Ruperr Doiiy rsew'3 Monday, January 14, 1952 '- A t- W 4;- :v , ft i$ BLACKWOOD on BrhLc DL DAILY NEWS si i: PUBLIC PENALTY ! FORT ON ROCK Public stocks were used for I The Rock of Gibraltar is punishment of wrongdoers in lieved to have been first settled England from about 1350 to 1865. 'by the Moors In A D. 711. Bv FJASLfY BLACKWOOD When you open the bidding with one of a suit, your partner raises you to three and then you rehid I . I .' J in a new suit, what does that rebid mean? Some players say it should show a real, bidahle suit. Others use it as a cue-bid to show first round control. Daily 7W 'flu v uv; XV I 1 ur i r There are many advocates of each method and while it's pretty close, I believe cue-bidding; i.s mere valuable in the wpper fgm . 4 t long run. i1 vYings, Leats Break Even V Mr. Masters nd Mrs. Keen South dt-itler ' Uolu Mutus vulnerable Vorlh ( ill. M;.,trr,-) iJ 111 3 II -5 D--A Q 5 4 fe - K y 6 5 r-t lu-t Mir. ('tiiiiltpi(m) (Mr. tH) S O 5 h- A 7 t H 8 8 8 2 H-9 4 3 D-J 10 IJ K 9 7 6 3 C !0 9 8 3 2 C -J 7 4 Siiulb ( Mih. fcirn) .1 ... Doth piay it tnis way and in today's deal Mrs. Keen's four-club bid was not showing a real club suit, but only first-round contrjl of clubs. She had a fine hand, but real-' DETROIT - Detroit Red Wings 1 . .. l A4 s rVf- u; S (i till 4 S K Q S 8 2 11 A K U J 10 G.E. WASHER What a difference is riqht! The Doily Dipper is a small tub that fits riqht inside the tub of your G.F. washer which can be used for daily wash and the larqe tub for weekly wash. Uses only a fraction of the soap and hot water. G.E. Washer with Daily Dipper $J(J().50 Northern B. C Po wer Co. L tel. Prince Rupert - Phone 210 Stewart. B.C. i ied that Mr. Masters' answer to j a four no-trump bid might not : give her the information she ; 1 needed to decide on a slam. Sup- pose, for example, that Mr. i ters .-iiuvvt-d or.e acc, Mrs. Keer D -8 I V i.U M 'a" , '' 4 NT Sr . as C A in" ' l Puss Pass All pass North 3 3 4 D 5 C Pass Pass Pass 1 I and Toronto Maple Leafs shared honurs in National Hotkey 1 e.ii-'iic week-end play. The Maple If, if' clowned the Red Wings at Toi onto Saturday niuht by a healthy 5 to 3 but the Wings tame back on their home ice Sunday nlKht to edge the Leafs 2 tc 1. It left the Red Wings still with a substantial twelve:point, martin over the Maple Leafs in! the league leadership contest. Meantime, the Montreal Can-adieus are still close at the htv'ls of the Maple Leafs fur runner-up paction with a single point sep-; araliiiH them. The Car.adiens fwatnperi the long -suffering Chicago Black Hawks at the Mont-re a! lorum Saturday night and w lit to New York to play the Hauliers to a two-all draw last niejit. The Boston Bruins climbed into a tie with the Rangers for fourth place by eking out a 5 to 4 vic V! OLYMPIC SKATERS Gordon Audley, 23, left, and Frank Stack, 4C, both of Winnipeg, skate 10 miles nightly to prepare for the 1952 Winter Olympics at Oslo, Norway, next month. They work out on the Red River In Winnipeg's subtvrban West'Kildonan where they clean the 440-yard oval themselves. (CP PHOTO) Vanderhoof Shows Way could think or a lot of hands he could hold which would leave the opponents free to win the first two tricks in the diamond suit. Therefore, over her partner's three spades bid, she bid four clubs, hoping iie could cue-bid the diamond suit. He could and did. Mrs. Keen then bid four no trump. Note that Mr. Masters' response was five clubs the correct bid in this situation. In replying to partner's four no-trump bid, you should deduct the ace of any suit which has been cue-bid by either partner. In other words, Mr. Masters had shown the ace of diamonds ones. Ladies' Shoes FREE! Hoop Games Cancelled; Beavers Take Juniors VANDERHOOF Vanderhoof, with twe victorias and no defeats, is shewing the way in the Central British Columbia Hockey , League. I Prince George is in second i place with one win and one draw 2 ! In the only basketball fixture played Saturday, The best Quesnel has been able No need to show it again FOR tory over the Black Hawks in nirrht Junior Heavers outscored Bulgers by more b wltn one ae"J ace of spades well as the ace B,ston last night than four times-42-KK-as Christensen looped in 11 Williams Lake W so far failed ;ne nZ Toronto will be at Boston for ' points for high PCOre. ! showing one ace outside of the Other pamrs were cancelled . , .u- rv,,i i suits previously cue-bid. the iittxt scheduled National Hockey League game tomorrow , n'ght. Mr. Against the six spade bid inhen rlriftinir snow which en- m i tt ,i.k Ski Heil of Stored the roof ventilators eame.,rr, 1.1 I Champion opened the jack diamonds. Mrs. Keen went up - down in puddles on the playing ,n Co Cu W D L FA PtS. j m,,l'A thun Ifit'hf. feetil tu. Kli.,.,.,.