Prince Rupert Daily NeWS T Jet Fighter Spells Death for Atom Bom&ers Monday. March 24. 1952 Murray Rep.orts Doing Ottawa with Cariboo's M.P, Sees Merit in New Pacific Fisheries Treaty Delve's Into History Trusts Applewhaite of fin independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding wvV : live Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Mf-moer of Canadian Press Audit bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. G A. HUNTER. Managing Ecuor; H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: OTTAWA. One of the important items to com.; By carrier, per wek. 23c; per month. S1.00; per year $10: bv ma.l. per month. 75c: per year. M.OO. i before Parliament is ratification of the fisheries 3. ?!ri . ! treaty- to which Canada, United States and Japan t ! are parties. , ' j OrUin groups of fishemen Wi!frd 'th.ta-inf a Tory J." Fubiished every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. Authorized as second claas mail by Post Office Department, Ottawa j along the British Columbia coast 10 Wiv'n the Japanese were at the have violently attacked the posed treaty. A ckwe study of it . ;3. V-,,- y. tv,. ... ' ' - . : .... ; 1 height of power in the Pacific they raided Bristol Bay and other however, reveal that ih docu m.m has great merit. A it is coaslal fhrie regularly. They I brought floating canneries over ' explained to the rank and file, ! opposition to it seems to grow ! lesi The history of North Pacific ; fishing, haling and sealing ln-' vJves many nations'. When Sir Alien Aylesworih, a member ot the Senate ol Canada, died the eiiuf ojv. u Hoand-ing firure in Canadian r.ub'ir life arxl a link mo P-Hk- a-piomary to process the stolen fish. This will be slopped if the treaty goes through and the Jap must stand off all along the North American euast, save in the waters beyond the Bering Sua it. Eursia Is not a signatory to the treaty, but her friends mill likely insist that srr? has certain tuning tight in tne North Pacific Ocean. She had a bin hand in ATOM BOMB KILLER is the name given to Britain's "mystery plane," the Gloster GA 5, claimed better qualified than anv other aircraft in the world to destroy atom bombers. Powered by t rec-rd-hreaking Arwtumg-wMHev Sapnhire iets. the C. s. manufactured bv llawker-Siddeley, u a radar-equipped. ll-wether. day-and-nieht. Ions-range Delia wing, claimed the hnt ot its kind. of fifty year age tisapjeared Report From As I See It Parliament Hill S-r A1 vra a rsamter of the f seaung industry m the old Alaska Boundary tXaimission in "ay- Rudyard Kipling once ; 1904 when Canada, the United wrote a poem about the "Three: State and England negotiated Sealers." That was around 1 500 ; for a Mtilement of a long utand- i "When not a law of God or j lug dLput involving the Alaska' man j Panhandle. Sir Allen stoutly. Runs north of fifty-three" j maintained that Canada was - Kipling poem has to do with being -sold domn the river" in piracy and much killing of man' the negotiations. A glance at the and boast around the Pribloir1 map today will show that the en- Island. He told of craft from' tire coast line on the Pacific Russia. USA. and Canada in' down to5:0 is under the Stars conflict and a catching obser-l and Stripe of the United States, vaiion was: j Sir Allen painted out In 1904 that t "You may set a thief to ! By Edward T. Applewhaite, M P., Skeena Fisheries Convention Important Event Subsidy For Co-op--Si. Patrick's Day A number of outstanding personalities will be addressing the seventh annual meeting and conven catch a thief "But a thief hath caught them twain." tr cede this vast area of fore-j shore to the United State meant blocking all of northern British Columbia and the Yukon Terri-; tion of the Fisheries Council in Vancouver on April . Black Time-Bomb 28 to 30. One will be Mr. Mayhew, minister of fhvtynA.T' happens when an The newest Fisheries Trpatv ie ' . enes, who is so well Known to ootn Canadians ana Americans that he will require no special introduc irresistible force meets ttH7 tTOm to the Pacific expected to bring peace amcng dupuWii " " ,, Ocean. It w-a during and im- North Pacific fishing Interests ' an immovable Object; Irie rnJdiately after the famous stam- for -manv years to come A' ' Brui c tion. IS, pede to the Klondike hat ths Tokyo with the Hon. Mr Mayhew j ?, ,4fi. Alaska Boundary Dispute raged as an advisor