on The ALLEYS r Prince Rupert Doiiy News Monday, March 24, 1952 BONSPIEL RESULTS DAILY NEWS Round-Up PLAYOFFS NET XU'EEK Final playoffs for in- the Men's Five-Pin By Larry Stanwood It is not likely that there! League will be held next Monday nrp nnv tmrtcmm mrp ! night with Mansons, CNRA One, i WHEN ONLY i y J Jaycees and Short Circuits com Sonspie! Finals Held Over For Extra Day Prince Rupert's first bonspiel has been just "too successful" says Rink Master Jack Laurie. The high number of entries and strong competition in all quarters are factors which have postponed the semifinals and finals until tomorrow. Local rinks which have already , ;ltMl CIIAIJ.RMiE i Collinson 11. Turner 6fl: Rogerson j 10, Greene 3; Warren 9. Matthew 6; HeKK'e 8, yolfson 7, Gormely 9. ! Sandover-Bly 5; Delate 12. Adomeit 9. Prirzell 12. Little 9: Holllston 11,1 Simpson 7; ONeil 11, Moore 9; Boul- j ter 13. Collinson 3; Bovill 7, Laurie S; ! Johnson (BL( 14. Watson 4: Domi-1 nato 8. Hrggie 6; Shier 13. Blwk 3: ; Boulter 13. Johnson (PR) 1: War-1 ren 8, Holllson 8: Black 11. Johnson 1 tPR) 6: Dominate 10. Collinson 5; Johnson BL) 17, Deary 3; HeguA !U. O N.il 5: H.Ji4(,U)n 13. Jennings 0; Shier 12. Prizzell 6: Warren 7. i i serious obout their game than curlers bonspiel curlers that is. Who else would forsake appointments, friends, meals, the wife, and of'all things, a nice warm hed at 4 a.m. to get on with the game? That'? .iust what some 150 ar- peting for the seasons crown. Last night of league bowling saw Manson's, winners of the first half, and CNRA One tie for first place in A Division. Short Circuits lead by a five-point margin in B Division. Mansons took most of the honors for the season, including high team game of 1,312 and high team three of 3,662. Harvey hi b Rowbotham 4; Heggie 9, Gormely 2; ! lO'Ncil 10. De 1k! ; Collinson 13. j Kot4erson 9: Rowbotiawn 18. Lftndofl j 5: Black 8. De Man 7; Boulter 9. Bovilt 4. entered the semi-finals In the Grand ChaUenge competition are s WILL DO Highlights at holding today for furtlwr play- j dent curlers have been going ; CopHand of Mansons held tne through die last three days of j season's high average with 222. Prince Rupert's first bonspiel. Tommy Sedgwick, of Prince Ru-One curler even had time ! Pert Amusements, a high, school turned back for him to 13 years I student, in his first year of SI II 1!1K Al TO 1KIMKV I Friazelt 10. Coinnt.m 2: Rvolfson downs in the secondary classes. Trophies will be presented upon comp'.eteion of the bonspiel The Bonspiel j? 9. Gomwly 5: Stewart 8. Block 6; aurie 12, Rorson 5; iteiiough a. at the ice tomorrow night, ex Warren 7: Defrry 13. Di'Man 4; John- aao when his wife reminded him : league bowling, captured both I. how he nas "too tired" to get up the season's high single and high j O"1'" Club fre 1 Pai 9. Holllston 8; Moore 18. ! Greene 10: Laniion 9. Matthew 4; Only at a bonspiel is it likely j neKsu' 18. skaiimerud s: Adomeit 12, for the most unusual to hannen Baieman S: Lawrence 9. Simpson 7; frk U;alLr f Hxi hohir ni 1 ni- A i .v, z fir m M . o. mv vuvv o w a.. in., i W....V. v... -.v.. Dink. . ,.! JV,o i but now found no trouble at all ! 