- tn ,.tr,H I VNOKST SKIER -- Lucille ii.i'T. l-year-oid Canadian n, K- junior cmraiit, i the mi. est ski-: lo tit- cr,t by n.u!a to the Olympics. She a four-time -winner of the .(.h'Tcaii downhill and was rip!.- winner in the Junior i with the ace and led to her ace of clubs. She then played the ! ace of hearts, ruffed the kins ; of hearts on the board and threw I her losing diamond on dummy'.? I king of clubs. ne,roit 21 8 8 113 74 56 0f snow at0p Mt. Hays now j For the Beavers, Yamamoto Toronto 18 8 14 95 83 44 more ti,an KkierS have seep there ; played a hot game as well as he M-mtiCal 13 : 18 111 94 43 at, any time for this period and xunk 10 points, one after the New York 14 7 19 95 115 35 coupled wilh a beautiful day, nther in the first quarter. Jew- Pilot s Hiness Delays Flight Fashion Footwear Pacific Air Lines Alter mese necessary preiimi- Boston 13 S IB 89 98 35 dt.ei, powder and an operating ellers made no showing at all.' Canadian II niijon Cliampionships when riciavpj thu nanes, sne ieu uuuips anu me Ch'-:U', .11 3 lb 9U U'J i. .U1 Inw i,9vp nlnnkst.TS a daV ; Viva ti!-ivr-r p;f'Vi S'!ired one fire flight u-ne i y 14 K'P PHOTO I STONE BUILDING hard to suipass Sunday. ! basket. morning due to sudden illness 0raele,noe "la 'm ace oi 'Serin co-pilot Neil Carry. Co-pilot spades but no more. Of the FM station staff, Ken ; Bi'avers Mah 4. Haudenschild, 1 Harry Clegg, as relief, was due Jones and Ijick Santor developed Pedersen 5. Chrlslensen 11. Mat- t0 arrive on the early afternoon a. new stopping technique we suba 4, Nakatsu 2, Yamamoto 'night of the Landseaire lroin named it "the ostrich head-: 10. Tanaka 0, Nakatsu S. 2. Vancouver. on the ALLEYS stand" and tried it once by aeci- Tsuchiya. dr-nt. There must be another ; Bulgers Pilfold, Husvik 2, O ! Satv'oay's flight, grounded at ' Siindr.pit. arrived in Prince Rupert yesterday. way. 'Sedgwick 2, Saville 2, Smith 2, Neufif-ld, Sianwood, McNeil. FI0NEE3 CCURT Tre fi tt court of common English law in Canada was established at Halifax in 1720. Moo;:e Factory, at the mouth of the Moose River on James Bay, was first setlled in 1C13. Wilh the Ml S l-'IVE PIN I.EAVI K i Crime came on top ol the or ii t last Monday, bowling The strangest part about pur business is that the less workmanship you can see, the better the job was done! That's why we're so proud of the cars that cruise out of our shop with tha "brand new" look even though they may have been in i: . Butchers an all-. mil high ol :un for a single He was followed by. K.! Many new skiers and a few old timers were seen on the hill . yesterday including Duncan and -Lucille McRae, 8 H Becker. Roy Webber, Jean Dawes, Roald ! Keness. All agreed they had a wonderful time. Thur. day night's general meeting at the Civic Centre, which is i expected to be of great- interest , to all Club members and other ! interested persons. It Is expected t local and Sun Valley skiing ; movies will be shown, as well as ejection oi a president and other items of interest to be discussed. Kcrson ol Siiorl Shop, who , One-Sided Game Pee-Wee League In the Pee Wee Lvalue Saturday the Civic Centre Hell Divert scored an overwhelming victory over the Civic Centre Arrows the score, 31 to 8. Winning this gr.nre puts the Hell Divers in second place in the' league standing, having won three Rumes and lost three. Shivering Dan was a sorry man . . , " on heating oil he forgot to plan! We Refill Your Tank Regularly N. R.YOUNG Heating Oil Distributor serious ace'dents. ' Remember this number if in need: GREEN 217 Superior Auto Service Limited Back to the ski tow on Mt. rurin'i the fir-:! half of in pi Hays Club Treasurer Ted Cap- Uamc the Arrows failed to score I PHONE U74 Call us today $SP0Si3) I Third Avenue West Phone Green 217 J ' stick assures one and all there vfill be no free rides next weekend. "Pay up or help pr;"k the hill," he says. while the Hell Divers made 12.' In the third quarter the Hell i Divers scored 13 more points f with Gerry Christoff accounting ' for twelve of them. They also added