was E. T Apple-j Moscow- Conference ALL ORGANS of Soviet propaganda are beating the drums for the forthcoming international economic conference in Mo.cov April 3 to 10. Europe's Stalinists are engaged in what appears to be their most important effort so far this year to lure business men and heads of small indus-, tries into rebellion against East-West trade restrictions. Western "observers do not underrate its propa-jranda strength, particularly in Asia where it tppcars bound to have some effect on trade-starved K?oples, There will be from 400 to GOO delegates from 23 countries. The agenda has been prefabricated so that Moscow will dominate it from start to finish. The conference will attempt to build up pressure among western governments and business men against the United States to break down restrictions on strategic materials ; it will try to get them to turn eastward for trade, and to persuade Asians .Tnat tneir future lies with Moscow. Possibly there will be some sort of concrete' offer to western business men, put out as bait in the .'hope that a single break in the dam will be followed .'by a flood. It will attempt to divide the United States iind Europe. .' Some observers think U.S. restrictions on trade . "with Communist countries have hurt the Soviet -Union to the extent that Moscow is desperate to remedy the hurt. : Western Europe longs for a revival uf normal ".'trade relations with the East, so the Moscow theme "has a strong appeal. One long-range objective is an economic assault upon Japan, an attempt to wrest her from American influence in the end. This is regarded by competent '.observers as a serious threat. ': The conference advertises itself as a "gathering of industrialists, traders, agriculturists, economists, technicians, trade unionists and co-operators." It is not supposed to be on a governmental level but to devote itself, according to the published agenda, to such causes as "exploration of the possibilities of extending- trade and other economic relations between all countries and improving, on this basis, the living conditions of the people." The conference may boomerang in some respects. For instance, the Soviet Union never consents to on-the-spot inspection of goods it offers for export. Further, it probably will be unable to deliver many of the goods it promises. schoolboy answer something busts. disinterested in the matter, but ! Another will be H. R. MacWil- tnat we must on the trar7. lan who. among other positions, lurther encourage our young Something must bust now in n. jxrauar mc iriiin.' tun- wnaue, Mr., KKeena. wno is ai UoJled the porU of the north resident of Prince Rupert and! such as Skagway, Anchorage, should know at first hand the Juneau and Wrangell they took , viewpoint of the Canadian fish- i rich tribute from all thv; gold ermen. ' that was found - and, that golds .,'. r is Canadian representative on r"t ,T . ,C South Africa. The entire Su- i the Defence Production Board of provded however. Court c, that country grants, i anj.arr iibocuj uiusc . . .... vision His whole lu" u'-" '" . to do so. authorized government s taws w;w.u ue- i i t 1 i . , . . n tKnlf come mostly from Canadian territory From Canada's northern the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in London. Vergil D. Reed, vice-president, J., Walter Thompson Cosipkny. New York, will speak at the luncheon on CANADIAN TROOPS j sion that there must be worked pnwu ' vote. Co.ored nuxed-bloods had out a satisfactory working Canada, agreement tJtween the provin- ngntt. Negroes virtually mine? un to date has be; n pro-' wiln fishery matters .before cuced more than $200,000,000. i tne House, some one s bound to Sir Alt-n Avlesworth was t.o;brn UP ma-t" of di-usted with the ororeedlnn of aImon- Wnen . Hon: l!K Tuesday, April 29. ces and the Dominion, oeiore me '" federal authority should enter In the past few years the ra"e any phase of the education field segregation policies of the Na- thc Ala5ka Boundarv Commi'sion ' b,9l nul,nor J ,,I0"r bil'T tionahst have brought the, budget of 1952-53 was in party fnat he resignvd and made many South African eovernment into Btmn i-nnmin. t, Germany recently visiting Cana- direct conflict with the great 'A ard He eonUnued to condemn dian ,Arm', headquarters, the maifiritv nf its Dt-oDle. Unfor- it nin v,i. in, Ho ... on Canadians In Geimany served