817. in the Grand Challenge are Do- wmivt hm, v,!oncu 12. Mcconneii 2; shier 9 j to pet up at the same hour to go ' In the finals next week, each minato. Warren, Shier and Boul- ice. and the 'local sme, is not j ", 8 ?' L'STV I . k. 1 curling. ! team will roll nve games witn Well, curlin's different,- that's j handicaps, total points to dealt. , ! cide the winner. ler" Without its Share Of highlights, j Jennings 10 Collison 4; Watson 12. Entering the playdowns before Perhaps the most outstanding is 1 Turnr 3: Keiiough 10. Jennings 8: the semi-finals -in the second the "seven-ender" with which ! 'I''LJfn LnfpR;. ! RESULTS ( 111 11 iiltv I'lifiiiii.ii.ifin Jiir ninifi - I np senior riitir u tiiM-iiifi ma h uiv , n. - - ... ' f.'S"' the fho'y buolrw, "Ifc 'spiel must go on" and we trust iincerely that in those homes where relations have strained a ' a Division nome uu 1, KU- ior Auto Service trophy are rink out of the Grand Challenge i 13. Heie 8; Dominato 11. Bo-m jo: , pert Butchers 3; CNRA One 4, Adomeit (Smithers) vs Stewart; yesterday 13-3 Eyoifon ii.M"ore 10; Adomeit . RuH'a Plaoa Mananna PnnV. . - , ......... . . ' r . i Landoll 6: DeLace 11, Watson little, the women-folk will : 7 T p 7 11;;, 7i I T80" ihu .Ke' ,s u,urLe' i As the maximum scoring in one' Johm,on (BL, is. OKeii i: utur stretch thPie pffpciiono (nor on. , . ' - . . ! tvcuougn vs tyioison, ana uciena is eignt, tne sevan score is ! 10, rx-arv 6 - 1 1 U 1 r I. MIUIII 1J hlU lr-IS I 1 lit JIM AIM'I.KW 1IAI1F SMIIIV Lage (Smithers vs Dominato. vubu . uiiuKe in isap 10 anwi j ghcet Metal 3. JU-s 4, Hot considered nearly phenominal, ! especially when the opposition was one of the highest-rated j rinks in competition. j Several tie-breakers have also j posed breathless moments. The j Dominato rink, skipped by Bill McKenzie is an example in which 1 the opposing skips threw the i wiurnreramcmauon. j Shots (default). We're sure when the curling - B DivisionBuiklcy Mkt. 3 seas-Hi w over for the season the Jtooen j Firemen , a In-ZZZ ''J" fU? fTe dairies 3; Paramounts 3, North- to hV a f6 ? h 'u C,eflinB;west Const. 1; Short Circuits 4, ..Zl'cn Legion .default,; Bovill 9. De Man' 7; lurence Bateman 5; Watson 10, Rogerson 9: Turner 15. Laurie 9: Moore 10. Mut-thew 3: Stewart 14. Greene ; De Man 14. Deary 5; Bovill 15. Frizzell 0: ONeil 9. Jennintu 3: Collinson 10, Johnson G: Stewart 7, Watson 8; De Lane 14. Gormely 1: Rowbotham 11. RoTOrson 5; Collison 10. Simpson 8:' Greene 8. Adomeit 1; Mattnew 10. Kellough 5: Laurie 9. Laurence 6; In the AppiewuaJt Secondary competition, Stewart knocked out Moore 12-10 this morning to get into the semi-finals drawing Turner. Other rinks to play off in this competition for a chance at toe semis ara Bovill. Landon, C'Neil, Collinson and Rowboth-am. Heading lor the semi-finals In the North Star secondary are " 1""B f-MRA Ttuo 4 Rnwl Piuh (d. , the kitchen floor. Moore lu. tie-breakine rocks twice. McKen- i Turner 9. Bateman 6 faulti. , STANDINGS zto won out both times and has i Eylfson 3 Meanwhile, at the curling rink, vet to lose in a sinele draw. . xoimi staii kwomiarv ' 1 hpr Vine hrwn a Vicjlo an Jmn r t : A ncnn 51 PNR A flnp 31 Row- ! atmosphere which shows that th ! Sport Shop 29, Moose 29, Home j Collinson vs Holliston botham vs Turner; Boulter vs NTON CHAMFS Don Smythe of Toronto and Mat j Mapp at on! smile proudly after winning the men's and women's i i vi-ms at the Canadian Badminton Championships held i..pi Smytlu also teamsd with Bud Porter of Toronto the men's doubles championship. (CP PHOTO) itliiers Lead Students Then there is the case of the SOH n, Gormeiy i; collinson ie, "almost won" or "second best." j Greene 4; Holliston lO. De Man 8; Which in this 'spiel has been the Black 7, Warren 6; Heinle 13, Lan. .. '. 