f'rinre Rupprt Daily News Monday, March 24, V3VZ lolarij ClioruA in Jmooft, (Effective San dau (Concert Shoreworkers Seeking More The Prince Rupert Rotary Club's 35-volce chorus has developed Into a smooth, effective vocal group, a more and more creditable institution among the musical organizations of the cliy. -P- Lf Cliurcli hUeclchiuj erSonalA i Shoreworkers of the United tary R. L. Uaruner said here Sat-! Fishermen and Allied Workers' , urday ! ynion are a',ing, a 3f3' 3 Increase asked means an addi- increase m all classifications of , . . . . tlonal 50 cents an nour tor men hourly wage rates this year for j both men and women workers, and between 35 and 40 cents an Negotiations based on these de- hour for women workers, or an ! mands have opened in Vancou- approximate 'tile of $2.16 an hour : ver, local shoreworkers' secre- for men and $150 for women. " . Ml nil Dinn khmw.j in oinri iiuiu- and .. Director Charles V. Balagno Child i'niieA ers and vase or red roses. I Douglas Payne left by plane and ,., concerned are due con- uj-e. A n urL'hi na.i.urnav inr q nusinpKR inn in : j .rrstin" ...u.iau, V.1U01. v- graiuiauoiw on jiiti euoui,, nd inuM" i B f..,-rf rif thp hriflo's famllv fin- i Vancouver. 1 nrnfiwnru whirh u-as amDlv dls- fcre at i J c 0C ickpfi the cuttinu of thp rk ! Bnhort u..,i,iorhom u.ft h played wnen tne chorus wa3 in I m .Fin Pres ov nr. E. A rectal hut nlsnt before a la.ly Dave!Plane for business Servileurs. were Mrs. Saturday a ... . .trir. appreciative audience of several ' - i I I :.V- ' . it - - - jr- Callow, mis. Larry Major, Mrs.j."-- hundred persons In the Cap.tol ,f fr and j uiau vciw;ii is sailing tumui- iiieawe. lgii. 1203 See- it... t, W'CIUHC Hit oiiis, oldest son lourneau, ivuss rnyiiis DUHOn,'luw nueniuuii on uie vuquiuuiu me lauit-s supiauu ctnuu Miss Ethel Shaw, Donald Haud- i for a trlP to Vancouver. was particularly good but the erisCild, .Jack Franks and Roy', L. E.. Cuthbertson comptroller vesiron'tnou'glv'to Sprovid Weiss. Mrs. William Rothwell ; f the Columbia Cellulow Co, lhe nccesary balance More catered. . sailed on the Chlicotln last night mae vol couId be usefj t0 Ai a business trip to Vancouver. The which gifts were numcr-;for vantage c iih nnd beautiful were ouened ! w . wats.v. The director had hi section Samuel lluud- nth Avenue ire attended ntu'mK'U by uy " ' wiiu. tv. aj. mciiivu.-iif cairciucu t 1S bndesmuid and Put on display with Oor- j pi,ieer woman of Prince Rupert. under masterly control and U r ,, .... i,.,t don Marshall in charge. I ho. h,, 0,1111 t Drin.. flowine seauence. there was fac- ft.iwcl. and I-cRoy 4, me unutrs iiwajf tu- Jtupert General Hospital., ' iic -uiuinauun. WHICH wem tunic was a Burgundy suit, with; without a h1t"h. black accessories. Peter De Jong, who has been , The enthusiasm of the singers After a honeymoon spent at 'Identified with Columbia Cellu- lent much to the general effect-Terrace the popular young cou-ilos Co, Lt. here for the past iveness and transmitted ltsell pie will return to take up resi-: nine months, left on Saturday's to the audience. i if -' - !