six more points in the iastj quarter. I CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT - M OTS C E Public notice is hereby given to the electors of the Municipality of the City of Prince Rupert that I require the presence of the tiid electors at the Office of the City Cleik, City Hall, Fulton Street, on the twenty-fourth day of January, 1952, at ten o'clock a.m., for the purpose of electing pers.ans to renresent them as Aldermen. The mode of nomination of candidates shall be as follows: The candidates should be nominated in writing; the writing shall be subscribed by two electors of the municipality as proposer and seconder, and shall be delivered to the Returning Officer at any time between the date of the notice and twelve o'clock noon of the day of nomination; the said writing may be in the form numbered 3 in the Schedule of (he "Municipal Elections Act," and shall state the names, residence, and occupation or description of each person proposed, in such manner as sufficiently to identify such candidates; and in the event of a poll being necessary, such poll shall be opened on the thirty-first day of January 1952, at the Civic Centre, corner of McBride Street mid Second Avenue, of which every person is hereby required to take notice and govern himself accordingly. Given under my hand at Prince Rupert this 10th day of January. 1952. R.W.LONG Returning Officer 11 In the last quarter the Arrows made eight points. il.c high three-game of 7L'() niiule up of games i9. 193 and 2411. , U, it Hiuehers took the team .ir. ;lc game with 1159 while on s bowled the total hi'',h '-panic scries with 3047. g:nm-s of 1021, 1002 and Results 1 division Thum Sheet Metal me Oil 3. Sport Shop 4, Bul- - 0. M.uisoii's 3, Piince Ru-Aiiiu.s nieiUs 1, Rupert But- s 1. CNR A No. One. 3, Cook's1 'Hers 1. Moose 3, Bud's Place t Shots 4. Division CNR A Two, 0; '1. Circuits 4. Northwest Con-'tion 4. K;iien Industries 0, :lcy Market 4, Canadian. Le- uleiaulti, Jaycees 3, Royal - idefaulti, Parainounts 1, im-ii 3. League Slanilinss division--Sport Shop 4. Hot ' 4. Home Oil 3, Manson's 3, iA One 3, Modse 3, Thorn ' l Metal 1, P R. Amusements Unpen Butchers 1, Cook's ,-,'l''r 1. Bulger's 0, Bud's c 0. Diviv :,iShorl Circuits 4, hwest 4, Bulkhy 4. Jaycees Firemen 3. Paramounts 1, A Two o, Kalen Industries 0, il Fish 0, Canadian Legion 0. Hockey Scores National (SUNDAY) Toronto 1, Detroit 2 Montreal 2, New York 2 Chicago 4, Boston 5 . I SATURDAY I Detroit 3. Toronto 5 Chicago 3, Montreal 8. HIGHEST POINT Mount McKinley, the highest peak in North America, was first topped by mountaineers in 1913" Did You Put a CLASSIFIED AD in the DAILY NEWS? Hirth scorers were Christoff, for the Hell Divers, wilh 12 and, for the Arrows, Leeman with four points. Scoring Ariows--Sykes , Fleming 2, Leeman 4. Davfdson, Strand, Currie. Nordine. Phillips, Morrison. Brett, Iveson. Hell Divers Christoff 12, Kel-sey 6, D. McLeod 8. Kilborn 5. Lugrin 2. Bowes 2. Twailes. Lemon. B. McLeod. 1952 Chrysler-Plymouth now on display at Rupert Motors. Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form 16c i pmemberwhen? P 'Irian OtiLst. and Jnek Rmm. 1 of Australia established "selves as the leading tennis !,'ls team by beating Dor., "o and Oene Mako of the r'tl Slates 111 nn pvViihlllnt, I To d o) : 1 Such Getaway! i Adelaide. Alistl-nlio M vr..-.ra- "day. The Aussie duo later year lost to Budge and Muko U.S. championships, but e back in September to win ".ma Cup doubles. I Esso and Esso Extra are continually being improved to give the best balanced combination of instant starting, smooth flowing power, lively acceleration and protection against engine ping. Switch to Esso gasolines and you're always ahead! Basketball 75c. Six Number of Times Enclosed Please Find (3c per word per insertion e.q. Number of words 25; insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, " Arid four words if boc number required cost, 50c.) Schedule oiiiry 1.1 Beavers vs. MnplR in Own vs. Morrhntitt. COC Kummiikors. Clot-dun & Auil- 'Hwv i Annunciation vs. rs. fashion vs. Frusrr & Payne, ""' vs. fCC 3UO. 'Glad I switched. I Name litllinri ' Hi-4. avrrs vs. Mnnson Payne, Hitin- to GASOLINES" sso. vh Cinrrtnn rV Anrierson vKlks Address ....Phone No fi'iMiiirv ft Bulgers Muule ThU iJvtiUltmtnl 11 Mt pufcluktd ikntefi k j Merchants I'ftsmon, Man- v , . Gortion And- Liqaw Come Iw i fcy i utiM v. rcc son.