1 Boulter . Bovill 1; Row- , , ti,. , don 7: 10. lot of Neely Moore s nnk. Threj , UMe bolham 12 SandoveMly 4: times his rink was defeated by io, collison 6; Turner 10, Moore 6: Laurence, and Jennings vs Watson (Smithers i. i comradeship developed among : Oil 23, Cooks 23, Thorn 22, Ru- these 150 men is at least, worth- pert Butchers 22, P. R. Amuse-; while. Many of them who started j menls 21, Bulgers 11, Bud's 8, inrlinT ifttrat Via in tVio Inomia ! 1T,H Chntc ft 1 r& Following the annual Prince ; after the rink opened this year circuits 33, Pam-i?" ur,frtS"bhrm,Twm Bouu 6. toT' will games games cuHed cuued the the result result was asb Dai- Idldn't 7 tne curling banquet know P-m- ( even each other, mount- ?R Tivree 27 Firemen i bothnm Simpson 7. Holliston 7. ii,To rxroi 1, " " , be held in the Legion auaitonum. nueu in uic euu. Black 6: Collinson 10. Matthew 2; n v Bulkley oft 26, CNRA Two 23. 27, Curlinir is to continue after the The "skunk" came for Doue i Jennings IO. Shier 4: Bateman 9. 1 Priell 8: ONeil 18. Johnson (PR) banquet. ' I Frizz-ell s rink last night when Nurthwwit 23, Kaien ,15, Royal Fish 11, Can. .Legion 1. 'First Finals Playoff ! Today they are fast friends, i The bonspiel also has brought I together four different com-imuiiities Smithers, Terrace, ; Bums Lake and Prince Rupert 2; Rowbotham 9. De Lage 3; Laur- i This advertisement i( rot published or this nigniy-Taten xearn arew aience li. Deary 5. displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the GovcrruMrt of British Columbian goose-egg (o 15 points at the hands of the visiting Bovill rink 1 Trv a nATT.V NEWS etassif i;.' - . k r Frascr & Payne 29, Hi-Crcen 20 Mansons 31, Heavers 22 , to promote nothing but good will j , fostered bv gocxi sportsmanship i ; in eompetion. j wives will be guests of Chef Len CiM-hlin at a reception dinner. Len, who is now practically a one-man reception committee for from Smithrjrs. But sportsmanship appears to prevail throughout success and Mosienko Sets Mark For Fastest Three Goals in National Hockey league NEW YORK -(CP) Bill Mcwi- ; local athletes, promised the din- 5Wr & Tuyne load in the city Intermediate, - Tne . lcl h aa to end i . ner before the Rupert squad left . 1. . 1 il i ' . . 1 ..lA.-.t rr, 1 o .Uf..l ni.: -- 1 : adversities alike for there was never a stane thrown that the model skip did not lift high his t broom and call, "it's a honey!" Xl.aii IinaiS alter UtKUig tne uit yainu ui a ........a.. ,,.win iose or draw." Len's opinion Lrl, Saturday niSht from HWWn pTlfX I action of the game;'fk r.his sweeping The De three-point margin. Only iRupert to compete for crown- jr glass -m: enko, 30-year-old Black Haw la ute anci 52 .seconds sot by Cavl right winer, set a National Hoc- tiscombe with Detroit aain.?t key League" record for fastest Chicao March 13, 1933. Meanwhile, B.C. Senior "A" Si. the last few minutes of the final quarter. j school t?am in the competition jand has been putting up a good , basketball champs the Eilers, 1 1 i...v.. r -1 . , I. V... c;.