tunately. the great majority, be- wnea nf djed. uig native African, now has no gir Hobefi Borden a8s one oI tights or lesser rights based on ,hf,se who reaUy appinudod Sir him some ralman out of a Russian tin. The Opposition got hold of thf story and the matter was aired in the House of Com-! uuirgeuU supiruuH., . . Ifr, 8nd i0m...! ltl condemna- Minnesota Likes Ike MINNEAPOLIS (CP) Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower wan strong backing in lajt weeks presicieritial primary in Minne-enra a ra thai aas pxnectf-d mons. Why Russian salmon lor The Malsn eovernment has t 'on of the Alaska Boundary i Canadjan troops? answer Award .One of Borden's greatest rpeeches one of thf greatest may well be that the salmon was purchased through the British Deputy Minister of Fisheries (and a good one, too, Stewart Bats. will be one of the featured speakers at the conference, on Ao:i' 30. The Fisheries Council of Canada and the National Fisheries Institute in the United States have many similar objectives and work harmoniously, on a number of mutual problems, so H is fitting that Royal Toner, President of N.F.I, should be one of the speakers. It was a great satisfaction ' to me to be advised that finally the subsidy for the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-opera-ive additional cold storage space had been approved by : Council. I anticipate that the final formalities will not take ; long. We have done a lot of ' work on this project, and I hope ' the Co-op. will be able to get 1 its building program completed i this year. come into conflict with India and Pakistan, whose racials in South Africa have also been grossly- persecuted. It has come into conflict with oration, ever heard in thj House F(X)d Ministry. Tnere wag a tlme PRINCE t of Commons-rwas on this subject not "o long ago when we were The tenor of Canadian con- buying 'B.C. Salmon" right in Saturday, to the United Nations, which time to give overwhelming support after time has passed resolu WednetM) its former governor, governor. Harold tlemnation of the Alaska Boun- Canada which bore a B.C. brand dary Award was thn! the Old but had been canned In Japan Country diplomats had failed as from illicitly obtained on usua to protect the interests of the west coast.' g mere colony. It was said that' Saturday, i tions taking direct issue with the South African government on Trustee Territory. It has- tome into conflict with Sta.s.sen. The vote count early showed Eisenhower only 8.000 vote.5 behind "Sta-sscn, an impressive per- and tmv-tt n day - This in ik-Prince Rup'-I' now tea the fair-minded white minority Those who years before had con-! lormance for the general be- ANCIENT. NAME The village of Gimli, first Ice- his name was not even on in South Africa, led by the re demned the Oreeon Treaty of: the printed ballot and had to be doubtable airman, paradoxically written in by voters wanting to colled Sailor Malan, who plainly 1846 and the A?hburton Treaty of 1842 said It was merely a re was named after the legendary $39,90 to warns his namesake, the Pie express a preference for him , f, lniirs.-" Agent: petition of the gelling out of residence of Odin. Canadian Interests to placate j the .United States of America. DANGEROUS PLANT Time in its progress clears up the j The "Jack-in-the-p u 1 p i t." a record and th? facts of the case perennial plant common from are more clearly revealed. When j Nova Scotia as far west as On- mier, he Is driving the country toward civil war. , AT THE UN in New York in 1946 I got a close-up on ! Robert Fair, a Social Credit member, born in Ireland, on March 14, asked the Prime Minister if he would give considera- ; tion to the adjournment of thc house over St. Patricks Day, to Forced off the ballot when his fiiing petition was found to be defective, Elsenhower had his name written in by" 88,722 voters in 2.013 of the state's 3.769 pre-cinct.s Stas.sen. three time aov- Scrijiture faiiaae for Joclau tome, buy . . . without money and "things to come" 'in South Af-trte Enelish diplomats pave theitario, has a very poisonous root, rica- 'Alaska Panhandle to thc USA..' - - without price.' Isa. 55:1. ; enable us Irishmen and all our ernor polled 95,874 votes. ; friends" to properly celebrate even oeiore tne lormai as- they cunningly contrived to Ecmbly opened there was a sharp force the Americans to become A