( P2IC1TY MSffif ?earr . ( f CANNED FOODS 7 i ncd in white Min, with full ;. with rlune-own. carrying . o( red rojes nuns, entered !. arm of Iht .ins of Lolicn- dence in Prince Rupert. ; piano ior nis nome in Vancouver. Tnree sacred numbers were The groom's gift to the bride M , , , b , ; rendered with impressive sincer- was a gold heart shaped iocket. Qbv ; Uy These were used to open the The brides gift to the groom . .... ri, ,,,., program. WM a Jitcr- leffbv D.anfsatu?daPy for TtZ File was a gr0up of splnt- The gift to the bridesmaid was , VLP'" y P "als into the spirit of which the 10 vancouvler- a pendant. i j choristers entered fully. To the groomsman and the"' V. Strandberg, project man-! To many the beautiful rendi- I irch played by at the organ, ol the rcg- NYLOX FOR LINGERIE This lovely negligee n nylon net, worh over a graceful nightdress in nylon tricot, Wrill be shown in the textile section of the 1952 British Industries Fair. Both negligee and nightdress wire inspired by a dress worn by the Empress Poppaea. Nero's wife, m the film, 'Quo VarUs.". .". - iilivcd i;sain p'owned ushprS. t!e c,'ps were presented. : ager .for Morrison it Knudscn at Hon of the lovely "Who is Syl- k: was nttie ov(.i tai ., , . ...... Tk. .ini. v.,, km. d t n in nviti h uime oay, iuva ouona, nav-i vne rrincess Louise mis nioin- iucoin.nui,ui uj mio. u. u. ' recent, years . he . has been engaged mostly in. carrying sugar ill bouquc NATIONALIST fContinued from pae li t 0f nig uvea nere lor live years, ine ing ana proceeaea to Vancouver outimuu, n. ncom groom was born and raised in! by plane. , That's Free", and "Make Believe" rarnatiuns. from the Philippines to the east won auaience acclaim. Prince Rupert. V.V.VAV.V.V.Vi'i,1V.V,.V.V.VAV.V1VV Bun which fol- Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lovin, who a mixed auartetteMr. and in a i?nvernment-Drovideri house, coast, of '.the United States or bnadian Legion lis who mini-' ,ceived by the ft.rie, gowned in Iwitli black ac-Ji a corsai!.' f The motlier of have been touring the United Mrs. Charles Roberts, Mrs. M. Most of the refugees from the copra to South America. After States for the past six months, 1 Burn and R. W. Miles was also Chinese mainland live in gov-. the pres3iu voyage the Hai Yu having gone as far as Florida, popular. ernment-built houses or apart- is to' sail tomorrow afternoon returned to the city on the Prin- Only non-vocal item on the ments. t0' Moij- 'Japan, with 8500 tons cess Louise. Later they Intend to program was a well-blended There are eight million' people of wheaU-6he will be heading proceed to Terrace. piano, violin and cello trio con- crowded upon Formosa today again for ths Philippines for a , stinS of Mrs. J. C. Gilker, Mrs. two million more than before the load of sugar for copra. xf- k ,.,,m oftnr hw , hT hJr rJ il Carr-HarrU and Ray Sahlen. evacuation from the mainland Built eight years ago, during confined to her home for the t A, ., ... , , phic, .u. . tiwt., rv, . hijf and eJ&anct With ten tables In play, the :ieu m lorc.st re.i-orie. wore Sons of Norway on Friday eve ning held another of their en- past week or so, is now ;. patient Wienry PTm. aT usual d ! SS m Los AngeleX US .id Joyable series of whist drive and in the Prince Rupert Oencral . nPrldahl(, 'A iIKnr , aH ,,.. ,r,rL4 i n,H th. st.. tosebiids. ji'.tl groom h, ulated the dances. for cherk-t.p. It is ' by ; Hospital a T Norton "avr Younes HLong, was acquired by the grooms- Prize-winners were Mrs. Harry expected she will be able '.o re- brten for lhe Rotar cb , FIRST. v,s,T USIT TO TO CAN'ADX CANADA J Pn Nationalist govern-toast to the Kalot. Mrs. John Pedersen, John turn home soon. 'i nrnuu .'nnrbtiJ .u,1 This voyage has br. Csptain m. .,a veclrc frm ,ho Atlin nkuu Itlt minln:! minlnsi muni.., Chorus - - and the ' audience. ! shlh s llrst. v)slt 10 Vanrida al" United -' -" States.