-io ft TlV-lUr ..: i. - ; -1 : .,P . NV. tromtJ-W! uy ', hittle nil thp u-nv Momhprs arp : arrlve(l ouiiuay ubiii, Mmua- uuee Bo Mos;iiiiO a qutcitituiiiisi eiioi t Ande rson 6, urenwen, weoer i, F,n, ni-i iiiavik nri I t,m 10 take on Meteors Tuesday (when he rammed me puck pa!. als0 eclipsed another NHL rec Mostad ad, Ho(tgKln.son Vi, oitnes Morris Kaardal. in the first best-of-three series the New Y01K Kangeu eoaue, ord fastest, three goals by a NA Add fresh chcrm and colour to your fJ li:.-. were in top ball- form, but neither team . 'X' hoop with any facility. .s' Peneff kept his team ' :imp with 15 points but J- nrow accuracy of Fra- on the Canadian championship Lome Anderson, three times in team run. The Daily News will pre-1 21 second Sunday night. previously quickest trio scored sent full coverage on games. 1 Previous recold was que rrdn- m 24 seeonds was by the Mon-. "- - " " ; r: 1 treal Maroons in 1932. home ... use GLASS the miracie nome m HIW,HWm decorating material. ffwtHt ' gp3 C Glass costs so little ' . . does so much H5p j tifffilfflmiTl for homes, offices and industries. K'tsmsm favne put them in the 4. Total 34. BEAVERS Pedersen, Matsuba, Nakat.su, Haudenschild, Tsuch-ika, Tanaka 1; Morven, Muh 6, Christensen 10, Yamamoto. Total 22. FRASER 4i PAYNE Christoff On the basketball scene, all the Challengers are back from their Senior "A" tour with exception of Centre Art Olson. He has sworn off airplanes for a while, anyway, and is returning by boat, A HYMN OF HATE (By A NON -CURLER) 3! idents made three ouf-jp niltie.s; F & P made 11 1' sies personal fouls, referees i &:ie anrl Morrison called i t hniials and sent one .I the floor for flagrant -Hi of rule.s in n name 3, Wesch 9, Black, Peterson ., Ukelv the Prince Rupert on Wed- Smith 5. Enritige-8, E. Parnell-0, , n0Siay Art, who left here with J. Parnell 2, Hodgklnson. Andcr- lhe ,pam had a slif,ht toucn of son. Total 29. j ; tna -fiu was pijyislcally agcra- I1I-GREEN Weber 2, Clark, vated by his plane ride. Coach McAfee 2, Becker Ford 2, Krist- Alcr Bill said today that Olson, P?nef f 15, Sheppard 1, 1 even while unaer me weatner manson. S.4r j Kigisffgi. of or 48 years Bogardus-Wilson has .v;lj-tg3 f I --t& PrMma specialized in all types of Indus- . 33 kftt 'l,lil t rrP vm. mMmmm triai, commercial and Residen- fcffrTfffitfaf '111 if Alll 1 tial Glass' Tnis w'holl-v-wned fjf fMJJ j " lj 4 Trf I B C. company can serve you better B f( 7 I with better gIass Products' g T.T)flDGflBDDS.IIIIlS0N,LTO. J l; , LASTING fjVAfTV. V V 9,asV " homer street, phone marine mt-9 . $H'WfJ jyfC VANCOUVER XBC TntTl "ft most 01 me umc, never stoppea Rhodes 2, Sankiy 1. " mpd to lack some of its ;':-tsmanship. quarter save F & P 13 fci.v of which they macie f 1 ere the only points I ' Junior League finals, i High School team suf-ef' at hon Manson's ove.-Btivers 34-22 In the fir.it f in the worst dc-"'i' sutferrt by the junior i.ampions. Curlers bore me they get .In my hair With their baggy pants and their long underwear. But I would never be driven to drink If they would only do their curling down at the rink. They curl at a party, they curl on the phone; When they win they're joyful, when they lose they groan. They curl after church, they curl at every meeting, And "When do you curl?;' is the customary greeting. They curl at the Beauty Shoo, they curl on the street, And I'm very sure they curl tip in their sleep! The Bonspiel throws them all in a stew. But why must they curl at the