NEW WAK2 Senator Robert Taft of Ohio, who didn't bother to campaign . .. . " . , Monday, March 17. The P.M. re- Tonlght : Tastes have .settled plied lhat he hoped ne WM one ngni in tne smau steeung com- ; resnonsible for ihe nnval pro- what was considered a Stasen THE IV u . " M" of Mr. Fair' Ir Irish friends but stronghold and whose name was rmttee to decide whether In- j taction of the entire Pacific slope f I 'k : J) Model'! not on the ballot, received 18,500 0la 8 complaint against South of this continent. They no doubt write-in votes. ; Africa should be on the agenda. ! wisely foresaw tha. the British . still a very popular lffie," wouId te t0 Julfn our pariiamen. i i tary duties. On St. Patrick's Day, at u-'v with i-e , . ithe P.M., Mr. Fair and Rev. ray . . . Reflects and Reminisces -AX ch.-ck ! i .... I , '',ia; ; h i.i lu Danny McIvor ,g0. n n county pitied. c ..y4 v... k Mic Tyrone) all appeared with bril ,., I Mrs. Pandit was representm-? TRl MAN FAORtD ' India and South Africa's Prime On the Democratic ballot, Sen- Minister Smuts was on the ator Hubert Humphrey," who has other " side, promised to turn his delegation Mrs panait beat the vener-ovtr to President Truman if "he ; abi(, statesman and he laid his decides to run again, polled 30.-jDrnbi.m bf,()rf, olir wn .n. of themselves Navy In a crisis wjth Russia or any other enemv power in the Pacific, would not be able to defend both coasts of America along with most of the rest of the world. All this U bound to come undf r review today as the new Fisheries and the govern-1 liant grePn hats, supplied. I cx- pect by some Irish well-wisher I ' ' '- I 1 a qui" ' t ment makes everyone able to do . iso take care of the poor. TV,!-, aro CfMl rKPtt nf flu in The foot-and-mouth disease 155 votes Senator Estes K;:-; prirr, Minuter win- lauver oi iL'iuiessee won la.uui .'if np tjj openly rebukes Treaty comes before the House a niedira man at Terrace hul , 'tr-eftn!ent- V T , i Escorted q"' . eetlon ! may be pretty well under control t, v id Th. w in Saskatchewan but it continues write-in votes; President Tru-jgoy Africa my government! of Commons "for ratification. We trZk i il Lrh ; . " ","'18 a afm,-r,vaV!. wara' to crop up in the House of Corn- man, man, 2.858;, Senator senator nicnaru Richard'; 1 ; ,nl mnnn . H Jh ,h .. u ... ,.n ,,, f W'ta . i-ii. , ,, o,ai iiK.ii wiiu tfc-, v-aiiauiaiis nave uut uiu int.;i ui added approximately." climbed into bed accompanied ov " I"", ..." kV JZ" .,7 J : . I mlsls will come into power, deep water on our west liank- : a bad situation now will from Victoria to Prince Rupert. fill I.ster that, moh o trim f r- . 1 . ID , i "141 18 . . , , ' " " " in (iii'tiKr viiT i i .. ure ure emerged cmergea : ir from , the dim cor- , ncrcp. 7. IV jonn I". . . jjieienoaKer "Z. TJ.:..." oi ' vi, become extremely dangerous. ; The U.S.A. has at least ten times ' ' Framework of a bill to prepare ' raor jight and . . , , . ; . i.aivc ven u c, oa.fiai;ti:wiii, ' -j - a wui rwici wcic witkicu Whflt tvnnlH you do in my ithe length of coast runnning to a. voiLe saia on irum 1h Ruhiivt ollvo --lth in for ',Dm'las " This rnnlrt hp! . the deep sea. o : - The ladv Jn ..J . . ... Q,mr0,A piace pension ior evry niemoer oiheJiide, please. - Jur;jjiiH IAJ LI1H " IVIilllPiWr i i tivm,i "tine vuuh " d usuic gar.acia eaerai parliament white had with lier what rwm. ..... . r.. ."--nmi. A ,7 . Illinois) .-"w o tiv kJIluer vlic new w i-ytxi lite j characteristic but wise to waif treaty the conservation of fish is riow being prepared. The riB(.r,!ui . i icujuure. juaieiy, xne suojecxs uuugiiia or me leeibled a needle and it was clear.',, riiKBin ,Q hn i.,i Senator Paul h nnimln. of an allowance of this nature ; and see, to relax tension, to "cool t antlcinated nnrt fishlns activities uoc ui uic same was near, mi ahnnt the nnmmmutlnn rQvohl! F.dward S pttriah Rt i generally admitted Neverthe-e receivd wa, a sharp Jiuie ao Town" 1 " hot m"n- are limited to the three signa ls we feel positive It will not , ln the rlbg. Tnen came hour,J 0l . the VZytl ! Z 1 TJ T.l tories. Hon: R. H. Meynew. Min- De fOrtV dollars. ,,nrilctrk.H .1. v-. j . " " ."'I"' hi- , -i-rr ... CDnM FROM the thr ihnrl short range rn nnlnt point r,l of f U,,hr nf RFFRIGERAH ..u...ulu0,ulllucl ttllu (jiumi,i;V0Vetli particularly if t h e r e publican ballot, got 17,612 votes.) 