses. When the first edition I was ready to go to press, the i page forms were loaded aboard I rrni-se drawn cart and hauled to another nearby newspaper! also claims that the United Kit' hie. 33. named bv O Prln as the witness who Implicate;' four other men in the sliotg'm attiick on Reuther, skipped out as the state was completing its court case for presentation Thursday. At that time Carl Renda, 3j. one of the defendants, Is to le (xamined on ch;iri'c of cnn. an tould not m )e Mates Is only waiting tov To Pick Out Thot ;ir:t iv tfv for him W.U' fi)ritu' British to evacuate the Suez canal base to station U.S. troops there. warrant. However. 111.: Ontar'o p;)ti,:e . f GRUEN. ,f ELGIN BULOVA USE OUR CONVENIENT LAW-AWAY PLAN iur priming. Arter everything came into the -"i-tlne standard, the order v as given to move the paper to larst-r nnarters. That meant the lino had to be torn down, moved, and -p-nfwembled in it's new home in 40 hours, without missing an Youth Slugged by Stranger Believes Marion Still Alive . ... 1 ' spiracy and assault. Renda has ' denied the charges. CASE MIGHT COM.APSK ! O'Brien suld that if Ritchie ; were not found the case again.-t Renda and the other three (might collapse. 1 The whereabouts of one of : the latter trio, Santo (Sam) Pen-one, futher-ln-law of Rendu, still is unknown. Penont: ihas not been seen since b( fu.-: ! issuance of the charges Wed-! nesday. GORDON & ANDERSON Phone 46 TORONTO (CP) Jimmy Wilson, the police theory that the girl 19, says he is sure Marion Mc- whose interests ranged from Dowell is alive. ; roller-skating and motorcvclP Some 36 sleepless hours later ' ' everything was ready. '. On December s iqm th- r, I He was with the lively 17-year- riding to goine out with hnvs iirf 0 celebrated the traditional cere- ! ,blonde Dec- 6 tne nleht she probably is alive. The police mony of Paikil. This is a holirlav Yn d from a secluded lovers' reached this conclusion after a nnwr r-rocliiimed on the 100th day of operation or existence nf a th.n ... uvmuumun jaiu-u;-jiiiu Bcarcn OI 1116 township. ; township by hundreds of persons He says he was slugged by a turned up no trace of a body or hooded stranger who yanked ; other evidence of a slaying Wilson00,,.' lch think Marion alive," said Wilson and the girl were sitting. ., ' He says he saw his assaiMnt. , Wilson' who h recent'y Pased The Koreans believe that aay-' thing that lasts 100 days will ; succeed. i Kyle's rotation came up shortly j "fter Paikil and he was rotated Prior to leaving he gave the well j thumbed manuals to his Korean , mechanics, savine "these hoi, It I 1 Mil! drive away with Marion in an-1 voluntary lie detector test in other carbut he is not certain I Buffal wi,r what police describ- UKIVE a CAR THAT HAUNTS YOU! Ghoats ore all right ct Hallowe'en, and ghost cars moy be okay in Vancouver ... but you don't want one parked in your garage. Before winter strikes hard, chanae to an A-l IJJ whether the girl was ln the car , ed 83 rlylng colors." T think she is the kind nf inrl who would have to be held prisoner. She loves her familv and to you now." The versatile soldier-printer is now stationed at Fort Sheridan near Chicago. her i woman t want to worry mother and'dad." trunk or Inside the car. i Wilson told his story of the apparent kidnapping ln an interview with writer Ken Mac-Taggart of The Globe and Mall. iThe paper published the story Saturday under a six-column headline on the front page, with Car. These and many others to choose from: Natal, South Africa, was discovered by the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama on Day, 1497. pictures of Jimmy and Marion. I The youth's views agree with '51 Dodge Sedan. Low mileage. Radio and heater. A good buy at $1850 , I a whistle S975 j '51 Monarch Sedan. Radio, henter, fully winterized' A b"y at $1800 Til I'lymoulh Tudor. Low mileage. Handles like new- 0"'y $1635 '51 ( hev. Sedan Delivery. Radio, heater, new paint A honey lor your ni011cy af $1725 '47 Willys Station Wagon. Ixits of room. All leather upholstery. ny $930 Douks Hide Children NELSON, B.C. (CP) Hookey-playing Doukhobor children in the British Columbia interior nave come up with a new twist that has RCMP constables turned truant officers going in circles. A spokesman for a local coordinating committee on Doukhobor affairs said Friday night the children are being shifted among relatives while the police are hunting them out. They are being sought under orders of the provincial government because their Sons of Freedom parents refuse to send them to public schools. FOR THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Scold, in ' lT Xi fio1 its golden age cmlioilics (msf " ScN. V 1'' the rare Blkill losscbscd by diose great fc J "-'i llouws whose n.iini'b guarantee SC perfection in.l dilingui4 Iff L ' rr.:fcrenec. It', the one spirit that .', f. '7 SOfCff i "right" for every occasion. . iSjvi '. I' ' V Som.U.ureit'.Scouh-.nd Lf j give it i name .. y! "" 1 Availably in Q3333D CZCIH3C? "The Home of Friendly Service" BOB PARKER LTD. YOUR KURD-MONARCH DEALER terrace, K.c. I'rinee Rupert, i. Heating Musi Be Planned Efficiently An expertly planned healing system pays for itself ln a few years through greater comfort that promotes belter health for the family. Phone 174 SMITH & ELKINS LIMITED 259 Third Ave. W. :R & MIMM ILB) BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS construction and Repair Work 215 ,r First Avenue West Bl MAM I " n' PUb,i'hed " p,oy"d by U"W Control Board of IrMh W