- ' " She - has been f 11T Unlnn . ' . nuiaiiu, , . . i . ( i s'lit i biy ix-groom. jyed to music uiuugii iic ima situ .nucii w.c uncer COmmana of captain snin man, who has been spending , mwun.wi Keinrister and W. R. Sallis. Chair prize winner was Mrs. Louis Larsen and door prizewinner, Dan Seherk. Committee in charge consisted The I rest 01 "ne oria tn.e Meaner- program was as follows: for three-anc-a-halr yeurs. fi-ilcrn Aces. hments were the winter in Vancouver, and Mrs. Noland were passengers aboard the Princess Norah this lh the bride ami of Mrs., Barney Roald, Mr. and ranean. the Indian coasts, boutn choral. 8ACHED-At Thv Pent-', nresent vovau the Hai B,.ch,. -Bleu, the Lord, o My soul" I America and the United States. 'V"K1,;; ,,; i )pcnitif-rvnnoii.' "Beautiful ' came in ballast frorr Japan . lour- istiesian Folk Songi Rotary 80 v- ' Speaking of Canada v, he mar- in twenty-one days She was dry Mixed c;,oru, I vels that such a "big country docked and lined at North Van-: INSTRUMENTAL TRIO "Old Folic shnulrl hnv, sur.h a "Small" u. : diautiful iDcauunu inrec three Mrs. Mrs. jonn John Pedersen. Pedersen, Mr. Mr. and and rrlornlI,8 B"'"B "oru. or v.k: r,ld ike a-nifh which cen- i'fv. Mrs Mrs. Emil rctiil PMlar.-An Pettersen, Hiiec Miss itlrl,l Se3S0n. A-strld and the very latest in shoes Ri,n,t " 'r,0a.t.,, 7. Z tuuvci uciuic tuiiiur.; iic.r. oona. eavatlna (Raffl. "Gold, and nnrmlatinn , ble decorated Pedersen and O. K. Olson. J. R. Gaudin, veteran superln- ! tendent engineer for the Yukon ; piano: m carr-Han'u. violin; Raj i Cap-'ain Shih went to sea at the 0 sixly :ih.cludiiv 'five appren-jand White Pass Route, after , sahicn .ceiio.' age ot 23 after receiving a liberal ntr,r. chp'hKn mrriK n Heart That's Free" hotrlnn i,i,.r,t Iho winlor In Vln- nuijU A Iprhirfltinn in his hnmp citv of .!.- ...... - - - KI11L' S UWLJ1.- . 1 Robyn i . Make Believe" 1 Jerome! U RECIPES toria, was a passenger aboard Kerni Mrs. r. l. wicks Shanghai. First he was an ap- FASHION. FOOTWEARS the Princess Norah this morn- choraIj -who is Sylvia" 1 Schu- prentice officer on coastal ves- WW.W'.V.VUWWV berti. "All ThrouRh the Night" (Old;seis. About fifteen 'vears now xVA-in has been failing deepsea as speak 1. "Brunette" (Folk sodki ' mastei . There was an interlude Port ot legistr is Keelung. : ; Sunday' afternoon saw a num.- j ', ber of local visitors aboard the , Hai Yu including local Chinese i people who were entertained by : their countrymen aboard ship. ! ; ing going through to Whitehorse ! for the season. He was accom-I panied by Mrs. Gaudin. For quick results try a Da fly News Classified! m. Burn, c j during the war when he was Mr Roberts. Mrs. RolM-rta, R. Miles. Choral "The Flume Grass (Sahk- ashore at Shanghai, engaged in the export business. After the OpHES are the order of the flay, to from sunny t ,v r.vod the iceipe for one of the most flavorful PIZZA i'.'s tailed red-ripe tomato and nippy it. j. nerimsly with- onion, baked in. a tender, f if, ar.tl served bubbling hot from the oven, iluntl, p zza is made, not with the fresh fruit, but novsky chohal "Were You There" (Bur-1 war he went back to sea and has lel.-hl "By and By" (C.lni. "ry j been sailing since. . Bones Gear hart "Ole Moses I 1. Put . ckii,'. fi, a., : ri Shih first Thls is Captain S Pharaoh Jn His Place" 1 Ford, Beta- man. Bird 1 Rotary Mixed Chorus.: 'grain trip wi'h the Kal Yu. In Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce and daughter, who have been residents here for the past few years while Mr. Bruce was manager of ; the Mlllerd cannery at Seal Cove. failed last night on the Chllcotin for Vancouver. Mr. Bruce has been transferred to Sherman in ; the West Vancouver area where his company has another plant. 