7 .. " . view'it seems tq me that Pre -. . . . .- , r , . ruiuaiueiii, lur viuvuiia win uv- Minnesota Is one of 16 states Friend .nf with huenreir i.01 unaouocea re" should be any extension of the nui- a ' " uuwu W,U1. ! covery. And here we are back his m mier Malan and his race-hating ceed, no doubt, in selling in the U.S. which hold presiden complex recntly moved to , thc this atfernoon. ! ... tial primaries - popularity votes! race-baiting Nationalist may win. The court based Its decision treaty to Parliament. As debate proceeds upon it there may bi many references to the speeches in which members of the two country. He bought an old-lajshloned farm home Just six room and a path. Ex. SPECIALS on the Act of Parliament passed major political parties can indicate who they would prefer to In the discussion on federal aid to education, P; G. Gauthier of Portneuf put on the record an excellent summary of the thlnk- by Britain In 1909, which pro-! of other days of Sir Ailen Ayles- Eddie Clapp Buys tects racial minorities, see as president. worth, Sir Robert Borden and Sir Wilfrid Laurter. Sir Allen But the obviou move for the This is one of the few states where delegates selected to go to J399.OO D.'mma. J m& of tnat section of Canada II Oil 66f iVBWSldnU .....- 1 whch he represents; this was on ' Nationally will be to fight on was an outstanding Liberal and fl. motion - intrnrhipprt hv W T? f thf national nominating conven Eddie Clapp many years ago ; Kniirht. nf Rasica t.nnn tr PnnUnf the principle of full sovereignty. Sir Robert, leader of the Con-They will ask: "Is our constitu- 1 servatives. Sir Wilfrid, peerless tion to be made for us in Eng- jLibcTal leader in 1900, was accus-land or by ourselves?" The reai ed of serving Downing Street "Work for the night is coming! "Work through the morning hours! - -.' "Work while the dew is sparkling! .- "Work 'mid springing flower." " n Good rellgou poetryi, an well a good economics. But today $411 5 9'2 cu. ft. Deluxe Refrigerator 8V2 cu. ft. Refrigcrotor, with frozen food compartment 8'2 cu. ft. Refrigerotor tions are Bound to support their presidential aspirant until ra-leased by him or- until his convention vote drops below 10 percent. more than Canada. His opponents at that time charged Sir sold paper from Little's News j had stressed the fact that the Stand when that picturesque 1 matter of federal grants to the pioneer, dead these many years, 1 provinces ln the field of efluca-was in his prime. Now Eddie i tion is a matter coming under owns the establishment and is ' provincial jurisdiction and that doing business at the old stand , provincial autonomy, of which on Second . Avenue. Mr. Clann ! thev are n ipnlnna in OiiaW government of South Africa is a powerful secret society, the Bruderbund, which Is fanatical- $382.00 There is no provision in the primary law for convention dele-1 Iy "white .supremacy." It Is by the more appropriate version would be "Work for the boss W has -bought the business from the coming", or "Work, for thejestat of theJate NoelJones who lump Is oomlng." For this I; (died recently. Ben Sampson, an- Northern B.CPoj ... Pirn"' 1. r" Itcsner Block If Sailor Milan's Ideas of; equality and decency win out,! things can come out peacefully. If Premier Malan's vicious principles prevail, .soonor or later the white overlords will find themselves .swept into the sea. South African racism , is a tlme-homb which could explode a continent. the jnaterlal age. no means sure than an election would putsct the Malan govern-mi-nt as the cards are all stacked. TWO AND A HALF million . whites live at the southern tip of Africa with Its hundred million blacks. gates to be chosen for write-in candidates. Thus, even if Eisenhower's vote total should be larger than Stassen's, it would not automatically mean that he would have arty supporters among Minnesota delegates to the Republican nominating convention in Chicago In July. and elsewhere which is as It should be must be respected. Gauthier had with him a pamphlet, presented by the movement "Education Week in Canada," which he used in order-to prove that we have not yet reached the point where we should feel other pioneer, who has long been identified with the stand and once owned it himself, had his last day there Saturday, having now retired. Prince Rupert. B.C. Say Bunny Saunders, who caters to fashion in "In Town