bridge-table too? I hear them chatter of crooked ice, of games by default, Ol alibis 'hat I take with a grain of salt. Their technical jargon throws me for a loop For I wouldn't know an "out-turn" if I found one in my soup Edmonton Beats European Champs trying. Another Challenger who was feoling; a bit fidRcty was Uupe Holkestad, but for another, reason. "Every telegram that came I thought 'this is if," he said, but "it" didn't happen. Rupe will be on hand when, the first-born arrives. Tuesday night the whole team. PARIS Edmonton Morcurys 1 . . I n .1 4 1,. PnrnnAun 1.1 were in ton form on.i1. et, r 1 I """;nocKey tine nuiucia, ouimuaj . ; " iu. ai perfect r game with nirvht hv a score of 5 to 2. Fifteen and thv?ir f 'oaKinson racking up 12; thousand persons saw the game. I coach and manager TADS i-iiue elfort. however : T referees to keep the - r ret Chrlston , .1 lrd an outstanding ganie f wavers. netting 10 i-.i - n '9s: ? A 1 )NS-H..nn 6. Black Market Place of Millions CLASSIFIED ADS PAY Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form Vivers I hear which skip knows all the rules, I hear how. many they j break, h For I've been exposed to curling but it never sterns to "take." j I hear again but I pay no heed ' i Tc. what Mrs. Huperdink said to her lead. j I hear how they gasped with horror, j Then turned an averted glance, i When Mrs. X. had to seek First Aid v f or the plunging neckline of her pants. These curlers suffer from aches and pains They freeze thoir ears and get chilblains. Housework makes them sag in the middle, But down at the rink they're as fit as a fiddle. ' When Spring comes 'round I shout "Amen!" For my curling friends are human again. But I'll confess a secret before my song Is done I'm really very jealous jCause I'm missing all the fun. - MRS. F. W. SHAW, Vegreville, Alberta. Win ? Finals To 9 ting Ed. v Alan Davidson 1 i jBketball ZvT, ,the semi-finals Pee-Wf a decisive double- V - ry over Borden to ' finals Tuesday night & Ward. The wV 4'd anytiouht whl(,h TRIO OF CHAMPS Bobble Rosenfeld, left, rated Canada's outstanding woman athlete of the half-century, chats with Lionel Conacher, Canada's outstanding male athlete of the half-century, and his American counterpart, Jim Thorpe, right. All three attended the Ontario Sportswriters and Spovtcasters first annual celebrity dinner in Toronto. (CP PHOTO) -SiSthe teams iChrbtor, .sparked 3 h'sh for l?ith four ARE YOU REDECORATING? Why not choose your own style and select covering from numerous and varied samples of Frieze, Velours and Tapestries in neutral and rich colors. For Your Easier Parade at Home A EASTER CARDS A EASTER EGGS A CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES A EASTER WRAPPEI1 BOXED CHOCOLATES I iiw i, na" e ght-PolnJ ,''U"ns finls"' f5,l?25 rM were '"'W the l...o Number of Times Enclosed Please Find (3c per word per insertion- e.g. Number of words 25; cost, 5c. Six insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Add four words if boc number required ' ' fithl3 anrt Sllc''"on! .CANDY EGGS IN CELLO BAGS tSi Bowes MacLeod Name AH new suites manufactured here and re-upholstering is guranteed by Prince Rupert Upholstery 330 W. 2nd Ave. (Next to Radio Station) Pbone Blue 811 iK'lborn l(,rn, Keu Z- yn-'tetoff 13. 1. Total Address - Phone No Wri ;,a'teoa'.N1(,k- f. B. " ""B . toy ?2, Wol: !g 2, F. -Wong