'omatoes. smooth in texture and spiced just so. j can achieve the same effect wifh condensed souo. the kind vfm huv in tins at vmir pnrnpr Costume Jewels Have Million-$l Look 4 :ifli)-yours?'f. B.autiful'.v blended and expertly :cil s'.up makes as fine a pizza as you'd find Jolt I -Slrriva L IS"'-- Calwert U lOBD Trince Rupert Roily Reld, W. Budd. Reg Chllds and Lea Hart. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. Munroe, North Pacific; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fin-pesun. Smithcrs; E. Ncllsen and D. N. A. Barry, Edmonton; Mrs. E. Christianson, New Hazelton; E. Parkensen, Butcdale; Eric Chose, South Burnaby; S. A. Poulton, North Vancouver; O. Crerar, Briccland, Cal. t : , , 1." ' X rz pt 1 ! n "fit - 4'' 9. I A -: ' r t .1 ... rA t : v;i"1 :';nV ders red S.O.N, meeting Monday, Marcl 21. 7:30 p.m. Social, election of officers, ricasc attend. 1 A HOUSEWIFE und obviously one of London's prettiest 2 year-old Mrs. Carol Anderson models some of the costume jewelry which will he on display amonit the expensive creations in the "Millionaire Row," the display of British custom jewellers, of this year's British Industries Fair (May Sth-lSth) in London. Left: Silver-set necklace, hair ornament and brooch. Right: Oriental motif in (fold-set Rarnets. Hair ornament, earrines and necklace are completed with a small clip at the centre of the neckline, rrccious-cem craftsmen's skill has -one Into the creations which are claimed detectable only by experts. Ja i . S-"' Served wilh pride Q l I vm 1 on those special occasions f1& J 1 when only lhe finest " ' I j 71c School girl perms'. Drop in iter j.hool. All work guaran-;ed. Jerry's Beauty Salon, hone 835. tf) Attention, ul: Legion and ,lub 27 mcmlicrs.: Hold April 1 open for our anniversary party. (72c) 0 Regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Music and Drama Festival Association will be held 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 26, Civic Centre. All welcome. - 1 He 1 For Your GARDEN NEEDS pZA 1 ITALIAN TOMATO PIE I ITALIAN PIZZA MAKES t MEATLESS MAIN DISH RAKES FORKS HOPS sd yeast water ijP "Pow flour 0 First Unlt"d C:iureh Men's Club prelents Minna Bentzen eminent Scandinavian violinist, at First United Church. Wednesday and Thursday, 8:15 p.m. " (ltd sauce by saute'lng onions in 3 j tablespoons salad oil until lightly browned. Add remaining In-1 gredients except cheese a n d I simmer uncovered 35 minutes,! iftii ring frequently. When dough 1. .., . . , , .. j 'i;id 1 f'ions r,,. , "as risen, spread in wen-greaseu , luted n,llto 12" x 16" pan or make two 11-, Women's Canadian Club din-I Inch pies on greased cookie ner meeting, Wednesday, March Yjr,,.E;... sheets. Turn edges up slightly, i 05. 6:30 p.m., Sav.oy Hotel. Compicts Selection of smell GARDEN TOOLS FERTILIZER four sauce ovjr dough, spread speaker: Mrs. M. Macpnerson. before tickets ; within 'a Inch of edge. Sprinkle Please obtain noon Tuesday. (ltd '- i)fr woe.sp ;1 kcw ' with cheese. Bake in hot oven (I (400 F.i for 30 to 40 minutes. Rervpo lint CALVERT DISTILLERS (Canada) LIMITED AMHERSTBURG ONTARU arm ,...... i ------ FAMED EXPLORER Raould Amundsen, Norwegian, fcd salt . , ror a satisfying variation ot V'd vl. ee the Pizza described above, try Gordon & Anderson in 1903-08 was the first to nav- fcl ,,n , ,?nd 2 following the same directions. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board 0 . by the Government of British Coluoibu. Phone 46 ut , ,KTOad tne" arranging anchovy fillets j lgate the Northwest Passage m I hmirs pl 8,a,1d on top of the sauce, just before ! a single ship from Atlantic to-I ' repare sprinkling with the cheese. jPacifc.